Xmas Wishes: How Do You Sleep-nice free porn video

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I dragged my suitcase through yet another airport, marveling at the fact that the cheap Christmas decorations in this one resembled the ones at the other two airports I'd seen this week. For some reason, some genius decided that blasting Christmas songs over the airport's sound system was a good idea. Just hearing that fucking Britney Spears whining to Santa about her Christmas wish only seemed to depress me even more.

One of the wheels on my suitcase was either stuck or just not rolling so I was doing more dragging than rolling it.

I checked in at the counter and found that my flight would be taking off on time. That was amazing and the best news of the week which only served to show how terrible my life is. This isn't the way my life was supposed to be going. I'm pushing forty, stuck in a job that's going nowhere, involuntarily divorced and on the edge of depression.

I haven't been on a date in two months, unless you count those two nights last week when I fell asleep in front of the TV with my cat. I really think they should count because it is a male cat. That makes him a member of the opposite sex. And he acts just like a man too. As soon as we were done eating he tried to cop a feel. I was half awake when I noticed that the cat got a really intense look on his face and started rubbing my left breast. Okay, I'd dropped tuna from my sandwich on it, but he was still trying to feel my tits.

A cording to my life plan, I should be working on my second perfect child by now, instead of slogging my way through another airport. The holidays are the worst time to fly. I guess it's seeing all of those happy smiling faces. All of these people heading off to be with their families, while I'm just trying to put food on the table and keep the bills paid.

As I sit down in the lounge to wait to be called to board my plane, I look around the boarding area. The decor looks like the decor in a hundred other similar areas. I've been doing this for so long that all airports and hotels look the same to me.

I spot him out of the corner of my eye as I reach for my purse to get my phone. A guy, a few years younger than I am, smiles as he approaches me. He's probably about thirty five. I wish I'd grabbed my compact instead of the phone so I could make sure my make-up isn't smudged. But shit, he's the one smiling at me. If he didn't like what he saw, he wouldn't be grinning. Well maybe he would if he was trying to sell me something.

I sit up straight and look at him as he approaches. He isn't bad looking. His hair is a light blond. I prefer dark hair on men, but I can't afford to be choosy. Actually, until he lit up when he looked at me, I'd begun to think that I was too far over the hill.

He slows down a bit as he gets closer to me, so I smile. I don't give him my full thousand megawatt smile because I don't want him to think I'm desperate or a professional. I just give him the friendly version.

"Hi," I say cheerfully, as he gets within speaking range. He looks at me strangely and walks right by me. As my shock wears off I notice that his smile and the way his face lit up weren't for me at all.

"Did you miss me?" he asks the woman standing just behind me.

"Mm Hm," she replies cheerfully. "Who was that woman who spoke to you?" she asks.

"The fuck if I know," he shrugs. "Just some weird old airport woman, I guess. Let's go home so I can show you how much I missed you."

"I can't wait," she gushes. "We might not make it all the way home."

As the happy couple saunters away from me, I can't help but grit my teeth. I hate that bitch. Then I realized that it was just my jealousy coming to the forefront of my consciousness. She was basking in and enjoying the fact that she had a man who loved her. He loved her so much that being away from her made him long to be with her again. They'd go home and try to fuck each other's brains out. But there would be more to it than that.

Their union would be one of joy and sharing. They would literally open themselves to each other and share their souls. It would be so much more than just two healthy beings slapping against each other until they released fluids. That kind of thing was very special. So maybe I was jealous of the bitch, but I didn't really hate her. In fact I used to be her and that's the problem. I knew intimately what she had and I'd give anything to get that back. The thing that almost made me cross that border into hating her was the fact that unlike me, she was smart enough to know what she had and treasure it.

After they left, I looked around at the other passengers in the boarding area. A couple of them looked at me sheepishly. They'd probably seen my embarrassing little drama as it unfolded. Well, I was really fucking glad that my embarrassment and my very human mistake could bring some happiness or some entertainment to their lives.

Other than seeing me embarrass myself, I was sure that none of them would have given me a second look. I guess that I was nearing the age when women developed their special powers. Apparently mine were kicking in early. Women over forty, unless they're extremely beautiful, well built or rich; all get the power of invisibility.

The only ones immune to our powers are our families. Everyone else can look right at us and simply not see us. Once we get that old, young men don't consider us sex objects, and since they think about sex most of the time, we don't exist. Young women don't want to be like us, so we don't exist in their world either. Men our age all want younger women and we don't want men who are too much older than us. The funny thing is that if given the choice, the men who are older than us would mostly pick younger women too, if they could get them.

The boarding area fills up quickly as the time for the flight to depart gets closer. I pull my brief case and purse closer to me as the seating area becomes more congested.

I wonder about my family for perhaps the fourth time this week. What happened to us? After my parents died, we seemed to lose track of each other. I have a brother and a sister out there somewhere. I don't know their phone numbers or even where they live. Okay, that isn't totally true. My sister lives somewhere in the south. And my brother lives in prison. I'm not sure which one, though I do know that he'll be there for a long ass time. He got caught doing something with drugs. He was supposed to be the smart one too.

I also have a vague memory of some aunts and I think, an uncle that are still alive, but I wouldn't even begin to know where to look. I guess what got me to thinking about all of this was that hokey assed movie that I woke up and watched one night last week when my cat was taking a break from fondling my tuna smeared tits.

It was one of those movies where the spirit of Christmas gives this guy who had almost died trying to save some old lady a wish. I'm telling you it was hokey. I know that most of you are thinking that the guy asked for a Gazillion dollars, right. Not a million, not a billion, a fucking gazillion dollars, right. Enough money to buy your own country and buy enough people to live in your country too.

