ΔvChapter 14 free porn video

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Lucas sat on the bridge of the Enterprise and frowned at the orbital chart. He was reminded, obscurely, of one of the many shitty 20th and 21st century spec-fic shows that Helen had crammed down his eyes during the long, slow, stately voyage to Arcadia. It felt like a thousand years before, like a lifetime ago. It was a time where magic was relegated to vidscreens, and where cheap effects that could clearly be seen on modern resolutions wobbled around and pranced to even cheaper, synth’d up music.

The episode in question had involved an engineer, trying to stop a moon from crashing into the surface of a planet. A godlike being who had been forced to be human for contrived reasons had, in irritation, exclaimed: “Just change the gravitational constant of the universe!”

The joke, of course, being that while such things were easy for the godlike being, they were quite beyond the crew of the fictional starship. At the time, Lucas had mostly been blind stinking jealous of a ship that could travel faster than the speed of light, create artificial gravity without rotation or acceleration, and seemed to be able to turn on a dime without expending propellant or reaction mass. Hell, he’d been jealous of the fact everyone involved had been able to fit properly into their nearly skintight uniforms without ever needing to be shown working out.

Now, of course...

“The ritual’s starting, sir,” the communication officer on duty said. Captain DuPont nodded back to him – and the screen at the front of the room switched from the camera view of the Ceres worksite to the habitat dome that had been thrown over one of the craters. The camera filled with washes of static, while several figures in crudely fitted spacesuits shook staves over their heads and chanted words that Lucas half understood.

Helen grabbed onto the small workstation that Lucas was using, grinning as she levered herself to sit against the wall.

“It’s pretty great being Lord Winsom, you know,” she whispered to him. “You can’t believe how hard those elves bitched until I gave them orders to shut up and fucking do it.”

The ritual buzzed even more – and the camera filled with static. When it cleared, the elves were all sagging, but they were sagging in that queer, boneless float of the very tired in microgravity. The whole ship shuddered. He could feel it, deep in his bones. A sensation that the ground upon which they were seated had shifted. The bridge was, properly, situated near the core of the Enterprise. That meant that it was in the same microgravity as the rest of the surface habitations on Ceres – and that very minute gravitational pull had kept it pressed firmly against the array of scaffolding that turned the Enterprise into one of the hundreds of makeshift thrusters that would be pushing the dwarf planet in the next few hours.

But even with thousands of thrusters, each with theoretically infinite reaction mass in the form of summoned water, Ceres was nine times ten to the twentieth power kilograms. It was nine hundred kilometers wide. It was, in effect, another smaller moon. Humanity could have spun it. Humanity could have shaped it.

But they never, never in their history, pushed it.

Until now.

The order couldn’t have been given or punched in by human hands. Instead, one of the admirals had given a nod to a tech, and that tech had thumbed down a switch, and that switch had triggered a hastily thrown together bit of programming that set each thruster online at the same moment. The ships were all mature pieces of technology, when it came to their programming and operational structures. This meant that only ten percent didn’t fire at the same time, and only two of them had major crashes that required their operating systems to be rebooted and fucked with for a few hours before they came to sputtering, hissing life.

The end result was within the parameters that Lucas and the rest of the logistic officers throughout the fleet, had worked out.

Ceres began to move. In fact, it began to move with worrying rapidity – with its mass partially negated and with an entire fleet’s worth of thrusters, it began to slowly curve in its orbit. Orbital dynamics were sometimes quite complex. In this case, with a surfeit of ΔV and the laws of physics broken over their knees like a cheap tablet, it was very simple. By accelerating, they turned Ceres’ orbit into an increasingly elongated parabola – then by burning again, along a tangent, that parabola would intersect with Earth’s orbit within the next month.

The Earth, the Moon, and Ceres would whip past one another like a bullet fired between a pair of dancers – though Ceres, by that point, would likely be glowing from the amount of nuclear ordinance that would have struck it. Abandoning their shield, the fleets of free humanity would engage in the single largest fast pass attack in the history of solar systems. Without time to decelerate, the fleet would simply drop their nukes, fire their lasers, and throw as many railgun slugs as possible at a safe angle, to strike the undead ships without peppering the Earth’s inhabited surface.

And, while zipping past, the marines would be taking advantage of yet another piece of magic.

Magic that Lucas would take part in. He tried to not think about that.

Instead, he watched with trepidation as the orbital charts shifted.

Helen, her hand reaching out, tweaked his ear. “Hey,” she said.

Lucas looked over at her.

“You’re not going down with the marines,” she said, smirking. “That’s my job.”

Fireheart had been rather blunt about it: The elves of the Faelands would, of course, be following Lord Winsom into battle, to earn their new stories. The of course, had been given while glaring daggers at Helen. Helen had managed to not snort and roll her eyes. So, there was that. Lucas put his hand over her hand, squeezing gently.

“I saw what being a material focus did to Vidya,” he said, quietly.

“Did you know, I heard that she’s getting it from Prince Qasim?” Helen asked, grinning. “Like, getting it hard.”

“Vidya? Banging Qasim” Lucas snorted. “Yeah. Right.”

Vidya ducked her head forward, pressing her face against the pillow, her fingers digging into the sheets as a cock slammed into her sex. Again. And again. And again. She swore, she felt it brushing against the depths of her womb, and it felt divine. Her eyes closed and she muffled her moan by biting down on the cheap pillow, while scaled hands gripped her hips and Hua leaned over her, growling in her ear. “Your pussy feels real nice, Dr. Rachna,” he murmured. Vidya threw her head back, moaning loud enough to echo off the walls of the tiny stateroom that Prince Qasim had been given. On the Enterprise, the rotating living quarters gave them gravity. Which meant there was none of that awkward fumbling that sex in microgravity could end up involving.

Instead, here she was, naked, sweating, dripping with her own arousal, while being fucked absolutely silly by a goddamn dragon and it felt fucking amazing.

