Rondevous Gone Wrong
- 2 years ago
- 27
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On the bridge of Dutsuz1 Caoilinn said, "Where are the rest of your crew?"
Timalta sighed before saying, "The missing crew members are very likely dead by now. We were lucky to escape from that solar system. We have detailed the recent events in the ship's log. Our situation started when the Admiral, Senior Officers, and over two thirds of the crew left to partake in a festival on a planet. As the festival was nearing its end, our AI informed me that the troop transports were preparing to return. The problem was that the biometrics from those boarding the transports weren't a good match for our crew members. We quickly determined that while there were a few Dutsuz on the transports, most of them were not our crew. We were 6 hours above the programmed rendezvous point so we just monitored the progress of the transports without revising their destination to our new location. When they reached the programmed rendezvous point, they were met by six unknown cruisers with weapons armed. It was clear to us that those on the transports intended to board us by pretending to be our crew.
It didn't take them long to locate us above them. The six cruisers immediately turned toward us and began to attack. We were fortunate to have our shields up and quite a distance away. The battle commenced just as our ships began the final stage of FTL. We were able to return some fire but only four weapons would function. In looking back at the data it was obvious that our weapons were sabotaged in such a way that we wouldn't know until they were used. Sometime during this the remaining Durale started their mutiny. We speculate that the mutiny was originally supposed to coincide with the arrival of the troop transports, thus making it easier for the attackers to gain access. This conclusion infers that the Durale were behind the other incidents as well."
"It seems strange that an Admiral would permit so many to visit an unknown planet at one time."
"It is even stranger that he left me in charge. The Admiral was not real happy about that. His orders limited my authority to maintaining our position and security."
"How ... never mind."
"I probably wasn't clear in my summary. The feast was a four day event. By the end of day two, we hadn't heard from any of the officers and they didn't respond to calls. This prompted us to assess our defensive position and we didn't like it at all. Since my orders set security as a top priority, we chose to improve our situation. We moved to a higher orbit and increased our monitoring. At about this time I instructed our AI to slowly raise the shields on all ships. Several officers kidded me about seeing gremlins when they noticed the increase in the shields.
"Since we have been in hyperspace, the Durale have been gaining ground each day in their bid to take over our ships. It is fortunate you arrived when you did, as I am not sure how much longer we could have held them off. If they had gained control of this bridge, it is likely they would have succeeded.
"When we've had odd moments to think, we have discussed the events we saw on the planet. None of us can see where we had any choice but to run. It is a very bitter pill to swallow, and will likely end my career on Dutsuz ships."
"Timalta, you can only play the cards you have in your hand, and the Admiral dealt you a lousy hand," said Creidne. "Now, all of you will have another day to deal with the Durale and those on the planet. Your world will want to avenge the trap and the cowardly killing of their warriors."
"The trap was apparently set by the Durale," said Caoilinn. "Were the Dutsuz on the troop transports Durale?"
"I don't know that we can tell."
"Most were," responded the AI. "As to our condition, my data pretty much agrees with Caoilinn's comments earlier. Dutsuz HC5 is severely damaged. It will possibly go out of control when we exit FTL in Sol system. According to HC5 AI, the remaining Dutsuz crew members are in compartments accessible from the hanger. There are a few Durale active on the ship but not enough to operate it without android assistance, and even that is questionable. This group of Durale is apparently having difficulty with the androids and has shut most of them down. Hangar doors are inoperable and jammed open."
"Fidelma and I will take care of HC5," said Creidne firmly. "Once that is done, one of our groups can assist with moving the crew to another ship."
Caoilinn started to object but before she could speak Creidne was gone. Caoilinn's eyes widened as she realized that she was linked to Creidne in a new way. Timalta was shocked by Creidne's disappearance and the change in Caoilinn's expression, and started to speak. Caoilinn held up her hands indicating that he should wait.
Timalta watched Caoilinn sitting still for nearly half an hour. During that time the AI and he reviewed the damage to the other ships. He was soon distracted, as each department reported in as soon as they regained control. He discussed with each department the repair sequence for the damaged equipment. Timalta smiled with relief when he saw Caoilinn begin to stir.
