Hartstein A Hartstein Story Chapter 2
- 2 years ago
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With everyone trying to recover from the avalanche of sex that the four had launched, Jim went to the kitchen and without asking, made everyone a much stronger drink, double shots of tequila for the girls and double scotches for the guys.
Celia, nude except for a Tee top she’d thrown on after her watching Paul fuck her friend, and occasional lover, Joanna. Both men remained nude, while Joanna had a towel draped across her lower extremities.
It wasn’t long before a second round was needed, and Paul got up to do the honors. As he poured the liquor into a fresh set of glasses, he asked the others, “What do we do next? I mean, I’m all for another session...” he pointed to his semi-flaccid penis and added, “but my friend, and yours...” he grinned and nodded at Joanna, “appear to be in need of a brief respite.”
Jim stood up and flipped his penis with two fingers and said, “My guy’s not dead, but he sure needs a transfusion of sorts ... I wonder, Joanna could you give me an energy transfusion?”
Everyone laughed, and as Paul brought the drinks back to the others, Joanna sank down to her knees, ready to comply with Jim’s request.
“Hey, hey,” Paul chirped, not revealing any rancor at Jim for asked Joanna for a blowjob. “Don’t make the poor girl waste all that sucking power on your limp dick. Let’s do something creative.”
“Like what?” Celia asked, showing interest.
“Mmmm, yeah,” Joanna said from her kneeling position.
“Well, we could all use some ... refresher time, so what if we entertained one another with how we had our first introductions to sex?”
“Ewe!” Celia gasped. “First times suck!”
“Oh now you’ve gone and spoiled the ending of your story!” Paul chided, obviously kidding her. Everyone, Celia included laughed at his quick response.
Paul waited a moment and then said, “What I meant was we tell about our initial sexual experiences. If the first time was a bummer, skip it and go to that really good first time. If we appear entertained by your story, keep going until you feel you have to stop.
Celia jumped in saying: “You mean like telling something that the others may not know about?”
“Yeah, that’s the idea,” Paul answered.
“Well then,” Celia said, “Me and my college roomie used to go down on each other, pretending Jim had just come in us.”
Jim nearly spat out his drink as the words left her mouth because that was not at all where he thought the conversation was going.
“Can you say that again?” Paul asked, leaning in closer. Celia’s blush was slight, but obvious, and he wondered if she had meant to say it out loud.”And for the record, who’s the ‘we’ you refer too?”
Celia brightened at the question, and quickly replied, “That would have been Jacqueline. Remember her guys? I don’t think Joanna ever met her. She left school during sophomore year. Preggers, you know?”
“I didn’t know...” Jim said.
“I never met her, at least I don’t recall having met her,” Paul said.
Celia was quick to pick up on her husband’s weak reply. “You didn’t know? Could you have been the one to knock her up?”
“Umm, Paul interjected, “This is going off track, guys.”
“I just want to know if Jim here, knocked up my roomie,” Celia was pissed, or appeared so.
Taking a deep breath, Jim answered his wife’s accusation. “No, I certainly didn’t knock her up. The closest thing to sex I ever had with her was bumping into her tits by accident when coming out of your bathroom one time. I didn’t know she was coming in at the same time I was going out.”
“I know,” Celia said with a smug smile. I just wanted to bust your balls, baby!”
“CELIA!” Jim yelled in exasperation. Joanna and Paul clutched each other while they laughed at the trick Celia had pulled on her husband.
“Is there any story here, Celia, or are you busting all our humps?” Paul inquired.
“Oh, yeah, sorry guys ... Jacqueline and I wanted Jim, you know, we girls fantasize. Anyway, we took turns, wondering what it would be like if we hooked up with you.”
“Now you tell me you were all hot for me!” Jim laughed and both women joined him.
“I used to make stories up, just to tease her ... I’d tell her I heard you getting it on with some girl a door or two down the hall, or that we’d just finished a quickie in the alley down the street. Jackie wanted to hear this shit ... can you believe it? I mean, I’m making it up as I go along and she knows what I’m doing, but still get’s hotter than a two dollar pistol from my telling her a piece of fiction.”
