- 3 years ago
- 25
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It was Monday afternoon and classes had been postponed indefinitely due to an influenza epidemic that had affected a majority of the students, professors, staff and townspeople of Pontiac. I had been deathly ill since the previous Thursday night but after three days and nights in bed I was feeling much better.
We convinced Mr. Oldham and Suzanne it was safe for them to leave. After Shirley saw them off she returned to the front room where I was lounging on the couch. Her eyes were still damp as a result of hearing Mr. Oldham tell me that he and Suzanne loved me. My eyes were moist too. It wasn't every day that I heard my adoptive father say that he loved me and that I should call him John.
"Do you feel well enough to talk, Sammy?"
Shirley had cared for me the last three nights, but I had been out of it that first night and then Mr. Oldham and Suzanne arrived. It occurred to me that this was the first time we had been alone together in six weeks. She took a seat on my footlocker and watched as I considered if I was up to talking.
"Why don't you start and I'll listen."
Her steady gaze told me she was trying to decide how to take my remark. "This is going to be a two-way conversation or we don't talk."
"You're the one with the most explaining to do. You talk and I'll listen," I shot back.
She picked up her jacket and headed for the door. "You must be feeling better. You certainly don't need me here."
"Shirley?" I called out and she turned, looking back, frowning.
"Take the car. I won't need it for a few days."
My offer stunned her, but only momentarily. She nodded before opening the door and closing it behind her.
I sat on the couch, wondering what just happened.
All I could do was sit there and think. Although the duration of our little argument had been short, words had been said in anger. We had just had our first fight and from the way she left, it would be our final fight.
She was clearly in the wrong by not trusting me enough to tell me about Darien's letters and then to react to my taking action by moving out of the apartment before allowing me to explain why I had made the trip to retrieve the tapes.
There was also the matter of how she had acted at the musical and the party. I knew it was acting, but she had no right to make her attraction to the geek so believable. Did she know how miserable it made me feel to see her hanging all over the guy? I'm sure she did. After all, she knows every little nuance of my being.
I resented the fact that she had her dorm room to escape to, thus being the one to decide when our little spat would end. I had no other place to go and had she chosen to prolong the words between us I would have had no other alternative but to let her dictate how long we would fight. I resented the fact that she had the upper hand.
I dialed Luke Foster's number to tell him why I hadn't shown up for work on Saturday. There was no answer in the shop. I considered trying the house but decided it was a bad idea. What if the whole family was sick?
Feeling lonely and wanting to talk to someone, I called Kent's apartment. Amy answered the phone, saying everyone else was in bed. "How do you feel?" I asked.
"I'm fine, so far."
"That's good. I hope you don't get it. Shirley escaped it too."
"We were glad to see her there with you, Sammy. I'm sure you're happy to have her back."
"She's not exactly..."
"Sammy, Laura's calling for me. I've got to go."
"Take care, Amy, I hope..." I said before hearing the dial tone.
I was dialing Olli's number when the door opened and Shirley stepped inside, smiling meekly. I returned the receiver to its cradle and watched her close the door behind her.
"The school is under quarantine. The guards wouldn't let me go inside the dorm."
Ah, good! Now we're on even ground. Neither one of us has anywhere else to go. She no longer has the option to decide when the last round is over and by the same token, I don't control the clock.
Shirley took a seat on my footlocker and spoke calmly. "I'm taking a business management course this year. One of the first things we learned is that defining the problem is a first step to solving it. Let's define the problem, shall we?"
I was so happy to have her there with me, sitting on my footlocker and speaking calmly, that I didn't dare tell her everything that was on my mind, her distrust, her swift exodus and the way she flaunted her new friend. "You start," I suggested.
As she began defining our differences I realized we were on neutral ground after all. Both of us had both confided in Tammy and she had been our go-between.
"You were justified in blaming me for not telling you about Darien's letters. The reason I didn't tell you was because I was horrified at what you would think of me when you heard the tapes. I know you so well, Sammy. I knew exactly what you would do and I was right. As soon as Tammy showed you his letter you put yourself in danger without discussing it with me. You deserved better from me. I know I should have shown more trust in you. I guess I wanted to protect you from yourself."
Shirley was crying for the second time that day. I had never seen her cry before and didn't like what I was seeing.
