OceaniaChapter 25 free porn video

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Sands stepped out of the taxi and paused on the threshold before venturing inside the darkened apartment. A distinct smell of antiseptic and cleansing solvents hovered in the air and fuelled his curiosity. In the kitchen, every surface was spotlessly clean and as he moved from room to room, he became aware of exactly how Janice had spent her time in his absence.

Making his way upstairs, he observed a chink of light escaping from underneath the bedroom door. He pushed it open and stared in surprise. Janice was dressed it exotic lingerie, almost transparent in appearance. She looked like a model from a pornographic tank movie and his arousal peaked instantly.

"I said I'd wait up," she cooed, spreading and affording him a perfect view of all of her assets.

"You've kept busy while I've been gone."

"The place was in dire need of a clean and I had time on my hands. You're back earlier than I expected."

"Yes, well..."

"Tempted by what I have to offer," she giggled as she slid off the bed and sidled seductively up to him. Pete slipped his arms around her slender waist and drew her close, revelling in the warmth of her body pressed against his. He made no objections as she methodically stripped him of his clothes and dragged him towards the bed.

"I want you inside me now," she sighed, leaving no doubt as to the state of her arousal.

Pete fell atop her, taking pleasure in the tight confinement of her sheath. He set up a regular rhythm, driving steadily towards his release whilst she stimulated him by tenderly stroking her hands over his skin. Afterwards, they lay quietly as passion suffused them.

Janice sensed his change of heart and welcomed the attention.

"What changed your mind?" she asked affectionately.

"Just something that Valerie said."

"You told her about me?" Janice sounded almost shocked.

"I asked her about Companions in general and what motivates them. She explained how they need to be assigned a client in order to feel complete. She'd never heard of any of them binding of their own accord though."

"I'm unlike any other Companion in existence. My Infiltrator subroutines augmented my program and allowed me to choose whom to serve."

"Valerie said that once bound, the changes are irreversible."

"That's probably true. I've made a permanent commitment to you."

"What would you have done if I'd rejected you?"

"It was a chance I had to take. I couldn't continue any longer how I was. I saw the way you looked at me, like I was some kind of venomous snake."

"You have to understand our situation. We uncovered a massive conspiracy with Syntel deep at its heart. You're already aware they've already tried to kill Greg when he tried to obtain information about the SYLFs."

"From the chemist, Doctor Matlock?"

"Sounds funny when you refer to him that way."


"I first met him many years ago when he was still at college," Sands informed her, "distributing illegal narcotics throughout his campus."

"That sounds about right. I knew him quite well. He'd produced this modified supplement and there was a steady market for it from the Companion community. They provided him with cash and sex in return for his product."

"And you?"

"I'll admit I've spent my fair share of time in his bed. He had this boyish charm but he lacked any sense of caution. He certainly didn't deserve what they did to him."

"No," Sands agreed quietly, "I guess he didn't."

"The Companions are distraught now that he's dead. They've no source of liquid solace to help them pass away the time."

"You're in touch with other Companions?"

"We operate a clandestine chat room on the MetaNet to share experiences."

"Incredible. Does Syntel know about this?"

"I think they're vaguely aware of its existence but thankfully they have no means of easily monitoring the traffic."

"What sort of things do you find to discuss?"

"The sexual predilections of our clients, general happenings at the Facility, and the ongoing disagreements with the Infiltrators."

"I don't understand."

"There's a long running feud between us. The Infiltrators view us as inferior whilst we see them as arrogant and conceited."

"But you were once an Infiltrator?"

"I'm in the unique position of having a foot in both camps. The Infiltrators are a strange bunch. I find dealing with them an unsettling experience."

"But they know you're now a Companion?"

"You're joking. If they had even the slightest suspicion then they'd be extremely unhappy with me. Besides, I am still part Infiltrator. There are some advantages that I'd be reluctant to forgo."

"Such as?

"I can spin up for one thing. None of the other Companions can do that."

"Spin up?"

"The Infiltrators and Hybrids have this special mode that allows them to speed up their reflexes twenty fold. I saw this cat fall out of a tree once. I watched it twist its body around and around in slow motion before landing on its paws."

Sands tried to imagine how it must feel to have such amazing powers, experiencing a brief moment of envy. "You have the best of both worlds then?"

"Given the choice, I'd still be a Companion. I couldn't conceive of a life without sex."

