Charming White MILF
- 3 years ago
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Maddie strode the length of her room, pirouetted and walked back, careful to keep her stride short and to place one foot in front of the other as if she was walking a tightrope. Satisfied, she put her hands in the air and moved them in circles over her head as she shuffled from side to side and chanted, “And we’re dancing, we’re dancing. And we’re not busting our ass ‘cause we beat these big ol’ heels in nothing flat.”
She laughed. No wonder women liked to wear heels, she thought. She had gone from being slightly taller than the average American female to a bit taller than the average American male. Her new shoes made her feel more imposing and dignified. Not exactly the power of the charm, but not bad for a pair of shoes. She stopped in front of the slim full length mirror next to her bed. She swayed her hips from side to side. The dress Mlle. Marchand had given her was heavier than it looked. She loved the way the light glinted off the fabric and how it felt as it flowed over her thighs.
She stepped closer and checked her hair and makeup. They were good to go. The look in her eyes said that she was a fifteen year old girl who was feeling a little overwhelmed by the pace of events in her life. But the rest of her charm enhanced body said that she was a smoking hot babe ready to conquer the night. She picked up the clutch that matched her dress. It had just enough room for her keycard, lip gloss and a few dollars in cash.
Security for the party decreed that it could be accessed only by a special, dedicated elevator. She had to ride down to the lobby and turn a couple of corners to find it. A man with a clipboard stood guard at the elevator doors. He greeted her warmly but professionally.
“Hi,” Maddie said. “Maddie Parton?”
The man checked his clipboard. He flipped through a couple of pages, checked, and then flipped to the last page. “Ah, there you are,” he said, sounding relieved as he ticked off her name. He gestured for Maddie to enter the elevator. When she did, he punched the button for the tenth floor. “Enjoy the party,” he said as he backed out of the way of the closing doors.
“Thanks,” Maddie said to his retreating hand. She noted that, like the elevator she had been using near her room, the buttons for the upper floors were covered in plastic with details on who to call for access to the upper floors.
When the car stopped and the doors opened, Maddie was greeted by a full figured, middle age woman. The brass name tag on her sagging bosom declared her name to be Roberta. “Good evening, Ms. Parton,” the woman said. “My name is Roberta. It’s so nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you,” Maddie said. Roberta motioned to Maddie’s right and the two walked down a hallway toward the sounds of people talking and soft music.
“I understand this is your first Gold Party?” said Roberta
“Yes ... my first,” said Maddie.
“It’s an open bar,” Roberta said. “You’ll see salespeople in dark green blazers walking around. One or more of them will ask you to take a tour of our model on the next floor. They’d love to show you around. It’s a beautiful apartment.”
The tone in her voice made Maddie think that if she didn’t take the tour, this would be her first and last Gold Party. “I understand,” said Maddie.
“Enjoy yourself, my dear,” Roberta said when they reached the end of the passage. She turned the prow of her bosom and moved back the way they’d come.
Maddie stepped through an arched doorway and stopped to look around. Everything looked ... kind of familiar actually. She’d seen something like this in countless movies and television shows. To her right, a jazz trio played. Beyond them was a bar. Across the room a wide staircase curved its way to the next floor. To her left was a glass wall that must have an impressive view in the daylight, but now reflected the light from an enormous chandelier that hung from the ceiling of the floor above.
In between, there were the people; most had a drink in hand. The men were in suits or more formal clothes. The women were in dresses that ranged from miniskirts to evening gowns. Hollywood, Maddie decided, would have produced a better looking group. There were a lot of protruding bellies in the crowd. Servers in basic black and white walked around with trays of drinks. Ascending the staircase, a salesperson in his green blazer was speaking earnestly with a couple.
Was she being observed yet, since that was the reason she was here? Well, there were a couple of men openly gawking at her. Feeling uncomfortable, she moved to her left and tried to seem as if she was looking for her date. She didn’t need some random horndog running over to offer ... whatever.
There were two knots of people here near the glass wall. She wondered who was attracting all the attention. It was nice to be able to look over shoulders instead of around them. In a few seconds she saw that Thomas Arcman was the center of one crowd. With his bedroom eyes, salt and pepper hair and crooked smile, Arcman was her mother’s favorite actor. Comedy, romance, drama, action ... the man could do it all.
