Lydia and Andrew Chapter One
- 2 years ago
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The door from the garage opened and a smiling Pam and Rudy walked in. "He liked the car, Tom."
"No, I loved the car. That is some machine and she even let me drive."
"We took Angel down to I-75 and up a couple of exits and back. Two guys wanted to race us but I did what you said."
"She sure did, Tom. We only got up to 140 before the other guys gave up."
"RUDY! You promised not to tell Tom. Darn your hide!" They both started laughing so I knew it was a joke. At least I hoped it was.
"Pam, its 6:00. When do you want to eat? I need at least 20 minutes to grill the meat."
She looked at Ruth and they agreed that 6:45 would work. Pam was planning baked potatoes, asparagus and a tossed salad. I invited Rudy to join me outside on the patio and grabbed two beers on the way. It was a very cool night, as Novembers normally have, and the sun had set. After several minutes of small talk about the city views, I turned on the gas grill and cleaned the grate.
Rudy asked, "How did you manage to get one of the McLarens? I know they were on allocation, even though they cost a half-million dollars."
"My dad went to school with a guy who's a dealer in Atlanta. Dad has bought many cars from him over the years. When the McLaren was announced, Lydia read a review and fell in love with it. Later on, when we found out she had cancer, I asked Dad to call his buddy and see what could be done. The dealer pulled some strings, I suppose, and he called Dad one morning and said he had one coming. The neat thing was that it was the paint color she wanted.
"We drove down and picked it up. She was so nervous that she refused to drive it home. I remember how cute she was debating with me her reasons for not driving it. I also remember the first time I heard that engine and felt the power under my foot. There was nothing like it."
"Pam surprised me when she stopped at a gasoline station and told me to drive. That car really scared me. The accelerator is very sensitive and it almost jerks your head off when you tap it too hard. I'm not familiar with the specs on that engine but it must have a ton of torque. Pam has learned to handle it well. I was impressed with her driving."
"Good, I worry about her every time she has it out. That car is a beast."
After several minutes of small talk, I said, "Ruth and I had a talk while you were gone. She told me about the baby she gave up for adoption."
"Yeah, she told me last night. It's a real shame she had to make that decision so young and live with it forever. But I think she did the right thing. I told her I was very proud of her for thinking of the baby first. I wish all pregnant mothers did that."
I replied, "She asked whether or not she should tell Pam and Jerri and I said to do it. Ruth needs to share the burden she's been carrying and know that others support her decision. It sounded like Richard wanted to keep the baby and that added to her feelings of guilt."
"I know. That must have hurt."
We sipped our beers and continued with small talk until Rudy said, "We're planning to get married in late March. It'll be just a simple wedding at the church. Would you consider standing with me?"
"Absolutely. I'm honored you asked."
"My brother will as well. We'll just wear normal suits, not tuxes or anything like that. Ruth wants it to be a simple affair."
"Sounds good. Let's get these steaks on. How do you and Ruth like them?"
"We both like medium."
"Pam likes medium also but I like mine a little rare." I put three of the filets on and waited a few more minutes before adding mine.
"If you'll watch them, I'll grab some more beers," I said.
I walked in and saw Pam and Ruth sitting in the library talking. I could tell it was a serious discussion and assumed it was about the baby. I pulled another Bud Lite and Stella out of the fridge and walked back to the grill.
"Rudy, we were trying to decide what you might like to see this weekend. We have a very nice aquarium. Of course, there's Rock City, made famous by all the painted birdhouses and barn roofs. We have two Civil War battlefields close by, Lookout Mountain and Chickamauga. There's Ruby Falls, a tall waterfall inside a cave. Also the old train station has been restored and it dates from 1909."
"All of that sounds interesting. Let's let the girls decide."
The steaks were ready in just a few more minutes. When I entered the kitchen, I saw the girls working on the salad and the potatoes were out of the oven and cooling. I glanced at Pam and our eyes touched. She winked at me and smiled.
Fortunately, the steaks were fine. During dinner, the ladies decided they wanted to go to the aquarium and then have lunch at The Meeting Place, one of my restaurants. We would do that on Friday and then decide what to do about Saturday. Ruth and Rudy planned to drive home Sunday after going to church with us.
