Charlie s secret wife
- 1 year ago
- 39
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Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.
Oh man! I was still sleepy and didn't want to get up. I knew that I had to, and I didn't give us a lot of time to get ready. I sat up in bed and looked at the sleeping Kelly. I shook her to wake her, and she stirred but didn't want to get up either. "Okay Sweet Thing, time to get up. You have twenty-five minutes before we meet Yori for breakfast. Move it."
"You're so mean. What a slave driver." She sat up and the covers slid from her upper torso. It was bare.
Uh oh, the other head is waking up. I didn't wait to see if she was nude and headed to the shower but it had felt like cloth against my butt, not silky skin or fuzz, when I thought about it. Well she wore some armor at least. I saw her get up and head for her room as I went into the bathroom, and she was wearing panties.
I did my morning routine of using the john, shower, shave, and dress. I put my suit on, and my sport coat and jeans in the hanging bag. I was dressed, with my suitcase and hanging bag ready to go. Kelly walked in carrying her small overnight case and hanging bag. She smiled, and said, "Ready with a few minutes to spare."
Yori walked through Kelly's connecting door with his small suitcase. He smiled, and said, "Let's eat."
We took our bags down and checked out before putting the luggage in the car. We decided to eat the breakfast provided by the hotel, and had the usual scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. The eggs were warm, the bacon was freshly cooked, and the toast was warm enough for butter to melt. The coffee was good, so this was a great breakfast for hungry travelers.
We pulled up to the office at seven twenty, and the only vehicle around was the Construction Supervisor's pickup. We went to see Dunaldo Funica, who was happy to see me, and said, "This office is so good now. Your new man, Kurt, is really a hustler and is constantly all over the place. He's just like you; he comes to see me first thing every morning. Look, there he is already, an hour early as usual."
Kurt came over to the trailer and I introduced him to Kelly and Yori, and told him, "I'm sure you guessed that I'm Brad."
The man said, "You said you would come this week, but I thought you might wait longer. I'm glad you didn't, but I know the Regional Manager where I came from would tell you one week and he'd come the next. If he said Monday it would be Wednesday."
I told him, "Kelly wanted to make sure I had a day in my own office, so I was there yesterday and flew in last night."
Kurt asked Dunaldo how everything was, and was told all was well and his crews were busy. "We began framing your inventory home with two crews yesterday. I will have you in your new home in two weeks, maximum. Your wife and son will love it. This is going to be our large ranch so that your wife doesn't have to run up and down so many stairs, and your son won't have a chance to fall down many stairs. We'll finish the basement, but those stairs will have carpeting and no-slip rubber on top. We make those stairs according to code, so they aren't steep. The basement will be nice for your son to play in on cold or rainy days."
Kurt blushed a little, but I told him, "Hey, you get some bennies from the company. A deal on an inventory home is one of them. Make sure you get June to help your wife decorate. That's another benefit."
Kurt said, "Let's open the office and make coffee for the people." I liked the way this guy wanted to take care of his staff.
Kelly and Yori sat at the table after we made coffee, and I asked, "Do you have a list of questions yet?"
Kurt pulled a pad from a drawer, and said, "Everything I have are procedural questions. Let's go through them now so that we can tour the office when everyone is in. Sheila said that you were a stickler on doing that first thing in the morning and often throughout the day. It's a great way to feel the pulse of the office. It seems to make the entire staff happy to see me interested in what they are doing. I didn't learn that way, but I'm going to teach my Assistant that when I get one."
We went over his three pages of questions. They were all good questions that could have probably been answered by Brooks Jennings, the accountant. I asked Kurt, "Did you want Sonja to be your secretary, or have you found someone else?" when he was finished.
Kurt said, "Sonja doesn't want to be the secretary. The man who used to be in this office apparently might have mistreated the person in that position. I hear more terrible stories about the guy every day. I'm trying to show the staff all the respect and courtesy they deserve. I'm so lucky to have an office that is really staffed pretty well. I need more decorators, an architect, and probably help in finance and accounting. I'm trying to hire for the insurance department you want to start. It's a good idea but I'm a little slow in knowledge about insurance."
"My thought about how to begin an insurance office was to find the first licensed insurance agent that I liked and then let that man be the catalyst to bring in whoever else he needs. It's like real estate sales people. You get a good one and then he or she knows another good one. Good salespeople want to work with other good salespeople. They feed off each other for enthusiasm and drive to get that next sale."
"People have been coming in, so let's begin to say hi in Sales." Tod came out of his office as soon as we walked into the sales room, and hollered, "Hey, everyone, Kurt brought Brad to see us. He turned to the sales secretary and said, "Tell the two of them what we ended up with yesterday."
The woman, who wasn't a young hottie but a mature good-looking lady, said, "You probably know that we finished the weekend with eleven sales, and we matched the entire weekend with eleven more yesterday. The salespeople responsible all said that most of the sales were carryovers from the weekend, and I know that two of them were new sales as the homes sold weren't listed until Sunday."
Tod smiled and said, "This is going to be a great office for Mooney. Just go around and see how excited everyone is. Kurt's good, because he will always answer our questions or tell us that he will find out and does. He even helped out on getting a customer in to finish a credit application. Not many big time real estate companies will do that."
Another salesperson came in waving some papers. The woman walked up to Kurt and handed him the papers and said, "There, I finally got that guy to buy the house he was looking at all last week." It couldn't have been a long time, because there wasn't anyone in this office most of last week.
Kurt was cool and picked the woman up and swung her around like a little girl. "Congratulations, Tina. This is what, your third sale since you've been here?"
"It sure is, and I have another good appointment at one of our developments later today."
Tod said, "See, this place is producing. I'm really excited about everything."