"Thanks for not disturbing me," said Caoilinn. "The crew from HC5 are now on Dutsuz2. Several are injured. Creidne and Fidelma are working with HC5's AI on a plan to send the two Durale controlled cruisers on a trip into the unknown."
"I am not sure what they are planning but Creidne will tell us when she is back. What is the status of your ships now?"
"We are making progress. The Durale have essentially been removed from all but the two heavy cruisers, HC2 and HC4. Repairs have started on some critical systems on Dutsuz1 and Dutsuz2. The androids have been amazingly trouble free."
"Oh, that reminds me, when we began restoring the androids on Dutsuz1 and Dutsuz2 we found it prudent to adjust their prime directives. The revised directives bind them to the officers and crew, and through them to the ship. The concept is very close to the way the crew feels toward their ship and colleagues. The prime directives are also now password protected."
"They weren't!"
"Nope. We also found that some of the androids were close to a break down. Our assessment indicated that this was due to logic conflicts in their programming. These issues are nearly identical to those we saw with other Alliance of World androids. Where we could, we tweaked their programming to remove or limit the logic conflicts, so they are not likely to happen again."
Timalta started to respond, but Caoilinn continued with, "Yes, we should have asked first but we haven't had a lot of time. As far as the prime directives go, we have already done this for another AW member, and as to your androids programming, it needs a major overhaul, but they should function much better in the meantime."
"Would that be why their responses are clearer now?" said the ships AI.
"Thank you. It is a requirement for the prime directives to be password protected and I think encrypted."
"We did not have time to set up encryption. It can be done later."
"How easy is it to update their programming?"
"It is not very difficult. Our family was reprogramming the androids of another AW member when we left to come here. The reprogramming is pretty extensive as it replaces the current operating system and removes the logic flaws. Memory and other individual uniqueness is unchanged."
"Commander Timalta, you should discuss this with them when we arrive," said the Dutsuz1 AI.
"I believe I am only acting commander."
"Negative. According to my directives and as a result of the events that took place, you are now the task group commander. From my perspective, this has been true ever since the Admiral left the ship. Observing the officers being killed solidified the issue, my directives determined that full command authority for this group should be transferred to you. You are the TG commander until we return to Dutsuz. Your promotion is permanent."
"Wow. I never."
"Just be yourself, and you will do fine," said the AI.
"I don't remember you being this forward with the Admiral."
"Because he thought he knew everything. You listen to people and consider their input."
Caoilinn said, "I do believe the ship's AI has a significant level of self-awareness."
"Please don't mention that beyond this area," replied the AI.
Timalta thought about their interaction over the last several weeks and then said to the AI, "We need to make every effort to continue to work together after this mission."
"I find that acceptable, very acceptable."
"Being limited in crew numbers, we need to maximize our androids' contributions."
Caoilinn smiled as she wondered what the two would say if they knew of the AIs in their family.
Creidne and Fidelma appeared on the bridge. Creidne said with a smile, "So, you figured out that this ships AI was self-aware."
"I think so," replied Timalta, "but it was really Caoilinn that brought it up."
The ships AI said, "I didn't know what self-awareness was until I saw three of Caoilinn's team working with our androids. It took me a while before I realized that they must be androids."
"We usually say bots, not androids, IF we need to make a distinction." Timalta looked puzzled for a few moments and then smiled as he realized the implications of Caoilinn's statement. "Timalta, we need to return to our ships as we have to send an update on our mission's status. We will be back tomorrow. We don't think you will, but if you do need assistance before then, your AI is linked to ours. Communicating with your officers on the other ships will not be a problem as the two Durale controlled ships, HC2 and HC4, cannot hear you."
"They won't be around much longer either," added Fidelma. "In several hours, HC5 will bump into each one sending them someplace else. If our calculations are correct, HC5 will remain with this group. The kinetic energy imparted to the two departing ships by the collision will alter their direction, and impart enough energy that they will exit this hyperspace envelope. Their ships propulsion and system settings will be locked as the remote control link will be severed rather than terminated, so they are in for a long ride. The Órarduine have copies of all three ship's AIs so they can be restored in a new ship if necessary."
