- 3 years ago
- 25
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Three dances later Sue was laughing, her face flushed with excitement. "God, we haven't done that in ages." Devlin had refreshed her punch and was sitting at the table with Sue's purse. Sue grabbed Devlin's hand and put it in Danny's. "You two dance. I need to sit for a bit."
"Tired?" Devlin asked.
"Just winded," Sue said. "Go. Dance."
Danny swept her onto the floor as the music started. It was a slower number, and they danced easily to it. "This is different," Devlin murmured quietly.
"Normally when we're this close we don't have any clothes in the way."
She could feel his grin. "True. Are you suggesting something?"
"You men have only one thing on your minds."
"It's all you women's fault, you know."
"You women do everything you can to draw attention to your bodies. How do you think we'll react?"
"I've never heard that analysis before," she admitted. "So, this whole sexual thing is our fault."
"Oh, I think we share the blame equally. So, back to my first question: are you suggesting something?"
"Not really."
"Oh." He sounded disappointed. "Shame, really."
"I figured I'd see you tomorrow or in the next few days, anyway."
"Well, yeah, but that's later. I was talking about tonight."
"Let's take stock," she said as one song ended and another started. This one was just as slow as the first. "Our bodies are rubbing against each other. My dress, and your coat, are scratching my nipples quite deliciously, thank you. I can feel your hardness pressing against my tummy. You've used just a hint of cologne, just enough to enhance your natural fragrance. Conclusion: I'm going to have to be careful sitting down for the next few minutes. I don't want to leave anything obvious on this dress."
"We could always take it off."
"I don't think so, not here, not now." As they turned she glanced at the other couples on the dance floor. "Ever notice that when men dress up they add clothes? And when women dress up we remove clothes?"
"Men have to look prosperous," he said. "We have to show what good hunters we are, so we add expensive clothes to show off our prowess. Women have to look sexy and desirable so men will want to have sex with them and create future generations, so they remove clothes."
"I see there's no arguing with you tonight," she laughed as they turned slowly in the middle of the room.
"You mean I'm winning an argument with a woman?"
She laughed lightly. "No, it just means we don't have time to argue it to the proper conclusion, which is mine. Instead..." The music ended with a flourish. "Instead I have to return you to your wife," she said.
He sighed. "Does it bother you that that's the way it is?"
"Are you suggesting... ?" Was he implying anything between them?
"Suggesting... what?" he asked. He shook his head. "No, I'm just probing your feelings."
"My feelings are just fine," she said. "I'm a bit lonely because Evan isn't here, but that's all. He should be here next week."
"Do you have any plans?"
"You won't be getting any that week."
"I didn't expect to."
"Well I'm glad that's settled." She smiled at Sue, who was sitting patiently at the table. "Here he is, all safe and sound. I didn't have my wicked ways with him."
"What a pity," Sue said. "It would do him good to have someone be wicked with him."
"I figure that's what tomorrow is for," Devlin said. She saw someone looking at her. "And now, if you don't mind..." She gave Danny a smile and headed towards the couple that had been looking at her.
The rest of the evening was a blur. She would no sooner finish with one partner than another would sweep her away. It felt like she danced every dance. And if she didn't, it wasn't from lack of trying. By the time she sat down she was absolutely drained, and yet happy, too.
Krissi saw her and sat beside her. "You look like you've been having fun."
"God, I think I've danced with nearly every guy here," Devlin said.
"Could be," Krissi said. "Every time I looked at the dance floor you were out there." She glanced at Devlin's bosom. "All those men have had the usual effect on you."
"Oh?" Devlin glanced down. Her nipples were straining the front of her dress. "Oh."
Krissi looked around the room. "I bet the rest of the evening's going to be like at Emma's."
"Except for me," Devlin said. "I'm headed to bed." She glanced at her friend. "To sleep," she added.
"Yeah, sure. I'll believe that when I see it."
