OceaniaChapter 12 free porn video

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Simmonds sat in his office with Henderson and Hodges. Henderson had just informed him that the observation team on Karl Savage had missed two contacts in a row.

"Maybe their Sat Phone is busted?" Hodges suggested hopefully.

"I've dispatched another unit to investigate," Henderson added.

Henderson's other news was alarming.

"Let me get this straight," Simmonds reiterated. "The cops have analyzed the supplement and linked it to the girl. She's been caught on camera compromising an ATM and if that's not bad enough, she broke into the local radiology lab and scanned herself."

"That pretty much sums up it up," Henderson admitted ruefully.

"And why the smoke am I just hearing about it now?" Simmonds raved.

"Our operative only informed us about it a few hours ago."

"Didn't she think it was important?"

"She only found out herself last night."

"You realize what this means? She's fully activated now. We thought that we had problems when he had her in Companion Mode. This brings a whole new meaning to the term 'disaster waiting to fucking happen'.

"I want this rogue Hybrid found and I want her found quickly. No screwing around anymore. We locate her and take her out of action permanently."

"We've been tapping into hundreds of surveillance feeds from all over the city but she seems to instinctively know how to avoid them," Hodges advised.

"I think it's time to get creative. Use her family as bait. Kill some of them if you have to."

"You're not serious?" Henderson gasped.

"You didn't think we'd let them live after all this is over did you? We need to draw her out into the open. I suspect she's got enough Companion code in her subsystems to make her vulnerable to this sort of leverage."

"But ... But..."

"Kill the husband for the cops to find. Bring the kids here and we'll work out the best way to let her know that we have them."

"You'll think she'll try and rescue them."

"I'm depending on it."

Immediately after breakfast, Claire and Karl sat both girls down on the sofa. "I know things have been crazy lately," Karl told them, "and I expect that you've both probably got hundreds of questions. Your mum and I never wanted all this to happen, but now that it has, we just have to make the best of it."

"What are we going to do?" Hailey asked nervously.

"Well, we can hopefully stay here for a few days and then look at finding somewhere new to live."

"But my friends..." Hailey protested.

"It's much too risky to contact them sweetheart," Claire interrupted. "Syntel are probably monitoring all the numbers you've ever called over the past year."

Claire had confiscated all their phones and removed the batteries to prevent their location from being revealed. Hailey had sulked all the previous evening.

"If Dad hadn't stolen that thing, we wouldn't be in all this trouble," the girl replied moodily.

"And why won't you tell us everything?" Ruth demanded.

"There are some things that we just can't at the moment," Karl replied

"Why not? We're not babies any more."

"I know that Ruth.

"This is about Mum isn't it?"

"In a way, yes. It's true that your mum has a past that you're not aware of."

"I think it's cool," Hailey opined. "She's some kind of secret agent, like on the tank."

Claire smiled at the girl's words but did nothing to contradict her.

"Your mum is keeping us safe. We have to trust her to do what is right. In time, we'll try to explain. But for now, just do what she says."

Their exchange was interrupted by a knock on the door. Claire jumped up and grabbed the rifle whilst tossing the shotgun across to Karl.

"It's Leonard," a muffled voice claimed from behind the door.

Claire cautiously cracked open the door and relaxed once she confirmed he was alone.

"I thought I'd bring you your new toy?" he told her once inside the flat.

"The EMP generator?"

"It's quite old and I'm told it takes a long time to charge compared with the newer models but hey, it's better than nothing."

"You're a star Leonard," she praised. "Where is it?"

"Downstairs in the car. Do you want to come and take a look?"

"I sure do," Claire admitted joyfully.

"I had to bribe this guy at the firing range five grand to swipe it for me. He says it's fully calibrated but hasn't been used in over a year."

The unit was unimposing: a featureless grey metal cube with just a couple of buttons and three graduated dials.

"The guy explained how it works and I'll try to remember. The first dial is a delay timer and the other two control the energy and pulse duration. This button starts the charge cycle and the other is the initiator. If you press both buttons together then the unit triggers automatically as soon as it's ready. Apparently, its isotope chamber is good for a couple of dozen discharges."

"Pretty crude," Claire admitted.

"Everything inside is mechanical. There's no electronics whatsoever."

"Obviously, otherwise it'd fry itself the first time you used it."

"Oh yeah," Leonard admitted. "I didn't think of that."

Claire bent to take it.

