Malachar's CurseChapter 19: Tranquil Dreams free porn video

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Friday, August 18th, 2006, Arlington, Virginia

I silently slipped from the bed, careful not to wake my mother—she looked so peaceful and happy in her slumber—and tip-toed out of the bedroom. My mind was restless, and I couldn’t get back to sleep even though it was only 3:07 in the morning. I’d found myself needing less sleep recently, and I didn’t know if it was a side effect of one of the rings or simply caused by the build-up of stress and worry.

Hmm, I was wondering when you were going to bring it up. It could be, and it most likely is, but it could also be stress. I only slept four hours a night myself when I was alive. Many of the gifted need less sleep than the non-gifted, but that isn’t a hard and fast rule. Why a good friend of mine, back from my University days, slept at least eight hours a night, and he preferred ten! Personally, I think that the truly mighty ones tend to sleep less as a survival trait. The instinct to survive breeds the need for awareness, and of course, we are at our most vulnerable when unconscious.

Hmm, maybe. I guess I can tinker with your medulla and get your kidneys to produce more carnitine. They should help boost your energy levels until you get used to functioning on less sleep. If the issue is caused by your brain processing magical energies and your increased need for awareness as a self-defense mechanism, then it should balance itself out soon. If it is stress-related, well, it will still help, but I wouldn’t want to mess with your kidney function for too long to help combat it.

It’s a vital chemical that helps transport long-chain fatty acids to your cells for energy consumption. Do they not teach you anything in your school systems here on Earth?

Never underestimate the value of a good education. Knowledge is power, son, and a truer axiom I’ve never heard. Oh, and eat more dairy, nuts, and avocados; that’ll help.

I mentally shrugged in agreeance.

Yeah, same here. It’s like waiting for the other shoe to drop. I really do love the cool sayings that you guys have here on this planet.

I found myself in the massive kitchen. I guess I’d wandered in here without thought. I shrugged to myself; I could use a snack. I quickly made myself a sandwich and then went to go sit in the sunroom. My brain was whirling with everything—from speculation to the when, how, and where the next attack against us would come from, to how bloody long it was going to be before Angie gave in to her desires.

I was sitting eating my ham on rye, looking out into the moonlit backyard, when movement caught my eye. Someone was swimming, but I couldn’t make out who, just that they were female. My curiosity piqued, I wiped the crumbs from my hands, opened the sliding glass door, and started walking towards the pool. All of the patio lamps were off; the only light was coming from the bright moon and stars overhead and the soft fluorescent glow of the underwater pool lights.

It was a beautiful night out, warm but not crazy hot like the days had been lately. It even smelled nice; the heavy sweet scent of flowers wafted by lazily with the gentle breeze. In fact, as I looked around, I noticed a bunch of flowers next to the path that I didn’t recall seeing before. Their white petals seemed to reflect the moonlight. It was so peaceful out here at this godforsaken time, silent—as if even the insects had gone to sleep at this late hour. That was the one thing that I really loved about this property and what I would miss when we finally left. It felt like a real refuge from the hustle and bustle of the city but was still only minutes away.

I made sure to purposefully stomp my feet on the patio slabs so as not to scare whoever it was swimming. I approached the shallow grotto end of the peanut-shaped pool; the cool blue of the water looked inviting. Someone had turned the waterfall off, or maybe it was on a timer, which would make sense seeing as it was pretty loud. I still couldn’t tell who it was as they were currently swimming away from me, but I did get to admire a sexy, firm-looking ass, clad only in a black string bikini bottom. It had surfaced momentarily before continuing on just underneath the water towards the far end. I meandered alongside the pool, following the tantalizing view, and gave a wolf-whistle trying to alert whoever it was that they had an admirer.

Just as they paused and turned at the far wall, I caught a glimpse of a tattoo of some sort just above their asscheeks. A tramp stamp of some kind; I was intrigued. I’d always thought that they looked sexy on a woman if done right. They hadn’t heard me, and now they were heading back this way; I could see dark brown hair as it flowed down to just below whoever it was shoulders.

I stood and waited patiently for them to pause for breath, trying to guess who it was between Bernita, Eva, or Alejandra. They all had dark shoulder-length hair, and none of my girls had any ink above their asses. Although come to think of it, it could be Violet. She had a tattoo above her ass; I’d caught glimpses of it whenever she’d swum with us in her bikini.

They surfaced waist-deep in the shallow end, standing with their back to me, and wiped the water out of their face before pulling their hair back into a single wet strand. Petite and sexy, I felt compelled to wolf-whistle again, so I did.

They jumped up about two-feet in the air and spun to face me with a splash. I was happily surprised to see that it was indeed Violet; her red hair had turned dark from being wet.

“Holy fuck!” she yelped, startled. “You scared the shit outta me, you bastard!” she accused, sounding a bit angry and a bit amused at the same time.

“Sorry!” I hastily exclaimed, not wanting her mad at me on such a beautiful night. “I stomped my feet on the way over and whistled once before, but I guess you didn’t hear me,” I explained while ogling the way that her lightly tanned tits were bulging from her tiny bikini top. I didn’t see any tan lines, and the thought of her lying out here nude somewhere while soaking up the rays made me hard.

I doubt you’ll ever crack this particular nut, and I still think that pursuing her too vigorously is potentially dangerous, but damn do I wish that you could nail her up the ass! She’s smokin’ hot!

Cum in her ass! Cum on her tits! Play with all of her naughty bits!

I laughed.

You assfucker! Ass fucker! Ass! Fuck! Her!

Sorry Tour—

“It’s okay,” she laughed, the musical sound carrying across the yard. “I just wasn’t expecting to see anyone else out here in the middle of the night. What’s up? Can’t sleep either?” she inquired as she waded over to the steps and then walked out of the pool.

