Charming White MILF
- 3 years ago
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Maddie came to. She laid quietly, eyes closed, as she tried to make sense of her surroundings. She was on a bed or at least something soft. She couldn’t remember going to bed, but she was under a sheet and blanket. Her mouth felt and tasted like an old sock. When she tried to move her eyelids, they felt stuck and gummy. What the hell had happened?
She clawed back through her memory. The last thing she could remember was Jason leaving after their delightful, and should never be repeated, cum-spewing romp in the shower. He’d left to order lunch while she rinsed the conditioner out of her hair. She had toweled off and minimally dried her hair, trusting that it would be fully ready to go by the time she had to drive Jason back to the mall.
She had left the bathroom and crossed the bedroom, picking up her discarded clothing from the floor. When she reached the door to the room-sized closet, movement caught her eye. A man in a Riddick Inn worker’s uniform was standing in the doorway ten feet away. She was nude and he was very much aware of it. His jaw dropped and he gawked at her for a long moment.
“Excuse me; I’ll be right with you.” Maddie said. She didn’t bother to try and cover her nakedness. She was secretly amused that she had shocked the man. She moved to step into the closet to dress. She had taken a step when she heard a pop and something stung her chest. She looked down to see two slim darts sunk into the flesh above the swell of her left breast. Coils of wire trailed back to something in the man’s hand. She understood what was happening a split second before the electricity hit her body and she began to shiver.
Her legs gave way and she went to the rug covered floor on her hands and knees. Her body shook horribly, but she thought that if she could concentrate enough, she might be able to lift her hand and pull the darts free. She couldn’t tilt her head to look at the guy, but she could see his black work shoes. They weren’t all that far away. If she could manage to get so much as her pinky finger on that asshole, she’d turn him into her sexual zombie and find out what the fuck was going on.
A second pair of shoes joined the first one. This guy said, “Wow.”
The asshole said, “Yeah, wow. Now hurry ... she’s about to fight this thing off.”
“That’s impossible,” said the second guy.
I’ll show you fucking impossible, Maddie thought. Her right hand lifted toward the darts in a series of spastic starts and stops. She was almost there when she saw the second pair of shoes hurry by. There was another pop and something whacked her hip. Her next memory was of waking up in the bed ... thirty seconds ago.
She pried open her eyes and looked around. Through a door, she saw what looked to be a really nice hotel room. Not the Riddick Inn though, this place looked much newer. Another door led to a bathroom. Maddie suddenly had an overwhelming urge to pee. She sat up on the edge of the bed and waited for the room to stop spinning. She was relieved to see that she was wearing the oversized jersey she used as a sleepshirt, although she had to wonder who had dressed her.
After peeing until she thought she was going to drain all the fluid from her body, she went to the bathroom basin. Her toiletries and her few cosmetics were laid out in orderly rows. She rinsed her toothbrush in hot water for a full minute and then thoroughly brushed her teeth. She examined herself in the mirror as she brushed. She looked as if she’d been in the bed with the flu for a week. Her eyes were puffy and red. Her hair was a rat’s nest, and her complexion was pasty.
She rinsed her mouth and ran her fingers through her hair. At least her teeth had lost their fuzzy slippers and her breath no longer made her want to gag. She wandered through the bedroom and into the main area of the hotel room. There was a sitting area complete with couch, chairs and a flat-screen TV. Next were a built-in business desk and then a mini-kitchen. All the furnishings looked new and expensive. Most importantly, here was the room’s outer door. She tried the handle and it turned easily, but the deadbolt was still engaged. She tried to turn the handle for it, but the lock wouldn’t budge. She carefully placed her fingers to muster all the leverage she could and tried again. It was a no go. That made sense. Obviously she’d been kidnapped. Her captors would make sure she was locked in.
She went back to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator under the counter. It was filled with small plastic bottles of water, juice and sodas. She opened one of the waters, gulped it down and tossed the empty in the trash. She was halfway through another bottle when she heard a feminine voice say, “Hello?” from the room behind her.
Maddie’s hand shook causing water to dribble down her chin. She wiped it with the back of her hand. She knew there wasn’t actually anyone in the room; the voice was tinny as if from small speakers. She stepped out of the kitchen area and looked to her left. There was a small laptop on the desk. She hadn’t noticed it on her way by.
There was a woman’s face on the screen. Or at least the computer generated image of a woman’s face. She looked faintly Asian, her eyes blinked at random intervals and her hair swayed in a computer generated breeze. In the corner of the screen she could see the chair that was sitting across from the desk in the room. So it was a video chat. She walked to the desk and stood. Her jersey filled the corner spot of the screen meaning that was what the person on the other end could see. She wasn’t going to sit and give that person the satisfaction of seeing her face.
“Where’s the young man who was with me?” Maddie demanded without preamble.
“Your brother, Jason, is perfectly healthy and at home,” the avatar said. Its mouth moved not quite in time with the words.