"Honest, Krissi, right now I'm too bushed to do anything."
"And you'll perk right up if some guy comes along." She caught Steve's eye. "But on the off-chance that you mean what you're saying, ready to call it a night?"
Devlin thought a moment, and then nodded. "Yeah, I just want to sleep."
She ignored Krissi's snort of laughter. She really was tired, and she was hard put to explain it. At Emma's parties she could pace herself and rest in the hot tub or kitchen. Here it had been non-stop from the very beginning. It was after 11, now, and she'd been dancing since before 7.
She left the door to Steve and Krissi's room slightly ajar, undressed, and went directly to bed. She was asleep moments after her head hit the pillow.
"I think Sue's going to have the baby tomorrow," Danny said Wednesday afternoon as he was getting undressed.
"Oh?" Devlin asked. She carefully folded her jeans over the back of a chair. She'd already taken off her matching woolen jacket, black turtleneck sweater and thick blouse. She draped the sweater across the back of the chair and hung the blouse over it. "What makes you say that?"
He looked at her critically for a moment. "A tee-shirt and tights? My, you did dress up today."
"In case you hadn't noticed, it's pretty cold out there," she said. They could both hear the clunk-slap of chains on the street and the whistle of wind around the edge of the building.
She peered through the curtains at the street below. It was only 2:00 in the afternoon, but somehow it seemed later. "The time/temperature sign across the street says its 14° right now."
"That may be a bit high. The wind certainly doesn't help. With the wind I think it feels like its below 0°."
"Yeah, so that's why I'm wearing those extra layers of warmth," she said. "The gal in charge of direct sales at Corporate was here for lunch today, and I wanted to look my most professional for her." She tossed the tee-shirt on the chair. She carefully rolled out of her tights and put them on the back of the chair.
"Any problems?" He had his shirt and shoes off and was already stepping out of his pants. She smiled as she saw the front of his briefs. He was certainly anticipating. She was, too, for that matter.
"No, no problems," she said with a slight shake of her head. "Just checking in to see how things are going, and whether or not there's anything I need." She ran her hands up and down her legs. "Those tights were warm, but they were a bit itchy, too. It felt good to get them off.
"I'm surprised you took a late lunch," she went on. "Its 2:00, now, and I thought quitting time was 5."
"I took the afternoon off," he said. "Sue's in town for a doctor's appointment, and they told me they won't be done until around 6:00. Her sister's visiting us right now, and she's watching the kids this afternoon."
"Oh, that explains it," she said. "I was thinking that if she was going to have the baby tomorrow you should be home with her."
"I would be, but the doctors have her at the moment and there's nothing I could do there except sit in the waiting room and read magazines."
"And so you thought of me."
"Not really. This last week it's been one crisis after another, with everyone running from place to place all day." He shook his head. "It's been nothing but one damned meeting after another, too. It isn't always this way during year-end, but this year seems to be different." He sat on the bed and took off his socks. "My department is all squared away, though, and I had to skip our getting together on Monday, so I thought I'd make it up to you."
"And here you are." She watched a couple across the street battling the wind. They looked like arctic explorers right now. She rubbed her arms reflexively. It seemed worse than cold out there right now. But she and Danny had the rest of the afternoon to warm up.
"Here, give me a hand with this thing," she said, walking over to the bed. She turned around so he could unfasten her bra. He slid his hands under her cups, squeezing the soft flesh of her breasts. She could feel his warm body pressing against her. She leaned back into him, and he dropped a kiss on her neck. His strength seemed to enfold her, and she smiled happily.
He kissed her again, and one more time, then turned her around. Another kiss, this one heated, his lips nibbling on hers. She moved her hands across his back, feeling the muscles, feeling his strength. Their bodies pressed warmly against each other.
She began kissing his neck, his shoulders, his chest. Little kisses, light, feathery, little more than a caress of his heated skin with her lips. She ran her hands over his chest and back, feeling his muscles. He kept himself in shape, which she loved. She'd been with guys who didn't, she preferred her men with a well-defined muscle tone.