"Have you defined the problem?" I asked, wanting to redirect her attention.
She wiped her eyes and smiled through tears. "The problem as I see it is that I'm not good enough for you and you don't know it. I did things to alienate you toward me but you're just too damn stupid to get it. I thought you would forget me and move on but apparently, you didn't let what was on the tapes alter your feelings toward me. Every time I did something mean and spiteful, you did something nice for me. I don't deserve you, Sammy Oldham."
"Please stop crying, Shirley. It's not like you to... I don't like seeing you this way."
She tried to compose herself. I decided she needed some reassurance.
"You certainly do deserve me. If anything I don't deserve you."
"I just told you why I tried to make you believe I was with Ralph but you're too... oh, Sammy, I'm sorry I said you were stupid. I didn't mean it. I thought I had you convinced, but then I heard you turned Maggie down."
"You heard about that?" I asked, hardly believing what she had just said.
"She told everyone she was going to have sex with you that night and after I saw you leave the party early I cried myself to sleep, thinking of you together with her. Then it got around that you turned her down."
Shirley dabbed her eyes again and looked away, like she couldn't stand to look at me.
She brightened when she recalled the notes I had made on Luke Foster's family. I let her believe I had taken the job in order to gain Luke's confidence in me so I could answer her research questions.
We must have spent three hours between talking, crying, smiling and just looking at each other. I never did get a chance to tell her how disappointed I had been when she didn't trust me enough to tell me about the letters from Darien. Nor did she mention the things I had done to try to provoke her.
She told me what a joy it had been to find the photo albums I had started for K.O. and Samantha. I told her about the feeling that came over me when I found the line from The Sick Child in the library reference book. We had an early supper and went to sleep. Shirley used the couch.
The following day, Tuesday, I was able to open a book and study for quarter-finals although we didn't know when they would begin. Shirley didn't have her books with her so she occupied her time by working on the computer and interrupting me every thirty minutes to ask if I needed help with any of my subjects. I didn't but I let her help me anyway. She would brush up against me as she explained a theory or principle.
That afternoon, about three P.M., there was a knock on the door and Shirley went to answer it. I heard her talking to someone and crept to the bedroom door to hear the conversation.
"Ralph, how did you know I was here?"
"I didn't know you were here. Did you avoid getting the flu? You look great, Shirley."
I heard her giggle. "My boyfriend had a rough time, but I didn't get it."
"I'm taking a survey for the school. Is your boyfriend... is everyone who resides here well enough to attend class tomorrow?"
"Let me check. Please come inside, Ralph," Shirley said before coming to the bedroom door. "Sweetheart, are you going to be able to attend class tomorrow?"
She reached for my hand and urged me to go with her. Ralph was standing in the front room and when we got near him Shirley introduced us. "Ralph, this is Sammy Oldham, my boyfriend. He may look green around the gills, but I'll make sure he feels fit and ready for class tomorrow," she said as she pulled me to her. This was our closest contact in weeks. I put my arm around her to show Ralph I could hold on to my woman.
He shuffled his feet, nervously. "I didn't know you... I mean... I thought... are you the only residents here?"
"Charlie Evans lives here, but Shirley sent him over to the dorm so he wouldn't catch what I had. We hear he got it anyway. We don't know if they're feeling better, but we'll check," I said, looking at Shirley.
"They?" Ralph asked.
Shirley spoke up. "Charlie's staying in my room with my roommate. I'm sure that's what Sammy meant. His head is still a little cloudy, isn't it dear?"
I laughed and pulled her ass next to mine. "That's what I meant."
We were smiling at each other, adoringly, when Ralph spoke. "Classes will probably resume tomorrow, if eighty percent of the student body is able to attend. First quarter finals will begin on Thursday and run through Saturday. Anyone who misses taking a test will be allowed to make it up after Thanksgiving."
We looked at each other and I could see the wheels turning in Shirley's head. By the time Ralph was out the door we were on the same page although she said it out loud just in case my head was too cloudy to keep up with her thinking. "Friday night pizza party will be moved to Saturday and we'll leave for home early Sunday morning."
"I'll call Kent. You can talk to Tammy," I suggested. By the end of the day we had spoken to everyone we knew. Some were still feeling shaky on their feet but one more night's rest would make them ready for classes the next day. Everyone was anxious to go on Thanksgiving break, even if we had to take tests on Saturday.