The rest of the evening was devoted to the movies. Rudy wanted to watch "The Unforgiven," a 1960's western starting Burt Lancaster and Audrey Hepburn. I had forgotten I had that old movie on DVD. Dad must have given it to me. He liked the old westerns and gave me a box of them one time for Christmas.
It was fun to see a production from those years and how they had to do the photography without all the special effects they now use. We all cheered for the good guys and booed the bad guys. It was a real hoot and I thoroughly enjoyed watching it with them.
When we decided to call it a night and retire, I was a little surprised when Rudy and Ruth went into the same bedroom; but that was fine with me. When Pam entered, she immediately walked into my arms and kissed me like there was no tomorrow.
"Pam, I need some air girl. What's gotten you all turned on?"
She smiled and giggled, "They're sleeping together now. I think it's so cute and Mom was so embarrassed to tell me."
"There's no reason to be embarrassed."
"I know. She and my dad were old school, conservative and proper. At least I always thought so. But she told me tonight about having the baby before they were married and how she decided to give it up for adoption. So my dream was real. She told me she had asked your advice about telling me."
"How did she break it to you?"
"After you guys went outside, she asked if we could sit and talk. We went to the library and she started crying as soon as we sat down. Of course, that started me crying too although I didn't know what we were crying about.
"She eventually was able to tell me about the tough times they had growing up and how she and Dad fell in love when she was a freshman in college. They had unprotected sex a couple of times and she got pregnant. Since he was a much older guy, her parents never supported their relationship and made it known to them. They felt very alone but they decided to put their faith in God and ask for wisdom.
"Mom believed that God helped her decide to have the child and give it up for adoption through one of the Christian run adoption services. The service paid for all her health care and the doctor and hospital expenses. She and Dad were so poor they never could have paid that bill.
"After they eloped, which I never knew about, they moved in with his parents. Their finances improved when Dad got a good job in town and she was able to work in a local supermarket. She later tried to find out who had adopted her daughter but the adoption service refused to provide any details. She has always carried a heavy burden of guilt about giving away her baby and didn't want to let me and Jerri know it happened."
"Did you tell her about your dream."
"No. I didn't think that would add anything to our discussion. Maybe it was some sort of premonition I had. This world of dreams and messages is so difficult to understand."
"I know."
"Anyway, Jerri and David are planning to visit Mom and Rudy for Christmas and she wants us to come as well. She'll tell Jerri face to face about the baby and wants us not to say anything to Jerri until then."
"And you didn't say anything about Niki Lee?"
"No. But we do need to go to Atlanta and try to meet her. I'm now excited about that possibility."
"I understand. I asked your mom if the opportunity came to meet her daughter, would she want to do it."
"I hope she said 'yes'."
"She did."
"Tom, I'm just dumbfounded. I always thought my parents had the perfect marriage and that they never did anything out of the ordinary. Now I find just how difficult it was for them. I always wondered why we were closer to my dad's family than to Mom's. Now I know, her father never supported or helped them. That must have been terrible for Mom and Dad. They had to elope because her parents wouldn't attend her wedding. Can you imagine such a thing?" Tears welled in her eyes once again.
"No I can't. But none of us ever know what others have to go through until they give us a glimpse of it. Your parents obviously loved you two girls more than anything and they were always trying to protect you, even though you didn't know it."
"Sweetheart, I need your love tonight. Just soft and tender loving. Can we do that?" My answer was to slowly start removing her clothing a piece at a time and stopping to kiss her body as it was revealed. She stood there and gazed at me as each piece was laid aside. When she was undressed, she removed each piece of my clothing and kissed my body. We embraced and I slowly rubbing my hands up and down her back as our tongues touched.
I took her by the hand and helped her into bed. We continued to caress the other's body and look into our lover's eyes. Everything was in slow motion, just gentle loving touches and caresses.
After ten or so minutes of touching, stroking and probing, Pam straddled me and guided me into her. There was no erratic bouncing or the wild lust we often experienced. She sat on me for a full minute, just absorbing all the sensations of being one with each other. Her eyes never left mine. She gradually began to move up and down and I could feel the soft contractions as her body told her it was time. There was no moaning, no screaming and no grunting.