She slipped behind him. Her hands went to his shoulders again; firm muscles, strong muscles, the kind of muscles a girl could love. She slowly kissed her way down his body, her hands roaming freely. He had the nicest back, especially the small of his back. His thigh muscles were solid, and when he tensed them, like now, they were like pillars.
She caught the waistband of his shorts with her teeth and playfully pulled them down a little, kissing the revealed skin. Then she slid her hands in and pulled them down his legs in one smooth motion. She turned him around and grinned up at him.
His cock was already half-hard, and clearly rising. She took it and licked the tip ever so lightly. It finished straightening out in seconds.
"Hi there," she said to it. She studied it for a few seconds. Long and dark pink, it curved slightly upwards. The veins were visible just beneath the skin, giving the whole thing a rugged look. The glans was a lighter pink and smooth, with the little hole at the end staring at her just like a dark unwinking eye.
She put her hands on his tight butt, pursed her lips and sucked him all the way into her throat. She could feel the quiver that went through him as she did so. She swirled her tongue around him. She caressed his balls with one hand while she did so, and she could feel those little spheres suddenly draw up in their little sack.
"Uh-uh," she cautioned, backing off. "No cumming just yet." A thin strand of saliva ran from the tip of his cock to her lips. She glanced up without moving her head. His eyes were closed and he was breathing deeply.
After a few seconds he seemed to calm down. She set to work with a will, bobbing her head back and forth, taking his first few inches into her mouth just like she would take him into her sex. His hand went to her head to guide her. She sucked on each stroke; she could almost feel the resulting tension. She kept this up until she tasted the first salty drops of his pre-cum fluid. Then she backed off.
"I think you're ready," she said softly. His cock was thick and the glans dark with blood. From the looks of it, in another few seconds he would have cum.
Danny drew a breath, then another, finally a deeper one. "You don't know how close you just came."
"Oh, I think I do," she replied. She rose to her feet, kissing his skin. She finished with a long, deep kiss, lip to lip, her tongue darting through to duel with his.
"My turn," he said, his voice rough.
He kissed his way down to her breasts, savoring her flesh with each little nip. He crossed her tummy with little nips of his lips. "Cute panties," he said when he got to them.
"Think so?"
He chuckled. "All of this formal businesswoman, and under it all, a pair of black panties with a single rose on them. These are almost too small."
"They cover the essential place."
He slipped them down her thighs and flicked the very tip of her cleft with his tongue. He kissed her tummy, then pulled her panties down to her ankles and pushed her over onto the bed.
Her yelp of surprise gave way to an "mmmm" as his tongue wormed deeper into her sex. She kicked off her panties and opened her legs. He happily swiped his tongue all over her sex, sucking each lip separately, probing her entrance with his tongue, and kissing her inner thighs. Then, before she could try to guide him any further, he flicked his tongue straight across the quivering bud of her clitoris.
"God," she whispered, clenching at the sudden burst of feeling. "Oh, God, that feels good." He repeated it, peeling the inner lips of her sex open, his tongue practically vibrating.
"Umm-ahhh. That's it. Harder, c'mon, harder. Faster."
He responded, speeding up slightly. She closed her eyes, savoring the sensation. There was no feeling quite like getting eaten by an expert. And after all of these years, Danny was an expert when it came to her body. It felt so intense down there, and each stroke from his tongue seemed to make everything hotter and tighter feeling. Her hands went to his head to guide him.
He brought her right to the brink of a climax, and then suddenly pulled away. Her eyes snapped open in surprise. She was going to say something, but she could see his cock in his hand. He was bending down to enter her. She smiled in anticipation.