“People relate to fiction,” Paul said matter-of-factly, “I should know, I make a living at it.”
“Don’t I know it?” Celia said giddily. I mean like, I’d stumble into the room and tell her it had happened. Then I’d push her down onto my bed, my hand in her hair as she begged to hear more. By the time I felt her mouth on my thigh she was practically cumming and I was right behind her. She dove in, eating my pussy like she was crazy. ‘I can taste him’ she’d moan, fucking me with her tongue. ‘I can taste his cum inside you.’”
Paul leaned back and took a drink, wondering if he had been that clueless in school or on reconsidering the decent number of girls he’d had in college, perhaps it was the present day that he was being foolish.
“I wish you had told me, honey,” Jim finally said, kissing Celia’s fingers. “I mean, I might have been able to help.”
“It was just a fantasy, baby,” she said with a shrug. “Besides, it was the only way I could get her to go down on me. Sometimes you have to be creative.”
And that set the tone for the next forty-seven minutes.
Joanna broke her silence at that point to say, “Well I’m ready to fess up about my first time, or should I say times?”
“Tell us anyway you want too, Joanna.” Paul said softly, having noticed her hand clenching the towel on her lap.
“I guess everything started when I was in high school. Back then my ass and legs were already shapely, although my chest had barely started developing. My girl friends and I were coming home from a movie. It had started to rain and we didn’t want to walk, so we called Cynthia’s dad and he rescued us and picked us up in front of the theatre. In recent months I’d often caught him checking me out the sneaky way men, especially fathers do, which always creeped me out. Anyway, I wound up in the front seat sitting next to him. Cynthia and my other two girl friends were in the back. Why Cynthia wasn’t up front has always puzzled me, and I wondered if she and her father planed it that way.”
“Why would you say that?” Celia asked.
“Let me tell the story, please, Celia, okay?”
“Yeah ... sorry.”
“It was late and while the drive wasn’t all that long, we girls all lived a distance apart. That’s another reason why I wondered why I was sitting up front. Well, I didn’t have all that long to wonder about it.
We were all starting to fall asleep. Suddenly I felt Cynthia’s dad’s hand on my leg.” Joanna raised an eyebrow as she spoke her next words. “Of course, being smart ass high school girls, we just had to wear the shortest skirts possible. By that I mean, the max our parents would allow.
“So there I was looking down at his hand moving from my knee to the upper portion of my thigh. I coughed once to see if that would get him to take his hand off, but he pretended like nothing was happening.
I really was at a loss as what to do. I mean, had it been a high school senior, I’d have smacked the hand away. I was embarrassed, worse I didn’t want my girlfriends to wake up with me fighting Cynthia’s dad off. So I stayed silent.
Then his hand was under my skirt. As short as it was he wasn’t too far away from pay dirt, you know?”
I tried to stop him, but two things happened. One, he was stronger than me. Two, he lost control of the car and nearly wrecked it; but managed to gain control and just kept driving. His hand never left my thigh. I figured he’d rather kill us all than take his fuckin’ hand away, so I gave in.
“So there he was, hand between my legs. I tried to hold them together but, again, there wasn’t much I could do without waking everyone up. So I decided to just endure it, because I knew we’d be home soon.
He started rubbing my pussy through my panties. I felt helpless to stop him. It was humiliating. I felt even more humiliated when I started feeling pleasure from what he was doing to me.
Oh the bastard did quite the job on my clit. He knew what he was doing, He rubbed it and he tweaked it, had me wetter than I get in the shower. I had to bite my lip to stop from moaning,
and then my orgasm hit me. I couldn’t help moaning, but it was through clenched teeth and the radio was on, so my girlfriends didn’t wake up.
But I gotta tell ya, it was the most intense and pleasurable orgasm I had ever had. It lasted forever. My whole body shook, and I felt like a flood of pleasure flowed from my toes to the tips of my fingers.