Relief washed through Maddie. Jason was safe, at least according to this woman. “Okay ... then where the fuck am I, who the fuck are you and what the fuck do you want?” Maddie said. She crossed her arms under breasts and cocked her hip in anger.
“If you’ll give me a few moments of your time, I think I can short circuit most of your questions,” the woman said.
“Tell me,” Maddie snapped.
“Thank you,” the woman said. “Please call me Susan. I represent a group of people who are very interested in you. We know that you have been in possession of a medallion, or charm. You know what I’m talking about. It’s about the size of a dime, lenticular in shape, and its effects, as you well know, are remarkable. You’ve seen the changes in your body. You know what you can do to a man. The owner and manager of the Riddick Inn are in mourning that you left, by the way. Yes ... yes I know you think you were kidnaped from the inn, but actually you were rescued.”
“Rescued?” Maddie barked incredulously. “From what ... lunch with my brother?”
“A little more explanation is necessary,” said Susan. “The charm’s previous owner, a woman named Marie Smathers developed a cult-like following of women. How? I’m sure you’ve noticed the cock that appears between your legs every now and then. By having oral or vaginal sex with women, Queen Marie, as she was known, could pass along some of her abilities. Her followers became beautiful, seductive women. At first, many years ago, Queen Marie sent them out into a man’s world to marry and become the greatest influence in their husbands’ lives. As time went on, her girls became movers and shakers on their own. Over the years, her women made Marie incredibly wealthy. The women were fiercely loyal to their Queen. Not only did they genuinely feel loyal, they also needed intercourse with her from time to time to maintain their looks and abilities.
* Set in New Zealand. Spelling and grammar are indigenous. * CHAPTER 1 Baxter and Chase Hudson’s marriage began disintegrating the day best friend Aimee told Chase at the juice bar at Betty’s Gym that Baxter had made an aggressive pass at her. Chase bristled and demanded, ‘Aggressive?’ She’d imagined that that her husband had attempted to steal a kiss or fondle one of the well-developed boobs of the 34-year-old who’d been her bridesmaid five years ago, and who could blame him? No — that’s...
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The next morning, Eva felt him with her before she became aware of herself. She yawned and stretched. A happy contented sigh escaped. She heard him chuckle. ‘Now wouldn’t it have been better if we were waking up together?’ ‘Mmmm, but we are together.’ Eva purred. ‘What time is it?’ ‘Don’t change the subject. 6:00 in the morning, God, you’re a difficult woman to pin down. What is your last name, what is your phone number, when can I see you in the flesh? Tell me all that right now before...
Meanwhile in the Christmas Ball Room overlooking the twinkling lights of the San Francisco skyline was nearly full. The pretty long blonde haired witch swished and swayed from side to side displaying her round shapely bottom packed into her black slacks. Billie the coed witch found herself in the presence of “Piffy Piper at the hip party, which was being attended by her sisters Piper, Phoebe and Leo. Witchcraft is a learned craft and much responsibility is needed to learn and use it...
Prologue The doors slid open allowing the woman to step inside. As her left foot crossed over the threshold of the elevator compartment, she briefly glanced toward its only other occupant. Her eyes registered her shock. The other occupant mirrored the expression and it was in that second a tenuous connection was made. The man watched as she turned away, noting her embarrassment and apparent nervousness. He studied her from behind wondering: Who she was? Had they met before? Would they meet...
Phoebe had a hairbrush that hurt as much as any paddle. That’s what Paige took from her sister’s vanity table. Cole / Belthazor And all that always getting everything he wanted without serious consequences Paige believed led to not just uncaring brat behavior, but psychotic, don’t give a damn attitude that dangerously trumped helped for their fellow man. Most boys would have his type of narcissistic behavior spanked/ whacked with red rump action that trains it out of them. Left to his own...
Disclaimer: This is an erotic story. You must be 18 to read this story, be able to read erotica in your community, and not be offended by the contents of it. If you are not 18, live in an overly repressed community, or are easily offended, move on. This is not for you.This is also a parody and as such is protected under the first amendment. I do not claim to own the characters used herein, I'm just borrowing them for a little while, and there is no intent to use the characters for profit. Any...
Charmed Dauphin To contact dauphin, send an e-mail to If you want to chat with Dauphin, add him on msn: Dauphins Homepage: Sorry for the grammar and spelling mistakes. I do my best, but I am not perfect. I hope you like the story despite these. Based on a TV series. My family is famous in the world of magic. The Halliwell sisters were famous for defeating evil wizards and warlocks. My two aunts are...
** There are significant changes in this chapter, although the essential story remains unchanged. I draw you attention to this name: Elsie Kuhn-Leitz. The actions she is attributed to be responsible for in this chapter, which is fantasy, are actions she undertook during WWII, for which she was named a Righteous Gentile. *Merci M. Tootallday * ‘Dogs. Jesus Christ you have four dogs? As if one of these beasts isn’t enough?’ Jeff stood in the doorway of Eva’s home, staring down the big black...