"One last thing. It's as fucking heavy as a..." He stared incredulously as Claire picked it up as easily as a bag of groceries.

"I got it." Claire carried it one-handed over to the SUV and dropped it into the rear storage compartment. The car sagged noticeably on its suspension.

"Thanks Leonard," Claire sighed as she hugged him. "I don't know what I'd have done without you."

"Stay safe and remember to drop in on us at any time."

"I will. I promise."

"They're dead?" Simmonds ranted furiously at his two subordinates.

"Blown into tiny pieces; we're scooping up the HKs with a shovel," Henderson explained. "We found Melanie in the woods with her head smashed in and Kathy was a real mess."

"How could this happen?"

"Claire got the drop on them, no question about it."

"This is a nightmare scenario. A renegade synthetic on the loose could jeopardize everything that we've worked towards."

"I know," Henderson admitted glumly.

"Reincarnate the Infiltrators immediately and put them back to work."

"There might be a problem with Kathy," Henderson replied hesitantly. "Claire set off some kind of incendiary device right next to her Datacore, we're thinking probably Thermite. She's gone for good."

Simmonds kicked over his chair in anger.

"She's really pissing me off now," he blazed. "What about the family?"

Henderson shook his head.

"There might be some good news," Hodges stated.

"Please tell me because I'm struggling here," Simmonds snapped.

"There's a homing beacon on Savage's car. It wasn't at the campsite so we're assuming he's still using it."

Simmonds stared open-mouthed.

"If we find him and the kids then there's a good chance Claire will be close by."

"Put everything you've got into this," Simmonds ordered, his composure instantly restored. "Send in three assault teams and make use of the Hybrid as well."

The men nodded and raced off whilst the CEO righted his chair and dropped into it. This time, he promised himself, this time we'll finish things for good.

The girls were asleep in the lounge and Claire felt relaxed for the first time in days. The previous night, she allowed Karl to make love to her in the manner of his choosing. He'd teased her with his mouth, licking every pore of her skin before feasting on the abundant juices that flowed from her sex. After bringing her to climax, he'd suckled at her breasts, telling her how much he loved them. When she could bear it no more, he'd rolled on top of her and slid tenderly into her tightness, stroking passionately until she crested a second time. She welcomed his warmth within her, feeling loved beyond measure.

It was early morning. Karl was exploring her body, tenderly tracing the gentle swell of her belly and the soft inner slopes of her breasts. Her nipples stood up proudly, begging attention but Karl took his time, keeping her on edge. Claire sighed, taking pleasure in the torment and trying to anticipate his next move.

A sense of unease suddenly washed over her and it took a few seconds to determine the cause. The outside traffic noise had ceased completely.

Pushing Karl away, she jumped off the bed and padded naked over to the window to look outside. The street six floors below was deathly quiet, but her main concern was the four wheeled drive vehicle parked at the far end blocking their exit. A similar vehicle sealed the opposite end of the road.

"They've found us," Claire exclaimed, instantly alert.

"What? How?" Karl gasped. "Lenny?"

"No way," Claire snapped. "There's no way he'd do that."

She thought hard about how they could have been located so easily and only one conclusion sprang to mind.

"Your car," she announced. "They must have planted a tracking device on it."

She cursed herself for not considering it earlier but she'd been too caught up in events. Both their vehicles were parked close together in front of the apartment block. From her vantage point she saw a man and a woman standing beside Karl's car looking up at the building.

"They're going to have to search door to door," she announced. "That gives us some breathing space."

She grabbed her clothes and began to dress, keeping her eye on the scene below. Two men and two women exited one of the distant vehicles and moved along the footpath towards them from the east. At the west end of the street, yet another large SUV drew up behind the one already parked there and four more figures climbed out.

"Hand me the binoculars," Claire urged. Karl rushed to pass them to her before starting to get dressed himself.

Just one look at the newcomers told her all she needed to know. The redhead was the one she'd killed in the forest. Another dark haired woman stood beside her, together with two Hunter Killers.

"How many?" Karl asked.

"I can see ten, but there could be more."

"How the smoke can we fight that many?"

"We have to try. Get the girls ready. We need to move."

Karl finished tying his shoelaces then dashed into the next room, waking the girls and preparing them to leave. Claire formulated the best plan given the time constraints and knew that Karl wouldn't like it one little bit. She went into the kitchen, grabbed a long bladed carving knife and handed it to Karl.