We went from there to pass by the decorator's office. June looked up and smiled broadly. "Good to see you so soon, Brad. I already found another decorator. She's at a customer's home planning on how she is going to decorate her new place. Kurt was a good choice for us. He's a very courteous man."
We went to the front lobby to say hi to Sonja from there. Her mouth dropped open when she saw me. "You're back already. I didn't think you would be back so soon. I'm sorry that I had to turn down the secretary position, but it scares me to death to think that I could be in that office with the door closed. I like being the receptionist."
I told her, "We need a couple of people, Sonja. We need to find a licensed fire and casualty insurance salesman or woman to begin our own agency. We also need to find Kurt someone who can be his right arm sometimes and someone who he can bounce questions off of."
Sonja said, "I'll search these people out for you, Brad. I know Kurt is an honorable man and is happily married, but it still scares me to be in a closed office with another man."
Kurt said, "I told you that was fine and I wouldn't hold it against you. I'm glad you told me the truth so that I didn't think I had bad breath or body odor."
That got Sonja to giggle and have a lighter attitude. Kurt was a really good choice for this office.
We went upstairs from the lobby to visit with Finance. George Carter was busy, with two clerks behind him working on credit applications. George said he was very excited because he was already into bonus money as he was financing our sales and sales from a couple of other real estate companies. He told me, "I'm really glad that you came last week and straightened this place out, Brad. Our new man, Kurt here, is like your ghost and is everywhere at once. I like to tell him that we have more approvals and we do every time I see him. We were just granted approval for both of the inventory homes sold last week, Kurt. I'm going to set up the closings for later this week."
I was smiling along with Kurt, since we both knew this is when the company gets paid.
We went next door to Accounting to see how Brooks was doing. The man stood to shake my hand in greeting and did the same with Kurt. Brooks said, "Can I talk about this guy while he listens?"
I answered, "Sure, as long as you don't embarrass him too much. Let's have it."
Brooks sat back in his chair and said, "Kurt is just like you cloned him from yourself. He's all over the office checking on the progress of all the sales. He constantly comes to me and asks a number of questions and how to figure out different things. The man is smart to hunt for answers among his staff. Good job, Brad, Kurt is a bonus."
I told Brooks that he didn't need to blow that much smoke up our butts as we left to go back downstairs to say hi to Mary Jane and her clerk, Diane. The woman looked a little panicked. She told me, "I have eight closings so far this week, and George just told me that he has two more approvals. Can I have more people? I think one will do it, but we may have to have two. I'll put an ad on Craigslist for a title clerk. I wish I knew of some that were out of work."
Kurt told her to work on finding someone. He was also asking for the two women to keep their eyes and ears open to find an experienced and licensed fire and casualty insurance agent. Mary Jane's head came up as soon as Kurt said that, and she said, "My brother is one of those and wants to get out of the agency he's in. He says they don't pay the commissions they should, and constantly give people he has appointments with to one of the family's agents."
I told the woman, "Call him and have him come by to interview with Kurt and Brooks. They'll set him up in the back of Finance if he's the one. There's plenty of room back there, plus another door." I turned to Kurt, "There you go; the answer is often right here in the office."
He nodded in agreement as we went to the break room to find fresh coffee. We both poured coffee into a Mooney mug that was labeled just like that on the cup. Back in his office, he said, "I probably do need a secretary, and I know that you didn't have one in Florida. Everyone always talked about your region as it was so productive and didn't ever seem to have problems."
"No one heard about them because everyone in the region reacted quickly to fix any problems. I could be in any office the next day, and usually work the problem out the same day. We had problems, but the way to take care of them is to react instantly. I'm going to depend on you giving me and my secretary accurate information and to alert me of any developing problems so that we can head them off at the pass."
"I got it, Brad. You've done everything before nine thirty. Where will you go now?"
"I'm on my way to Portland to do about the same as here. The man there is a little raw, and didn't have the experience as Assistant that you had. I needed another man with strength and honesty like you, and was able to bring him from the South Jersey office."
I went up front to find Kelly and Sonja having a gossip gabfest. They both looked up guiltily as I said, "I'm ready to go to Portland if you don't have anything else, Kelly."
Kelly followed me into the Manager's office to get her things. I had to hunt Yori down who was talking to one of the suits who were watching the office. I said goodbye to Kurt when we were ready, and reminded him to call me often so that I knew all was well.
Kelly called the pilot to get the plane ready when we were in the car and headed to the airport. We were at the airport and into the airplane before ten o'clock. We landed in Portland before eleven, but it took a while to get a car. I told the pilot and hostess to just hang out because I didn't plan on this stop to take any longer than the last one.
Eloise squealed loud enough when we walked into the office in Portland, that the new manager, Phil Mosely, and one of the security men came running from the back. Eloise was holding her hand over her mouth, and told Phil, "I'm sorry, Sir. I was just so excited to see that our Regional Manager really meant what he told us and is here to see us."
Phil said, "It's Phil, Eloise. I'm excited to see them too."
Eloise asked, "Where's Jules? Couldn't she come this time?"
I told her that Jules wasn't really an employee, only someone who was thinking about becoming one. That worked, so I left it at that. Phil gave me the eye that told me he had the real scoop. Kelly stayed with Eloise while I went to the Manager's office with Phil. Yori was outside talking to one of the security men.
The first thing Phil said when in his office was, "I may not get a secretary until I see that I need one. Eloise wants to remain as the receptionist for a while until she knows me better. I understand, because as she says, she's a married lady and I'm a single guy. I'll probably always be single the way life is, unless I learn how to be more irresponsible or crazy. Women always seem to want a wild guy, and I'm not that man. My folks taught me to always be respectful and a gentleman. Sure, I've had some flings, but that was what they were, flings. Maybe I'll find the right combination one of these days."
