Majas Ferienabenteuer Teil 1
- 3 years ago
- 35
- 0
Monday-Tuesday, December 1st- 2nd – In Between
Maja walked into the kitchen, dressed for school but with her slippers still on. Her eyes were a bit swollen and she was definitely suffering from the short night but she was smiling too.
"What's for breakfast? Do I smell bacon?"
"That's it. Bacon. We're having bacon for breakfast."
"Good." And she sat at the table. "Can I have coffee?"
"We'll talk to your mom about that. A little young for coffee, don't you think?"
"She lets me. Sometimes."
"Alright. When she comes out we'll see if this is one of those times. You sleep ok?"
"Too short. I could stay home if my history teacher would let me," pleading.
"Not going to happen. Your history teacher is too tough for that."
"What if I gave up some state secrets? Can you be bribed?"
"I might have a price. What kind of state secrets?"
"Stuff my mom said." Oh oh. This could be dangerous.
"Try me."
"My mom says you are super solid and she likes that."
"I kind of figured that."
"Not good enough, huh?"
"You can do better."
"When you talk with her on the phone she brushes her hair and wiggles her toes."
"I'm not sure what the significance of that is."
"She only does that when she's thinking about stuff that makes her happy."
"Good to know. I'm a bit more expensive than that, though. All you get is breakfast," I said, serving her scrambled eggs and bacon with some coffee.
"Shhhh. You're on the dark side now. You have to learn prudence."
"Right. Coffee!" sotto voce. A quick study. Slurpee, sipping sounds.
"Hey." Elsa emerged from the guestroom, ready for the day. I pretended that she hadn't just taken my breath away again, which was definitely an Oscar performance.
"What are you two conspiring about out here? Coffffffeeee? You gave my precious little child coffee?" she said in mock unbelief.
"I told him it was OK." My dark side confidant.
"Hummph. Not sure I like you going over to the dark side." I motioned her to sit and served up a plate.
"You heard that?" My confidant was still being surprised by her mom's ability to be a mom. Elsa nodded as she sipped her own coffee. "Of course. Moms have x-ray hearing."
"Vision. X-ray vision. You don't have x-ray hearing. What else did you hear?" Now, a little worried that she'd given away the keys.
Elsa smiled at me over the top of her coffee. The all-knowing smile. "I'll never tell."
Maja finished and took her plate to the sink, thanked me for breakfast and set about to finish getting ready.
"He's a real piece of work, you know that. Just a real piece of work."
"I know. Two more days and then he's got no reason to mess with you."
"No. You're right. I don't know why I thought I knew him."
"It's what he does. He's practiced. I don't think he's had practice at what he's up against now."
"But still. I'll be glad when our divorce is final and he's in jail."
"You should probably stay here until his criminal case is over."
"You think? A day or two?"
"Maybe more. You can't be too careful."
"No. Can't be too careful. What, exactly were you talking about with my little princess?"
"Stuff. Student – teacher stuff. Sort of confidential."
"Uh huh." She stood and pushed her chair back, took her plate to the sink and then turned to face me. She stepped close to me and pulled me down for a kiss. A real one. Not a peck on the cheek. I put my arms around her and held her close and she clamped her hands and forearms against my back. It was nice. It lasted. She tasted more like honey than bacon. She let go of the kiss and then we held each other quietly. No words. None necessary.
"Ahem," from the doorway.
"Ahem, yourself," from the mom. "We're talking about your grades."
"From here it looks like you're talking about someone else's grades." I could see Maja smiling.
"Passing. We'll work on it." Passing? Working on it sounded good.
"Great. Can we go to school now?" A kid ready for school. Go figure.
Franco knocked at the side door and I let him in as Elsa disappeared for last minute preparation stuff. Whatever women do. Franco had a huge mug and I offered to freshen it but he was good. For a few minutes we had the kitchen to ourselves.
"Damn, Danny. That is one fine woman. Whatever you got yourself into must be worth it."
"You already have a fine woman and you got your hug last night. Glad you were here. I'll give you the bigger story later."
A minute later the four of us gathered in the kitchen to go over our plans. I would take Maja to school and Franco would follow Elsa to work Monday and Tuesday and then the courthouse on Wednesday. Monday and Tuesday went as expected, with the exception that Bonkers continued to get far more attention than he'd gotten used to. By Wednesday morning my little cottage definitely seemed little.
