Kingdom Of LoveChapter 4 free porn video

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"Oliver! Oliver, you and I must talk," Myrna said in a gush as she burst in on the circus manager late that night. "You'll never believe this. But, already that little she-bitch has got her heat on--and I just left her licking Justice's ass in the center ring."

"You should have joined in, my dear." Oliver grinned lewdly at the animal whip in Myrna's hand. 'Evidently, you'll just have to start whipping the girl into shape earlier than you thought."

Oliver Oates, short, squat and blond, chuckled like a greedy fat child after three candy bars.

He was a punster when he could be but most often Myrna's whip cut his wit off short. She glared at him now.

"This is no time for bad jokes, Oliver Oates." She reprimanded the fat little man and the chuckle disappeared. "We're going to have trouble with that kid."

"What kind of trouble, Myrna?" Oliver whined. "I thought your sister said she was an animal lover."

"Oh, stop your sniveling and let me think!" Myrna snapped, then turned her back on Oliver's dismay and stared into the night. "Oh, it's no use!" She stomped her foot, then turned back to face Oates. "I'm sure what Amanda says about the girl is true enough, but that's not the question here."

"Why! I believe you're jealous, Myrna love," Oliver said cunningly.

"What? Of that kid? She couldn't possibly come between me and the animals. Why, my years of experience alone... Hell, I'm old enough to be her mother!"

"That's not what she's come between, dear," Oliver said with relish in his voice. "She's come between you and Justice, Dear. And you're afraid she might be better than you."

"That little brown nose," sneered Myrna unconvincingly. "She'll never be the cocksucker I am--I can assure you of that."

"Have you checked the animals yet?" asked Oliver, suddenly feeling queasy and wanting to change the subject in the face of Myrna's wrath.

"No," Myrna answered irritably. She had nearly forgotten her nightly check she was so pissed at that little bitch. "No, I haven't, dammit! And wipe that sneer off your face!"

"Yes, Myrna," Oliver said sheepishly as with some effort he turned his lips up into a grin.

"And wipe that insane smile off your face, as well!" Myrna's voice rose in a tirade and Oliver was caught betwixt and between.

When Oliver had nowhere else to go, he became jovial: "Yes, indeedy!"

"Oh God, you are incorrigible," Myrna gasped, completely exasperated. "Come on. I want you along when I check the animals."

"Not tonight, Myrna."

"Tonight, Oliver," Myrna insisted, now firmly gaining control of herself. "I haven't seen you around the ewe much lately. For a while there, a real love affair was going on. What happened, Oliver? She too hot to handle?"

"There's no need for abuse, Myrna. I'll come with you, of course; just let me get my coat."

As they walked together across the circus ground to the animal tent, Oliver's shape was like a butterball next to the statuesque Myrna. She was still in a lather and smacked the coiled whip against her leg like a tambourine in march step. Her jaw was set and her eyes gleamed with a hidden fever. Her strides were so long that the shorter legs of Oliver nearly had to run to keep up with her.

When Myrna was in this kind of mood Oliver knew better than to say anything; so he merely hurried along by her side and kept silent.

When they arrived at the animal tent, Myrna suddenly ordered: "Put your hipboots on, Oliver. I want you in the ring with the ewe."

Rather than enrage her any further Oliver shrugged his coat off and took the huge rubber boots to a nearby bench and sat down.

Myrna moved between the bars of the cage rows until she found the ewe and her ram. Then she trotted out the female while holding the old man off with the handle of her whip against his forehead. "Phew!" she grunted with the effort. Turning, she saw that Oliver already had his pants off and was into his hipboots. He looked ludicrous; the plump mounds of his white ass glared chubbily in the dark. She flicked the whip sharply from her side and a tiny ping of pain stung Oliver's behind.

"Now you know how I feel about the whip, Myrna. I forbid you to employ it on me!"

"Shut up, and get in the pen, Oliver. Here's the ewe."

The sheep's eyes gleamed like red rocks of fire in her white head as she gazed up at Oliver from beneath Myrna's hand. He was entranced by those eyes and moved like a fat wooden soldier into the training pen.

The ewe followed and Myrna swung the gate closed behind them. Oliver had his back to the animal and when she pawed the ground impatiently he turned to face her. He approached her with a coo in his voice so as not to get her excited at first. He wanted to avoid a struggle with her legs when he picked up her rear end and imprisoned the limbs within his boots. He soothed her fleecy coat with light strokes as he moved along her flank.

