Reginald's PeopleChapter 9 free porn video

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The Finance Officer told him, “Our Head of Security went with me to the Chemistry Department and demanded to see the department ordering book from the Technician. Surprisingly, he quickly went and brought it to us, and we went over it. There were none of the expected large orders that we know were supplied, and I questioned him on it. He gave me a story that I am inclined to believe.

He only orders what the lecturer responsible for supplies, a man named Proudfoot, tells him to. BUT he believes that the lecturer also places orders that he doesn’t see. He gets this idea based on comments by another lecturer. Now, he tells me that if such orders were made, they don’t arrive in the regular way. They certainly do not come through his hands, he insists. He says he has suspicions, but won’t say what these suspicions are.

My own interpretation, now that I see what peculiarities can happen, is that the order is placed, but the delivery van man does not deliver the materials to the university, but instead diverts them to another venue. Someone has to sign for them, so either someone is signing with the Technician’s name, or they are signing with an unidentifiable scribble.

It leaves me without a trail to follow, I am sorry to say.”

Reg was silent for so long that the Finance Officer became alarmed. “Are you listening, Mr Robertson? Did you hear what I said?”

“Yes, I did. I was thinking. Would these larger deliveries arrive on a pallet?”

“Well, of course. All the lager deliveries come on a pallet. It makes moving them much simpler if you a have a small forklift, or there is one attached to the van.”

“Do the pallets go back to the company?” Reg questioned.

“I expect so. They don’t pile up anywhere, I can vouch for that.”

“If one didn’t go back to the supplier, how would they know?”

“You are being opaque, Mr Robertson. What are you getting at?”

“If I was running the suppliers, and some of my pallets were not returning, I would want to know where they are. Small tracking devices are pretty cheap nowadays, so sticking a tracker inside a pallet would be a useful measure. Why don’t you ask the supplier if they did that to any deliveries to the Chemistry department?”

“You think they will listen to me, Mr. Robertson? They may fob me off as I have no direct link with the Chemistry Department. They may see me as just an interfering official. Why don’t you ask them yourself? You are an investigating company, so you have better justification to ask.”

Reg saw the logic of this request, so quickly agreed.

“Very well. If you give me the supplier’s name, phone number and contact person, I’ll take it on.”

The man did so, and Reg noted it all down. Once he had rung off, he thought about his approach, and then phoned the number.

“Allied Chemicals. How can I help you?”

“May I speak to your head of security about some missing deliveries?”

“One moment, please.”

He was swiftly put through.


“Mr Halliwell, good day. Robertson, MD of Recovery Enterprise Group. We have a contract with [XXXX] university to look for and recover cash and materials that may have been criminally taken from the university. Our current interest lies with the Chemistry department, where certain supplies seem to be ordered but never arrive at the department. We are assuming diversion to another site, which makes recovery difficult.”

“I get you. What do you want from this firm, sir?”

“Our abilities lie in the accurate knowledge of what is possible, and in this case, I have made a deduction that in certain instances where products have been disappearing, you might install a discreet tracking device to follow the next load to its new destination, and thereby be in a position to recover your material. Am I right in my assumption?”

“That is an interesting deduction, Mr Robertson, and one that we could discuss further, if you can give us details to work on.”

Reg cottoned on to the security man’s reticence about giving away secret information.

“As the orders did not go through the official order book, we do not have any order number, simply the address of the Chemistry Department, which must have been the originating source. The loads should be identifiable by the much larger size of the orders; and as I understand the pallets get returned to you, are some pallets unreturned that may have gone with such loads? I can’t imagine the receiver of stolen goods offering the empty pallet back to you!”

“I see. So there would be a combination of a large order – large relative to the norm for that department – along with a lack of pallet return?”

“That is so. Can you help?”

“I am accessing our records as we speak. Without confirming or denying any assumptions that you have made, we do have an interest in oddities among our shipments. From time to time we might – on your assumption – add a tracking device to a shipment, inside the pallet, to see where the load ends up. One presumes these tracking devices will show a GPS location, right?”

“One would work on that presumption, certainly. Purely as a thought experiment, where might you imagine such a GPS tracker would show its location, and would you not take action?”

“As I see the bill was paid for the shipments you mention, we cannot accuse anyone of theft, except for our pallets not being returned, and that happens quite innocently at times through new staff at receiving venues not knowing the correct procedures. As a result, such a potential GPS location would be more of interest for future problems should they arise.

Purely as a thought experiment, as you say, let’s assume this location:” and he stated a GPS location. “Now, if that happens, by sheer luck, to be a distribution hub for a transport company, someone might be reselling the goods from a van based there to some small retail shops. One might venture to assume it was the same driver who normally delivered to your Chemistry department.”

“Thank you for your thoughts, Mr Halliwell. They are very useful and worthy of further consideration by my staff. We might be able to give you some good news before very long. Farewell for now.”

Reg sat back and thought about what could be done about the new information that had been unofficially passed to him. Diverted chemicals possibly held in a distribution centre; probably unknown to the building’s operators, and then resold from a delivery van to some unknown retailers. It seemed credible, but difficult to prove.

Reg was stuck for a solution that was worth their while. The diverted chemicals may by now have all been resold, so little evidence of them might still exist to form evidence of a crime.

Reg had another idea pop into his mind. The perpetrator in the Chemistry building either had to have a physical order book, or sent the order digitally. In the first case, a police search might find this order book, and if a digital order, there may be some data within the order that would reveal the sender, or at least the machine it was sent from. Indeed, if it was sent as an email order, that would still be on the computer hard drive. A forensic examination would reveal what computer sent it. With luck, there would be few individuals with access to that computer, particularly if it was in an office.