And Cynthia’s dad knew it.
Later that year I lost my virginity. Yeah ... the fucking Prom, doesn’t everyone? He was a hunky college guy I’d just started dating. I suppose you want to know how he rated in the Richter Scale orgasm-wise ... so let’s just say it was okay. It didn’t hurt, but I didn’t get off either. Still, I was happy to no longer be a virgin.
“Just two more ... shall we say, incidents and I’m done. So ... in my school you had to get at least a C+ average in all your classes, or you couldn’t play sports. During my senior year I failed the mid-term math exam, and I was about to be kicked off the cheerleading squad. I felt like my life was ruined. I begged the math teacher, Mr. Jorgenson, to let me re-take the exam. He agreed, but he said I first had to take extra lessons after school, or else I’d probably just fail it again.
Now Sigmund the shrink might take issue with what follows; but what did I know at eighteen, anyway? Well, I knew how to tease guys and I impishly decided to tease Mr. Jorgenson during the after school study sessions.
Sooo, first day, first session, I wore a snug turtleneck that showed off my little girl apples, the mandatory short skirt, white tights and flats. Typical attire for the average teenage slut, right?”
I purposely fidgeted in my seat, crossing and re-crossing my legs and letting my skirt inch up my thighs. Mr. Jorgenson sat at his desk and quizzed me, all the while ogling my legs.
The next day I intentionally dressed like a school girl, knowing older men like Mr. Jorgenson liked that. I’d seen a recent copy of Hustler and followed the starlet’s dress to a T. Well I wore undies, she didn’t, but you see where I’m going with this, right?
There I was short pleated skirt, starched tailored blouse, knee high socks and saddle shoes. I had to endure my friend’s comments, “Saddle shoes? Ugh, where’d you find them?”
But it was worth it. The whole time I felt Mr. Jorgenson’s eyes on me. When I spoke he didn’t look at my face. Instead he looked at my mouth, like he was imagining what it would be like to kiss me, or feel my lips around his you-know-what.
It went on like this for three days. I have to admit, teasing him turned me on. It was thrilling to have this type power over him. Every night I played with myself to an incredible orgasm.
I came down to Earth on Friday when I re-took the test, but only got a C-. I was devastated, and knew I’d be kicked out of cheerleading. I was near tears when I felt Mr. Jorgenson’s hand on my arm. His eyes were on my chest. “I know cheerleading is important to you,” he said. “There might be something you can do to raise your grade ... if you can keep a secret.”
I felt his hand on my back, tracing along my bra strap. “I won’t do that,” I said warily. Teasing was one thing, but I wasn’t going to prostitute myself.
“No, no, not that,” he said hurriedly.
“Then -- what do you want?”
He looked nervous. Looking back, I know he planned all of this from the start, but he knew how much trouble he’d be in if he got caught.
“Do you swear you’ll never tell anyone?” he said. He tried to sound domineering, but I sensed his uneasiness. “If you say anything, I’ll deny it all and get you expelled. Getting kicked out of cheerleading will be the least of your worries.”
I nodded. I didn’t know what to expect, but his nervousness made me feel more confident, despite his threats.
“Take off your shoes,” he demanded.
“What?” looking bewildered.
“Please,” he practically pleaded, abruptly losing his domineering demeanor.
I stepped out of my flats. He ogled my feet, and then his eyes moved up my legs. “Turn around and walk to the wall, and then walk back slowly.”
I did as he asked. It was weird, but harmless. The entire time his eyes hungrily ogled my legs and feet.
“So beautiful,” he said longingly. “Now pull up your skirt.”
He saw the alarm on my face and quickly added, “I won’t touch you! I just want to look!”
He hadn’t touched me – other than briefly rubbing my back – and I could always scream or run away. The door was closed, but not locked. So I felt safe. I lowered my hands and raised my skirt.
“Please, more, and slowly,” he begged, when I stopped just below my panties.
