Haleys Au Pair Adventure
- 4 years ago
- 30
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With nary a hitch I got off to Albany to spend time with my hockey charges and get back home to spend a few days puttering and thinking around the house, but the evenings were all Gail. With our "beginning of relationship" ardor cooled we began to know each other better on other planes. Not that there wasn't a fair share of sex, but there was a lot more sharing of feelings besides orgasms. We were meshing into each others lives. My four weeks away from home were easier to handle when Gail bussed the 600 miles to Florida twice, and I got someone to cover for me on-call so I could drive back if I was within 5 or 6 hoursin Pensacola or Mobile. Although I never thought I would be doing it, I constantly checked the vacancies list for positions with the company based in Atlanta. When I got back to Atlanta for my week in the office before my 8 day hiatus I was able to swap off a road week with another rep who needed to be in Florida for a family wedding. It gave me over three weeks to be with, sleep with, and wake with the woman who had stolen my heart.
With all of the goals she set as a high school honor student now finally in place after they seemed so remote, Gail had a new confidence that made her seem more womanly, more down to earth, despite my fears that she might slide back at the first taste of failure. But, my time away made her see how self-sufficient she could be. She made everything work and made me feel like I had a real partner at home. I actually hadn't seen her for 8 days when I cruised into Atlanta early on that Saturday morning just as she was waking up. With little fanfare I crawled into her bed and made love to her. We were off to the shower together just cooing and touching each other as we washed. As she finished the rinse of her hair she pinned me to wall of the shower stall with her index finger in my chest.
"If you think that fast fuck is all you have in store for us, you are way wrong. I know we have plans for us today, but tonight I have plans for us so you better save your strength." She said in a husky voice that turned me to granite.
I chuckled at her words, knowing full well she meant every syllable. I sensed a mild uneasiness in our relationship and I think it was coming from my absenses.
This day had long been planned for her to drive in the city, on the freeways to be sure she was ready to get her drivers license. She drove around Metro Atlanta that day with me pointing out the sights and highlights of the area. She remembered some things she wanted to look for at a mall so we drove to the Perimeter and I let her take us where she wanted to go. Just watching her walk through the stores picking up clothes from formal dresses to under-things was a joy. She was a kid in a candy store. All of the things she secretly wished and hoped for were now reality. Although I thought she hadn't scratched the surface of her earning power, she could now afford most anything she wanted or liked, as if I wouldn't buy it for her if I thought it would make her happy. But she was very proud of herself and wanted to do and buy for herself. Occasionally she would pick up a blouse and hold it up to her and look in the mirror, then put it back. When her eyes approved she would turn on her heel and catch me staring (I can just watch her for hours) and look for my opinion. I loved her in anything. Sometimes while she was deep in the myriad of clothing racks and gondolas and I was in the main aisle she would look up and catch me staring and smile, mouthing a kiss. We left the mall, she $482 poorer, with an armful of bags and packages.
"I have so many new outfits for work, and nice things to wear when we go out. Between the two big shopping trips and the stuff we got the first day on the road, I'm pretty set until I get my first salaried check. That's something we have to talk about. When I start making real money I want to help you with the mortgage." She prattled as we drove towards home.
"Gail, that's not necessary, you don't need to do that." I said waving my hand.
"Robbie, If I can't I'll get a place of my own, even though I may never spend any time there. There's no need for you to support me. You've done so much for me, now I want to contribute." She insisted.
"Let's talk about it at home; we'll work out some sort of agreement." I said to let us both ponder the situation.
I didn't want to come right out and say that all of everything of each others would probably be ours someday, although, in my mind, I felt so sure of it. Our time together had been a 500 piece puzzle thrown in the air and landing in perfect place. I sensed she may have felt the same, but neither of us wanted to say anything so as not to jinx a thing.