As he went over these surmises, it struck him that the quantities involved from the Chemistry department were not large enough to keep a thief happy for ever. He would want much more than that, and in that case, he would need more sources of spurious orders that could be diverted. Again assuming such an example, other university departments would be logical targets.

But as there was only one department liable to order quantities of chemicals, either similar departments at other universities would be the logical targets, or another place that used a lot of chemicals, such as the cleaning staff around the university.

Were all the university departments cleaned by one overall group of staff, or by an outsourced cleaning firm? Who supplied the materials to be used? Often the cleaning firm merely supplied the staff, and the organisation hiring the firm provided the supplies. Perhaps the university accounts might reveal something of that nature.

He went back to the accounts printouts, to see what these might reveal. As regards cleaning, all it gave was a university-wide total for non-staffing costs, which did not help. It looked like the university employed its own cleaning staff, so probably ordered its cleaning supplies centrally. This was different from the Chemistry department’s operations, but understandable.

With a central ordering regime, was there a potential for a similar diversion scam, Reg wondered.

Time to quiz the Finance Officer again, it appeared, but he decided not to ask him today, for fear of annoying him even more.

After another night of exploring his recovery, Reg was ready to go back to his classes on the second day. Frances told him, “Fiona’s nausea is bad this morning, so she is staying at home. We can check on her at lunchtime. His own morning lectures were history and mathematics this time, with history being the topic of the birth and development of railways. This preceded his bugbear of topology. His offered comments on the topology of the universe met with a degree of derision.

“Robertson, I think you should stick to standard mathematics; it is more your style. The observable evidence shows the universe as mathematically flat, but flat in the sense of the torus and the Klein bottle being flat: one surface. All other postulated topologies are nothing more than theorising, until more facts are established one way or another to support or undermine them.

Perhaps you are not yet back to full mental health. We shall see later.”

Reg was himself flattened by this response. He was more used to being flattered by his lecturers. It did little for his physical and mental recovery.

Frances again drove him home at lunchtime, and left him in the care of the ladies, while she took Fiona to the university as she was feeling much improved. The remaining females pestered him to be calm and do as he was told, and even his new daughters bothered him about enhancing their studies, so he was happy to get back to company work at last.

His first call was to the Finance Officer, to ask about purchases of cleaning materials.

“Yes, they are all ordered by the one gentleman. He has been with the university for at least ten years, so is a respectable employee, Mr Robertson.”

“Nonetheless, sir, would you mind having a look at the amounts expended on cleaning materials in the last five or six years? My supposition is that if the delivery man is the same one as delivered to the Chemistry department, then your cleaning supplies will have rapidly increased in total cost over that period.”

“You think this is another diversion scam, do you?”

“It is possible, I say no more than that. I would like to see the figures before making such a claim.”

“Oh, very well. I can tell I am not going to get peace until you people finish your investigations.”

“Thank you, sir. Once you look at the figures, if you come to the same conclusion about the possibility, then perhaps we can have another talk about obtaining proof. Hopefully it will be simpler than the Chemistry supplies scam.”

As he put down the phone, Elizabeth came quietly into the dining room.

“Um, Reg ... Dad, I forgot to tell you: There was a call this morning from a Mr Phillips. He said to call back and ask for the sergeant. Sorry I didn’t tell you till now.”

“That’s all right, Elizabeth. We all have these moments of forgetfulness, so it is well to forgive them. I’ll give him a ring now.”

He rang through and asked for Sergeant Phillips, and was soon speaking to him.

“Thanks for ringing back, Reg. You timed it nicely. I have just got clear of a case.”

“Sheer serendipity, Terence. What was it you wanted to speak to me about? I thought we were up to date.”

“We were. I have been given an update on the Ferguson case, for my information, so I thought you might like to hear it. He is now claiming that he was given the building key, and the code to disable the alarm, from one of the lecturers. He says he was blackmailing the man.”

“Blackmailing him? Was the lecturer up to something?”

“I am assuming so. Ferguson says he had stolen an order book from the lecturer, and you can’t blackmail someone over an order book unless there is something more to it. He admitted having the order book, and the detectives went to his abode and retrieved it.”

“Excellent news, sergeant. We have been searching for that order book. It was used to commit fraud, by ordering chemicals which were then diverted and sold elsewhere. At least, that was our conclusion, but we did not have proof. Was there anything about the order book that links it to the lecturer?”

“At first, the detectives thought no, but then they thought about the handwriting in the book. If one can get a sample of the lecturer’s writing, they can be compared and that should be conclusive one way or another. You are at the university, so can you get a sample, surreptitiously, that we can make use of?”

“Better than that, Sergeant. I can have the university’s Finance Officer send you a certified example. He can find some of the guy’s writing quite easily, and have it identified as such, to make it reliable evidence. Oh, and the reason it would be a blackmail item was that as Ferguson is a Chemistry student, he would see from the book that the orders within did not reflect the actual availability of chemicals in the lab. That would be all he needed to put pressure on the lecturer.

Give me the lecturer’s name, and I’ll get that put in train.”

“His name is John Proudfoot, according to Ferguson.”

“Right. Oh, Proudfoot? That makes sense. Thanks, Sergeant. I presume you will send someone to arrest him if the handwriting proves a match?”

“With pleasure. We will also be looking to see if some of the criminal gains can be recovered. Reg, I just remembered you were injured. How are your ills progressing?”

“Doing well, sir. I have started doing mornings at the university, and I can manage that, but full days are still too much for me.”

