ReginaldChapter 19
- 3 years ago
- 23
- 0
Next day Reg said goodbye as his wives went off to their university courses, promising to return with whatever his professors allocated to Reg to study. He had finished the first set of materials he had been given.
Later, hearing heavy footsteps on the stairs, he assumed that was Elizabeth and Sidra on their self-imposed exercise regime, but the pounding seemed excessive.
He called out, “What is all the noise about, girls? You are a bit noisier than usual.”
A few minutes later, Sidra entered and came over to his chair. “What were you calling for, Reg? You were indistinct; must have been where I was at the time.”
“Thanks for coming, Sidra. You and Elizabeth seemed much noisier than usual today, so I wondered why?”
“Oh, that wasn’t just us. The Robson girls decided to join us in the Stairway to Heaven trek.”
“Stairway to Heaven trek? What is that?”
“Heaven is getting your weight down to an acceptable level. I don’t have to do that, but I am getting myself fitter, and have set myself a target time to the top of the stairs and back down. Elizabeth has a target weight, and I presume Hermione and Jemima have set themselves equivalent targets. They asked me about what we were trying to achieve.”
Reg’s eyes widened. “They are actually doing it? I just mentioned getting their weight down a bit, when I was talking to them yesterday. I never expected them to dive straight in. That is tremendous, but warn them not to do too much at the beginning, Sidra.”
“I did mention that, because it was how I started Elizabeth on the staircase: a slow build-up towards a good stamina. Perhaps they were taking it too fast today, and that’s why the noise. I’ll go speak to them about it again.”
“Thanks, Sidra. You are becoming an excellent member of our household, young lady.”
She beamed at this praise, and rushed off to find the Robsons.
A little later, Jessica came to check on him, and Reg asked her, “Will you escort me to the toilet when I need to go today, Jessica? I want to do as much as possible by myself, but I need you to be there in case I falter or seize up at an awkward moment.”
“I can manage that, Reg. If I get you a walking stick, you can bang the floor beside you, and I should be able to hear you from wherever I am, and come to be with you.”
“Not what you might have expected, as one of the tasks of being my wife, eh?”
“Not in my past certainly, but with you in your present state, it is a task I will gladly accept, my darling man.”
Jessica went off to the hall cupboard, found a stout stick that would do the job, and brought it to to leave with Reg.
By the time his wives came home from the university, via the shopping centre, Reg had been twice to the toilet, and could score one success, and one partial success. He left Jessica to report on that to his wives.
Frances came to see him after hearing this. “Reg, it seems that Jessica has now performed the final spousal duties to become a true wife: helping you at the toilet and wiping your bum for you!”
“Shush, Frances; it was a little embarrassing, but I have to test myself until I can manage on my own. I managed to pee, all by myself, earlier, and felt quite pleased at that; Jessica merely hovered beside me. It was shitting that was shit for me. Wiping my bottom and pulling up my pants without pain are still beyond my capabilities, I’m afraid.”
“At least you are getting there, my darling. We brought you two textbooks and an essay to write, on megalithic art.”
“The art, rather than the megalithic structures?”
“The art. The professor was quite clear about that. I think he is looking for suggestions on what some of the symbols might represent. He said you often think outside the box.”
“That should be fun to explore. Is one of these books on such art?”
“Yes. An old one from the university library: Megalithic Art of Western Europe, published in 1981! Either the professor doesn’t want you to be exposed to more recent wild theories, or that is the best available book.”
“Damn! I’d better do an online literature search, to see if there are more recent magazine articles worth reading. What’s the other book?”
“A work on topology. A student asked the Maths Professor about the one-sided Möbius strip, so he responded by switching to topology for his next lecture. Have fun.”
“I will. Hmm, talking of wifely duties, Frances, my toenails need trimming, and I can’t bend enough to attend to that, same as I need help with my socks. Can you help out?”
Frances growled at him, “I suppose so. Hoist by my own petard, it seems!”
Fiona was right behind Frances. “Reg, my Dad phoned me today at lunchtime. He told me that he had informed his wife that his new will would pass ownership of everything he had to his children. At present, that is just me, but he permitted her to see that if she had his children, they would get an equal share. He left her to think about that, and went to phone me. He has also sent me the same information by email, so that there is now a record of his wishes, copied to her, in case he drops dead before making his will.”
“Fiona, it sounds like your Dad is a clever man. Money talks, and will-power speaks just as forcibly.”
“Will-power! I like it, Reg.”
“Nice to have my humour appreciated, Fiona. Some of my puns get punished!”
Two days later, Reg was happy for Jessica to tell his wives that Reg had managed to get to the shitter and complete his needs without assistance, other than her watching over him. The girls giggled at Jessica telling them she had now house-trained him. They in turn told Jessica that Tom Hancock was organised to come to their house on Saturday and perform the addition of Jessica to their Commitment.
She squealed her delight, almost like a teenager. “Reg! From Saturday I’ll officially be your wife, and our baby will be legitimate when it is born!” She clambered to him and gave him a strong hug, until he grunted. She released him at once, remembering his wound. “Oops. Sorry, Reg my love.”
“It is okay, Jessica; just a twinge. It is improving every day.”
There was a cough from next to Jessica, and Sidra appeared into Reg’s vision.
“I suppose that means that you will then be my father, Reg?”
“It does, my sweet. You will be a marvellous daughter, I am sure.”
“So, once you adopt Elizabeth, she will be my sister?”
Reg frowned. “We don’t do things just to suit you or Elizabeth, Sidra. We do them because they are the right thing to do.”
Sidra’s lips thinned in tension. “I am merely establishing facts, Dad!”
“Well, don’t jump the gun. I may have to adopt you, so we have to get your mother divorced first, to allow that to happen.”
“Oh. So you haven’t spoken with Freda yet?”
“Of course not. Frances has more or less hogged me since she arrived. Why?”
Sidra held up a hand. “Wait,” and rushed off.
