Dharma WheelChapter 7 free porn video

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Nick continued his Tales of the East Asian islands:

Arriving at the kingdom, Maja watches the prince revert back to his asshole nature, sneering at the security contingent who police the large, busy port while commanding one to send notice to his father of his arrival. Worse are the fishermen and other peasants so much lower than him in status that they may have well been a part of the path in which he walks, flesh and bone crushed beneath his graceful, sandal clad feet. Mostly they are an annoyance to be avoided visually and definitely physically.

Unfortunately he has a god amongst the entourage who parade to the sanctuary of the huge walled residency of the royals. The curious and the awed press towards him, causing him to grow more and more infuriated.

"Someone's calling your name, Prince," he hears behind him. "She seems quite insistent." Looking back at his new lover quiets his temper, but when he looks where she points, she sees him smile. His order to let a lovely young woman through may have been arrogant, but that's just his nature.

Maja likes the woman instantly, even if she obviously holds an intimate friendship with her master. She can see intelligence in the eyes, and mischievousness in the grin.

"Mother may be disappointed that you have come back so soon, instead of Father, but I'm not," the woman says cheekily. "But she will demand news of his well-being."

"The general has expanded the empire most successfully, suffering few losses of his men, and nary a scratch upon his person."

"Capturing a god as well," she grins, studying the fine figure of a god without awe. More a lusty appreciation, which Nick returns.

"One doesn't capture a god, as he would be first to tell you."

"I suppose."

"His presence made things easier in a way, and much different from our usual conquering. I will tell you more later."

"Can I stay with your group?"

"Of course."

She allows the prince to lead the way, encountering Maja when she retreats. "Oh. Hello. Who are you?"

"I am the prince's body slave."

"How intriguing," the young woman giggles.

"As are you. You seem to know the prince well."

"We grew up together. We're best friends."

"I bet you led him into all kinds of mischief as children."

"I did actually. Perhaps I still do. We are promised."

"You will be his wife?"

"As soon as he stops playing soldier."

"He likes playing soldier."

"Oh I know. My father puts up with it." The prince looks back and shakes his head, not the least bit annoyed. Amused would be closer.

"You like teasing him."

"I do. My father likes him actually. He approves of his abilities as a warrior. Except for his problem with chain of command."

"He completely respects your father as commander. I have seen it."

"Really? That's good. He's always respected Father. He always wanted to be him."

"He won't be."

"Probably not."

"He knows it. He will be your father's commander."

The lovely woman's smile disappears a moment. She nods. "That would work. A general's general. Not having to suffer the indignities of the lower ranks."

"He's told you about that?"

"I help calm him. That's your job now."

"Our job."

The grin reappears. "Okay. But it is perfect. I come from generations of commanders. My grandfather in fact advises the emperor of military things. He advised his father. But he has become quite old. And my generation, all female, so it would fit that my husband would take that position."

"Why not you?"

"Me? A soldier?"

"Why not? I'm a warrior."

"A woman warrior?"

"Yes. You'll see later. Me and my sister warriors perform a martial dance. But you needn't be a fighter to advise and strategize."

"The emperor would never take me seriously."

"But the prince does."

The woman looks excited. "True, but it would have to be discrete, just between him and me, like when we were growing up. He used to teach me how to fight too."

"I can teach you more."

"Okay. I'm glad he found you. He needs you."

Maja nods in agreement.

The woman continues. "How did he find you?"



"The god."

"Oh. You'll introduce me?"

"Nick would very much like that."

The woman actually shivers a little, and whispers, "For a god, he's sexy."

Maja laughs. "You don't know the half of it."

It turns out meeting the emperor proves disappointing to Nick. He has an inkling upon their arrival at the capital port city. The division between the haves and have-nots has a cruel demarcation. Rags and rich clothes. Hovels and elegant homes. The few disregard the many, shoving them aside arrogantly, disdainfully, just as the prince has done, with perhaps somewhat less obviousness. Any in between, like fishermen or traders, who provide for themselves and their families with their occupations, look much healthier and better dressed than the unwashed masses, but not nearly as elegant as the elite, and are shunned just as much. Europe had been like this too often, and Northern Africa, but there seems to be an extreme here.

Before entering the room in which the emperor awaits, a much plainer version of the prince confronts them. "You know better," the man scolds his brother.

Though bowed by the scolding, the pretty faced prince argues, "This is a unique situation, my brother, calling for unusual circumstances."

"Commoners. Foreigners. Women," the older brother responds, his disgust much better hidden than his younger brother, but nevertheless obvious. "None can be welcomed into the emperor's inner chamber, no matter the circumstances."

"My apologies, Prince," the general's daughter says. "Seeing your brother, a most happy surprise, must have clouded my mind. I will guide them to the servant's commons for them to wait."

The older brother nods at her and at a guard. Nick's entourage, including his companion and the two gay actors continuing their work guarding the beautiful islander from being sullied, as well as Maja, follow the general's daughter. The man whom the older brother chooses and another well-armed and serious looking man accompanies them.

"And who is this who does not follow them?" asks the older prince.

"A gift, Prince," Nick finally speaks. "If I presume right, this is the place where visitors bring tributes to the emperor."


"She is such a tribute."

"Look at her, brother," the younger prince insists. "Is she not a most beautiful gift?"

Nick's daughter smiles, and the stoic brother reveals awe and steps back before recovering. "Fine, but better make your reason clear to the emperor."

"I will have much to make clear to him, brother," the pretty-faced prince admits.