Wednesday, December 3rd – It's Final
I planned to get a substitute for Wednesday but Elsa thought it would be best if I didn't. She had a point. My appearance at court couldn't add anything. At 11:00 Am I received a text – "Alex a no-show. Judge signed. It's over. Am officially signal." Spell check. Pretty sure that was supposed to be single. Total relief. I finished the day and headed home. On the way I got another text – "My place, please", a simple adjustment. I continued down Palm.
I knocked on the front and Elsa peeked out from behind the door. "Just checking to make sure you're alone. Wait here. I'll call you in a minute." And she closed the door. What was going on? I wanted to hear about her court appearance and what the judge said, if anything. Did he just sign the paper and that's it or was there more to it?
"Come in," loudly and I did. I walked in and headed for the kitchen, where I could usually find her but she wasn't there. And the sliding glass door to the deck was closed. I couldn't remember that before and especially not with the blinds closed. The lights weren't their typical sunlight bright but rather a warm glow. Norah Jones was on, softly. What?
"Have a seat in the living room. Your chair." Yes, I had a chair. Actually, I had appropriated a very comfortable chair and I fell into it and closed my eyes.
"I went shopping in Virginia. It's fashion show time," again from the bedroom. This was new but hey, a model doing a fashion show. What could be better? I settled in for the duration.
Elsa came out of the bedroom in a full length parka with a fur hood. She clutched the lapels at her neck with one hand and had the other tucked into a pocket. She had the Nordic look. She walked "the runway" in front of me to the back of the house, near the door to the deck. She had that vacant model look, eyes above the crowd. I knew she was a different kind of model; a model for stills rather than a runway model but she was convincing. She reached the back and did a quick turn to show off the parka, then released her grip on the lapels. When she did, it dropped to the floor. Beneath it was a mid-thigh length red satin kimono style robe. I was instantly and totally alert. All of me was alert. I started to get out of my chair and she dropped the model aloofness for a second and wagged her finger at me. I sat back down. Her hair was down and slightly wavy. She had the telling scent of gardenias. Bvulgari perfume, my favorite. The robe showed off her legs. I hadn't seen this much leg before. They were legs I would expect on a dancer; tan, lean, slim but very toned from years of playing tennis. She had a tiny birthmark on her left thigh but otherwise flawless. I could live with a tiny birthmark.
She walked past me, fast, confident; her hips performing that fashion model swivel. The kind of swivel that drives men crazy. The kind of swivel that put the world in focus. She walked back past me toward the bedroom. Her breasts tented the robe so that I could see a hint of their shape, the lapels of the robe crossing in front. I was an instant wreck. As she walked past I know she heard me gasp "oh my god." I started to rise, started to follow her but without looking back she wagged her finger at me. I was salivating but considered myself extraordinarily restrained. I took my shoes and socks off, and she disappeared into the bedroom presumably to change. I figured I'd give her two minutes tops and I was going in.
When people are excited, anxious or afraid, there are dozens of physiological changes that happen. Most people are familiar with the adrenaline dump that leads to what some call the fight or flight syndrome. There are many more affects. I knew from personal experience that I get audio exclusion; I don't hear anything more than about 15 feet away. The sounds of Norah Jones were gone. For me, time seems to slow down. I feel like I have more time to observe and decide than normally. That was happening now.
With 10 seconds to spare she came back out wearing a sheer blue slip with blue panties and bra underneath. Through the slip I could see a soft shoulder to hip V; lats a bit more well developed on a woman than normal. Her collar bones begged me to start there and trace up her neck, fully exposed with her hair back. The top of the slip dipped low and her modest cleavage begged me to visit. Her stomach, her warm stomach, was flat. She didn't have a six-pack but it looked like it wouldn't take a lot of effort on her part to get one. Very inviting. The curve of her hips and the v of her legs; wow. I thought my estimation of her measurements were off. Her hips were bigger or her waist was smaller than I had thought. It didn't matter which to me; she was curvy. The slip was so sheer and it drew my eyes to the patches of material covering what I still couldn't see. She was driving me crazy. Again, she walked past me, paused for the audience and turned. The slip had a slit that flew open when she turned exposing her panties beneath. She walked past me again, closer this time and I'm sure I picked up a hint of something more than Bvulgari.
