The Three Signs - Book 2 - LoriChapter 37: University, Third Year (Part 2) free porn video

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My lecturers didn’t waste any time getting down to work for second semester; mind you, there were only two new subjects, as the rest of my workload was simply a continuation from the first semester. The two new subjects – 6.602C, Computer Applications and 6.612, Computer Systems Engineering – wouldn’t be as heavy a workload as the subjects they replaced; particularly Computer Systems Engineering. That was intended as a fourth year Electrical Engineering subject; most of the students would be heavily into their final year thesis; so the intention was to have a slightly lighter workload in the other subjects.

I knew both of the lecturers; they were also in the Computer Networking class that Dr Thomas was teaching; they had told me last semester what they subject would be covering. In the computer applications unit; we would be covering computer simulation, including the ‘SIMULA’ language, and an introduction to the COBOL language. In computer systems engineering, as well as building on what had been covered previously in Digital Logic and Systems, we would be covering hardware design and microprogramming. All in all, they both looked like they would be interesting subjects.

I still had the same overall timetable, all afternoons free after 2:00 pm (except for Thursdays, when Economics went until 3 pm). Having the afternoons off allowed me to continue my practice of getting into the campus early (before 8:00), doing an hour’s study before my first lecture, and putting in a solid two hours of study each afternoon before riding home. That way the two evenings a week that we had scheduled for concerts and gigs around Sydney; promoting the new album and single didn’t affect my studies all that much.

We played pretty much every Wednesday and Thursday nights all through August; Selina’s, Bondi Lifesaver, Millers at Brighton as well as Manly Vale, Chequers Night Club on Goulburn Street, even the Antler at Narrabeen. It must have worked, ‘Erskineville Road’ / ‘Alice’s Sister’ reached number one on August 21st, displacing ‘Rivers of Babylon’, again, for only a week when ‘You’re the One That I Want’ rebounded for its second spell as the number one hit. Still, two number one hits from the album was pretty good.

We worked on some new songs, too; we needed to get some to record a new album around the start of summer. Mandy and Lori came up with words for another song, they called it ‘Window Shades’, all about a guy who sees his girlfriend cheating on him; with the images in silhouette on her window shades. Phil, Paul and Megan came up with a decent tune to suit. Meanwhile, Lori and I (but mainly Lori) worked on a new set of lyrics for that Japanese ballad ‘Sukiyaki’; ones which fitted the rhythm and phrasing of the music better. Meanwhile, some of us worked on the music, giving it a more up-tempo arrangement. It found it much easier singing the new lyrics; it wasn’t such a battle to get them fitting in with the flow of the music. Even I had managed to write a song; well, at least the music. It was still pretty rough, but it was a start. I’m sure all of us could whip it into something that would be worthwhile recording on our next album.

On the Monday of the week before the mid-semester break, after the Computer Networking class, Doctor Thomas asked me to stay back for a few minutes.

“You didn’t have anything important to get to this lunchtime, did you?” he asked.

I shook my head.

“Come back to my office, I’d like to talk with you about a few things. Or, as we would say in the South, y’all come and visit with me.”

I laughed at his expression, I don’ think I had ever heard ‘visit’ used in that context. When we go to his office, I said hello to Michelle, and he invited me into his office, and we sat down on the two easy chairs to one side of his desk.

“I was just wondering how things are going in your Computer Applications class, what do you think of ‘Simula’ as a programming language?”

“Well, it’s an interesting programming language; quite different from anything else I’ve used. The syntax isn’t all that different from C, but the concepts are strange to me,” I said. “I guess I’m having trouble getting the concept of all this object-oriented stuff; how a variable can actually have program logic associated with it, as well as actual data.” I didn’t want to say that I found Doctor McMahon difficult to follow, and he really was pretty hopeless at explaining the fundamental concepts.

“Well, it’s been a while since I’ve actually programmed with that, but let me try to explain how all that stuff works,” he said. “Let me illustrate with an example, say we want to set up a variable type that defines a guitar, and also an individual string on a guitar. We might use a ‘struct’ in C; and we would have the following members for the guitar string, struct.”

He started writing some code on the blackboard; for the ‘guitar string’ struct, there were members for string material, thickness, open tuning frequency, string position (0 if not strung on a guitar) and a pointer to a ‘guitar’ struct that the string was installed on.

“We want that last value, because if the string isn’t installed, or strung onto a guitar, then we can’t do all that much with it. Don’t take my code as syntactically correct C or whatever; I tend to write my pseudocode in an amalgam of C, Algol, and whatever else seems appropriate. Now, what do we want for our ‘guitar’ struct?”

He wrote some more code; this time defining another type; a ‘guitar’ had data members including neck length, number of strings, and an array of ‘guitar string’ structs.

“There’s a bunch more things we could include, but that will suffice for the moment,” he said. “Does all that make sense; we have a variable type that has a bunch of values; let’s call them ‘properties’; so each instance of a ‘guitar’ type, or object, can have different properties. When we instantiate a new ‘guitar’, we can specify the values of each property; the neck length, number of strings, and so forth. Follow me? So you have two Stratocaster guitars in your possession, the red one and the black one, both have the same neck length, the same number of strings, but the red one is tuned to standard tuning, while your black one is tuned to open G. Does that make sense?”

I nodded; what he was talking about structs was nothing new to me; and his explanation of how when you actually created an instance of an object, you could set the properties specifically for that instance.

“Now, when we extend a struct to something we can call an ‘object’, as well as these properties, we can also include some program logic to manipulate that object in certain ways. Let’s call those ‘methods’, and they are the canonical way to interact with an object’s properties. For example, if we want to put a ‘guitar string’ on a ‘guitar’, we can have a ‘string’ method. Don’t confuse that with a string data type, okay? Now, the ‘string’ method when called on a particular ‘guitar string’ object will perform some logic checking; you will tell it what ‘guitar’ object we are using, and what string position we will use. Now, that string position must exist on that guitar; you can’t install a string on position six on a bass guitar, obviously, and that position can’t already have a string on it. Follow?”