As her orgasm approached, she lay forward on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and we kissed ... slowly and tenderly. She suddenly closed her eyes and began gasping with shallow and rapid breaths. Pam stopped a couple of times and lay still; but I could feel her body continue to clinch and relax. The release of our passion was anything but slow. We peaked at the same time. I squeezed my arms around her and tried to get as close to her entire body as I could. I so wished that she could just become part of me forever.
We quietly lay there and experienced the afterglow before hearing some muffled screaming from next door.
"I think that was Mom." She started giggling quietly.
"You and she sound just alike," I said. The mood was broken and we climbed out of bed and walked to the shower.
Thanksgiving morning was a whirlwind of activity. Pam and Ruth were in the kitchen early, preparing the turkey and planning the desserts. When I walked in to get coffee, they were quickly looking through cookbooks and on-line to find likely recipes. The turkey was no issue at all, it was fresh, never frozen, and Ruth had roasted them dozens of times. The desserts were another matter as there were so many options. After much debate, they decided to make three of the old favorites: a pumpkin pie, a pecan pie and a coconut layer cake. Fortunately, Pam had purchased all the needed ingredients.
While they were pulling items out of the fridge and cabinets, Pam looked at me and said, "Why don't you and Rudy go do something? Mom and I have work to do."
This kitchen was huge and all I was doing was sitting at the far end of the counter and drinking coffee. Why did she want me to leave? But I knew better than to argue so I walked into the library and waited for Rudy. He came out about fifteen minutes later. We greeted each other and I told him to get coffee and go downtown with me.
We walked into the garage to Angel and I asked, "You want to drive?"
"Sure, but I'd like to see the engine if I could."
"Okay." I open the hood and Rudy broke into a big smile.
"That's a work of art. I like the way they designed the Mercedes logo to be the intake for that amazing breather. Just look at the precision design and finish. Tom, this is a world of engineering I know nothing about." He walked from side to side and tried to see where all the components were mounted and how the belts and pulley system worked. He then crawled under to see what could be seen from underneath. After a few minutes, he stood and just shook his head. "I've never seen anything like this."
I backed the car out around his. While he slid into the driver's seat, I gave directions to take us down the mountain.
"We are we going?"
"I want to go down to the Center City Shelter. Just turn left at the bottom of the hill."
"Why are we going there?"
"My restaurants always roast turkeys and bake hams for them on Thanksgiving morning. I just want to make sure our guys are on track and have what they need to get the job done."
"You do that every year."
"Yeah. Dad started doing that more than twenty years ago. It was one way he found to give back to the community. The people doing all the roasting and baking are our employees who volunteer to give up a few hours of their Thanksgiving to help out. Dad always felt guilty about letting them do it for nothing and one year he tried to pay them their regular wages for what they did. Every last one of them refused to take the money. One of them told Dad that he wanted to donate his time but he would never do it again if Dad insisted on paying him. Evidently, all of them felt the same way. They wanted to give back to the less fortunate just like Dad did."
We drove on in silence, or as silent as a 600 horsepower engine can be.
The shelter was a beehive of activity and dozens of community volunteers were preparing food and setting up for the expected crowd. Our people weren't there yet so I called Tim, who was the boss this morning, and checked on the status.
"Hey Tom. Our Bistro team left here about ten minutes ago. They have 18 turkeys and two hams. We're just cleaning up now. Bill's team called and they're leaving in about 20 minutes. They have 15 turkeys. They're waiting on the last of them to reach temperature. Judy's team is packing everything in their truck and will be on their way with eight hams in just a few minutes."
"Tim, give my thanks to all your guys. I'm at the shelter now and will be here when everyone arrives. I appreciate you, good buddy. Don't know what I'd do without you. Give my best to Laura and you guys have a great Thanksgiving."
Rudy asked, "Is Tim your general manager?"
"No, he's the chef at The River Bistro. He had volunteers in there starting very early this morning to prepare everything. The other two restaurants had either three or four volunteers each. It amazes me how they all love to do it."