"I'm being really, really good," I said as the door closed. Red then blue. The next would be white hot and there wouldn't be anything after that, even if there was. Whatever she wore next would be in my hand in moments. While she was changing I readjusted my slacks that had become uncomfortably tight. I loosened the top two buttons of my shirt as breathing had become more of a challenge and I discovered a bead of sweat on my upper lip. She was destroying me. I waited two minutes and she wasn't back. I would wait one more. I knew I was leaking pre-cum too. I was a mess.
The door opened but she didn't come out. Agony. Finally, she stepped out wearing white bra and panties. Only a white bra and panties. The lacy white bra was strapless and had the smallest clasp in front and, although she was small, the bra pushed her breasts up and over the top of their lace exposing soft, inviting flesh. Her shape was wonderful; the handfuls I had felt on the fishing boat were now being kept in check by the smallest, sheerest fabric. I thought they would overflow a margarita goblet but the shape was similar. For the first time I could see her areolas, almost chocolate brown with nipples just smaller than an eraser standing at attention. The room was not cold. She was as excited as I was. Her panties. How do I begin? The triangle wouldn't cover a playing card. Three thin strings on each side stretched tight to hold it in place just barely covering her mound. Normal panties would have a gap from her mound to her hips but these panties hugged that mound. I wanted to hug that mound. And because she was so thin, her mound and her breasts both seemed larger, more pronounced. I wanted to be those panties. I was jealous of her panties. My eyes didn't know where to go. Although she walked past me slowly it was still too fast, I thought. Because when she passed me, I could see that her panties weren't panties at all but a thong. It's when she passed me that I noticed her tan lines – multiple tan lines. Tennis short and top tan lines and bikini top tan lines. I liked those tan lines. I was seeing what no one else had. Her ass was well rounded and I thought she missed the opportunity to model for Buns of Steel because she had them. Absolutely no jiggle when she walked by. I wanted to sink my teeth into them. I wanted to bend her over and sink something else into them. She was made for this fashion show. She was made for sex. She was made for me and I wanted her.
I was done watching the show. If there was more, I didn't care. A man's got to know his limitations. She was walking past me very closely and I simply grabbed her wrist and pulled her down into my lap. She gave up the model aloofness, smiled and turned to kiss me almost as soon as she landed. I bit her lip and sucked it into my mouth and she bit back. My hands wrapped around her and I engulfed her in my embrace. Her tongue teased across my lips and she must have tasted the sweat on my lip she had caused. She nibbled again. My hands dropped down to her bra, to the tiny clasp and she broke the kiss as I did.
"Anything you want. Any way you want it," she said in a breathy voice that let me know that whatever I wanted I would have to want it soon.
Her bra loose, I pulled it off and leaned back to look. Her areolas were such a wonderful chocolate color and the nipples tight. Tiny Goosebumps of Montgomery's glands surrounded them, begging to be touched, stimulated. I wanted to suck them into my mouth but I waited. I teased. I cupped them in my hands, caressing what was now mine.
"They are beautiful. Like little chocolates. I love chocolate. Babe, your breasts, your nipples are mouthwatering. You have the most beautiful, most desirable breasts in the world."
She cooed. I cupped them and licked my lips and she arched her back a bit, offering them to me. I held her back with my right hand and explored with my left. I caressed the underside of her right breast, hefted it and then squeezed it gently and I watched her body respond. She moaned and I looked into her eyes with lust. She licked her lips and squirmed, trying to push her nipple into my hand. Not yet. I released it and slid my hands down her right side, feeling the wonderful curve of her hip, then around behind her again. I ran my hands up her neck and caressed the line of her jaw then back behind her ears. She tilted her head down to expose her neck to me, to surrender to me. I pulled her to me and kissed her lightly on the lips then worked my way down to her neck, nibbling behind her ear. I could tell immediately that her neck was a hot spot. I slid my right hand down to her hip and then underneath to cup her ass. I squeezed it gently and then harder. Each time pulling her slightly tighter and closer to me.