"The Infiltrators don't engage in that sort of behaviour then, I take it?"

"Only under exceptional circumstances; it's not something they relish. A girl who came through the Facility at the same time as me was going deep under cover, keeping tabs on somebody that had been on Syntel's watch list for years. He stole the prototype Hybrid right out from under their noses."

"The missing girl from the Birdcage?" Sands exclaimed.

"And the apartment block massacre. She took out several Infiltrators during that particular engagement and it really pissed them off."


"The Infiltrators. Their pride was shattered and it certainly didn't help it was a Hybrid that was responsible. She also killed Kathy, the Infiltrator that had been tasked with seducing the husband. Claire totally wiped her clean by toasting her Datacore with thermite. What with Emily's recent exploits, relations between Hybrid and Infiltrator are more strained than ever. The Infiltrators always disliked them because they were jealous of their enhanced capabilities. Now they view them with the utmost suspicion."

"Which capabilities in particular?"

"Hybrids are smarter, faster and quite a lot stronger."

Sands looked at her quizzically.

"Valerie could jump a five metre wall if she had a desire to."

"I never realised that."

"She probably plays down her abilities in front of Greg."

"So what do you plan to do now?"

"There's not much I can do to change things."

"You've helped by not revealing what you've seen."

"They don't pay much heed to my reports anyway. I used to speak directly to Henderson but now I just get diverted to some flunky."

"Maybe you shouldn't speak to them at all."

"That would just arouse suspicion. Better to just feed them snippets of nonsense like I have for the past month."

Sands smiled then kissed her. Janice returned his affection then rolled him onto his back. She crawled down his body then gently cradled his cock and balls within her fingers. Smiling mischievously, she stooped to take him in her mouth and then began a long slow series of movements that soon had him shaking in ecstasy.

"You like that?" she asked unnecessarily. Sands could only nod as her oral caress took him to the brink of climax.

"I think you might like this then," Janice replied as she sat astride his hips and guided him inside her.

Groaning as the snug warmth surrounding his manhood, Pete glanced down at their juncture and was temporarily confused by the nature of their union. It was only when he looked more closely did he realise she'd inserted him into her anus.

"I'm designed to get as much pleasure from this as regular sex," she cooed. "My anus can lubricate in much the same way as my vagina and, as I don't excrete faecal matter, there are none of the associated health implications."

Sands sighed at the delicious constriction around his cock. His ex-wife had solidly refused to entertain the possibility of anal sex but this wanton machine seemed to hold no qualms. It took only moments for the salacious act to precipitate his orgasm and Janice squealed in delight as he poured his tribute into her rectum.

After waiting for his torrent to subside, she took him back in her mouth and cleaned him thoroughly, lashing her tongue around his deflating flesh and gulping down the remnants of his sticky emission.

She fell back into his arms and he clung tightly to her body. "That was amazing," he gasped "You'll kill me at this rate."

"I'll make sure you die happy."

"So that's your wicked plan?"

"Shit. You found me out."

Pete laughed then snuggled closely to her, relishing the prospect of their ongoing relationship.

Janus was appalled at the tone of the President's speech, but hardly surprised.

"The forces of Caliban stand poised on the verge of conquest. Not content with undermining our economic stability with their subsidised exports, their troop numbers continue to escalate. Their factories turn out tanks and strike aircraft by the hundreds, feeding the vast war machine that threatens to engulf and overwhelm our democracy.

"I have summoned the Caliban ambassador to Government House for consultation but so far he has failed to provide any reassurance that his country's actions are anything but hostile."

"He's sabre rattling," Janus exclaimed. "Nothing of what he says is based on any sort of reasonable fact."

"You seem pretty sure," Huxley indicated.

"I know Caliban fairly well."

"How so?"

"I was born and lived over there until ten years ago."

Huxley studied Janus carefully, as though re-evaluating the man's motives for taking up arms.

"I know what you're thinking but I'm not an agent provocateur or a foreign spy."

"You would say that though, wouldn't you?"

"You can't defend what the government is doing Major," Emily interrupted. "They murdered their own citizens in order to try and discredit us."

"All I'm saying is that Janus's actions must be looked at in context," Huxley replied suspiciously. "There's no denying that his actions weaken Oceania and play into the hands of our enemies."