"If you need to use this, go for the neck. The main feed from their Quantums comes down a central conduit and if you can damage the data fibres you'll stop them in their tracks."

"What about you?"

"I'm going to create a diversion. With luck, you can make the SUV. There's a GR7 sub-machine gun hidden under the front seat."

Claire began checking the shotgun and assault rifle, assessing the number of rounds in each. All the spare ammunition was in her car so she would have to use the weapons sparingly.

"Mum?" Hailey cried in distress.

"Go with your dad. Stick close together."

"No," she whimpered.

"Karl. Take the girls down the far stairwell but don't try to leave the building until you hear shooting. Run for my car and try and smash through the cordon at the east end of the street."

"Claire..." he began.

"I don't want anybody with me; there's too great a risk that one of you will end up getting hurt. I can't protect you and do my thing."


"I'll be okay. Get to the car and I'll join you as soon as I can."

Karl understood that he had to rely on Claire's tactical ability. His only fear was that she was deliberately sacrificing herself to save them.

With both Hailey and Ruth protesting, Claire watched as her family disappeared up the corridor. She returned to the bedroom window and peered out. The two standing beside the car were conversing together whilst the four that she'd seen immediately afterwards approached the front of the building. The last group to arrive had chosen to stay with their vehicle and observe for the time being.

Raising the rifle, she lined up the sights and fired a short burst, satisfied as the pair by Karl's car staggered and fell to the ground. The four near the entrance dashed under her line of vision and she suspected would soon converge on her position. Grabbing a large towel from the bathroom, she slung it over her arm to partially conceal the weapon. Finally, she picked up the shotgun and carried it by the barrel in her free hand.

She hurried out of the apartment and raced down the central stairwell, taking the steps two at a time. Hearing the sounds of heavy footsteps from below, she halted her descent and peered over the balustrade. She saw two heavily armed Hunter Killers several flights below her, climbing rapidly to where she stood. Considering the short time that it had taken them to get there, Claire surmised that these were two that she'd not seen earlier.

Smiling as she approached them, Claire was almost on top of the Hunter Killers before their limited intelligence identified her and attempted to raise their weapons. Dropping the shotgun, she spun up and pulled the trigger on the rifle, spraying them with the tungsten carbide tipped rounds. The nearest of the pair collapsed straight away but the second, despite taking heavy damage, was still very much alive. With the rifle empty, Claire ducked beneath his aim and swung the weapon by the barrel, slamming it heavily against his chest. The machine tumbled backwards and she pressed forward, driving the butt hard against his neck and shearing the fibres that carried the command and control signals to the rest of his body. He slumped lifelessly to the ground beside his dead comrade.

Karl heard the distant rattle of gunfire and dragged the children into an alcove just as the outer door of the lobby flew open and four armed figures strode in from outside. The family froze, fearing imminent discovery but the strike team's attention was drawn by more shots, louder and much closer.

Go get them Claire, Karl willed.

Two men carrying machine pistols raced for the stairwell leaving the two women in the lobby, each armed with a nine millimetre pistol. One stood in the centre of the foyer with her back to Karl whilst the other positioned herself by the entrance to the stairwell, following the progress of her colleagues.

Taking a deep breath, Karl unsheathed the knife and rushed the nearest of the Infiltrators, plunging the blade into the side of her neck. Hot blood showered him and the woman gasped as she collapsed to the floor. The sickening cry attracted the second Infiltrator's attention but Karl had already extracted the knife and was blindly charging forward. He ducked low and felt a bullet flash past his ear. With no room for error, he dived at the woman and buried the blade deep into her belly.

The Infiltrator screamed and dropped the gun, putting her hands around the hilt of the knife in an attempt to stem the flow of blood. She dropped to her knees and groaned, her eyes looking up at Karl with an expression of intense hatred. Confiscating her weapon, Karl joined his daughters by the front door, checking outside for signs of imminent danger.

"Get to the car," he urged as he pushed them into the street, knowing that to delay meant almost certain death.

They sprinted across the road, twenty metres from where the SUV was parked. Karl unlocked the doors remotely and the girls piled inside as he raced around to the driver's side. He spun around on hearing rapidly approaching footsteps, panicking as the wounded woman from the lobby bore down on him at incredible speed. He tried to raise his gun but she flew into him, sending the pistol clattering along the footpath. His attacker held the bloody carving knife and Karl grabbed her wrist before she gutted him with it. The woman snarled as she used her full force to overpower Karl and direct the knife towards his chest. Groaning with the strain of resisting, he realized that in a few more moments nothing would matter.