"Good girl. Good. Take it easy." Oliver's voice was gentle and sure; as he took her by the loins and dropped her hooves into the hipboot tops. She squirmed a little and Oliver had to struggle to avoid being toppled, but soon she calmed and he soothed her rump with gentle hands. Expertly his fingers found the puckered twat beneath the sheep's fleecy ass and he moved his stubby cock toward its goal. Wriggling the tip of his stem into the blossom of the ewe's cunt.

Just then Myrna's whip stung him like a bee on his chubby ass and he screeched his displeasure.

"No whip, Myrna! No whip--I told you that!"

Oliver was beginning to sweat from the effort required to keep the wriggling ewe impaled on his prick. He grasped each side of the sheep's flanks and clutched the loins of her legs to him while his midsection worked to get a rhythm started. He was huffing and puffing around the pen with the sheep's weight on her forward hooves like a wheelbarrow. He was maintaining his own-- but it was a struggle. Finally he managed to guide her into a corner of the square pen and to press her into it. Her head tucked between the ropes while Oliver resumed his thrusts.

The ewe's twat was elastic and hot around Oliver's stubby joint. As he stroked, it pulled on his foreskin like a suction cup. Both the men and the animal were grunting and too far out of whip range for Myrna to flick.

Lazily she considered whether or not to enter the pen and nick little fleshpots from Oliver's ass with the whip. But she tried not to be cruel to any beast. So, instead she put the thought away and leaned on the gate to watch.

Joan awoke with a start from where she slept curled like a kitten in the crook of Justice's arm. She listened tensely for some sign of what had awakened her, while Justice groaned in his sleep and rolled away from her tension.

There it is again, she thought when the sound of the squawking ewe reached her ears from the direction of the animal tent.

Like a cat she slipped silently to her feet and rubbed her eyes to adjust them from the glow of sleep to the dark night. Then treading with her lightest step she slipped through the night toward the source of the noise. She was the huntress again, and so caught up in the role of a stalking cat was she that she crept off and forgot the room key still clutched in Justice's sleeping hand.

She paused for a moment when she became aware of the cool night air on the swath of her exposed skin. She quietly zipped the leotards back together and the white flesh disappeared with only the slightest of whispers. Then she resumed her quiet stalking of the sounds that had awakened her.

She followed stealthily past the tiers of seats and into the hallway to the animal tent. She crept along in the deepest shadows with all her senses alert and like a leopard did not make a sound.

The grunting increased and she began to suspect that both a human and an animal were responsible for it. As she drew closer she saw the leather-clad figure of Myrna Westmore leaning against the corral fence. Not wishing to be discovered sneaking about silently, Joan changed her tack. She stepped out of the shadows boldly, being sure to scrape her feet for the noise and approached the apparently enraptured Myrna with a firm step.

As she drew within a few feet of Myrna, the woman's voice suddenly cracked like a whip. "You could have come silently, Joan. I've known you were coming for some time now!"

"You think you always know, don't you?" Joan said reaching the gate. "You said something very much like that this morning when you found me in the main tent. Did you arrange this show for my benefit?"

"Let's say in response to the brown nosing you were doing with Justice earlier..." Joan eyed the white globes of Oliver's fat ass as they bobbed gelatinously in the dim light.

"What's that--a ewe--he's with? And who is it anyway?"

"Oliver Oates, my dear, the circus manager. And to answer your first question: yes, it is a ewe."

Myrna's voice dropped into a matter-of-fact, friendly tone as she continued, "He was too busy to see you today. You'll meet shortly, though, I'm sure. And now back to Justice, my dear. Another little something that didn't come to your attention today is that Justice is mine alone as long as he is with this circus." A dreamy light came into her eyes. "And I don't think he has any reason to complain." She licked her lips lasciviously.

Joan watched her with deliberate humor and mewed, "My, yes! He does taste good."

At first Myrna did not answer. All that could be heard was the cacophony of grunts and bawls from the fornicating couple in the corner of the pen.

With imperceptible slowness, her eyes seemed to fill with rage and Joan tried to imagine what Oliver and the ewe looked like through those angry eyes.