But nope, the guy only wanted one thing. Stop me if you've seen this movie. All he wanted was to have a nice Christmas with his family, one more time. Like me, his family was scattered all over everywhere. They had their own lives and careers and kids and all of that real life normal shit. Over the years, they'd drifted apart and become strangers. They only got together when someone died and then only for the funeral and to decide who got what of the dead relative's shit.

I guess in my own way I've been wondering whether or not things like that really ever happen. And if they do, do they ever happen for people like me. Because you see, more than anything else in the world I wish that I had my own Xmas wish, like that idiot in the movie. And no I wouldn't waste mine on money either. Don't get me wrong, I don't want world peace. The world's economy is already bad enough. We could use a good war about now to crank things back up.

And if you're thinking I want to get my family back together again, you're out of your fucking mind. That gang of losers and freeloaders should really stay the fuck away from me if they know what's good for them. I can only think of one thing I'd wish for and strangely enough, I threw it away stupidly myself.

Shit! Stupid teenaged girls who don't look where they're going should all be killed. The little bitch is as big as I am and she just tramped all over my foot and kept walking. Holy shit, she's bigger than I am. Was my ass that big when I was her age? And the little bitch didn't have the manners to even apologize. She just walked right by showing her friend a poster of some little girl she'd bought at the gift shop.

Who the fuck is Justine Beaver? Oh it's Justin Bieber and he's a guy. I remember him now. We had another version of him about three or four years ago. Yep, only then his name was Jessie McCarthy. Shit, at least Jessie had a hit. What was the name of that song? Oh yeah it was called, "How do you sleep."

I played that song over and over again a while ago. It really helped to take the edge off of my problem. But now it really has been a year. Anyway, back to my one wish, if I had one wish. I'd wish for one chance to get back with my ex. Just like the words in that song. "It's been about a year now. Ain't seen or heard from you. I've been missing you crazy. How do you sleep?"

I wondered all kinds of things about Jared. I wondered if he ever thought about me. I wondered if he missed me. I wondered if he had any regrets about the way he just threw our marriage away. If he had it to do all over again, would he have given me a second chance?

Statistics say that most people are miserable after a divorce. I know that I am. But they say that even the people who wanted the divorces are unhappy. Eight out of ten of the people who go through a divorce say that if they had to do it again, they'd work harder to save their marriages. I wondered if Jared felt like that.

More than anything else, I miss him at night and in the morning when I first wake up. I'm not just talking about sex, although the sex with Jared was amazing. More than anything else, I miss having that man lay down and wrap his arms around me and hold me through the night. Nothing else mattered when I was in his arms. The bills didn't matter, the job didn't matter, nothing did.

Even on days when he went out for a run and just fell into bed still sweaty, I craved that man's touch. And I know he loved me. He was a really good looking guy and smart as hell, but for some reason he loved me. And like in the song, it has been almost exactly a year since I've seen him. He didn't even come to court. I never had a chance to explain or apologize or even talk to him. I can still see the look on his face. That last look haunts me to this day.

I looked up as the woman behind the counter's loudspeaker distorted voice announced boarding for my flight. Like all the other robots, I shuffled listlessly into the line forming in front of the door.

Despite what you see on TV or hear on the radio, chivalry is dead. Several young men leaped in front of me to get a better position in line. Okay, I know I'm not Jennifer Anniston, but is it really that manly to push your way past a woman struggling with a heavy briefcase and a purse? And if you do manage to get in line ahead of her, what do you get? The plane won't take off until all of the passengers have boarded. If you're traveling coach or economy, you won't get upgraded because you got on the plane first.

They should have a special award for douche bags like that. Let's call it the DB trophy. It can be the Heisman trophy for douche bags, dick heads and assholes worldwide. I can see it now; we'll have a ceremony on ESPN or FOX. The announcer will say, "And for knocking down a forty year old woman dragging her luggage through an airport boarding line, the award goes to..." (Insert the name of dickhead here)

Maybe I was just cranky at the thought of spending another holiday season alone. I really shouldn't let things like this bother me. It never used to when I was married. All I thought about back then was getting back home to Jared. Of course I traveled a lot less then too. I only went on the road if it was absolutely necessary.

Now that I'm divorced, I have no reason to stay home and be depressed, so I travel more. Then again, maybe since I'm traveling so much, I get more exposure to the douche bags.

As I settled into my place in line, I saw one of those exceptions. One of those guys who give us hope. There was a guy up about 8 places in line ahead of me who'd gotten there because he was standing near the door when it opened. He pulled a woman who was even older than me into line ahead of him. When the young douche bag behind him started to make a fuss about it the guy turned and glared at him. The young douche bag was so shocked that he just shut up.

I think that I was more shocked than the douche bag was. I felt the weirdest tingling going from my feet all the way up the back of my neck. The man who'd stood up to the douche bags was a medium sized guy. He wasn't big by any stretch of the imagination, but not small either. He had brown hair that seemed to have a nice shine to it. His eyes were soft and brown as well. This couldn't be considered love at first site since it wasn't the first time I'd seen him. I'd seen him hundreds, make that thousands of times, both physically and in my dreams. It appeared for some strange reason, that the spirit of Christmas had heard my whining and responded. My X-mas wish was coming true. The man who'd stood up to the douche bag was my ex-husband, Jared.

It was surreal, standing only a few feet away from him. On one hand, I wanted to rush over to him and hug the living shit out of him. I wanted to tell him that our year apart was over and we could get back together again and both of our lives would be better. I wanted to tell him that I understand what I'd done and I'd learned from it. Not only had I learned from it but I'd suffered from it and I'd do anything I had to do to make sure that it never happened again.