Puzzled, Reg waited, and two minutes later, Sidra returned, dragging Freda by the hand.
“Here she is, Reg. Freda, tell him!”
Freda took a deep breath and said, “My father phoned me just after we got home, and told me he was in court today, acting for Jessica. He produced to the judge sworn statements by many of the neighbours of the Sadaf family, attesting to bruising on Jessica’s face and arms over the years, and explained that Mrs Sadaf ran away from the abuse, and is still too terrified to appear in person in the court. “I am acting for her, pro bono, as I abhor such abuse, your Lordship. My information is that she is now well again, and her similarly abused daughter has also recovered. They are in a safe refuge for the present, m’Lord.”
This documentary evidence, plus representation by eminent counsel, was enough for the judge to dismiss Mr Sadaf’s claims of desertion and replace them with a decree nisi on grounds of marital abuse, costs to be borne by Mr Sadaf, and the marital assets to be shared equally between both parties.
Freda chortled, “Dad said Sadaf’s face was a picture. All his efforts to keep his finances to himself, and now the judge declares that he must share them with his ex-wife. The judge also decreed that the wife’s share of the assets had to be paid in to the court, and then be paid out through her legal representative.”
Reg wondered, “How will the court know how much the assets actually are? He may try to keep them hidden.”
Freda told him, “Dad spoke to Jessica on the phone prior to the court case, and quizzed her on where Sadaf might have kept his assets. She gave him some pointers, and Dad got his team to use these clues to pinpoint what cash and securities he had tucked away. Dad proposes to provide to the court a list of what his team discovered, that they can compare to what he submits in the way of admitted assets. If his claim does not include some of these, Dad reckons the court will declare them as unidentified and unclaimed, and the court can impound them as presumed criminal assets; then use them to pay Jessica and the rest go towards paying Dad a fee allocated by the court!”
Reg was unusually impressed. “Wow. Your Dad is a wonder at using the law to good effect. No wonder he gets paid so highly. It is just as well we don’t have to pay his fees.”
Freda laughed. “Reg, Dad can survive missing out on fees for family and friends. He gets paid well by those who can afford it!”
“Glad to hear it, Freda. It was getting quite embarrassing, the number of times we have used his expertise. Please tell him we are truly grateful for his generosity with his time and efforts.”
Reg was hoping for another call from the Finds Liaison Officer, about the denarii coins, but when the next call in the morning came, it was Frances’ father, to tell her about the artwork.
“Frances, the draft catalogue was circulated to some experts for their comments and suggestions, and one got back to the B.M. with an offer from one his own clients, a major collector. The offer was to pay the auction catalogue price for twenty-three specified items; no haggling. I was asked by the auction house for my reaction, and said, “Go for it!” as we have no reliable provenance. The auction house, not having to offer so many without provenance, was happy to go along with this. They will not charge their usual sale fee, only their costs to get it in the catalogue and now removing it from the catalogue. The collector can research the provenance at his own cost, so we don’t have that expense to cover. I have accepted the offer of £173,000, so you get your finders fee of £17,300, my dear.”
Frances was overwhelmed. “Daddy, that is terrific; much more than I was expecting. I thought that with no provenance, you would only get a fraction of what could be realised WITH provenance.”
“This is still not high prices, particularly for one or two possible Old Masters, but we can be happy with that sum.”
“Reg will be delighted, too.”
“This is for you, Frances; for you personally.”
“I know that Daddy, but Reg will be pleased that he is not the only one to gain a windfall. He is getting over forty thousand for his gold Roman coins that he found in Yorkshire.”
“He is? That much? Good for him, Frances. That’s a lot. It is nice that your man finally has assets of his own, even though he was a nice guy when he had no assets. How is he keeping now after that adventure up north?”
“He is home and recovering well from his knife wound, our hero. He is due a medical examination next week, to see how he is progressing. It shouldn’t be too long before he is back to the lectures like the rest of us.”
“Good. Make sure he is well prepared to become a Daddy. It is hard work, you know, looking after a child.”
“It never seemed hard work for you, Dad. You always seemed to enjoy being a Dad.”
“Ah, that’s because I am special, Frances. Not all fathers are good dads.”
“I will make sure he knows how to behave. He’ll be taught to change nappies, burp babies, and rock them to sleep. He’ll even have to learn how to apply petroleum jelly to sore bottoms – the babies, I mean!”
“I am sure he already knows how to treat a wife, from what I hear from your mother.”
“Mum doesn’t tell what I say to her, does she?”
“Perhaps just a little – the good things.”
“That’s all right, then. Us girls have to have some secrets from the men of the family.”
Her father laughed. “Goodbye for now, baby.”
“Bye, Dad.”
Over the evening meal, conversation flowed merrily. Prudence told them that her father had promised to look into their conclusions from his company accounts.
“He said our discovery looked interesting. That was yesterday and he promised to tell me the outcome. I am still waiting for that call.”
Erika opined, “We should try getting another test subject for our forensic financial analysis company. Do you think the university would let us examine their accounts?”
Prudence was emphatic. “Of course. They know they have us on hand, should they have any worries about the company, so they should be willing, especially if it is without any fee!”
Reg gave his opinion. “I agree with Prudence. It would be another test of our skills, and if they were pleased with the results, they would probably be happy to recommend our company to possible future clients. The university has a lot of contacts in the business world.”
Frances declared, “Right. If there are no objections, I propose that I introduce this proposal to the University Admin staff tomorrow, okay?”
She looked around, but received nothing in the way of objections. Everyone seemed pleased with the idea, for they had a familiarity with the university that would help with assessing what they read in the accounts. Young Elizabeth was the one who raised a question.
“Mrs Robertson – Frances – surely the accounts staff in the university would spot things that were not right?”