After commiserations from the policeman, they rang off.

A call to the Finance Officer was met with a sigh.

“You again, Mr Robertson?”

“Yes, I am afraid so. Is one of the Chemistry lecturers named John Proudfoot?”

“The surname Proudfoot rings a bell. Hang on while I check the staff database. Yes, here we are: John Proudfoot, Lecturer in Chemistry.”

“The police have him marked as the man who ordered these extra chemical supplies that went missing. I should be prepared for a police investigation shortly. Please make sure he is unaware of police interest.”

“Mr Robertson, may I point out that none of us could do so, were it not for your phone call. Surely that comment was uncalled for?”

“Perhaps so. It was by means of introduction to ask how things were as regards cleaning materials purchased centrally.”

“I might have known that would be the case, from past experience with your company, Mr Robertson. I have several staff going over the cleaning supplies purchase orders for the past five years, and there is a distinct increase in expenditure, year by year, without any commensurate increase in cleaning operations. Additionally, cleaning contracts for exterior bodies has not risen much, so there is a definite question mark there. Before you ask again, I can confirm that the same distribution company’s van delivers the cleaning supplies. As to the driver, we do not record that detail.”

“Is there an inventory of cleaning materials in store at the university?”

“There is, but apart from the central store, each department has a portion of supplies kept in the appropriate cleaners cupboard, thus a full inventory is somewhat awkward to determine.”

Reg added to the Finance Officer’s remarks, “And so a possibility of some being siphoned off exists?”

“It does. There is also the question of the cost of doing such a complete inventory. The totals will never be in an exact relationship with purchases, as these are consumables, sir.”

“I understand. I have been thinking over that problem. Surely the cleaners submit a refill order to the central supply unit on a regular basis – weekly or monthly, for example?”

“I would expect so”, the Finance Officer admitted.

“In that case, such submitted requests, aggregated over a year, would indicate the annual average usage of these materials. That, compared with the amounts purchased, should balance out to some degree, I would expect. If it doesn’t then you start to run out of supplies, or you have an extra supply in your storage warehouse.”

The Finance Officer was thinking rapidly.

“There is a logic to your thinking, sir, that I agree with. I shall speak to whoever deals with inventories, to see if anything shows up.”

Once that call was over, Reg got back to the university accounts, just in case he had missed another scam, but nothing seemed to vary much from what would be expected by the vagaries of each year. He gradually came to the conclusion that what they had discovered was the total to be found in the way of aberrations.

His mind switched to the Robson women, so he phoned Holly to ask her to come see him privately.

When she arrived, he asked her to close the door so they could talk.

“Holly, the Robsons: how do you think they are doing? Have they learned their lesson yet?”

Holly’s eyes widened. “You value my opinion on them?”

“Of course. You and Carol are mature young women, and as such I value your comments. You and Carol have been doing most of the work in training them, so why not?”

“But we have just been passing on what our parents taught us about social involvement.”

“Exactly. I could never have done that, for I didn’t have that sort of experience. My social knowledge is all down to Frances, Erika and Freda; and to a certain extent, Prudence. You have had such knowledge all of your lives so it is inbuilt by now. The Robsons never absorbed what their parents tried to teach them, and I dumped them on you two girls. There is nothing like feeling you know less that a younger girl, to give you an inferiority complex! The have been learning from you and Carol, in self defence. That confrontation with Elizabeth was another example: a sixteen-year-old tearing them off a strip for being self-centred! They took that to heart; I could see that. I deliberately tried not to get involved in their training, as I was not a good mentor for them.

So, what do you think of them, so far?”

He smiled, wondering if she had any inkling of that catchphrase of the former comics Morecambe and Wise. At least she didn’t respond: ‘Rubbish!’ Holly replied, They are doing well, now. I thought they were well on their way, then Hermione decided she knew best, and it led to Elizabeth’s outburst. That put paid to such a plan, and Hermione has said nothing of that nature again. You may have noticed how well they did, assisting us when the Pringle twins visited. The Robsons were shattered that the boys were more interested in us than them. It showed them that being older is not necessarily better.

Overall, I would say they are about ready to go home, due to them losing their self-centred idea that everything would come to them without them making an effort. Being here, away from home, has meant they did not have to hide their failings from their parents, thus they could learn faster.”

Reg enquired, “Do you think that if they would go home now, they would think to apologise to their parents for their previous bad behaviour?”

Holly screwed up her mouth, as she tangled with this question.

“Perhaps, if they were reminded beforehand. I couldn’t guarantee that they would think of it off their own bat.”

Reg slowly nodded, and suggested, “Perhaps if you got them to understand that apologising for past behaviour is the best way to start off a new, better, relationship?”

“We could do that.” She paused, then asked, “About the Pringle twins, how do you view them, yourself? Purely out of casual interest, of course.” Reg smiled at this request.

“The Pringle twins came over as a couple of nice boys, even if they are slightly older than me. Only you and Carol will be able to assess them in more depth. That first date will count for a lot. Go with your unconscious and automatic reactions; don’t think about it too much, or you will tie yourself in knots. I was pretty innocent when I met Frances, so I failed to hide my reactions. She and the other two girls soon had the measure of me. I don’t think the Pringles have had much luck with girls so far, for whatever reason.”

Holly ventured, “I think I know what it is. We were much the same. Boys did not know how to deal with us as twins: we were an unknown quantity, and therefore girls to be careful with. I think we were almost viewed with suspicion. Would one of us tell the other about what happened with a boy we went out with? The answer is yes, we would, and of course that put a damper on most boys we encountered. We never really went out on dates as boys would be afraid they had to date both of us, and that scared them off. I expect the Pringle lads faced the same with girls, so meeting us put them more at ease. I think they will be fine on a date, but as it is a first date, we will be cautious about what we will allow to happen.”