On the other hand, I needed to be smarter than that. I had to look at this logically. I needed to assess the situation and not just go in half-cocked. There was bound to be some anger or resentment on his part. He might not be ready to see or speak to me yet.

Looking at him, I could see that he wasn't the same old Jared. But shit, I wasn't the same old Audrey. He was thinner. I'm not sure that was a good thing. He wasn't overweight to begin with. I guess we'd both handled the depression in different ways. I spent a lot of my time lying around eating chocolate so maybe I'd gained two or fourteen pounds. And maybe my ass had spread a bit and my gut isn't quite as tight as it used to be. It was never that tight to begin with. But I hadn't gone so far that a few weeks of dieting and getting more exercise couldn't reverse the damage.

Jared's depression probably had him skipping meals because he was just too tired or just didn't feel like cooking.

But it wasn't just that he was thinner, he seemed to have a different mindset as well. He used to be so focused and so energetic. But now, he seemed to be more in control of both himself and his surroundings. He seemed to have matured. At the same time, he'd lost something. Maybe it was his innocence. I guess that I was probably to blame for that. He'd trusted me and loved me completely. And I'd simply been unworthy of that trust.

My heart was beating like a drum. Just being this close to him again had my mind running through all types of possibilities. It had to be the spirit of Christmas. It had been just over a year and I hadn't seen or even heard about him from anyone. And now, out of nowhere he pops up. It was a sign. I was sure of it.

I needed to be really careful about the way I approached him though. My track record was impeccable. I seemingly fucked up everything I touched. My life and my marriage were proof of that. I knew, X-mas wish or not, I'd only have one shot at this.

As the line started moving and we boarded the plane, luck seemed to be on my side. The flight attendants seemed to be seating everyone according to their tickets. Jared was in business class like I was. And luckily for me the douche bag and his friends, as well as the old lady were all in economy.

Jared seemed to also be traveling alone, which gave me another edge. More than likely no one would sit down next to him until all of the available seats had been filled by at least one person. Then the seats by the more attractive people would fill in. The seats next to people who were fat, ugly, smelly or just weird would be the last ones taken.

Judging by my place in line, when I got on there should still be empty seats. I'd forgo an empty seat to sit next to Jared.

As I got on the plane, I noticed the two female flight attendants looking at Jared and then at each other and nodding.

As I started down the aisle, just as I got ready to dive into the seat next to Jared, the three hundred and fifty pound behemoth three passengers ahead of me, sat down next to Jared. I was crushed. I didn't know what to do. I sat down across the aisle from the budding Buddha and stewed. I was pissed beyond belief. Why the fuck would this fat asshole want to destroy my X-mas wish by sitting down next to my husband. Was this guy gay or something?

I couldn't believe that the spirit of Christmas had set me up like that just to dash my hopes. Somewhere up in the clouds, the spirit of Christmas was probably laughing her ass off at me.

Then things got even worse. A young woman walked down the aisle. Even I noticed her as she got on the plane. She had the long blond hair and big giant eyes and the big everything else. Big obviously fake boobs, a small high pitched voice and a habit of laughing at things that weren't remotely funny if the person who said them was male. Even the flight attendants grimaced when the bitch got on the plane.

As she walked down the aisle, I noticed that the giant next to Jared had his tongue out and he was drooling.

I smiled at him. He looked embarrassed that he'd been caught perving on her. "I'm surprised that you're not following her," I said. He just shrugged his shoulders and looked at me sheepishly.

"Seriously," I said. "Her name is Tina and she likes big teddy bear type guys."

His neck jerked around in her direction so fast I thought his head was about to pop off. I have never seen a guy that big move that fast. If the players on the Lions' defensive line could move that quickly, no quarterback in the NFL would be safe. He ran his fat ass to the back of the plane and plopped down in the seat next to Barbie so quickly it looked like he was jet propelled. I don't think his feet touched the floor more than twice in that whole distance. Boy, would he be pissed when he found out that I didn't know anything about that bimbo.

I quietly settled into the seat next to my ex-husband. He had his head tilted back and his eyes closed. I don't think he'd recognized me yet. Either that or he just hadn't seen me. I was sure that over the course of a three hour flight we'd have a chance to talk. All of the seats around us filled in and I found myself smiling. Not only did I smile because my Xmas wish was on track, but I smiled because with all of the seats filled, he couldn't escape.

He looked up as the flight attendants gave their usual safety procedure lecture and went over the way we were expected to conduct ourselves while on the plane. Finally, they locked the door and the plane began to taxi forward.

Jared released a big breath of air. "Do I need to hold your hand?" I asked. "Are you still nervous about take offs and landings?"

His head turned towards me and our eyes met. In that faction of a second, I saw him go through recognition, anger and finally resignation. "I'm fine," he said. Then he pulled out a magazine and busied himself reading it.

It had been a big step, he now knew that I was there and sitting right next to him. He hadn't cursed at me or tried to get one of the flight attendants to change seats."

The giant silver beer can with wings that we were sitting on gained speed and gradually lifted its bulk into the air. Even after all of the flights I've been on, I'm still astonished that something that big can propel itself through the air. The instance where we stop rolling and start flying is one of the most amazing things in the world to me. This plane, like all the others I've been on, made the transition as effortlessly as possible. We gained altitude and then executed a long sweeping bank to align ourselves in the direction of our course.