Again, I nodded.

“Now, we can have other methods on our ‘guitar string’ object, like ‘tune’, to set the string to a certain frequency. Again, we don’t want to just set the open tuning frequency property for a guitar string directly; you can’t tune a string unless it’s fitted to a guitar, and based on the string length, thickness and material, there’s a range of notes that it can be tuned to. So by building that business logic into the method, you ensure that you’re not entering crap data.”

The way he explained things was so much more understandable than how it had been explained in class. He continued on.

“The other thing we can do with a string is pluck it; so the ‘pluck’ method is called on a string; we pass one parameter, the fret that will be used, and it will return a note; which is the frequency that will be sounded. Again, there’s some business logic; you can’t pluck a string that is still in its packet; it must be strung on a guitar. There’s probably some formula that will return the frequency based on the fret used and the open tuning frequency, so that calculation will be in the method.

“Now, let’s look at our ‘guitar’ object; a method we could have on this object is ‘strum’, where we play all strings. What we do is have logic in our strum method is to call each string object’s ‘pluck’ method in turn, and that will give us a list of notes played. The important thing to remember is to use an object’s method where it exists; don’t muck about with an object’s properties directly.

“There’s a whole lot more; you can have an object inheriting from another object; we might have an ‘electric guitar’ object that inherits from our basic ‘guitar’ class; it will have extra properties like number and type of pickups, volume and control settings, and so on. But we don’t have to respecify the guitar strings on our electric guitar object, the electric guitar object inherits all of the properties, all of the methods from its parent class.”

“All that makes sense,” I said. “The terminology is a little confusing, though.”

“Yeah, the way I remember is that a ‘class’ is the logical definition, that’s where we define the properties and methods. When we want to use an instance of that class, we ‘instantiate’ a class into an object. The object is the physical item; well, ‘physical’ to the point that it now exists in our program code, and we can interact with that object. ‘Properties’ are just another name for ‘variables’, and ‘methods’ are functions. A ‘constructor’ is a special method to create a new instance of an object, generally setting properties to initial values, which are often passed as parameters to the constructor. Clear?”

“Yes, that all makes much more sense now,” I said.

“I first came into contact with Simula several years ago; you remember Paulie Bagadonuts – I mean, Paul Campanale? He had developed a simple program written in Simula that we used to look at data throughput on the initial Arpanet design. We could look at link speeds, see where we might get traffic congestion, stuff like that. Each link was defined as an object, from our ‘datalink’ class; we had methods defined in that class. Now, that brings me to what I really wanted to talk to you about; have you decided what you want to do next year?”

“Well, I’ll be back here for my honours year,” I said.

“I knew that, but have you spoken to anyone about possible thesis topics yet?”

“No, I guess that happens after the final exams.”

“That’s when you have to choose,” he said. “You know they have extended my contract for next year?”

I nodded; we had heard it from Ros just the other day.

“Murray has given me a list of potential honours thesis topics, and there’s one that I think will be perfect for you; it’s developing a simulation model to analyse the performance and throughput of TCP/IP networks. Paul’s original program was all based around the original NCP protocol, now that we are moving towards TCP/IP as the base protocols, we need methods to look at and predict overall network throughput. We want to be able to see what the impact of changing various operational parameters; link speed, packet size, buffering; all under various network conditions, traffic load, link error rates, and so on. Here’s the proposed outline, what do you think?”

I quickly read the one page summary, it looked really interesting; pretty cutting edge stuff.

“That looks great; how do I sign up for it?” I said.

“Don’t worry about that, we’ll sort out all the paperwork, that’s why I’ve got Michelle here. I’ll mention to Murray that you’re interested in the network simulation topic; he’ll be pleased with that.”

“Thanks for explaining all that stuff on object oriented programming,” I said. “And that thesis project looks like it will be pretty interesting, it should be quite challenging.”

When I got home that evening, Mary Beth had the details for our trip to Melbourne over the mid-semester break.

“We’ve got six nights sorted out; Monday to Saturday,” she said. “The first two are at Dorset Gardens, then two nights at the Manhattan Hotel; we played both of them earlier this year, and it was a pretty good place. Now, Friday and Saturday nights, we’re playing the Myer Music Bowl.”

“Bloody Hell! That’s huge!” Phil said. “Is it just us, or...”

“We’re playing with AC/DC,” she said. “Equal billing, and the talk is that we close out the show with all of us playing together. Wednesday and Thursday afternoons we will be having a joint rehearsal, here’s a suggested list of some stuff we can play together.”

She handed copies of a sheet of paper to all of us; the list of possible joint songs included ‘TNT’, ‘Long Way to the Top’, ‘Midnight Hour’ and ‘Cold Hearted Woman’. If we could get them playing with us on all of those, it would be a pretty hot performance. I was pretty excited about performing with the guys from AC/DC; not just me on stage singing with them, but our group and their group playing together.

Because the final gig of the week would be on the Saturday night; and we had to be back in Sydney by first thing Monday morning; we couldn’t work out a way for some of us to take the Southern Aurora back to Sydney; since that wouldn’t arrive in Sydney until too late in the morning to make classes. There was the option of the daytime “Spirit of Progress’ or ‘Intercapital Daylight’, but the thought of spending twelve hours (or more) in the normal coach seating didn’t appeal to us; so we would travel back on the tour bus once we had packed up everything after the final concert.

Concerts in Melbourne

August 26th – September 3rd, 1978

After the Saturday night gig at Crystal, we loaded everything in to the tour truck, and the others put their personal gear in the bus, and they headed down the highway to Melbourne. Lori, Megan and I crashed in bed together, exhausted, and slept until quite late in the morning. After having a combined breakfast / lunch, we still had over six hours to kill before we had to be at Central for our night train to Melbourne.