They enter the chamber. Three more guards entering with them. The emperor sits on an overly lavish throne, a dark wood inlaid with a green stone in the shape of a dragon with red jeweled eyes which seems to create an aura around the emperor's head. A large crystal orb sits at the top, resting in a cup, with a convex length beneath it, carved out of the dark wood, looking like a scepter. Two much older men frame him. The head priest, Nick figures, and the young prince's future grandfather through marriage. All three look intelligent, especially the emperor, who also looks much more vital. Middle age and abundance of food has made him plump and on the verge of being fat.

He smiles with abundant confidence, but with surprisingly little arrogance.

"We do not bow here to a god," he says, his voice both rich and soft.

Nick smiles. "For that I am relieved." They share a laugh, the emperor containing some surprise. "But I'm afraid a god does not bow to anyone."

"Understandable. What is the woman doing here?"

"A gift. A tribute. A trade. She is yours."

"Let me see her."

His daughter has shyly clung to Nick. He gently urges her forward. "How much do you wish to see of her?" Nick asks.

"Turn around," the emperor orders and Nick translates unnecessarily but purposely. Her leather outfit clings to her body, and leaves most of her limbs exposed. Though repressing a leer, the emperor obviously enjoys the view, especially her face when she finishes the graceful turn. "A most extraordinary gift," the emperor approves. "I will see more of her later. But what is this you say about a trade?"

"Emperor, if I may," his youngest son bravely intrudes.

"Please. I have looked forward to your report since hearing of your quick return here."

"As predicted, we made an easy conquest of the island. Even easier than predicted. We crushed their fighters, leaving none left to crush. Your warriors survived almost to a man. The island's chief has been killed as has his priest and his advisor. With them ended, resistance ended. We made truce with the rest."

"Truce?" the old military advisor grumbles. "Truce suggests equals."

"Perhaps truce isn't the right word. An agreement? Confronting Nick changed things."

"Nick?" the emperor responds.

"Me," said Nick.

"We know you by another name, warrior priest."

"Legends change as they move from tongue to ear over so many generations. Heroes become more heroic. Villains become more villainous. And names as well. You actually call me 'Warrior Priest God' but a much shorter version, the words sort of smashed together until they are barely recognizable. You can call me that or Nick or whatever. Anything but Master. That word grates on my nerves."

He watches, amused, as the high priest and the emperor confer, quietly but heatedly. The emperor reports, "It seems my priest wishes to test you."

"Not the first time," Nick sighs. "Though a dialogue would be better. Maybe learn something from an eternal version of yourself, priest?"

"What of this so called agreement?" the old advisor gruffly reminds them.

The prince looks to Nick. "Go on, young prince. It is your commander's efforts."

The prince begins, "I understand our purpose. This is not my first invasion. We claim new land for you, Emperor, and to make the empire even greater. We destroy the strong and make the weak our slaves, including any of the women who might appeal to us. We possess them, just as we possess the land, doing what we wish with it and them. We accomplished this, but made it better."

"Better? How?" asks his future grandfather.

"By helping us instead of hindering us. By making it easier capturing the rest of the islands and making use of the islanders instead of killing them all. By them showing us the resources available and working for us to get those resources."

"Them," the advisor grumbles. "Slaves?"

The prince nods. "Slaves. Some even volunteered to be slaves here."

"Son," the emperor responds slowly, "Why would a people allow themselves to be peacefully enslaved? And why would we want them here?"

"They prefer working for us than dying. And the ones coming here would be like this beauty. Or they would do things our people don't wish to do."

"There are many here who would to the worst work to at least have some work."

"Are there? Even the lowest refuse the worst work, or do a terrible job at it, or complain and grump and argue. These people would never do that. They want to be here, in this great civilized place, and their gratefulness would show in their compliance in doing whatever we want them to do."

"These islander women, they are as beautiful as my gift here?" asks the emperor.

"Not as beautiful, but quite attractive. And willing."

"Willing," the old advisor grumps.

"We dominate," the emperor reminds his son. "We don't need help from others, from foreigners. We take. We don't ask. We don't coddle. We don't negotiate. Others tremble in the wake of our power as we stake our claim literally. Penetrating all we confront. Men and women. No mercy. No weakness."

"Yes emperor," the prince bows, shamed by his father, but showing little of it on his face.

"Good. Pull together another force and return. We have warriors?" he asks his military advisor.

"A small group rests after a northern success."

"Their rest is over."

"And we have some being trained itching for battle."


"Excuse me," Nick interrupts. "You plan to do as you originally planned? Slaughtering and raping my people?"

"Your people?" asks the emperor.

"Your most revered god's people, yes."

"How are these your people and not us?"

Nick laughs. "How long since you've witnessed my presence, or any of my fellow gods. Only legends, isn't it? But these people I have lived with. Some are even my progeny."

"Sons and daughters?"


The emperor looks thoughtfully at Nick's daughter, whose smile disguises her anger. She supposedly doesn't understand. Nick tamps down his own smile when the allure of the beautiful island woman seems to convince the emperor not to go with his suspicions concerning her lineage.

"You are protecting these people," the emperor finally says.

Nick nods, "And yours."

"You stopped our invasion."

"In a way. I demonstrated my power and my invulnerability. I had to twice because your general's second wasn't convinced. He tried to continue your invasion by getting rid of me. A bad choice."

"I wondered why my son came back and not him."

"That's why."

"You're no longer there."

"It doesn't matter. The lieutenant had two trusted men with him for his misguided attack. I only killed him. None of your warriors know who killed the others."

"You threaten us."

"I do." Nick notices the guards tense. "No one here. But you understand how vulnerable you are?"

"You threaten me?"

"I just told you I won't threaten you. What good would that do? I can tell your heir is no better than you in terms of the disregard for people not of your ilk. Even most of your people suffer because they are so much lower than your elite. Your son looks to be a stiffer version of you. At least you appreciate the arts your highly civilized culture has cultivated. The finest performances I have seen, not to mention your exquisite and meticulous ceremonies. I doubt he appreciates these fine things like you and I do.