“Very wise of you. Take it slowly, for if the lads want more, that have to prove themselves worthy of that. You girls are, to my mind, top prizes in life, and if these lads want to win you, they have to put a lot of effort into the relationship.”

She stared at Reg, and eventually said, “Reg, you sound like my father!”

Reg reviewed what he had been saying to her and came to the same conclusion.

“Holly, in this household I am effectively ‘in loco parentis’ - acting in place of your parents. That is the way it should be, and so I am giving you advice that your parents normally would provide. You can of course phone them if you want, but at my age I believe I am more in tune with your feelings than they are likely to be. Feel free to come and ask me, or your cousin Frances, or any other of my wives, when you have questions you need answers to. We will not judge you, merely offer advice. You make up your own mind whether to follow that advice, but if you do not, you must accept responsibility for what you decide.”

“Yes, Reg. I know what you are saying. You won’t tell our parents about anything we ask?”

“That is understood, Holly. Advisers don’t blab; it is bad form to do so.”

“Okay. I’ll speak with Carol about these matters. We may be back later.”

She was off like a shot, back to Carol in the kitchen.

Reg chuckled to himself. The Wise Old Man giving sage advice, when he was only a couple of years older than the twins! He told himself that what he was saying to them was valid, no matter what age he happened to be.

Thinking about advice, he recalled that he had done nothing about driving lessons since before he went to Scarborough. Did someone cancel his weekly lessons, or postpone them, or what? He must ask Frances what the situation was now. Now that he was Managing Director of a company, he either had to pass a test and do his own driving, or need a chauffeur-driven car when on business. On reflection, he ought to continue with his lessons; he could not be always expecting his wives to drive him to where he needed to be, and it seemed to him wasteful to employ a chauffeur to drive him.

He lay back in his comfy chair to read for a while, and dozed off without noticing that his wound had stopped hurting entirely.

He was woken by the noise of the joggers arriving back from their run. His mind told him that Elizabeth and the Robsons were chatting quite happily together, so he went back to sleep at that point.

When he woke again, his wives were home. His book was sitting in front of him with a bookmark at the page where he fell asleep; someone had been in and done that for him without disturbing his snooze.

Frances was quick to tell him about doings at the university.

“Reg, police were called to the university and arrested a man in the Administration department. The word is that he was caught embezzling; something to do with cleaning materials.”

“Ah, so I was right! Was it the boss there, or one of his staff?”

“You don’t seem surprised, darling. Why?”

“I suggested to the Finance Officer that there was a scam with cleaning materials similar to the one with the chemicals at the Chemistry department.”

“YOU suggested? Did the annual accounts tell you that? Amazing!”

“Not quite, my love. There were signs that the expenditure was going up faster than I would have expected, but there may have been a genuine cause for that – a new external cleaning contract, for example. The Finance Officer told me that was nothing new, so I suggested that embezzlement was happening and was worth investigation. He must have solved the problem and had the culprit arrested: one up for our company!”

“Wonderful! This will do wonders for our company’s reputation as we start looking for business.”

“I hope so. The first step is publicising the company’s existence; that will not be easy, among thousands of other companies.”

“No need to be so downbeat, Reg. Daddy’s company will spread the word for us.”

“I hope so, but we need more than that. We need some means of publicising us that makes us headline news, even for one single day.”

“Something like, ‘University student exposes criminals on campus.’?”

“Like that, but it has to feature the company. The company, Frances; that is our focus.”

“Tricky, then. We should kick it around the family, and see what we can come up with. Someone should have a bright idea; perhaps a leaflet we send to all the big firms.”

“That wouldn’t work, Frances. Leaflets don’t get to the decision makers in the company. We need something that grabs the attention of the members of the Board.”

Fiona came over to engage in the discussion.

“I may not be at my best at the moment, but it strikes me that the company was involved in discovering criminality, and as a result the company, or a representative thereof, would be required to be part of any court case arising from the crimes. Court cases often grab headlines. A good lawyer should be able to highlight the part played by the company’s investigations.”

Freda was listening, and commented, “Is that another hint that my Dad should act for us again? We seem to be using him a lot, so shouldn’t he be the company lawyer?”

“I don’t see why not, but that is a Board decision, not mine. We should do this right.”

“Agreed. I’ll raise it with the Board shortly.”

Reg was reminded of another matter. “Talking about raising a matter, can I ask what is the situation regarding a midwife? We could all benefit from some accurate advice from her – or him.”

“Hmm ... yes. Males can be midwives as well as women, can’t they?”

“Doesn’t bother me, as long as it doesn’t bother you girls,” remarked Reg.

She responded, “It is no different from male doctors doing obstetrics, darling. It was always stupid to regard all medical work to require male expertise, even when it involved women, so all-women midwives was the same in reverse. Thank God we have advanced further towards equality.”

“Anyway, this avoids the question – what is the latest about a midwife for us?”

“The NHS is still a ‘perhaps’. No-one will commit to a definite answer, so we have spoken with two private organisations that supply midwives. We have their official prices, but we have told them there six expectant mothers at this address, and we want a special deal where one midwife deals with the lot of us. The possible midwife is coming to visit and meet us.”

“Why the visit?” Reg wanted to know.

“Basically, to see how much work we would be. If we are accommodating, and helpful, it will be simpler and more efficient, so the organisation can afford to be generous with their charges. At the same time, we can inform them that we are also considering another group’s services, which will put a bit more pressure on them both to come up with a price that makes everyone happy.”