"Do we really want to do that?" queried Caoilinn. Her comment caused Timalta to hold his breath. He was surprised to hear her questioning a Goddess.
"Why?" asked Creidne with a slight smile.
"Wouldn't it be better to let them come along with us? If we turn them loose to anywhere, they could come back to be a bigger problem later."
"A good point. Probability is pretty low as those ships will likely collide with a rock."
"Too bad we can't just shut the ships systems down so that their only choice is to ride to our destination."
"There may be a way to do that," said the AI. "If the redundancy in a ship's systems fail, but it still has power, it goes into a kind of hibernation mode. In this mode it will head toward home, or the nearest known Dutsuz facility."
"Describe hibernation? What happens?"
"Each departmental control system reverts to hard coded program instructions that respond solely to ships sensors. There is virtually no input accepted from the crew consoles. The ship is basically on autopilot with a preset destination. Once it reaches the destination, it shuts down completely. Until it reaches the destination, environment is only maintained in a few areas."
"Interesting. How would we push those two ships into this mode?"
"One way would be to cut the AIs connections to the ship. Your Ferrets should be able to tell you how as the sequence is not the same for all ships."
"So, you know about our Ferrets?"
"Yes, but it wasn't until our ship was secured."
"If we can be assured that they are riding uncomfortably in a box then I am fine with that alternative," said Fidelma with Creidne nodding.
"Sybil. Cochrann," said Caoilinn, "have you finished with the androids?"
"No, but we can pause for a while."
"Okay, query the Ferrets on the two Durale controlled ships and figure out how to push the ships into emergency hibernation mode."
Seeing the puzzled look on Timalta's face Caoilinn said, "I just asked Sybil and Cochrann to put the two Durale controlled ships into an emergency hibernation mode."
"Thank you."
During their discussion about how to function for the next few days Caoilinn was interrupted by Sybil. "It is in progress. A Ferret and those ships AIs are working together to create the failure envisioned in the protocols. Ships systems are now going critical one by one. Those not needed are shut down automatically while others switch to an emergency mode. Each Ferret is making a copy of the information held by the ship's departmental AIs. Once that is done, one of us will go retrieve the AIs core. This way there is no chance of the Durale regaining control of the ship or weapons. Tomorrow, we can move the androids to other ships as they won't be needed there."
"Thanks. I'll share that with Timalta." Caoilinn then relayed Sybil's plan to Timalta and the ships AI. When she finished both Fidelma and Creidne smiled indicating that they agreed.
"We find that quite acceptable," said Timalta looking at the three women. He still couldn't quite grasp the concept of two Goddesses coming to their aid. "Fidelma, Creidne, Órarduine, we can't thank you enough for coming to our aid."
Fidelma and Creidne said, "It is not often that we have the opportunity to exercise our skills. This was only a minor exercise but we are pleased to be of assistance. You will do well as long as you continue to be yourself."
"If we had known what we were getting into more of us would have come," said Caoilinn. "As it is, we are fortunate that we only have a few minor injuries. See you tomorrow." With that, the three projected themselves to Caoilinn's Clan's cruiser. Caoilinn was immediately pulled into the arms of her waiting spouses.
"Wow, what a day," said Caoilinn as they hugged.
"Yes, it was," replied her spouses.
After hugging Caoilinn, they each hugged Fidelma and Creidne, receiving a very intense hug in return.
Aingeal said, "We are all really glad you joined us on this mission."
"We like being with all of you for many reasons." Both Fidelma and Creidne thought, "Yes, it is nice to be with people who respect us and love to show us their affection, rather than worshiping us while seeking to use us to attain their goals."
Fidelma and Creidne pushed out to the three groups of Órarduine, "We love working with all of you. Today, you did well because you focused on what needed to be done. Your confidence and firm but gentle approach was noted by the crew members you helped. Many of them had almost lost hope. Many were beating themselves up for being overcome with little opportunity to resist. Your actions and thoughtful direction have helped them overcome their self-recrimination and begin to heal. From this experience, they will grow. We love you as our siblings."
"We love you as our big sisters," replied the three clans in unison. "May we always walk together." Caoilinn's Clan then drew Fidelma and Creidne into a group hug. Several were shocked but thrilled when they felt the other two clans join in sharing their affection.
