Light Skin Long Hair Ch 02
- 3 years ago
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"Soon" is a pliable word. If asked when you are going to breathe again, "soon" is seconds away. If it's your turn to take out the trash, "soon' is hours away. Washing a car "soon" is eight months out.
For a hard cock, "soon" is the straightest line between A and B. And that was David's "soon."
No time for much romancing ... that had happened on a Saturday evening at the cottage almost twenty years ago. Even though David wouldn't ignore the niceties he wasn't going to have to start from scratch.
No need for much foreplay ... it was obvious to both he and Sue that Roslyn was drowning in her own sexuality, her desires almost visually bubbling up from between her legs.
It was time to clear the air, to stop tuning up and start playing.
Besides, a wet pussy may not be painful but a constantly hard cock can be a hassle after a while. And David had a constant boner. He was as ready for an erotic coupling with Roslyn as she with him. He couldn't, and wouldn't, wait!
Daily phone calls were in order. David couldn't exactly just phone Ros and make an appointment to seduce. Instead he had to weave through their schedules, waiting for the moment at hand. He knew he had to, almost on a daily basis, see how their week was going, what their plans were.
The deal on the house was closing quickly, enough that the broker gave them a set of keys. Between that and the boat the Elliot's showed up often and without notice at the Faber's, inviting them to lunch and to look at the two acquisitions with them and talk about what was to happen with both. Although Glenn cared little about the imminent furnishing of the house Roslyn genuinely did, taking interest in Sue's project as if it were an expensive toy for which she did not have to pay.
The boat was entirely different. All transactions were complete ... David and Sue owned it. Other than perhaps a passing interest in fabrics or something Sue had no interest in any changes in the décor. Let David and Glenn take care of it.
She was too busy with the house, not to mention the twenty six year old brunette lady who lived in the apartment two floors above where they lived. A chance encounter in the parking lot tipped off Sue that there was noticeable dissatisfaction in the lady's life. After that, Sue made sure that there were enough "accidental" encounters with her that invitations to visit were surely to come. At that time she would ascertain as to whether the woman's dissatisfaction was sexual or not.
The invitations came. For all her previous concerns, in less than a month Sue had already struck up more than a passing conversation concerning the woman's sex life and she knew it was more of a waiting game than anything else.
Glenn loved the boat. In comparison, his little craft was not more than a dinghy. He was a little overwhelmed when David's broker called him at home and asked him to meet at the pier. There, in David's absence but with his blessings, the two experienced sailors went through the craft for several hours, with an ever more interested Glenn being shown all the features.
When they were through, the agent handed Glenn all of the service manuals and said, "Good luck. Feel free to call me."
Then, under his breath, he laughed and said, "Take good care of her. David's a super nice guy but as far as boats go he's an idiot!"
Glenn smiled and took it to heart. Days later when David asked him about the interior decorations Glenn looked about casually and said he wouldn't change a thing. Why waste the money?
David laughed.
"You don't know Sue. I've got to do at least something new or she won't be able to stand it. Maybe I'll get by with just new linens."
Glenn threw up his hands.
"You'd have to talk to Roslyn about that. I'm colorblind to that stuff."
Thanks, Glenn. It was an excuse for an invitation, one that David had not considered and Glenn would not question. It took him only forty-eight hours to act.
David quickly determined Wednesday afternoon would be the target. Glenn had casually informed him that he would be out of town for two days. The school system was closed for the day. Ros would not be at work.
When David showed up unannounced at her door at noon she wasn't surprised at the sudden intrusion. It was starting to be common. However, she couldn't help but react nervously about the fact that this time they were alone ... no Glenn or Sue as a buffer.
It took her a full fifteen seconds to remember that she had just gotten out of the shower and her hair was soaking wet. Worse still, she had casually donned an old gray sweat suit and it was much less than complimentary on her. All of this David could see. That she was wearing nothing underneath was a secret.
David broke her tension.