I couldn’t believe the change in Mr. Jorgenson. Just moments ago he had been the dominating teacher. Now he was practically groveling at my feet. I couldn’t believe how much power I had over him. It aroused me. “Do you promise to give me an A?” I asked, wanting to test my new found power. “Not just for this test, but for the rest of the year?”
“Yes!” he agreed immediately. “Now, please, just raise your skirt, I want to see...”
I raised my skirt to my waist. My white tights weren’t quite opaque, so he could see through to my lacy bikini panties.
“Are you a virgin?” he asked, the words almost catching in his dry throat.
“No,” I answered truthfully. I wasn’t very experienced – having only done it once – but didn’t say that.
He moaned, like my confession had given him physical pleasure. He fumbled at his zipper, and took out his penis. It was hard, and he started whacking off, not taking his eyes off my crotch. The knowledge that I caused such a reaction in him made me flush with arousal. So when he asked -- “Can I touch you, just a little?” – I nodded my head. I wanted him touching me in a big way.
He covered my mound with his hand. “You’re so wet,” he said, and I knew it was true. I moaned when he rubbed me, desperately wanting the pleasure and release of my rapidly approaching orgasm.
Suddenly our roles were reversed again, with him having the upper hand. He rubbed me harder and faster, and I clung to him for support. He probably felt my breath against his chest as I panted into his shirt.
He knew I needed release, and that gave him confidence. “I knew you weren’t a virgin,” he hissed into my ear. “You’ve been teasing me on purpose, haven’t you?”
“Yeah,” I moaned. At that moment I would’ve said anything to keep him rubbing me, although in this case my admission was the truth.
He grunted, satisfied. “I knew it! You’re a dirty teasing slut, a cock teaser, admit it!”
Surprisingly, I found his taunting a real turn on. Instinctively I began playing along. “You’re right, I like to tease; it turns me on!”
He stopped playing with himself, and with that free hand, he groped my small breasts. “A slut, that’s what you are, and you fuck them after you tease them, don’t you slut, don’t you?” he sneered, rubbing my nipples through my blouse and bra.
Mr. Jorgenson’s rough handling of my pussy and breasts was too much for me and I came, shuddering through an almost violent orgasm. I collapsed into his chest, and he immediately began humping me. Wearing panties and tights, there wasn’t a chance he could penetrate me, which is good because I’m not sure I’d have the will to stop him. But he didn’t seem to care. In fact, he seemed to savor the feel of my wool tights against his penis. Within moments he grunted, and then I felt a warm wetness spreading over my tights.
“Oh, wow, that was soooo hot, Joanna,” Celia cooed.
“Damn right!” Jim agreed.
Paul shook his head, “This is turning out much better than I thought it would.”
“I’m not quite finished,” Joanna said with a wry smile.
“Continue on,” Paul said gallantly waving her on.
“Anyway, I graduated without letting Mr. Jorgenson go any further than he had ... although there were some days and nights I would have welcomed his cock, you know?
“But this is the part I’ve never, ever even hinted at to anyone that wasn’t there at the time. I can’t believe I’m going to tell you guys about it now!”
“C’mon, Jo, you’ve got me salivating,” Jim said. His erection had returned and was pointed at the ceiling. Joanna caught sight of it and licked her lips, but decided she had to finish the story.
Joanna took a deep breath, noticing that her chest was still a favorite object of attention of everyone in the room and felt a twinge of pleasure in her vagina.
Then she began. “Okay, of all things I was asked to house sit for Cynthia’s family. Her Dad of all people! I was to live there for a month while they went to Alaska as a reward for Cynthia’s graduating high school.
Illustrated version of this chapter available on request Paul was deep in thought as he reread the last two pages over again. It was ten after eleven on a Tuesday morning. He had been writing since six, and had two pages that were almost right to his way of thinking, when he heard the mailman approaching his front door, and then saw the letter drop from the mail slot onto the wooden floor. A letter not a bill? I don’t usually get letters … and it’s too thin to be another rejection slip. He...