“You are treating it almost like a business deal, Frances!”

“Well, it IS a business deal. We are hiring an expert and we want the best, for the best price! We negotiate the deal, with conditions. One condition we want is to have the same midwife all the time. When a midwife – or doctor or other specialist – gets to know you and your condition, you get more exact treatment; and you also know that if anything goes awry, who is responsible. The midwife knows she is responsible and will do her damnedest to do well for you.”

“That sounds eminently sensible, Frances. I think I can just stay out of this entirely, and leave it to you girls to settle on what you want.”

“You don’t get away entirely, Reg. You will have to go with us if we attend pre-natal classes at the university. You have to learn all the exercises so that you can make sure we are doing them regularly, and not slacking because we don’t feel like doing them.”

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ReginaldChapter 7

“Well now, there are several things to decide on. One, can Reg help you with tutoring, and if so, can you assist him in picking up social skills? Second, if you get accepted as part of the study group, Beth gets rejected and we help you shaking loose from her. Is that it?” “More or less, Frances. I am not sure what you meant – IF Reg can help me with tutoring?” “Oh, that is simple. Reg has to decide if you are worth his effort. If he concludes that you are not picking things up as he...

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ReginaldChapter 8

“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...

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ReginaldChapter 10

He hurried in, but she was not in the bedroom as he expected, so he tried the bathroom. Prudence was kneeling naked in the empty tub, with one arm resting on the side. She looked very appealing as the Venus of the bath, but she was truly frustrated. “Reg, I can’t get myself out of the bath! It is too slippery, and my balance is not good at the moment. Can you help me?” She turned her body to face him, again displaying her small breasts in front of him. He took a sharp breath, but...

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ReginaldChapter 11

Reg explained, “It was much later, when I observed other children, that I saw how they and their parents seemed to act differently towards each other than my parents were with me. I decided there was something wrong with me, and that was how I couldn’t be loved like other children. I turned my attention to the world around me, and started studying it. I found school a great revelation, for the teachers started explaining what things were, and how they reacted, like water will do magical...

4 years ago
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ReginaldChapter 12

“But Prudence is a university student. She won’t want to have a baby while at Uni.” Reg made a factual remark. “Frances, there are at least several female students who are expecting babies, as far as I have observed.” Frances retorted, “Yes, but all of them are married, so it is not such a problem for them.” Reg backed down. “Sorry, I didn’t know that. Sorry I spoke.” Frances patted his arm. “No, it is all right, Reg. Your observation was accurate, just not fully comprehensive. These...

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ReginaldChapter 17

Prudence told him, “For the moment, Reg, do nothing. I phoned your mother back, and explained a little to her about you, me and the girls, but I emphasised that you need a lot of time to adjust from being a loner to dealing with people at large. She said she was willing to wait. I believe her, Reg.” “Thank you, Prudence. I don’t think I could have done that myself. I couldn’t have told her about you girls. You are a wonderful, thoughtful girl. It is no wonder that I love you.” Still...

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ReginaldChapter 20

Reg sat in a chair facing the Dean, and waited. The Dean cleared his throat before declaring, “Mr Robertson, it has come to my notice that you have arranged for a commitment ceremony next week. Is that correct?” “Yes sir.” Reg was not offering anything. He had learned to be careful. “I understand this is not a simple cohabitation agreement, but something more complex.” “Yes, sir.” “You and four other students – girls - are proposing to live together as a family unit. Is that so?” “Yes,...

1 year ago
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Jennifer Wifes Date

After 5 months of living apart I finally convinced my wife to move back home. One of her conditions was that she could go on 2 dates a week with other guys if she wanted. One of mine was she could only fuck them at a little cottage on our property so that I could watch. After a week a home she told me she was going out for dinner on Friday night. She was dressed up in short black stretchy dress and black stockings. A Victoria Secret black and pink push up bra to hold up her 40dd saggy breasts....

Cheating Wifes
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 291 Just Leave It Be Maxine

I lay down with my plug sticking in the wall for the first hour, then I switched to free electrons for the rest of the night. By doing that I had free fun of the Downtown House. I walked around looking out the window and trying to think how I could give the kids at the community college even more help. Over the years I had hired them whenever I could. I just didn't have anything for the to do at the moment. I really had the resources to find something for them to do, but not everyone would...

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You walk in the door, finaly home from work....... FUCKING LAZY CUNT!!! You scream. Your roomate's shit is everywhere. Dirty clothes and dishes thrown around your nice 2 bedroom 2 bathroom house. But she is nowhere to be found. Exhausted and pissed off you

1 year ago
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Be The Cuck! I would call my readers cucks, but you sad fucks don't have a girlfriend or wife to cuck you. However, that doesn't stop you, bastards, from having a cuck mindset, and nothing is more pathetic than being a single cuck.Cucking SoloIn an effort to create the cuck illusion, I bet you fucks give back ally hand jobs while depriving your own cock of a stroke. Of course, it's not the same thing, but it's just as depressing, if not more so. An angel cries every time you cuck your own...

Premium Cuckold Porn Sites
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Three For TwoChapter 5

She awakened before he did, and went to the bathroom to pee and brush her teeth. Then, she looked at her naked body in the mirror and considered that it would still pass inspection, even after the vigorous dancing last night. As she brushed her hair, she reflected on her feeling of total comfort in this house, and then dreaded having to go home. A vision flashed through her mind of seeing him walk off to prison in one of those striped suits that said, "CONVICT" on the back. She then decided...