When we got home I took the most of the bags and followed her up the steps. Watching her slight body in its almost 6 foot (probably actually 5 foot 9 or 10 inch) frame made me realize that how lucky I was. She weighed just 120 pounds the day she left Rita's spa, yet she was sufficiently round and fleshy in all the right places. Although shapely, seeing her nude then would make you think she needed to add a few pounds, despite having a fetching body. She told me she weighed 140 pounds in high school and lost that weight around her hips, thighs and belly by "bad lifestyle". The fact she used her feet as the main mode of transport kept her weight loss uniform on her hips and thighs, but starving and poor eating habits turned her then toned belly into a paunch she continually referred to as cottage cheese. Now after living 6 weeks as a normal human being, plus exercise, her belly was flat and tight and her hips were filling out just a bit. Besides the beautiful person inside the body I was in love with, her body was a bonus and she claimed to love me and mine in the same manner.
Inside she took the bags and packages from me and asked me to wait downstairs as she dashed up to her room and left off her shopping booty. She was back in a flash just as I looked out over the yard for the first time in a month or so. She turned me around and snaked her fingers around my waist and then up my back as she pulled her head close to my chest and inhaled deeply before tipping her head to look at me.
"We have to change some things in our relationship Rob. We've grown very comfortable with each other, and I know why. We really have fallen in love, haven't we?" She asked knowing my nod was at the ready. "I don't want to sleep in my room anymore; I want to sleep with you every night when you're here. Our agreement to sleep alone when we both had to work in the morning was fine before, but now I really hate being away from you. When I'm here alone I sleep in your bed, err... OUR bed, so I can feel and smell you. Sometimes I cry, and other times I play with myself thinking about you. There are guys at the plant that flirt with me, and some have asked me to lunch or dinner. I tell myself that if I found a guy who was HERE all the time I wouldn't be so lonely and frustrated, but you're all I want. I love you Rob and I want to be with you forever. My temp status expires this week and I'll get my salary next pay and I want to begin splitting everything with you. We should be an us."
"Oh God Gail, you're saying all of the things I want to say to you, but I'm afraid to; the C word. I've played out scenarios where I tell you to move out and then I could court you and be somehow less committed, but I can't. For the first time ever I'm really peeved at my job when it takes me away from you. I'm checking the vacancies list everyday online to see if I can land back here. I hate every moment I'm not with you and I really want to live together as if we're married, with the hope THAT can happen someday. I know we're moving too fast, but I can't find a good reason to jump off the ride. I hope you know that I haven't nor would I think of being with anyone else when I'm away, and I've had my chances. I really am the C word." I confessed.
"Say it."
We stood and held each other after making one of the most uncomfortable relationship sureties ever. Her head rested on my shoulder and I heard cry in happiness. I held her all the tighter and wondered where this whole thing would bring us, but like before I was not afraid to follow where it led. She truly was everything I ever wanted in a woman, a partner, and a friend. I had to be sure I was not going to ever lose her.
I took her by the hand and walked outside through the patio doors. It was a warm late Fall early afternoon. With her clutching my arm as we walked to a contemplation bench I had near the bird feeders. We sat and wordlessly poured out our hearts, it seemed. The curtain of our feelings had been drawn to show all and we both liked it. I sought out her lips to kiss her and I saw she still was leaking tears of joy. I tasted one and helped her up. I needed to make love to her.
We stopped 3 times on the way back to the house to kiss deeply and each time my hands either went up her shirt to firmly squeeze and titillate her breast, or held and squeezed the round balls of her ass. My intention, once inside, was no secret. After going through the patio door she stepped 2 steps ahead of me and pulled my arm into the living room. She pulled a throw from the back of the sofa and laid it on the floor. She quickly shucked her pull-over blouse and undid her jeans taking them down with her underwear. Meanwhile I was kicking off my shoes and working myself out of my pants and shorts. I reached into the end table drawer for a condom and she blurted out a "no."
"You didn't need one this morning but you had it on before I could stop you. I started the bi-weekly patch a couple weeks ago and will go to the monthly one when the pharmacy gets them in. We are safe." She smiled as she invited me to the floor with her.
"How do you know we're safe?" I wondered, skeptical that such things worked.