I really liked this kid. I asked, "Do you have a list of questions yet? You've had a few days to develop some."
Phil said, "I have a couple, but they're questions that I'm sure I can get the answers from the staff here. My training has been to get answers from the rank and file before going higher up to get answers. I know to call Dorothy for anything important, and I can call you for the same thing. Your Kelly, or maybe Joan, actually, who answered a question for me after she asked Rebecca. I can get the answers without being a pain in the butt."
"You will never be a pain in the butt, Phil. Ask anything, anytime you have a question. I want you to be successful. Now let's tour your dynasty."
We did what I always do by beginning in Sales. Frank was talking to one of the salespeople when we came in and immediately came over and shook my hand. "Absolutely perfect timing. Look at that board. Now watch as my secretary puts up the latest news."
The sales secretary got up and began printing the new sale on the board in the fourth position. She did the fifth and then the sixth when she had that printed. Frank said; "Look at that, six sales before noon. We are so good. It's actually the way we advertise that's so good. We're really cranking here. Phil is the man, since he was out at the models in both developments Saturday and Sunday. I'm told he was instrumental in the sale of a custom home Sunday. We are in the green."
I told Frank, "Keep up the good work and keep your people selling. The more you sell the more people you will have to sell. It's one of those self-propelling movements."
I wanted to say hi to the decorators from Sales. Kitty wasn't in, but her new secretary was. She was a dream and I'd bet was a personal friend of Kitty. She told me she would tell Kitty that I was in the office. This secretary spent far too much time checking out the zipper on my suit pants. These people were strange.
We went up to Finance from there, and spoke with Burt. He was happy to be busy and had a new assistant. He told me that he was now hooked up with a few real estate groups, including the local Century 21 people, and was getting about five apps a day from outside agencies.
Melissa was busy in Accounting next door as the auditors were really beating up on her. I told the men that this woman was an honest employee who didn't turn anyone in because she was afraid for her life. One man understood and said that he wouldn't badger Melissa any longer, but still needed her help.
Melissa asked where Jules was and I had to tell her the same story as I told Eloise. She told me, "Jules told me about your relationship, and I thought it was so special that you brought her with you and that she wanted to help you. I'll bet you two are together for a very long time." Jules obviously didn't tell Melissa about Katie. What would the world think if I were to bring both of them with me?
Phil and I went back downstairs to say hi to the new Title Company lady, Clare Friendly. Clare jumped up and came to me and gave me a hug when I walked in with Phil. She looked up at me with a smiling face and teary eyes, and said, "You have given me and the ladies a new life. This man next to you is so sweet and gracious to us that we all envy his wife, if he ever gets one. Thank you, Brad. Thank you for rescuing us from a life of mediocrity."
I looked around and could tell that they were busy. I asked, "How many closings will you have this week?"
Clare said, "Twelve, I think, unless we can get some more through appraisals and surveys. That will be a big week for us, and we may have to gear up for over twenty the way the office is selling."
Phil grinned his shit eating grin because he could feel his office's enthusiasm.
Yori was just getting up from the table as Phil sat behind his desk back in his office and said, "Thanks for coming to see what I've been enjoying. You fired these people up and told me how to keep on doing it. I'm excited and know this branch office can be important to the company, Brad."
"You're right about this office being important, Phil. You're the difference between this being a closed office and one that's selling the hell out of its assets. Keep it up. Do you mind if I get my people together and leave for Salt Lake?"
"Not a problem, Brad. You did exactly what you said you would. I'm really stoked to be able to run this place and be a leader of an office that's doing business. Tell the other offices of my size to look out because I'm going to be the one to look up to."
I was able to pry Kelly away from Eloise, and then found Yori talking to the security men again. We were back in the car on the way to the airport and Kelly called the pilot. He said that he already had the aircraft refueled and was going to begin the startup procedures.
I was turning in the rental car and getting on the aircraft minutes later. The hostess made sure we were seated and buckled up before locking the door. Yori was in the co-pilot's seat, and the sweetheart of a hostess was sitting across from Kelly and me. Kelly was a motor mouth for most of the flight as she related what Eloise had been spewing. A lot of it was nonsense, but the one thing that stood out was that Kitty wasn't attacking anyone, and the new man was a jewel so far.
We both had a cup of coffee as we flew to Salt Lake City. We landed at the capital of the Mormon world at two thirty. We entered the office there before three. A young lady whom I didn't know greeted us, and I asked for Sheila Summers. She looked at me funny, and asked, "Are you the Brad guy who Sheila says she's expecting and wants to marry?"
It was a toss-up between Kelly and me at who laughed loudest. I told the receptionist, "You're going to have to not listen to everything Sheila says, or rather think you know what she means. The woman is somewhat of prankster about a lot of things."
"Oh no, Sir, Sheila is very definite about stealing Brad from whoever it is who has captured him. She says her sister, Rose, will even help. Is Rose a part of the company?"
I wish I had a recording of this for her mother and father. Sheila was as bad as Rose at making people believe things that weren't real. Kelly had separated from us and went down the hall to the Manager's office. A squeal let us know that Sheila was there.
Sheila and Kelly came running out, and Sheila told the receptionist, "Lock the door, I'm going to do this guy right here in the lobby. Clear that desk so he can do me."
The poor girl just stood there with her mouth open. Sheila ran around to the other side of the receptionist counter and hugged the girl. "I'm sorry, Mandy; I know you're not used to me. I do crazy stuff all the time, so you have to have an open mind and not think I'll do everything I say. Hang with me and I'll try to be better, Sweetheart."