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Dinner Out

It was that magical time of year that my wife and I loved so. The leaves were changing, and there was crispness to the air. Yet it was still warm enough to enjoy being outdoors. Meeting her at the van, when she pulled into the drive, I greeted the beautiful women, ‘Hey honey. How was your day?’ ‘Busy,’ she replied, as we embraced and smiled at one another. I took her hand I mine, as I said, ‘come here.’ We walked hand in hand around the end of the house, and filed through the gate at the...

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Mark and the Girls

Mark went to meet Jenny at her home town, and as promised took her shopping. They walked hand in hand, enjoying the various delights of the town shops, made a few minor purchases and looked through a few Art Galleries. Soon they came to a Tack shop, " Let's go in here" said Mark, " OK" replied Jenny. They looked around, found the riding crops and Mark said..." You choose, but it needs to be fairly thick so as not to cut you!" Jenny found a 24" long 1/2" thickwhip with a leather tab end coloured...

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Cocksucker Part 2

It had been about fifteen minutes since I had finished sucking Harry’s cock, and I could still taste his cum as I paced the small bathroom waiting for my last client. The sensation of my fully erect cock rubbing against the soft material of my dress as I paced sent shivers down my spine. Suddenly I heard loud, forceful knocking on the door. Before opening the door, I turned to examine myself in the mirror, smoothing out the wrinkles in my dress and making sure my wig was on properly. Next I...

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The Queen the Slave ch 14

Ch 1 An idea is the most powerful thing; stronger than the sharpest sword and more resilient than the deadliest virus. Nothing can stop an idea when combined with the strongest emotion. Desire. It was this combination that allowed Alec to enslave Diana, the Queen of the relm. The trumpet blared throughout the hall, signaling that this weeks Passing had been finished. All the nobles stood from their seats and exited the room, remaining silent until they passed the threshold. Alec, however,...

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Girls School PetChapter 6

When Ben arrived at Victoria's dormitory, he had stealthily gone around to the back, rather than to the front door, telling himself he didn't want to alarm the girl for no good reason. The big man stayed close to the wall as he approached the sliding glass doors so that he would not be observed. Since it was a warm day, the doors were open a little and Ben had no trouble hearing the strange sounds that floated out from behind the drapes; moans and gasps and panting whines, both human and...

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SurvivingChapter 19 Winter

I waited with the Knapdale men in the same Kilfinan Bay where we had landed, waited for the return of my longships. They had embarked the Kintyre men and were taking them back to Campbeltown. There were high spirits in the camp, despite the light rain that was falling steadily. Colmgil and the Cowall and Bute men were also still with us and they were celebrating the defeat of the Saxons and the defence of their lordship with some vigour. I had sent for Gabrain, thinking it was important for...

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Most wonderful masturbation

I have always been very open minded in the erotic world. Try anything once and twice if i like it, which i usually do. As time goes on my sex life has grown along with my sense of self. For a few years i have heard about many different fantasies and of many fetishes, i do believe i have a few fetishes and things i would definitely try. My whole sexual life, from what i can remember, i have been absolutely fascinated with the female body, to me it has so much potential and a lot of mysteries....

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My first Big Black Cock0

You could say I watched a little too much porn, and started to develop some odd fetishes. Ever since 7th grade I've been turned on by women's panties. I can still remember the girl who sat in front of me in social studies, Susan. She always wore these silky smooth little panties, and they were constantly sticking out of her pants. So as the years went on, and I browsed all the panty porn I could, my fetish began to change. Until one day when I was 17, it occured to me it would be an even...

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Sean David Kilpatrick Flynn Book 1 of Wizard A Love StoryChapter 8 A Match made in Heaven

An incident occurred the following weekend at the Gordian Ranch while BB was in Phoenix. The incident happened about 2:00 AM, Sunday, on the portion of the Gordian Ranch that bordered highway 69 between Prescott and Cordes Junction. Some men tried to steal a truck load of Gordian cows. Officer Pete Sandoval worked for the Arizona Department of Public Safety, commonly known as DPS, or the Highway Patrol. Pete had the shift from midnight to eight in the morning and his area of responsibility...

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Dost Ki Maa Ko Choda 8211 Part 2

Hello doston me guru aapne meri pehli story to padhi hogi dost ki maa ko choda part 1 ab me uske aage ki kahani bataane jar aha hu jin longon ne is story ka pehla part nahi padha he kirpya wo padh le taki jyada maza aa sake,ab main kahani par aata hu,main aunty ki jhaante saaf kar chukka that ha r aunty ka pura sharir kaanp raha tha,idhar mera bhi lund khada ho chukka tha maine kaha aunty jhaant saaf ho gayi Ab me jaaun to aunty jhat se uthi r mera munh pakad kar apne chuchon par sata diya r...

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Turn Her Straight

You come home after a long day of work to find a girl on your couch in tears. It's not new for the girl to be there, but it's new for her to be in tears. Her name is Amy, and she's the most attractive lesbian you've seen outside a porn movie. Her hair is long, dark, and brown. Her eyes are a crystal blue, which are usually blocked by her surprisingly sexy glasses. She has a body to die (or kill) for--Leggy, hour glass figure, and tits that have made men cry. You, in fact, have almost been...

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You Never Can Tell

As I walked into the living room after a day at the golf course I was greeted by the sight of my loving wife watching the idiot box. Nothing was out of the ordinary and I asked her if the dinner was ready. She replied that she had called for a pizza because she was not in a mood to cook. Funny, I always thought that sex increased your appetite, it did for me. Yes, my wife was back today from another of her fuckfest with her toy boy Darin. She thought that I was an oblivious bastard who had no...