"Love the "do", he smiled and pointed to the damp mop on her head. "Who's your hair dresser?"
She laughed and let him in. What was in the bag he was carrying?
"I need help," David admitted. He opened the bag widely and she peered in to see a number of different linen samples.
"I was supposed to have made a selection two days ago. Now I got to do it this afternoon. Glenn said that you might give me a hand."
Roslyn tried to come up with a plausible excuse but she knew they would all be waved away by David. She knew it would come across as exactly what it was ... she was loath to be alone with him.
"Sure," she relented softly. "Let me spruce up a little."
"No, no. Don't do that!" David liked her as she was. For some reason it only added to the ambience of innocence that was so appealing to him.
"You're perfect. All we're going to do is have lunch and hit the boat for a few minutes. I really, really need to get this done by the end of day."
In fact, he had months to make any changes if ever at all.
Roslyn relented but threw him a warning.
"David, I swear if we see anybody I know while I'm out and about with wet hair and a strange man in the middle of the day I'm going to kill you!"
"We'll hide," David promised.
He lied. An hour later they were having a wonderful but expensive lunch at a little deli that the Faber's had never visited before. The two glasses of wine she drank mellowed her and for the first time in more than twenty years she had an extensive one on one conversation with David Elliot.
She was as impressed with the man as some of the stuff he confided in her. David Elliot was a nice guy. It was that simple. Now, in his later years, he apparently wished that he and Sue had children. It wasn't just that he it admitted it but also it was in the detailed questions he had concerning Libby and Heather. He was especially interested in Libby.
When asked, he told Ros of their plans to start a new company from the ground up. They had done it before, had loved the challenge, and had prospered greatly from it.
Roslyn became bold.
"David, we see all this stuff ... the house, the boat. If you don't mind me asking, just exactly what are you worth?"
David didn't just mind ... he was going to volunteer that information at some time but he was hoping she would ask. He wanted every little thing he could to impress her ... no, to overwhelm her. He wanted her totally off balance not just today but for some time to come.
He answered. She wasn't ready for his answer, having to let it settle a little bit in her mind.
"Twenty two million dollars. Twenty two million dollars?" For a struggling working mother the sum was too overwhelming to be absorbed so it just sort of bounced around her mind. How some of it ended up between her legs was beyond her.
A very detectable little twitch landed right in her pussy. If his goal was to overwhelm her he just did!
"My God," she said softly.
David smiled a little. It had obviously worked.
"Don't forget we just sold a business we had our whole life invested in," he pointed out.
When he paid the check and Ros realized they had just wolfed down a fifty-dollar lunch it didn't seem quite so expensive as it would have fifteen minutes before.
The rest of the ride to the boat was a little bit quiet. Roslyn was still trying to absorb that sum. David knew it and smiled inwardly. If she were distracted with that thought she would be less attentive to others.
When they stepped aboard the yacht Roslyn realized that no matter how expensive this toy was, to the Elliot's it was little expense at all.
That David was laying out all of the colors and styles seemed surreal. This little housewife was being asked to tastefully decorate a million dollar craft. She hoped it didn't show but she was a little overwhelmed. Her taste was not accustomed to such luxury.
David watched. He waited. He was already sure of one thing. Unless his senses betrayed him not only was she off balance at the time but also there was nothing under that sweat suit except an inviting, hopefully receptive body.
David knew she was ripe and he was certainly ready. As he carefully sipped from his bottle of water Roslyn never saw him when he downed the little pill. It was something she would never have thought of, was not a part of her life.
It was for David. Viagra was just one of the many little enhancements that had come along in the last twenty years. David had used it often, especially when involved in one of Sue's little threesomes. There was no way he could have stayed involved for hours in their sexual games without it.
And this afternoon David had no intention of it being a "Wham bam, thank you maam," affair. He fully meant for it to be a statement ... that David Elliot was somebody that Roslyn Faber could not possibly live without.