"And if I was to sweep away your entire family, chopping the head off your empire so to speak, only terrible things would follow, violence and mayhem and chaos. Everything beautiful would be destroyed. Yes, the strata of your society has a deep ugliness to it. Those that aren't lucky enough to be born amongst the elite or in a family of artists or artisans or priests are looked upon with the disdain if looked upon at all. Perhaps a few can rise up and be seen. Those with remarkable talents. Those willing to die for their emperor. Most remain invisible. Too uncivilized. Too uneducated. Too dirty. Too ugly. But to break your fragile structure, your hierarchy, the vast ugliness you hold down would take over, if only for spite, or to covet what they could never have, and this bright civilization with its dark core would become all darkness and ugliness. So no, I'm not a threat to you."

"You think you could topple an empire?"

"I know I could."


"Yes." To demonstrate, Nick moves so fast he can barely be seen. He extracts every weapon he notices, on the guards, on the younger prince and on the old advisor, and piles them in front of the emperor. Pulling the halberds from the guards sends them to the floor.

The emperor's protectors want to do something, but don't know what. He salves their concerns, shouting, "Stand easy. I am fine." And then he laughs. "I will have to rethink who I bring into this room with my heirs and the future of my empire all here."

"I thought you had a middle son," says Nick and watches the power elite all shudder.

"Things really would get ugly," says the emperor. "I like my pleasure. But a mind seeking only pleasurable sensations isn't really a mind at all, but a useless pile of flesh. Your demonstration on the island changed my intentions through my representative there. What do you hope to gain through this latest demonstration?"

"I like to think I brought reason to your general. Unlike here, a catalyst of mine did chop the heads off the leadership there, assuring their beliefs in fighting to the last man, woman and child before succumbing to the rule of a lesser people would not happen. And yes, the chief and his entourage truly believed his were the great people of the world. It kept a god, his brilliant friends, and even some of the finest of your people shoved to the side and barely tolerated."

"I have heard the exiled troupe ended up on your island. I saw them as a child, and never agreed with my father about exiling people whose very philosophy, though counter to ours, by its nature could never be a threat. And in fact it was seeing them that began my love of performance, and their exile made me want things different, as far as that specific attitude of ruling."

"You are in luck, emperor. Your youngest knew this, and allowed them to return home to perform for you. Mostly second generations from those you saw, but they have been well trained and well-rehearsed, and you will not be disappointed."

"Excellent. They can open my new theater. I imagine they can't have brought any sets."

"Never had anything but the most rudimentary. Part of their magic is to suggest places."

"But to have something behind them would make it better, wouldn't it?"

"Of course. There's another group. More movement than telling a story, but very exhilarating."

"Sounds interesting."

"Thing is, it's women. Only women though. No mix with men."

"You do like to change things. You understand why only men perform."

"A fear of lewdness I imagine."

"Yes. To start. And I think men have a greater strength on stage, even playing women."

"Well, neither will be a problem with them."


"They couldn't be stronger, and only a man wanting to be thoroughly dominated would ever consider their performance a lewd seduction. And even then, they might fear for their genitalia. It's an acrobatic martial dance with knives and swords."

"Women warriors?"

"Yes. It may seem strange to you, but I know societies where women fight alongside men. They can be the most ruthless. Quicker, more agile, cleverer, making up for the disadvantage in strength."

"If nothing else, it sounds amusing. Let them perform. What else do you want, Warrior Priest God?"

"Aside from the safety of my people?"

"I will think on that."

"Then think about this. Think about the difference between rape and mating. Only the most brutal or the most lost in blood lust imagines fucking a dry pussy, causing great trauma and anguish could possibly be better than a woman welcoming the fuck, enjoying it, and returning the enjoyment, making it wonderful instead of horrible. If you consider women lesser beings compared to men, as I'm certain you do, wouldn't that make it like a slave making things better for her master? Not only is that specifically what is happening on the island, but also it is a model for the islanders benefitting their new owners by rewarding benevolence with harder work, greater and more diverse resources, and enabling a much easier conquering of all the islands of the archipelago."

"And if I don't go along with this, you will make it very difficult for us there."

"Yes, but that's not what you should consider. My threat is not a challenge. It's simply a natural response to a being protecting itself and its own. My people just happen to be better at defending themselves than any you have encountered before."

"I will think on it. What else?"

"I wish to impregnate one or more of your wives or concubines."

The emperor laughs. "A true trade."

"If you like. But I see it as improving the royal stock. Not in just the children produced, who, though not gods, would be healthy, good looking and intelligent. But in giving safety to the wombs I impregnate, allowing safe births in the future. I have heard your wives had life threatening pregnancies. None died, thankfully, but none were able to give birth again. I can change that."

"I will trade. Any one of my concubines. She will be yours and no longer mine. A stranger of such beauty. You have changed me with this exotic gift and the desire she provokes in me."

Nick smirks, "I may be a god, but I am less than the best of your people, meaning you. I take it your wives prefer such indifference towards your concubines."

The emperor laughs. "A wise guess."

"I believe you to be a strong ruler. For that you must need wisdom. But I see it lacking in some things. You have a chance to sire more royals."

"You would be the sire."

"Of course."

"Anything else?"


The emperor laughs. "My youngest never instructed you on addressing me properly? I figured you being a god made it unnecessary, so I made no comment."

"You figured correctly. Your son did instruct me. I told him I address a man as a man, no matter his station. I found his response interesting. Concerned of course. Maybe a little worried. But amusement mostly. I think he wanted see how you'd react."

Another laugh and the emperor asks his son, "Did I disappoint?"

"No emperor," the young prince smiles. "Your anger at his rudeness lasted but a second. If I was amused, you seemed doubly so. I'd like a word with you in private."