Sheila said to me, "That doesn't mean I don't get some in the Manager's office."
Damn, the woman went from being sweet to ornery in milliseconds.
April was watching us closely when we were finally settled in the Manager's office and I asked, "Okay, Sheila, you have to have some questions. Give them to me."
"Only a few, actually, Brad. I've been an Assistant long enough to run into most of everything that has happened. I did find a decent realtor who is going to work out fine. The few salespeople we have sold a total of seven homes over the weekend. We already have one sale today, but I want some big days. There's no reason why we can't have four sales a day. That would be one inventory home, one custom, and two listings. I will be happy if we mix and match those any way you want, and do that daily.
"You'll have to build up to that, Sheila. You'll have the anomaly of a big day during the week like last week and an occasional weekend of unprecedented volume. The idea is consistency, continuity, and ongoing referrals."
We went for a walk through the sales process. First was the new Sales Manager, followed by Randal in Finance. We checked on Flori in Accounting from there, who said that Sheila had been constantly asking for numbers. The Title Office Manager, Barbara Monterey, was very happy to see me and said that she thought Mooney was nuts to offer so many bonuses for doing what a Title Office was supposed to do.
I asked Sheila, "Is there anything that you don't feel comfortable with?"
She honestly answered me, "This is one strange place. You can't just go buy beer or a bottle. You have to go through hoops to drink anything, and you have to be buying food or something to buy a six pack of 3.2 beer and have a background check to buy a bottle. I didn't think I was ever a drunk or something, but these people make you feel like it. I like something at night, but I don't necessarily want to eat late at night. I ask for a hot dog and then a drink. I take the hot dog outside and feed it to a Mexican begging on the sidewalk. Crazy."
I finally asked her, "Can you figure out a way to enjoy firing up this office for the next young Assistant who needs a starting place?"
"Sure, Brad, I wanted this more than you could know, and you've given it to me. Let me make this into something special for you and the company, and then give me a new challenge. I love the opportunity and I would love to be under you every night."
"Naughty, naughty, young lady. I'm not available and don't do that stuff with employees anyway."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know all about how you feel about doing the nasty with employees. My sis says you can be had, and it is so if she says so. I'll sample you one of these days. Just think about it."
Kelly had heard this, and was choking to keep from laughing. I told Sheila, "I'm on my way to Sacramento if you don't have any more questions."
Sheila came to me and gave me a full body hug with a kiss that promised me everything. She said, "Come back and visit with me again to make sure I'm doing it right."
"You're doing everything right so far, Sheila. Keep doing it exactly like that. Call me if you have any questions."
We called the pilot on the way to the airport. We were in the air by four and in Sacramento by five thirty. Kelly found hotel rooms for the pilot and hostess, and then us while we were still on the airplane. It was early enough for us to find the office and observe activity there after five. That needed to cease unless it was something that had to done after hours. We found our hotel and checked in. Yori said he was going to take a nap and then find something for supper. I wanted something to drink and a snack before a real meal.
Kelly was with me when I tried the hotel bar. It was filled with fat business travelers and hookers. One of the women there came up to Kelly and told her to beat it as this was their territory. Kelly took my hand, and said, "No one, absolutely no one, gets near this guy or they will die."
Her warning alarmed the woman who had come up to us so fast but she rushed away to somewhere unknown.
I told Kelly, "This is the State Capitol, so there are probably a lot of good places to eat and drink. Let's ask and find somewhere good. The concierge directed us to the 'La Hacienda' to enjoy some south of the border snacks and some kick ass drinks.
Kelly and I had some various snacks and drinks, but I didn't want to vary too far from my usual. Kelly tried some of their tequila drinks, while I stayed with Beefeaters. You have to be careful with tequila because it's a sneaky liquor. You have a little, then a little more, and then it sneaks up on you and you're toasted. Kelly was on her fourth 'small' drink or so they said, when she admitted to me, "You know what, 'Kemo Sabe'? I'm drunk on my ass and don't give a shit if I eat or not. Tell me what to do."
I made sure my secretary ate well and then took her to the hotel. I found a Walmart and bought some Alka-Seltzer. I had to wake her up to drink it, but that was the right thing to do.
Beep, beep, beep.
I was up quickly and went to see if Kelly had kept from puking on herself. She was clean but didn't want to wake up. I told her, "You need to get up and work out. You need to sweat that nasty stuff out and get your body working. We'll stop by the food court and get a banana so you can recover."
She finally got out of bed totally bare and hugged me, saying, "You should have fucked me as a nightcap last night. I would have enjoyed it."
"Get your clothes on and the workout will do you some good."
Yori had seen Kelly's condition last night and was smiling at me for making her work so hard. I wanted her to sweat out everything in her system. I love to drink and get funny, but I don't like the recovery. I don't know anyone who enjoys trying to get their head back together after a big night.
Kelly was feeling a lot better by the time she had sweat for over a half hour and drank a cup of coffee. We cleaned up and went down for another decent hotel breakfast. We packed our clothes and put the suitcases and hanging bags in the trunk of the car, knowing that it was Wednesday which was earlier than we had anticipated being in Sacramento.
We arrived at the office at seven forty and there already were several cars in the lot. We went into the lobby to be greeted by a stunning platinum blonde. "Hi, may I help you? We don't open until eight thirty, but maybe I can direct you."
I said, "I'm Brad Johnson, and I'd like to see Dino Courtesina, the Office Manager."
"Whoa there, Buddy, you even pronounced his name right. Let me get him for you."
I began going toward the Manager's office when I heard, "Hey, hey! I said I would get him. This is my office and you don't go anywhere until I give you permission. Stand right here."
The woman used the phone and talked to someone for just a second.