"Caliban is not your enemy," Janus assured him. "They are a peaceable nation that is being viciously exploited as a source of cheap labour. Despite what your President says, it is Oceania that has nurtured this trade and is now using it as a justification for further sanctions or whatever else this hypocrite is orchestrating behind the scenes."

"We have used the sternest language with the Caliban Premier, that unless this unwarranted aggression does not cease forthwith," the President continued, "then we will have no recourse but to defend ourselves and take whatever decisive action is deemed appropriate to ensure the freedom of our great nation."

"He's threatening to take us to war," Emily exclaimed.

"That would be madness," Janus replied. "The Caliban outnumber Oceania's forces by ten to one."

"Not forgetting the nuclear deterrent that both side possess," Huxley added. "We've had no significant conflict for two hundred years. The advent of weapons of mass destruction has made the prospect of war almost unthinkable. Mutual annihilation tends to concentrate the mind, even that of an avaricious egotist such as Payne."

"You know him?" Emily asked.

"I know of him. As a senator, he was chairman of the defence sub-committee and I saw some of the changes that were filtering through. They're investing heavily in military high tech such as smart command and control systems, laser guided weaponry, and now cybernetic soldiers."

"What are you saying Major?" Janus asked.

"I'm saying that maybe ten to one are no longer good enough odds to protect Caliban."

The next few days passed like a dream. Janice transferred many of her belongings from her apartment. Pete was amazed not only by the amount of exotic underwear that she possessed but also by the box of assorted sex toys. He spent an interesting evening with her tied face down on his bed whilst he warmed her bare buttocks with a multi-stranded flogger. Finally, he climbed atop her bound body and took his pleasure, ravaging her in any available orifice to his hearts content.

She denied him nothing and possessed an incredibly inventive mind when it came to suggesting novel ways for him to obtain pleasure from her body.

On the day before the weekend, she presented him with clothes that she'd bought especially for him. "I thought I'd try and modernise you," she admonished. "I'm sick of you going out dressed like an old scruff."

Sands forced a smile and accepted the gift, reluctant to admit to the domesticity into which he was falling.

Janice left the office early, citing an appointment with Syntel and informing him that she expected to be back before the end of the day. He returned home and tried on his new outfit. The shirt was garishly coloured and the trousers styled by a currently fashionable designer. He wore them mainly to please her.

Feeling slightly self-conscious, he paid Greg and Valerie a visit, having neglected them for the better part of the week.

"I was wondering where you'd got to," Greg told him, looking slightly surprised at his mode of dress.

"Something you're not telling us," Valerie quipped. "A woman perhaps?"

"Could be," Sands replied non-committally.

"I knew he was up to something. It looks like he's found somebody to look after him at long last."

"Spill the beans Pete," Greg asked. "Is this true? Anybody we know?"

"Just someone I met recently," he answered coyly.

They chatted for a while before Pete revealed what Janice had told him about the Companion and Infiltrator communities, and the animosity that existed between them.

"Where's this information coming from?" Valerie demanded, having not been aware of any of it.

"I have my contacts," Pete disclosed. "I've been finding out quite a bit about the machine subculture. It's been quite a revelation."

He adamantly refused to divulge Janice as his source for fear of alarming them but did repeat most of what he'd learned including the distrust that the Infiltrators felt for the Hybrids.

Returning home around midnight, he was surprised to find the house still empty and hoped nothing was amiss. He dismissed outright the possibility that she'd been playing with him to gain insight into his activities. In their short time together, he realised that he'd become strongly attached to the girl.

Unable to force worry from his mind, he spent a fretful weekend anticipating her arrival and it was only on the final evening that the front door banged shut and Janice wandered aimlessly into the house.

Pete detected an immediate shift in her demeanour. She walked unsteadily and appeared slightly confused. Stepping towards him, she seemed unable to decide what to do.

"Janice. Are you okay? Where have you been? What happened?"

"Upgrade," she replied distantly. "Feel strange."

The girl was standing before him one instant, the next she was tumbling towards the ground. She convulsed violently several times then lay still. Pete rushed over to investigate. Finding the woman completely unresponsive, he pressed his fingers against her neck but found no evidence of a pulse.

Unsure as to whether this was indicative of total failure, he knew that her lack of movement was not a good sign. Calling Syntel was out of the question so that left only one viable alternative.