"Tomorrow. Show our guests their quarters. For respected visitors of course, or better yet your brothers if he is off as usual passed out amongst his dissolute friends and their whores. If any of his whores are there, give them to the servants as they deserve such for their bad taste."

The prince bows to his father, as does his brother.

"Everyone leave," his father orders. "I wish to be alone with my gift."

As soon his command is granted, he gestures for her to come to him. He stands in front of her, no more than an inch taller than her. He is on the tall side of medium height compared to his people, and she is as tall as any woman he has known. Unlacing a wide belt defining her shape above and below it, both having full and firm form, he removes the hold it has on her robe, and it opens to reveal soft skin darker than he expects, the color of wetted sand. Not the pale, almost fluorescent white of his women, an ideal of femininity. A powder often covers faces which have been tanned by the sun. And yet seeing her full breasts and buttocks defiantly holding their shape, and the amazing smoothness of her skin as he pulls on her waist to turn her around, her luscious femininity has never been matched. And lifting his eyes to her gorgeous face, even with the tension there with her tight smile and the slight wrinkle between her eyes, it leaves him breathless.

"Ssh," he quiets her worry, his fingers smoothing out the wrinkle. This simple gesture calms her, and her smile lifts, no longer restricted by tension. Her lovely big eyes seem to share in that smile. She reaches out carefully, and strokes his strong oval face. Hands lower, stroking across his proud chest, until it reaches his sash and unties it. He laughs. His hands move lower as well, and find wonderful purchase, for both him and her, on her breasts. Teasing nipples at the center of small dark areolas, he discovers a length, not freakish but exceptional, and a sensitivity, as her breathing deepens.

He pauses his ministrations in order to shed his clothing, leaving a cloth hiding his cock similar in material to his sash. It doesn't hide his excitement, creating a draped pole pointing at her just as her nipples point at him, but of course in a much more demonstrative way.

When she kneels, her eyes finally leaving his, and takes hold of his erection, he gasps at her forwardness. She smiles up at him, her eyes mischievous and excited, before returning them to his engorgement, pulling down the hiding cloth and giggling at the bounce of his cock. Not a people of large members, his is, like his height, a little longer than average, maybe six inches, but has some girth to it, making it more impressive. He gasps much louder when she takes it into her mouth. Again she looks up at him with smiling, excited eyes. Her gaze never shifts as she watches him succumb to her blow job. She has been trained well, sucking and stroking perfectly, even squeezing his balls gently until she feels them contract and their content shoots into her mouth. She swallows the bitter, slimy essence of an emperor, tasting its unpleasant flavor, hiding as best she can the distaste.

He collapses onto his throne, panting. A wet pop announces the release of his dwindling cock from her mouth. "Are you a demoness, sucking my soul out through my penis?" he asks, but his smile shows no worry of such a thing.

Leaning down, he pulls up at her armpits and she stands. Moving hands to her marvelous buttocks, he brings her closer, until her legs straddle his. Her amazing breasts become available, and he suckles each one, tasting her for the first time, and thoroughly enjoying the flavor and the texture. She moans at his attention.

His fingers move down and discover the moist fissure of her cunt. Exploring her slick petals, he winks at her when she moans louder than ever, the exploration finding the pearl nestled just above. A finger goes deeper, and then another, stroking and exploring that most mysterious and stimulating chamber. Pushed into the second knuckle, he discovers the barrier of skin revealing her virgin status. The amazing blow job suggests experience. The hoped for barrier suggests otherwise.

Not since his youth, whore mongering or raping the vanquished, has he entered a woman for the first time who has had any other cock inside her. Any woman, wife or concubine, knows only his cock. He tells her this in his relief, even knowing she does not understand. "I would have fucked you anyway, my demoness. You have that much effect on me. But it would have been brutal. Rape. Like old times perhaps. As would be fitting, you being a foreign creature. I would be the invader once again, destroying all who once owned this territory."

He keeps fingering her, his other hand taking over for his mouth on her tits, with occasional nips and tongue laps. She reaches down and pulls on his hardening cock.

"Look at me getting hard. You might think it was the memory of rape. It's not. I admit in the heat of things, of invading, of conquering, my spear covered in the viscera of young warriors, an altogether different spear, one that could feel the penetration, wanted nothing more than to complete the conquest. It demanded ravishment. Thrilling victory becomes lustful need. My status provided the loveliest creature to sate it. No one near your beauty of course. But like our god Nick, a fellow warrior or two would find the best of them, hoping for future favor probably. They held her down until I penetrated her. Once in, and taking control of the woman, I demanded to be left alone. I fucked her until I came. Only then did I see her pain and suffering. I know her brethren had probably received greater pain, but not nearly the suffering.

"Most lay there, acting as dead as their warriors, my flesh spear wounding them as much as my wooden one had done. Except for their faces. A few kept struggling. I know most of my fellow warriors would kill such bravery, but I just didn't have the heart for it, calling my providers back to do whatever they wanted with the woman, leaving them to it.

"So I would have raped you just as I did them, to take ownership over those that had come before, to conqueror their territory, making it mine. I would have enjoyed it, no less because I could stare at your amazing body and your gorgeous face. And there's the friction that makes me cum. And afterwards, you might have not even looked angry or suffering or in pain. It doesn't matter. I wouldn't have liked it.