"I just know. I haven't used birth control like this for 6 or 7 years, but you know. My boobs got tender a few days after the first patch and I just know. My fallopian tubes are blocked so getting pregnant may be a problem anyway. I need to have a procedure done after my first whole month on contraceptives. Now get down here with me."
What was supposed to be spontaneous now wasn't, but her lovely body beckoning on floor in front of the sofa was hard to turn down. To refill the passion in the situation I simple covered her body with mine and attached my mouth to her as her arms encircled me. Her thin hard body felt warm against me and I felt her trying to adjust her hips when my cock slipped into her. What I thought was against her thigh was apparently close to target. She exhaled deeply into my mouth as we broke lips.
"Oh Robbie you feel so fucking good inside of me, just you and not that damn latex. Love me and blast me full. I want to feel you dripping out of me." She groaned in my ear.
Now, I fashion myself a cocksman and would normally settle back on my knees and hold my lays legs and watch her boobs roll as I pounded her. (I guess I watched too many porno movies.) Right at this moment I was full of passion and with her arms around me and mine curled over her head, and my head buried in the nape of hers, I was rutting on her like a dog in heat and it felt awesome! She was moaning and groaning to beat the band, occasionally steeling her body against mine as she came. In just a few minutes I felt my cum rising and I did want to deposit it deep in her. I tipped my head slightly and nipped the lobe of her ear as I whispered, "I love you, here's my cum". Not exactly the talk of great romantics but in real passion heat, it worked.
Despite all of the sex we had, types ways and positions, this was the most satisfying of any coupling. Body to body, sweat sticking to both of us, cock slopping sounds filling the room, I came through gritted teeth as hard as I ever have. Just as began to shoot within her I felt her steel once more and as if there wasn't enough male and female love juices aiding our rut, she squirted her own ejaculate over both of our genitals as she squealed like a toy siren.
My rutting slowed and soon I was laid exhausted over her, panting in her ear.
"Mmmmmmm,... don't ever move. Your cock feels like it's wormed through me and at the base of my throat. You possess me, and I WANT to be possessed. I think I had sex pee or whatever they call it." She panted to my ear.
"Something. It was incredible." I said.
Although I didn't want the moment to ever end, I was shrinking out of her and she was leaking. Pressing on my arms I began lift myself and soon I was on my knees, jettisoned from her. She went to move as if to check out the mess just as I decided I would sweep her into my arms. I'm no Charles Atlas, but her even proportions made her easy to lift and carry up the wide staircase to the bath. Once on her feet she went right to the bidet and I to the shower for a quick rinse. As she straddled I didn't see the fountain so I asked if all was OK.
"I'm just enjoying squeezing you out of me; I've never felt it in me before." She sighed over the shower noise before I heard the tinkle of the fountain and she began to rinse herself. Moments later we met under the shower spray for a long kiss and hug.
With few more words said we sitting on the top of the stairs in our robes leaning, but not hugging, into each other perhaps processing all that had happened and all that was said today. Staring blankly through the window over the doorway at the trees bobbing in the breeze, we were both dumbstruck at it all.
"We've had a lot of sex, a lot of times when I thought you made love to me. But that, that was,... , ummmmm... altogether different Rob. I want you in so many ways, but I could trade them all for that. I hope I showed you as much love back. You got all I had. I'm speechless. Just, I love you and I want to be with you, make you happy and have you make me happy." Gail said as she stared off blankly.
"Shhhhh... " I answered. "We said it all without words; we know where this is now and where it will be."
We ended up dressing and going out, again with few words between us. We had been swept away. I took her to The Sage Woodfire Tavern, a place out the metro area and quiet. They always had a light jazz playing or a live jazz soloist to set the mood. I had a favorite booth there and Gus the owner could usually get it for me if I wanted to wait. This day I was lucky, they were just cleaning it and it was just before the dinner crowd. I let him pick Greek wine for us and ordered a house specialty of wood-fire seafood. I'm sure we looked like a scene from a bad movie, feeding each other off the skewers. The wine was perfect, a dry yellow-green fare with a lemon finish. We felt we were in heaven and the food and wine had the same ambience. We weren't stupid enough to think we could go home and create the same passion as before, but we were both willing to apply its feeling to whatever else we had planned for each other.