A round man with laugh wrinkles by his eyes came running out of the hallway and almost fell at my knees. I grabbed his hand and said, "Glad to meet you, Dino."
He was wild-eyed when he said, "This beast here is Kajinka the terrible. She's the guardian of those she likes."
I said, "That's an unusual name."
The woman asked, "Do you mean Kajinka?"
"Yes, that is unusual."
"It would be unusual if it really was Kajinka, but it isn't. My name is Julia Sorrento, and I'm not a Kajinka the way these creatures speak of me. I don't even know what a Kajinka is. I get a new name every time I try to deflect someone from them. Last week it was Deleteatina because I was going to delete some of them. It was Smasherina the week before because I backed into a trashcan. I think Kajinka comes from a crazy Japanese pinball game."
I think I found an office that had fun. I finally asked, "Do you have a real name, or just a name of the day?"
The woman looked at me in a strange way before going to her purse and pulling her driver's license. She handed it to me and said, "Call me by that name, and I will eat your balls as if they were the day's treats. I'm Kajinka or Julia Sorrento right now."
The driver's license said Millicent Wombatter. I looked at her, winked, and gave her license back. She put it back in her purse and tucked it under the desk. "Okay, Wombi, I want to check the office out, and who is Julia Sorrento?"
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This story introduces some examples, what you can do with Conditional Branches. To understand the examples, you should be familiar with Conditional Branches and Conditional Branches - If-Statements. There is this story to show the Chapter settings and the chapter source code and another one to show live examples. You can use the examples or parts of it for your own stories or chapters. If you like an example, please like chapters of that branch to thank the author for his work. If you want to...
Non-EroticThe rising sun beamed into her bedroom as the alarm went off. Her soft blue eyes opened and looked through the sheer white curtains at the outside world as a soft sigh escapes her lips. Her hand moved over to the pillow next to her…. he was gone. She has thought that for once the man that she had chosen might have stayed after the sunrise, but yet again she was wrong. They never stayed that long. They were only there to get their pleasure then leave for a while. She was not surprised. It never...
"5 o'clock, Cully, okay?"She'd called, straight-up noon. I'd just finished cleaning the house. Only the vacuuming remained."Sure, I'll be there.""Cully, Tommy is going to drop me off at the front of Skaggs then pull into the parking lot. He doesn't want to leave until you pick me up. Isn't he sweet? So, please don't look at the parking lot in search of him. He's so nervous. And don't pick me up and hold me up in the air. And no Dutch rubs. Okay, hon?""What's wrong,...
CuckoldTwo questions remained to be resolved: What could they do with the freed slaves and what could they do with the 47 soldiers who might be convertible? There were not enough hotel rooms in Dothan to accommodate all of the ex-slaves, so they would have to stay at Camp Rucker (the original name was restored) and live in the barracks until they could be sorted out. This should be good for a week or so, if not longer. On the other hand, the soldiers had to be dealt with immediately. As the most...
The last words I said to her as she went out for her works Christmas party were have fun. How little I knew.....She was all dressed up looking her usual sexy self as she does when we go out together but this time she was going out on her own.She was wearing a short black dress which had a plunging neckline, giving the perfect view of her cleavage. She looked stunning.Her taxi arrived and she gave me a kiss and told me she'd not be back too late, and left.After a few hours of watching the TV and...
Hi! My Dear Friends, How are you? I am again with my new story, actually this incident is not mine, and it’s of my close friend & his sister. My friend name is Deepak and his sister is Rupali, Like her name, she is very beautiful and sexy. Deepak father is a Bank Manager. Once when his father’s transfer in other city, his father went along with his mother, Deepak and Rupali did not go due to their study. Because they went in November, so they left up to their exams. Deepak is 18 and Rupali is...
IncestFirst time virgin older male younger girl Several years back, when I was in my late thirties, I was workingpart-time as a police officer for a small Town on the ocean, just northof a very popular summer tourist city. Because of limited access to theocean side of the Intra-Coastal, our town had a lot of pass thru trafficas we were at the foot of one of the major bridges that lead to thebeach. The residents, mostly well-to-do retirees, insisted on strictenforcement of the traffic laws and Town...
One night, driving home late from a business trip and travelling down a local country road I passed a car in the lay by with the bonnet up, it was dark and getting cold, I remember thinking poor sod hope he's got his mobile. Looking in the rear-view mirror however caused me to jump on the brakes and sk** to a holt! Looking again confirmed what I thought I had seen, a long pair of sheer stocking'd legs topped with a black leather mini skirt and a fabulous looking ass and her white panties just...
It was Halloween night in southwest Virginia. Katie and Tommy decided to go for a drive out to the old abandoned St Albans asylum.The legend of the ghosts of St Albans Sanatorium dated back to the beginning when it was a school for troubled boys, then it was closed down by the state and used to house the people the state claimed to be insane. The doctors performed horrible experiments on the patients. Several people died from those experiments and were reported to haunt the place searching for...
Supernatural"OK girls," Bill said as he watched his new housekeeper walk toward her bedroom. Linda had a nice walk and that tight bottom swayed very nicely. "We need to find ways for you to make some extra money. Does that sound OK to you?" "Yes sir," the two little darlings said. "First of all, I will pay you $10 each per week just for general help around here," Bill said smiling. "What kind of help sir," Susan asked. "Well, mostly little things that I can use help with that are too small...
(Note from Author - This final more polished version would not have been possible without the very kind help I received from Vickie Tern. Thanks again Vickie) Maid to Measure or Sissy Slave By Design, Part One [by Mistress Kathrine] Nick It was early on Monday morning when the CEO himself knocked on Nick's office door and asked if he was busy? Nick had never said anything more than hello a few times to the man. What was this all...