"I have a weakness. Its name is woman. My women specifically." He laughs. "My wives get away with a lot because of it. But I love nothing more than looking at them. Even hearing their higher voices. Especially when they are cumming. Nothing thrills me more, not even my orgasms. You might think it's against our ways, practically worshipping women. It's not. We cherish beauty and grace. What could be more beautiful and graceful than a woman? Especially you my demon slave. Males dominate. We own our women. Just like we own other objects of beauty. Except of course, you're so much more than that. No object. You're us, but a lovelier version. No rude jutting appendage, or hard chests and faces. So much softer, especially those endlessly fun and excitable breasts. And cunts, a place of infinite mystery and exploration, exactly meant for our appendages, our favorite place for them, and a place from which, after we enter into it, we all exit from it, a different version of us, and take our first breath of life.

He becomes hard and pulls her onto his lap. She guides him into her well-oiled cunt. After careful entry, opening her up and coating his glans, she suddenly drops, sending him deep.

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Little Bright Eyes

Forward: First, let me thank blackrandI1958 for inviting me to take part in the “Wine and Old Lace,” story theme. Second, let me thank her again for her editing skills. I hope you enjoy my story and as always, I look forward to your comments. I was on my way to photograph three members of the Cal-Town Women’s Club making decorations for an upcoming charity bazaar. What can I say, not all newspaper photography is exciting. I got the job right after graduating high school in 1960 and had now...

2 years ago
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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 3 What Is Mr Fink Up To

Fink stared out of the tinted window. He was pissed off gloriously. And the cause could be seen reflected in the dark glass before him. "What the hell took you so long, Fink?" asked the dark haired woman behind him in a frozen tone. "Were you trying to taunt us, little man?" Lilah Morgan smiled her humorless smile. "I bet you thought: let them wait, the damn bitches. Eh, Finky-boy? You must feel really mad at us, little Eve and me. Two damn arrogant women telling the king of bimbos...

4 years ago
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Ladies who love to fuck in a girdle

We would all love to think that there are mature ladies out there who just love fucking. But, in truth they are very few old ladies who still want sex. So we have fantasies. I have several. Here is one in story format. Hope you enjoy. The fantasy fuck store for mature ladies who love wearing girdles First, let me own up. I am a mature man, yet ever since I was young and saw a gorgeous mature buxom lady wearing a girdle and fucking a guy on top, I have maintained a fetish to for plump mature...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 44 A Procession of Fools

The castle began to fill up a week before Court was set to officially open. Joseph was forced to shake the hands and accept the curtseys of dozens of lords and ladies, their children and grandchildren, several brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews, the staff they brought with them and a host of other people that arrived in Tyrell – and expected the hospitality of the castle. The first, of course, had arrived weeks earlier. Those that had stayed in local inns or in tents outside the...

3 years ago
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Introduction: A coming-of-age story. NO UNDERAGE SEX! The heat waves shimmered in the distance, inexorably rising off the sand in an unmerciful display of mother natures authority. ________ was nowhere to be found. Off to the left, _________ could be heard, the ___________ signaling the __________ of another ________. It was the summer of 69. It was the summer of ________. ***** That was what we were given as the Challenge for CAW #12 on out Sex Stories forum. I started this story...

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The Last Trump

I had played the bugle when in the army cadets at school, and when I joined the RAF as an aircraft apprentice I hoped to continue my musical career, but now as a trumpeter there being no buglers in the RAF. Trumpeters at RAF Halton played reveille, lights out, fall in, and all other applicable military trumpet calls, on the long stemmed cavalry trumpet, which I found much more difficult to master than the bugle. There was also the fact trumpet practice was held every evening, which became an...

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Valerias Working

Alejandro knocked twice on the aluminum door. It opened slightly and a woman’s voice said to come in. He pushed the door open and stepped inside.“You’re not a cop are you?”“No ma’am. I’m just me. I’m in school and I work in a warehouse on weekends.”Valeria could hear the humbleness, the uncertainty, and the youth in his voice. It matched his appearance.“How did you hear about me?”“Roberto from the warehouse. He called you. The ad in the paper?”“You’re Alejandro?”“Si.”“I’m Valeria. Would you...

Straight Sex
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My punjabi girlfriend

It was her birthday so I took Neeru to my newly rented flat, on an excuse to celebrate it and make her see my new place too. She was dressed in chocolate color suit, choco color lips and payals on her lovely legs (I asked her to always wear payals whenever she is with me). I already had got a cake and some rags and pillows to sit or even lie on the floor. I showed her around my new place and she liked it, then I took her to my to be bedroom where I had placed the rags and the cake. We both...

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Savita Bhabhi Episode 85 Back To Work

Savita bhabhi woke up early that day and hit the shower immediately. “Gosh I haven’t been to the office in six weeks”, she exclaimed taking the razor and lather from the stand. Her naked body was glistening with water droplets which made her look irresistible to anyone. She finished shaving her legs which looked smoother than before. Her pussy was behind the dense black forest that had grown heavily in the past couple of days. She lathered it up and the white of the lather made it look like...

3 years ago
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My Reawakening Kinky Thoughts and Dirty Desires

The waiting room was rather small. As you entered there was a large window with floor length dark purple drapes and four cozy looking black leather chairs in front of it facing the door. To the right was a leather black sofa with a dark purple accent wall behind it and a small black coffee table in front as well as four more black cozy leather chairs to the other side of the sofa to create a “U” shape seating area. The reception desk was to the left built into the wall, and a door to the right...

First Time
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Chloes Naughty Night1

Now let me tell you a little about Chloe; She is a cute, shy, sexy, submissive, and freaky wife. She is about 5'7" 36D with curves in all the right places. She is always a little reluctant and shy at first, but once things get going she turns into a sexy little slut that loves getting dicks hard and loves cum to the point of calling herself a cum slut. So she is lying there on the couch with her beautiful tits and curvy hips and stomach showing, with her low cut jeans unbuttoned. Mmmmm....