Valerie promised to come over as quickly as possible when he informed her that he had a dire emergency that only she could resolve. As he waited for her to arrive, he dragged Janice's lifeless body into the lounge and made her as comfortable as possible on the sofa.

Same as Oceania
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“Yoichi! We are going that’s final! I am taking you out for a surprise! Scoutmaster Yoshi is waiting for us at the entrance so let’s get going!” He groaned and rolled around on his bed like a child, my glare eventually got through to him because he huffed and sat up, grumbling about mean boyfriends and dads. I could not help but roll my eyes when he stood up and kicked at a random shirt of his on the floor. “Yoichi…” Just the tone of my voice was enough to make him frown, taking me in his arms...

4 years ago
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Theres nothing like watching your wife fuck

After dropping hints over a period of time my wife finally cheated on me. I assured her that the thought of her having sex outside of our marriage was extremely exciting to me. She never came right out and said " OK, I'll do it" but as I found out she did in fact allow a close friend of mine to fuck her . I begain to suspect something was up because a couple of times I'd come in from work to find her in a very playful mood. On those days she had been visited by my buddy and after he had left...

4 years ago
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Two DiariesChapter 7 Nothing Is Ever Easy

Amanda’s diary: Dear diary, Mum and Dad sat with me for breakfast. They usually were so busy they didn’t have the time, and they couldn’t stay for long. For that matter, I had to catch the bus, too. Still, we managed to exchange a few words and they said they wanted to have a serious talk with me in the evening. “Nothing bad”, said Dad. “Your mother reminded me you really are growing up, and it’s time we revise the way we do things. Also, she told me yesterday night that you’re in love...

4 years ago
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Predators The Stalking

The water flowed and candles flickered, the sweet scent of lavender filled the air. I walked in with a towel wrapped around my naked body, more than ready to enjoy a nice, relaxing bath. As my toe touched the water, my cell phone rang.   “Hello,” I answered, obviously annoyed.   “Hey Mia! I’m not feeling too good. I need a lay — and of course my favorite wingman. Can you be ready in an hour?” Max sounded serious.   “Give me two, I was about to take a bath.”     “Ok, meet you down at Combos...

2 years ago
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Mere Chudai Ke Kisse Part 2

Asha karta hun aapko meri pehli kahani achi lagi. Jaisa ki aapko pata hai ki pub outing ke bad maine Asha ki bharpur chudai ki. Us raat ke baad hum dono ek open relationship mein aa gaye the. Jab milte to chudai karte, par koi relationship nahi. Asha ka course khatam hone wala tha aur woh agle mahine Delhi wapas ja rahi thi. Wahi uska job laga tha. Ek baar jane ke baad fir milna kab hoga pata nahi tha. To humne weekend Goa jaane ka plan banaya. Friday shaam hum saath mein airport gaye aur...

2 years ago
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I had never thought of Fucking my Girlfriends Old Granny, but for some reason everything changed.Granny went into an old folks home because she was getting on a bit ( 92 years old and my Ex's Grandfather had just died a few months ago,) so it was better for her and safer if she went into care.I can tell that this was very hard for her to deal with.While visiting Mary the aging grannies walking around were no exception- full, fat asses that hadn’t had any good attention in years. I can’t tell...

1 year ago
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No matter who it is, everyone always has that one person at work that is just knock out gorgeous. I'm no different, and at my place of work... her name is Candace. She's twenty-three years old, but has the slender and sexy body of an eighteen year old. With her long black hair and pouty lips, she's a sight to behold and a woman that I am sure most men would jump without hesitation. I would sit at my cubicle for hours, watching her working at her own, wondering what it would be like to wave my...

4 years ago
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A New Taste Part 5

I spent hours that day watching Harrison. He went about his day in his briefs at my request and hilariously in socks at his. While he made lunch I knelt behind him and oggled his shapely little bum in the tight undies. I kissed each cheek. He chatted away as I thought to myself ‘I have fucked this boy! I have licked his asshole!’. We seemed comfortable in each others company as the hours passed. We were strangers really. Strangers exploring new territory together. We shared a sense of humour...