I practically drooled as she sauntered over to where she’d laid a towel on a lounge chair. Her ass might as well have been bare for all that the string covered of it—God, how I wanted to fuck it. Now I could make out the tattoo that spread horizontally across the small of her back. It was a tribal design with intertwining blooming roses at either end. It suited her, and the way that it dipped down slightly in the middle like a Vee drew my eye to her asscrack even more so. I guess the only reason that I hadn’t gotten a good look at it before was because she’d been wearing bigger bikini bottoms around me, ones that went much higher around her waist. This one was definitely what they called a micro-bikini, and it left me salivating.

“Goddamn, you’re sexy. I especially like your tat,” I growled out as she bent over and started to wring out her hair with the towel. “And no, I can’t; I’ve been having trouble sleeping for a full night these past few days.”

She glanced over at me wryly and just continued to dry herself off. I could tell that she didn’t mind the attention as she kept twisting and turning, giving me the best angles to check her out with.

“Thanks, I only got it about six months ago from a guy that I grew up with back in Detroit. I’d always wanted one, and I love roses and Celtic-inspired designs,” she replied while still bent over, drying her hair. “And yeah, the same here. I’ve had trouble getting a full night’s sleep ever since we were all attacked—”

“I’m truly sorry about that, Violet. I wish that I—” I interrupted and got interrupted right back in return.

“It’s not your fault, and I don’t blame you,” she shrugged as she wrapped the towel around her waist and turned to face me.

“Yeah, but maybe if I hadn’t of started a conversation with you...” I trailed off.

“Well, you did, and besides, I was going to start one with you if you hadn’t anyway. I was bored out of my mind standing there listening to my ex droning on and on about the merits of different types of nine millimeters—God, I’m glad that I dumped his sorry ass! So don’t dwell on coulda, woulda, shoulda’s, what’s done is done as they say,” she said in a serious tone.

“Okay, well, to be honest, I’m glad you’re with us anyway—so I guess I don’t really regret talking to you. I just wish that I could help you sleep better like I can for the others,” I told her earnestly.

“That’s sweet, I wish you could too,” she said while shooting me a smile, “but at the same time, I’m VERY glad that your magic doesn’t work on me! No offense, but I’d much rather NOT be forced to join your harem—even if I understand now why you need one,” she said forcefully but kindly.

“Yeah, I can see how you’d feel that way,” I agreed while returning her smile, albeit ruefully. “You probably won’t believe me, but I’m actually glad that it doesn’t work on you.”

“What? Really? Why?” she asked, sounding skeptical. “Don’t you wish that you could have me under your spell?” she smirked knowingly.

I ignored her incredulous yet salacious look and turned to gaze out over the rest of the massive yet perfectly manicured yard with its winding white gravel pathways and vast gardens. I had yet to venture down to the wooded part of the property—I knew that it led to the river, and I had a sudden urge to go see it.

“Say, feel like talking a walk with me? Seeing as we can’t sleep and all?” I asked pleasantly.

“Okay,” she readily agreed. “Where to?”

“I haven’t seen the river yet, and I feel like checking it out. Apparently, Anal Bitch,” we both grinned hugely at that, “has a speed boat—perhaps we’ll take it out for a spin one day,” I shrugged as a warm breeze caressed my skin.

“Anal Bitch,” she chuckled under her breath, sounding angrily amused. “He’s lucky he’s still breathing ... If he did to me what he did to those ladies...”

“Yup, but they’re getting their revenge, and when they leave here, they’ll at least be reunited with their families and set for life—all at his expense. But if it was one of my girls...” I left the rest of the thought unsaid.

I waited for a second as she slipped on her runners and then led her towards one of the white gravel pathways that ambled off from our right. I was pretty sure that this one wandered through the hedge gardens and then turned towards the forest while following a small babbling brook.

“So, are you going to answer my question?” she inquired as she glanced sideways at me.

“What? About whether I really meant what I said about being glad that I can’t use my power on you?” when I saw her nod, I stopped and grabbed her hand, pulling her to face me. “Look into my eyes—so you know that I’m being honest. I’m deadly serious when I say that I am glad that you’re immune to my magic,” I told her while staring into her pretty face, her eyes searching mine for confirmation.

My breath caught in my throat as the moonlight chose that very moment to break out from behind a cloud; its luminescence lit Violet up in ethereal beauty. I wanted so badly to scoop her up into my arms and to kiss her.

“Huh! Okay, you’re telling the truth ... but why?” Violet asked, tilting her head at me inquisitively. “I figured that since you’re a guy and you’ve got this awesome power over people that you’d want to be able to use it on everyone. And honestly? I kinda thought that maybe it pissed you off that you couldn’t control me,” she stated a bit sheepishly.

“Hey! I may be a man, but not all men are pigs or control freaks, you know!” I admonished her with a frown. “Look, I won’t lie, I do get a perverse thrill from knowing that I can get people to do what I want, and yes, that includes getting laid—so maybe I’m not the worlds best guy, but I seriously try to follow my own warped code of ethics!”

“I know that,” she agreed while reaching out to squeeze my arm briefly. “I watch you, and I see how you are, Jake. A couple of things are on the line for me, but for the most part—I do think that you try to do stuff that’s at least on the right side of it. I know plenty of people would be behaving like monsters if they had the abilities that you have,” she pointed out, sounding both reassuring and confident. “You still haven’t answered my question, though—why are you glad that it doesn’t work on me? Even though you’re a decent dude, I know that if it did, you’d have me as part of your group of lovers faster than you could blink, and don’t bother trying to deny it,” she said with a libidinous smirk.

“Yeah, well, I still have some sort of conscience, I guess,” I replied as I ran a hand through my hair and looked away from her scrutiny. I was a bit uneasy with her praise; after all, I had raped a few chicks with my power already. I was definitely no saint!