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NovelsMason and Bridges creep through the wintery terrain using the snow dunes as cover. The Titan Armor they wear mimics the color of the snow further camouflaging them. They blend in so well with their surrounding environment they can probably walk out in the open and straight into the side entrance unnoticed. Mason is tempted to try just that, but it is Bridges that reminds him of Nash’s orders not to push anything to the limits. The suits allow both men to traverse the land quickly and...
This is my story of the time I helped my psych professor realize her craving for black men. I was in an introductory psych class with Ms K(I don't want to use her name and get her in trouble). Ms K was in her first year as a professor. She was really young and she looked younger than she was. She probably looking like she was 24-25. She always dressed to show off her assets.So one week we were covering human sexuality and in general sex. Ms K wanted us write a essay about our sexual experience....
So I knew my stepmom would be really horny after a while. ”see you soon Jon im heading to Chicago for 3 Weeks”. Ok bye dad I hugged him and left to my room. after about half an hour my stepmom grace walked in. ”hey Jon” . I looked up and said hello. This is going to be the first time your father leaves us alone and I think this will be a good time for me and you to get to know each other. Yea I think so to. ”good well im going to order a pizza for us to eat im to lazy to cook today. Ok. All I...
Growing up i had been rotten to my younger sister always breaking her toys getting her into trouble with our parents. when we reached teenage it switched to teasing her about no boy finding her attractive , but secretly lusted after her , Many time she caught me spying on her undressing. This is the story of how when in our early twenty's she got her revenge woke up in a daze vision blurred, the last thing i could remember was being at my sister's & her friends party & having a...
I rang dad and said I would home late as I was working late. I told him to eat something. After work I changed into my shirt and top outfit (sans bra) and headed off to see mum. It turned out she lived in a series of units on the other side of town. I found the right one and knocked on the door. A guy answered. He was surprised to see me. “Is Mrs Walton home” I asked. “No he said. She is shopping. I am Leon. Who are you?” I sized this guy up. The way he was looking at me spelt “sleaze”. “I am...
Introduction: the Girl has the power to control sexual desires. She has been kidnapped. Resume: The Girl, Mom and Dad have succeeded in stealing back the USB dongle that holds the only copy of a chemical formula that can turn every human into a sex maniac. But somehow the Girl has been kidnapped by an unknown enemy. Mom and Dad still havent got all the pieces of the puzzle. Mom and Dad couldnt comprehend what that horrible phonecall was really about. Had it been blackmail then there would have...
Replacement Wife - Part 1 My name is Alan Langing. My life is perfect. I had just finished my junior year of college. I have a fianc?, Faith, I loved and she loves me. I had just proposed to Faith. We are very happy together. We enjoyed each other's company. We always laugh and smile to each other. Our sex life was amazing. We just rented an apartment together. I could not imagine life getting better. I just finished a poker night with my buddies. It was a long night. It was at my b...
Frankie clattered down the short hallway in his high heels with Valerie close behind. Dressed as he was in his high heels, seamed black stockings, black lace panties with matching garter belt and bra, he looked like a young woman in a very big hurry. And indeed, he was. Dressing in this tantalizing and very feminine lingerie, having his make-up done to perfection and then seeing himself in the full-length mirror had been all too much for the poor young man to take. His throbbing...
Chapter 3 The following morning I woke up to a wonderful tingling sensation running down from my breasts to my pussy. I opened my eyes to watch Max looming over me. He was sucking on one of my nipples while leisurely sliding his finger in and out of me. I felt too lazy to say anything, so I ran my fingers through his hair to indicate that I was awake. Max looked up at me without stopping what he was doing and appeared to smile. He withdrew his finger from my pussy and offered it to me. I...
I guess I get to write about the rest of our fun at Great Wolf with Gavin. We all talked and Gavin told his parents that we were going to hang out and then he was going to stay in our room that night. Both of our parents were ok with it but they gave us a 10:30 curfew and they made it clear that when 10:30 came we were to be in the room and we weren’t to leave it and run around. So, on our 2nd from last night staying at Great Wolf, after having dinner with our parents and spending more...