“You know, most of the songs we’ve written are all about the angst of failed teenage romance,” Lori said. “Will, you need to see if you can come up with something different.”

“Me? You know I can’t write lyrics for shit!” I exclaimed.

“Maybe you’ll get some inspiration on the trip down,” Megan said. “You should put your little cassette recorder in your bag, just in case you come up with anything that sounds okay; we can get it on tape and play around with it some more.”

I was not all that convinced that I could come up with something even worthy of the rest of us hearing, let alone as a starting point for anything, but I kept my thoughts to myself.

“Maybe the train trip will give you some inspiration,” Lori said.

“Or maybe we can fuck some inspiration into him!” Megan exclaimed.

“He might prefer to fuck a nun on the train, like he did with Tracy that time coming back from Melbourne,” Lori said.

Lori’s comments did give me an inkling of an idea; a woman prostitute working her clients on the train. A few more ideas floated through my head, I would work more on them once we were on the train. After spending most of the afternoon in bed together, we headed down to Central, found our compartments, and settled in for the journey to Melbourne. After a nice meal in the dining car, we returned to the compartment, and all sat on the bunk.

“That rhythmic sound of the wheels on the track is quite hypnotic,” Lori said.

That gave me an idea; I took my acoustic guitar from the case, checked the tuning, and played a simple strumming pattern, mimicking the sounds of the wheels made on the tracks. It was a simple pattern, just the one chord, with a simple ragtime progression in the last bar; since I started in E, the final bar was E7, A7, D7 and G7. I played through the chords several times; humming along with a melody as I did.

“That’s pretty cool,” Lori said. “All we need are some words...”

“And a change up for the middle twelve,” Megan added. “Now we need to get it down on tape, where’s your cassette recorder?”

I passed her my little recorder, she put a cassette in, and nodded to me as she pressed the ‘record’ button. I played through my new tune several times, scat singing an improvise melody. By the time I had gone through the progression four times, it was starting to sound pretty good; still a long, long way from even being ready for playing at a gig.

“Now for some words ... did you have anything in mind, Will as you were singing?” Lori said.

“I guess I was thinking about that scenario that you had Tracy act out, the one that you turned into that short story,” I said. “Someone picking up a hooker on a train, but her intentions aren’t as honourable as the one in your story. I even had a tag line; something like ‘Fast Woman on a Slow Train’.”

“That’s a good line,” Lori said. “I guess this will be a song that tells a story.”

The three of us put our heads together, and first came up with the plot line for the song; the protagonist (Lori and Megan kept insisting it was me) hooks up with this woman in the bar of an overnight passenger train, has far too much to drink, and goes back to her compartment. Then instead of the wild train sex that he (I) was hoping for, she robs him (me), and he ends up without possessions dumped on a train station at the back of beyond, with the lights of the train disappearing down the track. It was slightly disconcerting hearing the relish in their voces as they described his (my) predicament.

At least it was a change from the usual songs we had written; as Lori had said, ‘the angst of failed teenage romance’. Although this was certainly about ‘failed romance’; it was quite different from our previous songs. By the time we decided we should get some sleep; we had the beginnings of what I thought was a good song. The train had just stopped at Goulburn; not to let passengers on or off, but for the catering crew to change over. We decided that Megan would share my bunk until the train paused at Wagga, then she would swap places with Lori.

There was something particularly sensual about being in bed with a woman on a sleeping bunk in a train; maybe a combination of the cramped spaces, meaning you had to lie extremely close together; or the rocking of the carriage, or the rhythmic sounds of the ‘clickety-clack’ of the wheels on the tracks. Whatever it was, making love with either Megan or Lori was usually particularly enjoyable, and this time was no exception. Megan and I were a little on the ‘vocal’ side; at one stage Lori swung her pillow down, telling us to keep it quiet so she could get some sleep. After our love-making session, we snuggled up in the narrow bunk; and fell asleep.

Lori woke us up as we pulled into the station at Wagga, to swap places with Megan.

“Now you can try to sleep while being serenaded by the sounds us of fucking,” she joked to Megan. “There’s going to be lots and lots of fucking; I’m really horny after hearing you two at it!’

Lori wasn’t wrong when she said she was horny; she rode me until she had come twice; then had me fuck her up against the compartment window. Finally, we curled up in the bunk, spooning, and I slept until the train stopped briefly in Albury. We decided to get cleaned up and have breakfast; then it was back to the compartment. We sat there; much like all the other times, naked, looking out of the window as the sun rose; and we could see the passing scenery. Eventually, we reached the outskirts of Melbourne; we got dressed, packed our cases, and were ready to depart as soon as the train reached the station. Again, we were in one of the front-most carriages, so we wouldn’t have far to walk.

Tracy was there waiting for us; she ran up and hugged all three of us.

“It’s so great to see you,” she said, in between kisses. “The others arrived fairly late last night, most of them were still asleep when I left. I thought I’d drive over, I haven’t had a chance to get some weekly transport passes for you yet.”

We piled into her car; and it didn’t take all that long to drive out of the city, and down St. Kilda road to the apartments. As she swung into the car park, I saw the truck and the tour bus both parked behind the building. We carried our cases up to our apartment; the four of us would be sharing one with Jillian and Allison; while the others were spread out across a further two apartments. With us all there, Mary Beth called a meeting, and went over the plans for the week.

“Okay, everyone, listen up,” she said. “We’ve got a pretty full-on week; tonight and tomorrow night we’re playing Dorset Gardens; Wednesday and Thursday at the Manhattan Hotel. We played them both back in February, so we know what the stage and all the facilities there are like. Now, there are some extras, too; late Tuesday morning, just before lunchtime, we’ve got an interview and filming at the ABC studios for this weekend’s ‘Countdown’; Molly wants to have all of us there. Then Thursday morning, we have our first rehearsal for the Music Bowl gig with AC/DC; that will be at Manhattan. Of course Friday and Saturday nights is the big outdoor event; apparently both nights are sold out. Any questions?”