Hua’s moans grew sharper and more eager, his breath hot against the back of her neck as he slammed into her harder, harder, faster, faster. His balls rebounded off her clit again and again, each percussive impact sending new sparks before her eyes. Vidya’s fingers clenched tighter against the sheets and she moaned. “Sukhdeep!” She threw her head back, trembling as her orgasm struck her, her cunt clenching hard on the thick, lizardish cock that filled her. At the same time, Hua moaned his own pleasure, his tail whipping from side to side. She felt his cum pulsing into her – filling her like the hot, molten core of a volcano.

Vidya, even as she struggled to breathe after her little death, tried to die a real death. A death of embaressment. She buried her face against her pillow and felt tears of shame filling her eyes. Hua remained inside of her, his cock throbbing, his cum escaping from her well fucked pussy, and for a long, long moment, the silence stretched. Vidya could barely believe she was even here. After the long, crushing mundanity of her work on Ceres – work that felt as disconnected from her chosen profession, her chosen life, as anything she had ever done – to be swept into the orbit of a literal prince and his literal dragon companion had been...


The fact that was now a pun made her want to groan.

Instead, she remembered sitting with Hua, in this very room, as Hua discussed with her ... everything, it seemed. He had listened to her talk about her husband. About how they had met, how they had fallen in love, how they had been separated. He had even listened to her talk about her Venusian research, and his work with quantum physics and FTL travel on Janus, before that moon had become twisted apart and inverted into the portal that was now the link between Stark and Arcadia. And when the talking had turned to tears, he had gently taken her in his arms and hugged her tight. Then there had been the kissing ... and the desperate, frantic tearing of clothes, and the fucking.

And now, she had moaned her husband’s name while another man’s cum dripped from her cunt.


Then Hua let out a little giggly snort. “Uh, if you wanted, I could have looked like him, but that would have felt really crass.” He sounded like he was grinning. Then his teeth, gently nipping, touched her ear and his voice became a playful croon. “But I take the high compliment that you’ve given me. After all...” He licked her ear, meditatively. “I’d have to be pretty good to make you think of your husband, right?”

Vidya giggled, despite herself. She turned her head aside, whispering. “Sorry.”

“I mean, I’ve had sex with widows before, I kinda know how it works,” Hua said, with his blithe, casual confidence. He slid from her with a slow groan, then sprawled beside her, his body glowing and shifting as he transformed from his muscular, well formed lizardman body – the form that Vidya had to admit was the most ... masculine ... and into his lithe, skinny, human form. His hair tousled around his face, and looked soaked through with sweat. Vidya laid her hand on his chest, enjoying the contrast between her darker skin and his lighter.

The door to the room opened and Prince Qasim entered without a knock or a pause. The pause came when he looked at the bed – at Vidya, at Hua, and at the cum dripping from her sex and along her thigh. Vidya grabbed the blanket and tried to tug it over her body with a mild squeak – while Hua said: “Hey Qasim! Vidya is a really good lay. Cushy. Squishy. Soft. And she’s super easy to fluster. Also, I think she has never tried anal, so-”

Qasim put his hand over his face. “Hua,” he said. “Dr. Rachna ... my apologies for entering my room without knocking.” He bowed his head to Vidya, stepped backwards, then closed the door. Just before the door whisked shut, Vidya was sure she heard a female voice giggling.

“I want to die,” Vidya moaned, turning her head and pressing it to her pillow.

“I can fuck you again,” Hua said, cheerfully. “You came pretty close to reaching heaven with my cock in you...” His finger gently circled her clit, his hand darting down to stroke her. Vidya moaned and squirmed, her thigh spreading despite the tired ache that suffused her body. She lifted one leg up into the air and Hua began to gently finger her well fucked pussy, his thumb rubbing her clit as Vidya bit down on the back of her wrist to stifle herself. She was unable to help herself, Hua just ... was so confident – and then she shuddered as his finger crooked against her center of pleasure.

He was fucking good at it too.

“Hua!” Qasim’s voice barked through the door. Either he had heard her, despite her attempts to be quiet ... or more likely, Qasim knew his draconic companion quite well.

“Pout,” Hua said, drawing his fingers – slippery with her arousal and his own spunk – out of Vidya. “Finnnnne!” He licked his finger clean, then slipped from the bed, helping Vidya to her feet. Vidya dressed, steeled herself, and managed to walk through the door without bursting into flames as Prince Qasim and Ning, his lover, watched her go. Ning gave her a smile and a nod, as if she knew exactly what it was that Vidya had just enjoyed – and the image of the muscular, tough Chinese woman pinned between Qasim’s chiseled body and Hua’s malleable form flashed into Vidya’s mind. She hurried through the decks of the ship and came to the laboratory.

Mohammad was there.

Because of course he was.

She stepped over cautiously, still feeling the warmth of Hua’s cum in her belly, and took a glance at what her friend was doing – her brow furrowing as she saw that he had what looked like bog-standard silicates in a jar, with several oblong sensor aparatuses surrounding it. He was tapping at the keyboard, frowning as results scrolled past. Vidya took a seat next to him, trying to sound casual. “Hey,” she said.

“Hello Vidya,” he said, his voice warmth – any awkwardness from her attempt to seduce him clearly far in the past. He regarded her ... and to her shock, a tiny, playful little smirk crossed his lips. “Are the rumors I’m hearing true?” He leaned forward, his voice soft. “The crew have been murmuring about your visit to Prince Qasim’s chambers.”

“This ship has too many people on it for its own good,” Vidya’s voice grew dark. “Fine! Yes! I’ve been fucking a dragon.”

Mohammad chuckled, softly – but she saw that his cheeks were darkening. “Well, I wish you joy of it,” he said, casually, or as casually as he could manage.

“Not going to get judgmental or...” Vidya shook her head. “No, sorry. That’s unfair. You’ve been nothing but a good friend to me, Mohammad...” She put her hand over her face.

“There are some that may take a hardline,” Mohammad said, shrugging one shoulder. “But the fact I cannot go to Mecca without a radiation suit shows that sometimes, a hard line is less important than the subtler truths of a creed. And the Prophet said that humans are, at the end of the day ... good.” His lips quirked. “Even if they are somewhat forgetful of God. And if God is so displeased with you for, ah, spending time with a dragon, well...” He shrugged one shoulder. “I’m sure that he can find it in himself to forgive you, if he can forgive the rest of us.”