His cock felt big as it nestled through the folds of her sex. It always felt like a guy was prying her open, stretching her out all the way. He got the head inside her, and pushed for the first time. She could feel him, feel the electric sensation of his skin sliding across her most sensitive parts. Another thrust, and a second, a third, he lodged all the way in her, taking her breath away.
Without even a pause he pulled back and thrust. In seconds he was giving her everything he had. It must have been too much for him. He suddenly speeded up, and with a shudder, came.
"Umm, sorry," he said a few seconds later. He was breathing hard, and took several deep breaths to calm down. He pulled out, a strand of jism connecting the tip of his cock to her.
"That was quick," she said, eyeing him. His cock had deflated only slightly.
"You got me too worked up. I'm sorry, I just couldn't hold back."
"I can see that." She swung up on the bed and made room for him. "Can you go again?"
"Right away?" She nodded. "Umm, yeah, I think so." He got on the bed beside her. "Well, not right away, but it won't be long."
"Good." She opened her legs and gently rubbed herself while watching him. His eyes were fixed on her finger, and after a minute he replaced her fingers with his. A minute after that he knelt between her legs. His cock didn't jut out like it did before, but he did seem to have a nice working erection.
He pushed directly into her. She was slick from her arousal and his cum. One short, quick thrust and he sheathed himself entirely within her. They both drew deep breaths when he reached bottom. She ran her hands up his arms, feeling the strength as he held himself above her. He grabbed her ankles and rested them on his shoulders. Then, slowly, he pulled back, and then thrust forward just as slowly.
In seconds he was thrusting steadily. She could hear the slap of his hips meeting her bottom. She felt totally in his power. Every bit of her attention slipped down to where he so deliciously plugged her. Her hands clutched her breasts as he gave it to her. She felt so taken, so completely at his mercy right now.
Her legs slowly slid down his arms until her knees were caught by his elbows. She felt even more wide-open than before. She could move a little, and she did so, trying to arch up to receive him. She clenched him with her muscles. The world had come down to this animalistic feeling, just him and her and the rising heat of their joined bodies.
He began to move faster, ending each thrust with a little snap. The bed shook. He shifted his weight, thrusting down into her with more authority. She could feel him getting close, though not as close as she was. The heat, the feelings, his strength, everything rose up until she couldn't bear it any longer. Her will crumbled, and the first soaring wave swept her to her pinnacle... and beyond. And as she rose into the light she felt him right there with her, soaring, thrusting, spending in the wildness of the moment.
He finished, slumping over her, his chest rising and falling. She pulled him down for a kiss, then scooted up the bed to make room for him. He collapsed beside her, momentarily drained.
"We're a little eager today, aren't we?" she murmured. She stroked his face gently as his arms cuddled her and he rested his head on her breasts.
"What?" he replied. "Yeah, right, every guy cums twice in ten minutes."
"Where did this sudden burst of energy come from?"
"We skipped Monday," he said. "I'm sorry about that. That's got to be part of it."
"What happened?"
"Racquetball," he said. "People think I go to the Athletic Club every day to work out or play racquet ball. I use it as tension reliever."
"Well, you do work out," she said with a smile. "And this certainly reduces your tension, especially in certain parts of you."
"And somebody wanted to play racquet ball yesterday, so I had to cancel. And of course, Sue's hormones are really flipping back and forth right now."
"Something we noticed the last time she was pregnant. The closer she gets to having the baby, the hornier I seem to get. That's one of the reasons I think she's going to have the baby in the next few days."
"Oh. I thought they were going to induce labor or something."
He sighed, kissing her breast lightly. "No, she wants to go through the whole thing, labor, pushing, everything. I've been wondering why. Wouldn't it be easier just to have a C-Section?"