The gunfire was deafening and his assailant's grip slackened and she collapsed on top of him. He heaved with all his strength, depositing the dead Infiltrator on the ground. Hailey stood in front of the car, shrieking in terror but still clinging tightly to the sub-machine gun that she'd used to save his life. She raced back to the passenger door but noticed the uncommitted strike team rapidly converging on them. Raising the gun, she screamed at the top of her voice whilst firing random bursts in their direction, sending them scattering for cover.

Claire sprinted along the second floor landing, driven back by bursts of automatic fire from below. The bullets had ricocheted around the stairwell making it far too dangerous to remain. With only four shells remaining in the shotgun, she knew that her chances against two Infiltrators armed with machine pistols were not encouraging. She could hear them closing in on her and carefully considered her options. As the stairwell door flew open behind her, she fired at the glass panel at the far end of the hallway and dived through the shattered window to plummet two floors to the ground below.

Karl started the car and revved the engine, wondering if there was any chance that Claire would escape the building alive. A second floor window suddenly exploded outwards and he watched in horror as Claire's body tumbled from it.

"Mum!" Hailey screamed, seeing the woman impact heavily on the roof of a vehicle parked opposite then collapse in a heap in the middle of the road.

Amazingly, Claire gathered herself up and staggered backwards towards the car. With one arm hanging loosely at her side, she pointed the shotgun at the second floor window and fired shot after shot, preventing the Infiltrators from targeting her. Ruth threw open the car's rear door and Claire dived in as Karl spun the tyres and sped the SUV towards the barrier at the end of the street.

"Thanks for waiting," Claire gasped.

The popping sounds of small arms fire rang after them but they were soon beyond the effective range of the weapons. Claire sat up and inspected her damaged arm before gritting her teeth and forcefully yanking it back into position. She screamed in agony as it reseated but was relieved when some range of movement was restored. The strike team at the opposite end of the street had already retreated back to their vehicle and was now in the process of preparing to pursue them.

"Pull over," Claire demanded. "Let me drive."

"We haven't got time," Karl exclaimed, observing the four wheeled drive pulling out behind them in the rear view mirror.

"Don't argue," she shouted, "just do as I say."

Karl slammed on the brakes and raced around to swap positions with Claire. The pursuit car had closed the gap to less than fifty metres by the time Claire gunned the throttle and sped into the roadblock, smashing the SUV against the front wing of the obstruction and sending it flying out of their path. Suppressing the pain of her injured arm, she flipped the car into a sharp turn, causing the girls to scream in panic.

"Just like the school run girls," she told them, "nothing to worry about."

The SUV accelerated away, weaving frantically in and out of oncoming traffic and nearly causing numerous collisions. A set of steel gates a kilometre further on gave access to the drainage canal. One of three that ran from the outskirts of New Arizona to the banks of the Belmont, they were constructed to carry excess rainwater during the many torrential downpours that plagued the city.

The gates flew off their hinges as the car smashed into them whereupon Claire turned the vehicle around and headed out of the city. Their pursuers, having lost ground to Claire's aggressive driving, sped onto the concrete flood defence and accelerated after their quarry.

The canal comprised a five metre deep trench about the width of two cars with steeply sloping sides. Every few hundred metres, a bridge carried a roadway over the top with a central pillar for support. Claire repeatedly mounted the banking in order to avoid smashing into them.

The engine screamed as she drove faster and faster, spinning up her cognition to enable her to dodge around the many obstacles that littered their path. Hailey shrieked in terror almost continuously, expecting any second for them to impact concrete and meet a violent death.

In the pursuit car, Melanie was anxious to catch up with the woman that had painfully ended her existence, necessitating the traumatic reintegration into her current body. She planned in exquisite detail the amount of suffering she'd inflict on Claire and her family before finally killing them. The dark haired woman beside her was unnaturally calm and it frustrated Melanie that she'd been prevented by her from joining the assault upon the apartment block.

"You really don't want to go in there," the Hybrid had told her. Minutes later, she'd seen three Infiltrators gunned down before her eyes, one by a mere child.

Even spun up, it took all Melanie's skill to keep up with the crazed driving of the car in front. She expected at any moment the disappointment of witnessing a concrete pillar deny her the chance of retribution. Emulating Claire's technique of avoiding the bridge supports, she fervently wished that she'd persuaded her colleague to drive.