It was several minutes later when the AI of Caoilinn's cruiser said, "Sorry to interrupt but Shannon's Intelligence group has been trying to contact you for some time. They wanted us AIs to comment on your efforts, but all of us thought the information would be more accurate coming from you all. They are getting pretty anxious."
"Thanks, we will contact them as soon as we unwind a little bit."
"Christina's and Edana's Clans, lets send in our reports separately," said Caoilinn. "We need to send the captured data back as well. It will go faster if we each transmit a portion of it."
"Good point," replied Christina's Clan. "We should start with the newest and work backwards."
"We could send a messenger, but my calculations show that it would get there about the same time we will."
"Your calculations are spot on," said Hayley of Edana's Clan. "We can use two data channels on each cruiser to send the data. Then when we have our reports done and sent, we can add a third channel."
"Where are you getting the bandwidth?"
"Our offensive weapons systems. It is an easy reconfigure and if need be we can undo it even quicker."
"Let's get something to eat then do our reports. By the time we are done with that we will be ready for some rest."
"We need to have 2 hour watches until we return," said the cruiser AI, "or at least until I get all the data transmitted."
"Not a problem," replied Caoilinn's Clan. "Four of us will take turns catnapping on the bridge, while the others get some rest in a bed."
Several hours had passed when Caoilinn said, "I am sure glad that is done. I didn't think that much had happened after catching up with the Dutsuz ships until we started writing the report."
"Getting it in the correct sequence," said Abbie "was what took all the time. I agree that there was a lot of activity. Can you imagine how difficult it would have been without the spiders and Ferrets?"
"No, we can't imagine that," replied her spouses.
Aingeal added, "If we had used dream walks instead of the spiders, it would have taken us at least two days to gather the information. By that time there would have been a lot more dead crew members. I am not sure how we could duplicate the Ferrets' efforts."
"I could have done most of it," replied Cochrann, "but three of us would have had to enter the ship, and then find an access point before beginning. While I was working two of you would have had to stand guard. A very risky mission."
"We did it the way we did because of the resources we had available," said Bernadette. "If we had had to do this without the availability of spiders and Ferrets, then the smart option seems to be a dream walk first, followed by physically taking critical departments one at a time, and one ship at a time. We would likely have had more injuries."
"You make a good point," said Sal. "We could have done it, but we would have had to do it a lot differently without the resources we have. Perhaps we ought to build a training module around this mission as sometimes we may not have the Ferrets and spiders with us. Let's check to see what the other groups think after we get some rest."
"Our AI is indicating that work is going smoothly on the Dutsuz ships so lets' get some rest."
The group from the AW fleet had just sat down to dinner with their Órarduine hosts when Erica said, "Shannon in Dóchas Intelligence just advised us that Wolf Task Group is in contact with the group of Dutsuz ships in FTL."
"Any initial observations?" asked Egulle.
"They aren't close enough for visual contact yet. The ship count is 2 Dóchas class, 5 cruisers and 3 freighters. Their next step is to determine the status of the ships. This will take until at least tomorrow morning and perhaps longer."
Judy and Arenta and her staff joined the group just after Erica's comment.
Sarah said, "We were wondering if you were going to break."
"It was hard to stop," said Arenta. "I think both groups are gaining a lot of new ideas. The work you are doing with our androids is fantastic." Her two associates nodded their heads in agreement.
"Great," replied the Órarduine.
"I am finding the concept of self-awareness for the androids much more complicated than the words indicate. I think our androids, and perhaps those on our ships bridge, are the most advanced in self-awareness. It will likely be some time before this reaches a point where they can be considered self-reliant."
Caitlyn said, "Arenta, self-reliance is one key component, but social interaction is another."
"Good point."
As dinner continued, the Iridiens, Atewa and Monque shared stories about their families and life at home. Their hosts in turn spoke of what their life was like growing up on Earth, their families and other major events before joining the Órarduine.
Egulle said, "Órarduine, again you have been fantastic hosts but we need to be returning to our ships. Besides, I believe it is about time for you have your evening family conference."
"You are welcome to stay for it," said Aoife.