I slid both of my hands up to her neck and held it firmly, then pushed her back. I descended on her breasts with my mouth. I took nearly her entire right breast into my mouth and sucked on it hard, hold tension on it, vacuuming it without touching the nipple. She groaned at that and I switched sides, repeating the process. Holding her breast tight with my mouth, clamped on, warming it. I circled my tongue along the very bottom of her breast and then licked the entire bottom of her breast with the flat of my tongue. I swirled my tongue around her nipple but avoided it, teasing her, teasing it to become even more erect, if that were possible. Chocolate. I wanted chocolate but I held back. I switched again and when I did she groaned again. Again I repeated the process but I finished by flicking her nipple with my tongue, two, three, four quick flicks and then I switched breasts again. I repeated, giving each breast the same treatment but after four quick flicks of my tongue, I nipped it with my lips, tugging on it. I switched back and this time I sucked on the nipple and flicked it with my tongue at the same time. Finally, I took her right nipple into my mouth first with my lips and then just my teeth. I held it gently with my teeth and flicked it with my tongue quickly.
"You are driving me crazy." I knew that. Her breathing was ragged and I could see her chest flush with excitement and desire. Her hips began to rock forward at me. "Danny, I want you inside me. We've waited long enough." Out of breath. Panting, almost.
"Soon. Soon." I wanted to explore her completely. I began to stand and lifted her with me. She hopped up and wrapped her legs around me at the stomach, clenching behind my back. I grabbed the throw blanket and a cushion from the couch as we walked by. With her hands on my shoulders and our eyes locked, I walked her to the chest kitchen high counter that separated it from the living room. I kicked one of the barstools out of the way and stepped close. I tossed the blanket on the counter and then the cushion and I sat her on the edge. "Lift. These come off," I said, tugging at her thong. "Beautiful, packaging but now I want the prize."
She lifted herself to free her thong and I tugged it off. Rather than toss it, I held it to my nose and inhaled deeply. They were soaked and the scent of her arousal was rich, intoxicating. She smiled to think I would enjoy that. I put my hands behind her and pulled her back, to lay her down on the counter, glad for its width. I lifted her legs, positioning them over my shoulders. She smiled at me, at the attention I was lavishing on her. She smiled at what she knew I was going to do, how I was going to make her feel better than she already did. She smiled because a man who loved her so deeply was going to show her so thoroughly.
Her pussy was just barely covered with wispy blonde hair. The light color and the sparseness hid nothing. She was hot and she was moist and she needed satisfaction.
"You're beautiful babe. You look delicious and I am hungry."
"Don't make me wait any more. Please. Danny," pleading.
I turned my head and kissed her leg at the knee, and then the other. My hands caressed the outside of her thighs, then the back, gently but firmly. I slid my hands down to her ass and then slipped them under her. My thumbs traced the inside crease of her legs and I gently pulled to spread her – just a little. My kisses were coming faster and I approached more quickly. The scent of her desire was heady, demanding. Finally my mouth surrounded her, sucked her in completely. Holding her in my mouth, my tongue traced the outside of her labia, courting the edges of her sex. She groaned when I did so. I held the tension, enjoyed what I was doing to her.
Hi.. I am sam continuing the story” maja with Mil” .After marriage function I separated saradha from the crowd, rushed towards our room and pushed her on the bed. I immediately locked the door and jumped and hugged her tightly. She was I red silk sari with matching blouse and looked like bride with lots of flowers on her back. The jasmine flower smell tempted me more. I kissed her like a hungry dog and bited her lips cheek chin … licked and tasked her lips hardly. She screamed loudly due to my...
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Hi, I’m Aarush 24 from Navi Mumbai, about me I’m little browny with average dick size 5″5 and I have an innocent face that no one can doubt on me that I have a dirtiest mind. I’m big fan of a rough and dirty sex and until now I fucked females for more than 20 times and every time it was rough and dirty which I will explain in this sex story. I would love to hear your comments and I can be your secret santa as well if you love dirty sex. So let’s begin the sex story, as I posted several stories...
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Asian Porn SitesIt was an early spring morning when Allison and Chris's lives changed forever. Spring was in full bloom and the weather had turned unseasonably warm. The windows of the Hudson house were open and the noise of birds singing in the trees outside awoke Chris earlier than normal. He slipped out of bed and stuck his head out of a window overlooking the driveway and saw that his father had already left for his regular Saturday morning golf match. Seizing the opportunity, he quietly padded down the...