“A cogent observation, Elizabeth, but based on the assumption that people always do the sensible thing. In my limited experience, plus what my Dad has told me over the years, most staff will take the easy route in life. If they don’t HAVE to do something, they are unlikely to volunteer to do it. Another factor is the inherent lethargy of any organisation. Everyone usually assumes that someone else has done it or will do it. In the case of accounts, all the accounts staff will assume that another member of staff has gone over the accounts with a fine tooth comb, and spotted any discrepancies. In fact, most checks that they do will be arithmetical; making sure that the figures tally in both directions. After all, that is their responsibility: checking the figures. It is not their job, in their view, to question whether any particular expenditure was warranted: that is a management task. Experts in one field avoid treading on the path of an expert in another field.
Conversely, the management staff will not look closely at the accounts, as that is an accountant’s area of expertise. So the net result is that things happen and money gets spent without too many eyes querying the desirability or justification for the expenditure.
Another factor comes into play: the blame game. If a budget gets overspent, particularly in a construction job, no-one wants to believe they mucked up their plans, be it architects, managers, accountants, building firms, or even politicians who ordered the job. The tendency is to put it all down to ‘unexpected factors’, and authorise more spending to get the job done.
That overspending process happens often with government procurement, both local and national. You will often find a project takes twice as long and costs three times as much as was promised at the start. It all comes down to no-one wanting to admit they got it wrong. Finally, the Treasury or someone responsible for the overall budget says, ‘We can’t afford this’ or ‘We no longer have a need for this’, and the project gets cancelled to save money, in theory.
That is why, Elizabeth, there is a need for a company such as we have set up; to look for such waste and either stop it happening, or point out the waste factor and get it corrected immediately.”
Elizabeth sat with her mouth open. “Wow! You folk know what you are on about. You really believe that such things happen?”
Reg told her, “Not just believe, Elizabeth, but we KNOW such things happen. One of the great things about university is that it teaches you to query the obvious; question what everyone thinks they know as fact. Amateurs can assume the opposite, of course. Some scientist is supposed to have proved that aerodynamically, bees can’t fly, so scientists are rigid thinkers.
In actuality, someone showed that, assuming a rigid fixed wing, bees do not have the capability of flight. Of course, bees do not have rigid wings, and they attain flight in a different manner to aircraft, so no-one proved anything such as is claimed. The tale does show that there is often more than one way to achieve an objective, such as flight.
We are applying that same standard to organisations, and coming up with innovative thinking about common assumptions in business. If the accounts show an unusual figure, we don’t automatically assume an error by the accounting department, or the managerial staff. We look at what other reasons there might be for the figures shown. It might be incompetence, or criminality, or a simple failure to upgrade the way work is done: the old ‘we have always done it this way’ syndrome can make a process become more and more expensive compared to an upgrade, without anyone noticing. It is up to us to propose the solutions and offer these solutions to the client.”
Elizabeth said wonderingly, “School never said things like this to us. It was always: this is what happens; this is how you behave; this is what works; this is who you listen to. Everything was simple and straightforward, with no allowance made for people making mistakes at all.”
Sidra told her, “It was even worse for me at school, Elizabeth. Everything for girls was geared up to what would make you a good wife and mother, happy with your lot. This bunch of academics – this family – changed my whole outlook on life. They taught me that learning was good for its own sake; that the more you learned, the better your vision of life and all its meanings. I was going to escape school when I ran away, and I finally did escape school; but I began learning instead. The greatest thing I learned was how to enjoy learning new things, new ideas, new ways of thinking. This household is almost like a university in itself, Elizabeth. They may be preparing me for my certificate exams, but that is incidental to what they are really teaching me: how to think!”
“You are teaching me much the same thing, Sidra. You expect me to achieve, to learn more than I ever thought I could, and I find I am doing it; simply because you have faith in my ability, and I have absorbed that faith. Before, I wouldn’t even have used the word ‘absorbed’, but you showed me that using the correct word enhances the meaning of your speech or written words, sorry, written material is better.”
Reg commented, “I am glad to hear that both of you are gaining the benefits that we pointed out to you. Most of these benefits come from your own efforts, not from anything we do for you girls. We simply point you in the right direction, and expect you to do the rest. You can.
We know you have it inside you to achieve great things if you put your heart and soul into it. Most people fail to reach the levels that they are capable of, but they never try until they believe in themselves. Belief in yourself comes from being encouraged, to be told you have some ability you may not have realised before.
You two believe in yourselves now; that is the difference in your lives. You should be able to make something of yourselves. Learn everything you can, and you will slowly see where you are going with your life. It can be fun on that journey, too.”
Elizabeth turned to look at Sidra, and Sidra looked at Elizabeth, then they gave each other a ‘high five’ with their hands, adding ‘yeah!’ The caused the rest of the household to burst into laughter, plus a few claps of applause thrown in.
Reg was one of those who laughed, and almost at once he stopped with a grimace, as the effort stretched his knife wound. “Ouch!” he exclaimed.
Elizabeth and Sidra looked worried, but he held up a hand. “It is fine, girls; just too much laughter on my part. Please don’t anybody tell me jokes for a day or two!”
When Frances went to the Admin Department to make the proposal on behalf of the new company, she met an unexpected obstacle. The Head of Admin was amenable to the idea, but insisted that the Managing Director appear in person and sign the contract.
Frances moaned, “Why do we need a contract? Our service is intended to be free, for Pete’s sake!”
“That may be, Mrs Robertson, but we require a written agreement with your company, in case there are any comebacks as a result of the arrangement. It is to protect us from any claims of mismanagement or such. Surely your Managing Director can do that?”
“At other times, yes, but he is currently at home, convalescing from a dangerous injury. He is the university hero who was wounded defending some ladies from assault!”
The Head of Admin looked chastened, then brightened up. “One of our students? Running a company already? Good God! I suppose, though, that we should encourage new private enterprise.
I know; we can prepare the deed, and you can take it to him for signature. It should protect him and his company as well as us. Do you have headed notepaper to use for the contract? We can agree a notional fee to the company of one pound, to make it a valid contract.”