She could not. To her, they were simply an animal and a man engaged in the event of bestial sex. The union aroused heat in her loins while her mind became cool and stellar in its placid depths. The innocence she radiated in the face of Myrna's rage infuriated the woman to a new pitch. The cheshire expression on Joan's puss nearly made Myrna scream like one of her big savage cats. She would teach this little bitch!

"Think you're pretty good, don't you, pussycat?" Myrna snarled.

"When I want to be, just like everybody else." The cut was obvious and Joan left it to sink in as she continued coolly, "But I don't really wish to talk--I'd rather watch."

She turned on her words and gave her attention to the man and goat. No--ewe, she reminded herself, though what the difference it made she had not yet enough experience in her short life to comprehend.

Suddenly the enormity of her commitment to bestiality glared out of the pen at her and she was fascinated with the sight.

The bawling animal was like an overstuffed sheep dog, while the fat man's jolly buns bunched into her behind. In Joan's imagination she saw the two nutty putty mountains doing the soul shake behind the sheep and Joan squirmed with delight at the thought.

"Like to watch, do you?" Myrna drawled in Joan's ear. "All right. Come along with me."

Joan was fascinated by Oliver and the ewe and did not want to leave. But then she shrugged and complied. After all, Myrna was turning their relationship into a battleground and there seemed to be nothing else she could do.

Myrna turned and stalked off with a suddenly tired Joan following. From Myrna's tone, what was coming had to be something lewd and Joan wondered whether or not it was all worth it. She was strangely dissatisfied with the whole affair. Bestiality seemed sordid when in the presence of Myrna and Joan did not like the change. Myrna seemed to make a special effort to be dislikeable at the outset of any exchange between the two of them. Joan wondered at the cause.

Amanda was not like that. Joan's mind ran over remembrances of Amanda: the secret, almost blushing smile that washed across her face as Prince fucked Joan and Amanda watched. She truly enjoyed the play. But not so, it seemed with Myrna. Myrna wanted to corrupt everything with hate. Again Joan wondered what it was that Myrna wished to show her. She would try to make it ugly and Joan would fight to keep it pure. The stage was set.

Myrna emerged from the shadows, leading a pony behind her. The animal's coat was like steeldust in the dim light. And Joan could see a tired, woeful expression on his face.

"It's late to wake him up, isn't it?" she asked Myrna with concern.

The woman only smirked and shouldered her way past the girl, with the small horse trailing dutifully along.

Don't let her get your goat now, girl, Joan reminded herself to be cool. Quietly she joined the train of midnight figures in the rear.

Myrna led her back past Oliver and the ewe. Joan paused long enough to make out that the man must be cumming. Good! she thought triumphantly. Myrna did not see.

But she did not stay long, as the pony's flank was already disappearing from view. She hurried to catch Up.

Myrna seemed to be headed for the center ring.

Joan wondered if Justice was still there and what he would do if Myrna found him. As they entered the ring she breathed a sigh of relief to note that he had gone. Then she remembered he still must have her key.

Myrna's whip swiftly cracked through the air and the pony trotted away in a widening circle. The whip snapped again and the pony's iron-shod hooves began a rhythmic clomp.

Joan was not sure, but she guessed he was a long-haired shetland. His tail stood behind him like a silver comb and streamed in a point to the long grey feathers floating along his flank. His white mane slapped the steeldust grey of his noble neck and his head turned his eye to follow Myrna's commands.

The whip cracked at his forelegs and he began a goose-step trot. Clip clop, clip clop went his hooves as he strutted proudly about the circus ring. Joan's heart went out to the horse: how beautiful he wag.

Myrna's whip cracked between the pony's legs and he slowed to a walk. Joan found herself standing next to the seat she had been in earlier in the day, and she sat down to watch the show again.

Myrna was an incredibly compelling figure in the gloom of the dark tent as she spun on her heel to follow the pony's walk. His pace quickened again to the snap of the whip in the air and his coat seemed to sparkle electricity in the dark. Blue sparks clung to his gunbarrel colored coat and shone brightly.

The woman looked like a leather crop handle as she revolved in the center of the ring. Her fingers toyed down the front of her leathers and unfastened the buttons one by one. Her face cast a leonine glare into the shadows where Joan sat and she swelled her breasts with contempt.

She pulled the tails of her deerskin shirt from her waistband and ran her red-nailed hands across her golden abdomen.

Despite her reserve Joan's breath quickened a notch. So did the pony's trot.