A TS Fantasy Part 6 By Paul G. Jutras (Dedicated to those who requested I do another of these stories. By keeping in the third person I find the flow of the story works with less mistakes.) It all started after family and friends came down from Maine to Florida to spend Christmas with the family. Paul's cat laid by the couch while everyone gathered to have drinks and to talk. "You told them just what I did huh?" Louie said as he took a sip of beer. He looked down at the cat as...
I watched the tall, skinny, red haired kid race up the stairs inside his house, slam the door of his attic room shut behind him and look frantically around. I could feel waves of fear and confusion radiating from him. The feelings he emitted weren't very strong, but they were intense and highly concentrated. It was bizarre, the way the three of us were able to follow along after him, walls fading away before us so that we never lost sight of the boy, not even for an instant. "What's he...
I was in the garden grafting the roses. I always do more than I need so I have plenty to give away. It’s thoughtful to give away a rose bush for Valentine’s Day and not just a miserable flower. It’s how I’ve always done it but I’m wondering. How many rose bushes, all the same, can one have? There was a little discomfort, nothing really, I’m always nursing a football injury and I thought it was something related to that. My hand stole down to make the adjustment. For some reason my fingers...
It was late on a beautiful Saturday morning in a magnificent suite at the four-star hotel in San Francisco where the Big Party Weekend was about to reach its ultimate crescendo with the "Saturday Night Gala." The incredible, sex-filled Friday night party was history, and most of its participants, including me, were in recovery mode.The final peaceful wisps of slumber were gradually being brushed aside by what I thought were some very light and sensual caresses of my naked body. At first, I...
ExhibitionismMere pyare doston, Jaisa ki maine apni pichhli dastaan me waada kiya tha, main aap ki Julee phir se haazir hun apni chudai ki dastaan ka agla bhaag le kar. Hamesha ki tarah is baar bhi aap ko pata chalega ki maine apni jindgi me chudai ka koi bhi mauka nahi chhoda hai aur meri aaj ki dastaan is ka taaja udaharan hai. To, bina aap sab ka jyada waqt liye, main shuru karti hun apni chudai ki dastaan ki kaise maine Neeta ko apna lesbian partner banaya. Sham ka waqt tha aur main apne ghar me akeli...
To take some pressure off the plans of future performances, we went off in three cars to do some after-Christmas shopping; Jenn and I, Katie and Ally, while Brian picked up mom. We were to check in every hour with somebody else. I asked Jenn if we could go to the Evansville Eastland Mall. She sounded reticent, but I tried using my smile on her for a change. We got there, and I asked her to pull up by the Zale’s. She sounded excited, not knowing what I was planning. I went up to the counter...
Chapter 3One month has passed since Brad started living with me and beautiful wife Lina during the weekends. I thought I had it tough with Lina before, but it had gotten so much worse since Brad has moved in. My life was now a combination of sexual frustration, humiliation, physical pain and mental torture. It had gotten progressively worse each day since Brad's arrival. Brad and Lina made up new rules almost every day to push me further down this path of absolute domination. The worst of the...
CuckoldCHAPTER FOUR: INVESTIGATIONS Holly was wrapping herself in a fluffy, cream towel after a long, pampering soak in her jacuzzi bath when her cell phone rang. From the tune, she knew this was the second of her phones and the one that only rang on specific occasions. As was her routine, she allowed it to ring and then waited to see if the caller left a message. Thirty seconds later the message came through. It took her an instant to retrieve it and she leant back against one of the four pillows...
They didn’t slow down, even after my telling them that Arial would be joining us for a month. “Does she know about all the brother sister stories you have written so far?” Lily said still licking her sister’s twat. “She doesn’t have a clue, does she?” Lisa said. “No,” I admitted. “But she possible lusts for me, from what happened tonight.” They broke up, and left the room, holding hands and probably taking a shower together. [email protected]: Hey Bro? I heard and saw...