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My firts lesbian contact

Hi! My name is Tina, 22 years of age and I need to let you know how I began to need a young lady, and that is to end up lesbian experience. So I am still an understudy living in an understudy quarters. I am an excellent beautiful lady so no deficiency of fellows, yet in the event that that was insufficient. I am a man more "fixated" sex. There sat quite a while without taste or feel a dick in me, whether it was the other one's dick sweetheart. In the room sat three sexy college girls: Nicole,...

2 years ago
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Finding JessicaChapter 2

Am I crazy? I sat in a large overstuffed brown leather arm chair outside a door marked "employees only" waiting for Jessica. Second thoughts? Oh yes. Once I was alone all those memories of our time together came rushing back. Sure, we were like that line from that Eagles' song, "Life in the Fast lane". "They had one thing in common they were good in bed..." At twenty two that seemed enough. A couple of weeks after we were engaged on Christmas Eve 2001, we moved into an upscale...

1 year ago
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Turned The Driver Gay 8211 Part III

After the shower we wiped ourselves clean and returned to the warmth of the room, as the next day was not an office day I did not have to get up and go to the office, I could enjoy the liberty of being awake late, I look at the watch and it is 3:15,I get into my blanket by throwing my towel away all bare naked, Sonu follows my lead and does the same, he asks me if I had any movies with me that we could see, I asked him specifically which kind of movies, he told me porn ones, without asking I...

Gay Male
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Sapphires EmeraldsChapter 9

Mike stormed over to DiNozzo, poking him hard in the chest. "What are ya, useless? While you two are sitting out here, Abby was printing him in there alone. What the hell ya thinking, both of ya?" He turned his fury on McGee now. "Don't you think you wormed your way out of this because you're the probie, McGee. Tell me why I shouldn't fire both your sorry asses?" "Boss?" McGee asked confused. Standing up, he tried to take in the situation. "You mean, Abby went to him, alone? What...

4 years ago
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The Old Flame

July 28 – July 30, 2007Heather was at home—yet, she wasn’t. She was not in the cute little house that she had just bought, nor the town she lived in. She was quite literally at home—meaning her parent’s house. It was the house she grew up in. The house that held so many memories, she almost couldn’t think straight. Every wall, every turn of a corner, every time she walked into a room, some vision of a world-gone-by would pop into her mind. Heather’s parents had left for an extended vacation....

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My Mistress

Looking out my window, I saw the Cal-Trans truck parked along the curb. Swell, I thought to myself, another fine day with my street closed. But then, I noticed a lovely female worker who stepped out of a truck in front of my sidewalk. She was wearing the standard bright orange reflector safety vest over her blue jeans and a work shirt. Even from across my front yard I could see that she was stunning, with long beautiful brown hair and a gorgeous young face. All morning long, I peeked through my...

2 years ago
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Share and Share Alike

‘Oh snap,’ thought the driver coming back from the grocery store. He slammed the brakes as he passed the tennis public tennis courts. He looked in the rearview mirror and spotted nothing behind him. He reversed and turned into the parking lot.The two dudes playing tennis were White. One wore a pair of silver basketball shorts with no shirt. The other was wearing black performance pants and a gray wife beater. They were between points when they saw the sporty two-door, bright red 265-horsepower...

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New Years Eve in New York

" Stop that John." I had my arm around her shoulders and tried to kiss her. But Marci kept pulling back. Suddenly I pull her towards me and covered her mouth with mine. I'm forcing my tongue into her mouth. She is trying to pull away from me, her legs came apart exposing her red panties. As I'm holding Marci in a tongue-probing kiss I force my hand down the front of her dress. I'm squeezing her tits. When I finally broke the kiss and let her breath, she is getting mad. She tries to get...

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Colors of the NightChapter 7

"Close your eyes and empty your mind of all outside thoughts," Anya instructed. "This sounds like a bad version of every TV show on cable," Travis murmured aloud. He couldn't quite duck the flying hand that thwacked the side of his head. Still sitting cross-legged on couch, Travis reached up to massage the sore spot on his skull. "If you want to use power, you need to concentrate on it to the exclusion of everything else around you. You do the same thing when you are working on your...

4 years ago
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Pyara devar

Hi friends yeh meri pahali story hai mera naam suman hai aur meri umar 30 saal hai meri saadi ko 3 saal ho gaye hai mere pati mujhe bahoot pyaar karte hai aur mainbhi unhe bahoot chahati hoon.main ek gaon se hoon isleye meri sex ke baare main jaankari jyaada nahi hai to mujhe jo bhi sex mere pati se milta main santoost thi lekin ek din mere pati ek blue film lekar aaye usme hero ka lund bahoot bada tha uske comparison main mere pati ka lund bahoot hi chota tha, ab story sooru hoti hai. Blue...

3 years ago
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Great Experience By Fucking Office Beauty

Hi my dear lovely friends/Beautiful Ladies, I’m from Bangalore.Any girl/female/Aunty/Ladies from Bangalore seeking orgasms and cunt licking can reach me at .. I work in the US based company as a software engineer but sex is hubby. This story is about my team member, her name was Neetu (name changed). I am working with this company for 6 years and she just joined 1 week back. They day she joined our team, I was stunned by looking her beauty, her figure is perfect 36-28-36, her boobs was so nice...

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Building ones empire

Well, today is the day. You rub your hands excitedly as you look over the pile of games and the sleek black cover of the magic device you had purchased with a good chunk of your savings. Today was the day you would be able to put your plan in action of seducing, or just out fucking gorgeous video game ladies and fathering your children with them. A life-time geek, you had often longed to nab a hot babe just ?like everyone else? and enjoy the pleasures of the flesh. However, while you are...