“I know; I see it in most of the things you do. You’ve got a strong sense of justice, and you care about people,” she added as she squeezed my forearm again as if she could sense my discomfort.

I sighed, shook my head to clear it, and forced myself to focus solely on Violet. “I guess the biggest reason why I’m glad that you’re immune is because then it means that our relationship is real. I dunno if you can understand that?” I shrugged, feeling uncomfortable with sharing my feelings all of a sudden. I turned away from her continued scrutiny and admired the white flowers that were glowing in the moonlight. “It’s really nice out here tonight, don’t you think? With the full moon, everything has this cool unearthly glow to it, especially the flowers. They smell good too,” I commented, changing the subject.

“Funny that you should say that ‘cause they’re called Moonflowers,” she chuckled softly. “They only bloom at night. Here, turn this way and look over there,” she grabbed my arm and tugged me around to look at where she was pointing, “See those pinkish-yellow ones? Those are called Four O’clock flowers, and they only open their petals late in the day. I noticed them the night before, so I asked Bernita about them. She told me that the Smidts had had the garden designed in a specific way so that it made it pretty to walk around in after dark as well during the day. They have a bunch of night bloomers. Can you smell that sweet yummy scent that comes by every few seconds?”

“Yeah,” I nodded as I inhaled deep, “I was thinking about how good it smelled when I first came out.”

“What you’re smelling is night-blooming Jessamine or lady-of-the-nights as they’re sometimes called. See over there? On the other side of the pool, where those big hedges are? They have quite a few of them planted among the winding pathways there. Some of them are quite tall and blend in easily with the hedges. You don’t usually see them outside in this climate because they die easily if the temperature dips too low at night, but I guess when you’re mega-rich, you just pay for someone to plant more,” Violet shrugged with a grin.

“You certainly seem to know your flowers,” I commented as I took a renewed interest in the plants around me.

“Yeah, my Mom was a botanist before she died. I used to help her in the garden as a kid growing up,” she replied quietly, her voice growing sad for a moment. Before I could say anything, she turned around and started back down the path towards the forest once more, tugging me after her. “Come, now I want to see the river too.”

We walked side by side in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying the night and each other’s company. I refrained from talking, letting her dwell upon the memories of her deceased parents in peace; my own thoughts drifted to my father. Even though I was in love with my mother and was having a child with her, I still missed him fiercely. I could only hope that he would at least understand the why of what I did, even if he probably would disapprove.

It was only when we entered the woods that Violet spoke again, breaking the quiet of the night air.

“I’m glad that you came outside tonight, Jake. I’ve been wanting to talk with you alone,” she murmured as she glanced sideways at me.


“Yeah,” she stated softly, “I’ve made up my mind about whether I’m going to stay with you or not when you leave Washington.”

“And?” I asked a bit too fast, failing to keep the anxiousness from my voice.

She laughed and reached out and took my hand. I didn’t know what I liked more, holding her hand, enjoying the feel of it, or hearing the musical lilt of her mirth as it echoed throughout the thick trees surrounding us.

“Don’t worry, Jake!” she said sweetly. “I’ve decided that it’s in my best interest to stick around with you guys for the foreseeable future,” she informed me, the amusement clear in her voice as she smiled up at me. “It seems prudent—I have no clue who might come after me if I venture off alone and there’s safety in numbers, or at least, so I’ve heard,” she chuckled again.

“Besides,” she shrugged cutely, “apparently I’ve got some hidden talent for magic whether I think so or not, so I might as well see where it leads. I’ve been reading one of the books that Daniella gave me,” she said, pausing briefly in disquiet as we both wondered if she was still alive, “White magic principles. I have to admit, it’s pretty interesting stuff,” she confessed as a pretty frown momentarily creased her face as if she was surprised by that fact.

By some unspoken tacit agreement, we both decided not to speak about Daniella’s situation out loud, we knew there was nothing that either of us could do, and it was too painful a subject to broach. At least it was on such a beautiful night anyway. It had already been a struggle for me trying to maintain a good mood these past few days without willfully bringing up depressing topics that were beyond anyone’s control to solve.

“Yeah? That’s cool. Maybe I’ll read it after you’re finished with it, if you don’t mind,” I replied with genuine interest.

I figured that I might as well learn as much as I could about any type of magic, and if the book was wrong, I felt confident that Malachar would be able to correct it, which could possibly benefit Violet too.

“Sure,” she agreed, “I’ll pass it to you when I’m done. This is a nice walk, isn’t it? I’ll need to come back and check it out and see what it looks like in the day. I knew the property was big, but it feels as if we’ve been walking through a state park or something.”

“Yeah, I know, right!” I agreed. “Anyway, I’m extremely happy that you’ve decided to stick around. I’d be worried sick about you if you left, you know.”

My heart was beating fast; it felt as if my sense of touch was magnified to the power of ten. I could feel where every inch of her skin pressed against mine, where our fingers entwined, and her palm touched me. I had no clue why I was falling so hard for her, but I was.

“Yeah, I know,” she said quietly. “You’re a good guy, Jake...” she trailed off.

“Besides, it wouldn’t be the same around here without you, little wolf,” I quipped.

“Yeah, I bet! You need someone to be able to turn you down once in a while! You know—to help keep your head screwed on straight! Can’t always get your way there, buddy!” she laughed again, this time at my expense, but I joined her because it was partly true.

Both of us quieted down, enjoying the shadowy forest and the beams of moonlight that were filtering down through the leaves above as we lazily made our way along the winding pathway. I marveled at how it illuminated everything around us within its silvery glow. We could hear the river ahead of us now; the sound of water lapping against rocks only added to the pleasantness our temporary submersion into nature was providing us.