"They're going to run out of road in another couple of kilometres," the Hybrid announced. "Then we can take them."

Melanie accepted the statement without passing comment. She'd been told in no uncertain terms that she was to follow the woman's instructions without question, but it still irked her that she wasn't allowed to exercise her own judgement.

The Hunter Killers in the back seat remained impassive, their low intellect providing them with few skills other than those necessary to complete their set tasks. She hated working with them, regarding them as little more than vicious animals. For all their strength and ruggedness, Claire had taken them out with an embarrassing ease leaving her to fend off the rogue Hybrid alone. She forced herself not to dwell on the humiliating defeat in the forest but was grateful that she'd not suffered the same ignominious fate as Kathy, destroyed beyond salvation.

Claire red-lined the car, gaining more and more separation from the one behind. Her satisfaction was short-lived as she observed the abrupt end to their escape route as it terminated in a dead end.

Same as Oceania
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The DReAMers part 5

The Universe was coming to an end as the contraction entered its final moments with billions upon billions of stars and planets swept up in the great circular wave that was returning from whence it came. Time and space were shrinking as the small fleet of ships blinked into what was left of reality and floated in the void waiting for the point of no return when everything around them ceased to exist. Waiting for the end of this Universe to escape into the possibility of the next. That life...

3 years ago
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Annie and her Granny 3

Annie and her Granny By Susannah Donim Chapter 3 - A Few More Little Jobs for Mother Transformations has developed some new, even more interesting technology, and of course a test subject is needed. I didn't have to endure any more testing after my last day as Jennifer. My mother was satisfied with the quality of the new prosthetics and the 3D printing process that produced them. I had thoroughly enjoyed helping Fred with the software for the photographic processing, and...

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girlfriends first black cockTONIGHT

tonight i am getting my girlfriend fucked by a black cock for the first time. it has been on the cards a while but been hanging on due to arrangements etc. i have been waiting for a man i know, who coincidently, has fucked one of my other women, and left her slack, sloppy and abused for me to use after. i thought it would only be fair for my new woman to treat her to a cock of the same size, as i dont think you could possibly find bigger, yet i didnt want her having smaller for i want her to be...

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Russells Mom

This is about Russell’s Mom.To start with, my name is Jay and my best buddy for most of my life has been Russell and this is about my 18th birthday. Well at least the celebration of it the weekend following my 18th birthday. As I was still in High School had to wait until the following weekend to whoop it up and that is just what Russell and I had planned.So early Friday evening I drove over to Russell’s house to pick him up with plans for both of us to head up to my parents cabin for the...

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PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANINGI wrote these stories many years ago for the Spreview site. I think they’re probably still posted there, although the site has completely changed its character. Several people told me that they liked this writing.Since then, xhamster has taken everything to a new level, where I think these stories are much more at home. So I have done some rewriting and am posting them here. If appropriate, I can post the remaining 11 sections in sequence.Alex C.PRISCILLA'S FIRST...

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Flossies RevengeChapter 40

No one called Marian for two months, to let things cool down. By then, Hilda Mae was both married and pregnant, and Bernadette was pregnant again. Now the bet had to be settled by who gave birth first. Nathan wrote a letter each month, like he usually did, but didn’t say anything about his sisters in it. During those two months, the mirror image of the original house was started. One end would be for Hilda Mae and Moses to live in, and the other end was for Johnnie Sue and her two blood...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 61 Staci

September, 1984, Chicago, Illinois Hank and I spent Thursday morning looking for the final bug. Just before lunch, we finally found the pattern that let us reproduce the bug consistently. After lunch we reviewed the code together and found a variable that wasn’t properly initialized when a new game was started with fewer players than the previous game. We fixed it, verified that the problem was fixed, and then handed everything over to Scott for complete quality assurance testing. I set to...

3 years ago
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Tofino Narrative 2

Margot worked as a sous-chef in a restaurant owned by friends of mine.We’d crossed paths a few times, but nothing of consequence had ever happened between us. From a distance, I had taken note of her extraordinary pale gray eyes, and the way she spoke with the faintest of lisps. Kind of sexy, actually. I also knew that she had a boyfriend: a brawny one. Erring on the side of caution, I always kept my conversations with her short and to the point.In October of ‘98, I headed off to Chile on a...