1 year ago
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A New Career

"A photo shoot? What's that?" Tiffany explained that she and a few friends all got together at a photography studio once in a while and shot off some digitals to sell. She said that I could play a part and be paid, too. I had just met Tiffany last night. We'd had a late night romp and then as we were just laying there this conversation ensued. I asked her what it entailed, and she said I'd have to be willing to have sex on camera. She told me the hardest thing would be for me...

2 years ago
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Disneyland Adventures p1

I spent all of my summers with my father. My parents had split up when I was very young and my mother received custody of me. She was not a mean person though, so she agreed to let me stay with him over the the summer. It was always what I looked forward to over the years, it was my get away. My dad was someone who wanted to make up for not being around. He did this buy taking me shopping, buying me whatever I wanted and taking me on all kinds of trips. I had just turned 17 years old and I for...

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Das Fetisch Resort

"Das wurde mir gestern gesendet", sage Miriam Weber, meine neueste Klientin. "F?nf Tage nachdem er verschwand." Ich sah auf das Smartphone, das sie mir gegeben hatte. Dort war eine Person zu sehen, die mit Ausnahme des Gesichts vollst?ndig schwarz gekleidet war. Es war ein Selfie, wie man an dem ausgestreckten Arm sehen konnte. "Auf dem kleinen Bildschirm kann ich nicht genug erkennen. Bitte leiten Sie die Nachricht an meine Adresse weiter." Sie bediente das Telefon und meinte dann: "...

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Window Watching

I woke up the next morning about 10:00 AM or so and headed downstairs to get breakfast. I said hello to my mom and found my older sister, Julie at the table. She was 18 and found everything I did an affront to her sensibilities. In typical fashion for her she opened with, "Gross, what's with the underwear, put some shorts on. I don't need to see your boy junk". My face reddening I head back up to my room to pull on some shorts and I see my mom has my shorts from last night in her hand and...

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The Gym11 John and Jen

The Gym #1.1: John & Jen By DrLoVe This story is copyrighted and my expressed permission is required for reprints in any shape or form. **************** John Grisham flung himself from one street to another, running around the block twice in futile hopes to espy and intercept his fudge-colored nemesis. Running presented a seemingly insurmountable obstacle since his bulging thighs trembled and rubbed against each other chafing and heating up uncomfortably. People turned around...

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Come sort my tap fuck my old pussy part 3

I had my tea rang Clair to tell her I would be there in a bit & to be ready for me, her words where I will be ready & the kettle will be on, So gets showered dress and sets of to Claire'sI gets there & lets myself in she comes out of the kitchen stand there looking at me with a smile on her face, I already for you, lifts up her skirt up there what do you think, She'd no knickers on her mot was looking at me saying come fuck me,Have we time for a cup of tea first, she walks in the...

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The Dream or Nightmare

At first awareness...Where am I? I cannot move, though I am not restrained.I cannot see, though I am not blindfolded.I am laying on my back on something cold and hard...a marble or granite surface. I am nude as best I can tell. The cool, dank air is tickling my skin all over. There is musky smell in the air. A basement? no. there is something clean about the smell. It's somewhere old, I smell old polished wood, and stone...a church? perhaps.There is a soft droning sound. It's not...

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Jayne the Virgin Ch 2

This a true story of how I deflowered Jayne the 85 year old virgin. This really long story will be broken up into shorter chapters.Link to Ch 1: https://xhamster.com/stories/jayne-the-virgin-ch-1-9698181This is chapter 2.Barb and I left and I asked what she wanted for dinner. She told me and we went to her favorite local short order burger joint. We went through drive through got the food and then she wanted to go to an overlook to eat. We drive and ate on the way. By the time we got there she...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess6e11 Janine Saunders 18

Series 6, Episode 11 – Janine Saunders (18), from Birmingham We fade in on a nice townhouse in a nice neighbourhood – then we cut to inside the house and see our hostess – Charley – sitting at her desk, a large computer editing suite laid out infront of her (big computer, multiple screens, etc.) She appears to be editing an episode of ‘The United Kingdom of Zoo’ as we watch, although there’s nothing sexual on screen at the moment, just a young couple walking a large Alsatian. Charley turns...

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Love and Family During the Great DeathChapter 23 And the Shit Rolleth Forth

"Shouldn't we have offered those girls some help?" Alice asked sheepishly after they'd driven a few miles in silence. "They didn't want our help," Maggie snapped. "After something like that, people aren't always ready to trust a bunch of gun totting strangers," her father answered. "Still, shouldn't we have tried to reason with them? Explain how they'd be safer with us rather than wandering around unprotected?" David sighed, and then addressed her question without taking his...

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JudgementsChapter 67

Hope and Shawna were uncomfortable. They flitted from seat to seat, changed places, changed positions, but the cause of the discomfort was internal, and they knew it. The silence grew longer, heavier, more wearing, and even when Briana arrived and she and Elspeth sat talking in the corner things didn't really improve. Night had fallen fully by the time the door creaked open, and Ally slowly led the way in. Hope and Shawna quickly scrambled to their feet, and Marcus followed through the door...

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Once Upon a Dream

When I dream of you, I relive our last encounter when you appeared suddenly, behind me, waiting for me to realize you were there. I turned to see the broad expanse of your chest and gasped, surprised by your closeness. I looked up at your face and with a squeal of delight, threw my arms around you. The world melts away and all that exists is the peace and safety of being in your arms and the steady beating of your heart. For several minutes I am content to just revel in the feeling of being...

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Corporate Assets Chapter 7

Chapter 7 "What's going on here?", demanded Sandra. "You're all in a lot of trouble." Rachel stepped toward Sandra. "I think you're the one in a lot of trouble", she said coolly. The man closed the office door and locked it. Sandra made a wild grab for the telephone. Before she could reach it the man with the gun stepped in front of her, pressing the gun against her head. "I don't think you want to do that", he said. He grabbed Sandra's arm and turned her to face the other three people. "I want...