Score after seven events is Syndy fifty- five, Wren fifty- three, Tam forty-eight, Kacy forty-six, Amy forty-one, and Brit forty. We all walked to the sand course after lunch. “This next event in the Weighted Pussy Pull or Race if you will, for this event, you’ll have the Ben Wa Balls back in your pussies and have the beads in you butts. I’ll put a crotch rope on each of you which’ll go around your waist twice then tie a bowline knot in it. There’ll be two tails on the rope ten feet long...
The next morning, Ally ran around the room like a mad woman trying to get ready. If she hurried, she'd have enough time to grab breakfast and stop by the English Department before her 10:00 calculus class. And somewhere along the line, she needed to go see Ben. Kaija was right; he really was a keeper. Even if he did leave her sexually frustrated at times! For once, Ally's trip to the dining commons was fairly uneventful. No Barclay hitting on her; no Erica dropping bombshells; and not even...
Mark: Monday morning I bounded out of bed at the sound of the alarm, squeezing a handful of Graciela's plush ass, and went off to shower and prepare for the day. Life was good -- I had more sex from hot women than I knew what to do with and things were starting to turn on the couples front. Javier met me in the main room for coffee, also looking chipper; there was some kind of an issue between him and his mother, but sex with Grandma Estrella was just fine ... I suspected it was merely the...
As soon as the boys returned from their trip, Jason's focus was on school. He was totally abuzz after again seeing where he would be going in a few weeks (we had already visited the school twice). He even seemed to have less time for Zoe, which I figured put Mom even lower on the totem pole. But I was fine with it. Megan and Alan were right that I wanted Jason again. But he needed to put his energy into getting ready for school. That was the right thing and I needed to support him in it. I...
I was crammed into a corner of the booth with Toni, Ned and Fran, when Toni asked, "What do you do for them?" She meant at work. "I'm International Sales Manager. We have a lot of retail customers overseas, mostly in Europe. They're my job. There's not much travel, but some." "You study Marketing in college?" she asked. "What I do is really logistics — distribution, not really Sales. No, I was good old English Lit. When I went to work for them, I was just an assistant in Sales....
Story: #1 Copyright ©2004 Written: October 31 2004 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed By: TDM Please send any comments about this story to([email protected]) ********************************************************************* Jessica awoke to the smell of bacon being cooked by her mother in the kitchen and realized it must be morning. Thoughts of the night before still running through her head, the things that were said and the parts that were felt and used to there fullest....
I wondered what these inept fighters were doing out here where they could be so easily killed without the protection they so obviously needed. Running Fox cleared up the mystery for me. These were shamans who were on a mission to commune with the spirits. From the number of amulets that were hanging from the rock walls, he guessed that they were preparing charms against bullets. It was kind of axiomatic among the Indians that you could never be sure what craziness a shaman would come up with...
Tracy scooped up the dog cum from her tits and lapped it greedily from her palms, not wanting to waste a single drop of the lovely stuff. She eyed Major, wondering if she might manage to milk another load from him. But the Great Dane looked drained and his prick had diminished and receded, the naked cock-knob drawn back into his sheath. Tracy decided to call on her girlfriend, Jennifer, who lived next door. She was just bursting to tell someone about what she had done. Jennifer might be...
My parents didn't return home until the day after my rape. I only come out of my hiding place on the floor between the wall and my twin bed to use the bathroom. I sleep a lot. "Charlotte, we're home," my mom calls out. I give Mom and Dad the biggest hugs. "We missed you too, sweetpea," Dad says. Everything seems normal. I follow them around. I'm so glad they're home. "So how was your time here? Did you do anything? Maybe a surprise birthday party?" Mom asks. "Yes, Erin. I want...
#4 (fantasy #2)Here is my Saturday morning fantasy for the weekend that never was.....things start to get interesting.I awake next to my black stud around 8. He is sleeping on his back, cock hard with morning wood. I tickle his rod with a fingernail and it starts jumping, I quietly get on my knees and start sucking that beautiful cock, slowly at first then start pumping him. He wakes and wraps both hands around my head and fucks my mouth to a quick orgasm, a huge hot morning load which I...
(This story interlocks with each chapter so if you come into this story other than the beginning, then you may well scratch your head at some of the comments within this chapter. I’ve tried to make this a glimpse into the lives and lifestyle of three people. They chose to keep there lives private, isn’t it strange how life never lets that happen.) My thanks again go to Linda62953 for her editing. ******* Even as the credits wound themselves down, it felt like Red was simply winding herself...
All natural gorgeous hottie Melissa comes home from the gym early to find her husband pleasing himself to interracial cuckold porn. She calls up her undercover-lover Rob Piper and begs him to come over and fuck her with his BBC. Rob arrives and notices that Melissa’s husband is still home. Eager to set new terms to her marriage, Melissa Moore starts passionately making out with her handsome Black lover until her husband catches them. Melissa sits her soon to be cuckold husband down and...
xmoviesforyouI am a boy from a good family. I live in a joint family and my family has beautiful ladies. To start with i have a very sexy mom, nisha. Let me describe her. She is a nice fair and slightly pulpy lady. Loves to wear sarees and her lips r nice and mostly lite red lipstick on it. Any man would love to suck her. Then her tits r nice big n firm. Wanting to be squeezed. How people love watching her. Then i have a sexy chachi, smita. She is a pure goddess. Lovely to look at and really fair. She has...
IncestRobbie got Trey set up in his bathroom so she could enjoy her bubble bath. "When you're finished, just put on this robe" handing her a warm, fluffy terrycloth bathrobe, "and then come into the spare bedroom. I'll have everything all set up in there for your massage. Sound good?" "Okay!" Robbie pulled out and set up the massage table with special features that he had personally designed. He lit several scented candles and placed them around the room. He warmed several containers of...