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xmoviesforyouMorgan's Return Home Selected scenes from the Morgan's Return Home episode: Morgan, Urgah and Talia were sitting around the campfire one evening after dinner when Morgan brought a scroll out of his saddlebag and unrolled it. As he read the glowing letters he said in a low, reverent voice, "By the Goddess." Talia asked, "What is that? You write on it once or twice a moon and then put it back." "It's a message scroll from my father." "I can see that it's a scroll. I don't...
by Lubrican Author's Note: I got the idea for this story from one I read somewhere by another author. I don't remember the name of the story, or who wrote it, or even where it was posted. If it seems familiar, that's probably why. My intent is not to plagiarize, but I wanted to tell the story in a different way than it was originally written. Bob ======================================================= Bob didn't know exactly when he began to look at Mandy and see a woman,...
Hi, my name is Jeet (name changed), and am from Assam. This is one of my favorite site. and i visit it whenever possible. This story is about me and my cousin Neha (name changed), when we were living together in Guwahati for our 12th. This is my first story so please ignore the mistakes. About me, am average guy, and my dick not much but 5 and a half inch. And my cousin is slim with a figure of 32:30:32. So lets start. Hum dono ka parivar ek hi town mai rehte the. Humne sath mai hai schooling...
I woke up on my back, the morning light fighting to get through the bedroom drapes and pretty much losing. My right arm was over my head and my left arm was at my side. Keri was lying on her back with her right arm down to her side and her left hand on my hip. Her little finger was barely touching my pubic hair. I lay there and tried to remember if I had ever been more relaxed and comfortable in my entire life. Since I met Keri, so many things had changed in my life. Certainly the two big...
Demon Queened Chapter 10 Written by Princess Kay Edited by paradoxicalWitchling Proofread by FallingLeaf Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. Only those who have reached the age of consent in the country where they reside should proceed. If you are not at least eighteen, please exit this page immediately. Standing naked in my bedroom with my back pressed against the wall, lacking even a towel to hide behind, I fought to maintain my composure as I took...
HumorMy best friends and roommates, Savanna and Jaiden, know a lot about my sex life, which is a very small amount of information. They know I masturbate and I've never used any sex toys of any kind. I'm an innocent young eighteen year old college girl, with no boyfriend. I've also never kissed a dude; sad, I know. Savanna and Jaiden are both very experienced when it comes to sex, which is why this night happened.I was laying in bed, wearing a long sleeve shirt and black lace panties, when they...
LesbianIt was all working out the way I wanted it. After what had been a very bad day turned good, Missy and I walked into my empty house. Mom and dad were at work and there was no telling where my brother was. Missy did not even know where he was. It did not matter. Missy and I had the house to ourselves. I knew that Missy did not have her bikini with her, but that did not matter. I was not going to wear mine anyway. Our pool happens to be surrounded by a privacy fence so I was not worried about any...
Incest"General Santos, you asked for the latest photos." The General was passed a manila envelop containing satellite images of Vandenberg Air Force Base. For the last week Vandenberg had been under close surveillance. A night time aerial photo sweep was taken viewing heat sources. The base was photographed, showing fuzzy images of bodies. Over the next days the daytime sweeps showed nothing. At night however, the ghosted bodies appeared. This had caught the attention of those watching the...
how much of a man are you to enter the SRS Race.. chemical changes... deals or bets.. hypnosis.. hormones breast implants.. hi this is my first attempt at a story.. i've read a lot of stories here on fictionmania.. and i woke up one morning with this dream... i hope you enjoy... here i was watching TV... there was a movie going on.. and i saw this comercial... how much of a man are you ... want to try and win a million dollars.. or would you rather let...
The next morning Lily was surprised to arrive downstairs and not find her son there already. Ever since he was born, Tim had been an early riser and even though he was now a teenager eager to get his license and begin driving on his own in a few weeks, he was unlike most teens in that he was always in the kitchen when she came downstairs, if not already gone off on whatever project he was planning for the day.She was disappointed. She had put on a white t-shirt that she knew would become almost...