“So ... I uh, I gotta ask ... Are you okay with my relationship with my family now, then?” I inquired nervously. “I just figure that since you decided to, uh, stay and all ... that perhaps ... Well, um, I guess ... I guess I just thought that—that that would be what ended up driving you away,” I blurted out with difficulty.

I held my breath waiting for her answer. For some reason, it mattered to me what she thought. I hadn’t even fully realized until that exact moment just how much her approval meant to me.

“Yeah,” she sighed. “Yeah, I guess that I’m okay with it. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I still think that it’s weird and unnatural ... but at the same time, well, I get it. If I didn’t know that you four were related, then you guys would just seem like any other super-duper-loving couple or couples to me. Or is it a foursome and a threesome? A fivesome? What the hell do you call three intersecting groups of lovers? Your relationships are bloody complicated!” she growled with mock sternness before breaking out into the musical laughter that I loved so much about her.

I could only smile over at her and shrug in acquiescence.

“Anyway,” she continued, “it took me a while to wrap my head around it, to make sense of your incestuous relationships. It also took me a while to deal with the whole spell-casting enemies that weren’t even human thing—ones that were apparently coming from strange worlds. And oh yeah, don’t forget to throw in the whole magical rings thing too!

“This whole quest you’re on to find the three missing rings of power plus the six-piece set called the Hydra ... It’s like I woke up one day and found myself in some J.R.R. Tolkien book or something,” she said with a sardonic laugh. “I mean, I think that anyone would need to get their head checked if it didn’t take more than a few days to wrap their brains around this shit!

“I’m still not completely sure that I’m not just certifiably insane. That all of this isn’t just some elaborate fantasy playing out inside of my own skull,” she exclaimed with a self-deprecating chuckle as she tapped her temple with her forefinger. “Jokes aside, even if you are boinking your Mom and sisters ... I’ve really come to care for you all. You guys have treated me more like family than I’ve felt in a long time, and I appreciate that.

“It’s been kinda nice hanging out with Abby, Maria, and Ang. I was never close with many girls my own age growing up. I’ve always been more of a tom-boy,” she shrugged, “and after my best friend was murdered ... Well, let’s just say that I’m very surprised yet super happy with the friendships that I’ve been forming. I’m still tom-boyish, but it’s different being in my twenties, and I’m glad to have some chickies around that I can relate to.”

“Yeah, I can see that, and you fit right in with them—now I just gotta figure out how to convince you guys that four against one is not fair odds!”

She grinned at me, slapped my shoulder, and then continued on with her train of thought.

“Your Mom is awesome, so is Sheila, and Heather and Stacy are adorable, but Billy takes the cake on that one! But like I said, the four of us are jellin’ somethin’ tight. Maria is very kind-hearted, especially for someone who is so wounded inside. Abby is a freakin’ rockstar! And Angie—well, Angie is a sweety but man, she hates you something fierce! She hides it from the rest of everyone as best she can, but since I’m not under your allure, I can see how she feels more clearly than the others can.

“Plus, Ang can’t lie to me whenever I ask questions. And from what I’ve gathered, it seems to be more than her just blaming you for the werewolf killing her family. She refuses to go into details, though. Well, maybe hate is too strong a word now, but she definitely has beef with you! I’m surprised that no one else sees more than just the surface of it, or did you make it that way?”

“Huh,” I grunted as I pondered her question. “Yeah, I can see why you’d wonder that, but I didn’t do anything specific. It could be a byproduct of my instructions though,” I shrugged.

“Probably best if they don’t see it. Those women all love you so much that they’d most likely turn against her if they thought that she disliked you in any way,” Violet supposed.

“No ... No, they can’t,” I said, causing Violet to look up at me perplexed. “I ordered them all to embrace her as family,” I explained. “She lost hers, and even if I haven’t exactly been a saint, I truly care for her, more and more each day in fact.”

“Ahh, that makes more sense then. What exactly happened between you two? Like I said, I’ve asked her, but she wouldn’t say. If it’s none of my business, tell me, but I’ve been dying to know,” she asked curiously.

“It’s a long story. I’d rather not get into it right now. I’ll tell you another time, I promise.”

“Okay, if you want—you don’t have to, but I love ferreting out secrets!” she confessed to me with a naughty grin.

“Well, after you found out that I’m in love with and fucking my own mother and sisters, I haven’t really got much left to hide,” I chuckled sardonically. “Besides, I feel like you’re the only one that I can talk to where I can be absolutely sure that what you say to me isn’t just because I warped your mind. I worry about that sometimes, you know. That I messed them up, fucked up their brains by using my power on them,” I sighed, voicing my feelings out loud for the first time. It was much different from explaining how I felt to a ghost that was living inside of my head.

“What do you mean? Do you think that your magic harmed or harms them somehow?”

I came to a sudden halt and stared down at my feet for a few moments before raising my head to look imploringly into her eyes. “I ... I fucked up Maria’s brain, badly in fact...”

“How so? She seems fine to me,” Violet interrupted.

“Thank God for that! You should have seen her before you met her; it was like watching an emotionless zombie, and while she might not have been suicidal, she definitely had no will to live. Did you know that she was my ex-girlfriend from before all this shit happened?”

“No,” she shook her head, seemingly captivated by my story. “No, I didn’t.”

“Yeah, we dated for eleven months...”

“What happened? You two definitely seem to love each other,” she asked, tilting her head at me inquisitively. “Besides, that girl worships the ground you walk on. It’s almost like your Saint Jake with her Christian mindset.”

“Uh, I dunno really, I ... I guess we must have had a big fight or something ... I vaguely remember a lot of yelling, but for the life of me, I can’t remember any details ... weird ... Anyway, we’d been broken up for a few months when all of this ring stuff started, and I needed to find my five, and they had to be women that had genuine feelings for me. I needed to surround myself with women that I could draw Eruxas from.”