Shirley waited until after dinner to call Suzanne and let her know about the new schedule. I listened to Shirley's side of the conversation. "That's too bad. I'm sorry you had a rough... yes, it must have been the weather. Oh yes, that was very nice of Mr. Oldham... yes, Sammy got choked up... yes, we were both... he is... yes, I will, thank you for the suggestion, Suzanne... wonderful, we'll see you about four on Sunday, you too, goodbye."
I didn't ask what Suzanne had been talking about, preferring to use my imagination as to what she had said.
Other than having my arm around her when Ralph was in the apartment, we didn't touch and when we went to bed; Shirley headed for the couch. I didn't offer to share my bed, feeling that we both needed time. It was almost like the year before when we worked up to sharing the same bed for months before having sex.
We got up early so she could go by her dorm room and dress for school, but I didn't go to breakfast with her and the group. Just because she had called me her boyfriend in front of Ralph didn't mean we were back together.
Almost everyone came back to class that day. Talk was mainly about how sick we had been. Maggot made a remark about being so sick he didn't want to eat an Apple and some said they had been so sick they wanted to die.
Review was the order of the day. Some of my professors practically gave us a blueprint as to what to expect on the exam. I guess they felt lenient because most of us had missed thee days of classes.
I got a surprise when Shirley joined us for lunch and I could tell Kent and Amy were surprised to see her there too.
"I just wanted to make sure you're not going to workout this afternoon. You're not up to it yet. Is that all you're going to have to eat?"
I looked at Kent and grimaced. "Nurse Pennington wants me to get my strength back."
Shirley placed her hand on my forehead, dramatically. "My patient needs his strength to do his best on finals."
She waited until Kent and Amy left before revealing why she had joined us for lunch. "Since you won't be working out you can help me with some of my stuff."
"Does that mean you're moving back to the apartment?"
"Do you want me?"
"Yes, I want you but it bothers me that you said only some of your stuff."
She smiled; looking relieved by my answer and placed her hand on my arm. "Would it bother you less if I said we'll move everything else when we come back from Thanksgiving break?"
Our eyes met as I nodded my agreement.
Charlie helped us move most of Shirley's things from her dorm room to the apartment. She made dinner for us and we studied for the tests we were taking the following day.
We never did find out what had taken place in the dorm room, but we took notice when Charlie called Tammy before we retired for the night. He did a double take when he saw that Shirley was going to sleep on the couch, He was way above remarking about it.
I had two exams on Thursday, two on Friday and one on Saturday morning. Shirley had about the same schedule and we could have left at midday if it hadn't been for our commitment to have the pizza party at the apartment.
It was a blustery day as we packed the car and I wished we could get on the road to avoid the messy weather that was sure to come. After a light lunch I could tell what she was thinking when Shirley looked at me. "Go ahead, I'll clean up the kitchen," I said.
She dashed out the door, waving as she headed for the dress shop.
I was loading the dishwasher and thinking about the difficulties a few bad thoughts and misunderstandings had caused when she burst through the door and headed toward me. I barely had time to pucker up before her lips met mine with a Shirley-special. I didn't get a chance to get my arms around her before she was backing away. "That should hold us until tonight," she said as she went out the door for the second time.
The serious look, a promise, in her gray eyes was all that kept me from catching up with her and returning the kiss. I went to the landing and yelled down to her, "Tonight?"
She turned at the bottom of the stairs and looked up at me. "Tonight and every night as long as you'll have me."
All I could do was gaze down as she backed away, smiled and entered the dress shop. I went to work at the cabinet shop just to have something to do.
It was a good thing Luke kept me away from the band-saw that afternoon because my head was in the clouds. He was getting over a bout with the flu as well, so we were both a bit unsteady on our feet. We worked together installing glued cabinet parts into fixtures to cure. Without the noise of machinery running we were able to talk.
"Is making custom cabinets your main business, Luke?"
"It's about fifty-fifty. Why do you ask?"
"Hi, Mel."She started crying and talking incoherently, eventually making some sense. "I was sure you weren't going to call. I'm so sorry. I love you, please don't leave me. Please!" She became more excited, "I've got my period on Sunday night, I'm not pregnant, please don't leave me. I'll do anything, please, anything. I've been such an idiot. I know you won't believe me, but I do love you. I should have come to you. when Ang told me."She finally stopped, panting out of breath, but continued...