Six hours later he had his wish. After he dropped her off a block from her house Roslyn wearily stumbled inside to come face to face with a concerned Libby.
"Are you alright, Mom? You look beat!" Libby thought her Mom looked limp as a noodle.
"Ran one kilometer too much," Roslyn lied before going straight to the shower. Both she and the sweat suit needed a thorough cleaning. As she let the hot water cascade over her saturated body she tried to fully absorb what had just happened.
She remembered that she was holding a piece of fabric high and away from her body when David approached her from behind. She felt two things simultaneously ... his hands gliding smoothly around her waist and under the sweat top and the unmistakable presence of his hard cock pressing against her ass.
He had nuzzled her neck with his mouth.
"David," she protested softly. She had been afraid it would go in this direction.
But it was too little, way too late. Roslyn had started to respond to his presence long before they walked on that boat. Now, her body reacted to his touch, the sudden chills causing her nipples to immediately become hard as she instinctively fell back against him. Worse still, though, her mind exploded in an erotic rebirth so to speak. Even as she tried to will herself that she was not to let this happen again deep down she knew it was already a lost cause. It had been lost twenty-five years before.
Oh, she could try to give herself some solace in that for the next thirty minutes after that first encounter she had brushed him away, had made at least some attempt to thwart his intentions. But when it got right down to it she knew without a shadow of a doubt that her impotent excuses of rejection was no more than a futile attempt to maintain modesty.
She relented.
David fucked her.
As the hours passed had there had eventually been a great deal of late foreplay, of romance, but not at first.
When he was ready for her and had allowed her reluctance to gracefully run it's coarse he just took her. Her sweat top came up, her bottoms went down and he mounted her. There were kisses and caresses but the foreplay was already decades in the making.
And there was no grace period ... no time for Roslyn to adjust to her new source of pleasure. Once he had her on her back and was suspended over her with his cock nudging her waiting vagina he looked at her expectant face and then just sort of dropped.
"A-u-u-u-u-u-g-g-g-g-g-h-h-h-h-h-," poured out and her head came up as she grasped his head in both hands and his legs with hers. Memories of the past, all the erotic thoughts she had secretly harbored over the years, none of it was like real life. This was real life ... a hard, vibrant cock slamming without mercy into her willing but unprepared pussy.
Roslyn Faber loved it!
Standing in that shower and thinking back over those few hours, she knew nothing else would have done as well, nothing would have been as satisfying and sexually dramatic as what actually happened. After all these years that huge cock had just crashed into the waiting walls of her wet pussy. Her hunger for it was so intense that all discomfort had been waved aside as insignificant.
Within minutes they had both exploded in a frenzied ecstasy!
Then, a few gentle moments of tenderness? Soft kisses enhancing what was now a gentle, wonderful intrusion?
Hell no! David had continued to drive on her like a jackhammer, giving no care as to how she would react to his cock stretching the walls of her pussy without pity, without consideration.
Roslyn probably would not have written the script that way but went wild with David's rewrite!! She bucked her body forward and back, thrusting hard on his rampaging staff as if it had to be consumed rather than just accepted.
Fifteen minutes. It took only about fifteen minutes before she came again, easily dragging David's explosive orgasm with her. She screamed obscenities; he roared. They both stopped, exhausted.
For about ten minutes. It was more to catch their breath and slow their beating hearts rather than anything sexual. Then David flipped her over on her stomach, pulled her back up on her knees, and started it all over again.
Two hours later, her body totally expended from a fourth orgasm, Roslyn gasped for breath and pondered the man as her eyes were still rolled back into her head. How did he do it ... how could he stay with her so long, thrusting that never ending cock into her time after time even though she knew she was totally draining him, exhausting him as indeed she was?
Welcome to the world of Viagra, Roslyn. You have entered the twenty first century.
Roslyn turned off the hot water. Oh sure, after they had practically raped each other there was finally an hour of quiet solitude, a quietness with small talk and touching that was totally void of any penetration.