Chapter Eighteen: Mommy's Incestuous Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Eve “Dusk” Michael A shiver ran through me as Gina, the bitch who lived next door who used to pick on both of me and my little sister June, now leaned forward to press her face into my pussy and drink my piss. I held up my skirt, shivering while Dad, June, and her friend Britney watched. Gina's brown hair rubbed into my thighs. She was dressed as a sexy maid, Mom's...
It was a dream come true, thought Lenny unlocking the door. He'd planned for it, saved for it, and now it was a reality. He and Sue were sharing a vacation together in a motel apartment just a few blocks up from Long Beach. He'd been tracking Sue ever since she came to work at the same place he did, but he hadn't found her an easy catch. Even by LA standards, Sue was a spectacular looking woman. She was tall, with shoulder-length hair. Her eyes were a lovely blue, like bits of violet...
Fleet Admiral Hackett observed the utterly destroyed Citadel, still orbiting Earths atmosphere. He had managed to establish contact with the inactive space station. Specifically, with one Armando Owen-Bailey, a Commander of C-Sec, who sent out a distress call Hackett picked up. Communication was fuzzy but Bailey seemed to understand Hacketts request after receiving the NavPoint to Shepards last known location. He was to find Shepard. Or recover the corpse. The Admiral hoped, for humanity's...
I slept well, even if I was in a very uncomfortable cot and had a hot dog in my cunt. My mouth tasted like cum and pussy. In spite of the turmoil running through my head, I slept like a log. It had been a long day for me and very tiring. But as usual, when I woke up, I had to pee. I knew better than to try to get out of the closet before they woke up and allowed me out. If I was caught out, they would punish me. So, I laid and waited, concentrating on trying not to piss in my cot. I thought...
I was spending my third night out of town, supporting a very bad stressing business trip. Worst of all, I was horny as hell, since I had not fucked my sensual Ana in those days.On the other hand, I was pretty sure that my sexy babe would be now in her Black Master’s bed, being fucked in a very wild way.That bastard nigger would also fuck her in that nice tight ass…After having some light meal for dinner, I went back to my hotel. I was really tired and just wanted a relaxing warm shower and some...
Carol was drunk, but she didn’t care. It wasn’t her fault—a bottle of Chardonnay and two rum cocktails did that to a girl. Jack and Gary promised it wouldn’t turn into a business dinner—but that’s what they always said. Carol usually spent dinner gossiping with Gary’s wife, Tina. But the babysitter had cancelled at the last second, and Tina stayed home instead. So Carol was all alone with two would-be global tycoons. Who could blame her for drinking a bit more than usual? “If we go for...
I am 35 years and old, married with two kids aged 12 and 7 years. My husband stays away from home because he is in defense services. He visits around once in 3 months time, and for a period of 2 weeks time. During which time we are busy partying and having sex. But much remains unfulfilled, and hardly has time to fantasize and fulfill my intense desires for experimental sex. Many times I have stopped experiencing orgasms, because we do not feel mentally very close. I have a happily married...
It’s been 30 minutes since my boyfriend walked out the door, leaving me with a vibrator in my hand and instructions to await his return with it inside me and turned onto the maximum setting. An involuntary moan escapes my lips as I sit at my desk in my sexiest black lace lingerie; a mostly see through bra that makes my boobs pop, and a tight G-string that is keeping the vibrator firmly in place inside my already soaking pussy. I shift in my seat as I try to focus on the screen in front of me...
MasturbationO, for that warning voice, which he, who saw The Apocalypse, heard cry in Heaven aloud, Then when the Dragon, put to second rout, Came furious down to be revenged on men, Woe to the inhabitants on earth! - Paradise Lost by poet John Milton In the forest outside of El Toro, rest the remains of a B-1B Lancer long range bomber where it had fallen from the sky long ago. The plane is scattered in many pieces, its wings torn asunder, but for the most part the fuselage sits intact, except...