Vidya blushed. Hard. “Thanks.”

Silence passed between them and Vidya frowned at the silicate. “What are you researching anyway?” she asked.

“Ah, it’s from Ceres,” Mohammad said. “I’m studying it to see if the mass reduction that our fae friends have accomplished is diffused or specific – and as it transpires, it is specific. The instant this mass was removed from Ceres, it began to exist once more. Though it is somewhat hard to measure a kilogram’s worth of difference.”

“Fascinating,” Vidya murmured.

“It-” Mohammad stopped – frowning. The screen that displayed the readouts from the analysis he was managing flickered. A cloud of hissing static flared through the screen and when it had passed, the analysis looked as if someone had taken the GUI elements and bent them into odd shapes, folding and crumpling them. Letters glowed out of their place, molded into a wild pattern that, only after a few seconds of fierce examination, turned into words: COM LASER NA – DR S.R

The screen blurred with static again – and the GUI was once more normal.

“That looked like one of the hauntings,” Mohammad said.

“Sukhdeep,” Vidya whispered – her guts knotting with guilt. “He was sending us a message.”

“Yes, com laser NA...” Mohammad looked at her. “North America?”

“It has to be,” Vidya said, nodding. She stood. “We have to talk to the Captain – to the Admirals. Right now.”

Cinder laid flat on her belly, the binoculars pressed to her eyes. She had to give it to the humans ... they damn well knew how to work with glass. She had, as a sellspell, used looking glasses. Often, they were cheaper and faster and easier to use than a scrying spell. But unlike the crystal clarity of a scrying spell, a looking glass was wobbly. Some even showed images that were fully upside down, rather than the proper sight that she had wanted to see.

But this?

This was like standing a good five hundred paces closer to the undead. They swelled before her eyes, and she didn’t even feel the twinging pain from the lights they stood beside. The forest was plunged into deepest night, and the undead had glowing purple flames to illuminate their workplace – but the binoculars had some kind of trick to them that kept the light from hurting her eyes. Cinder was not about to complain, even as, beside her, Lata checked over her rifle.

“Do you know what they’re doing, my umber beauty?”

Cinder lowered the binocuars and looked over Lata – who was rolling her eyes – and at Madeleine Lecuyer. The tall, middle aged woman looked utterly unconcerned about the fact that she was alone in the woods with about ten other French partisans, armed with what weapons they could steal from or borrow from the local rural homesteads. It was a motley collection of deliberately stripped down hunting rifles, rifles that Madeleine claimed could have fit in perfectly with her great great great grandmother when she had fought some people called the Cabbage Heads.

Cinder sometimes wondered if her fucking translation spell worked.

Lata shot Madeleine a lowering glare that bounced off the Frenchwoman as if she was made of steel, while Cinder did some mental math. “If this is like the last factory, they’re preparing it for a spell that will ... hold up...” She lifted her binoculars. Another group of undead were heading for the factory, walking casually along the road. “What the hell...”

“What is it?” Lata whispered.

But Cinder was not quite sure. It was just that something felt...


The two groups of undead turned to face one another. The plan had been that their weapons, enhanced by Cinder’s magic, would take the undead down and they’d be able to get close enough to blow the factory. No one believed the propaganda that the Dark Lord was putting out about bringing a world free of labor and strife – at least none of the people who were part of Madeleine’s partisan band. Cinder definitely did not. She remembered the stories of the Dark Lord bringing down her people’s homeland, to access the magical power within more easily. She pursed her lips.

“We should fall back,” Lata said, quietly.

“The professional gets wet feet, eh?” one of the other partisans whispered.

“None of you have ever fought as an underdog, have you?” Kaleb grumbled from where he was crouched. The orc had taken to rifles with the same casual skill he had taken to other forms of weaponry. He hadn’t complained about any residual effects from the magic that had boomaranged his age back and forth, but Cinder still felt a small knot of guilt in her gut – not only about the magic that had connected them together, but also about the simple fact that Kaleb had pined for Lata since the moment they had met ... and yet, the scarred Russian captain was definitely more sapphic than she was straight.

And fucking me, Cinder thought as she lifted her binoculars. The ghosts and skeletons were speaking to one another.

The violence that erupted was so fast that she nearly missed it. One second, a ghost was pointing at the skeleton that had ambled down the road. The next, the skeleton was bringing their sub-machine gun up and firing from the hip. The harsh, ripping sound of the flechettes spraying into the air, striking the ghost in the midsection. The bullets had clearly been enchanted. Ectoplasm flew in every direction and the two other ghostly guards of the factory scrambled for their weapons, but pistols and SMGs put them down for good.

The skeletons started into the factory.

“What in hell?” Madeleine hissed.

Lata stood, with effortless grace. She held her rifle to her chest and jerked her head. “Come on!” She hissed – and the partisans followed after her, loping after Lata while Cinder forced herself up and started forward. Cinder didn’t know how to use a magjile – which was why Kaleb was certainly better with a rifle than her. So, instead, she primed one of her spells, whispering the first few words of an incantation, to bring the spell to her palm. There, she let it hang, a sizzling bead of white light at the tip of each of her fingers.

There were twenty undead in the factory now – but they were focused on their task. Ten skeletons were unloading heavy satchels from the wagon they had dragged to the factory, while the other ten were within the factory proper. All of them snapped their glowing eyes up as gunshots began to ring from the line of trees, Lata being the first to drop into a kneeling position. At the range she had picked, she couldn’t have missed, and the spray she fired took three skeletons apart. The real strength of the bullets she fired wasn’t in their kinetic damage, as there was no flesh to rip or tear through. Instead, it was the spell that Cinder had carefully placed on every rifle.

That spell flared golden, and when the light faded, the skeletons were crumbling to ash, their cries of alarm dying in their undead throats.

Two partisans rushed for the front door and one fell, blood exploding from his chest, his rifle clattering to the floor. The skeleton that had shot the ghosts was standing in the doorway, his SMG in one hand. He was wearing an armband, Cinder saw – but she had no time to think. Instead, she thrust her fingers at him.