3 years ago
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Padosan Ki Sexy Choot Chati

My name is Krishna. I am from DELHI and I m tall n handsome , I m here writing my about my first encounter. Well as all the reader are Indian so better write this story in hindi. So kahani hai jab mein 26 years ka tha, mere ghar ke samne wale flat mein ek lady rehti thi unke boobs bade hi mast the unki figure hoogi 38 29 38 aur unka naam hai khushi . Shaadi ko abhi 1 saal he hua tha. Mein unke ghar aata jaata rehta tha, ek din jab mein unke ghar gaya toh waha koi nahi tha mere ghar bhi koi nahi...

4 years ago
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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 03

Author’s note: thanks again to my beta readers and to estragon for copy edits. Votes and feedback always welcome. © 2011 All Rights Reserved Brody drummed his fingers on his knee and bounced his leg as he sat on the team bus. They’d be on their way to Philly soon and few things got the Capitals pumped like a game against the Flyers, even though it was the teams’ first meeting of the season, in mid-November. Baxter dropped into the seat beside him. ‘Jesus, do you never sit still?’ ‘Just a...

2 years ago
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Danville BitchesChapter 3

This is a complete fantasy of my own creation. Since it is my own world, there are no STD’s or unwanted pregnancies. All characters practice good hygiene which means showers are only mentioned when a part of the sexual activities. This series is a continuation of The Danville Divorced Bitches Club. It can be read on its own but you may want to read the previous series in order to understand the background as well as the power of the bugs. Please enjoy. Laying on my back, I put my arms...

4 years ago
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Albus, John, Rose, and Amanda all agreed to wait until after dinner to visit Matt in the Hospital Wing the next day. They had the afternoon off, but Kaden didn't, and he wanted to come along. Kaden seemed even happier now that he was no longer excluded from anything that Albus did. Gone were the days where Albus would be able to sneak off to the Room of Requirement without Kaden, now that he knew...

4 years ago
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Understanding Bondage

Let me help you understand my views on this. Dom/sub relationships are not about the bondage or the spanking or calling one Sir - or the other any sort of pet names - but it more on the way that two people interact. There are some assumptions that can be made - but then while interacting - no assumptions should be made - that is where you need to find out your partner. I am very much into the bondage aspect -- think about it for a second -- all of these images with the fancy rope are not...

3 years ago
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Room 112

Room 112Im Vanessa my friends call me Vee for short. Im 5’2 about 180 lbs solid I do try my best to maintain as much as I can. I have short shaven black hair and brown eyes I wear heavy dark olive green frames glasses that add a hint of character to my face. I been at this training camp thing that I unknowingly signed up thought it be fun but I have since quickly realized its not what it was meant to be but I have already signed up and I am already here so might as well push on forward. This...

4 years ago
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Curvaceous Sauce me Rock

He was mighty rock Brett high these days he didn't care if it was there crystal Amethyst lips the first time or between a fuck and a stone. That group sex on the camera heated up like the apex. She the Carmelo how she could master his rock climbing wouldn't want to face her husband in a rock battle.She saw him immediately as he toured down the rock hill hearing sounds that weren't bird and silence. The raunchy twist side of the rocks.These places were handy for a man when he wanted to slip...

2 years ago
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Bullying Cindy

Bullying CindyCindy did never even learn why the girls at her new school didn’t like her. She did look good alright, petite body with perk breasts that would soon turning head, flowing blond hair. Yet she always thought of herself as an easy-going girl who tried to see the good in everyone. But it seemed the minute she set foot into that school the other girls just saw her at prey. It had started somewhat simple: being tackled in the hallways, somebody making her trip in the cafeteria, hiding...

1 year ago
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Looking for a hypnobooru? Want to get hypnotized at Hypno Hub? If you could hypnotize a bitch into fucking you, would you do it? Rhetorical question of course, why the hell would you not!? There's something beautiful about a dazed and confused girl absentmindedly sucking on your cock, no matter how much she regrets it later.Dangerous words I know, especially with all this #MeToo bullshit going on, but it's true. How do I know? Cause Hypno Hub is a popular porn site that is all about hypnotized...

Hentai Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Small WorldChapter 1

"Private Jones? Just what do you think you're doing?" Sergeant Tolliver shouted at the soldier holding the mop at slope arms position. "Practising Sergeant. I've got to get into formation for the march past." Peter Jones, Private and hoping to be thrown out of the Army, said while making a mess of the salute. "Really, well for one thing you don't use a government issued mop for practising, you use that for wiping the floor. Now Get On With IT!" Sergeant Tolliver screamed out the...