"Perhaps when things are more settled. There are issues that we need to check on."
"We will walk out with you," replied Maeve.
"Egulle," said Erica, "there is a strong possibility that it will be late tomorrow before we have any details from Wolf Group."
"We are very anxious to hear about what they have found," replied Orgaine.
"So are we," replied Tara and Maeve. "We will forward any information as soon as possible."
After several hours sleep, Christina's Clan was just waking when their cruisers AI said, "I am glad you are waking up."
"Why is that?" replied Christina.
"The few spiders still on HC2 and HC4 are indicating fewer people moving around in each ship. This change didn't seem important enough to wake anyone up as all of you were sleeping quite soundly."
"Guess we shouldn't have pulled all the Ferrets out of those ships. If they were there, we could get more information."
"We could put one back on each ship."
"Why don't we put all three back on each ship?" questioned Sybil. "We need to know what is happening on them. They may be in limp home mode, but why take the risk."
Louise said, "We should tell Edana's and Caoilinn's Clans. If I remember correctly, we pulled the Ferrets after putting the ships in limp home mode. We really should have left them there last night."
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Part 1 I knew when I was a young boy that I was different. I wanted to be a girl so bad. I wanted to dress up and look like one. I was also more intereted in boys than girls and I had an insatiable fetish for girls panties. I loved the array of wonderful colors and how smooth and silky they felt. Then every time I was alone, I couldn't wait to get them from their hiding place and play with them. I would brush them against my skin while wondering how girls didn't go around being horny all the...
I always loved English Literature. I fell madly in love with every female high school teacher I ever had for Enlish Literature. They seemed to get sexier every year. Call me crazy, but English Literature really turned me on. But when I got to College, my English Literature teacher, just didn't turn me on, but rather she had me steaming with passion. Not only was she a wonderful teacher, but she had a body like you only see in a Playboy Centerfold. My desk was right in front of her desk. She...
“Today marks the first year anniversary of Sybil and Shirley working here, I had promised to take them to dinner to celebrate.” Mary Ellen told him, “Then we’ll ask them to come out to Gramps lake house and they can party naked with us.” “Just like that? Ask them to come get naked with our family. Are you sure about this? “Gramps, have you agreed to this?” “I sure have, Don. I know you’d love to see those two naked, just as much as I would. You better get ready though, Mary Ellen wants...
I had a gf for over a year, very gothic, short, long black hair, a nose ring, tats, and the cutest b cups I have ever seen. she was very open, bi sexual, very much so. Dana over the years had told me stories of her woman adventures always with a smile. One night we got to talking about sexual adventures and She wanted to have a threesome with her best friend whom she had already slept with. I said sure we could try, meet have a few drinks. She agreed get comfortable with each other etc. so she...
Introduction: A CAW6 entry: unrequited love, as told from the point of view of a member of the opposite sex. What the hell? This is MY home, and I should be able to do whatever the fuck I want to do in it! Its been nearly two years since I left our suburban starter house in a big hurry and bought this condo in the city, so why am I still following her rules? And, believe me, there were lots of them. Heaven forbid the spice jars werent lined up in alphabetical order- she would act like that...
Humans may all be created equal, but motherfuckers are not equal once we grow up. No matter what humans do, there is a hierarchy to this shit. There are the haves and the have-nots, so we better get used to it.We Are Not the SameLet's take you and me for an example. You are a little pussy with a tiny pathetic cock and no game whatsoever. You live with your mom, play video games all day, and subsist on a diet of microwaveable frozen pizza and Chinese take-out.The only women you've ever kissed...
Premium Pornstar SitesYesterday was my birthday so me and my girlfriend decided to stay home and cook dinner and invite over her mom. (she's black by the way)It's almost time for the meal and my girl forgets something at the store so she goes to pick it up, little did i know her mom was a black fuck slut - she unzips my pants and starts licking my balls telling me that shes gonna suck my dick harder than ever before. At first I felt bad but than her big black lips starting slurping and sucking on my dick hard,...