The director of the shelter came over and shook our hands and thanked me for what we do every year. I told him about Gino's contribution this year, and he promised to write a note of thanks to him.
All at once I saw some activity at the back door. Tim's driver and helper had arrived, and everyone was helping carry in the turkeys and hams.
Once unloaded, the real work began to slice everything into serving sizes. Fortunately, there were other volunteers there to do that work. The driver and his assistant were free to go home to their families but I had a few words with them before they left. Both guys were as happy as could be to help out.
This was repeated two more times as our delivery trucks arrived over the next forty minutes. Our job was then complete and everything was on schedule for an 11:30 opening. The director said they expected to feed approximately 500 people that day. Not only the homeless who sheltered there but also others in the community who needed help came every year. It struck me as we talked that I should be doing more throughout the year to help. Maybe I could get Pam to brainstorm some ideas with me.
"Rudy, let's go home. I need a good cup of coffee."
After parking Angel in her bay, we entered the house and were greeted by the aroma all men love.
"Pam, my nose tells me that you remembered the biscuits."
"Yeah, I couldn't let your dad go hungry."
Ruth added, "I'm pleased you like her biscuits so much. Richard's mom always told me that you capture a man's full attention with your biscuits, not your makeup."
I smiled and replied, "Probably true, but both combined works even better." Everyone laughed.
Rudy and I walked to the coffee machine. I noticed that someone had also made sticky buns and the cake layers were baked and cooling. This was starting to look like a real feast. We helped ourselves to the sticky buns.
The beep on the alarm system warned me the front door just opened. Mom and Dad had arrived. I rushed to help them unload and Rudy followed me out.
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My wife and I were on vacation and were staying at this really nice hotel. the second day she had a bad headache in the afternoon and wanted to sleep. I puttered around the room for while and then went down to the lobby as they had a resteraunt and bar there. I got something to eat and then noticed alot of activity in the bar lounge area. It would seem that there was a large conference going on in the hotel and the bar was full rether early. I thought I would take a walk thru to see if I might...
As expected, Rodney arrived at Greenacres at about eleven the next morning after a very tiring fourteen hour flight from Singapore. He had only one suitcase with him and so Wendy’s greeting was an incongruous, “Where is all your luggage?” “It will be delivered here tomorrow. I had it shipped separately.” “Come in. Would you like something to eat?” she asked, not knowing whether to embrace him or not. “Not just now, thank you,” he said, equally embarrassed, “I’m just shattered from the...
Isaac yawned and smiled, opening his eyes to the sight and ecstasy of two soft wet tongues around his cock, stirring it to a full erection. Holly and Alice were bobbing their heads, running their tongues up the shaft of his cock, and stopping momentarily to kiss each other every time they slurped on the head. It had been a week since he had accepted Alice as his slave, so this had become a common occurrence for him. "Good morning, girls," he groaned happily, rubbing them behind the ears...
Harley King is bored at home. She finally gets an idea of how to pass the time when she finds her stepbrother’s cell phone just sitting, unguarded. Climbing into Ricky Spanish’s bed, Harley goes into the phone and opens the photo gallery. Ricky finds his stepsister scrolling through his pictures. Tackling Harley, Ricky tries to get her to give it back. When he finally succeeds, he asks what Harley was doing with his phone. Harley confesses that she was looking for dick pics, but...
xmoviesforyouNote: I love this story as if flows onto my computer. I hope I did it justice as it is longer than I anticipated. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it. As always constructive criticism gratefully accepted and ways to improve this story are appreciated. I clapped my hands, “Is anybody hungry?” I fired up the grill and cooked burgers for everyone. My pets loaded a table with side dishes and condiments for the burgers. The meal was good for a back yard pool party. Every one of us had...
Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Aingeal Such joy burst through me. Even more than when Sven appeared to save me. I couldn’t believe this was happening. That Kora could truly heal my severed wings? I thought the damage was beyond what any magic could fix. The muscles in my back twitched, wanting to flutter my beautiful, elegant butterfly-like wings. And I would get to again. Tears beaded my eyes as I stared up at my family. My ... family. It was wonderful to have...