1 year ago
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Naughty Lauren 2

Grampa woke very early, as he always had, and felt Lauren’s body pushed up against his chest, and his semi-rigid cock pressing into her buttocks. It had been years since he had awakened with someone in his arms, and he lay there enjoying the feeling for several minutes before he gently untangled himself from her, leaving her sleeping soundly, as he got up and went to the bathroom. It was just after four in the morning, and he knew he would have to get her up and back to her own room before her...

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The Exotic Feel Of Cock

I bent down to grab the bra that had been thrown across the room and spun it around to clip it together and than pulled the straps over my shoulders. I smiled at Murry as he put his jeans back on and pulled hit white t- shirt over his hard abs and muscles in his arms. Josiah was wrapped the belt around his jeans also and already had his shirt on. Both of their cocks were still hard and pumping. Pulling my tank back on, they both watched me, waiting for me to say something. "I'll say the same...

1 year ago
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Having A Great Time

I packed my bags and planned on staying with my cousins for a week because my parents had to go on a business trip. Brenda which was 16 and Amy which was 14 were both my closest cousins. Both Amy And Brenda were good looking. Although Amy was 14 she had big breast as well as a nice body and that also goes for Brenda. It took 20 Minutes by car to get to their house which was a bungalow. I got out of the car and waved my parents goodbye. I was welcome by both of them when i got there. Both of...

2 years ago
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I was so excited when she buried her face on my chest and I could sense she was inhaling deeper. My hand moved slowly away from thighs and upwards and smoothly caressing her belly. I pulled her more closer and tightly held her and kissed her cheek and took a deep breath. The natural aroma of her skin mixed up with the perfume that she wore was so exciting and intoxicating. She changed her posture by sitting on my lap facing me directly. Now, it was easy for both of us hug each other and...

2 years ago
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ThawChapter 3 Gabby and Stefan

As Julie entered the tea-room at Biological Sciences, it seemed like a ghost town. Nearly all of the staff were overseas at Johns Hopkins, or over at Lennox Hospital. Only Gabby was here, seated at the big table, reading one of the newspapers which were always scattered across it. She looked up and smiled as Julie walked in. Gabby had done chemistry in her undergraduate degree, but, like Julie, had felt attracted to biology, and was in her first year of a Ph.D. Julie had always felt quite...

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Heating mechanic

Often I have the same fantasy when I have something delivered, when a repair has to be done in my apartment or when I order a pizza. He (always a he) comes in, does what he has to do, I offer him something to drink and then I sit on my knees in no time between his legs. His (always very big cock) deep down my throat. This time no different. I had made an appointment for an annual service on my boiler. 'It will be the last address on Friday afternoon, says the friendly lady of the installation...

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ashley moves on me


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Danny Comes To Stay Part 2

Perhaps it's not surprising that my husband had lost his hard-on while he was watching my ex hungrily rimming my splayed hole."Just gonna get him nice and slippy," Danny had said before plunging his face into my butt crack and giving me the most intense and satisfying rimjob I'd had in five years.As my old flame was slobbering and slurping away at my backside, surfacing intermittently to gasp for air, Alex asked, "How is it, Matt?  Any good?"It was a difficult question to answer: not because I...

Gay Male
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Shilpa 8211 Part I

I am Kamal a govt employee In Bangalore of age 34. I have been married for 2 years and my wife’s name is shilpa and she is 29 years old. She is a sexy figure who is very active in sex. She needs me every day in her ass. I was surprised about her passion about ass fuck but I did not tell anything to her because she gave me boob job in every night Yes she has amazing boobs. Almost a week ago I met a friend who was a neighbour of shilpa and he told me that my mother-In-law was a slut and so shilpa...

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Bathtub Beauties

As a young man I entered the Air Force and sent to South Korea for my first assignment. It was 1980 and 81 and the tension between the North and South was thick enough to cut with a knife. I was 19 and scared to death of what I’d be exposed to when I arrived.It was a different time and place from Washington State where I grew up. Korea was still like it was stuck in the 1950’s with a blend of 60’s night life kicked in. I worked with bombs in the munitions squadron. Work was so different from...

2 years ago
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The Book Part 1

The Book Part 1 "Alright babe, I'll see you later, ok?" I smiled and gave Lindsey a kiss on the cheek. "Sure Lance. Call me tomorrow," she smiled. She had the cutest smile in the world. She was about 5'5 with short blonde hair. She was thin, but not to the point of being unhealthy. Her skin was pure tantilizing to the touch. Her bright blues eyes would always pierce my mind whenever I saw them. Her C-cup breasts jutted out from her t-shirt, at times threatening to break free. She...