Three darts of light shot outwards and slammed through his skull at the same moment he pulled the trigger. The SMG kicked and a trio of flchettes thunked into the tree beside Cinder, quivering, the bark splintering and spraying her with a fine patina of wooden chunks. The skeleton dropped, but the partisans were none too eager to enter the factory proper. Cinder let the spell in her hand fizzle out, then began to hiss and whisper. Her palms touched together and she breathed out an growling snarl. Golden flames exploded from within the factory, the unmistakable light of holy wrath.

The skeletons sprinted out, several of them screaming. The withering crossfire of the partisan’s hunting rifles caught them, hung them in the air for a single hideous moment, then let them drop upon the ground, their bones turning to ash and blackness. Panting, Lata stepped away from her firing position as the flames winked out.

“What was that?” she asked.

“You’re not a paladin, Cinder,” Kaleb said, chuckling. “Or did you get religion when I wasn’t paying attention?”

“Illusory images are easier to conjure than actuality,” Cinder said, breathing a slow, shuddering sigh out. Then she shook her head and ran towards the man that had been shot in the chest. She frowned – but he was already dead. In the darkness of the forest, she could hear someone being noisily sick. Madeleine stepped over to whoever it was, touching their back, murmuring softly in French outside of the ring of the translation spell.

“Are the fuckers fighting each-other now?” One of the partisans asked.

Lata, wordlessly, knelt beside one of the satchels. She yanked it open and frowned at the collection of cans and wires within. “This is a jerry rigged explosive – fertilizer, common chemicals. They’d need, well, that whole wagon to bring the factory down.” She frowned, hard at the door, as if she was expecting the factory to answer her questions. Cinder shook her head.

“This doesn’t make any sense,” she said.

“Well, it seems that me and my ancestor have more in common than I thought,” Madeleine said, stepping over to the skeleton that Cinder had killed. She yanked the armband off and held it up, pinched between two fingers, as if it was particularly distasteful and she didn’t want to touch it more than she had to. She held it out and Cinder looked, without comprehension, at the crimson color and the faintly Vedic symbol that was crudely daubed on with black paint.

“Fascists?” Lata asked. “The Dark Lord doesn’t talk like a fascist on his propagandist. He talks more like a communist – even if he’s bringing it with the barrel of a gun. His skeletons wearing a swastika makes as much sense as him blowing up his own factory.” She stood. “Cinder, you know the undead. How would this happen?”

“It shouldn’t,” Cinder said, walking slowly towards the factory. She furrowed her brow as her eyes swept around the interior – she could see the daubed patterns of magic on the floor, the ceiling. She may have been a simple sellspell, but she could tell the gist of what the arcane rituals within were meant to do. And seeing them made her stomach tighten. She chewed her lower lip as Lata stepped up to stand beside her – then Lata shoved her back and snapped her rifle up, one handed, in the same movement. Cinder stumbled and almost fell onto her ass – while Lata barked.

“You! There! Out! Hands up!”

When Cinder peeked around the door, she saw a pair of shimmering, ghostly hands thrusting out from through a closet doorway. A few seconds later, a ghostly woman stepped through the door. She looked as if he was a step or two above the completely mindless undead ... but there was something very unusual going on with him. Cinder tried to place what exactly it was as Lata and the rest of the partisans moved forward, ringing the ghost with firearms rather than taking him and trussing him up. Kaleb helped Cinder right herself somewhat, and Cinder leaned slightly against him as she thought.

Then it clicked.

The ghost’s eyes lacked any sign of submission or control. There was only the raw, animal terror of...

Well, a human being whose coworkers had just been shot to death and who was now surrounded by a gang of ruffians with guns. She looked as if he had been flung from the fire to the frying pan, and Lata did not look like she was ready to be gentle. “Can you speak?” she asked, her voice flat as she slung her rifle over her shoulder, the strap hanging tight to her. The ghost nodded, mutely. “What are you doing here?”

“I-I’m ... my name is ... I have a name,” the ghost whispered. “My name is Belinda. I died in 2101, in a car crash. And I was set to make this factory run itself, with magic. Well, that’s what I think I was doing. But then there were two voices in my head, then one voice, and it said something about how I was free, but also, to be wary of ... and then the voice went away, and then there were the skeletons, and they were shooting...” The ghost was starting to hyperventilate, despite the fact that she was dead and didn’t need to breathe.

Lata turned to face Cinder. “How would someone take control of the undead from the Dark Lord?”

Cinder chewed her lower lip. “By claiming his phylactery. But that would...”

The pieces clicked into place.

Her eyes widened.

“They’d have to kill him.”

Annie paced back and forth. The song of the undead was gone – there was just herself, in her head. And the wait. Reports were coming in to the shambles of the undead administration that Dale and her had made. She had freed each of the generals that had been chained to her and spoken to them earnestly about what needed to be done ... and to her shock, almost every single one had decided to stick with her. She still felt like every time she turned around, they should have all fled, having come to their senses. Instead, they were organizing the disparate, confused masses of the undead that were still under her control.

The undead she had freed.

Mordechai watched her pace. “You did the right thing, Annie,” he said.

“Oh, yeah, the right thing,” she said. “I just threw a wrench into our logistic organization at the same time that an evil Nazi is trying to claim power. And people are scared and they’re confused and I don’t know what to tell them.” She put her hands over her face. “And it should only take eight minutes for the response to come back from the fucking fleet, why haven’t they sent a response yet?” She turned to the ghostly, vague figure that hovered in the corner of the room. “You sent them the message, right Sukhdeep.”

Sukhdeep was the strangest ghost that she had ever met. Most ghosts were more ... present. But there was a vauge, half-there quality to him, even after she had breathed some necromantic energy into him. The bands of magic that would have transformed him from a ghost to a revenant or something similar had instead skidded off his shoulders and left him just as he was. And his communication was always distant and twisted, as if it was bouncing through a corridor of mirrors, rather than whispered merely from beyond the grave.

But he was still willing to work with Annie. At least...

She thought that he was.

She was pretty sure he was nodding.