Myrna flared the bells of her slender nose, shook her head and stepped up the pace with a nick of the whip on the pony's shiny flank. The animal snorted with the cruel flick and Joan felt contemptuous of Myrna. But she could not deny a flicker of interest in Myrna's charms.

Myrna stood planted in one place now with her body seeming to rock in a rhythm to the pony's clip-cloping hooves. She clutched the whip handle in her teeth while her arms struggled to get out of the snug fit of her leather coat. Her torso was bare beneath the garment and it seemed to Joan that her body was shiny with sweat.

She was like a pagan princess carved out of jade as she stood glaring at Joan with her bare breasts heaving and gleaming. They were as pendulous as Amanda's and swung from her chest like tropical melons. Joan felt her mouth desire a taste of the sweet water in the melons and stood up without hesitating to unzip her clothes.

When Myrna saw the movement, a leer of sadistic pleasure swept across her face and she peeled her lush hips out of her leather pants.

Joan rolled the leopard spotted garment off one shoulder at a time.

Her breasts were no match for Myrna's in weight but they had a greatly sensuous beauty all their own. Strawberry nipple tips crowned the gentle mounds of her young, eager, sexy flesh. She finished rolling one leg of her costume off as Myrna cast aside her own pants with one hand while she ran the other deeply into the lush dark growth of the furred vee between her legs. She watched the girl roll the other leg of her leotards off and approach her. Myrna was forced to admit to herself she admired what she was.

In the dim tent light Joan's slim body was elven. The sensuality of animal creatures glowed from within Joan and her lithe form radiated a feline grace.

The way she carries herself is so pussy-after-a-dish-of- cream, thought Myrna viciously, wondering how Joan would look with some horse cock stuffed well into her. If there was a chance, she'd damn well find out.

As Joan approached Myrna she felt her cunt heat up with expectation. She felt the hot slick crease between her legs moisten and the lips pout open as if for breath. Without speaking Joan bowed her head slightly as she reached Myrna and suckled her mouth onto the plum of the woman's breast.

The suddenness of the move surprised Myrna but she recovered herself quickly. Her right hand still held the whip and while Joan kissed and sucked her tender nipple, she ground the handle absentmindedly into her thigh as she spoke.

"I thought you said you liked to watch," Myrna's voice was contemptuous of Joan for what she took to be submission.

"I like to do this, too," Joan breathed heavily, as she took her mouth from Myrna's nipple to answer.

"What don't you like, my dear?" Myrna asked sarcastically.

"Cruelty," Joan replied with a level gaze at the woman.

Myrna laughed in her face.

"I am not cruel, my dear. My love is to administer discipline--not punishment. You misunderstand my actions."

"You may call it discipline, Myrna. But that's not what it looks like to me. Put down that whip if you're telling the truth and let's make love. We will soon know each other well enough to judge."

Myrna threw the whip aside and said scornfully, "I don't need a whip to tame you, pussycat. I can do it with my tongue!"

"We'll see," said Joan evenly and resumed mouthing Myrna's breast. She let the weight of her head hang from the pendulum's end and encircled Myrna's waist with her arms. Myrna allowed her knees to collapse and followed Joan's weight down until their bodies reached the earth.

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The next morning was Saturday. I went down stairs wondering what I was going to say to Sarah. The door to her room was shut and I assumed that she was still sleeping. I made myself some coffee, brought out my school books, grabbed a chair at the kitchen table, and started to read. Not much later Sarah came through the kitchen door having been outside jogging. She asked me what I was up to, and then, not waiting for a response from me, disappeared into her room. She emerged a short time later...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Kims Possible

I asked tall blonde Kim Doney if she wanted to hang out with me,she seemed uninterested but I really wanted to get to know her more. A few months later eventually we ended up hanging out at The gig in Riverwest. I caught the 14 and got off and walked to the bar. When I got there I walked in and she was sitting at the bar chatting with the bartender. she looked over saw me and came strolling over, she looked stunning in a metallic and black dress and black flip flops. Man, I always fantasized...

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Jacks Shorts

The Bondage Pet I opened the door and called "Honey, I'm home" when I returned from work in the early afternoon. "How was your day?" she replied from the kitchen where she'd been feeding the cat. I entered the room and was immediately perplexed: she was wearing her bathrobe and as far as I could see nothing under it. "You're planning something special for today?", I asked. She put her naughty smile on and replied "Maybe...". "You could force me to cum. Several times, for good measure." she...