3 years ago
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Online Master

I am not sure how we started talking on line but I met this man and he was very dominant, I was usually the more dominant person if there was one in any of my relationships, but usually it was equal and shared with my partner. They do say that the best dominant people make some of the best submissives. It started out with us just chatting with everyday things, and then he would have me touch myself while we were chatting on line not a lot just a little at a time. I think he was trying to...

1 year ago
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Daughter Spies On Her Mom Part II Of Lust On The Pier

Jodie stood in front of the bathroom mirror, still steamy from her mom’s quick shower and abrupt leaving. She stood there looking at herself in the mirror, deciding whether she was sexy and desirable enough. Her thoughts were clouded with her earlier interaction with Mister Hunter. She was still aroused, thinking of his cock slowly growing as they chatted. Was it me, she thought, or was it my mom, or someone else who made Mister Hunter so horny?Her hands absentmindedly caressed her boobs...

4 years ago
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The Taos Hum

They checked into the Black Horse Motel, a cheap but clean adobe squat on the outskirts of Des Moines, New Mexico, just after dusk. They fucked nearly as soon as they had hauled the bags in from the car. He threw her on the bed, pinned down her wrists, and wrestled apart her knees with his Tony Lamas. She spread her legs wide and bent her knees to receive him, her short sundress working its way up her thighs in the process. He kicked off his boots and took her hard and fast and dirty. It was...

Straight Sex
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New Responsibilities

Jenna was nothing like most of the girls I deal with. She was witty, wholesome and demure. I was pretty sure this 22 year old brunet was still a virgin. Her long held virginity had nothing to do with her looks; she was a knock out in a subtle kind of way. Standing at 5'2” she had an amazing little figure, with round hips, 32 B tits and a killer heart shaped ass. She hid behind her long dark-brown hair and was skittish around boys her own age. Luckily for her I was a man who could show her the...

Erotic Fiction
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First Time Sex With Shruti

Hello friends my name is Ryan and I am new to this site. I am 19 years old and live in NCR. I would like to share my sexperience with my girlfriend an year back. At that time I was in 12th class. My classmate’s name was Shruti(name changed) she had a good figure with good round boobs. At first when we met we didn’t talk much. But one day when our school was on a trip to adventure island I sat next to Shruti in the bus. Shruti turned back and asked that am I having some new songs in my mobile...

4 years ago
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Pizza Delivery

Pizza Delivery> It had been a slow night, summertime was slow enough for pizza delivery, but when delivering to a hotel tips where even worse. I moved out of my parents house right after graduation and my teacher's salary didn't cover all the bills so I had a weekend job delivering for Papa John's. I was surprised by the name on the delivery slip as Wendy R. at room 240, The Hilton Garden. Mrs. R had been my guidance counselor, during my freshmen year at State college, rumor had it she was...

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I had an appointment with my ear, nose, and throat doctor, for my allergies. I finally remembered to ask him (on my third visit) about a mouth sore. He put on a rubber glove and put shi index finger in my mouth. Once, his finger touched me, I was a goner. I don’t know hat happened to me, but totally aroused I was.I let slip a quiet moan and leaned back in the chair contraption. Making him have to come in front of me. His body leaned into mine. I grabbed his ass. He jumped back looked at me with...

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Jose Seduces My Mom

Hi guys, I am Raj, aged 22 from Delhi. I am a big fan of stories here. I always used to read how older women have a huge craving for sex. I used to have a crush on a few older women around me. But what happened with me was totally unexpected. At the time of the incident, I was only 19. I had got admission into an engineering college near my home, where my mom Namrata used to teach. She was 44 years old at that time. We used to live just a few kilometers away from the college. Since my father...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 36

The Judge called. "Noah, you saved us a lot of heartache with Tom DeBusque, and now I have to ask you to help us out again." He was not given to pleasantries. The Judge told you what you needed to know and went from there. "You are perfect for the next mission because you have Angela DeBusque with you. The two of you can pose as siblings. We accidentally discovered some things about a crazy group of environmentalists that makes us think they intend to release a biological weapon intended...