Everything that Mary Beth said was pretty clear; it was going to be a rather busy week, but I was looking forward to the outdoor gigs with AC/DC. We then went over the set lists for the next four nights; it was pretty much the same as what we would normally play. After a quick lunch, we boarded the tour bus, and headed out to the eastern suburbs, and started setting up for the night’s gig. Once things were set up, we did a check of the sound and lighting, and decided everything was ready for the evening’s performance.

While we were sitting around having our dinner, Lori asked Tracy how her new role was going in ‘Cop Shop’.

“It’s a fun character to play,” she said. “I’m this naïve country girl; who grew up on a farm in rural Victoria; in fact my character is the first person in her family to move away from the country to the ‘big smoke’ in many generations. So there’s lots of teasing in the script about my innocent country ways; but actually it’s a lot of fun playing a ‘real Aussie’ for a change.”

“So, does that mean someone not from the country is a ‘fake Aussie’? I said. “What does where you live in Australia have to do with being a fair dinkum Aussie or not?”

“No, I wasn’t meaning that; it’s just an expression about those who grow up and live in the country, rather than the city. Just like people whose families have been in Australia for many generations, they are the ‘real Aussies’.”

“That’s not right!” Megan said. “I mean, how long your family have been in Australia has nothing to do with how ‘Australian’ you are. Does that mean Murph isn’t a real Aussie, because his parents came from Ireland? What about Lori, and Mary Beth? Surely, they are both Aussies?”

“No ... now you’re getting me all confused,” Tracy said, looking upset. “I’m not saying any of those aren’t Aussies; I mean, they speak the language properly, they are citizens ... they have our cultural values, they are no different from those of us who were born here.”

“By that definition, Rachel should be the ‘most Australian’ of the lot of us,” Lori said.

“But the Federal government didn’t consider Aboriginal Australians part of the country until the referendum in 1967,” I said. “And it wasn’t until the early 1970’s that the Whitlam Government finally ended the White Australia policy. Anyone, regardless of country of origin, can become an Australian Citizen.”

“The last thing this country needs is some artificial division on who is or isn’t truly ‘Australian’,” Megan said. “I think that most of the people who go on about how certain groups of people – like the Indochinese refugees – aren’t ‘real Aussies’ are just prejudiced against someone from another country, with a different culture and religion. That stinks!”

“I wasn’t saying that!” Tracy said. “Fuck, I was just making a simple comment about my role, about being a sweet country girl, and you’ve turned it into a major scandal. I should never had said anything.”

She looked pretty upset; so I decided not to say any more. Megan was about to say something, but I poked her leg under the table, looked at her, and shook my head slightly. She looked at me, and rolled her eyes. I had seen another side of Megan; I had never heard her fired up like that before; something must have set her off. At least the contentious discussion had finished; the last thing we needed was major disagreements between various people.

The gig went fairly well; the place was packed, which surprised me considering it was a Monday night. On the bus ride home, Megan sat on the seat next to Lori; which seemed a little strange, normally she and Tracy would have sat together. I said nothing, but took the empty seat next to Tracy, and we talked about the upcoming gigs and the ‘Countdown’ interview on the ride back to the apartments.

Once back, we got ready for bed; Lori and I undressed and had just got into our bed when we heard arguing and shouting from another room, and all of a sudden Megan burst into our room.

“I can’t sleep with her, not with how she’s going on!” she exclaimed. “Move over, make room for me.”

“What’s the problem?” Lori asked.

“Oh, it’s Tracy, and her attitude,” Megan answered. “I just can’t handle her, not with her comments, not at the moment.”

Lori wrapped her arms around Megan, and held her tightly against her. Megan started crying; deep sobs into Lori’s shoulder.

“Go and check on Tracy,” Lori whispered to me. “I’ll look after things here.”

I had no idea what to do; I was usually pretty hopeless in these sort of situations. But I couldn’t just lie there in bed, and ignore things. Tracy was sitting up in her bed; her face in her hands, crying.

“Hey, are you okay?” I said. Talk about leading with a dumb question; it was obvious to blind Freddy that things were not okay.

As I sat on the bed next to her, Tracy wrapped her arms around me, and sobbed against my chest. All I could do was just gently stroke her hair, patting her as if she was a cat. Better for me to shut up and not say anything more; I just held her and let her cry. After a few minutes, she released me, and moved away, wiping her eyes on the back of her hand.

“God, I’ve been such an idiot,” she said, sniffing. “All because I repeated that stupid line one of the assistant directors told me at the start of the filming. I never thought how insensitive it was; never realized that others, particularly Megan would misinterpret what I said.”

“I started it, making that dumb remark about country people and real Aussies,” I said. “I’m so sorry, and had I known what trouble me being a smart-arse would cause, I would have kept my bloody mouth shut.”

“No, I started it,” Tracy said. “I was just trying to be clever, repeating a comment that I had heard from someone else. You were right to call me out on it; and I should have accepted what you said, and just let things slide. But, no, I had to argue with everyone, just for the sake of arguing. Then I couldn’t back down, couldn’t say I was wrong. Now I’ve really upset Megan, all because I was too proud and stubborn. You all must hate me!”

She started crying again, her head pressed into my shoulder. This was going to be a tough problem to solve. Then I realized; I didn’t have to ‘solve’ anything; this was only something that Tracy and Megan could work out between them. All I needed to do; and should do, was to be there comforting Tracy. That was why Lori had sent me in here; just to comfort Tracy, while she comforted Megan. I held her as she sobbed her heart out.

Something must have happened to set Megan off; she was normally so easy going. But before she burst into the room with Lori and me I heard the two of them arguing; no screaming at each other. It didn’t seem right, that wasn’t the Megan that I thought I knew.