The captain said a few words over the intercom that I was simply not paying attention to. The flight attendants walked up and down the aisles greeting everyone and answering questions. We hadn't been in the air for a full two minutes yet and those fembots were already annoying me. It took every bit of my self-control not to scream at them for being so God damned cheerful.

Jared, on the other hand, found his magazine mesmerizing. In fact he hadn't looked up from it even once.

"Can we talk?" I said out of the blue. His brown eyes looked up from his magazine at me. They scanned my face as if looking for something. Whatever he wanted to see there, I hoped to God that he'd find it.

"What would be the point?" he asked. His voice was masked by neutrality. I had no idea of how he felt about talking to me. He could have been seething with anger, wincing in pain or simply totally disinterested. I just couldn't tell.

"Jare, we never got a chance to talk, uhm afterwards. I never got the chance to apologize or explain. I didn't get a chance to say anything to you. We never got any form of closure. My shrink says that after a traumatic experience, both parties are in a kind of limbo until they get a chance to come face to face and express their feelings or their viewpoints on the incident to the other concerned party."

He looked at me as if he didn't understand what I was saying. His look had no anger in it, only curiosity. He wasn't trying to hurt me. It was as if he simply couldn't comprehend why I'd want to talk to him or why he'd be interested in listening.

"Interesting," he said. Then he turned back to his magazine.

Jared always did have a way of frustrating me. In this case, he wasn't holding a conversation with me. I'd imagined this moment thousands of times over the last year. There were so many things that I wanted to say to him. I'd practiced answering any and all questions that I was sure he'd ask. I had responses to all of them and I even had answers to his responses to my questions.

As usual, Jared wasn't doing what I'd expected. He not only wasn't having a conversation with me, he wasn't refusing to speak to me either. I'd been ready for him to refuse to speak to me. I had a whole speech or three prepared for handling that. Two of them included starting out with things that were outright lies just to draw him into the conversations. But Jared, with his refusing to refuse to speak, yet not actually speaking, avoided them all.

He was so different from everyone I'd ever met. He was smart. He was sexy and he danced to the beat of a drummer that seemingly only he could hear. At the same time, if he liked you, he had no problems drawing you into his world and allowing you to hear that drummer and jiggle just a little bit to his unusual rhythm right along with him. Fuck, I missed that drummer.

When we first got together, both of us were out of college and deep into our twenties. We'd both started our careers and were both between relationships. I met him through a friend of a friend. She liked him too but he had simply never noticed her. Guys always talk about how much they hate being locked in the friend zone. I think that we women don't know it but sometimes guys make a move on us that is totally inappropriate on purpose.

They do this because they want to break out of the friend zone. The friend zone is hell to a guy. It means that he can do everything in the world for us but we're still never going to fuck him. We treat the guys in the friend zone like they're girlfriends who just happen to have dicks swinging between their legs. We can meet and totally hate other guys. We can think those guys are total assholes. But those assholes are still more likely to fuck us than the guys in the friend zone are. So sometimes those friend zone guys will grab your ass or your tits, knowing that they're destroying the friendship with us just to get out of the friend zone. To them, it's better to be an asshole that may someday get laid, than to be stuck having to listen to the details of every bad date a woman has been on, without the slightest chance of ever fucking her.

Anyway, Connie was in Jared's friend zone. She would stop over to watch football with him, even though she didn't know a thing about it. While she was in his apartment, she'd accidentally spill beer all over herself and have to change into something of his. She told me once she wore one of his t-shirts with nothing on under it for a whole game and he simply didn't make a move.

It was very demoralizing for her. She knew he wasn't gay, and yet there she was sitting only inches away from him with her nipples as hard as diamonds and her pussy so wet you could hear it splashing, but Jared didn't notice. Things like that are hard on a girl's ego. So she decided to fight fire with fire. She pretended that she wasn't interested in him either. She even went as far as to suggest other women that he might be interested in. She wasn't stupid enough to suggest anyone who was more attractive than she was, or anyone she thought he might like better, which was where I came in.

She brought me over to a party she was hosting and introduced me to him. It was a fucked up situation, because I really wanted to help her out. But the problem was the first time I laid eyes on him, I wanted him. At that time I was twenty six years old and working as a secretary. I dated frequently but hadn't found anyone really serious. I wasn't a prude but I insisted that my dates had to take the time to get to know me before we got physical.

After we talked and I heard Jared's side of the story, I realized that he was even worse than I was. He simply didn't sleep with women that he didn't really sense a connection with. If he couldn't imagine himself married to you, he simply wouldn't sleep with you.

Apparently, we both passed each other's standards because less than two hours after we met, Jared dick was in me as far as he could get it. My legs were so far apart trying to pull him in me even further that I expected my hips to pop out of their sockets at any second. It felt so good that I just didn't care.

I lost Connie as a friend, of course, but shit, it was all her own fault any way. In a way, Connie had insulted me. She'd only introduced me to Jared because she thought that she was prettier than I was. She also thought that she was built better than I was and she thought that I had no chance with him. It was her loss and her fault.

I still laugh sometimes thinking about how she must have felt after introducing us at that party, only to see the two of us leave shortly thereafter. She must've felt really bad to leave her guests just so she could follow us back to my apartment. She waited outside for over four hours until he left, so she could run up to my apartment and confront me.

I opened the door thinking that he'd forgotten something. I hadn't even bothered to put any clothes on. I still had bite marks all over my neck and his sperm running down my leg. She took one look at me and burst into tears before calling me every kind of whore and tramp she could imagine.

"You're not as pretty as I am," she cried. I just nodded my head. "Your tits are too small and your ass is way too big," she screamed. I nodded my head again. "You're a whore. You fucked him on the first date. You didn't actually even go on a date." Again all I could do was nod my head in agreement with her.