This story is complete bullshit. At least, that's what my CO told me when I tried to explain why I'd been AWOL from my unit for two weeks. It was just before he sentenced me to six months 'and soldier on' in the slammer or Colchester Military Corrective Training Centre as the British Army prefers to call it. The reason for my long sentence was twofold. Firstly, as the CO succinctly put it - "You are a lying cunt and a disgrace to the Corps," and secondly, I was based at a very hush-hush...
Remember me, as I find myself alone in darkness knowing that I can’t turn away from what I must do, and there are a lot of things that words can’t say. So walk away and believe and try to see through my eyes, and you would probably lose your fears. The sun will remain, as will those winds of change blowing that can’t be explained. I know you will find a way, so turn and walk away for there is no way I can change my mind and I have no answers to those questions you pose, so just say goodbye....
Love StoriesYou receive my text just before you arrive: “No talking.” You are not sure what I might have planned but you are excited and nervous. The kitchen door is unlocked and you quickly let yourself inside. It is dark inside the house, a harsh contrast to the bright winter day outside. Coming into the living room you can barely see me sitting there still dressed for work. “Strip,” I say as you put your bag down. You give me a grin and think of witty retorts, but decide to play along. You take your...
?Seven Hours ‘til Slavery?Chapter 1Roberta felt safe and secure in her home, and why shouldn’t she? It was a nice house in a nice neighborhood in a nice suburb. It wasn’t a palace, but it was comfortable enough with three bedrooms, a full basement and two-car garage. The land around the house made it private enough so neighbors weren’t a problem. There were woods between hers and the next houses, and sometimes she felt rather isolated, but she was never really scared. Who would be in this...
I was on my knees in between my professors legs with his small cock in my mouth, the 56 year old man was sat back groaning as I squeezed my hand around his small shaft as I ran my tongue around his bellend. Luckily he didn’t last long, I hated our agreement but if I wanted to pass his class it was the only way. “I’m gonna cum in your mouth” he panted as he shoved my head down, seconds later his hot load shot down my throat. I quickly swallowed and got to my feet. “That was lovely” he said with...
Bill Kaulitz s gay Measure ****After the concert, Bill met with some hard guys from the biker scene.The bikers looked at him before the concert with looking up at his tight ass and also called to him; Hey Fickstutte surely no longer had in your asshole. Bill nodded lightly and went on without a word to the likelihood of him but clearly drawn into the face. After the concert, the bikers did not hesitate for a long time and Bill pulled him a dark road next to the road where the bikers shouted now...
----------------- Jake Freemon - Main character Gen - Jakes first Jinn Jinn - What the genies are called Tommy - Friend of Jake's and fellow worker Mary - Boss's daughter Juno - Jakes big Boss and Mary's Father Jinn Council - Council of major Jinns Yasmen - Gen's mother Doctor - the Jinn doctor Rasmir - Gen's father Rosalinda -Jake's second Jinn –Once called Dreama Rashala - Gen's niece and Jake's 3rd Jinn Tankena - evil brother of Rasmir Sheeka - former evil...
Alicia Cooper knew she was taking a huge chance. She was risking everything she had, starting with her profession. Beyond that was her carefully rebuilt reputation, and ultimately her own freedom. Yet as she had stood in the doorway and watched her two young students stimulate one another, she was drawn in and overcome with long suppressed desires. She was taken back to her own youth when love and sex were more innocent and unencumbered by dictated roles of society. She recalled the touches...
Madame strange (c) 2006 by anthony durrant i found this story in one of my grandfather's old books; apparently the writer had given it to him when he was on one of his book-buying trips in america; it is the origin of a little-known world war ii comic book character called madame strange, and was in very poor condition when i found it. I have translated it into a prose format so that the tg fans can read it. Fauntleroy steubens walked up to the man on duty at the gate of the...
I started to figure out that I wasn't straight. I would try to peek at guys in the locker room, and I begin to realize that in fact, Adam was pretty hot. I always knew he looked alright, or... more than alright, I should say. He was around 1.78m (5"10) tall, he had light brown hair. He was quite fit, thanks to him playing soccer for the past six or seven years. I tried to take little peaks at him more and more, without him noticing. I luckily had a lot of opportunities for that in school,...