“I do kind of wish you hadn’t fucked things up in the first place...” She muttered softly as she turned away from Sukhdeep.

“You know, it is entirely possible that the fleet got the message and simply has not yet decided how to respond. It is three, four fleets out there, with who knows how many admirals. Have you ever heard how too many cooks can spoil the pot?” Mordechai suggested.

“I know, I-” The computer in the center of the room flared and bleeped and Annie screamed with delight, running over to it as she leaned forward – and the screen flicked on. Several people she didn’t recognize were there: Three admirals (she recognized the uniforms), some Chinese guy in a fancy costume with what looked like a fucking dragon on his shoulder, and several elves. But most importantly, sitting there at a place of moderate importance, was her father’s sister’s widower, Captain DuPont.

Same as Δv
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She used to tell me how much she missed me. And how she could hardly sleep when I was away at school because the house seemed so empty and eerily quiet. She would have strange dreams of waking up and not knowing where she was; of being unable to tell if she was dreaming or awake. She would speak of our ‘special bond’ and how much I completed her life. It was not very different for me. I was younger and my dreams were often sexual in nature, leaving me with a mess in my pajamas. Then I had to...

2 years ago
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I let her touch it

Growing up there is always that one guy who has an unusually big one, right? Well with my friends that was the case with Jim. Although we didn't really have the typical locker room stories where we had seen his monster, and could tell the tales, it was certainly well known. I think it first came about when a high school girlfriend told people how large he was. This went to his head, and he would occasionally flash people when he had a few too many. When that happened, they would always gasp and...

2 years ago
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Psychiatrists Pride

Psychiatrist's Pride By Ellen Patrick lay as comfortably as possible on the doctor's couch. This was his third visit to the psychiatrist. As much as he tried to relax it was hard for him to keep coming up with items to discuss with her. He knew that it was on his agenda to get to the very point on why he sought out professional help. Five minutes into this session and he had already felt like an hour has gone by. Pat looked at the Doctor as she adjusted herself in a leather...

1 year ago
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godess saritas slave 14 giving away for 4 days

I couldn't sleep dat night my pee hole and butt hole burned like hell I was screaming with da gag on.. mistress came in da morning as she took a week off to spend time with her daughter she din have office today sha untied me and let me pee and take dump was chilli sauce was washed but it still bured like da upper layer of skin was so sensitive..goddess tied me to the shower and washed me clean full body then shaved every hair except head .. I was shampooed and conditioned when dried up she...

3 years ago
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Mistaken paternity

So, I don't really think anyone of you wants to read about how I fucked everything up again, but that's what I did and that's really why I'm writing again, and I guess that's the way it works now, I ruin everything and then I write about it. My fuck-ups is my muse.But I wont go there right away. Because everything was so wonderful for so long and you have to know about that first, I have to tell you about some of it first so you know how great everything was and how happy I was, after...

2 years ago
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The Worst Day of His Life So Far

Bart stood in front of the mirror and admired the handsome reflection that stared back at him. He'd developed some real tone over the summer and now a few weeks into his senior year at Springfield High he'd finally started to add some mass. His pecs were becoming more pronounced everyday and his lean six-pack had started to come in nicely. He flexed his thighs, his bis and his tris, even taking a moment to appreciate the way his black boxer-briefs hugged his glutes before turning around and...

1 year ago
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Swallowed Adria Rae Marley Brinx Team Up

This is every man’s dream. Two dynamite girls who both want your dick so badly that they’re willing to share and do whatever it takes to get your attention. Adria Rae and Marley Brinx team up to make that fantasy come true. Watch them bend over to have their perfect little assholes licked and team up to give a sloppy wet bj. Their mouths put in serious work as they suck dick, lick balls, and make out in between. Sloppy fun continues as they both take turns giggling while eating ass, these two...

4 years ago
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The dedicated customer

This one day during summer this young 18 year old boy gets a job at an ice cream parlor it paid good for a summer job and he’d be someplace cold during this unusually hot and sticky summer. After a few days of working he noticed a lot of people getting ice cream but seeing how he was new to town he enjoyed meeting these new people especially all the hot looking tail running around he was excited and found good reason. Number two about working in a cold place don’t have to go far to cure your...

3 years ago
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First time taking a cock in public toilet

I was really horny about 2 weeks ago and went to a club for some cock action. I was in a club (which shall remain nameless) and very drunk, I got talking to a guy called Clive. He was also very drunk and offered to buy me a drink so we both had two double vodkas . At this point my head was spinning but I was feeling horny as fuck. Clive told me he was going to the toilet and whether I wanted to join him. I was tentative , but finally agreed and followed him through the back into the gents....

1 year ago
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Matchmaking Trap Part 3 Donna

Donny rang the doorbell at Deanna's, thinking, well the hell is she? "It's Sunday, for Christ's sake, she is normally home, and she said that Chad fishes on Sunday mornings." Donny could not help himself. He did feel badly for poor Chad, but the lucky guy was getting to marry Deanna! Donny had little experience in sex, due to his small penis, so he did not understand the alpha male's urge for multiple partners. Donny was leaning more in the sub direction; he was perhaps a little too sensitive,...

3 years ago
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The Kidnapping of GraceChapter 3

Dr. Tabitha had arrived and was examining Grace. She had been told her daughter, Alice, was upstairs in Grace’s bedroom with the dogs. She nodded. “Thankfully, there are no internal abrasions, Grace,” she said after she had finished, “but the swelling in your anal and vaginal tissues are considerable. This means no sex for at least a week. It is therefore unlikely you will be able to participate in the Wiccan meeting. I know Barbara is not going to take the news well. It is being held on a...

3 years ago
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Freewill 504 Part 2

Freewill 504: Frat PartyBy: Chris A --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part II:My name is Leslie and I was in my final year at state. Up to this point I had had a very quiet college career. I was never one to go in big for all the partying and stuff that went on on campus. So it was a considerable effort for me to go with my roommates to the party over at Beta house. They had been talking about it for weeks, and even though a quiet night at home was...