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Cube of Percetion Jack to Jasmine Chapter 1

It had been three days. Three days since Jack's now-ex girlfriend broke his heart. If it had been a normal breakup, he supposed it wouldn't have been this bad. But when somebody cheats on you, it brings your whole self-image into question. "What if I had been more attentive? What if I had worked out more? Was my dick too small? Did I not satisfy her orally? Did she fake every orgasm she had?" These questions floated through his head every second of each day. It didn't help that...

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Watching the Duplex Driveway

Chapter 1 "Damn!" John Watson, popular young college professor, groaned as an errant ribbon of cum arched over the safety net of toilet tissue in his lap and landed directly on the mouth of a big-breasted Penthouse magazine model whose picture had been the focus of his fantasy. More and more of late, John found himself stroking his own cock in attempt to satiate his horniness. His almost perpetual state of arousal was taking a toll on his mental health. It started with the daily parade of...

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08 TogetherChapter 106

Flashback – Masha – Moving day Because of my special training, I naturally woke up earlier than Louise and Linda. I slipped out of bed, went into the bathroom and did my morning routine, then headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. Breakfast was ready when Louise, carrying Linda, came out of the back and said, “Wow, I didn’t even hear you wake up.” I smiled at her and replied, “I wanted to wake up early so I could prepare your breakfast. It’s complete so have a seat at the table.” Louise...

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Seducing My Sister Sanju 8211 Part II

Hi Vicky again with the continuation of the story, seducing sister Sanju. First things first thank you for the amazing feedback. After the completion of my conference, we started back to our hometown. On the flight, Sanju and I have decided that the amazing days in Delhi will be our little dirty secret and we will fuck whenever our parents are not around or whenever we find time. She told me that she loved me and would follow my orders as instructed. In my mind I started thinking, “What have I...

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Bohot Natak Se Apne Padosan Mousi Ko Choda

Hi dosto mera naam George hai aur me Orissa ka rehena wala hu,ye ek sachhi kahani hai,aur dosto me ye sochta hu ki har ek ladki ko aap chod sakte ho agar woh sex ki pyaasi ho to. Me apne baare me bata ta hu mene MBA kiya hai aur abhi ek MNC me kaam kar raha hu ye kahani tab ki hai jab me graduation me tha aur mere ghar ke saamne ek aunty rehete the waise aunty to bohot saare rehete the colony me par woh Hamare dur ke rishte dar lagte the unka figure 38-30-36 hai aur height 5f 4 hoga rang gora...

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Earths CoreChapter 25 Legacy Of The Onersquos Path

‘There is a title’, Zax’s voice quivered. The first thing that popped up from the minimal information he could gather from the second subject was a five words title, brimming with immense excellence as if it was part of a divine existence. ‘Legacy Of The One’s Path. Zax said in trepidation. He clearly could not calmly handle the bits of the decrypted second subject in his possession. Merely staring at the information floating in his sea of consciousness aroused a sense of obeisance, in a...

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Shejarchya Auntyne Mansokta Zavun Ghetale Part 2

Hi friends, me punha mazya Shejarchya auntyne mansokta zavun ghetale ya story cha next part ghevun aaloy. Mazya shejarchya aunty baddal aadhi sangitlelech aahe. Magchya story madhye tine kase mazyakadun ticha navara yeiparyant zavun ghetale te sangitle hote. Tyanantar javal javal 15 divas aamhala kahi karayla jamle nahi karan, ticha navra yethech hota aani ticha mulgahi (jo dusrya shaharat shalesathi asto) aala hota. 15 divasani to gela aani ticha navarahi punha 8-10 divsansathi punha out of...

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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 8

When I got home from school the next day I saw dad’s car was there, and from the snores I heard when I walked in he was obviously sound asleep in his room. So I did some studying until dinner, then reheated the leftover alfredo from the night before. I then called Linda and we chatted for about an hour until we said our goodbyes.At least on Tuesday dad was back to himself. He spent over 30 hours helping get the Radar back up, apparently it was an integration fault with another unit that had...

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sister In Law calls at an inconvenient moment

I posted this under another name with Peter in it several years ago.My stories all have a moment of two that inspired me to take it further.My Wife Deann and I were fucking one night. She had her ass up and her face buried in her pillow when the phone rang. She said I should just let it ring, but I shook my head "NO" and picked up the receiver. It was my wife's sister who lives in Ohio many miles from us. We both call her Chatty Kathy because she can't seem to ever quit talking . I said,...

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My Sexual Odyssey Part III Becoming a Slut Continued

We got to Tom’s car, and he opened the door for me, then walked around and got in himself. The drive was short and uneventful, and we parked behind the club. There were some people arriving at the same time we were, and I noticed several who looked like they could be CD’s. We approached the club’s entrance, and I began to feel more relaxed. It is always uncertainty that is anxiety-producing, and once we arrived, the uncertainty diminished considerably, I now could see, not merely imagine, what...

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Wetter than the ocean

I'm worth 20x that uno... ..im no strings/hassles an best of all always still being friends Depending on the services maximum amount entitles two encounters first a paid (extra cost) hotel rm second being a car park meet an bush walk ...the nudist beach (daytime) at the lagoon or park (night) An the third being a quicki at my discretion when an where I say! ...First inside a motel room with spas and showers at you will be able to explore me with the lights on... ill be barely dressed...

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Hijabi to Whore Part 3 First Cream Pie

Iqra had just gotten out of her dad's car when she received a text from an unknown number so she didn't open it until.She told her mom that she'll take a shower and then come down for dinner and hurriedly went to her room. She closed her room door and quickly opened up the text it was from her coach and he had sent a video she quickly played the video and it was him wanking his dick and right there in front of him was a picture of iqra's face from school pictures which he had printed and was...