Note: We are just having fun with the characters of 'Charmed'. NO copyright infringement intended. If this story could possibly happen, it would be in season 2. Charmed Right Out of Yourself By Eric and Jacquie Windsor Edited by Caleb Jones Prologue Prue was very worried. What if the succubus had possessed her sister Piper at her club when it was exorcized? True, why would a succubus possess Piper when a red-hot babe like herself was available was open to question? But...
Charmed Kitten By Maggie O'Malley Rebecca stared intently into the computer screen. Frustration was etched on her lovely young face, and a frown turned at the corners of her mouth. Her chin rested on the thumb and forefinger of her right hand, while her left hand worked from the top of her head through her thick brown hair, stopping at the base of her neck to massage her aching muscles. Her beautiful brown eyes were tired from hours spent at the computer and pouring over...
Cole still in full-masked grabbed Phoebe’s long brown hair, tugged on it and pulled the youngest Charmed One to the rear exit. Phoebe disappeared from the ballroom. Soon Cole magically transported her to his apartment or more specifically the master’s bed. “Okay Phoebe, I’m going to give you something you have deserved for years. Now it’s going to happen!” Cole announced. As he positioned himself behind the nineteen year-old kneeling girl and pushed Phoebe down on all fours Phoebe gasped and...
I don’t own the television show, Charmed or the characters nor do I get any money from the writing or posting of this story. This is fan fiction based loosely on events that take place in the episodes of Charmed. This plot is loosely based on Season Four. Please note codes include future chapter plans. Please read and vote and consider its development in your vote as new chapters are added. Don’t every try any of these scenarios. They are fantasies and not to be acted upon home. All actions...
She was warm. A limbic, peaceful warmth that, had she any memory, sensory or tangible, of being cuddled and swaddled as a babe, this would be what it would feel like. But then something changed. Something was moving, something that should be still, was moving. The warmth of her slumber was slipping away as the movement continued to creep into her consciousness. ‘Oh Bingo, No, no, no. Go lie down.’ Bingo, the old, white muzzled, golden retriever was standing on the other side of Eva’s bed,...
There seems to be a lack of Charmed so lets see how this develops. Pick your scenario involving the trio of gorgeous San Francisco white witches as they battle demons in sexy outfits. Add whatever you want as the sisters engage in whatever sexual scenarios you can think of, fall victim to evil demonic plots anything goes. Choose to set during the first three seasons with Prue, processing the power of telekinesis and later astral projection, Piper with the power to freeze time and blow things...
Inspired by the painting "La Charmeuse" (1868) by Charles Gleyre, as it inspired Mat Twassel to ask people to write about it. The story will be more meaningful if you first look at the painting. It's a full-figure nude woman seen from the rear. If that gives offense, or anything else in this story gives offense, your remedy is obvious. Stop reading, and gradually, over the years, try to forget. Charmed by Vickie Tern In those days paintings were often stillpoints...
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First of all I want to say that I’m not one of those promiscuous girls who sleeps with every cute guy I meet. It was safe to say when I was younger I was actually very prude. I've had several opportunities since then to explore different situations and positions with men. Still I’m not the type of person to give in to every desire or temptation that comes my way. Fortunately I have the luxury of choosing who I want to be with. For the past couple months I’ve been wrestling with a new curiosity...
MasturbationEver get involved in something that you know isn't right, but you do it anyway? And continue to do it? That's the way it was with Ellie and me. Ellie was my next door neighbor and we carried on a torrid affair for almost four years and we would probably still be at it if she hadn't moved away. It all started when Ellie and her husband moved in next door to us. At first it seemed like they were a very nice couple and that we would get along together and for a while we did. But then Gil...
Chapter Three: A busy morning Before heading to Gretchen’s place, I asked her to stop by the hotel room so I could get my things. I left a note for Ted and Lisa telling them that I would be back in the morning to see them off to the airport. Whether Gretchen and I did anything or not, I wanted to have more than just my short black dress, and since I was already there, I just packed up all my other clothes. If I needed to, I could check into some other hotel. The drive out of the city and to...
I heard a chime from my laptop, a small banner appeared notifying me of an email.It was from Cindy, my attractive client from a few weeks ago whom I had an epic encounter with.In her email, Cindy said she would like my services once again. I knew what she was wanted and it made me smile. I got to see her once again and perhaps re-live something as extraordinary as we experienced the last time.In her email, Cindy wrote that after our session the basement room was never quite the same. She...
WatersportsHi my friends, I have been an ardent reader of this amazing website where we can share our personal sexual experiences which we keep so closer to our heart. I have also been blessed with many such incidents in my life which I enjoyed a lot and it’s my great pleasure to share those with the millions of fans of this great website. I have posted few my ‘sexual events’ with the great girls I met in my life with you guys in the past. This time I am going to tell the wonderful day I spent with one...