CheatingThe flight into Phoenix was not a pleasant one. Audra was excited as it was her first flight and she gripped my hand until I almost thought that I was going to lose circulation during takeoff. Audra quickly calmed down after we were in the air but two squabbling pre-teens in the seats behind us made it impossible to rest. Landing in Denver, an airport I had never been to before, added a touch of anxiety as we had only 25 minutes to deplane, run halfway down a concourse to catch the airport...
‘I’m sorry to pull you away from the rest of the family, hon, but I just wanted to get away for a little bit. I swear if one more person tells me how sorry they are, I’m gonna scream.’ She paused, seemed to collect her thoughts. ‘I’m so glad you came. Your father would have been glad, too.’ I just listened, not really knowing what to say. It came to mind to say something flippant about the likelihood of anything pleasing my father, but on the heels of that thought came a memory of the night...
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Author's Note: This chapter is very much me experimenting with different writing techniques. I'm purposely jumping back and forth between Erin and Kathy's first person point of view. Hopefully I've done the execution of this correctly, and you can follow along for what I hope is a fun insight of both characters at the same time. =========================== Kathy had finally called me back. She was ready to talk. She even called me Erin. "I'm glad you called," I said. "I've...
December 1999…Can blood drain from the face of a vampire?It certainly felt like it. Standing inside the art gallery in New Orleans, I was shocked into immobility, unable to move a single muscle as electricity surged through me. Whiter than white, my body was totally incapable of movement as my eyes fixed upon the painting before me.Impossible...But there she was, right before my eyes, staring out at me from the canvas. Her expression so familiar, it could have been only yesterday. There was not...
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I want to thank Techsan for his editing skills that were used on this story. I was now divorced and alone. I'd caught my wife, Jenny, in an affair with a neighbor just before our twenty fifth anniversary and I'd turned our anniversary party into an exposure of of her affair in a most humiliating way. You can read all about it in The Portrait: Retribution. After several years our kids wanted to get us back together since neither Jenny or I had formed any other lasting relationships after the...
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FantasyAuthor Note: Thanks for all the positive feedback on the first part. I hope you enjoy part 2. Thanks again to Celibacy For Jealousy for the edits. * ‘…only a few more days baby. I’m actually giddy, can you believe that? Even after all this tour has taken out of me, the knowledge that I’ll see you again soon is so exciting!’ Kim said over the phone. Brett smiled and chuckling said, ‘Well I have no doubt, and I can’t wait to see you either, Kim.’ Then switching to a serious tone, he added,...
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xmoviesforyouRoundabout Inhaling deeply and sharply, I could feel you behind me before you even touched me, like you were giving off some sort of electrical charge. I held that breath in anticipation of your touch, my whole body tingling, blood rushing straight to my nipples and pussy. As I turn to look at you, you gently but firmly put one hand to the back of my head to hold it straight, and one to the small of my back. Slowly you run your fingers down my long, wavy hair till you reach my waist. A shiver...
"Hi, honey," he said, kissing his wife on the lips. "G'morning, John," smiled Alicia. "Ready for breakfast?" "Hell, yeah," he said, sitting down. Then, eyeing his wife's great body he leered, "How 'bout a little ass, too? He-heh?" His wife turned away, hurriedly snapping, "Now, John, I've told you that's supposed to be only for having a baby. Now, please. Stop bothering me about that. I let you have your way once a month as it is, you know." "Yeah, okay," he...
Following my initial encounter with Paul my servitude to him had progressed; I had embraced my role as his personal fuck toy and he’d made me aware of desires that I didn't know I possessed. My devotion to pleasing him was absolute. If you’ve read part one of my story and are curious - yes, of course, I sucked Tom’s cock and, as ordered by my Daddy, I sent him the pictures of my cum-covered face! My relationship with Paul developed at a pace. We met to fuck maybe four or five times a week for...
Reluctance"Damn I never imagined Joanna would be such a little nymph" Troy said surprised "Me either, but was sure great finding out" "I really want to fuck Liana thou that little freak was teasing us the whole night! I really want to get her back for making me go home with a serious case of the blue balls" Troy looked pissed. Now let me describe Troy he is about 5'11, skinny build, and a dark Dominican. "I think we should come up with something to let us all fuck her and have some fun with...