1 year ago
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Sandals and Roses

It's nice being able to finally lay back and enjoy your life. Not that I didn't enjoy it before the divorce. I just never had time. Working pretty much 7 days a week for eight years wears a body out. Especially when some of those days you go straight from one job to another. Now, that's not a problem. I don't have Sue riding me to get out and go to one of the many jobs I had. Not that we were hurting for money. She just always wanted more. Of course, I was the one that was to get it for...

2 years ago
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Rajivs Wife Him And Me

By: Prince6112002in MFM – Friends Wife’s Fantasy Comes True. Hi I”m Prince and this story is about me and my friends wife Rajivs and his wife Shivani was very inexperienced at sex when they got married, had only had sex with one other guy. They told me one day that when they were were watching an adult video with two guys making love to one woman, and she told him that the thought of him and another guy making love to her, turned her on. To make a long story short, they talked me into it. Well...

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If you read part 1 of this story, then you would know that we left off with Nancy {sexy whore wife/little anal annie} having her face and hair full of cum and asking me to "fuck her asshole" ! After rehydrating myself, I put a xxx movie, "ANAL MOMS", on the television to get even more in the mood and sit against the headboard of the bed, watching Nancy get some dildos and a clitty buzzer from her bag. When she looks up and see's the movie starting and me on the bed stroking my flacid cock, she...

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PornMegaLoad Daria The Tits And Tugs Experience

When Daria walks, wherever she goes, every guy who sees her stands at attention. That’s one of the reasons why she was part of the On Location North Coast special. And now, here’s something completely different for Daria. Something she’s doing for the very first time. Something no one expected to see her do. Busting out of a tight blue sweater, Daria enters the bedroom where Tyler Steel is waiting. Waiting to go where no man has gone before on-camera. Again, this is a first...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 137 On Cops and Lawyers

When I left the scene of the over bearing cop confrontation, I went right back to Jen's office. "I need to see her," I said to the receptionist. Then I spoke to the large plant by her desk. "Mike, you need to bring those tapes and come in here. We should speak to Jen about what happened out there." "I told you it might be a while," Jen said as she walked through the doorway into the reception area. "This is about something else and it could be serious." I replied. "Mike, should be...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Kendra James Mackenzie Moss The Incompetent Assistant

Kendra James, a high-powered CEO, recently hired a new assistant, Mackenzie Moss, and is NOT pleased with her work ethics. Mackenzie’s head must always be in the clouds because she can’t seem to do anything right! It’s gotten to the point where Mackenzie is a liability for the company, so something has to change. When Kendra calls Mackenzie into her office for a scolding, Mackenzie meekly tries to defend herself. Yet, everything she says just makes her look worse in...

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How fun is a banana

Her eyes fly wide open and she flips on top of me, arching her ass in the air, her double D breasts hovering over my mouth. I nibble on one waiting for her to speak. "I'm on top tonight Lovey" She grabs my wrists pinning me there, lowering herself until shes able to kiss me, stopping just above my lips she whispers "I love you" then delves down and our tounges lock as we try to pull each other tongues with our own. This turns me on to know end, and I feel myself flaring up but unable to...

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Carly MomChapter 5

Mother and son walked the four blocks to the bank Carly's family had used for many years. The institution also handled the finances of her business. She knew well the path down the large, carpeted oak stairway to the private elevator, down further to the safe deposit box reception desk. Both Carly and Stephen were well known to the personnel there. Yet, Stephen still had to produce his key and appropriate identification. Carly asked if her son would rather she wait outside while he went in...

2 years ago
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My First Sex Experience With My Neighborhood Bhabhi

I am Amit- aged 29 years from Ahmedabad and working with Indian MNC. I am staying with my parents and elder bro and bhabhi and their two kids. We have neighbour who were from north India. They were husband, wife and two kids. Husband was captain in Army and use to come only in holidays. She used to stay alone with two kids. She usually came to our home whenever she felt alone as kids were going to school. Her name was Jyoti and I used to call her bhabhi. I never looked her with those...

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Katie Keeps Her Promise

She moaned from deep down in her belly. 'Wait, NO! Not yet. I'm not ready yet.' She whimpered the last through clenched teeth as the cock stretched her ass far beyond anything she had ever had there before. 'NO, don't move! It hurts. ' 'I am not moving.' said the stranger whose cock was now buried to the hilt in this redheaded bbw's rather plump, wide-spread ass. She was starting to sweat. A glistening sheen of perspiration covered her entire body as she strained to take the full ten inches of...

Erotic Fiction
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WhaleTailn Carmen Valentina Sexy CockAddicted Carmen Valentina is Wild AF

Carmen Valentina is one loud fuck! After hooking up with her boyfriend, Bill Bailey at the park, they can’t even wait to get home to screw! Bill is so turned on by the sight of Carmen’s thong just peeking out of her tight jeans that he spins her around and bangs her tight cooter against a dirty fence in the middle of the day! Finally back at their place, Bill continues pounding Carmen in doggy-style, occasionally slapping her epic ass until she’s got giant, raw hand prints....

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MyFriendsHotMom Mercedes Carrera 24217

“I have my cat’s funeral” is a lot more interesting than “I’m washing my hair tonight,” so Mercedes Carrera gets points for creativity when she declines to invite her date into her home for a nightcap and more. And the night turns weirder when she discovers a stranger swimming her pool as she’s standing in her lingerie mid-change! It turns out not to be a perpetrator, but one of her son’s friends who, unbeknownst to Mercedes, was told he could take a dip in her pool to cool off and remedy his...

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Saturday night dinner with Jen and Rodger

My husband and I invited Jenna and her new boyfriend Rodger over for supper one Saturday evening. Rodger was a very well built guy with big arms and chest. Very likely that he used steroids back in the day when gyming. After braaiing and having a nice supper the 4 of us sat outside having a few drinks while my daughter sat watching tv in the lounge. After a while of chatting and looking at Rodger I started imagining how he could man handle me in the room as he really did look strong and I was...

2 years ago
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Junes Career

"You look familiar. Do I know you from some place?" I just looked at her and shrugged as she put the beer down in front of me. She gave me a quizzical look and then turned and went back down the bar to take care of the other customers. It was not surprising that she didn't recognize me; a full beard, Lasik surgery, twenty-five pound weight loss and different style clothes. The last time she had seen me I had a buzz cut, wore thick rimmed glasses, was over weight and dressed as a rising...