Maddie moved on to the next and larger knot of party goers. A man leaned over to say something to the woman next to him, and in the gap Maddie saw April Meadows. April was not only Maddie’s favorite actress, she practically worshiped the woman. Not yet thirty years old, April had won two Academy Awards and been nominated for two others. April came across as a blonde, slightly obscene goofball when she was interviewed on television. But put her in front of a movie camera and magic happened. Her shoulder length hair was down, and she was wearing a simple, sleeveless, pleated black dress.
Maddie began to make her way through the press of bodies around the star. She was barely aware that people moved aside quickly once they saw who was trying to pass. In a few seconds, she was among the people closest to April.
“And there I was,” said April, dangerously sloshing her drink around in a highball glass with each gesture. “Two hundred feet in the air ... and despite the fact that at least six people had checked it ... my safety harness was hooked to the damned prop rope and not the damn safety wire.” She took a gulp of her drink. It seemed to Maddie that April’s eyes looked directly into hers over the rim of the glass.
“Hey you, April said in friendly greeting.” She grabbed Maddie’s hand. “Excuse us while we go powder our noses,” she said to the crowd. Maddie saw a look of mischief in her hero’s eyes and played along.
“Awww,” the crowd moaned in disappointment.
April patted the air with her hand. “In a moment,” she said with a grin.
April lead her a few feet away to a door guarded by a man who may as well have had ‘Security’ tattooed on his forehead. He opened the door and stood aside. April and Maddie hurried in and April locked the door behind them.
April turned to Maddie and said in a rush, “The end of that story isn’t very exciting; Obviously, I lived to tell the tale, and I really do have to pee. Thanks, and don’t I know you?”
“Uh ... you’re welcome?” Maddie said. “And no ... we’ve never met.”
“Great dress,” April said as she stuck out her hand. “Hi,” I’m April Meadows.”
“I’m Maddie Parton,” Maddie said as she took April’s hand. “Thanks, I like your dress too.”
April made a dismissive noise. “This old thing? It packs well ... so ... I ... uh...”
Maddie didn’t expect an end to that sentence because she was zapping America’s sweetheart about as hard as she could zap. She hadn’t meant to. On the other hand, she hadn’t really tried to stop it. There was a new feel to it, though. The sex was there, but it wasn’t the overwhelming power of sexual dominance. She could feel respect and caring too, and it seemed to be echoing, as if April was reciprocating in her own way.
Their hands parted, and April stared at her for several long seconds. “Uh ... I uh...” April said. She pointed across her body to an inner door. “Uh ... have to use the bathroom.” She took a couple of steps and then whirled around. “Don’t go.” She backed a step. “There’s snacks and stuff.” She turned until she was at the door where she whirled once more. “I may be a few minutes ... but honestly ... don’t leave.” She finally made it into the bathroom.
Maddie sighed. What had she just done to one of the world’s most popular actresses? Whatever it was, somehow it felt right. She shrugged and looked around. So this was where the famous and glamorous came to relieve themselves? It was kind of shabby, relatively speaking. There was a worn sofa, a smallish television, a coffee maker and a cooler with plastic bottles of water. On a scarred table in front of the sofa were bowls filled with candy and protein bars.
Maddie decided she was too nervous to eat, drink or sit. She picked up the remote for the TV and turned it on. She flipped through the channels, pausing to watch this and that until she realized that more than a few minutes had passed. She turned to look at the bathroom door. Even one of her father’s combo bathroom and reading breaks didn’t take this long.
Letting the sound of the television cover her steps, she went to the door. From the other side of the room, the door appeared to have been completely closed. But now Maddie saw that the doorjamb had been hiding an ever so slight opening. Maddie craned her head around, ready to leap back in abject apology if April saw her before she saw April.
She saw April first and in a big way. The movie star had removed her dress and panties. She was on the other side of the tiny room, sitting on the commode lid. She wore nothing but a lacy black bra, thigh high black hose and heels. Her right foot was on the raised lip of a shower floor, and she was cocked on her left butt cheek so that her right hand could reach around her leg to her pussy. Her pose looked awkward as hell, but it was certainly effective. Two fingers of April’s hand raced wildly in and out of her pussy. The fingers of her left hand moved just as wildly over her clit. And April was enjoying the hell out of it. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing heavily. Maddie knew an approaching orgasm when she saw it. She was one second from withdrawing to give April her privacy when the young woman’s head turned and their eyes met.
April didn’t cry out or cover herself. She didn’t even look particularly startled. She moved her hand from her pussy and shifted her torso into a less tortured and highly provocative position. Her hand moved slowly on her clit. She never broke eye contact with Maddie.