Bringing herself back to reality Ros stepped out of the shower to face an inquisitive Libby. It was hard to carry on a conversation with her. Deflecting Libby's questions, Roslyn's thoughts were already on what was next. Would it ever happen again? Should she ever allow it again? Could she walk away, especially with him now being so close?
Four days later on a quiet Sunday afternoon she got her answer. Glenn had invited Libby and Rob to join him on David's yacht. Even though David had already told Glenn that he couldn't be there with them that afternoon Roslyn still didn't want to go. She knew she would not be able to step back aboard that craft so soon without an obvious reaction so she'd rather they go without her.
An hour after Glenn and Libby had gone it was a surprised Ros that answered a knock on the door to open it and stare at David. She glanced around. No Sue.
"Glenn's not here," she weakly informed David. After saying it she felt stupid. He already knew that.
There were a few minutes of small talk, whimsical nonsense of which neither was interested. Both knew what was going on.
If you could choose a specific time, a very instance, that Roslyn Faber once and for all conceded totally to David it was right then ... that Sunday afternoon. After that, there was no retreat for Roslyn. No reversal of fortunes.
She was wearing a light shift, a short dress of no particular interest that one would wear around the house for comfort if nothing else.
David dropped down to her knees and without a word slowly ascended Roslyn's legs with a hot mouth. In a wordless gesture she closed her eyes and gently clasped the back of his head in her hands. For the next two hours hundreds of kisses followed the first. That day, unlike the time before, it was time for extensive, luxurious foreplay; teasing and touching meant to make their senses soar and reach as never before.
After extracting orgasm after orgasm from her with his light teases it was almost anticlimactic when he finally entered her gently with his lumbering staff for the sole purpose of emptying his come into her.
It would be the second time he came that afternoon. The first time was an hour before when she lovingly took him in her mouth, barely being able to cover the head of his cock with her stretched lips yet with enough touch, enough talent to coax him to drench her palate with his salty come before she swallowed hard to dispose of the fruit of her labor.
When it happened it had seemed a monumental time, the first time she went down on him. Very pleased with herself for taking him into her mouth without gagging she had no idea that, within months, it would be just about as close to his cock as she would get.
Over the next few months there could be some discussion over who was fascinated the most ... Glenn with that new floating toy for which he was given total authority or David with the Faber women.
Glenn remained delighted with his new venture. He had quickly called upon old and experienced friends to assist him with David's yacht. It was great fun and David had no qualms whatsoever about the "free" crew. For all of his inexperience and money he still fit right in and the guys loved his generosity and quick wit. Besides, all of David's old friends and business acquaintances were in his past. Most of his friends were now "borrowed" from Glenn.
Glenn was blind to all other things in his life. At first he had been excited about the possibility of Roslyn and David doing a middle aged rematch of days gone by but after watching them show no interest in each other he ruefully submitted that it was over ... that it was something in the past. After all, no matter how great Roslyn looked to be forty-eight she wasn't near the Goddess appearance of Sue. He assumed David no longer had interest in the female Faber.
But not all was lost for Glenn. David's new boat provided even greater access to his two girls, their men and their scantily dressed female friends. He had always been amazed at what women would wear on a boat that they would otherwise deem totally obscene. But now it appeared that the more expensive the boat the more daring they became. He was extremely grateful to David for his "open house" invitation on the craft. Glenn never felt uncomfortable inviting last minute friends to any function. Especially the ones wearing thongs and more and more that included his two daughters.
David didn't mind. Sometimes the scenery was spectacular. Glenn had concluded that David no longer had interest in the "female Faber." He was right. But David had great interest in the female "Faber's." All of them ... especially Libby. Her frequent appearances on his yacht gave him more and more exposure to her and the more he saw the more he fantasized. At times she was with Rob and his time with her was limited. At other times he was able to slyly engage her one on one for long conversations of which over a matter of time became very personal.