“I said some terrible things to her,” Tracy said. “After Megan told me that I was being an ignorant racist, I said she really didn’t understand, that she had grown up in a little bubble up in Mona Vale, away from real Australians, isolated from what people really think and feel. Then we started screaming more insults and really hurtful, abusive stuff at each other.

“I don’t understand why I did it; I mean, I love Megan more than anyone else; even you and Lori. I love both of you, but not as much as I love Megan. So why did I hurt her so much, when I’m meant to love her?”

“And what makes you think I would understand anything like that?” I replied. “I think because we know the people we love so well, we know what they are concerned about, we know what’s important to them, when we want to hurt them, we know how.”

“So what do I do now?” she asked. “Should I go in and apologise to her, tell her how sorry I am for everything I said?”

Same as The Three Signs - Book 2 - Lori
Chapter 37: University, Third Year (Part 2) Videos

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 49 Gains and Losses

Following our great performance at the Young 88 National Championships, the Avalon Sailing Club’s Commodore’s Ball, and prize giving evening seemed rather anti-climactic. We won a few trophies, first in the Quartet Bowl, first on handicap in the Blue Water Shield, and quite a few people congratulated us on our performance in the National Championships. We ended up third in the combined score for the Commodore’s Trophy, behind John Taylor’s ‘Rocket’ and Jeff Carter’s ‘Ed Ake’. It was still...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 38 Bicentennial Year ndash Part 2

For our visit to Brisbane for our week-long gig at Expo, most of the people were flying, leaving Sydney early on Saturday morning for the hour and a half flight to Brisbane. Lisa and I were taking the train, the XPT left Central at 2:40 pm on Friday, getting into the main station in Brisbane just before 5:00 am on Saturday. We had booked a sleeper cabin for the trip, and the return journey would leave Brisbane just before 6:00 am in the following Sunday, arriving at Central just after 8:00...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 10 Party Party Party

Thursday night we were having a Thanksgiving dinner at Mary Beth’s suggestion; instead of a complete turkey, which would have been far too much food even for the seven of us, she had baked two large turkey breasts in the oven. Patrick had helped, making some traditional side dishes, a green bean casserole, and somehow he had found a source of candied yams. As we sat around the dinner table, Mary Beth spoke to us all. “Well, I know Thanksgiving isn’t really an Australian tradition, but it is...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 40 The Third Task

Chapter Forty – The Third Task Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mmmf, Mf, mg, anal, cream pie, hp, grope, magic, mc, spank, uniform, voy The Triwizard Tournament was finally coming to an end; Harry and the other Champions had faced numerous challenges throughout the tournament and each of them had made it to the finals relatively unscathed. Harry’s lack...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 41 The Penultimate Semester

“Megan, Tracy’s on the phone for you,” I called out. I handed the receiver to Megan, she sounded quite excited when she started talking to Tracy. But her voice quickly changed; all she said was ‘okay’ and ‘I guess so’; then she sobbed loudly, handed the receiver to Lori, and ran out to the roof-top deck over the laundry. Lori spoke briefly to Tracy, then handed me the phone. “Tracy’s found a guy she really likes in Melbourne,” she said. “Talk to her for a bit, I’ll go out and comfort...

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The Empire Book 3Chapter 11 The Start of University

Jason arrived on campus at eight fifteen, in anticipation of an eight thirty start. His guards blended easily and fluidly into the student body. He noted he was scheduled to attend orientation, which ran its events over the first week at the university, to acclimate students to university life. From what Jason could see of the program, it was exactly the same as one would expect from any college or university orientation, anywhere on Earth. There were considerable differences in the...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 9 Parks and Parties

The weeks leading up to the final exams were busy; not just studying for the two exams that I had, but helping Fiona get her internship report finished and ready for submission; last minute coaching for some of my students, and trying to fend off a potential war between some people at Sydney University and other participants in the AARNET project. Independent of the AARNET project, Sydney University had developed a simple store-and-forward network, but they wanted to use the country-level...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 37 Bicentennial Year ndash Part 1

We were pretty slow to start on New Year’s Day; it wasn’t until early afternoon that we all got together in the studio. Fifa and Peter were there to talk about how the tours had gone so far, and the schedule for the month ahead. “Well, it’s been great so far,” Peter said. “Huge crowds in each city, ticket sales above our estimates. It’s looking very good for this month, too. Brisbane, in particular, has sold out four of the five nights already, and the fifth night is selling well.” “Now,...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 8 Three in a Boat

The next day, Garry and I were going into town; we both had some final Christmas shopping to do, and he wanted to look through Palings, the large music store with me. He arrived at my place on his bike just after breakfast, and together we walked down to the main bus stop. We had waited till the morning peak hour had passed, that way we would get a seat all the way into town. Standing all the way on a one hour bus trip isn’t much fun! Our bus was a double-decker, and we made our way...

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The Empire Book 3Chapter 8 PreUniversity

Harry, Jason’s great-grandfather was a rejuvenated man. He felt he was better than he had ever been. Jason invited him to spend some time with him in his house when his rehabilitation was completed. They visited with Cassius daily, starting with gym at the palace in the morning, he worked out with them on the machines, and he learned to fight as a bug. Harry decided he needed a vacation from his estate and decided to spend his time in Laomedeia, and would support Jason while he settled in...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 20 Janelle Tells The Truth

It took me a few minutes to fully wake up, even with the alarm radio going off. Ten a.m.? Why had I slept so late? I finally remembered, last night, actually, earlier this morning at Janelle’s place, we had decided to resume our relationship. I could have even stayed there, sleeping with her, but I would have felt a bit uncomfortable when we got up if Beth was around. I knew Janelle had said that her mother was happy, even encouraging us to get together, but I still felt a bit strange about...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 31 Presents

I picked Cathy up from her house just after 8:30; as she slid into seat she gave me a big, passionate kiss. “Where to first?” she asked. “I was thinking about Warriewood,” I replied, as we headed up Mona Vale road. “There are lots of places there, provided we don’t trespass on one of the market gardens.” We headed up a side street from McPherson Street, towards the Catholic girl’s school, “Mater Maria”. Being school holidays, the place was deserted, of course. We parked under a tree,...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 6 Getting an AllOver Tan