Maddie pushed the door open wider. Surprised with her own boldness, she asked, “Did you leave the door open on purpose?”
“It does kind of stick,” April said. “But ... yeah, I think I did.”
Maddie took a couple of slow steps into the room. “Do you usually take the time to diddle yourself during social occasions?”
April chuckled deep in her throat. “I was at a party one time, and I’m not going to name names, but this really elegant actress-producer came up to me and wanted to discuss a project. So we huddled in a corner and had some wine ... in fact we had a lot of wine. Anyway, actress-producer wanted me to star in a movie. It’s supposed to be an adventure comedy, with me playing a daring female lesbian pilot with a girl in every town.” She shrugged. “No major studio will ever touch it. But the point is she wanted lots of sex play in it. And every time she mentioned it she touched me, and then eventually she kissed me. This is like early in my career and Ms. Sophisticated and Beautiful was all over me. So ... yeah, I excused myself and ran to the bathroom to pet-the-kitty as we use to say in high school. Anyway, by the time I got back I think her partner at the time had dragged her off. The point is...” April languidly flipped her hand over, “it took her an hour and about a gallon of wine to get me that worked up. You did it with a handshake.”
“Cheap date,” Maddie said with a laugh. She gestured at April. “So did you finish?”
April shook her head. “I usually don’t have any trouble,” she said. “I guess maybe I was hoping for some help.”
“Yeah,” Maddie said. “I can help.” She held out her hand, palm upwards. “Take my hand.” April looked intrigued as she put her hand in Maddie’s. “Hold on,” Maddie said. She sent a healthy dose of her power through their link. Nothing overwhelming, but it was more than enough to send April’s fingers twitching madly over her clit. When she was seconds away from orgasm, Maddie dialed back her power to a dribble. Just a little help.
Denied the extra stimulation, April fingered herself desperately. “Please, please, please,” she whispered as her body went stiff with the strain. Her eyes pleaded with Maddie. Maddie didn’t think she was denying April her release, but she surged her power.
April’s eyes rolled back. Her back arched. Her legs quivered and her toes curled in ecstasy. “UH, uh, uh, uhhhhhhhh oh fuck, ohmygod, ohmygod ... OHMYGOD,” April whimpered. Maddie reduced and then stopped her flow of power after giving April only three mind-blowing orgasms. She liked April; she didn’t want to reduce her to a fawning pool of jelly.
April’s last orgasm faded. When she caught her breath, she looked at Maddie and said with the frankness that her fans loved, “Did you just turn me into a lesbian ... because, like wow ... I think I’m in love with you.”
Maddie had to stop and think. April had been the first person she’d zapped on purpose without the intent to dominate. She’d done it really because the opportunity had fallen into her lap, but also because she wanted April Meadow’s admiration and she wanted to return it. “Lesbian? Maddie said. “Were you a lesbian ten minutes ago?”
“Hey, I admitted to messing around,” April said, “but I like a stiff cock on a hot body too.”
And here we go, thought Maddie. Her big dick was roaring to life between her legs. The black, lightweight panties Mlle. Marchand had insisted Maddie wear with her dress were already being pushed aside. In a few seconds Maddie’s designer clothing was going to have a bizarre silhouette. As she pulled up the hem of her dress, she said, “In that case I have something you’ll love.”
Ten minutes later, Maddie was thinking once again about how handy a shower stall was. April had consumed a heroic amount of her cream, but the shower stall had made easy disposal of her overflow. The two women were now back in the main room. They made their last checks of hair makeup and clothing. There was a tap, tap at the locked door.
“Just a minute,” April yelled at the door. “That’ll be Arcman,” she said to Maddie. “We’re shooting on the strip. The man has no bladder. He pees between practically every take.”
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Disclaimer: This is an erotic story. You must be 18 to read this story, be able to read erotica in your community, and not be offended by the contents of it. If you are not 18, live in an overly repressed community, or are easily offended, move on. This is not for you.This is also a parody and as such is protected under the first amendment. I do not claim to own the characters used herein, I'm just borrowing them for a little while, and there is no intent to use the characters for profit. Any...
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I don’t own the television show, Charmed or the characters nor do I get any money from the writing or posting of this story. This is fan fiction based loosely on events that take place in the episodes of Charmed. This plot is loosely based on Season Four. Please note codes include future chapter plans. Please read and vote and consider its development in your vote as new chapters are added. Don’t every try any of these scenarios. They are fantasies and not to be acted upon home. All actions...