2 years ago
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Slave of the OutcastChapter 46

It was 9PM. Charles stood outside Ivy's doorstep. He rang Ivy's cell phone number. Ivy picked up. "I will be right there!!" Ivy said. Ivy hung up. Charles had never been so worried in his life. He was feeling powerless. He knew that he was going to allow Ivy to abuse him in every conceivable way. Ten minutes later she came down and opened the front door. "Come in!!" Ivy ordered him. Charles stepped foot into Ivy's mansion. "Follow me upstairs!!" Ivy ordered him. Charles...

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TandraChapter 42

I brought Carl over, and talked to him about the situation. We had discussed splitting the forces before, but gave those scenarios a low probability then. "Carl, I want you to take this planet and keep it for us. Most of the Samutz are dead. If our estimates hold true, there will only be about three percent immune and another three to ten percent that would be warned in time and raise their shields or not allowed other Samutz to approach. This means you only need to remove from nine to...

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Bets a Bet

I take my daughter to a dance class each week. Her teacher is Nicky and I have to admit I have always had a thing for her although as a married man I never intended on acting on my desires. What is more I always thought the fit and bubbly dance instructor was way out of my league. Standing about 5 foot 6 inches tall and weighing around 110 pounds, Nicky is 30-years-old. She has long, brown hair that is rarely not tied back in a ponytail while one of her most outstanding features is her...

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The Charity Ball

I hate going to charity balls. You have to get dressed in a monkey suit, they’re always so crowded and boisterous that even if you don’t have claustrophobia you feel icky, you have to listen to boring speeches, the band is often either too loud or bad, and the drinks are way overpriced. I have no problem sending money to worthy causes I just don’t like the events that they think they have to sponsor to get donations. My wife, on the other hand, loves to get dressed up, chat with dozens of...

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A Farm House Story Part 2 of 4 Welcome and Unwelcome Guests

“Not a bit. I’m interested in finding out what’s going on too.” The weather forecaster said that it was a typical Fort Worth early September evening and sunset would be about 748. It was followed by the local news. The crackle of the radio continued, “This is our top local 630 news story. “Jacksboro prison officials report that some prisoners escaped from the state jail at Jacksboro today. Authorities believe they are on foot and are reminding motorists to not pick up any hitchhikers...

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My Neighbor Aunt Anu

Hi everyone and this is Rajesh from Bangalore. It was September of 2008 when I moved to Bangalore, for pursuing Engineering in IT from a good college in Southern Bangalore since I had taken a late admission. I could not get a nice room in college hostel. We had a close family friend anu Aunty living in Bangalore. She was working in HR dept in very big IT Company. I was 21 at that time and she was around 37 and divorced. Her husband was a big time loser and never cared for her. She is a real...

2 years ago
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The Sexy Neighbor

I was only twenty three when my grandparents passed away and left their beautiful Victorian style mansion to my brother and I. They had lived a long and beautiful life in the mansion where they had raised my mother and her siblings. When they dies, my parents refused to sell the house because of its family history. The only problem was that the house was about three hours away and much too far for my parents to move in to. My family decided to keep it as a vacation home, but it was in need of a...

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Shower Fun

My name is James. I live in an apartment building in a somwhat major city. On my floor there are only two neighbors: a fat old rabbi and a sexy young woman, Karen. Karen is about 5'8", with shoulder length red hair, C-cup breasts, a tight heart-shaped ass, and some of the best legs on Earth. I always had the hots for her, but thought she was out of my league. We were friends because we lived across the hall, and I was always helping her out around her apartment. One day she called me over to...

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Took Virginity In 18th Birthday

Hi doston myself Bapi..As i have said you in my previous story ” maa ki anjane mein usse raat bhar choda ” that i am a model and call boy i used to go for calls. This story is a call for me but with a fresh 18 year virgin girl.I reached there at the proper address by 7pm..I call the customer she asked me to stand on a junction of the street and she will pick me up in 5-10 min. In 5 min a Honda city car stood before me.. Simultaneously i got a call that get in the white Honda city no.. I get in...

4 years ago
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Young Blood

I’ve got a great story you’ll enjoy. Back around 1988, I went to the local Disco, wearing my Don Johnson cut Coat and Baggie Trousers, commando as always. Super nice place where the coke and pussy flowed. I was cruising to check out the nights talent and passed a birthday table. They all looked to be 18-20. I didn’t give the girls much attention as groups like that rarely pan out, but the Birthday girl was hot. Low cut blouse B cup, puffy nipples and blue eyes to die for. Pretty innocent...

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Got gang fucked by 3 fuys at same time 18yo

My names Sara and this is the story of how i had my first gangbang experience wit three white guys and one black guy. I was a freshman in high school. There was this one senior his name as mike, he always used to flirt with me, my best friend Carrie who was 16 was dating his younger brother Chris so we all spent a lot of time over his house, his parents were never home so we always drank and partied over there. Mike and his friends always brought beer for the parties, it was mainly mikes...

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My Aunt Nancy

My name is Mike. This all started last summer. I had just finished high school, turned 18 and was soon going to college. The place my aunt lived was somewhat rural, but it was a large neighborhood. This neighborhood was a lot closer to the college I was going to, since it was only a half an hour away. My mom suggested that I go live with her to save money on gas. My aunt was 41yrs old and still pretty hot for that age; at 5'6" she had slightly wavy black hair that went just below her...

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Unsere Phantasie: Wir stellen uns vor bei einem Senior, gemeinsam mit einem sehr jungen Teeny-Paar ein Wochenende zu verbringen. Der Senior ist 62 Jahre, groß, schwer, muskulös mit dickem Bauch und großem sehr dicken Schwanz, der Bull. Wir ein Mittdreißiger-Ehepaar mit Cuckoldneigung und ein junges zierliches Paar um die 19 Jahre erleben eine Rollenspiel-Wochenende bei dem Herren.Das junge Paar ist schon da als wir eintreffen. Wir kennen uns bisher nur aus Nachrichten und einem längeren...