"What do you have that I don't?" she cried.

"Well, for starters," I said. "His cum in my pussy and no intention of giving him back to you." I slammed the door in her face and ended five years of friendship. But it was also the start of my relationship and eventual marriage to Jared. He was and still is the love of my life.

In those first few weeks with Jared, I quickly learned what love really was. We spent almost every possible second together. We spent a lot of that time in bed, but we also spent time getting to know each other's likes, dislikes and personality quirks as well. There were a lot of days when we'd go to bed with each other and not have sex. We'd simply lay there touching each other.

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Xmas High Jinks

Xmas High Jinks By Gambler Dec. 14th Santa Claus couldn't believe his eyes; FBI and SWAT team sharpshooters surrounded his secret house in North Pole. The siege was a total surprise to him and his trusted elves, not even the best security systems in the world installed around his house had detected the covert teams of law enforcement officers. They skillfully took positions that covered all possible escape routes. A few squadrons of F-15s and F-16 fighters from USAF...

3 years ago
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Xmas Pussy Party

Attended a friends Xmas party and boy did it turn into strip poker. Party lasted until 4am. 8 females and 10 guys. Everybody got fucked, pussy ate and dicks sucked. I mean dicks were getting sucked left and right. I saw one girl with dick up her assz that dick was huge. It was good clean fun. I got my pussy ate and ass hole licked. Then some much needed dick from my date. He was so excited. He had never been to such a party were one minute you was dancing and partying then next getting some...

2 years ago
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Xmas Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When I opened the first package and found a bra, I was shocked, and with fear on my face, I looked at mom, who just sat there calmly watching, all while pointing at the next package. Panties. Then a pink robe, followed by a padded pantybrief, a skirt, blouse, heels, and white pantyhose! A makeup case full of cosmetics, three pairs of shoes, and lastly, some hair care items! Everything I needed to become a girl was there, spread out in...

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Xmas fun

Suddenly we are stopped on our tracks as we hear you say "lucky bitch she looks happy". We didn't hear you come in .You look absolutely stunning dressed in a Father Christmas outfit with black stockings and suspenders. The lads looked pretty embarrassed and Stan goes to switch the video off. Don't switch it off on my account you tell us. I am just going to change my clothes for something more comfortable. We carry on watching the video. You come back in the living room in a nightdress and...

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Xmas terror part 1

This story is fictional and is part one He spun the revolver and pointed the barrel to his head, he pulled the trigger. Click the gun went showing that slot didn't have a bullet. "Another day to fight." He grabbed his badge and put it on his belt. He added 8 more bullets into his gun. He looked over his partner Jenny who was pulling up her belt and putting her badge on her belt. He grabbed the key to the police squad car. "I'm driving." Tony said. "That's fine by me but try not to kill...

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Xmas Xcess

The blizzard of white flakes kept coming in a staccato stream of flurries so thick the young girl on the balcony could barely make out the quaint town nestled below. Her almost dainty smile made it clear she didn’t mind. Affter all, the storm proved she had accomplished at least part of her mission. With one last quick glance at her map to make sure everything was sill on course, she looked over at the young couple energetically triggering all those flurries, and her smile seemed to broaden.# #...

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Xmas present

This time, the story is from her. We were about to celebrate our first Christmas as a married couple, and I wanted to give him a present that would be remembered forever. As I was mulling over the possibilities, it occurred to me that “remembered” was the key to my selection. I could give him a memory. Something he'd never forget. He talked about how excited he'd been, the first night he'd seen me dance in a public club, which was only a few months ago. I was now dancing full time, so I...

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Xmas Vacation 2015

I always take an extra couple days off during the Holiday season,In 2015 my girl friend decides to go to Florida to visit her parents,as I just wanted to stay home which gives me the chance to walk around my house in one of my tiny women's panties. Its always a thrill for me to just put on something sexy while she is gone for a week or so. On this particular Holiday I was watching some movies in my semi sheer panty and getting more and more Hot. I get a phone call from an old friend from Texas...

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Xmas Presents

Jen is 42 married and has two girls both away at school. Her marriage is a little one sided but she is still in love with him. They live in a part of town not rich but not middle class either. He is gone most of the time even when home he is planning his next meeting so as she puts it she has a roommate that pays all the bills. Getting bored at home alone she went to work as Christmas help at a department store near her home. Three days till Christmas this happens. It's Monday morning...

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Xmas 2006

This is for that boy who made my heart fludder way-back-when...It was Christmas. year 2006. We were at his grand parents house celebrating and we had decided to go for a walk to have a little more privacy. This boy was a hot. 5" 7 blond hair that did that little flip. All the girls wanted him and i was the lucky one to have gotten the chance to spend Christmas with him and his family. He also had these dark brown that just captured your soul. He was my hearthrob. He made my every inch of my...

1 year ago
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Xmas Gift From My MotherInlaw

It was the holiday season and I always had a hard time finding a gift for my wife. So I decided to ask her mother if she had any ideas that might help me. She took it one step better and offered to go shopping with me one evening after she got off of work. I thought this was a great idea so I agreed. She was a good looking woman about 45 at the time, nice tits, dark hair, slim and about 5' 2". I had thought for along time that she was attracted to me by the way she sometimes dressed if she knew...

2 years ago
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Xmas Gift From My MotherInlaw

It was the holiday season and I always had a hard time finding a gift for my wife. So I decided to ask her mother if she had any ideas that might help me. She took it one step better and offered to go shopping with me one evening after she got off of work. I thought this was a great idea so I agreed. She was a good looking woman about 45 at the time, nice tits, dark hair, slim and about 5' 2". I had thought for along time that she was attracted to me by the way she sometimes dressed if she knew...