Meanwhile, taking every viable opportunity while watching their backs very carefully, David and Roslyn became almost a weekly thing. Of course Roslyn had no idea that Sue was aware of their affair and assisted David time after time in "opening the door" for it to happen. You can bet it only took a hint from Sue to an anxious Glenn that she would enjoy a day on the craft to send him and all of his friends into a joyous frenzy. Like twenty-five years before, they gave her movie star treatment!
That her appearances were nothing more than a ruse to distract Glenn from his wife's activities was never discovered.
David paid great attention to Ros, delicate details including secluded impromptu seductive meals and lavish sexy gifts she was not allowed to refuse. Most of all, though, he provided that never tiring, seemingly never flaccid rampaging cock to which Roslyn Faber became immediately addicted.
For the first five years of her marriage she had thought of that cock almost daily before getting a full taste of him in the cottage that one night in 1987. For the next eighteen years after that it had been nothing more than an erotic daydream ... a memory that allowed her to bring herself off with only a few touches of her fingers.
But now it was different. Now, almost once a week, it was a wonderful albeit forbidden reality. Even then, every time they were finished she promised herself it was over. Never again would she allow it. That promise was as good as her next shower. That's about how long it took her to start thinking about him again.
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SupernaturalI have been waiting to see you for over four weeks now as I anticipate your arrival at the airport. My palms are sweaty and my body aches for your love as I wait, suddenly I hear those heals meet the floor, your gate is unmistakable, I have heard it many times and each time brings a new level of excitement! You appear through security and with my first glance at you my heart jumps with joy and pleasure, your steps quicken as you see me and I start to walk towards you, both my steps and my...
This is my first story, written in collaboration with my inspiration, Smirk71. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as we did writing it! We are still lying on the blanket on the beach, the sun is high in the sky, but clouds are approaching. I am still kissing your neck, nibbling on your ear, my hand is tracing lazy circles up and down your side. Your hands are wrapped around my neck as I nip your neck with my teeth. I reach up and place my hand over your chest, feeling the hardness of your...
"I wonder if you two would prefer to wait. Unless you intend wearing something to fight in. You'd at least need some footwear in that snow." There was concern in Viola's voice as she looked out at the wintry prospect. The day before it had taken her less than a minute to make the distance from her heated car to the heated cottage. By the time she had gratefully shut the door behind her she had been perished. Clementine and Amanda had only just arrived and been hurriedly ushered in...
I have sucked cock and been sucked by other men for years, but my wife didn't know. I wanted to tell her, but couldn't find a way to bring it up. We went to the local porn theatre, wearing our usual, easy-access clothing. During an average flick, I could finger-fuck her to 2 or 3 orgasms. She would pull my cock, but I usually waited until we got home to drop my load. She was ALWAYS hot when we left the theatre, and when she was hot, she thought just about ANYTHING was a good idea! This time,...
(Dear Reader, This is part 2 of 10…Please feel free to comment on each chapter, and please, don’t use the anonymous option – I can’t thank you if I don’t know who you are! Please, enjoy…) ~~~~~~~~~~ She woke up still sitting in the saddle, James was behind her with one arm around her waist and and the reins in his other hand. She stayed still, unwilling to to relinquish the warmth of his body at her back. They were almost back to the farm. It was still dark, but the eastern sky was...
Part 3 Then there was this guy from a couple we talked with in the beginning of the evening. He already got undressed and like C he was in his boxer and slippers. Now seeing him like this made him a different man then the man we talked with before. He had an attractive sporty body and cute ass. Guess it's the same for women too: I can imagine a casual dressed woman can also make a different impression seeing her in lingerie. He asked me to dance... After a short look at C I saw it was ok, so I...