“Your five?”

“Yeah, the five who will each be given one of the rings of the Hydra. Kelly, Abby, Heather, Sheila, and the last piece of the puzzle for that was Stacy.”

“Oh, yeah—you explained all that to me the other day, about how the Wizard guy in your head had created five different elemental rings and one master ring to control them or something. See! What did I just say about being in a freakin’ Tolkien novel?! And one ring to rule them all and in the darkness to bind them! Or something like that!” she quipped as she barked out a laugh. “So I understand all that, but why isn’t Maria going to be one of them then? If you went to collect her for that?” she asked, looking puzzled.

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Tranquility Part 4 a 69 in 67

This story takes place in 1967- the Summer of Love I woke up the next morning to a very red and sore behind. As I lay in bed, wincing in pain, Detective Liu was next to me staring at the pale, white ceiling. “I don’t know what to do with you,” he said in a barely audible voice. He turned to look at me and shook his head. “You’re hopeless,” he added; and for a split second, I actually believed him. Still, I wasn’t going to be deterred. I needed to get under his skin. “I thought you guys were...

Straight Sex
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The Girl In My Dreams

The Girl in My Dreams By Andy Hollis I woke, sweating up a storm. The stench of smoke and flames from my dream still lingered in my nose. With a groan, I rubbed my mouth with the back of my hand and rolled out of bed to hurry to the bathroom. The light turned on, and I squinted throughsleep-encrusted eyes to see my mother standing in my bedroom door. ?Are you okay, Will?? ?Bad dream,? I mumbled and tried to get around her. ?I?ll be right back.? I stumbled down the hall to...

1 year ago
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Damsel of Fey Dreams

Damsel of Fey Dreams by Tegeli PART I - The Dandy and Swordswoman CHAPTER 1 I glanced behind me. The sober neighbourhood didn't have an ill reputation, as far as I knew. Yet the sun had set, and most of the windows yawned lightless. My physique lacked the sturdiness for me to be confident when walking through dark and unfamiliar places. I should have armed myself with more than my rather superfluous walking stick. But I had to make the best of impressions. No weapon was...

2 years ago
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The Grotto of Dreams

In the distant past, in the time of the old world, our people once dreamed of flying among the stars; and then made it happen. They had conquered and reshaped the old world; building great cities here and on the eternal moon far above us in the evening skies. Nothing seemed impossible for them; and the discovery of the star-gate propelled them to a thousand worlds with a thousand different cultures. This time of exploration and discovery brought great knowledge and wisdom to the old world;...

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Soulmate Dreams

His name was Mark Fagan and he had dreamed of a woman for months, every night he dreamt of the same woman. He had never seen her in his real life but knew she was his soulmate. He did not even know her in any way but felt she was near. He only knew that her first name was Rose, and her beauty was like that of a Rose. He tried to stay in dream land as much as possible so he could be with her. In another part of town She was dreaming of him, she only knew his name was Mark, she had dreamt of him...

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Ancient Abilities Part 1Chapter 3 Unsettling Dreams

It felt as if I was waking up from a very deep sleep. I was almost, but not fully conscious. I drifted along in a pleasant haze hearing noises and voices, but not understanding what they meant. I gradually became aware of my surroundings. I was in a bed in a dimly lit room that wasn't my bedroom. I started to get out of bed, but something wasn't right. I was very weak, had a sore throat, and there was an oxygen mask on my face. I later learned I had an IV in my arm, electrical leads...

1 year ago
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Little Caprice Dreams

Do you have Little Caprice Dreams? Well, then you and I have something in common. We certainly ain’t alone in that respect, though, as the little babe is arguably one of the most popular pornstars to arrive on the scene in the last decade. She’s got a huge stack of XBIZ and AVN Awards to her name, has shot with some of the biggest studios in the business, and I’m guessing she’s a regular in your daytime fap fantasies and wet dreams. I wouldn’t be surprised if she starts making even more...

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Part 4 Beyond Dreamscape

Part 4: Beyond Dreamscape By Diana Kimberly Heche No one heard from Alex at all these days, not even Lucy. That is why she was surprised to hear his voice on the other end when she picked up the line. "Lucy?" he asked this almost tentatively as if he'd forgotten her voice. His sounded hoarse. "Yes, Alex. It's good to hear from you again." She was unsure how to respond to her brother now, only hoping he was having one of his lucid episodes. There haven't been many of those in...

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Follow Your Dreams

Author's Note: Some pre reading may be necessary because while this is a standalone story it does follow on from an earlier one called The Model. Also characters appear, who were last seen in two other earlier stories; Andi and Mia featured in Two Fantasies and Jess and Carrie in Carrie and Jess Take Flight. Follow Your Dreams Returning Home Jeanie Pritchard waited till the last passenger had left the plane before she went to the crew locker and retrieved her carryon bag....

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Melissas Dreams

Melissa found her svelte body being pushed into the bed. Her legs curved outwards and tucked up beneath her; her bum partly projecting over the end of the bed. A large hand pressed down onto the base of her spine, pinning her in place. A cock, the largest cock she had ever felt, fucked her relentlessly. Every penetrating thrust resulted in Melissa exhaling into the damp bedclothes; her hands outstretched and clinging onto the sheets above her head, pulling them towards her. Her head shook from...

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I walked into the large metal walled room and sat on the single white plastic chair. A bright light prevented me from seeing the voice that spoke, a soft autoreactive male voice. “State your name, family name and then your Christian name… First name.”My tiny voice echoed in the sterile room. “State your age and sexual orientation.” I was okay with the first but what was he taking about orientation, Japan? “I’ll put you down as bisexual, covers both bases.”The confusing and often bizarre...