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Servant Fucked By Servant8217s

Hello ISS readers this is Krishnan from Chennai. I’m a regular reader of ISS, this is my first story which I’m going to share with u all and it happened just one year back. First myself 22 yrs of age doing MBA 2nd year and my family is rich, my dad is a business man who perfectly do his business, at least once a month he will be out of station for atleast 10 days, my mom Sitha is a home maker looks very beautiful who always wears saree and she will be very conscious about her health so she is...

2 years ago
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Captured and Broken

Capture and broken I sit in a dark, padded cell in a straight jacket, with nothing but a pair of scrubs on. I heard the rain outside the window. I don't know how I got here or what happened. You are wondering who I am. Let meb see, I work in the accounting field. I am very good crunching numbers like no one's business. I am 5'8, about 220 pounds. I have a stocky build from playing hockey for 8 yrs. All of the sudden, the steel padded door opened. A lantern shines in as I tried to...

1 year ago
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TeacherFucksTeens Eva Long Teachers Pet

Eva Long and her student Ricky Spanish used to have a sexual relationship, but Eva has decided that needs to end for both their sakes. She’s still agreed to tutor Ricky, so she invites him in when he arrives for their session. Too bad Ricky can’t concentrate with his hot teach so close! Eventually his pestering gets to be too much, so Eva tries showing Ricky her tits to get him to buckle down and study. Eva’s plan backfires as Ricky reaches out to grope her firm all naturals...

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San Diego Vacation Part 1

(Disclaimer: this is a fictional story, none of the characters are real, the son was adopted at birth)I love time to myself. It's the universal truth for 18-year-old dudes like myself. If I hear my parents leave the house, my mind instantly starts planning where, when, and how I will play with myself. After years of experience, my mind eagerly anticipates these times alone. Do I have time to edge? What kind of perverted things do I want to fill my mind with? I love time alone. That's exactly...

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No Come on youre my uncle

- So, better with me, huh? Safer, no hassle.- If Daddy finds out, he kill you, kill... Me.- I don't tell, swear. You know that I... That I'm discreet- And the aunt? And the mother?- What about your aunt?- Gerson! Uncle! What about her? If they know... What's wrong with her, huh?- Silly, you saw how you left me... You provoked me and I stayed... I stayed, di-dn't I?- It's a gal's thing, you know that they all do it, and even more sóthat I am!- Girl, yes... Now you become a gal, right? Gal with...

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My Cousin Courtney

It was June of summer vacation. I had just graduated my junior year of high school and was ready for a nice vacation at my grandparents ranch. While it is a ranch, it’s nicer than you’d expect. They have a lot of land, a tennis court, a jacuzzi, and even a pool. That summer was gonna be a blast. A few days before the trip, I was sitting on my bed watching some Law and Order, when my mom came in and told me my aunt and her family would be coming with us to the ranch. I was totally pumped to here...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Ariana Marie Intimate POV Anal

Ariana Marie’s asshole gets filled with Jules’ massive cock! Ariana’s looking sexy as ever in her metal studded lingerie with matching collar and wrist cuffs as she teases you while sitting in the sunlight. She shakes her body, giving you a peek at her pretty pussy though her sheer panties while she rubs herself before crawling over to Jules. Ariana pulls down his shorts and gets to work sucking and stroking his thick cock, making sure to spit on it and rub it against her nipples too. She sucks...

2 years ago
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The Perfect SolutionChapter 41 O Gather Me the Rose

O gather me the rose, the rose, While yet in flower we find it, For summer smiles, but summer goes, And winter waits behind it. For with the dream foregone, foregone, The deed forborne forever, The worm Regret will canker on, And time will turn him never. So were it well to love, my love, And cheat of any laughter The fate beneath us, and above, The dark before and after. The myrtle and the rose, the rose, The sunshine and the swallow, The dream that comes, the wish that goes The...

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Away for the Summer Part I

Away for the Summer, Part I by Forsythe Sally continued to make soothing motions with her hand on her sister Barbara's back as she held a frozen bag of peas up to Barbara's blackening right eye. This was the first time her fifteen year old nephew Joe had done anything this notably violent to his mother, but the signs had been there for months now. Like his father, Joe was a late bloomer, and had only recently started to show the signs of teenage hormones towards the end of his...

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My Date With Cory chapter two

~~~~~~~~~~On our knees in the center of the mat, hard-ons held tightly in our briefs, Clay and I looked squarely into each other’s eyes, ready for the ensuing battle. I was confident. I never blinked. Neither did Clay.Cory said, “I’m gonna love this. Ready? Wrestle!”We locked arms, each pushing and pulling, trying to bully the other to the mat. I was stronger than Clay. I could feel it. I faked a push to one side, then shoved him in the other direction. He ended up on his back with me...

4 years ago
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Me and Gavin Part 2

The story started off kind of slow, but I think you need some character development. If you haven’t read the first chapter “Me and Gavin” you should go back and read it first. Hope you like it. After I finish probing your little belly button and your little abs, I’m going to work my way up to your chest licking every inch of your lean little body. Then I want to run my tongue around your little pink nipples, in circles, over and over while gently sucking them every so often. Once your...

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Sally and the Salesmen

Last January Sally had to go to Minneapolis on a business trip. "Minneapolis is beautiful in the summer," I told her, "but during the winter it's pretty cold. I doubt that you'll get out of your meeting hotel much. What will you do during your spare time." "I don't know,' she replied, "maybe I'll take in a movie. Or just hang out in the hotel bar." With this last line, she gave me a smile and her eyes brightened. I thought I knew what she was thinking but I had to ask. "What are you thinking of...

Group Sex
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My Shemale Stepmother

My parents split up when I was eighteen, I was a little distressed by it but we had never been as close as some. Still, I didn't really see what had driven them apart so quickly and so thoroughly that they never even spoke any more. I guessed maybe one of them must have had an affair and that was really all that I thought about it. I went off to college and life went on. That following summer, when I was nineteen, I moved in to live with my dad for the summer. He had bounced back quickly...

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