Ahi guys this is vansh waise mera asli naam akshay hain from hisar ().i m going to naratte a true incident of my life.jinko is story mein sachai lage wo mujhe contact kar sakte hain meri e mail i d hain .ye katha meri or meri mummy ki hain mein 19 saal ka hoon 12 class mein padhta hoon. padhai mein accha hoon aur is bar above 85 % ka target kiya hain. meri mummy ek school mein teacher hain . sanskrit padahti hain wo bilkul dharmik .har vart aur upwass kar ti hain . mere dad jo ki reliance...
I am a long time fan of your site ”” but never wrote or contacted you. This is the first time i ever write to anyone about my personal sex life. Kindly publish it. After i got married i didn’t get attracted to any woman as my wife was very beautiful and always there for me to cater for all my needs. I live in Bangalore. I used to go to drop and pick up my kid to and from school every day. This was where i met this (a thin, dark, but nicely shaped) lady, who was a mother of...
Author: nabeel farooq ഇതൊരു ഇന്സ്സെസ്റ്റ് സ്റ്റോറിയാണ്. ദയവു ചെയ്തു ഇന്സ്സെസ്റ്റ് ഇഷ്ടമില്ലാത്തവര് ഇത് വായിക്കരുത്. എന്റെ വീട്ടില് ഞാനും (നബീല് 21) ഉമ്മയും (സൈനബ 39) എന്റെ അനിയനും (അഫ്സല് 18) മാത്രമേ ഉള്ളൂ. ഉപ്പ (ലത്തീഫ് 46) കുറെ കാലമായി ഗള്ഫിലാണ്. എനിക്കു 21 വയസ്സ് ഡിഗ്രി കഴിഞ്ഞു. അനിയന് 18 വയസ്സായി. അവന് പെരുമ്പിലാവ് ഒരു കോളേജില് താമസിച്ചു പഠിക്കുന്നു. ഞങ്ങളുടെ കുടുംബം നാട്ടിലെ അറിയപ്പെടുന്ന വളരെ യാഥാസ്ഥിതിക കുടുംബമാണ്. മലപ്പുറം ജില്ലയിലെ പാലക്കാടിന്റെ ബോര്ട്രിലാണ്. എന്റെ ഉമ്മ...
As she drove the 3 hours to the hotel where she was to meet Him for the first time, her thoughts raced to each and every phone call, e-mail or text conversation they had ever had. Remembering how easy it was for her to give in to him, to submit to him. How natural it seemed to respond to every request he asked of her. They had spent nearly a year conversing back and forth as she became more and more enthralled with him. As she drove there was not one moment of hesitation, fear or regret in her...
BDSMHey, babe here is the E-mail that you have been waiting for! I hope you enjoy it. It was the biggest game of the season; super bowl XLIX (49 if you find yourself unfamiliar with how Roman numeral work). Everyone had a lot riding on this game money, pride, dignity, and of course bragging rights. This was the biggest super bowl rematch in history Seattle Seahawks vs. The Denver Broncos in a head-to-head battle to claim the infamous Vince Lombardi trophy. Me, well you can say I went...
"Do you mind if we ask you something a bit … unusual?" the man asked, sitting down beside the stranger at the bar as the woman sat down on the other side with a smile. The stranger ran his eyes over her generous figure in the tight black dress, turned to him and said, "Go on." Without a pause the man said, "We're here on vacation, and we take it you're not from around here either." The stranger nodded. "Well, we've always been curious about having a threesome, and wanted to know if you were...
CHRIS’S STORY I had to tell Mom, of course, before she was blindsided by Laura. I told her everything, including the fact that Laura was turned on by what she saw. I figured her knowing that might help. Mom was furious with Emily, and with me for not warning her what Emily was thinking, but mostly with Emily. She wasn’t relieved by the fact that neither of us had said anything about sleeping with her. She knew that it would have to come out. There were a lot of phone calls back and forth,...
I went home and was planning what I could have for dinner when the doorbell rang. I wondered about that and went to answer it. I put the chain on and opened it a crack to see who it was. Rob’s angry visit from the night before, had me wary. The cameras up in the trees had enough memory to record for another day before I’d need to empty them, but that wouldn’t help me if he was there to shoot me. It wasn’t Rob though. It was Ted. I opened the door and looked at him wordlessly. He’d told me...