Following the mountain road down from the Facility, Valerie finally linked up with the main Saragosan highway. The traffic was light and she made good time into the centre of New Arizona and headed straight for her apartment. Felix snarled disapprovingly at being left to his own devices for several days. She suspected he'd spent the time foraging for scraps of food in the dustbins of adjacent properties. "I'm sorry boy," she cooed, lifting the cat up, scratching underneath his chin and...
Shuttlepilot with calibeachgirl copyright 2012 all rights reserved * Looking for restaurant ideas, Cecily and I went to Disneyland, walked up Main Street and headed to New Orleans Square. After a short wait, we were sitting in the Blue Bayou Restaurant and I was amazed at the prices and seriously considered changing those of our café… at least, in the dining room for dinner. She had the Bayou Surf & Turf… ‘a sweet petite lobster tail from the Pacific Northwest, paired with an expertly...
I slammed shut the book on Calculus. If Newton and Pythagoras knew what sort of bastardization their knowledge had become, they would surely be rolling in their graves. I mean, they were two of the most knowledge esoteric seekers of all time! Standing up, I avoided eye contact with anyone in the room. Never know who might be watching you know? My bag was slung over the corner of my chair, where I could feel if anyone was trying to slip anything in there or take something out. I don't know what...
Veena, a 38 years old management consultant had been the centre of attraction in her new society and office ever since she has shifted to her flat in the new city (could be any).Her age had not taken toll over her body, it had rather contributed in making her ripen and excellent piece of nature’s creative to add to this her dressing had made her an even more desired commodity. She was married to Sumit (44), who was equally handsome and rightly deserved her.They had a son 4 years old. She and...
Note: All characters are 18 years or over The planet of Laingikata is a world much like any other. It has empires, alliances, war, politics, and a large amount of very stupid humans, elves, orcs, goblins and many other races. In this regard, it is a thoroughly unremarkable place in the multiverse. However, one small town on this unassuming world is different from the rest, located in a remote region of a remote continent, this small town is almost idylically beautiful and peaceful, almost...
FantasyTERRA CHAT: Room XDFJAR514329KUR5 (Anonymous) Morgana: You know, I forgot how often you jump into action. Didn’t you think there was a better way to alert them then, you know, violating OpSec and revealing yourself? Tristan: Oh hello, Morgana. Fancy meeting you here. Morgana: That’s not answering my question, damnit... Tristan: Calm down, will you? Morgana: You know the rules. No endangering mission security! Tristan: Well, let’s put it this way. If you could come up with a better way...
The long flight from England was over. We had cleared customs after landing at Tenerife. I had been struck by how unfriendly the customs people were here. Not that they are all that friendly everywhere else. We had been warned that the police and government officials here did not pander to tourists. If you had something to say to them, you had best be able to get by in Spanish. For the most part they did not speak English and had no patience with tourists. We were received much more...
I used the extra time to get a scrambler for the transmitter that I put on this unit. A matching descrambler on my receiver brought in a nice clean image from Jacqui's PEEPER. A few more days of testing would optimize the receiver. Jane had already spoken to Jacqui about my special radio receivers. Jacqui had come over to listen to Jane's radio and was eager to have one of her own. The camera was already removed from the PEEPER in Jane's room but I did manage to catch a very brief glimpse...
My name's Daniel, I'm 22 years old and been working at the office for the past 6 months. The boss was a bit of a slave driver but it all paid off with a party all laid on by him. I'm 5'8, dark haired, blue eyed and average build. Alex had been working at the place for the last 5 years. He was early 30's and blond haired, blue eyes.After the Christmas Party, they ended up having sex at Dan's home... they kept it their little secretDan was sat at his computer working through the paperwork when...
YOU JUST CAME OUT THE SHOWER.....I can still see the steam rising from your body, the droplets running down the middle of your chest. I lick my lips as I want taste each droplet. I watch you as you pad towards the bed, the white towel covering that delicious cock. I take off my clothes and let them drop to the ground as I walk silently over to you, ripping the towel from your body with a satisfying snap."Hey, What the..." I move between your legs and lick you from the inside of your right...