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When a woman tells her husband, who’s working late, to stop and have a late dinner on the way home from the office, all so she can fuck the man who’s over fixing her fan, is that consider cheating? No. Because in this case, Alina Lopez is a hotwife, and her husband is turned on when she gets other cock. And when the sexy Latina sees how good this guy is at repairing something that cools her down, it heats her up! She struts out of the bedroom in lingerie and stockings and asks him...
xmoviesforyouAlice rose to lead me out of the room when Hilly showed up, again, but without the pump. "Mr. Walker, can I impose on you for a very big favor?" "Sure, Hilly, what can I do for you?" "You can do me just like you just did Ms Bottomly." "OK, if I can have about 15 minutes to recover. Will that be OK, Alice? I do feel like I owe something to Nurse Johnson for the way she has taken care of me." "Certainly, but we will have to make the same kind of salvage operation that was done from...
We Left Off with...Ginny didn't suck it like the other two did she sucked it! After a few intense minutes of her strong sucking and Bobbie wondering if it might just pop off and go down her throat before she could stop she stopped and looked at it. "Huh I thought maybe I could make it bigger sucking on it but guess not." Then she went back to sucking but this time twisting her mouth and using her tongue. It felt WONDEFULL. Now it all came together the being bound gagged and plunged and...
You watch your girlfriend, Stacy, get dressed after some steamy sex. Her soft C cup boobs are just covered up and her plump ass jiggles whenever she moves. Her 20-year old figure could easily pass for a supermodel. “So nice to have free time finally.”, you sigh. You have worked hard the last year and now your holiday is coming up. Sadly you couldn’t book any tickets to a nice foreign country due to the pandemic. Your plan now is to relax at home together with your girlfriend. First part was...
We had known the family for years when the mom, dad, and son where going out of town. Heather was afraid to leave them home alone and asked my mom if she could watch them my mom had said she would but she had a out of town meeting and would be gone the whole week. My mom then suggested that I could stay with them being 15 and could watch them and take care of them, Heather knew I was responsible and could watch them and make sure everything went alright. So it was settled I would stay the...
I first ran into my future wife in 2014 we met at a party of a friend she was stunning long Blond hair deep Blue Eyes all the curves in the right places she stood out from everyone else but we did not talk that night about 3 weeks later i saw her haveing a coffee i went in and introduced my self to her told her how i saw her at our friends party told her my name was Tony she said hers was Dawn we chatted for ages i invited her out for a drink and Dawn said yes from that night we have...
For all those who don’t know her, my mom is a prostitute. Now let me directly go into the story. It happened when I was at the age of 12. All I would like to say is BHANU mommy I love you a lot.Day by day mom was getting fucked and her rate was increasing. She became the best prostitute in our area and the kindest. As she used to give her customer’s to other prostitute if they never got customer for many days. One of her regular customer, a rich man named Sanjay always proposed to marry her...
‘It was so nice of you to have me and Tyler join you guys up here for the weekend! We really appreciate it,’ Brooke said to Amy, holding her cup of coffee close to her lips to protect against the chilly bite of the Sierra Nevada breeze before taking a sip. ‘Jacob and I have been up here so often, just the two of us, that we decided that this year we wanted some company and who better than you two? I mean, you and Jacob spend so much time together at work that I’m sure you’d like to hang out...
Beckham, Owen and Frank Lampard the three legends if English football were staying the weekend at Beckingham Palace, whilst Victoria and the children were visiting relatives in America. The footballers were training hard in Beckhams personal gym for the start of the new football season and the hot session was almost at an end. The lads were unsurprisingly very hot, with Owens hot erect nipples showing through his white tank top whilst he was finishing his bench presses. Beckham had also long...
GaySkinny arms drew back the bowstring with strength that belied their weak appearance. The golden bow and red-fletched arrow didn't waver a millimeter as Clarence took careful aim. He was here, and she was here — now was Clarence's moment. The bowstring twanged — the missile flying straight and true. Clarence smiled, watching her face for the telltale signs of love blooming within her heart. Unfortunately, her expression was something quite the opposite. Thinking it must be an optical...