Vegas: Night one.Went to Vegas to visit a friend who was a high end escourt... long story short, I wanted to try it, just to say I did it. She itroduced me to a young sexy guy who was at a convetntion for business...Young good looking guy, brought me to the very nice hotel room, was being nice and kissing me and shoving his tongue down my throat and I could taste his warm spit. (which I loved) Before I knew it he grabbed my hair bent me over and started eating out my ass, sliding his tongue...
Hi Friends. Mera naam minu hai. Meri age 45 hai. Meri shadi ke 24 yrs ho gaye hain. Kahte hain Naughty @ 40, bus wohi haal hai mera. Part 12 mein maine bataya ki kaise mujhe aman aur akash ka lund ek sath lene ko mila. Aagey ki kahani kuch aisi hai. Please apna comment mein bhejen. Aapki comments mujhe aur bhi likhne ke liye majboor karenge. Please story ki sari parts padhe aur comment bhejen. Nisha apne brother ke yahan se wapas aa gayi thi. Mujhe pata nahi tha ki wo kaisa react karegi. Per...
As Glen pulled into his driveway, he saw his sister-in-law's car. A small ball of tension began to form in the pit of his stomach. Had Lauren felt guilty and confessed? When he walked into the house, he thought he felt tension in the air. His worst fears were confirmed when his wife, Kim, came up to him with a pensive look on her face. Over her shoulder, he saw a satisfied smile on Lauren's face.Confusion roiled through Glen though when Kim gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek. "I'm so sorry...
My name is Kayla and I was a typical teenage girl, Hanging out with friends, going to parties, doing things things I probably shouldn't have been doing like drinking with my friends and smoking cigarettes, I had just turned 18 and to me my life was already in ruins my mother and father had gotten a divorce and I had been dumped my boyfriend of 8 months, my mom started dating about a year and a half after her and my father split, His name was Mike he was 30 and from what I could tell the couple...
Parade My friend Dave asked me if I was going to do it or chicken out. I wanted to say no because if I didn't they might find out that I really like dressing up like a girl and I have done that many times. The only guy, besides myself that knows what I look like as a girl is Stan. He saw me once when I was out one afternoon. He smiled and waved but so far has not said a word about it. I did not answer Dave. I walked away instead. I always watched the girls and the way they did things,...
To have a witch in your town is a dangerous situation. You cannot let her go. You cannot keep her locked up for long, she’ll find a way to harm you. You cannot risk to have her seduce the wardens, the magistrate, or even the judge — she is a good-looking woman, after all, even now, lying naked on a heap of straw, cold and hungry, dirty and bruised, chained to the dungeon wall. You cannot put her to death, without proof of her guilt. You cannot have proof without her confession. Only pain will...
Hi, my name is Kishore 24, 5.7 height and 7 inch cock size am working as an engineer in an mnc, I am a regular reader of is from 6-7 years I used to enjoy and masturbate regularly reading the stories. Today I got a chance to write my story of a beautiful girl whom I fucked recently. It all started online, I used to masturbate watching porn and doing an online show on a website, one day a met a girl on that site she saw me masturbating online. My dick size is 7inches she was amazed by seeing...
Hi friends, first of all thanks for your huge response for my previous stories of sex with my mami, my randi Varsha…. Meri mami Varsha ek bahut hi sexy item hai. Uski age 33 saal hai. Uski figure mujhe Sunny Leone ki yaad dilati hai. Uski figure approx 38-28-40 hai. Isse apko pata chal hi gaya ho ga ki uske ball bahut badhe hai, jaise ki doodh ke tankers ho. Uski gand to mujhe pagal hi kar deti hai. Varsha tight gown pahan kr jb ghar me matkati hai to mai uski gand ko dekh ke hi fida ho jata...
Birthday Wishes by Bruce Leach 1. "Goodnight Claire, night Robert. Happy birthday Jess!!" yelled his aunt Nancy as Jessie Evans closed the door on the last of his party guests. Thank god the whole ordeal is over, Jesse thought, family parties are the worst. He figured at 19 he should be able to have his own friend over to his own party, but the big get together was a family tradition. All his aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, and all their spouses got together...
When I knocked on the door I heard a voice from the back… "Come on in and drop your stuff off, we're out back by the pool". I did just that, dropping my bag by the couch and followed the music to the back deck where two guys were drinking what looked like margaritas and sitting in the sun. The taller one jumped up and stuck out his hand, introducing himself as Brian and pointing to the other guy and said that was Sam. Sam waved his margarita at me and smiled. I sat down and we chatted...