Technology!! Isn’t this the truth ... were getting old at the right time... Dearest Dad, I am coming home to get married soon, so get your check book out. I’m in love with a boy who is far away from me. As you know, I am in Australia ... and he lives in Scotland. We met on a dating website, became friends on Facebook, had long chats on Whatsapp. He proposed to me on Skype, and now we’ve had two months of a relationship through Viber. My beloved and favorite Dad, I need your blessing,...
Tattooed blonde honey Kali Roses teases in black lingerie, exposing her luscious, pierced, natural tits, oozing seductive femininity. Director Jonni Darkko captures intimate, POV-style footage as she pops his boner into her mouth for a blowjob. She sucks his cock and inhales his ball bag with the prowess of a vacuum cleaner. Kali takes the full length of Jonni’s tool in her luscious mouth with deepthroat intensity. He orally fucks the bodacious beauty, jamming his meat all the way down to...
xmoviesforyouVIOLA'S DEAL ? by: Curtis Lemmon Part One: The Crisis I was desperate. It wasn't easy, being the man of the house at age 18. When Dad died so unexpectedly, Mom should have been the one to straighten everything out. But she was such a pampered butterfly - the privileged daughter of a rich man and the privileged wife of an even richer man - that she couldn't even recognize, much less cope with the disaster which had befallen our family. Don't get me wrong -- I love her and...
Introduction: A young boy loses his virginity during recess. First Time Sex Stories #4: Coming Into Summer By Missy Younglove Authors Note: This work is based on a true experience that was related to me via email. One day in 5th grade, my friend Summer started flirting heavily with me. Although Id played with her almost every day during recess, shed never acted like that before. I remember being in science class just before recess that day. She was sitting in the seat in front of me and kept...
Spur of the moment one morning, you called me from work and told me that you were needing me to fix a fabulous dinner and put on my most sexiest outfit. It was an important contact, and you needed the contract badly. that you would be ever grateful to me if I took care of the details for you. The day went quickly as I prepared dinner and fixed up the dining room a bit with fresh florals and set out our best china. Crystal candlesticks from Czech Republic finished up the setting beautifully. I...
EroticLessa slowly crept up to the break in the trees. It was dark. No lights in the buildings, nothing lighting up the exteriors, or the landing pad, the fence ... nothing. Lessa motioned for the others to come up next to her, frowning. Was it even still active? Was THIS the abandoned camp, and the one they blew up... ? She stopped that thought. No ... hands going to her neck, Lessa brought the night vision goggles up to her eyes. She hated actually wearing the fuckers, but they had their uses....
I don’t think I’d been happier than this in a long, long time. I was walking arm-in-arm with my beloved husband and best friend, enjoying our shared warmth in the bracing chill of a January morning. I felt so close to Neil and so alive.It was Sunday morning, and we’d decided to walk in Central Park, as we had some serious thinking to do and some big decisions to make. I don’t think Neil and I had felt this close and alive in a long time. It was something about the shared closeness that came...
Wife LoversTommyI don’t know what had come over me. All I was going to do was ask if Laura how long she would be. When I saw her leaning over the sink in just her knickers, something clicked in my head; taking me back to the conversation we were having before the furniture was delivered. That seemed like an age ago now. Even then it had just been my intent to wind Laura up a little, but she just seemed to hand all control to me. Then the penny dropped and the stress ball I was fiddling with flew across...
IncestEpilogue 1 Once the horses were put safely away, Burt paused, thinking about the conversation he had just shared with Lady Ann. That was who she truly was now. And he was truly Burt. For a week he had felt the crushing sense that he was going to be Burt forever but the tiny doubt had always been there that her ladyship might return and make the exchange with him. This was entirely different. By making this final decision he had closed the book on that part of his life forever...
Chuck I woke up at home early Sunday morning after a wonderful evening of loving enjoyment with all of the ladies. We spent a long time making sure we were all very happily satisfied before falling asleep. I ended up with Brandy and Tiani sleeping on my shoulders. This morning, all the ladies were sleeping peacefully and there was no reason to wake them yet. My body clock was all screwed up, but I was awake just a little earlier than most days. After making coffee, I went out on the grass...