As I opened my eyes the next morning, I was startled to see Natalie facing me just inches from my face. "I I've been awake for half an hour," she said with a gentle smile. "I just didn't want my girl waking up alone." With that, she kissed me tenderly on the lips. We slowly got out of bed, and took turns in the bathroom. When I got out, I found that Natalie had laid out a pair of pink cotton panties for me to go along with one of her camisoles. I got dressed with my...
I was 17 and my parents let their best friend kevin babie sit me my mom worked double shifts and so did my dad so early that morning at about 3am kevin came to our house and my dad had already left work, my mom was heading out next so she gave me kisses and told kevin to make sure I ate and take my morning bath, so after she left and drove away he called me into the kitchen and asked me if I could cook him breakfast, I said sure, he was always nice to me but as I got older he start looking at...
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Tuck, Tuck, Goose! Copyright 1997 by Ellen Hayes. No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for...
After their encounter with the hideous river monster, they decided to avoid pleasuring one another while still in the forest. It was too distracting.Camp was disassembled rapidly. With a flick of her wrist, the ward evaporated and the grass-bed sank into the ground. Ari dropped the quivering sphere of water over the campfire.Once Alana had donned her armor they were off.The footprints led the two sisters over an undulating forest floor, through dense bushes, shallow river beds and meadows.Ari’s...
IncestMost people don't remember much of their lives before they were seven or eight. I can remember almost every detail of my life from the age of four on. I'm particularly fond of the years when I was four and five. The memories are particularly vivid fifteen years later. I cherish them and guard them like jewels, sharing them with no one. After all they're all I have to call my own. I drop to the floor and crank out twenty-five perfect pushups. Rising I do twenty-five squats. The mini...
Linda had known I was a porn userfor some time. At first she was shocked by it, although after catching me a number of timesher attitude had softened. Because of Lindas attirude to me watching porn I hadn't really thought that it was a possibility for her. That was until I was using her iPad one evening and had lost a page on the internet browser. I clicked into the history and through curiosity clicked on the last few day, nothing there of any note and then I remembered that she was very late...
Hi nanbargale, en peyar Ashik, vayathu 19 aagugirathu, en udan padikum nanban udan avan veetirku sendru irunthen. Avan amma ilamaiyaaga irunthaargal avargal kanavan veli naatil velai paarthu irunthaar. Naan selum pozhuthu amma matum thaan irunthargal, naan en nanban udan veetirku sendren. Avargalai muthal murai paarkum pozhuthu ena neengal ilamaiyaaga irukareergal paarka miga azhagaga irukareergal endru solinen. Ennai pasamaaga ule vara vetraargal, aunty en idam nandraaga pesi...
The grass cutting season in the south begins about April and last until November. As a college student, I decided to cut grass for extra income during the summer. So to build up a client list I drove around and looked for yards that needed attention. I offered to provide this service for 40 dollars. My first house knock was answered by a woman in her fifties. She was bueatiful and had aged well in my opinion. She excepted my offer, asked if I would consider working everyday for the first week,...
"Are you nervous?" Julie asked. "Um, yeah, a little bit" Scott replied. How could he not be? He's being set up on his first date with a man, after dating women all his life. Oh sure, he's always been curious about guys, but this was a big step. Julie knew her friend well, and knew he seemed unhappy with the women he'd been seeing lately. She always sensed her friend might be into guys, if given the chance. She had been helping him down this road, hinting that he should be open to new things and...
Susan was so happy. She had two boyfriends and they didn't even realize they were competing over her. For as long as she could remember she and her parent's had to scrape to get by. True, none of the family wanted for anything but there was no money for all the "necessary" extras. Long before Susan had listened to her mother when she told her a woman had to sell what she had dearly. When she questioned her mother she was told, "Honey love is fine when you are considering a man but you...