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The Girl of My Dreams

John stood transfixed feeling the fine grains of pure white sand squish between his toes. He looked along the pristine white beach and saw her standing on the edge of the endless white band of sand that stretched off seemingly into infinity; an oval green clearing of short grass spread out behind her until it reached the dark palm trees, their palm fronds waving in the rising evening breeze. The row of palms stood in a dark ominous line like soldiers at attention some distance far behind where...

First Time
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Wet Dreams

The August night seemed perfect: cool, still fragrant with the scents of late summer. Peter could smell the flowers in the front yards, the tomatoes and cucumbers in the backyard gardens. He could hear and smell the prowling of cats in search of midnight mice, and the occasional bark of a dog fulfilling a social contract to defend territory. A racoon scurried across the street on its was to knock over the next available garbage can. The full moon washed the quiet street, the pretty wood frame...

4 years ago
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DENISE IS A DEAR DARING DARLING WITH ONE WISH -- ONE DOMINANT DREAM---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DENIS IS SAILING SEAS WITH MAMMA ANNEMARIE AS LONG AS SHE REMEMBERSDENISE KNOWS HOW MUCH FREEDOM THEIR VESSEL MEANS FOR MA ANNEMARIE-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ANNEMARIE IS ATTRACTIVE AWESOME AA-BOOBIES BLONDE...

2 years ago
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Home for Horny Monsters Book FourChapter 3 Girl of My Dreams

Mike yawned, covering his mouth, then set his book down on the cart. It was dangerously full, and he knew that Sofia would ream him out if he just kept cramming books onto it. “Can you take this to the platform?” he asked Death. “Yes I can, Mike Radley.” The grim reaper grabbed the cart with bony hands and pushed it down the corridor, the wheels squeaking softly. Mike rubbed his eyes and yawned again, then checked his phone. He had no signal in the Library, but all he wanted was to see the...

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Tranquility The Story of a Pridigal Accepted

Tranquillity - the description of a prodigal; accepted - by Nicci Knox This story is not a fantasy neither is it a true biography. It is a marginally fictionalised account of part of the history of a dear friend of mine who, having read most of my work, explicitly asked me to write it - and has approved it. I have fictionalised it only in respect of the names, some localities and to 'fit it in' to my overall sisterhood theme. Those who have read some of my previous offerings will by now...

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Karen woke up with a start. She had been dreaming again, always the same one. It centred around her brother and the shower. Sometimes the scenario would differ slightly, but not the outcome. Normally her dreams were never that memorable, she would sometimes remember parts of them, but very rarely the whole thing.Karen sat up and looked at her alarm clock, 6:30, damn she thought to herself, it’s going to be another long day. Deciding to get up she swung her legs out of bed and headed for the...

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The Man of my Dreams

Heather hear me out before you say no again. I know you think Juan being a crossdresser makes giving him a chance a no go. The cringe on your face when you told me was sign enough that you decision was set.It should not be. You have put too much emphasis on something which is insignificant. How does Jaun liking to wear women's clothing change who he is? That does not change one thing about him and You know it doesn't. When I was a young girl, the man of my dreams was tall, ambitious...

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Zone Dreams

Zone Dreams My mind was still reeling from your erotic visit of the nightbefore. I showered and climbed into bed snuggling intothe soft pillows and pulling my duvet snuggly around me. I couldn’t sleep – I was thinking about what you said. Youbegged me to trust you, to follow where you led and to obeywith out question. My body had still been tingling withthe pleasure you had given me and I agreed to whatever yousaid and to whatever it might bring me. I wasn’t frightenedthen and gave no thought...

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It would be hard to understand if I had not been Neil's neighbour these last 18 years. I hadn't imagined what was going on in their house or his relationship with his daughter. To the outside observer he was a single parent making a go of it, after that fatal collision with a drunk driver, which took his wife's life leaving him and his daughter unharmed.To be the sole parent of a young c***d, juggling work, full time parenting and responsibility for the daily tasks usually shared by two adults,...

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Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams I'd been having difficulty sleeping for a while now.? Work was stressful, and I'd often wake up at 3 in the morning, staring at the ceiling or watching infomercials on TV.? The lack of sleep was interfering with work, and I was so irritable that I'd broken up with my girlfriend Robin. She stormed out one day, cursing me up one side and down the other.? I figured we were over, but a few weeks later she sent me an e-mail with the name of a doctor who she said was a sleep...

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Half Dreams

Half Dreams by Kelley Rigney I realize that the following scenarios may be out of place in Fictionmania, but I do believe there might be someone who will appreciate this work. If on occasion you have ever been wisped away by your imagination but for only a few seconds or minutes and cherished those incremental sketches of wishful thinking I do believe you might find these interesting. I've never seen anybody write about their "half" dreams as I call them. What I am talking about...

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The Book of Dreams

The Book of Dreams Last night, I dreamed of a black horse. Upon waking, I lookedin the dictionary of dreams I keep in my bedside table, to see if thereis any significance to this particular night time vision. It seems a dreamof a black horse is a dream of passion. Considering all that has happenedin the past weeks, I am not surprised. Chapter 1: The Marriage It started a few weeks ago ? at least it was a few weeks for me. History itselfhas stretched itself thin in that time so that I must...

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Monday night, Ruth had one of those nightmares that psychoanalysts love to make a big deal out of. She dreamt that she was... no, it wasn't she. She dreamt that she was someone else, and she was naked in a public place, with everyone staring and pointing and making noise. She had some books, and a large notebook, and she tried to cover her breasts and crotch, but she dropped them, and people laughed when she couldn't cover herself with her hands. It was a frightening dream. It was just a...