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XMAS 2004

Christmas 2004It was Boxing Day (26th December 2004); I was working as a chef in a local pub usually on the evening shift. I had just finished work and had got home around 11.20pm; I had just got out the shower when I had a phone call from my sister Sharon and her friend Tina, asking me to pick them up. They had gone out to Broad Street, Birmingham, but a huge fight had started in the street and the police, had closed the road making it very hard for them to get a taxi home.It would take me...

4 years ago
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My Wishes

My Wishes By FLA527 Chapter 1 Having been happily married, for the most part, for a little more than 30 years, Rich Barnes was privately dealing with a mix of emotions. My wife, Rene, was still the love of my life and still so beautiful in my eyes. As a matter of fact, rarely did she walk into or out of the room that I didn't watch her appreciatively. Though, like myself, she'd developed a bit of a middle-aged spread, her hips and tush still stirred my desire. I still very...

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Genie Wishes

Genie Wishes By Morpheus Peter was my best friend and had been since we'd first met back in high school. We were both 24, but he was 6 foot even, nearly two inches taller than me and somewhat more athletic. He was also the more outgoing of the two of us and something of a ladies man. At least he never seemed to have a problem finding a girlfriend, just keeping them. As for me, I was Larry Collins, 5 foot 10, average build and with a mop of dark blonde hair on top of my head. There's...

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A Dad for Denice

Although sixteen now, Denice had never been camping before. I enjoyed camping; it was a way of escaping my home-life, where the wife doted only on the dog. Denice was my sister Cathy’s daughter; a single mom whome I visted rarely. Denice had lately become very tempting. Her brown hair seemed to kiss her beautiful neck and her big brown eyes danced every time I took-in her yummy figure. Visits to Cathy’s place became more frequent; and I found Cathy good to chat with before Deniece came in...

4 years ago
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Limitless Wishes Theory and Praxis

This story is X-rated. The sequel to chapters 5+6, it starts in an alternate universe with a morality that in comparison to ours is... outlandish. It changes further. No gross things like torture or rape though. Again, I'd like to express my thanks to Catfish Hunter, who did a great job in hunting down my grammatical errors. ==== Chapter Seven: Theory ==== I was lying in a lukewarm gooey puddle, my legs outstretched. I enjoyed the calm moment. On my left side, there was my best...

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Leprechaun Wishes

Leprechaun Wishes by Bad [email protected] You must be 18 to read this story. It deals with theme's and issues that would corrupt the youth of America if they were exposed to it. Actually, it deals with sex and human desires, both of which are best kept from children. So, if you are under 18 please do not proceed. If you are 18, don't you have better things to do than read stories like this? One last disclaimer, Leprechauns are not real, there is no magic and all the names in this...

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Limitless Wishes Beauty in the Bathroom and The Great Makeover

[General Note:] This story is X-rated for a reason. The sequel to chapters 3+4, it starts in an alternate universe with a morality that in comparison to ours is... outlandish. It changes further. No gross things like torture or rape though. ==== Chapter Five: Beauty in the Bathroom ===== I followed my best friend Phill into the boys' room. My first impression was that the tiled floor was too cold. I was barefoot, but I couldn't really stand my heels. It was either the cold floor...

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A Reward of Wishes IV

A Reward of Wishes IV By Bill Hart As I lay quietly on my bed, I was amazed at just how quickly the time had flown by. It had been nearly been two days since Tom Clark and I had fled from that potentially disastrous party and gone up to Makeout Point. But in all the time since we'd left the party, I hadn't seen or heard anything from my older sister Joanna. I hoped she and Phil Watson were getting along with each other as well as Tom and I were, not that she really had any other...

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Limitless Wishes Crap World Shifting School

Author's note: This story is X-rated for a reason. The sequel to chapters 1+2, it starts in an alternate universe with a morality that is already a bit different from ours and it changes further. No gross things like torture or rape though. Many thanks to Catfish who did a great job at painstakingly pointing out thousands of minor and major errors! ==== Chapter Three: Crap World? ===== I woke up when it was still dark. A quick look at my clock radio told me that it was...

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A Reward of Wishes II

A Reward of Wishes II By Bill Hart After opening the door, I carefully looked around before deciding it was safe to go outside and get the paper. I was always very careful whenever I went outside the house now; I really hated running into anyone who might inadvertently utter something prefaced by those two words - I wish - that always made me shudder. Over the past couple of months - had it really been only a short couple of months - since I'd saved that two-inch faery girl from...

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Three Wishes

Three Wishes By The Bann SidheSummer held her breath as she dug out another box from the heap. The air grew thick with dust and the light that shone through the small attic windows showed thousands of motes hanging in the room. They just inherited the house, she and her boyfriend Jared were still unpacking and many of her grandmother's things were still lying all around the place. Choosing what to keep and what to throw away was not to Summer's liking. She barely knew where to begin. But if it...

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A Reward of Wishes III

A Reward of Wishes III By Bill Hart As I sat before the mirror, I brushed out my long silky hair. I was getting ready for my next date with Frank Carson; we were going to a party tonight that promised to be the highlight of my whole sophomore year. I smiled at the pretty girl being reflected by the mirror. Although I hadn't forgotten who I'd once been, I'd long since reluctantly concluded that the girl I saw there would be who I would see reflected back any time I looked into a...