Hi dosto mera naam Rajat Roy hai. Mai Sangrur ka rehne wala hu. Mai is site ka purana reader hu. Pehle mujhe yaha ki kahaniyo par yakin nahi tha par jab maine khud experience kia tab jaake yakin hua. Mai yaha aap logo se wo share karne ja raha hu. Mere lund ki lambai 6 inch hai aur sharir slim aur rang sanwala hai. Maine jise choda wo dur ke rishte me meri bhabhi lagti thi. Jiska naam Sunita tha. Sunita bhabhi ka sharir mast tha. Bade bade boobs dunia ka 8 va ajuba the aur gaand to bas dhamaal...
Donnie woke with a pounding headache and a hard cock. He'd gone to bed with a buzz from drinking too much wine and a hard cock after lusting for his Mom for days. The feel of his Mom's lips against his lips that day at the Mall was forever on his mind. Each time he looked at her lips, at her soft sensual lips, he recalled how she kissed him back for a brief moment. That accounted for the perpetual erections each time she came near him. The headache was from the wine, no doubt. He wasn't...
Elisa also always told me that she sometimes got a little horny. I said I did too, but I actually got really horny. I masterbated ALL the time. Sometimes I would dream about having sex with Elisa. She's pretty cute. She has blonde hair, tan skin and amazing gray eyes. But I never told her abou the way I felt because I was afraid she would get scared of me and turn away. One day we were at Elisa's house. Her older sister, Rachel, and her best freind, Denise, were over and we were...
It had only been a couple days since my wild photo session with Bob and his beautiful wife Krystal. It had started out as a glamour photo session (even though I've mostly only done nature stuff as a hobby) and ended up with a three-way. Krystal, shy as I've always known her, really let loose when she had her husband in front of her and me behind, servicing her at both ends, so to speak. Anyway, my phone rang, and I went to answer it. I was surprised to hear her voice on the line since she...
Damn baby...haven't been to your site in a while..soooo, after I got happy twice this morning I was about to get cleaned up and head off to a meeting when I got a call telling me it had been even though I had cum twice already and my dick was sore--I had been jackin' like a madman, I thought what the hell..sat back down and found your titties...well, I watched them swing and sway, edging over and oover, getting right to the point of cuming and then letting go of my dick, amazed...
Jenny Holt is your typical cliche of a high Schooler. Trudging along the daily grind while bottling up a mixture of emotions, threatening to explode. "If you find your feet, you'll know where to go in your future." Is what Mr. Adams says. What the hell is that guy smoking? Jenny tries not to pay any attention to that crystal ball gazing aging hippie, and decides to handle lifes twists and turns. With both hands on the wheel, but is that enough?
MatureI had known both of these women for years and years, but I don’t think I really understood how close mother and daughter were. I was handicapped by the fact that I had not raised a child of my own for sixteen years. Sure, I’d helped out with Harper, but it was still very different than having my own daughter. I’d never dealt with feminine hygiene, or puberty, or periods. I’d never had to discuss dating and when that would (or would not) happen. I’d never had long conversations about boys and...
Whitney Wright meets up with her man, Derrick Pierce by his car and she’s wearing his favorite red thong. His ass is so big and juicy that her panties stick out the top like a whale’s tail. Back at his place, this horny couple wastes zero time getting down and dirty! Derrick slips off Whitney’s thong and tongues her pussy and ass before whipping out his cock and slamming her in doggy-style. After getting fucked, Whitney spins around to suck off her pussy essence and gets...
xmoviesforyouHello iss readers. How r u all? What I am going to narrate you is my real life experience. First let me describe myself to you. I am Rithika 22 old girl short in height but I have huge breast of 36d and my ass is also huge. My college mates used to stare at my breasts a lot. But the thing is our’s is a typical Andhra orthodox family. So from childhood onwards I grew up thinking that romantic feelings are sin. So I just refused to acknowledge them. At my 12th class my brother gifted me a laptop...
IncestReaching down I ran my hands over my chest, my stiff nipples jutting out causing a sharp intake of breath as their sensitivity seemed heightened. A little twist and a rub eliciting a moan before my hands continued down to my tenting panties. I was already dripping through the material, the heat emanating from my rod as my hand wrapped round it separated only by the thin material of my underwear. My second hand slipped beneath the elastic and down to cup my smooth and very tender balls, they...
To: Curriculum Committee, Capton Springs High School From: Holly Rennick, Language Arts Subject: Proposed Academic Elective To further our CSHS Language Arts curriculum, an advanced elective, “Composition about Ourselves,” is proposed, relevant to our students’ age, and as a gateway to multidisciplinary inclusive skills. This memo suggests the potential breadth of such a course. A subcommittee will pursue the details. With each point I include a brief transcript of how the topic might be...