I'd always been called Kendall. My mother had caught some sort of vicious infection before I was born. It marked and twisted me horribly. What marked me killed her. I was born on Aldrys 3, a farming planet. They couldn't cope with my deformities. I was sent off to one of the core worlds for genetic therapy but the ship I was on somehow was re-routed to Cottman 4, an old, cold planet under a dark red star. There I became a ward of the star base. I didn't speak much. At first I couldn't...
My wife walked out on me a year ago; not so much walked out, as drifted out; out of both mine, and my daughter Jessica's lives. She had slowly but steadily devoted more and more time to pursue her career and had made a rapid rise to higher and higher posts within the government and now she was stationed in Brussels at the EU-office. We hadn't divorced or anything and I think we still were in love, but the love had been put to a simmer while she worked. Her paycheck still found its way to our...
Chapter 2: Magic This story is part 2 to the story. If you haven’t read the first part yet, I advise that you do so you’ll get more feeling, understanding, and enjoyment out of this story. + + + + + + + + ‘What? I’m sorry, I missed what you said Gina.’ Paul stuttered ‘Yeah… Yeah… I won’t forget, okay? Four o’clock. Okay, bye.’ He finished with a sigh as he hung up the phone on his desk. He had been staring out his window thinking about Cadence again and wondering when he’d see her again...
Twenty years have passed since Unification Day. The very beginning of the ADVENT coalition when world leaders offered an unconditional surrender to the alien forces invading earth, and officially disbanded XCOM, the planet's last line of defense, was left decimated and scattered. Now the aliens rule earth, building shining cities that promise a brilliant future for humanity on the surface while concealing a sinister agenda below. Gene Therapy Centers have sprung up as part of the aliens promise...
When I got home from practice on Wednesday, just before dinner, Mom was on the phone. She had the saddest look on her face that I had ever seen. I listened to the conversation, trying to figure out what is wrong while I poured myself a glass of milk. "I'm so sorry, Pa. This is terrible news. She was a good lady," Mom said into the phone. She listened for a bit. I couldn't figure out who "Pa" was. Dad's father was Granddad to us kids and Douglas to her. She always called her father...
This one particularly bad Friday, I had a run in with my boss, the guy I was dating dumped me in favor of his work out partner, and I had just paid a bunch of taxes to Uncle Sam. I decided a good workout in a different setting might shake things up a little. I changed into my gym shorts and hopped in my car and didn’t care if I ever stopped. I drove and drove until I suddenly realized I was about 45 minutes from Palm Springs. What the hell, a night in Palm Springs sounded hot…in many ways.I had...
One of the boys in our neighborhood asked me out to the movies one Saturday night and he wanted to sit up the back. I was happy to sit anywhere with him as I liked him and he was always nice to me and held my hand and had tried to kiss me. After the lights went down we watched the movie for a while then he put his arm around me and pulled me closer. I didn’t resist and put my head on his shoulder and a minute or two later he bent over and kissed me. It was wonderful and I let him kiss me for...
Mike came home a little earlier than usual that day and walked into the house. He realized that the house was empty, so he headed to his bedroom. Up the stairs, he went.As he approached the door, he could hear labored breathing. He noticed the door wasn't pulled shut all the way, so he gently nudged the door. As it cracked open enough for him to see inside his jaw dropped and his dick hardened in his pants. He saw his wife on all fours on the bed, roughly fucking her pussy with her big dildo....
ToysAs from married Aunts in response to my earlier story in couples column in this site. The story was named as Big Boobs. One of the responses was from a married lady aged about 45 yrs. She is a house-wife of a well settled business man and has one married son who is works in a software company. It seems her husband tour a lot and has witnessed the romance between her son and his wife. She even had seen them in their bedroom while having sex. She was unable to bear her appetite for sex and...
Please allow me to preface this story by saying that I didn’t write it. I hope that is not a problem and doesn’t constitute abuse of the site. I just found this story quite good, and extremely erotic. I myself have dabbled in partying and playing in the past, including shemales, so this story is something I can certainly relate to. Perhaps one of these days I’ll take the time to write down my own stories and share them with everyone here… It was 2002 and I was on vacation in Phoenix, Arizona....