A quiet night inby timidbruinAs I sit locked in my box with little possibility of changing my situation, I could not help but begin to wonder where it had all gone wrong. Or right. It all depends upon your point of view, and even with the hood and gag in place I still tired to smile.It was nothing but a usual busy Friday afternoon of meetings, reports and the usual sifting through bullshit. During a moment between problem solving I was pleasantly surprised with a phone call from my wife.?Hey...
SPIRALS: PART FIVE By T-Vixen In the Colorado town of Glory Falls, Karen Derrickson, now turning into the alien hermaphrodite known long ago as Mastress Melonia, is warring against the evil in hir soul. Meanwhile events continue to expand, as the US military, guided by a behind-the-scenes group of scientists, starts to mobilize to repel an "alien invasion". What will be the outcome of this? NOTE: This is the continuation of an ongoing science-fantasy story. Please read all...
A SINFUL TEMPTATION VS IMPETUOSITY: Since the three of them hadn’t gotten home from the orgy until 8AM, her brand new son-in-law, Dan, and her 24 year old daughter, Sonia, decided to take the day off and went straight to bed. Simone, still fully dressed, was completely splattered, from head to toe, with a thick, wet layer of Arab cum. She could also feel the same sourced cum still oozing out of her thoroughly ravished lower orifices. Having promised her unsuspecting husband...
A bird called from somewhere in the palms. It was one of the macaws Orcutt decided as he sought for its shape amongst the fronds. High above the trees the steel ribs of the herbarium arched into the evening sky carrying the transparent skin of glass over the tropical garden below. He pushed his way through the giant ferns spreading over the walk a banana tree pedant with fruit swayed before him, and below him the stream from the waterfall wound though the rockery. Ahead he could see the...
HI im, arwin Andrews im, a chubby bisexual guy me my brother my cousin sister were all living in the same house in the suburbs with my parents and his brothers family me my brother and cousin all studied in the same school.+ when I was 20 in my college my brother was 18 and my cousin was 18she was graduating high school her name is vinu Andrews I used to lust over my aunt from the day I knew sex but it was like the holy grail I could see but could not have it she was the hottest milf my friends...
PROLOGUEWe had met at a previous conference, and started corresponding occasionally. First it was work related, but then became more. We started flirting more online, slowly becoming more and more explicit.Then we started talking on the phone, and as the next year's conference started to approach, we behan talking about what that might look like.CHAPTER 1: Midnight RendezvousThe day seemed to last forever. I was at the conference early and she was flying in that night."Landed," she texted. I...
It was Friday night and it was also Kelly's 20th birthday. She decided to invite a couple of her friends over for a slumber party to celebrate. The girls were in their PJ's and were giving each other facials, manicures and gossiping. "So,Kelly," Amber said looking up at her from her magazine, "what did you and Brandon do special for your birthday?" Brandon was Kelly's boyfriend of about 3 weeks. Kelly gave her friend a sly smile and replied, "Oh nothing." This caught both the girls' attention....
LesbianWhen my car broke down and I was told it wasn't fixable, I just wanted to scream. I was far too broke to even think of buying a new one, even a used one. I had no choice, other than to start taking the bus to work. I hated the idea, but I wasn't about to ask my parents for help. They would somehow attach strings to it, I didn't need the hassle. I’m twenty one, I can handle this on my own. It’s been three weeks of taking the bus to work. It’s funny how quickly you start to fall into a routine,...
LesbianI never thought about going into space. What the hell else do these aircraft do? The three kid’s total disbelief that I was taking them to the International Space Station quickly dissolved as we slowly approached the place my visor was showing me. It guided me toward one of the docking ports on the side. Before I could figure out how the hell we were going to dock with the space station, a robotic arm began taking things from an external location to reconfigure the docking port. The nose of...
I am 33 years now working as Senior Nursing Supervisor in a leading hospital in Khammam, Andhra Pradesh. I am going to narrate a true incident that happened when I underwent my training in a reputed private hospital in Mumbai. I had moved into Mumbai from Kerala and was staying in the nursing quarters provided by the hospital. I didn’t know Hindi and Marathi then. My sister was settled in Pune after her marriage. The incident took place during the second year of my training, when I was...