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SRU Friends are Thicker than Wishes

Here's my SRU anniversary story that I mentioned last week. I had hoped to have it ready for the October 8 anniversary, but fell a little short. Either that or I got a little longwinded ... again. This story is a little different from the others as I've written in the SRU universe in that its also a prequel of sorts to one of my non-SRU stories posted last month. It didn't start out that way, but given some of the characters I needed for this, I think it worked out better. You...

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Unlimited Wishes

2020, Somewhere in the UK, a universe right next door. “So I get infinite wishes?” “Yes.” “That seems weird.” “Ok.” “You get that it seems weird, right?” “Not really.” “Well who gets infinite wishes? There’s always a limit. Like three. Three wishes I would have understood.” “...You could stop wishing after three if you like. But you can have as many as you like.” “And out of curiosity have you made this offer to many people before?” “No.” “So how many people have received infinite...

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Ronnies Three Wishes

Ronnie's Three Wishes By Mark Dayette The teenage years are a time of struggle, pain, love, hope, and finding yourself, and still in the midst of everything that is happening to you there's a yearning to be free. One such group of teenagers were in the middle of that journey in the State of Arkansas, they were known as the Razorpack. The Razorpacks were six restless youths living in the small town of Henshaw located in the Arkansas Valley. Henshaw was about equal distance from the...

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Can of Wishes

This one isn't particularly original, but I think that I threw a few interesting things in as well. Mostly it was just something that amused me to write. Can of Wishes By Morpheus My name is Gary Billings, I am 36 years old and I am a fully accessorized man. At least that `s what I tell people. I come with all the extras. I have a generous spare tire, an extra chin, and I even come with the solar powered brain and sex drive. Yessiree, I have all the accessories. As I...

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Reward For Wishes

I had the idea for this while writing "A Strangeness at the Sorority," but it just didn't fit into the story line. This would have been posted earlier, but I didn't like my first ending. The story uses language that may be offensive to some. It may be archived at any *free* archive site. Just let me know you're archiving it. A Reward of Wishes by Bill Hart part 1 I awoke, sweating profusely, with a start. It was dark outside. And for a moment or two, until I...

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Limitless Wishes Dajinni and the Wish Flurry

[Edited version. Thanks a lot to Catfish who did a great job at painstakingly pointing out thousands of minor and major errors!] ==== Chapter One: Dajinni ===== I walked home from school. The P.E. class had run late, so it was already 5 PM. I was alone, too - my best friend Maputo had skipped the afternoon classes. It was my birthday - I was eighteen as of today. So I was pretty sure I knew what was going on: Maputo was preparing a surprise for me at home. Just as I crossed...

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Making Wishes

Making Wishes By Thames It wasn't the sort of thing that should have fallen into the wrong hands. Nevertheless, the vessel was drawn toward the desperate and the lowly, toward those whose lives needed desperately to change. So it was perhaps fitting that it ended up at a bar. Jack Booker sat at the bar, grinning, but unhappy. He was lonely, but was too self-absorbed to admit it. The fact that he spent so many of his nights sitting on that same barstool should have been...

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Seven Wishes

Seven Wishes As usual, this is a story containing graphic sexual content. If you are not legally allowed to view such a story, don't download it, read it, touch it, lick it, eat it, burn it, use it for toilet paper, or even stand near it.Permission is hereby given to archive this story on any site so long as this disclaimer is attached, no fee is charged, and I am credited as the author (I've actually gotten hate mail for having claimed to write my own stories, because other people have...

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Seven Deadly Wishes

Just to give fair credit for inspiration, I came up with the idea for this story shortly after reading one of JRD's Zodiac Coin stories. Seven Deadly Wishes By Morpheus PROLOGUE New York City, 1883 Jacob Meyers was a respectable man and fairly successful in his chosen profession as a silver smith. He owned his own shop, which he lived above, made a decent earning with his skilled craft and was even able to afford what modest luxuries he desired. Yet it was not enough and...

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Seven Wishes

As usual, this is a story containing graphic sexual content. If you are not legally allowed to view such a story, don't download it, read it, touch it, lick it, eat it, burn it, use it for toilet paper, or even stand near it. Permission is hereby given to archive this story on any site so long as this disclaimer is attached, no fee is charged, and I am credited as the author (I've actually gotten hate mail for having claimed to write my own stories, because other people have made...

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Wishes Do Not Exisit but You Always Have Choices

Wishes don't exist, but you always have choices! Greetings to anyone that finds this journal/story. My name is Brandon. I will once again be a 20+ year old male living in Northern California, sorry for being cryptic but I will explain what I mean later. My wife and I have to sacrifice our memories of the events I am about to transcribe, so I am writing this letter and hoping it finds someone who believes me. I am leaving this letter to be a testament to all that has happened and a...

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Wishes Once Wished

Wishes Once Wished by Bill Hart It sure has been one hell of a long day." thought Dwayne. "I sure hope that Bruce has had better luck than I have. Either that or we'll both be out on the street looking for new jobs. Salesmen, who don't sell their product, aren't employed by Smitson Hosiery very long." One of the hotel shops sold antiques. Dwayne had seen the shop when he'd checked in the night before, but it had been very late and the...

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Cinderella Wishes

Cinderella Wishes --------------- A pair of teenagers find a genie in a bottle on the beach, and begin to make wishes... --------------- My boyfriend and I were walking out along the beach when we found an old bottle washed up on the shore. No it wasn't the usual garbage that floats up on the shore these days; this was a rather ornate fancy looking bottle. My boyfriend Phillip pulled the stopper to see what was inside, or if there was anything good inside. Hey, we were a couple...