Thursday dawned clear and sunny, and promised to be another hot summer’s day. I decided to start with some laps of the pool before breakfast, and swam about forty laps – maybe half a kilometre – and went inside to eat. After breakfast, I grabbed the things that I would need for the day; towel, sun cream, some cold drinks, and lunch, and put them in my backpack. Around ten minutes before eight, I got on my bike, and headed towards Cathy’s place. I was full of apprehension; while the thought...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 47 Service NSW

When I woke up, I gathered some documents to show to John about how we would tackle the project. My main aim with today’s meeting was ‘project qualification’, that is, to get more details about John’s requirements, what were the key deliverables and results that he wanted to see, plus some feeling on what was he felt was a reasonable budget and timeframe for the project. I was also wanting to get some idea about how the project would run; what accommodation would be provided, would there be...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 4 Moving on Out

We woke up with the alarm; made love, had a shower together, then ate breakfast before we drove into Surry Hills and the recording studio. When we reached the studio; I parked at the side in the loading area, and went inside looking for George. We found him in the administration office, speaking with a brunette. “Hey, Will, good to see ya, Mate,” he said. “And this is...” he asked, looking at Lori. “You remember my girlfriend, Lori?” I said to him. “Of course, I remember now. Will, here’s...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 25 WTM Consulting

The lead up to the end of the semester was busy – really busy. Not only did we have to get ready for the contract with Alexa’s company, preparing the ‘Banksia Room’ as our computer staging area, tweaking the training notes from the university to suit the contract, but there were examinations to prepare for – not that I had any, the last two ‘Science and Society’ subjects had their assessments based on the assignments and class work. But I still had to vet the papers, make sure the questions...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 36 I Got You Babe

It was late on Saturday morning when I woke up, still feeling down in the dumps. I looked at the clock next to me bed; 9:30 am. I guessed Cathy would already be on the road; they wanted an early start, getting to Goulburn for lunch, and then on to Canberra by early afternoon. She hoped to get everything up in her dorm room before dinner time. I deliberately averted my eyes from the photo of her on my desk; the fact that it was Valentine’s Day didn’t make me feel any better. After a quick...

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Saving the Coven Royals Book 4Chapter 8 University

“If you’re going through a rough time, keep going until you reach the end. If you’re going through hell, keep going.” – Winston Churchill “Hi Razza, I’ve hardly seen you guys for the last few days I’ve been so busy, I’m terribly sorry. What have you been doing?” Jason asked as they walked along on campus towards the information technology laboratory to speak to the professor. “We had a great time traveling around with your daughter and grandchildren. We all found Chuck and Chloe very...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 22 Off to the Race

It took a while for us to wake up on Christmas morning, by the time we had all cast off our sleep it was close to eight; leaving little time before the others arrived for some yule-tide fucking. Just enough time to have a shower, and start to prepare things for breakfast. Lori had suggested we make pancakes; scrambled eggs, toast, coffee and her ‘home fries’. After we had finished our showers, I started to prepare the potatoes for the home fries; peeling them, dicing them, and chopping up...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 33 Performances Part 2

After our early morning love-making, shower and breakfast, I dropped Cathy off at the bus stop. She wasn’t sure just how late she would be working, and I suggested that she let me know maybe 45 minutes before she was due to finish, and I could drive in and pick her up, to save dealing with the night time buses. At Mike’s, we started talking about the actual sets we would play. “We want to start off with something to really get them going,” Mike said. “Something to kick them in the balls, so...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 29 ChCh Changes

With the New Year’s Eve only a few days away, we spent the Saturday afternoon reviewing the set lists for that gig. We had been asked to play for a total of four hours – well, four fifty minute sets, with a ten minute break between them. Then at midnight, we would lead everyone in singing ‘Auld Lang Syne’, then play a final thirty minute set before calling it a night. It was going to be a pretty intense, tiring evening, and right after that we would have to travel to Gosford for the first...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 44 Unexpected Results

We pulled up in the car park for Lilianfels, it was more in Katoomba itself than Leura, close to Echo Point lookout and the Three Sisters. It wasn’t all that far from some of the other scenic lookouts over the Jamison Valley, or some fairly energetic walks, including the ‘Giant Stairway’, some 800 or so steps descending into the valley. There were some more leisurely walks, including one around the cliff top to the ‘scenic railway’, and Katoomba falls, or the other way to the Leura Cascades....

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 23 Welcome to Gresham Terrace

“Mr. Morris, glad to see you’re awake and back with us. I am Doctor David Pickett, and I’m one of the cardiologists here at the Prince of Wales hospital. I guess you’re wondering what it was that happened to you? First, I need to make sure you understand just how the human heart works; it’s basically a pump whose purpose is to circulate blood around the body.” I nodded; that was pretty basic human anatomy. “The blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the rest of the body, and also carries...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 34 Murder and Music

Lori was overjoyed to have us back home; as was Tracy. Even though we tried to be quiet, we woke them as we got into bed. Despite being tired, we made love, and then I slept soundly until nine in the morning. I would have preferred to have gone back to sleep, but I had to get across to the university to enrol. I grabbed a quick breakfast, got my organizer folder from the study, and drove across to the University. I parked behind the Electrical Engineering building, and went up to Professor...