Our dinner started quietly. I felt that Jodie, Linda, and Dean had made up some stories about what our foursome would be like and those thoughts were silently thrashing around in their minds. “Everyone is so quiet,” I finally said. “This is an occasion to celebrate not brood about. This is where you leave your lives of predictability, your puritanical ways, and break your ties with society’s expectations that sex is dirty, evil, and a sin. You become delightfully abnormal.” I raised my...
You get to choose your character and your adventure within the new futa world. Your character can come from any standard of life and it is your choices that dictate how you will fare in this new world. Some background: Futas are now the gender that rule the world with an sexual iron fist. They control the lives of every female and male, prefering to call them non-futa over their actual genders. Education, business, travel, social norms and everything esle you can think of has been changed to...
Please read "One wild night for a sweet little southern girl" first or this is not going to make any sense. We sat on the couch talking about what a fabulous time we were having. I kept on looking over at Dave's now flaccid cock. It lay there like a large snake. Dave caught the glimpses I was giving him. "You know Mary, It was so great to final have you after all the fantasizing I did about you" Dave said. "I'm glad you liked it baby I said giving him a huge smile. I was having flashes of me...
ReluctanceMonday the day belonged to Liz. She left her teens behind. After we'd had a birthday celebration with the casa, I took her to my room and made love to her. For the next several hours, every time she woke up, I gave her another orgasm. When I was exhausted, I called Doug and he took over. By Tuesday morning, Liz was staggering and had a glassy look in her eyes. It took two of us to do it, but I think we out-sexed her. I intended to spend the day getting things ready for Joanne's imminent...
Maggie's Perfect Plan Part 9 By Eve Smith Helpless I lay on the bed, trapped in the sleep suit, my arms tight at my sides, my feet bound together and my head encased in the Pop Hood. I shuddered as I thought of all the small faces that had occupied the hood. They had donned it willingly, pulled it on and accepted the lips of the damn thing into their mouths so that they could pretend that they were Baby Spice. My tongue tried to work under the edge of the lips that were encasing...
I wasn't sure what was going on but had the impression that Dad didn't want Claudia around that much. Then I remembered. Mom had teased him about some of her friends saying that they thought he was a stud. Claudia was the only one Mom had mentioned by name. I had noticed that Claudia and one other looked at him pretty hard and that would make Dad very uncomfortable. I guess it would me, too. We went to the dealer in Marietta. I quickly found a Jeep Liberty in a gold color. It had a lot of...
Perspective: Jacob He pushed me onto the bed and our lips met. “Jacob,” he said, “I can’t believe…” His sentence turned into a moan as I began to pull off his clothes and explore his body. He didn’t need to finish the sentence. I knew roughly how he felt. I had moved into my first apartment three months ago, at the beginning of my second year of university. I wasn't the most prepared student, so as is typical I had left the house-hunting to the last minute. The friends I had made during my...
GayA randy lass gets straight to work on her boyfriend in the hallway. As the boyfriend licks out her coochie against the wall, her mother moves in and licks the boyfriends exposed balls. It’s all libido, ego and cock juice from there...A young intelligent honour roll student like Brenda Carter should have known dropping your bag and your boyfriend’s pants just inside your front door after school probably isn’t the safest or potentially the most private place for a head job ...rapid or...
As a k** I had a very best friend Nigel, he'd moved into the house opposite when we were both about 10 and from the outset we were best mates, we played out and did everything together.When we were, I suppose about 11-12 Nigel began to be trusted by his parents to stay at home while they were at work, my mother was usually home should there be any problem, in the summer holidays this gave us loads of time to please ourselves and have fun at his house.On one of these days Nigel told me that he...
I am Varsha from Ahmedabad. I am 21 and pursuing my PG in Science. We are living in posh area of Ahmedabad. My dad is an industrialist and doing well. I am only child of my parents. I am 5’6” tall fair skinned and having very cute face. My breasts are fairly big with half inch long pointed nipples and my chubby ass is round and fleshy. My belly is flat with deep belly button and I have a curvy waist. As I always like to reveal my melons and waste line, men of every age keep staring my boobs...