The local pop band became a nightly feature at the hotel. Their mixture of Western and Vietnamese love songs were very popular. Many of the older villagers who had never had access to regular entertainment other than Karaoke stood outside each night listening and singing along. John walked outside one evening and saw them standing around. ‘Why don’t they come inside?’ he asked. Eddie sighed, ‘We had a problem with security so we hired some guys to enforce a dress code. They are too tough. So...
A slut's first time By Tanya Grant I hope you like this story, it's not true, but it did grow out of a cyber relationship I was having at the time. ************** "Simon, I'm about 15 minutes from the hotel, are you there yet? I breathed into my telephone. "No, I'm about half an hour away" you replied, "But the room's all booked, why don't you go in, get the room and make yourself comfortable." "Ok lover, I'll see you in half an hour or so, I hope your feeling up to this,...
Urvashi opened the door and darted into the apartment. It was a big 2100 sq ft apartment. The door opened to the big living room. On the right side while entering was the wall-mounted TV unit and sound system. On the left side was a leather lounger and heavy stylish wooden table. There was a huge wall art sticker of natural scenery along with side floor lamps. A little bit inside was a beautiful setting of coffee table with four urban and modern chairs. There was opening on the right side with...
Goliath was your typical ladies man, successful as a powerful executive, young at the age of twenty five, and incredibly handsome. Standing at an incredible six foot ten, the giant man bore a deep scar across his left cheek which barley phased his charms, his shoulder long black locks he wore pulled back into a tight elaborate braid, and his enchanting dark green eyes sparkled with a deep passion within his soul. Women threw themselves at his feet left and right, yet no mater how beautiful,...
GayThe shooting session over, their weapons cleaned and returned to the lock boxes, Selina and Morales went up the stairs to be met by Diana. “Ready to go for your run?” she asked Morales. Since he thought he had missed out on running this morning, Morales was not as happy now as he had been a few seconds prior. The Clan Queen smiled at him. “Jeff and your wives are waiting in the living room. He has already had Little One go over their muscles. As soon as she has soothed yours, we’ll go for...
Aunt Dora's Box With her shimmering lips pleasingly pursed, her cheeks rosily blushed and her long lashes fanned out gently from her exquisitely shaded eyelids, she seemed to be enjoying yet another of her secret little daydreams there, sleeping amongst the roses. She looked as cute and saucy as ever in her favorite little black cocktail dress. I waited patiently for her eyes to flutter open after I touched her...
After sending Mistress Bellatrix my information I couldn't control my urges and masturbated to multiple pornos but nothing compared to fantasizing about Mistress. I couldn't help but stroke myself furiously bringing myself to multiple edges ruining each one with glee as while Mistress said I could stroke she never said anything about cumming so I continued on like this, eyes closed, on my knees, stroking, imagining my Mistress degrading me for my pathetic stroking habits. It wasn't until I...
“Wow, that was quite the supper, Trudy, I must confess! And you say that I can bring some home to Dad? That would be very lovely if possible. I imagine that by now, he’s rather worried about his future now that I have no job, if he’s heard about it, which he might have by this point,” Sasha reacted to the wonderful pot roast and dry red wine that she enjoyed. “Well, don’t worry about him. I intend to cooperate with the man who dismissed me in re-opening several of these cases, from David’s...
WHAT DO I DO NOW? PART 2 @ @ @ @ Sam had a night he would never forget, a lifelong transvestite he had taken advantage of his wife's supposed absence to venture out for the first time dressed as his alter-ego Samantha. He was in a gay bar enjoying himself when in walked his wife in the arms of what appeared to be her girlfriend. Devastated at finding out his wife was a lesbian. He took to drinking to help deal with the reality of the situation. SAM's story. He slid off his...
Pranam doston..!! Main arya sabhi fudakti chuto ko aur kade lundo ko yaad rakhte huwe nayi kahani pesh kar raha hun! Meri umra 25 saal hai aur yeh kahani kuch 3 saal purani hai. Meri height 5.5 hai aur meri physic avarage hai. Mere lund 6.5 inch ka hai aur 1.5 mota hai.Jyada bore na karte huwe kahani ke taraf aatye hai, baat tab kuch 3 saal purani hai jab main mhcit ke classes join karne ke liye puchtach karne gaya. Puchtach karne ke douran mujhye waha pe ek bahot hi sexy teacher dikhai di. Kya...
Hi myself Abhi aaj mai aapko ek aapni story batane ja raha hun pahle mai apne bare mai kuch bata du koi ldki ya bhabhi ya aunty sex me interested h to muje msg kr. Mera rang gira hai aur dekhne mai thik thak hu body bhi average hai height 5.10in hai and age 36 years aur mera Priya kaam sex hai mujhe sex mai new experiment kafi aachha lagta hai oral sex ko jayada value deta hu mera manana hai sex ka maja jab tak oral karo tab tak jayada hai ek baar lund daal di chut mai to 10 se 15 ya 20 min ke...
It was a warm humid day in late September when I was doing something as mundane as mowing the lawn when it happened. I became aware of someone on the drive way as I was finishing off the last few bits. At first my only reaction was 'Let's get this over first'. I had to turn a few times with the machine and I tried to acknowledge his presence but he seemed to be attending to something on his bicycle. I can't say I really noticed all that much more then and if he had just gone away I probably...