Frances reminded him that the company fee structure was a basic fee – in this case one pound – plus a percentage of savings achieved by the company. He nodded. “That seems equitable. So, if you can provide the contract on headed notepaper from the company, for me to sign? As there is no immediate cost to the university, apart from the notional pound, this contract falls within my remit.”
“Damn! I knew there was something we forgot: headed notepaper. I’ll get that paper soon, and be back, but can we draft the contract now, sir? I know what we can agree to, so it merely requires putting it in words that are acceptable to you and us, and email it to our offices to be printed and signed by our Managing Director.
That was acceptable, so Frances came home with the draft sent by email, and a need for headed paper. She remembered there was a printer in the study, but she was not sure what paper it had. They needed A4 size, and the computer printer proved to be loaded with that, so it was simply a matter of devising the company heading with postal address, email address, and telephone number, and name of the Managing Director. Fiona claimed to be good at preparing such things for the printer, and set to, to produce it.
Next, the draft contract had to be scanned in from the university’s email, then edited to the most suitable typeface and font size, with a final section leaving space for the signature of the Managing Director, and the Head of Administration on behalf of the University.
Reg was informed of progress, and he asked them to make three copies for signature. “I will sign them as Managing Director. I don’t think my signature needs to be witnessed. One will be for us to keep as a company, one for the university to keep, and a third as a spare in case it has to go into the university archives or for any legal business. Once you take them to the university, get all three signed by the Head of Administration representing the university.”
Frances murmured, “And if he can’t sign immediately, we’ll ask him to come to the house to sign them.”
Prudence advised, prudently, “Maybe not on this occasion, Frances. We are the ones looking for a contract, not them! We can leave the copies for them to get signed, and collect them in a few days if that is what it takes.”
Frances concurred, “I expect that is the wiser choice, Prudence. Thanks for keeping me on track.”
Reg had a thought. “Girls, if this is to be the address of the new company, shouldn’t we have an outside sign to say so?”
Fiona declared, “We don’t need a big sign for our little company!”
Reg admitted, “That is so, Fiona, but I was thinking of a small plaque beside the door, saying: ‘ Recovery Enterprise Group: Registered Office’.That is all it needs, until such time as we build up to a larger business.”
Fiona gave her acceptance. “That should do it, Reg. Start small, and grow.”
Listening avidly, Elizabeth chipped in, “Recovery Enterprise Group? Is that about recovering missing items, Reg?”
There was a burst of laughter from some of the wives, but Reg treated it as a serious question.
“Clever idea, Elizabeth. It was not part of our initial plans, which is why your comment got laughs, but it is an option worth exploring. Do you think you and Sidra could become our R & D team?”
Elizabeth was at first shocked at the laughter, but was now intrigued at what Reg was saying to her.
“What is R & D, Reg? I have never heard of that.”
“R & D equals Research and Development, Elizabeth. It is where ideas get kicked around to see if they are viable, and when you think they are ready for further discussion, you take it to the Board for their consideration.”
“The Board, Reg?”
“The directors of the company, Elizabeth. Together, they are called the Board of the company, when they meet to make decisions on behalf of the company.”
“So who are the directors, Reg?”
“In this case, Elizabeth, they are my wives. They all have posts in the company hierarchy. In theory, all directors have shares in the company, but we haven’t got around to floating the company in that way yet. That may take some time.”
“That all sounds very important, Reg, with you running your own company.”
“A company by itself is nothing more than a vehicle for doing business, Elizabeth. A Limited Company, where you see the letters Ltd, after the name, is one where the personal liabilities of the directors are limited by law if the company folds with debts. You try to make sure the company makes profits rather than debts!”
Elizabeth turned to Sidra and said, “I learn more and more every day here.”
Sidra nodded. “This is the truth, Elizabeth. You are never bored here, even if you have to run up and down stairs several times every day.”
Elizabeth insisted, “I am getting faster all the time, and doing it more often as well!”
Sidra agreed. “Yes, I have to give you that. The weight is coming off quite rapidly. It is just as well we have our own showers; the sweat pours off you, girl.”
“But it is not the sweat that is helping me to lose weight; it is the energy I am burning up in running up and down the stairs.”
“Correct. You should be able to calculate the calories you are using, and the lower calories you are inputting as food. It is a mathematical exercise, as you know.”
“I do. A few months ago I would never have even thought this way, and now it is part of my normal day’s work: all thanks to you, Sidra.”
“Pleased to be able to help, Elizabeth. Anything for my new sister, is the way I look at it.”
“Sidra, I noticed it is not just me that spends all their time in the house. I know I don’t have an attractive body, but neither you nor your mum has that problem, so why do you almost never go out?”
“You mean, apart from a visit to church?”
“Yes. It seemed puzzling to me, but I didn’t like to ask until I got to know you better.”
“We don’t talk about it, Elizabeth, but my father regularly beat up my mother, and when he started bashing me as well, I elected to escape. My Mum manage to escape shortly afterwards, and we have been hiding out in case he discovered where we are staying.”
“You mean, when you found me and collected me from the street, that was almost your only outing? How awful!”
Jessica, overhearing, intruded, “Don’t worry about it, Elizabeth. From what we hear, he will be in trouble himself shortly. He told lies to a court, and our lawyer proved it to the court.”
“Your lawyer? How did that work? Didn’t you have to show yourself to get a lawyer to act for you?”
“Not quite, Elizabeth. A good friend arranged it all. I just had to talk to him over the phone.”
Sidra added, “And he is doing it for free, Elizabeth!”
“Good golly, Sidra. You and your mum must have some great friends.”
“We do. We are living with them.”
“Reg and his family? I thought they were university students, without their own income.”
“True, in as far as it goes, Elizabeth, but not everyone has no parents, and not everyone has bad parents. One of Reg’s wives has a father who is a barrister, and he is acting for us: isn’t that great?”
Elizabeth look grief-stricken, and Sidra suddenly recognised that Elizabeth was thinking of her dead parents.