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Mrs Quill gets her step daughters BF

Mrs. Quill timed her well coordinated thrusts with the DJs music downstairs. Her subdued victim didn’t take long to surrender. As his gushing sea of reluctant passion oozed out, she expertly manoeuvred herself to absorb him. He helplessly croaked as his captor wrenched her fleshy walls and moaned in delight. Carefully sapping his strength away. Sowing the seeds of a newfound sexual relationship was truly exquisite. A new relationship with her step daughter’s boyfriend that is. Eugene had...

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Bowling and Blowing 912012

9/1/12Here is a short true story for you guys about my adventures at the bowling alley with some friends tonight, hope you enjoy. Comments and ratings are appreciated.To start off with some back round info, this weekend I have a friend , who is also another fuck buddy of mine, visiting me for the weekend. Her name is Bianca and she is a sexy Brazilian and Italian girl. She is 22 tan , medium height sexy slim body, small tits and a cute ass. She and I go way back to our middle school days. But...

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Maintenance Workout Candi Run

Zane took two steps at a time as he exited the underground station. Not that he was in a hurry. Today, he just had a spring in his step. Maybe it was his whistling that led to two police patrols stopping him and checking his credentials. Not that Zane minded. Nothing could ruin his good mood. The Bexter Commercial Tower was only four blocks away and Zane made it in record time. Slipping into the service entrance, Zane went straight to the service elevators. Today, he was lucky. It...

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Im not going to Fuck your Ass YET

It had been a long time since I had the house to myself on a Saturday without the possibility of someone coming home soon. My wife had left the night before for a "girl's weekend" out of town and she wouldn't be back until later in the day on Sunday. I woke up on Saturday morning and made my coffee and breakfast. I turned on the computer and fooled around on Facebook for awhile, checked out some sports scores, and read a few articles of interest, but eventually my mind turned to something the...

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Indian Sir and 19 year old girl

Indian girl fucks her horny sir after exams Im 19 and it was the last day of my exams, we were supposed to go to different colleges to attend these exams and our invigilator would be different everyday. Since it was the last day, i thought I'd dress up a litter better. The top i wore was kinda deep and my boobs had grown out during quarantine but it was such a perfect blue.Minvigilator was an old sir, maybe about 55. I had a really nice wet dream last night and i have a huge thing for older...

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AssParade Katrina Moreno Sapphire Lapiedra Big Booty8217s Like It Rough

Today we have two sexy girls with some big asses. Katrina and Saphire are both slutty, freaky, and hungry for some dick. They came to the right place. They show off their amazing booty in the pool, and then we send in our boy Potro to come and give them the dick that they desire. They jerk him off in the pool before he takes them to the bedroom for the real fun to start. They give him an amazing and sloppy double blowjob and then take turns riding his dick until they cum multiple times. They...

3 years ago
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wok fun part 2

so when i caught up with steve , he told me the full story with m.he said we got in the car ,then i mentioned i need to stop by my friends flat to turn lights on as he is away. she said yes no prob where has he gone , usa for a mouth . bit of chit chat and i pull in drive ,i mentioned a quickie coffee if you want ,he has a new coffee machine, i winked and she said ive heard that one before but she opened door and got out of car, we did not get to the coffee but we got close and i kissed her ....

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Passion writer anonymous

Do you want to know what is really happening in college toilets, girls are going crazy, caressing and rubbing each others’ pussies, read and get really hot and wet!Diana likes the taste and smell of an excited woman. Maybe it sounds dirty but that’s the truth. Why lie to yourself?.. We all get aroused from such things.Diana is exceptionally skillful in sex. Tender lips, a hot mouth and a teasing tongue. As no one else in the world she knows how responsive the scarlet nub between girl’s thighs...

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Destiny Interlude A Summer CruiseChapter 3

The stairs into the basement were narrow, and lit only by the light from the room above and a dim glow from the basement area. I moved down the creaking stairs, listing for any indication that there were more guys in the basement, other than the two I had already shot. Thankfully, there were no other armed men in the basement to deal with. I breathed a further sigh of relief, when I realized I had found what I had been looking for. Charlie was propped up against a wall, staring at the...

4 years ago
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Son Swapp Part 1

On the outside, Nancy seemed like your typical Midwestern wife and mother. She was 48, worked as a hospital nurse and had almost completed her task of raising two boys. Nancy was a very attractive mature lady who took care of herself. She was 5'7, weighed 135 pounds with brown eyes and short auburn tinted brunette hair. She kept her figure looking great because of her love for exercise. There was rarely a day that passed where she wasn't bicycling or at the gym working on the machines or in...

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