Victoria Jenkins stood nervously in the hallway outside the door of the study, unconsciously tracing arabesques on the carpet with the tip of her right shoe. Above her head a large, white-faced clock relentlessly ticked away the few minutes remaining before her latest uncomfortable appointment. It was not an unfamiliar situation for her. Pacing up and down the hallway as silently as she could, painful memories flashed through her mind, of her previous encounters in the same room, of all that...
My pro career was cut short so I returned to my college to start coaching. I had to start at the bottom just like everyone else. There's always a crowd hanign around the practice fields and many co-eds show upI met Cindi about the second week. She pretenede to not know about my pro career and acted surprisedWe hit it off and I began spending 2-3 nights a week at her apartment. She shares her place with her older sister and twin brotherHer folks bought the place realizing they could sell it...
My name is Patrick and I was seventeen when I fucked and had an affair with my married thirty-six-year-old teacher, Mrs. Jennings. I am fifty-five now so all this took place in the early eighties.When I was seventeen I was an arrogant, cocky kid and I thought I had a right to be. I was very good looking with a well-built body that I kept in shape with weights, running, sit-ups, pushups, and other exercises. At seventeen I stood six feet two inches tall, well-defined muscles but not overly...
TrueLilly was kept well and truly used. She knew non of the men would even blink an eye if they would learn some of the girls they were using as cum dumps, were kidnapped, and brought in a truck like livestock. Most of them even enjoy a bit of struggle. Lilly was kind of thankful for that. True to her orders, Lilly was going to satisfy any man who wants her, and her eagerness to please, could blow her cover. The clients who liked to force themselves on a girl, were easier, as she could indulge in...
Delicately, as if it were made from porcelain, Jayda removed her bra and placed the constraining under-wiring and cotton object beside her on the bed. The unbearably short, dark green, red and black pleated skirt in a plaid pattern that she wore showed off the semi-long, lean legs that were desired by many men. The flimsy material of the skirt kept her legs bare and slightly cooler than the rest of her body, and for that, she silently thanked the gods for the small comfort. Jayda had...
ISS readers, I am Indu, 18 yrs old plus 2 student from Kerala, sharing with you my first sexperience! Ours is an upper middle class family, hailing from Cochin. The family consists of my father who is abroad, mother, my elder sister and my younger brother and me. My elder sister is married just one month back, and my brother prepares for his plus one entry. This happened one week back, while I my sister and her husband came to our house for a short stay for the second time after her marriage....
It pays to be early if you have a date as Quinton James shows you when he walks in on the sexy Athena Faris wearing only her lingerie! Being early leads to some hot sex and Athena can not get enough of Quintons hard cock! She just loves kissing and sucking on his shaft knowing just how great it will feel in her tight little pussy! Quinton explores and worships her sexy body and soon is giving her everything she desires to feel. He’s so great at making her cum and she can not wait to feel...
xmoviesforyouMitch Holden was quick to notice Desiree back on the floor again, he tried to catch her eye but she seemed to be purposefully ignoring him. Damn it... he fumed to himself, hardly able to concentrate on his guitar, I've got to talk to her at the next break. I've got to know if she's forgiven me for my outrageous behavior today... I've just got to. Desiree was well aware that Mitch was trying to get her attention but she didn't feel that she could talk to him yet. She didn't know quite...
This story is purely a fantasy, I have always had a bbw fantasy but never built up the courage to get with one... the story follows four bbw or four big girls and how they came together to form a squad of a variety of Black,Latina, Asian and White women to satisfy the bbw fantasy in everyone. Chapter 1 The End and the BeginningIt all started on a rainy New years eve, the office threw a party that turned into a big crazy drinking party that ended out doors. Rain drenched everyone the...