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I Enjoyed And Learned Too

I Enjoyed And Learned Too By: A. W. Chohan A totally fictional story with lots of learning for those who want to learn. Summer vacations shuru huwe abhi 2 weeks bhi nahi guzray thay magar it sure was beginning to get awfully boring. All my schoolmates living close by in the locale were gone to visit their relatives in different states. It was already close to sunset time hot, and bike riding buht monotonous lagnay lagi thi. Mujhay swimming ka bhi buht shoq tha magar attendance kum honay ki...

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My First Bra Part 11

In Part 10 I thought back on my disastrous first marriage and my life leading up to meeting my wife. We went out to breakfast and a man at the next table called me a sissy, causing me to break down in tears and leading to me deciding to go ahead and accept my femininity. We left the restaurant and my wife drove us to the mall. There were lots of cars and we had to look for a while to find a place to park. "What are we doing here?" I asked. "This place will be swamped...

3 years ago
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In case your just tuning in:: Do not adjust your set:: It’s the Beast interfering with everything:: My wife had been given potions to drive her into such lustful want that Witchy Woman and I had strapped her up onto this ancient ritual/sacrifice table and now the “Beast” had been summoned and was just starting to use his unworldly cock of fiery hot feel to fuck my tiny 4’ 8” petite Mexican wife. The cock was an exact replica of huge dogs cock, a finger like tip was...

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Uncle Hammered Mom While I Was Seeing The Show

My fantasies for my mom began in 2009, when i was in class 9.We had gone to roam Chennai, and we stayed in a hotel.The light in the hotel was pretty dim,so at night when i was sleeping i was suddenly awaken with a soft laughing noise.When i opened my eyes slowly, i saw my dad teasing my mom by pressing her boobs, she was smiling, and moaning.She was wearing a nighty, which my dad pulled out and then i could see her only in her bra, as they got inside the blanket.I slept off not witnessing the...

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Cheating Together Part 1 of 3

Jenny looked over at her husband as they left the airport in the rental car. She could not believe how much she loved this man but she sure hoped that they were both ready for what was about to happen."So are you excited or nervous?" Ken asked."Both! Are you sure you want this to happen? It has only been a game till now." She asked but she knew she would be disappointed if he backed out now.Jenny remembered how it all started as just a joke. She and Ken had always loved watching porn and...

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She Applied for Her Favourite Position

Em was shouting into the bed covering. She was naked except for her garter belt. She was lying face down across the bottom of the bed with her legs spread widely apart and her feet on the carpeted floor of her hotel room for extra purchase. A hot cock was punching her wetly fragrant vagina, rapidly bringing her to orgasm. It was her first of the night. It would certainly not be her last. It had been an all-round great evening in fact. She’d had a very good result. She so loved being...

Straight Sex
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Blackfeather33 Deception

I IGNORED HIM. Damned old bird could just wait. I was coming and I couldn’t let go of either Katie’s pussy or Kyle’s lips. I hugged them to me and desperately held her to my breast as I kissed and kissed. My climax wouldn’t stop. Her fingers pumped into me in rhythm with Kyle’s cock pumping into her. I could feel her pulses on my fingers and knew she was coming as hard as I was. I’d never come so hard. Tears ran from my eyes as I opened them and looked into Kyle’s eyes. And saw his...

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Sea State Six

If there are any sailors out there they will know what I am talking about when I say sea state six. It isn’t the worst state to be sailing in but it is not picnic either. I remember it as if it was yesterday and the moment still brings fear in my heart. I am a radar operator on a warship, which I love doing. Most people can’t handle the overly cold dark room which others on the ship call the mushroom factory. It takes some getting used to not knowing whether it is night or day and the constant...

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The Tiger and the Kitten

From the moment she stepped out onto the tarmac he knew he'd have to have her. She was a vision of beauty, long curly blonde hair, and a shape that would make an hour glass jealous. She recognized him immediately, tall, muscular build and tattoos covering both arms. She walked towards him her hips swaying suggestively. "Hello Tiger" she said. "Hello Kitten" he replied. They shared a hug and a brief "hello" kiss. Finally they were meeting after a few years of e-mails and...

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Reign of the Dark Queen

It is said that beauty of a woman can save the world. The beauty of Queen Catherine, however, is not that kind of beauty - it is not the beauty of a caring mother that settles disputes between men and cools their passions, or a youthful, tender girl that can make a boy's heart bloom and the man inside him awaken, or the beauty of a wife that gives her husband the strength to carry on. No, hers is the beauty of a huntress, a seductress, a vile she-demon. Hers is the beauty of a that dooms, that...

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Piano Bench

I arrive late from the office, tired from the long day at the office, looking forward to seeing her, as I slip quietly in the front door, I hear the sounds of the Adagio from Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata being played on the piano in the music room, Marina is a classical trained pianist. I walk slowly over to her, say nothing, but place my hands on her neck and give a little squeeze - she turns to look over her shoulder, smiles, then returns her attention to the piano. She looks so beautiful...

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My Story part six college

After that night, I decided to take a break from relationships. I needed to get over Jon and just relax. This way I could stop worrying about sex and dating and just have fun with my friends. We finished the school year and then went through senior year. I didn’t sleep with anyone or even date for that year and a half. I was actually really happy with it. Sure I missed being in a relationship and masturbation went into overdrive but I didn’t get hurt and I had a lot of fun with my...

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Webcam Boys Chapter 10

Introduction: Carls masterplan to finally expose Peter as PBear is underway. Meanwhile, Johns impending eviction has William worried hell lose his brofriend forever Posters notes This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldnt get an account here), Im posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story arent specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. Its a work...

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