James stood with a massive grin on his face, naked, his impressive man hood at attention. Across the room sitting on the couch, with a small coffee table between them, was his mother, who was bound and gagged. Never in his life did he think it would come to this, though he felt no remorse at that moment, only lust, only power. James was very glad that he had this new power, though he didn’t know where it had come from, not that it mattered. He was also glad that he gained something else new...
Mind Control“I’ll raise a dime, Patty said. Antonia had bet a dime, Patty raised and I folded. It was our Saturday poker game; we played from noon to five. Dime, quarter poker, no one won much no one lost much but we had fun. There used to be four of us but Cassandra’d moved to Georgia; we’d never replaced her. Antonia Santiago, Patty O’Casey and me, Gil Roister, we played at my house each Saturday. I supplied the premises; the gals brought a snack and their drinks. Today they’d brought pizzas. Patty had...
Erotic FictionThe Nymph paused, looking back at the metal conveyance that retained only three of her kin, unsure if she could continue. Her sister Fain had brought her to this abode for her to mate with the young mortal male inside but she felt so much inside; Pain, sickness, poisons and love. Ignoring the questioning look of her sisters, she turned back to the abode. Yes, love. There was an abundance of love coming from the abode and most of it was from her proposed Bondmate. She chirped as a smile invaded...
Helen sah ihren Sohn ungl?ubig an, starrte dann wieder auf das Testament ihres vor 2 Wochen verstorbenen Ehemannes, den sie einmal sehr geliebt hatte. Ihre Gedanken jagten sich, was sollte sie nur tun? Ihr Mann hatte sich das Leben genommen, er kam nicht mehr mit ihren vielen Seitenspr?ngen zurecht. Nun wusste auch Tim davon. Er schien seine Mutter regelrecht zu hassen. Zu hassen daf?r, dass sie Schuld am Tode seines Vaters war, wegen ihrer vielen Seitenspr?nge.?Tim, das kannst du unm?glich ernst ...
Twenty One By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter 8 "So how's our prom queen feeling this morning, honey?" Tara asked, looking down on Bobbi as he rolled over feeling for his lover waking up. "Oh hi Tara," said Bob, not wanting to move. "I guess you had some night?" said Tara, sitting on the edge of the bed. "You could say that," said Bob, tossing his arms up over his head, exhausted. "Could I?" smiled Tara. "I mean I guess Miss Barbie did all right?" "Well...
“Hey,” Xavier’s hands are in his pockets and his eyes areglued to the ground. The word barely leaves his lips. “What are you doing here?” I demand. I avoided talking to him after the filming and I went home, I didn’t plan on seeing him again. “I need to talk to you,” Xavier says. “Come in,” I open the door wider and let him into my house. Sure we fucked, but he’s still a complete stranger. He might be a stranger to me, but not to my thoughts. Xavier sits down at the bar in the kitchen. I...
Straight SexTHE ADVISOR OF EXECUTIONS 21st of Rajab 1417 (December 3, 1996) Tariq waited for Asif Mohammed, Advisor of Executions for the Islamic council. Tariq hosted a dinner for this very dear friend who returned from a successful tour of India, Malaysia, and Indonesia. When he arrived, Asif looked ill, but his wife was buoyant, radiant, and talkative. She and Samira sat close together, while Tariq and Asif stood stiffly with warm tea. Asif dressed in a cotton kurta and topee, while Tariq was...
It was a hot Sunday in July. We had just gotten up after a night full of wonderful sex. We didn’t have anything to do and the kids were at their grandparents'.“Well?” she asked. She was walking around the house with nothing on but a smile.“Well, what?” I said. “I’m not going to stay in this house all day. We need to get out and do something.”I thought about it for a few minutes and said, “Alright, how about we take a ride to the beach and have some lunch."She thought about it for a few...
Wife LoversThe education system was deteriorating and something had to be done very fast, hence officials from the high office on the government met behind close doors to come up with a solution. Their education system were no longer yielding results, pupils failed their final exams in many numbers now. Number of college and university entrance was at its lowest. These was going to be an economical burden in not so distant future, as these c***dren were the future of the country. It was discovered that...