The bell announced the completion of my second week as a teacher. It was not my intent to teach high school students, but with the times being what they are, I accepted the only job I could find. ‘Miss Parker?’ The voice made me jump. I must have phased out there for a bit. When did the door to my room get closed? Why did the school seem so empty? The voice belonged to Darren Sloop. He sat in the middle desk of the third row. Aside from roll, I don’t think I’d ever heard him talk. ‘Miss...
As usual, the small coffee shop down the street from my apartment is packed and buzzing with the morning’s rush. Let’s Grind has always been my home away from home with its dark red walls, over stuffed couches, worn coffee tables, and the seemingly ingrained smell of freshly ground coffee beans. A sigh of contentment escapes from me as I lean back into the soft love seat. I can feel the morning rays of sunlight pouring in from the store front window bathing my skin in the most amazing warmth. I...
Love StoriesWe snuggle close while you catch your breath. Your hand cradles my cock loosely, the fingers of the other hand stroking gently up the underside. Your pussy is drenched with your wetness and my mouth, and the look on your face is hard to describe… one part satisfaction, one part dreamy and one part wicked grin. ‘That was amazing,’ you say finally. ‘I don’t know who taught you, but I want to shake her hand – and maybe eat her pussy, too.’ I give you a strained smile. My cock feels like it could...
Surprising her nephew (through marriage), Emma Hix shows up on Christmas morning in nothing but lingerie. Turned on by her sexy body, Tyler Nixon struggles to maintain his composure and resistance until Aunt Emma reveals that her husband, Uncle Shawn is actually gay and Emma is in need of a man’s cock. Tyler is shocked by the revelation but isn’t about to miss his opportunity at fucking someone as sexy as Emma and he quickly reaches between her legs and laps up her dripping wet...
xmoviesforyouHeather stood off to the side of the examination table, dressed again in the clothes she was wearing when she had arrived. She barely remembered taking them off, and remembered nothing of what had happened from there. Yet she felt a sense of euphoria, a gentle feeling of well-being through her entire body and mind. When Nyssa stepped in front of her, she smiled at her Mistress. Nyssa smiled in return and cupped one of Heather's cheeks. Heather closed her eyes and uttered a slow sigh of...
Chapter 1 Being a sixteen-year old male, there was one thing that was prominent in my mind: sex. I had a girlfriend at the time, she was a freshman in my high school, Debbie, and I'd finally gotten her to take off her top and bra. She had really pretty breasts, nice and firm and pointy with hard, dark red nipples that we both loved my sucking. She would also jack me off but didn't let me in below her waist. Of course, I tried but she was adamant. She told me she wasn't on the pill and all...
Hello friends this is Jack master 20 years old from Pune. I am a regular visitor to this site so thought to share my story with you which happened with me 10 months ago. Let me tell you about me. I am Pursuing my graduation from Pune University. This story is with neighbour lady. Let me describe you her details she is 5ft9inch tall and having figure about 38-34-38. She is full of flesh, white in colour, brown hairs and nice face. I cannot mention her name because she is still enjoying with me....
IncestMy name is Jason Gates. At 34, I’m the head of the R&D department at Biokines. You’ll probably never have heard of the company, because we’re very secretive and contract for the military. Let me tell you how I started. I was 22 when I started my Master’s degree in Biochemistry. I had a Bachelor in Science, and had a research interest in hormones, especially adrenaline and serotonin. For those not interested in science, these are the hormones that regulate our levels of excitement and...
In the first half of this story, I was telling my new friend Tammy about something mean I did to an acquaintance named Wendy. I was really enjoying the ego boost that I was getting from watching Tammy enjoy my true story. Tammy and I were both imagining how much we would enjoy it if Tammy were the woman I was having sex with.She started to openly masturbate on video chat while I continued the tale of being mean to Wendy.===Wendy:Did I mention that my wife is a troublemaker?"Do you mind if I...