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Unexpected Fun During Travel

Hi to all. I am Kishore from chennai. I am working in one of the top mnc in chennai. Normally I am single and just next door guy. Chennai girls who wants fun or need good friend to roam just ping me dear. Ok do not waste our time lets go to story. This is real story from my life its happened 2 years ago. I did my graduation in one of the best university and during my project I went to goa(place changed). Am always concentrated on my work basically I do not have trust in love ( until I meet my...

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One In Three

Place. Hold. Set. Soft. Closed. Tight. Length. Breadth. Depth. Push. Clutch. Pushing. Tighter. Harder. Dry. Big. Give. In. Warm. Deep. Drag. Then deep then drag. Then deep then drag again. And again. "Is this what you want?" her brother, from behind her, stroking. "mm-mhuh... ; more - " like you did them, she said, his sister, naming names. They sat across from George in a row from left to right, Maggie and their three girls - teenaged and too-true, triplets - his bevy of...

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Loving Las Vegas

‘CindySpice, you are an amazing woman.’ Hello Las Vegas! That was my motto for three beautiful nights and two and a half days. They say that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, how true that is. At least it is for me. I had never been to Las Vegas before though I’d had the opportunity to go once before but just didn’t think it smart at the time. Looking back I’m grateful that I didn’t go when I had the chance because I don’t think I would have done all that I did this time, probably not even...

1 year ago
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Secret KissesChapter 3

On Tuesday morning, Stephanie went to school with trepidation in her heart. She had thought of nothing but Kelly and the kiss all weekend. The feeling of the pretty woman's lips on hers was like nothing she had experienced. It was so different from a man's kiss. While, she was sure she wasn't a lesbian, she now wondered if she was what they called "Bi-sexual". She didn't like labels, but she could think of no other words that fit. She had never reacted to a kiss from a man like that....

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Mr Wallace Chapter One The Job Interviw

I remember the first time I cleaned house for Mr Wallace. He was an older gentleman who moved into town a few years ago and bought the big house up the hill that overlooked the park. He was known for spying on the ladies jogging and sunning themselves in the summer months, as well as paying ladies “generously” for very light house cleaning and help in the garden . My friend Amy worked for him for a few months before she moved back to California and she told me the less she wore, the more...

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Whos Feminizing Who

Who's Feminizing Who? Dana is a last year college student who likes following an all-female band. When one of them takes an interest in him, he feels like he has won the lottery. I had been dating Laura for about six months when we were having lunch with her roommate Carolyn one Friday after our classes. Laura and Carolyn were close friends from high school and had been part of an Indie band with their friend Bethany. Bethany had just explained that she was leaving for an around the...

3 years ago
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Memoirs of a Minion

Once upon a time, there was a land called Theras. The land was a prosperous and peaceful one, separated into four separate kingdoms that found mutual understanding. To the north, the mountainous lands of the dwarves where the people of the mountains mined and lived out their lives digging out precious metals to be shaped into wondrous tools and items that could be sold and traded among the four kingdoms. To the east, the forested lands of the elves stood in quiet and peaceful solitude, the...

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Road Trip With MomChapter 2

"C'mere, baby, it's time for your oral exam to begin." A shiver of excitement ran down Josh's spine as he listened to his mother. How many times had he fantasized about burying his face between her gorgeous legs and eating her until she couldn't take it any longer—and now, he was going to have his chance. With her crooked finger beckoning him, he leaned forward and moved between her spread thighs, mesmerized by the dizzying display of her lush mature body. His mother Erica looked so...

3 years ago
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Right from the Start Chapter Ten

Right from the Start Chapter Ten - By: Beverly Taff Chapter Ten Dorie Lou was an expert at planning touring campaigns. During the cool of the morning the pair toured the external sites then, as the noonday sun climbed the sky, they visited the high vaulted museums to savour the cooler indoor galleries. In the heat of the early afternoon, the girls retreated to a caf? and savoured some ice-cold sorbets. They sat inside though, not for them the eviscerating heat of the pavement c...

3 years ago
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House Guest Part Two

So carrying on from where I left off in Part One. If you haven't read it, then go get up to speed!Gemma got home from work with a bit of a shock to myself and Louise who was about to get her tonsils tickled by my cock. So I've got myself composed and get to the kitchen before she has got into the house. Prepping dinner I hear foot steps and turn to see Gemma walk in. Fuck she looks good, she had a Black suit jacket and trousers on. Matching this was a White blouse and just visable under it was...