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Money Make Me Surrogate Father To Call Boy

Hello to all ISS Readers & Welcome u to lots of love, My name is Vicky from pune & I m 28yrs old good-looking guy with 5.5″ hight,60kg weight, air complexion, fit body.& I m very old fan of ISS, so decided to share my sexual life with u guys, and this is my first story. So please friends email me your precious comments on my email id – / after completed MBA from pune in 2008, I got job in some company but after 2 years I got fired from my job because of ressesion. So i was looking for another...

3 years ago
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MAU Typhoid Mary Syndrome

Author's notes: I've watched the evolution of MAU with mixed emotions. On the one hand, it's been quite popular for authors, which is rewarding to watch. On the other, well, one thing I really didn't want to create was a universe based on fantasy, and I hoped the rules would help contain that. Unfortunately, my fears have been realized as stories have strayed into the fantastic and beyond. I could be like Bill with SRU and consider anything not by me to be non-canon. I could close...

1 year ago
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David shows up again

I spent part of that night tossing and turning in the bed at the guest room at my dear in laws house. My father in law, Enrique, had sodomized me after my mother in law, Ofelia, had retired to their bedroom. My asshole was itching and, although I had pleasured myself and reached climax twice, I still was really horny.The next day early morning I heard some noises coming from the main bedroom and then I knew Ofelia was enjoying my father in law’s dick.She moaned and screamed like a bitch in heat...

1 year ago
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Twice LuckyChapter 29

Jake’s conversation with Charles occupied almost his entire mind as he went up the stairs to see Debbie. She called him in when he knocked on her door. She was folding some clothes she had just washed and dried so Jake flopped down on her bed to watch. “What’s up, Sis? We haven’t talked in forever.” “I know, Jake. We live twenty feet from each other and we never seem to cross paths.” “How’s your love life? Getting any?” he asked. “Getting a lot, as a matter of fact. I finally got it on...

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Ladys Last DanceChapter 3

Late Morning, Akron The shop was only a short drive from the motel. When Paul and Cindy walked through the door, a thin beautiful woman ran across the sales floor and jumped into Paul's arms. Cindy was taken with the woman's beauty. Lush brown hair fell half way down her narrow back and framed a long narrow face. The woman's pronounced cheekbones protruded below chocolate colored eyes in a way that shouted runway model. Her dark features were offset by a startling white complexion. Her...

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Conquests of Eric RochetChapter 12

A week later Eric had called her to arrange another tryst. "With you and Devon?" she asked expectantly. "No someone new and quite different." "Really? How so?" "Let's just say that he'll be introducing you to a side of yourself that you haven't as yet discovered." "Being a bit mysterious aren't we?" "No, not really. It's just time that an adventurous woman like yourself found a purpose in life." "I don't..." "It will all become clear on Friday... that is the night...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 114

Phillip and Dessie Albright (Selina's parents) returning from skiing, were invited into Helen's school while class was in session. "We would like to talk with you in private, if we may," Phillip said. Later, when their conference was over, Helen smiled at them, "Our new classrooms were completed yesterday, but we're going to wait until the weekend to begin moving everything. Would you like to see them, now that they are completed?" Phillip and Dessie exchanged glances, then he...

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The wife

I would like to tell you a true story from my marriage. We are an average couple of middle class from South England. We do however like to keep things interesting in the bedroom (or outside). The wife is mid 30s medium build with long brown hair and a big bust. I am also medium build with brown hair and early 30s. On this night she was wearing just purple knickers and had no top or bra on. We are both into our box sets both together and separate. On this particular night we were watching...

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Black Man White Girlfriend and their bitch Chapter 1Caught

Black Man, White Girlfriend and Their bitch Chapter 1 - Caught! By sissybabs I work for a small company as a phone sales operator. I generally work the closing shift from about 2 in the afternoon until 10. You'd think this would be the busiest time but since it's for a commercial supply company the place kind of dies after 6. I bust my hump before then but from about but after 6:00 I'm in the office by myself and I like it that way. It's a nice quiet environment and I can generally...

4 years ago
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Back when I was 19, My first serious girlfriend was named Jennifer. She was 18, about 5' 6", about 130 lbs, very attractive with THICK brown/black hair. She had 36DD tits, big nipples about an inch long when excited, a flat stomach, nice legs, a great ass and a real thick bush and she tasted delicious as I ate her alot.She was built like a brick shithouse.Anyhow, one day we decided to go a new beach we had heard about. It was anude beach, and we both got real excited about it. We decided to...

1 year ago
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Fantasy Vacation Chapter 16

Chapter XVI     Terri and Mike were wrapping up the discussion of today episode on the lake when Don and Carol joined them in the parking lot.   "Are we all ready for a good dinner?" Carol asked opening the side door of the van and moving inside.   "About as ready as we'll ever be!" Terri replied, getting into the front seat with Mike.   "Well let's get going then I don't want to keep our new friends...

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Chronos Chronicles 3 Journey AroundChapter 24 Throne of Heaven

"Alys, you can come out." I tell her. She peeks back around King Louie's Throne for the tenth time, her brown eyes focus only on Holliday; who is now grinning like a fool, as he has three women falling over him with care and attention. Not giving a care that he is still sitting on the floor naked as the day he was born. "How is Louie?" I ask to get her attention. "He's still out cold." She doesn't even turn her head away from her perusal of Holliday. "Louie is here?" Holliday...

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