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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 3

Howie was up at dawn. He ran and worked out. Then he drew in his garage studio for an hour. At ten he was at the FIJI house helping the other pledges as they cleaned the house. "Chief, what have you got that Dorothy sees in you?" a pledge asks. "A dynamic personality, I guess," he said. One pledge said, "I hear that Dave is pissed." Another pledge asked, "What is the Dunger pissed about now?" Another one said, "Cause he is getting any, not less any that looks like her." They...

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Not Quite Three Wishes

After reading a lot of stuff I've finally written one for everyone else. Sort of a return favor. -This is my first story of this flavor, so bear with me. But I written many stories before, and published a few. So I can't imagine it being too difficult. But I may be wrong. Oh and feel free to post this anywhere.- -Suzanne Not Quite Three Wishes by Suzanne Dave walked lazily along the street. He noticed that the sun seemed particularly bright this autumn day, but other...

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Howie RandolphChapter 4

The Friday after football was over, Becky totally avoided him. Wanda said, "Three pounds and I feel good." Howie squeezed her butt and said, "You do feel good." Wanda looked good. Now she looked more muscular than overweight. "You look really good. I am very proud of you. I know it wasn't easy," he said. The next Friday, the school gave out athletic letters. The coach called out, "Howie Randolph, a letter and the conference champion patch. In addition, Howie was All Conference...

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Howie RandolphChapter 2

Howie waited patiently for the plane from Ireland. The television monitor listed their flight as one hour late. Howie sat totally relaxed and focused on the door. Howie thought he was patient before he met Black Eagle, now he knew how to be patient and vigilant. If he had to, he knew that he could sit and wait for as long as it took for his parents to come though the Customs terminal door. He waited, relaxed but focused. Howie's parents were very surprised when they cleared customs at BWI....

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Harmless Wishes Between Friends

Harmless wishes between friends by Fidget "What's this amazing thing you wanted to show me? Also, why aren't you dressed yet?" Katie asked as she burst through the front door of Blake's dorm room. The pair of twenty year-olds had just started their junior year in college and had become somewhat close over the past two years, though Katie still saw Blake as nothing more than a friend. "Katie, it's the craziest thing! I dreamed that I could make wishes about other people to change them...

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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 7

"It seems that I end up in the hospital with something major a lot. I get forced to think about things," he said. "There are better ways to do that. Hopefully, you won't keep this up or your mother is going to be old before her time," she said. "Nobody loves you like your mother. I never thought that I worried you. I feel much safer in Oklahoma than Baltimore," he said. "I feel much safer when you are home with me in Pennsylvania," she said. "Mom, I think I am going to law...

2 years ago
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Wishes do Come True a Birthday Wishes Beginning

Wishes do Come True, a Birthday Wishes Beginning. By: Tiffany Taylor Copyright 2008 Tommy was sitting in class bored out of his mind. Slowly he started to doze off. For him tomorrow was THE BIG DAY and that was all he could concentrate on as he started to doze. Tommy had a dream of his future. In it a man and a woman were kissing, making Tommy very happy. He sensed the love between them and their happiness. "Mr. Tabler, would you...

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Wishes and Power

Disclaimer: The following story was written for entertainment purposes only. It contains sex; however, it is described artfully as plot a device. If this might offend you, please read no further. Furthermore, this story is dedicated to other writers in this genre who have given me so much pleasure over the years. Wishes and Power By Romances Key Long ago, there was a legend... a legend of an ancient being of power trapped in a ring. It was a story of a man who had everything -...

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Training Bernice

Training Bernice By: Malissa Madison Bernie and Beth had a lot to look forward to in life. college Sweethearts they married right after graduation. Bought a nice house in a quiet Suburb. Both had nice cars, and nice clothes. And they were very much in love. Beth landed a good job with a financial company making a more than adequate salary. But Bernie had majored in Accounting, in a city where Accountants were a dime a dozen. So Beth was supporting them both. She admitted to...

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Three Wishes

Bree and I were at a vacation rental at the beach with our Great Dane. It was early pre-dawn and I was walking the beach with Duke while Bree laid still asleep exhausted and satiated from our threesome with Duke last night. I saw an ornate bottle with a sealed top that had washed up on the beach with the tide. It looked very old and expensive, strangely it had no marine growth on it. I picked it up marveled by the beauty. There appeared to be a gaseous vapor swirling around in the...

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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 5

Howie decided to go the southern route. He liked the drive through the Virginia mountains. And he wanted to show Brooke where the Cherokee lived before they were marched to Oklahoma. Howie put a cover over the truck bed. With a cover over the bed, he didn't worry about a place to sleep. The cover was level with the top of the truck cab. Brooke had never been to the University of Virginia or been through the Roanoke Valley. And she wanted to see Charlottesville, where Dorothy was going to...

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Three Wishes

Just another short, classic genie and 3 wishes story I had in mind for a couple of years but never wrote down and why you never found the genie afterwards... 3 Wishes As I walked by the beach I noticed a glince in the water. I walked towards it and found a bottle with dirt all over it. Curious about its contents I took the bottle home with me. At home I opened the bottle and as in all classic movies a cloud came from the bottle and a genie appeared in front of me. "I am the...

2 years ago
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Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 6

Dorothy called Howie. "We were afraid you weren't going to make it back. How is Brooke?" "I imagine Brooke is fine. We broke up," Howie said. "Are you serious?" "Yes." "Howie. I'm sorry. Mike's family rented Professor Trevale's house. You know, the big house just down from the dorm. Come over." Howie said, "I know where Amy lives. I am an art major remember. You are too busy to bother with this now." Dorothy said, "Howie, get your butt over here, now." "Yes maam. Who...

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