4 years ago
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Man of My Dreams

His gray eyes pierced at me as I looked up at him. His hard cock was in my mouth and my lips were wrapped tightly around it, squeezing it. Soft moans escaped his mouth and his hands cupped my face while my head bobbed back and forth. I loved the feeling of his hard cock in my mouth, but most of all I loved his taste. I felt him tense up and his threw his head back moaning loudly while hot spurts of his cum shot in my mouth. ... Yes cum for me, let me drink you up... was all I could think of....

1 year ago
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Man Of My Dreams

Authors Note: I wrote this story for entertainment purposes only. There is no accuracy dealing with broken bones or anything. Just enjoy! *s* His gray eyes pierced at me as I looked up at him. His hard cock was in my mouth and my lips were wrapped tightly around it, squeezing it. Soft moans escaped his mouth and his hands cupped my face while my head bobbed back and forth. I loved the feeling of his hard cock in my mouth, but most of all I loved his taste. I felt him tense up and his threw his...

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A Lady Dreams

A Lady Dreams(c) Abe Froman *The following story is a work of fiction. It contains scenes of an adult nature so if you are underage where you live, stop reading now. This story contains explicit sexual language and fantasies involving the mental and physical control of others. If you are offended by such activities, do not read any further. This is purely a fantasy. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead is a literary homage only or is purely coincidental.* *Please send...

1 year ago
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Strange Dreams

Introduction: Haunting dreams of a past encounter with a dog. Im writing this for two purposes, the first is to tell a story of something that happened about twelve years ago. The other is to get something off my chest and this site was recommended to me as a good place for it. First the story. Twelve years ago, while my parents were away on vacation they asked me to drop in on their house daily to check on things and feed and walk Petey, their Dalmatian. I was glad to do it, being an animal...

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Sweet Dreams

Based on a true story. Sweet Dreams Chapter One: The Tease It had been a long night’s work. I was working third shift at a local retail chain store stocking shelves. This was back in the early eighties before they all started staying open 24 hours. It was 8am and I was supposed to leave at 6. Over time again…I didn’t mind, I liked the extra money, I needed it. I was young, only eighteen and I still lived with my parents. I wanted my own place so I was hoarding money like a miser. I was...

3 years ago
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Beyond Your Kinky Dreams

Copyright (c) LrningDom All Rights Reserved You were bored. Bored with life, with work, with being alone. You wanted thrills… passion… excitement. You also wanted to fulfill your fantasies. Childhood fantasies of being hypnotized like people you saw on television. Teenage visions of wild sex, of being controlled and commanded, becoming the young girl who made herself a wiling sex slave. Adult dreams of exploring BDSM, once you learned what BDSM was, of being tied up and used for someone...

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Visitor from my dreams

Visitor from my dreams At first, i thought she was a nightmare, the girl in my dreams. For I was a boy, or supposed to be. So where could this girl I dreamed of being come from? Then there were the nightmares in truth, but she was not the monster in them, but rather a victim - a prisoner, tormented and captive. And because I associated her with pain, for a long time, I did not, could not seek her out willingly. As I got older, and attained some measure of distance from my...

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Strange Dreams

I’m writing this for two purposes, the first is to tell a story of something that happened about twelve years ago. The other is to get something off my chest and this site was recommended to me as a good place for it. First the story. Twelve years ago, while my parents were away on vacation they asked me to drop in on their house daily to check on things and feed and walk Petey, their Dalmatian. I was glad to do it, being an animal lover. All went well for the most part, instead of going over...

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Studio of Dreams

The following story may be copied for private reading, but not sold or distributed without permission from the author. All characters and situations are fictional. ----- From the celestial morass of dust and gas the harmony of the heavens are spun. In the singular mind of science design where all hands of creation are one. But eyes as mine savor a more earthly wine and wonder if so singular a song is sung. Might a ravens shrill cupids bow or poets quill be the harmony...

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Wet Dreams

My wife, Penny, was on the West Coast on business, so I was alone on my birthday and went to bed early. Barely asleep, I suddenly woke as if there had been a loud noise. Sitting up, I saw a face, seeming to float a few feet away.“What the fuck!” I exclaimed, turning on the light.Framed in long black hair, the pale face of a woman, dressed in a black leather catsuit, had created the illusion.“Who are you? How did you get in here?” I demanded.“I am Morphia,” her voice was musical. “You no doubt...

Straight Sex
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Professor Kanes Erotic Dreams

Professor Joel Kane’s eyes began to glaze over as he read what he dearly hoped was the last page of the ecology student essay: ‘What a thrill it would be to walk the plains of North America as they were in the Pleistocene Age, twelve thousand years ago. To see great herds of camels, mammoths, and ground sloths, and other species of megafauna that soon became extinct. Now they exist only as fossils.’ Joel took another sip of decaf, seeing by the clock in his study that it was nearly midnight....

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Wet Dreams

I always wondered how come my panties would be wet in the morning. My husbands brother lived with us. My husband would go on long trips with his company and would be home alone with Drew. Always on the days my husband was away my panties would be soaked on the outer and inner. One night I decided to set up a camera in my bedroom to see if I was moving around or having wet dreams. To my surprise the video taped showed Drew coming in the room with just his underwear on he would lay next to me...

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*This starter chapter is only for letting the reader know what will be going on in the story no characters will remember this* Aww, but what if I really want to? *No Jacob you cant remember this* Remember what? And what if I want to remeber this? *God fucking dammit. Anyways hi I'm the author the other idiot is Jacob, you have decided for some reason that you want to spend your time following him and his weird fucked up dreams, because we all know with a title like dreams you know they're going...

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CompanionChapter 5 Dreams

JJ and Caleb were tired from the night before, so after an hour, they agreed that a nap before getting to Phoenix would be a good idea. Anyone that has ridden a Greyhound knows there is no way to get comfortable in the seats. They aren't as bad as the baby seats on airplanes, but nearly so. Also, as any good soldier knows, a person can sleep anywhere, if they need to. They just don't sleep as well. Caleb lay back in the seat, reclined as far as it would go, with his eyes closed. He had to...