“Oh, sorry, Elizabeth. I didn’t mean to remind you of your Mum and Dad’s car crash. I really didn’t even think of it; but I suppose that is my fault: not thinking in advance. Please forgive me, sis.” She opened her arms to gather the chubby girl to her.
“Thanks for the invite, but your mother expects me home tonight, so I must refuse. In fact, I’d better be off, so that I am not too late in getting home. My best wishes to all of you. Let me know if you need anything, Frances.” “I will, Dad. Give my love to Mum.” A few minutes later, Mr LeBrun was back in his car and driving away. They all returned to the living room, where they reviewed the visit. Prudence was delighted with Mr LeBrun. “Your Dad is a really likeable guy, Frances.” “I...
For once, his studying was not simply a means of escaping from social interaction. Now, he was paying attention to the aspects of each subject that other students were having difficulty grasping, for these were the very matters which were likely to come up in their evening reviews. With these thoughts in his mind as he listened to a history lecture next day, he neglected to pay attention as the lecturer droned on about civilisations. It was only when his name was called, that he came back to...
The Gurkhas were tasked with attacking the last mountain before Port Stanley. The defending troops got wind of this impending attack and who would be attacking, and swiftly abandoned the mountain. The Gurkha reputation as supposed bloodthirsty killers was enough to make the Argentinians run for their lives. The Gurkha soldiers were very disappointed that they didn’t get to fight that battle, and the Argentines surrendered shortly afterwards, being completely surrounded in Stanley. They knew...
“Ah.” Reg was reticent. “I admitted that you were my girlfriend, Frances.” “I have no problem with that, my darling boy. There must have been more.” Prudence interrupted, “I told Mrs Compton that my tutor was also my boyfriend, when I was talking with her. I didn’t mean to, but it just slipped out. I was so proud of that status.” “From what little I heard, it was a lot more than that, you lot. Give!” Reg told her, “I was called to see Dr Henderson after classes, and he said he had heard...
Erika explained, “Yes, but I think the History of Art may have connections to some of your own scientific subjects. I was intrigued at the idea from Prudence that the first printing ink was based on artists’ oil paint of the time. If there is more crossover from science, then you might be able to help me with aspects of the history of art. Speak to my lecturer, Reg, and see what you think.” Later that day, Reg met Erika outside the door of her lecture room. She dragged him into the room....
“When we were set Robert Heinlein’s ‘Stranger in a Strange Land’ to crit, I was left unsure where to start. That book was notorious when it first came out, I read, so how do we view it without prior bias?” Reg gave a little laugh. “I suspect that was a trap, Frances. We were expected to find reviews from the period, and simply slap together a melange of them, under the guise of our own intellectual examination. We would be slapped down for that. Like so many other examples, the reviewer...
She gaped at him, suddenly aware that he spoke the truth. Her devious plan for him had unravelled, but she rose to the occasion. “Oh. Oh, well, I suppose...” and she grasped her nightie hem and lifted it up and off her body. She was wearing only panties underneath, but quickly dropped these and stepped out of them. She faced Reg and said, “Right. There you are: just as you demanded, Reg, you forceful boy. Happy now?” He was indeed happy, getting a full-frontal view of Frances in all her...
“Thank you, Reg.” Freda kissed him again, and made a point of rubbing her breasts against him. He took the opportunity to put his arms round her upper torso, to hold her tight to him, and enjoyed the kissing session. They were still in that position when Frances and Erika came into the room. Frances called softly, “Hello, you two. Can you spare us a minute?” Reg was embarrassed. “Sorry, Frances, Freda insisted on apologising, in her own unique way.” “Oh, yes. The other girls. We’ll talk...
Frances concluded, “Right. Do what you want with him tonight, but I get him to myself tomorrow night. Goodnight to the three of you.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Erika murmured, “Wow. She sounds peeved. Reg, was that a promise to fuck you tomorrow?” “I am not certain, darling. It may be, but I am not going to count on it. It might just be a cuddle like we are having now.” Erika disabused him of that notion. “No, Reg, not just a cuddle. Prepare for a lot more. I can...
“Well now, there are several things to decide on. One, can Reg help you with tutoring, and if so, can you assist him in picking up social skills? Second, if you get accepted as part of the study group, Beth gets rejected and we help you shaking loose from her. Is that it?” “More or less, Frances. I am not sure what you meant – IF Reg can help me with tutoring?” “Oh, that is simple. Reg has to decide if you are worth his effort. If he concludes that you are not picking things up as he...
“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...
He hurried in, but she was not in the bedroom as he expected, so he tried the bathroom. Prudence was kneeling naked in the empty tub, with one arm resting on the side. She looked very appealing as the Venus of the bath, but she was truly frustrated. “Reg, I can’t get myself out of the bath! It is too slippery, and my balance is not good at the moment. Can you help me?” She turned her body to face him, again displaying her small breasts in front of him. He took a sharp breath, but...
Reg explained, “It was much later, when I observed other children, that I saw how they and their parents seemed to act differently towards each other than my parents were with me. I decided there was something wrong with me, and that was how I couldn’t be loved like other children. I turned my attention to the world around me, and started studying it. I found school a great revelation, for the teachers started explaining what things were, and how they reacted, like water will do magical...
“But Prudence is a university student. She won’t want to have a baby while at Uni.” Reg made a factual remark. “Frances, there are at least several female students who are expecting babies, as far as I have observed.” Frances retorted, “Yes, but all of them are married, so it is not such a problem for them.” Reg backed down. “Sorry, I didn’t know that. Sorry I spoke.” Frances patted his arm. “No, it is all right, Reg. Your observation was accurate, just not fully comprehensive. These...
Prudence told him, “For the moment, Reg, do nothing. I phoned your mother back, and explained a little to her about you, me and the girls, but I emphasised that you need a lot of time to adjust from being a loner to dealing with people at large. She said she was willing to wait. I believe her, Reg.” “Thank you, Prudence. I don’t think I could have done that myself. I couldn’t have told her about you girls. You are a wonderful, thoughtful girl. It is no wonder that I love you.” Still...