Helen informed him that the projectile tore through some muscle had and ripped a large patch from his jumpsuit in the process. The round hadn’t hit his bone and his muscle would heal naturally after she applied the hypo-spray. He didn’t feel a lot of pain from the injury until Helen applied the first aid kit. “Viv, lock up the place. The code is 5501014562 for all the hatches and be careful if you go outside the ship,” Ethan ordered as Helen tugged on his arm, producing a wince from...
I rolled and yanked the controls back as I cursed. The fighter was still jerking and red warning lights flashed and alarms continued to go off. I flipped and rolled the other way and shoved the yoke down and the throttle to the stop. The next asteroid flashed over me as I pulled back and rolled again. A glance in the rear vid showed only two fighters still after me. A missile streaked towards me and I dove and spiraled and it flashed past to the side. I was watching more than the asteroids or...
It was a very beautiful evening the night mom suggested we go for a ride in the car. Mom drove with certainty to a secluded area out off a farm road. I was curious to why we were there, and no sooner did I find out when mom gave me the reason why. She pulled her shorts off and showed me her wet throbbing pussy. Her long legs were spread wide apart across the front seat in parallel with my eyes. She aked if I liked what I see and winked. I was awe struck viewing her nicely shaven pink wet pussy....
I had gone for interview at an Upcoming MNC in Mumbai. I am from Pune and had come to Mumbai just for the interview. I was staying with my cousin who is an AirHostess. The interview was the last round with the boss himself. So I had to go to his Office. I had waited in the loby for 2 hours as there was a General Board Meeting going on.I had to call up my cousin and tell her not to wait for me at dinner. My cousin is a party freek. When she is not working, she is either sleeping, shopping or...
Every year since I was young, I have gone to the beach with my family. This year, with one thing or another, my family couldn't go, so I went alone. After a long day of swimming, sight seeing, and extremely hot women in bikinis, I went back to my hotel to relax. The hotel I was staying at had a gym in it so I did a little jogging while I waited for everyone to leave. Once the gym was empty of guests, I went to the showers. And my favorite way of relaxing is, you guessed it, to...
Masturbation***I lay back, beckoning as I did so, longing for the company. I had been so long without that I had almost forgotten what it felt like to have someone else in my bed. I gasped as my partner lay gently atop me, kissing me delicately at first, almost hesitantly, as if unsure what to do. Gradually, almost bashfully, my partner's ardor increased until our kisses became deep and passionate. Fingers roamed my body, caressing me lightly, softly stroking everywhere, causing my breath to quicken...
India Summer leads Elsa Jean through the door to a massage parlor, and Elsa asks what they’re doing there. Isn’t this a weird place to serve detention? India explains that she owns the parlor, and Elsa exclaims that she had no idea her teacher was a masseuse! India explains it was a side job she started in the summer when classes were out, but she grew to love it and decided to open up a small parlor with some business partners. Elsa asks why she’s showing her all this, and...
xmoviesforyouIt got to the point were my cock would twitch and swell just at the sight of her number on my cell phone. Ever since that incredible, unexpected sex session in that vacant apartment she had shown me, she has been sending me sexy, x rated texts like this one I posted here. Yes, she was older, but so fucking sexy! So horny and so ready to fuck and suck. I have to admit also, I fucking loved sucking her cock too!I let this older shemale cum in my mouth and I loved it, I was so turned on I even...
“Yeah?” “Uhm…let’s get going…” “Sure boss lady” I close and lock the door behind me and follow her as she walk down the walk to the car waiting outside my gate. She gets in the back and I rest my arms on the top of the door and lean down to look at Chris and Tina, they share the same shocked look that Christy just displayed “Hey lover birds, you two ready to party?” Chris is the first to get his composure back “Hell yeah man, let’s get rolling!” I open the door and slap...
Shea excused herself from the table to find the ladies room. Her highly intelligent mind analyzed her own behavior and the situation. Elfi was her best friend and so was Eric. She knew he had not asked to guard or accompany the princess, so why was she upset when she saw them like that? Because she realized she cared for Eric much more than she wanted to admit. Mostly her thoughts were influenced from her educatin at the temple. Because she was a Sojonit and trained to think of men as...