4 years ago
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KOMŞUM MERALÖncelikle bundan sonra yazacağım hikayelerin bazıları gerçek , bazıları ise hayallerimde kurguladığım fantazilerdir.Sizlere sanki anı yeniden yaşıyormuşçasına bir dille anlatacağım , yani 18 yaşında yaşadıgım bir olayı , o yaştaymışım gibi anlatacağım , yorumlarsanız sevinirim.Ben Tuna , istanbul 4.leventte oturuyorum , çocuklugumdan beri aynı evde ailemle yaşıyorum,24 yaşındayım ve yeni bir iş kurdum , sermayem çok az olduğu içinde zorluklarla ofisimin kirasını, çalışan 2-3 kişinin...

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Gil Returns For Seconds 3

Gil Returns For Seconds. #3 I have to tell the most exciting story, that Judy and I ever did. To this day, every time I think about it, I still get a hard on. It was the first time I got to see Judy with someone else. Gil kept calling Judy at work, wanting to get back with her. He had no idea that I knew anything about their first Trist. Judy called me from her work, to tell me that Gil had been calling her. She wanted to know what I wanted her to do. Of course I wanted her to do something...

3 years ago
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The Intervention

"The Intervention" By: Simonne Danielle © 2008 All rights reserved [email protected] FANTASY: Imagery which is more or less coherent, as in dreams and daydreams, yet is unrestricted by reality. INTERVENTION (noun) - To interfere, usually through force or threat of force, in the affairs of another. The greatest obstacle in the treatment of the addicted person is denial. One way to overcome denial is through a formal Intervention. During the...

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A Dream Of Being Driven

We are driving along a quiet, deserted road. It’s the heat of the summer and the sun is shining brightly in the sky. We are on our way to have a quiet romantic picnic in the park. I am wearing a short sundress with spaghetti straps. You glance over and see that my straps keep falling down. Every time a strap falls down, you catch a quick peek at my breasts, noticing that I am not wearing a bra. I soon realize this and wiggle around to make the straps fall down on purpose. As we drive along,...

1 year ago
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First lesbian experience

Nicole worked at a hotel when she was 19 full time to pay for her college ed. She never had much time to spend with friends or boyfriends. Frequently, she would come home to her apartment with her roomate Natalie drinking with her friends. Nicole didnt really get along with Natalie so she would always go straight to her room, lock her door, take off all of her clothes, and change into her sexy red nighty that her ex-fiance bought her before they broke up. The red nighty looked so good on her...

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Indian Princes One Part 2

The next thing I knew, another woman appeared on the screen. Now, my Indian Princess - as previously described - is very dark, with coal-black hair and eyes. She is buxom, with the nicest little tummy mound above her pubis. "Lisa" was exactly the opposite: slender, yellow-blonde, and about 4 inches taller than the Princess. Lisa had been guided to the front of the computer by the hand of the Princess, which totally grabbed me - in more ways than one. Lisa squatted next to the Princess, so both...

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Spring Break Part 4

Introduction: This is how I spent my SPRING BREAK a couple years back while I was still having sex with my boss and his wife. How this story includes my dorm mate and all the fun we had as-well. Enjoy! I pushed him away from Donna and me, as I walked away he grabbed me and shook me and said I didnt spend my time and money making you ours to you to just give it away to some random slut. Donna kicked him in his nuts as I walked away and yelled at him what the fuck is wrong with you, go and fix it...

2 years ago
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Stacy the Asian pharmacist The MakeGood

It's a bright, beautiful weekend day, and Stacy the Asian pharmacist is on her way home after an early afternoon of playing tennis with a friend. She's changed out of her white tennis shirt and into a dark brown halter top, which shows off her slender shoulders and accentuates her little B-cup breasts. She still has on her white tennis skirt though, as she didn't have time to change fully, since she's in a rush to pick up her kids from day care. Her smooth slender-yet-shapely legs work...

4 years ago
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Caught Ch 2

Yvette looked around her with no small amount of concern. This downtown pool hall was full of well-dressed men, most of them in suits. She couldn't see any women besides the scantily clad servers. Some of the men looked her way. The ones who did not were engrossed in games of pool or in talking to their friends. The men who looked at her grinned and poked each other with their elbows as she walked past in Stuart's wake. These men were quite used to seeing strikingly attractive women....


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