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Futa MILFs and Their Hot Daughters Chapter 5 Latina MILFs Futa Delight

Chapter Five: Latina MILF's Futa Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! At the same time, Kayleen Harland was finishing up with the next batch of her miracle substance, her daughter, Jolene, was hurriedly dressing in Mrs. Morales's living room. Jolene pulled her baggy skirt over her big futa-dick, still wet with MILF juices. She left Mrs. Morales swimming in jizz. As she rushed to the front door, she pulled on her top. Kayleen hummed away as...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 74 Reminder to Fear Malls

Morgan's question stuck with me for the next two hours as we wandered the mall. Beatrice had handed out cash to everyone when we first arrived and told us to spend it as we pleased. Angelique had been given a twenty and begged to be shown where she might purchase a teddy bear. I found a children's store and took Angelique inside as my friends scattered throughout the mall. Angelique wandered the entire store, gazing longingly at a couple of the dolls before heading over to an area filled...

3 years ago
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I Couldnt Believe That Happened Part 5

I had never been put into a dangerous and potentially risky situation as I had with Tammy. But then again, I had never openly advertised the fact that I liked to fuck sixteen and seventeen year old teenage girls. Nor had I ever discussed, or let it be known, that I'd slept with one of my step-daughter's friends. However, being at Tammy's house one evening, and the fact that her parents came home just shortly after we'd had intense, very pleasuring and physical sex, didn't help matters much. I...

2 years ago
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Hard Rain

© May 20, 2001 Preface Subject: Stories From: '--' To: [email protected] Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 11:22:00 -0700 I noticed your author bio on asstr and was very interested by it. You mentioned a desire to have people pass on requests. I have talked to many different people over the last year about my own desires and a few people said they were very interested in my ideas, some even said they might develop my ideas into a story, but these people have all...

1 year ago
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Analized Maxim Law A Submissive Anal Whore

Maxim Law sits patiently with a bottle of lube. Her master is going to open up her asshole today. It’s her first time on camera giving up her ass to anyone and she is nervous but excited. Maxim is a submissive sex slave who loves rough sex. She is well behaved and willing to do whatever it takes to impress her master. Her big natural tits bounce as she gets fucked harder and harder until her tightest hole is gaped open and used. She begs for more as she bends over and holds her ass open...

2 years ago
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Todd and Danny part 3

This story is true by all accounts the names have been changed but the facts haven't. This story is based on my time in the military during the don't ask don't tell era. After lying in Todd's arms i was in love and would do anything for Todd. In the days after the fuck session with Todd things started to change no matter what i did for Todd it was never enough or good enough. I was considering just moving on but Todd said if i left he would see to it that every one on post would know that i was...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 4 With Power comes Corruption Absolute power corrupts absolutely

A few days later John and Jenny were coming into the apartment. They found two men wearing white shirts and ties in the apartment on the sixth floor, “Who are you and what are you doing here?” John asked. “We are with Homeland Security, and we have some serious questions to ask you.” The taller man stated as he flashed his badge. “How did you get in here?” John knew, but he wanted them to say it, “Do you have a warrant?” “We don’t need a warrant to haul in someone that is a suspected...

2 years ago
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Shanti was a real lovely maid

I was having a few days leave from university, so left hostel and was in home. I am pretty active in the sex department, in hostel and in university toilets, guys and gals- no holds barred. A few days at home was making me starving and impatient. A cool breeze came with a new maid. Her name is shanti. Without even seeing her nude, i knew how hot a figure she had inside. Best part was her hips, her color and the body proportion apart from her sweet innocent face. Both my parents are working, so...

3 years ago
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My Best Friend CameronChapter 4

I couldn't have been asleep for too long, because when Cameron woke me up, I was still covered in a light coat of sweat from our earlier activity. She was standing over me, and the light from the setting sun shined through the window and over her shoulder, making her look like a fallen angel. At that moment, Cameron was gorgeous enough to take my breath away. I couldn't remember waking up to a more divine sight in my short life. She was dressed now, obviously almost ready to leave for the...