Reg sat in a chair facing the Dean, and waited. The Dean cleared his throat before declaring, “Mr Robertson, it has come to my notice that you have arranged for a commitment ceremony next week. Is that correct?” “Yes sir.” Reg was not offering anything. He had learned to be careful. “I understand this is not a simple cohabitation agreement, but something more complex.” “Yes, sir.” “You and four other students – girls - are proposing to live together as a family unit. Is that so?” “Yes,...
The day after he'd deflowered his adolescent parishioner, Debby Father Murphy was surprised to have a visit from the Bishop. When he saw him come in his immediate fear was that the girl had told what he'd done to her. When the Bishop drew a bottle of single malt whiskey from his cassock Father Murphy became uneasy for a different reason. Was the Bishop going to ask him to accept an assignment to this little parish in the middle of nowhere? The meeting began awkwardly until Bishop Turck...
Not that it was something earth-shattering, nor would it change their relationship, but he had expected her to follow through. Now, she had disappointed him. Let him down. Certainly there were extenuating circumstances, yet were they enough to counter the infraction? She worried what he would say: what he would do. He was due back in three hours and retribution would be swift. She knew the penalties for disobedience, but there was no way she would know his choice. There was no hesitation; she...
BDSMI have always felt that I was a Woman born into a Man's body. Growing up I remember seeing my Mother in a girdle, garterbelt & Nylon stockings. I always felt that I wanted to wear them also. In school I watched the Girls start wearing their first bras, Nylons, garterbelts, makeup, heels etc. & also listened to them talk about it along with their "Boy" stories. I so wanted to be able to join in but of course couldn't! I had worn stolen or thrown out pieces of lingerie & of...
Hong Kong, six months laterLaughter from downstairs. Katie (Uncle Edgar liked 'Katie'better than 'Kate' so she was now officially 'Katie') listened tothe male guffaws without interest. Uncle Edgar had so manyguests over all the time. Anyway, they kept him busy. There wasso much entertaining in Asia. Uncle Edgar said it was part ofdoing business. They had been at it for a couple of hours now,long after the cook and maid had served dinner, cleared thedishes and left for the night. Katie...
Jillian is one hot personal assistant. She gets along great with her boss, to the extent of him continuously flirting with her in the office. While at work, Jillian gets a text from her boyfriend, cancelling their plans for the evening. This pushes her over the edge on an already stressful day, and her boss notices she is upset and offers her a drink to relax for a while. It’s not long before he is caressing her body and kissing her neck as she moans softly. This beautiful blonde is going...
xmoviesforyouThe Marinkos spent almost four months training their infantry in the proper use of the machine pistols. They did have a small problem with finding men strong enough to handle the recoil of the machine pistols, but that problem was solved and they moved in on Illin to wipe out the last of the wolves. Meanwhile, the people of the city had been moved away to other cities to make room for the upcoming fight. Surprise, surprise! The dire wolves had moved on to other locals in search of food....
All you guys out there who like to watch your women with other guys - do you know why? I have no idea why I like watching mine, I only know that I do and that I'm going to keep doing it as long as I can. Heather was a twenty-two year old virgin when I married her, but it didn't take her long to learn that she loved sex or take her very long to get very good at it. We had a very good marriage for about six years, but then two things happened that put a lot of pressure on us. First, the...
The sun filtered in through the window, its golden rays warming my naked flesh as I awoke.I pushed the thin sheet covering back even further and smiled dreamily as I felt a pulse of sexual energy wash over me.Lazily, I traced my fingers around the fullest part of my breasts, enjoying how heightened my senses were on this gorgeous sunny day. My skin tingled as fingertip connected to flesh, and I trailed a line down my body becoming more aroused by the moment.My pelvic region began to pulsate as...
It seemed like such a good idea at the time… You and your boyfriend were out partying after the big game and ran into your old high school boyfriend who now attends the other college. After a few rounds of drinks, you open up about the wild times you and your high school boyfriend used to have! Intrigued by this side of your sexuality, your current boyfriend suggested all 3 of you go back to your place and get wild. Sometime later the two of them were taking turns spit roasting you. The action...
Group SexNOTE: This story takes place approximately one month after Reunion. * * * * * He had everything just about ready. Music, ready. Wine, ready. Food, done. Now all that he had to do was wait for her to come home. As he waited, he ran his fingers over the little box in his pocket and thought back over the past month. Finding her had come as a surprise. Since then, he had come to find more surprising things. Such as, she had loved him before also, but she didn’t know how to express it. She had a...
I took the only trip abroad in my life (aside from Mexico) to Thailand about 9 years ago and had a grand time..I had been with one trans by this time in my life but I considered it more of youthful experimentation at the time and went back to women.In Bangkok, I met a hot little female go-go dancer who taught me the meaning of ‘menthol magic’ and it was a mind-blowing experience. Basically she used ice water, warm tea, and a Halls Mentho-Lyptus lozenge while sucking me and it taught me about...
It was a Friday evening in August of 1994. I had to attend a dinner for work with the boss and some vendor representatives and my wife, Kelly was invited. The dinner was at the fanciest restaurant in our town so Kelly decided to dress up.She had bought a dress on clearance a few months prior that she thought would be perfect. It was a black skirt on the bottom with a few silver spangles sewn in here and there. Beneath the dress was a bunch of layers of that netting stuff (tulle?) which caused...
Wife LoversOfficer Training was a breeze. There was alot of classroom work but I must say I did enjoy the practical work more. The most exciting thing for me was that once I completed officer training I would be able to start my Business Degree. I completed my training and suddenly I was 2nd Lt Roger Easton. There were a couple of drawbacks regarding the business degree though. Firstly I had to give more time to the Army so add an extra 3 years on top of the 4 years I had initially signed up for and...