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Dark Dreams

Dark Dreams by The Night Lord I couldn't let anyone see me; my life would be ruined if people knew whatI was really like. I also couldn't sleep. I would close my eyes and the horsewas always there, waiting for me. Ever since the agricultural department at school had been donated that stallionI could no longer satisfy my dark urges by looking at pictures or crapy videosfrom the Internet. Images of women on their haunches, leaning in to taste the forbidden. Tolick and kiss and touch and fondle...

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Garden of Dreams

Garden of Dreams By Keterra Sands Copyright c July 2000 by Keterra Sands all right reserved [email protected] This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is unintended. This story contains adult situations, describes sexual activities, and deals with changes of gender. If such material upsets you, or if it's illegal for you to read this - DON'T This is a science fiction story. Three soldiers in the heat of battle escape near death...

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Yankee Swap Chapter 13 Monday Night Dreams

Yankee Swap, Chapter 13: Monday Night Dreams Kim arrived at the salon just as most of the customers were leaving, going home to fix dinners or prepare for evening activities. It occurred to her she would not have been stopping this time last year. She thought of Cheree and Annie, and let the emotions flow. She actually thought of her wife and daughter several times in any given day, but had become adept at stuffing those feelings deep down and going on with her day. From time to...

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A Lady Dreams

She stepped into her spacious bathroom, hearing her heels click on the gleaming marble floor with a delightful echo. The water was gushing out of the glistening taps and just about finished filling the large claw-footed tub that stood out in the centre of the room, dominating. This bathroom, her personal one, was the size of some typical apartments but it suited her perfectly and fit into the scale of her sprawling castle delightfully. The tall, arched windows rose up nine feet above the floor,...

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Visions or Dreams

I had a dream about Charlotte the other night. Strange dream. One of those dreams where you wake up, only vaguely remembering the subject of the dream, but not the content… Just enough for you to stare at the ceiling, dazed like, wondering ‘WHY???’ The image I woke up with was of a hospital room. Antiseptic smelling… Machines beeping and twitching and generally doing their hospital machine type thing… Everything cold and clean. I was curled up on the foot of her bed, actually laying across her...

2 years ago
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Wet Dreams

For two entire weeks, you, John Doe, have researched tirelessly on a place that historians and philosophers have secretly called... The Labyrinth. A special location that links the psyche of every living being on Earth. The place where you can traverse in people's dreams and do whatever you've wished. Out of sheer luck, you've managed to find a way to enter this place through your dreams after two whole weeks of trial and error. Giddy at the seams of all the possible things you could accomplish...

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Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams By Maggie O'Malley The young woman raised her head off the chest of her husband. The young man, half asleep, but awake enough to feel his wife slip from his embrace, tried to pull her back into his arms. The wife caught her husband's hand in hers and intertwined her fingers with his lovingly. With her free hand she pushed her long auburn tresses away from her face. Her sparkling green eyes focused their attention toward the bedroom door. "Honey did you hear something?...

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Lake of Dreams

Gwendolyn's life changed forever the day she drowned. It was, of course, true that her life had been changing gradually in many ways for some time, as is the natural order of things. From a carefree little girl--who loved nothing more than to sit perched on the knee of her white-haired grandfather, listening with wide-eyed wonder to the fantastic tales the old man told, fables of secretive elves and towering dragons and mischievous fairies, of fair princes and dazzling princesses and heroes...

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In Your Dreams

“I had a dream about you last night” I looked up and across the table into her spectacle framed green eyes. “Really?” She had slightly, although somewhat pleasantly, surprised me with her declaration as she sat down to drink her coffee and light a cigarette. “I hope you enjoyed it” Her eyes twinkled and a lascivious grin spread across her slightly chubby face. “Oh I did, I enjoyed it very much, but I’m not sure about you.” I had not imagined myself being propositioned in such a way...

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The Girl in my Dreams

IntroLately, I have been having these dreams of a beautiful girl that I end up falling in love with. She looks exactly the same in every situation/scenario which I find quite strange. Its only a dream but it feels so real to me at the time. I don’t quite understand why I keep dreaming of her and where she came from. My dreams normally involve people I know or people I see. I have never seen her in real life or in television/movies/social media. It boggles my mind how she keeps coming back to...

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Dog Dreams

Dog Dreams I must tell you about a dream I had last Saturday night. It was very vivid and ?real?, and very horrible. I don’t always remember my dreams, and I wish I didn’t remember this one! Somehow, however I don’t think I will ever forget it. It was SO clear and vivid and I can STILL ?see? every detail in my memory. It seemed so REAL! Please be patient with me on this, I feel I really need to ?get it all out? and you will understand why you are the only one I can tell. Well anyway, I will...

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Infinite Sex Dreams

“Hey! Can you hear me?” A mysterious voice calls out. You look around you to No, you can’t be in space. You remember you were going to sleep right before this. This must be a dream. “Hello?” You call out. “Who’s there? Where am I?” “You’re dreaming. I looked over the world for someone who can fuck sooooo goood. You will work out just fine. Basically, I’m the god of wet dreams — that’s what you humans call it, right?” “Yeah...wait! You’re a god? Ohhhh, I’m just dreaming all of this....

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Brotherly Dreams

I woke up with my hand between my thighs, I was very wet, and the memory of my dream was still fresh in my mind. Oh no I couldn't be dreaming of my big brother like that. I quickly got up and had a shower; my dream soon faded to an un-nerving shadow. I dressed and went downstairs for breakfast, my brother; Tom was there already tucking into his egg and soldiers. "Morning," I called out not looking Tom in the eye. I know I haven't seen Tom for months, him being at Uni. but that doesn't...

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