GayKatie had just finished soccer practice when her phone buzzed a reminder. Dentist appointment.She was late. Practice went longer than expected and the team had a meeting to hash out some of the drama that lingered from a party that weekend. These are the issues of playing on a women's college team, you not only have the straight girls who have guy problems, but the lesbians also have issues with each other. The team captain had to clear the air about something that happened between two girls on...
Washed, Waxed, and Polished By Jena Corso Edited By Julie Manners Part 1 Jordan pulled up to the high end auto spa and stepped out of his red Ferrari convertible. He slapped hands with the workers and sat on a bench outside the place as they began their weekly routine of washing, waxing, and polishing his car. He looked down at his ipad, watching a movie, until he heard the cackling of the girls as they parked in the lot next to him. "There's your weird friend again, Jodi,"...
Everybody, Myself Dinesh.this is a true story and my first real wild experience with a woman which happened when I was just out of my teens.Like every boy of that age I was very very horny and sexually active.The objects of my desire were usually my teachers,friends and yes my own aunty too. My aunt sangeeta was a very simple woman aged around 35-40 , and like all typical marwadi women, she used to wear sexy figure hugging and exposing sarees.As far as she was concerned , her navel and cleavage...
IncestAbby cuddled with Alex, his hand over her shoulder, inside her top and caressing her left tit. She rubbed his leg, trying not to get him too excited. She still wanted them to fuck one more time. Susan commented on the guttural sound of the Shelby’s exhaust and the effortless power the engine produced. Dan parked the car and tucked the comforter and extra sheet under his arm, walking hand in hand with Susan. She smiled at him as his eyes gazed at the gentle sway and bounce of her tits with...
Harlow Harrison is living out all her fantasies with James Deen. Her goal is to feel like a used up cum dumpster and a submissive owned slut. James Deen has all kinds of punishment for her pussy and ass in store and has slowly been working through the huge boob tattooed slut’s fantasies one by one. Harlow discusses how much fun she is having and then fulfills her duty as a cum dumpster. She sucks off her master’s cock before he uses her pussy and ass for his enjoyment and personal...
xmoviesforyouThere was this young lady named kayla how is 34 years old beautiful and curvy just like any curvy chick. She lived with her little sister keasha and room mate diana and russian made. That day she was going to take a shower wearing a robe in the house. She had mainly been seen naked by her sister, female friend and maid and other females. It was the weekend however as kayla ebony was about to taking shower. As she was about to going to the bathroom she heard a voice "hey kalya mind if I go in...
She was in fifth standard when I first met her. But after seventh standard I recognized her as a woman. She was not gorgeous or ‘celebrity like’ sexy, she was just a standard young girl. Obviously not my girlfriend, I did not see her in that way, but I knew that her body was ‘well rounded’. May be some guy would want to ask her out. Now were both alumni of the same engineering college. Now this story tells us about the events of 14 February of first year in my college. We were close friends by...
Sophia Leone is ready for her massage. She’s naked and squeaky clean. Peter Green is a professional massage therapist but didn’t expect to be getting his hands on an amazing ass and titties. He’s nervous but continues his job willingly. She enjoys herself so much she wants him to massage her soaking wet pussy. He is surprised to say the least especially when she wants to suck his dick. He face fucks her and then even hops on the table himself so she can ride his hard cock.If...
xmoviesforyouDemoted By Michelle X A year ago I was on top of the world. I was not even 30 years old, and already I was making six figures as the sales manager in a large insurance firm. I had a new BMW, a large spacious apartment, and a beautiful girlfriend. I was Mike Richardson, a corporate dynamo who was in total control of his future. And now? Just a year later, that's all gone. My name is now Michelle Smith, and I'm working as a lowly secretary, making just above minimum wage. My car and...
The Nerd – Part 1 Geek. Nerd. Dweeb. Take your pick, any one of them would describe Pete just fine. At sixteen, he’d never kissed a girl, never even held hands, and was more at home with his books than with people. Yes, books. Although he was perfectly good with a computer, the kind who’d teach himself how to program it, he’d rather read an actual book than surf the Internet. He wasn’t interested in Facebook, or Twitter, or any of those things. Didn’t even really like to watch TV or movies....
If I had any doubts about Michelle dumping me, the way she hung all over Scott at school the next week resolved them. I asked around but no one knew who the mysterious brown-haired girl at the dance was. It wasn't that I couldn't get a date - I could. I just couldn't get a date I wanted. Michelle wouldn't speak to me - which also, by the holy laws of high school, eliminated all her friends. Trina would speak but not much more than 'hi' and 'bye'. And the girl at the dance might as...
Karen was infatuated with her father, Ray, and she had been involved with him in a very hot, sexy intimate sexual relationship for over 3 years. He'd been the one who had taken her cherry and he and Karen had been very actively involved in fucking and other sexual play ever since. Karen had come to actually envy her mother and father whenever they'd fuck, and she'd lie in bed, almost angry with envy that her own mother, her father's wife, was getting his cock instead of her. Karen and Ray...
The male sensed that today was different as he was led to the room by his Mistress, naked leashed and on all fours. He had surrendered everything to Madam Hortense Brigham, the plump 60 year old woman who had drawn him into her web, teasing him into her world of domination and beyond, breaking his spirit completely through cruel and rigorous punishments and humiliations, reducing him to the controlled and obedient slave he now was. She had promised him he would be disposed of when the whim...
When Caroline got back to the hotel, she looked exhausted, worn out. I looked at her, showing concern, 'Hard day', I asked, then laughed at what I said, adding, 'Sorry no pun intended', but she had fire in her eyes, 'See anything you like', she retorted.I went to her and could smell the unmistakable odor of Scotch on her breath, that would help explain her hooded eyes, quarter drawn with booze, another quarter drawn with a semi-state of sexual arousal, she was a woman who fucked with her eyes...