It started by pure chance – as so many of these things do, I suppose. But now? Well let's just say there's more than a tiny element of the deliberate involved. Let me explain...When I say 'it started by pure chance' I mean that the discovery was accidental but the behaviour of my teenage son was anything but entirely normal. I'm Lucy, by the way, a fairly typical single mother – late thirties, single again after a reasonable attempt at the 'two are better than one' thing, still fairly...
I was 16 when we moved into the Bridgeport Hotel (Free Parking! Transient Room). In the sixties, the word transient meant more like short term. We rented the room weekly and as long as dad didn't loose his current job, we would be ok. Now the hotel was in Portland Oregon and along the route of the Rose Festival parade. We were on the third floor and poking our heads out the window gave us a great view of the floats, horses, and marching bands. A while into the parade, dad said he...
As Kelly moved over to give me room I could see that Tati was extremely aroused. Her pussy was wide open and the brightest shade of reddish pink I had ever seen, not only that but her clit was sticking out at least 2". I licked my lips and said, "Tati my pet, your body is luscious and amazing, I'm going to really enjoy fucking that pretty pussy of yours but first I'm going to destroy your tight anus."Tati looked at me and said "This body and soul belongs to you and Mistress Kelly now Master,...
When I came back home that evening, my sweet wife and her slutty girlfriend Laura were nowhere to be seen as they were both busy getting ready for another round of girl’s night out…I could almost feel the sexual tension in the air.Laura called me from her bedroom. She said that she needed a male opinión about her outfit for the night…When I opened the door, I saw her sitting on the edge of the bed facing me. All she had on was a pair of high heels and a black thong. Her round firm boobs were...
Synopsis: An accident at sea sends four men adrift in a dinghy. They find their way to an island, with only a few structures on it, and looking very remote. Bonnamonte Island The tallish 'God's gift to women' man at the head of the boat snarled again. "This isn't meant to happen any more!" "But it did, Roundeye! Get used to it!" The Chinese tourist said. "This is the Caribbean! Not the Pacific or Atlantic! Ships don't..." I sat back grimacing. Looking at a sad looking...
December 1813 “Good morning, Sir Thomas! It’s past four bells, wind nor’easterly, ship’s still hove-to under double reefed tops’ls, flagship in sight to South!” That was Bartleby, waking his captain with a short report, freshly gathered on the quarterdeck, as had been his custom for the past four years. Thomas forced himself awake, acutely aware of the cold that permeated his sleeping cabin, made even worse by the damp bedding. It was a miserable and wet winter in the Mediterranean, and...
'OK little boy, lose those pants!' Jennifer spreads her cards out in front of you and sits back with a mischievous grin. She is wearing a little black dress that clings to her slender figure, and she settles back into her chair with her legs crossed. How has it come to this? She should be the one naked and blushing! Al week you've been teasing her in work about how quickly you'd beat her panties off her, and how she'd blush and try to cover herself up as you twirled them around your finger....
I was still tired when I woke up and it was past ten this Saturday morning. I hadn't slept in that late since I was a teenager. When I was a teenager, my body was growing and changing and while I thought about girls all the time, my sexual activity was limited to my hand, the shower, and a fantasy in my head. Last evening, Nicole was over. She had amazing tits for a 14-year old. Afterwards Courtney and her mom, Krysta double-teamed me. Even later last night, Jenna unexpectedly showed up...
Hello, everyone. This is Rajkumar. After a very long time, I am back to write a sex story. If you are here for the first time, there are two stories of mine. You can have a look at them. As I already said in those stories that they are just my imagination. But this sex story is different. This happened in real, a few days back. My real life experience. I am going to share with you all. Let me introduce myself once again. As you all know my name is Rajkumar and I am 22 years old. Describing my...
Gay MaleIn the Not to distant future a genetic virus Called Mutatio Darwinis, Though it's commonly called the Animal Disease. No one knows where the diease came from, but it's effects were obvious. What would happen is that the affected person started to have their DNA rewritten from the animal they got it from. Then, in a violent and Painful way, The Mutations would be shown onto the affected. The Result was that the human body had 3 to 15% of the overall DNA changed. The Anatomic Structure of the...
While teaching his assistant how to play bass guitar, Chad Alva begins to wonder why he hasn’t looked at her as a potential mate. They have everything in common – right down to their love of bass. Before he can resist any longer, Penelope Reed challenges him to give into temptation and just fuck her…which he happily does. Her wet pussy sets him into overdrive and before long he is fucking her in every possible position. It’s an unexpected encounter that ends with an even...
xmoviesforyou“You big oaf! He is an expert at the epitome of the Martial path, not a mortal!” Varinka angrily punched Giant Havreim’s shoulder. “I know that!” Giant Havreim complained, mildly offended. “I didn’t mean that he got it like a non cultivator. It probably what happened in New Earth that messed him up. I think ... if I’d lost you I would’ve been the same”. “Have I turned crazy after losing my husband, sons and daughter?!” Lenrah seethed. “Most of us lost everything we held dear, but he who is...
Kelsey James has a secret to share… she undeniably loves some sugar daddy dick. She also loves money, which she is in dire need of once again. So what does she do? Why, she grabs her phone and sends us another submission video for round two! Smart decision Kelsey, we know you won’t be disappointed. Of course this hottie quickly got swept off her feet by another generous sugar daddy that helped her get back on her feet. Not only that, it looks like this daddy might even be hooking...
xmoviesforyouPart 1 The lure of earning very good money tempted me to apply to a small advertisement seeking a cook's assistant on a cattle station in outback Queensland. Hell, all my life I had assisted Mom around the kitchen so I figured I was qualified for any sort of cooking tasks. I rang the number and a young sounding guy invited me for an interview that afternoon. I dressed for the occasion; mini skirt and low cut top so my little boobs could display themselves. If you are being interviewed by a...
September 26, 1981, McKinley, Ohio “What?!” I gasped. “How is she?” “I don’t know, and that’s the God’s honest truth. Her dad called from Rutherford Hospital and asked me to call you. All he said was that they were working on her.” “I’m leaving in about three minutes. That’s what I’ll need to get dressed.” “What about Becky?” “I’ll bring her, I guess. I can’t imagine her parents are going to be in Rutherford.” “She’s there with you?” “Yes. Beat me up about that later! I’m on my way to...