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The Three Signs Book 3 JanelleChapter 9 Engagement and

After a busy few weeks filled with gigs most nights of the week, it was back at University. The fibre optic installation was proceeding; there had been a few minor issues, but the company supplying and installing the cable had worked around them. The University – mainly through the School of Physics – had a long term relationship with Crown Corning; they had worked together on a number of projects, particularly in developing reliable connectors for their single mode fibre. The first set of...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 1 Joining the Australia Dream

“Hey, Will. Paul Ramos here,” the voice on the phone said. “I guess you’re at home at the moment, I called your office at the University, but that cute short girl in your office said you weren’t in over the summer break.” “Paul, comrade. Great to hear from you,” I replied. “No, I’m taking a couple of weeks off; we’ve got a bunch of gigs heading up to Christmas, and into January too. So, to what do I owe the pleasure?” “I’ve got a proposal I’d like to discuss with you; are you going to be...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 54 Reboot

The words that Mary Beth was saying to me somehow didn’t register, everything after the ‘she’s dead, Will ... she was drowned in the floodwaters’ was just noise. I understood what she told me, the troubling dreams I had experienced the night before made sense. There was a loud rushing in my head, and I was wracked with loud sobs. I was aware of Traci standing next to me, her arms around my shoulders, and Mary Beth was on the phone, talking to someone. “Let’s get you down to bed, Will,” Mary...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 10 Sweet Sixteen

I was half awake, and remembering that I was in Dianne’s old bedroom at Cathy’s place, I rolled over to look at the clock next to the bed. 5:30! Far too early to get up; but I needed to have a pee, so I quietly crept out of bed and into the hall, not wanting to disturb anyone. I tiptoed down the hallway, and tried to open the bathroom door quietly. Not being completely familiar with the house yet, I had already started to open the door when I remembered about the squeaky hinges. Oh well, too...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 39 Songs of Injustice

With the wedding out of the way, we got back into the work on the songs for the new album, as well as various gigs around the place. They were starting to take shape, but the real challenge was to ensure that the songs were musically as good as our previous work, and could stand alone as rock songs. We didn’t want the lyrics to be too ‘preachy’ and turn people off. There’s no point in making a protest song, if people don’t like it and refuse to listen to it. After my talk with Alonzo’s...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 16 Babies and Bullets

“It’s on,” Mary Beth said. “Their baby is on the way!” “Oh, I had better get up to the hospital then,” Mrs. White said. “Where should I put my case?” I showed Mrs. White where her bedroom would be; told her that this afternoon we would get the bed made with fresh sheets, and put some towels out for her. Mary Beth was ready to take her up to the hospital; I would clean the bedroom and make her bed with some fresh sheets. At least the room was ready for her when she returned from the...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 33 Summertime Tours

We spent the morning going over the ‘Sister Angela’ scenario with Lori; she wrote down all of the lines that we could recall, our descriptions of what happened overnight, even my rather sacrilegious thoughts on nun-fucking. While Megan and I would be out of town on the tour, Tracy and Lori would flesh out the story, even starting to write it. Around lunchtime some of the others returned home; Mary Beth was pleased to see us. She showed us the final schedule for the first country tour, we...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 7 Four in a Boat

The next day, Sunday, I spent time playing the piano and swimming in the pool. After dinner, I walked down to church; hoping Cathy would be there. I wasn’t disappointed; both she and David were there; David, of course, sitting with Gina. “How was your lunch?” I asked. “Not too bad,” Cathy replied. “But I kept thinking about what we may do tomorrow. Are you sure you are comfortable with being with the other two as well?” “Yes, but can we talk about it afterwards?” I said. “You don’t have to...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 11 Friends and Lovers

I was dreaming, I must have been, lying in my bed, when I felt a person slide under the sheets next to me. A hand slid over my mouth, and I heard a voice whisper in my ear. “Quiet, don’t make a noise,” she said. “I just want to lie next to you for a while, and feel our bodies together.” Lori? It couldn’t be her, but it certainly felt real; her body was pressed against my back, and I could feel her warm breath on my cheek. My buttocks were hard against her lower stomach. “Lori?” I started...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 7 Itrsquos Just a Casual Encounter

Don’t ask me what my name is I know what your game is It’s just a casual encounter It’s just a casual encounter It’s just a casual encounter Christina Amphlett & Mack McEntee Free Falling Late September, 1982 I landed with a hard thump on the ground, knocking all the air out of my lungs. I felt a stabbing pain in my shoulder, and then more pain as my foot slammed against the back wall of the house. I heard Lisa scream, and come running towards me. “Everyone! Help, please! Will’s...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 31 Second Semester

On the last day of July, we took Alonzo, Paul and Patrick to the airport. At least for Patrick and Wendy, it was only a temporary separation, he would be back in two weeks’ time; but for Ros it was a very tearful farewell. The five months before Alonzo was back for his sabbatical job teaching at the University would really drag out for her. Patrick said that one of his first projects would be to get a remote data link set up in our study going back to the office at St. Leonards, ostensibly so...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 2 Lori Finally

“Hi Lori, Will here,” I said when she answered. “Will Morris, where have you been these last four days?” she yelled down the phone line. “I’ve been worried sick about you; every time I called it was just that stupid machine, I even drove around to see if you were at home; your car was in the garage, but there was no answer. What have you been doing?” I told her briefly that on Monday morning, I had been hit by a car as I was crossing the street. I quickly told her that I hadn’t been badly...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 52 Developments in Canberra

Late December 1996 – January 1997 We had the big Christmas Day party at Banksia Lodge, much as we had done in previous years. My father again played ‘Santa Claus’, handing out presents to all the children present. On Boxing Day, we watched the televised start of the Sydney to Hobart yacht race, there were some impressive boats; a huge Reichel/Pugh maxi, owned by the head of the software company SAP. ‘Morning Glory’ was first out of the harbour, followed by ‘Condor of Currabubula’,...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 13 Lazy Days of Summer

Cathy and I had a late breakfast on Sunday morning; it was still overcast outside, and looked like there could be more rain later in the day. Actually, despite having slept together the whole night – just sleeping, too – our mood was a sombre as the weather. “I miss her already, you know,” Cathy said out of the blue. I didn’t have to ask Cathy who ‘her’ was; I was also feeling sad at not being able to be with Lori for the next few weeks. “Me too,” I said. “How come Janelle gets to go with...