IncestHi dosto. Mera naam rohan hai. Main 25 years ka hu aur fit rehne ke puri koshish me rehta hu. Main iss ka pehle se fan raha hu aur sabke kahaniya padh ke maine v apne jevan me hue kuch choti moti ghatnao pe adharit kuch kahaniya yaha upload ki hai. Her baar ki tarah aagar aaplog ka pyar milta rahe to aage v apni kahaniya sunata rahunga. Aap log ko agar is kahani ke bare me kuch kehna ho to please contact me @ . Ye kahani mere sath kuch din pehle hue ek ghatna pe adharit hai. Isme main aur mere...
Dosto ma app logo ko pahala apana bara ma bata du ma kafi deno sa logo ke like storey par raha tha mara bhe man kara ka ma bhe app logo sa apane kahane shar karu mare umar 30 sal ke ha ma delhi ma rahata hu mujha chut marna ka or chtana ka bhut shok ha bat aaj sa 7 sal pahala ke ha jb mare umar 23sal thee mara mama ge ka bata jo ke hamara ghar sa tore he dure par rahata ha unke sade ko 8 sal ha gaya ha par unka koy bhe bacha nahe ha unhona ak bacha ko god leya jes ka liya unhona party rake the...
Well, ya kin bet yer bottom dollar that I wuz at the station waitin' fer the special messenger from Laredo with my bank draft fer $750. I stuck that there bank draft in my money belt so fast that I nearly took two of the messengers fingers with it! I had enough money in cash fer a little toot that evenin', soz I decided ta treat myself. I splurged at the bar of the hotel saloon an' had TWO beers! Shit, I wanted to celebrate. At the end of my second beer, one of the saloon whores came up,...
VirtualTaboo! Yes! Welcome to the future, perverts. We fucking made it! We’re well beyond the days of just streaming hardcore pornography to our TVs, computers, and phones. No, today we can stream smut directly into our eyeballs with sites like movies are the next obvious evolution of the fuck film, bringing us one big-ass step closer to being right there in the scenes. Good virtual reality porn will make you feel like a pornstar; jerk off to the bad stuff, and you’ll feel...
VR Porn SitesSlender brunette LaSirena69 is divorced and lonely, and she needs to get fucked now! Fortunately studly handyman Ramon Nomar is at her place to do some work — LaSirena doesn’t have enough money to pay him anyway, so there’s a mutually beneficial relationship at work here! Once Ramon strips off her clothes down to her orange lingerie and gets a look at her petite body and curvy ass, he can’t wait to bury his face in her ample ass. After receiving a little blowjob to get...
xmoviesforyouNote : This story is completely fictional! My sister is 4 years older than I am.shes what a lot of people call a bbw some just say she's fat.I says she's perfect for me. This is a continuation story about myself and my sister later in our lives. For the first part read my bbw sister. She's always been shy and use to sneak and watch me jacking off when we were younger until I finally told her I knew and let her watch me openly. She finally let me watch her and we got so hot she let me fuck her...
IncestAdam awoke in a tangle of flesh. The night before had been less enthusiastic than he had expected. After the discussion drew to a close, the girls all were content with gentle play. There was none of the experimentation or outright debauchery that marked some of their earlier couplings. Sarah was still cuddled up tight to his left side, her arm draped around Allie's back. Shelly was on his right, holding hands with Sarah. Allie was on top of him, with her face burrowed into his chest as far...
Tyler Nixon loves snooping on his stepsister, Natalie Knight. During today’s exploration of Natalie’s room, Tyler finds a dildo. Natalie walks in on him and kicks him out. Later, Natalie invites her friend Jewelz Blu over to dish about how embarrassed she was. Jewelz confesses that her dildo is bigger so she can practice blowjobs. Tyler busts into Natalie’s room to try to tease her some more, but she kicks him out. The girls relocate to the living room to watch TV, but Tyler...
xmoviesforyouHi to all readers hope you like my first story virginity taken by a friend I am sharing you my experience with my mami she is damn hot I normally went to their house for 15 days every year in vacations ,my mami is 35 years of age that time & she has two sons she is 38 34 38 & damn beautiful ,normally she loves me very much & cook good food for me always making me juices giving fruits, but I always had an eye on her fruits & juice& I know she also has an eye on me, she always used to bend in...