“A bi guys dream come true” My friend Tom’s wife wasn’t the only one cheating, Tom was too. They both suspected it, but I don’t think either one really cared, they were both now finding what they needed and wanted. Somehow, driven by lust, I found myself in the middle of an unhappy couple, that was in a sexless marriage. Young and horny, I was sleeping with both of them.Tom was Gay and he and I had been getting together on the side for a while now. I was curious and he was amazing. I had never...
This incident happened many years back when I was 26 and my wife had gone to my in-law’s place for delivery. I had not had sex for a few months now and always had a raging hard… I had stopped my sexual adventures with other women & men after my marriage. which were quite a few before. I used to play football to pass my time in the evening at the local college grounds. I had a good physique then. I started to observe a teen boy who used to come daily to play and normally was pushed around by...
Gay MaleTen Thousand Tomorrows "Lynn," she says softly to me. "It's time to go." I am in my sacred place, my personal 'heaven' where I go when I meditate. The voice is a woman behind me. I can't see her. Here, in this place, I am a Fey, a gossamer winged, alabaster skinned, auburn haired, emerald eyed, slightly luminescent fey. I mean, I AM Lynn LeFey, after all. I didn't pick my name at random. "You've got the wrong one," I tell her. "It was supposed to be." I wave my hand vaguely....
Not too long ago I posted this on the Hyperboard along with a string of song parodies I made up. People seemed to like them so I have decided to submit them as poetry. "Suddenly Transgendered" I'll tell you my story. It's really quite scary. I was abducted by Klingons, who locked me away. They gave me a choice. A pill you must pick, either the pink or prepare to die. Suddenly my bosom. It began expanding quite nicely. Then I wore makeup. It wasn't pretend. Suddenly my...
A little after one in the morning, Jeff was relaxing on the couch in the sitting room of Madison's suite. Smiling, he looked around him, thinking, I wasn't for the renovations when Diana first mentioned them. Every suite here that I've seen is beautiful — at least to me. But I guess they were a little generic. I wonder what my women will decide if Bill and Kathy get married? Do we have to redo another suite for the married couple? Hah. That's a foolish thought. At least the women would...
I am so lucky to have the opportunity to work alongside the love of my life. Every day I walk through the doors straight to him. Take my seat behind him, ready for another tempting day with anything but our actual work on my mind. Some days we meet before work which makes us both giggle as we say good morning for the second time, unbeknownst to the other employees.But you are in fact more than just an employee, you are my boss. My married with children boss. There is something so hot about you...
Office SexOn our way out of class, Linda Grover, our website content guru, rushed up. “There you are, Kevin, a bunch of us’ve heard that the feds are trying to locate and shut down the site, you know?” “Yeah, I heard that at lunch. Any news since then?” “Not about the feds, but the media are trying to find the site too. There’s going to be something on the six-o’clock news about it and the kids who did the website and server setup and some of the others will be watching. They wanted me to find you...
Terrorized Family Of Five Terrorized Family Of Fiveby Ynyn ([email protected]) *** A family of illegal immigrants is attacked by a group of vigilante border patrolmen. (M+/Fff, nc, rp, 1st, oral, anal, gb, mexican) *** In the Border States, illegal immigration is a big issue that divides communities. While many people protest to try to get politicians involved, others take aggressive action. There is the well-publicized group known as the minutemen, these citizens actively patrol...
Victor loved owning a casino in Vegas….he especially loved that he got to fuck just about every female employee he hired whenever the mood struck him. In Part 1, Victor interviewed two waitresses, getting a blowjob under his desk from one, while he interviewed the other in front of his desk. In Part 2, Victor checked on the kitchen staff and found time to fuck the sous-chef before the dinner rush started, and later got a massage with a happy ending from one of the masseuses he hired. In Part...
Sometimes It Just HappensAbout two years ago I graduated from college. Like most others who finish college I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, and nowhere to go. So, I decided to go home and regroup and weigh all my options. I traveled from Boston University to my small hometown of Harper, Iowa.I arrived earlier than I had told my mother I would, kind of by accident, and surprise as well. I hitched a ride with a farmer to our house, just outside of town. I thanked the farmer and...
Mutou and I took the commuter train into the city. I was already beginning to understand Gorou's issues with the system. Our train was virtually empty; the one leaving the city was packed like sardines. I wondered, as we watched it go past, if there was money to be made in opening a competing transit system. I added it to the list of ideas for a new KaibaCorp. I had other plans for today. "Kaiba-boy! What an unexpected delight it is to see you!" Maximillion Pegasus greeted Mutou and I...
The girlfriend who has her friend hang around. I was the teen boyfriend to two girls, Lisa the girl next door and Bonnie the girl down the street. For years we were on and off BF / GF and took turns between them. One understood that the other was the one for this time period. Little background, Lisa had been with one guy and thats me. I introduced her to sex a few years back. She listened to me with her mom and wanted to try it. Her mom was not so understanding. I was her sex toy...
That very first week my brother had to be dropped off and collected at his friend Darren’s house. Darren lived in the next borough and it was quite a complicated drive if you wanted to avoid the M25 ring road. It turns out Darren only went to our school because he’d been kicked out of all the schools in his borough for being disruptive. We didn’t really know that bit at the time and my brother was allowed to go round to play. So that Saturday morning I dropped Simon off. Darren was out front...
As I stood in his office holding the picture in my hand, I felt my blood drain down to my feet. I picked up the other picture on the floor and carefully placed them atop the cabinet. I set all the other pictures upright and stood there for a moment staring at them. There was a picture of me with my mom and dad on my third birthday. I was wearing a little green party hat and had cake all over my face, my mouth wide open and laughing. Mom and dad were on either side of me, leaning down and...