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The Three Signs Book 3 JanelleChapter 7 The New Album Takes Shape

After the New Year’s Eve gig, we had a very lazy New Year’s Day. I think I slept in until close to noon; and did nothing that afternoon until Janelle came around just before dinner time. Or breakfast time for her ... stupid shift hours. We had time for a quickie, before she had to eat, and get ready for work. She promised that she would spend more time with me over the weekend. With the New Year’s gig out of the way, it was time to concentrate on the extensive schedule that Fifa had for us...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 17 Interviews

We pressed the intercom button, a voice answered and we said who we were and that we were there to see Bob Hudson to appear on his show. A minute later a man came to the door, unlocked it, and let us in. “G’day, I’m Marius, Bob’s producer. Come on in, you’re all a bit early, but we can go up to the studio,” he said. He led us up two flights of stairs, down a dimly lit corridor, and into the control room or the studio. The place looked like it was a dump, there were boxes piled in the...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 23 Senior High School

My lips were so close to Cathy’s; I could feel her breath on me. Her eyes looked directly into mine, and I felt a huge yearning. I was about to pull her to me, letting my lips lock on hers, wanting to feel her tongue against mine, when I stopped myself, realising what was happening. “Think, William Morris, use your head, don’t blindly rush in!” I heard a voice in my head. “Don’t you remember what you told yourself, what you told Lori? You know what will happen if you give in to your desires,...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 28 Towards the Final Exams

The August school holidays were only three weeks away; these were going to be the last break before the HSC exams at the end of October. At lunchtime one day, we were all discussing the plans we had for the two weeks off school. “Well, I’ll be going over all of the previous exam papers,” Cathy said. Some of the others groaned, called her ‘swot’. David wasn’t being anywhere near as studious as his sister; he had arranged to take a train up to the Gold Coast to renew his acquaintance with his...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 10 My Baby Just Cares For Me

We managed to get all of our stuff into the back of the car; but it meant all four of us had to squeeze into the front seat. We worked it out; Megan sat in the centre next to me, then Lori was on the outside, with Jillian on her lap. At least it didn’t take all that long to drive back to Mona Vale, where we dropped Megan and Jillian off with their bags, before heading to Lori’s place. On the drive back to Mona Vale Megan told us about her experiences with the publicity photo shoot yesterday...

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The Three Signs Book 3 JanelleChapter 6 Rockin The Antler

“I have no idea what’s got into my sister,” Mary Beth said as she sat across the table from me. Since this Monday would be the last time for over a month that Mary Beth and I would be able to have our regular lunch date, I had made a point of catching a bus into the city to meet her. Rather than eat at our usual location at the Quay, we had gone to a nice steakhouse in Phillip Street; just a short distance up from her office in Macquarie Street. It was going to be an expensive meal, but I...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 34 Farewells

I pulled up in the driveway of Jenny’s place, and knocked on the front door. Jenny answered; pulled me inside, wrapped her arms around me, and kissed me deeply, even before I had a chance to put my stuff down. When she finally released me, I asked her where I could hang up my clothes for the evening, and she led me down the hallway to her room. Hannah was waiting there; she was just wearing a long white tee shirt, sitting on the double bed with her legs curled up underneath her. “So, how...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 32 Party Games

After our overnight cruise to Castle Lagoon, we discussed where we might take our next cruise. One option was to go up to Lake Macquarie, we could go up for a few days at the start of the mid-semester break; I would have to be back in time to take the midday train to Canberra for my Labor Party policy steering committee meeting. But with some planning, we could sail up on the Friday afternoon, reach the Swansea bridge at high tide, spend the next three days exploring the lake, and return to...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 35 Hello CSE Goodbye Tommy

“Good morning, I am Doctor Will Morris,” I said to the assembled class. “I assume you are all here for subject 6.710, Introduction to Computer Engineering. If anyone is in the wrong place, I suggest now you leave quietly, and get to wherever it is you should be.” I looked around the lecture theatre, there were maybe two hundred and fifty people, none of whom looked like leaving. Most of them had been in the previous lecture, the introductory lecture for Computing 1A. The challenge we had...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 12 Changes in Foursomes

After the great Election Day results, Lisa and I had a fun day sailing; it was a Quartet Bowl race, our favourite. Lisa steered us to another win across the line; we were looking good for a first place in the series. On the way home, Lisa asked me what my thoughts were about Georgina. “You know she wants to sleep with us,” she said. “And both Fiona and I would like to sleep with her, too.” “I guess that’s two votes out of three in favour for it already,” I said. “No, that’s not how it...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 9 Watching the Yacht Race

I woke up early, feeling slightly disoriented until I realised where I was – in Cathy’s old bedroom, at the Parsons’s place, where she had slept until she took over Dianne’s room. It wasn’t yet six o’clock, and I could hear the sounds of the surf through the open window. Elsewhere in the house, all was quiet. I suspected Mr and Mrs Parsons would be sleeping in, and I didn’t know what time David returned, but I was well and truly asleep when he did. I was lying there, wondering whether to get...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 38 Epilogue

Monday morning was dismal, pouring with rain, and I was waiting to hear from Cathy. She should have arrived home last night, and I thought she would have called me then. Maybe she got in late, and was tired, I told myself. By mid-morning, I hadn’t heard anything, and I was going to call her, when I saw the mail arrive. There was a break in the persistent rain, so I walked down to the letter box to see what had arrived. There was a letter for me; in Cathy’s writing, postmarked from Wednesday....

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 28 Touring

There were several additions to the entourage; Robyn and Sally were coming, along with their two kids; and of course the other two young kids, Bruce and Rachel’s son, Robert, and Andrew and Mandy’s daughter, Debbie would be coming along. Given that all four kids were a bit over a year old, they really couldn’t be left behind, and neither Paul nor Phil wanted to be away from their wives and kids for the three weeks. I could see in the future organizing tours like this one would become more...

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