Tuesday morning, Matt was up and getting ready to head to the warehouse. “Hercules, I want you to come with me to the warehouse.” ‘I should stay, protect Molly.’ “No, Molly is in no danger. It’s too soon for the Matriarchy to try an attack again. I want you to go with me because we are going to play with Artemis.” ‘Okay.’ The door bell rang. Matt answered the door and Fred, William and Louise were all there. “Hi guys. I just have a couple more things to grab and I’ll be right...
She was brokeWarning: This story contains descriptions of torture. If you are a minor or are easily offended by this type of content, then please do not read. Zombie Sex Slave: Part 1 - Luck She was broke. She had never been in such a dire situation in her life. What were her options? Asking help from her parents was out of the question - any ?gift? from them came with heavy chains of expectations attached. The rent was due and she probably could get by with giving her landlord a partial...
It was a perfect Saturday morning in Peace River. It was warm, but not too warm, and I was out taking a stroll around the town trying to get a feel for everything here. Connie had offered to go with me but I declined, saying I needed some time alone. I hated to admit it, but I was missing my life back in Andersonville. As I walked past Shady Pine Cemetery, I spotted Ashlee Gang laying some flowers on a grave. She didn't seem upset, rather the look on her face was comforting, as...
She was taking a shower while I went down to the kitchen for preparing snacks for a light dinner. After 30 minutes or so, she came straight to the kitchen. She was wearing black shorts and a red mini shirt revealing her breast cleavages, belly button and fleshy sides of her thighs and long legs. “Hello papa, what’s going on” she smiled and kissed at my cheek. “Fixing something light for dinner” I replied and asked her hesitantly without looking towards her, “Honey, do you have a boy friend?”...
IncestAuthor’s Note: Before you read this story you should understand that it is a work of fiction and total fantasy. Its main themes are of non-consensuality and human degradation of an uncompromising sort. If this does not appeal then PLEASE DO NOT READ IT. I would also like to emphasise that the events described in the story would be completely abhorrent to me if carried out in reality. Nor is it my intention to offend any particular group, preference or orientation with what I have written. It is...
It was summer and a really hot day, me and tommy were best friends and always spent our days off together. It was mid week and i went round to tommys, he had just moved home which was near the park. When i got there it was he'd not being long out of bed and made a quick cuppa. We decided that we pick his boyfriend up and go to the park as it was a nice day. We picked up dean and few drinks from shop and sun bathed in the park. As soon as we got there they both took there tops off, so i took my...
It was the middle of August and the summer heat hadn’t yet arrived. It was beautifully warm, and indeed, very warm if you were working, but the mind-numbing stifling heat that usually arrived toward the end of summer hadn’t yet made an appearance.Logan Ellison was a relatively young entrepreneur who believed in sustaining the past as he pushed ahead to the future. He’d bought this 1930 era house built in the style of Le Corbusier but left to deteriorate until it was almost a ruin.He was...
BisexualThis story is a work of fiction. Similarities between characters or events to persons living or dead in your world are purely coincidental. All individuals featured engaging in explicit actions are aged eighteen or above. Those who have not played Persona 5 Royal beforehand shall find themselves spoiled. Only those who have agreed to the above have the privilege of partaking in this tale. I agree. The contract has been sealed. Ren watched the sun lower itself behind the horizon, dragging the...
Hi guys, This is the third and final part of the story “The Ultimate make out”. If you’ve not read the earlier two parts, please go through them and enjoy. Keep sending your feedbacks on For any conversation/relationship in Delhi, girls/aunties can mail to and I guarantee your privacy. Your feedbacks and praises makes me get back to portal. I’ve been getting mails to submit the next part of the story.So, here it goes : Kara was tired and asleep. Tara was drunk and extremely horny. Arun, their...
Downing Street. 6th January. It took until well after midday on the 6th January for the news of his losses to start to reach Graham Thorn. There had been power cuts across parts of the country, starting from just before eleven pm the previous night, and communications were down in many places, so getting the information to the regional Patrol HQ’s and from there to London, just didn’t happen. Most towns though, even with the loss of all these Patrollers, were still firmly in the hands...