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The Chronicles of Mark and Jennifer Ch 02

Mark’s story Oh my God, Jen had accepted! She was actually going to go out with me. I stripped off and ran a hot bath: I wanted to be as clean as could be, and this student slums apartment doesn’t have a shower, so it’s baths for me. I shampooed and washed up, and then shaved. Time to pick out the right clothes. Well, for me, that meant khakis. This was a few years before the preppy look was in, but I still had some khakis. We weren’t allowed to wear jeans in high school, so I had several...

2 years ago
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Jiana Agrees for Promotion

Please read the as well for knowledge about the characters. That night was amazing with Renisa and my bhabhi. Renisa kept in contact with me and she kept mentioning that we should do that again. On the other side, Jiana was doing really well in her professional work life. She somehow managed her work and her higher studies and her escapades which always put me to think how amazing this woman was. Coming to her husband, he has stopped calling her on the weekends but I see his text message icon...

3 years ago
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The School Bookstore

At the high school I attended we had daily study halls with the option of going to the library instead of the main commons which was located centrally within the school.It was my sophomore year two months into the new school year.I had been going to the library and reading a few of the more interesting books that were in a school's library.The librarian Miss Daniels was a curvaceous red head around thirty-eight years old.Whenever I went to the front desk to check out a new book,she always...

2 years ago
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A Married Closet Queen Learns The Ropes

I started cheating on my wife when I couldn't contain my desire for cock any longer. I was a deeply closeted homosexual who was in complete denial. Well, maybe not COMPLETE denial, because I had been crossdressing since puberty. Due to my petite frame and looks, I had no problem passing as a woman in public, and had been doing so since puberty. But the minute I'd go home and masturbate, I'd hate myself and make all sorts of excuses as to why I wasn't a queer.I met Dani at an online Asian dating...

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A bad day gets better

You call me after a really bad day. I can hear the stress in your voice so I tell you I will be right over and help with some relief. I come in and give you a hug then open the bottle of wine I brought and pour you a glass. I suggest I good full body massage to help soothe you and you quickly agree. Of course my best massages are the nude hot oil type and you already know that there are magic in these fingers. You undress and lay down while I warm the oil and d**** a towel over that sexy...

2 years ago
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Mom needs it

Follow me if you like my work on instagram @raqm0900And Fiction, Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, First Time, i****t, Teen Male / FemaleIntroduction:Mom sees son with girlfriend, knows she can please him better.For a brief, insane moment I feared they could hear the pounding in my chest. I jerked my head back around the corner and leaned against the wall in the hallway, struggling to catch my breath, trying in vain to force my heartbeat to slow.I only watched for...

2 years ago
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Beast Feast SisterChapter 3

Karen had bought the Alsatian precisely and specifically as a cuntlapper, some time ago. The big brute had such a lovely cock and balls that naturally, the naughty girl had wondered what it would be like to fuck with him, but she had never really considered it seriously, figuring that his tongue, followed by the reward of a hand-job, was sufficient. At the time she had first decided she wanted a doggy, Karen had had a boyfriend who, although willing and enthusiastic, had not given very good...

1 year ago
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River 5

CHAPTER FIVE So far: Camping can be dangerous, as Mark learns when he is accosted by a strange, creepy man in the camp washrooms. River is minutes away, running faster than she ever has in her life. She doesn't know what is wrong, but the river has told her that Mark is in danger. She needed to get to the camp, find out where Mark is, and then get to the washrooms before the young boy is scarred for life. There isn't enough time. (Warning, this episode deals with pedophilia, and if...

1 year ago
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SisterinLaw enjoys panty attention from her BiL

I was spending the weekend with my sister and brother-in-law and their two c***dren in New York City. I had come down for a good friend's wedding, but had decided to make a weekend of it and spend some time with my little nephew and niece who I seldom got to see. The day following the wedding, my sister and I set out early with the k**s to go shopping. I had intended to accompany them to swimming lessons at around noon, but I was so tired and hungover from the wedding that I decided I'd better...

1 year ago
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A Girl Only Dreams Make UpChapter 15

Life for Alan seems to finally have taken another turn for the better. His life hasn’t been bad up to this point. He began fucking his mother while still a teen. That continued up into adulthood. He began his business and it expanded. He became wealthy and began building up a fortune in everything from stocks to reality. Then his mother died. That hurt worse than anything he could have ever imagined. He nearly lost everything he built after that. But somewhere in the depth of despair, Alan...

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