Simply put we were floating on the words and commitments we made earlier. If it weren't right, it wouldn't have felt so comfortable. We came within a hairs breadth of proposing to each other, pledging our love, lives and possessions to each other and we didn't feel a bit skittish about it. We felt so good we could barely speak, not out of fear or regret, but out of mutual relief that one of life's burdens had been challenged and met; we knew we found the spirit we wanted to spend the rest of our lives with.
We got coffee's to go and went outside to sit at one of the picturesque tables out along the Chattahoochee. The late fall cool meant there would be no outside service, but the picture was just as beautiful. The effects of the coffee dulled the effect of the wine to be sure I had a safe drive home with my love. I felt self-conscious about necking in the heavy dusk in full view of the Tavern should eyes want to search for us. When Gail informed me that "I want you in my mouth right here", I knew it was time to leave.
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When they got home he went up to his bedroom and closed the door. He took out his book and thought about what to write. He wanted Margret and Brenda to suffer for their relentless torturing, but he didn’t want anyone to know. He took his book and wrote, “Mom will get a call to come back to work because there is an emergency that needs her attention and will take her all night to fix. When se is gone Margret and Brenda will be overcome by the need to make me happy. They will do anything to...
Shelving the remaining books, Andrea scanned the rooms and smiled with pleasure that Michael was the only one still there with her. As usual, he was sitting on the audio room sofa, seemingly oblivious to anything outside of the room. Since he began visiting her small library the last few weeks, her heart would skip with anticipation each time she saw him walk through the front door. She would make excuses to work near him and watch with fascination as his face lit up with contented affection to...
Chapter Three: Juliet's Futa Taboo Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Xochitl Estevez's Week, Tuesday I was so confused. What was wrong with me? Why did that look in my futa-sister's eyes scare me? It was so intense. I felt like if I let her kiss me, if I let her make love to me before the rest of the cast and crew for the play, I would be lost. Lost in what? I shook my head. It was so much easier when I just hated my older futa-sister. When I fumed at her for ripping off my...
LORNA AND GRACE – PART 8Grace spent her Sunday walking around the city and admiring the architecture. She had a nice lunch in a restaurant which had been recommended by Charlotte. It had been a long time since she had been alone in a strange city. She enjoyed the freedom and felt that people wanted her, needed her. She had totally lost her inhibitions about being a lesbian. She not only accepted her “condition”, she was happy about it since it gave her a lot of pleasure and made meet a lot of...
When John and Alice left Katy snuggled up to me on the sofa with a contented sigh. She pulled my head down and gave me a gentle kiss. "I have learned a lot tonight," she said. "I now know what a woman's orgasm feels like and it is something I have never really experienced before. I also have a good idea of how pleasurable sex is and why lots of people are preoccupied with it. I know I am going to like having sex with you. But until it happens I am going to wonder what it will be like to...
"Well, yeah, they're pigs," Simon tried to agree with the raven-haired beauty sitting opposite him. "But unfortunately they're not doing anything illegal so one can't just charge over there and tell them to get lost." His night hadn't been going well. His date stood him up without an explanation, the bar was far too crowded, the music too loud, and the beer he was sipping had gone flat. He had thought it might have taken something of an upturn when the long-legged, porcelain featured...
What turns a mediocre xxx page into a work of art?! Is it a clever name, a good logo, a price list, or the video quality? I'm gonna reveal the secret! Any porn is good porn as long as the chick is a wicked dick addict! Talented hoes quickly turn into pornstars, and when these famous sluts stand in front of the camera, sparks fly!Now, who the fuck are Jacquie and Michele? This is exactly what I am NOT gonna find out today! Honestly, I don't give a damn about the webmasters, layout, or picture...
Premium Pornstar SitesMy name is Larry and I own a consulting company that supports a number of large businesses and hotels in Las Vegas. I’m in my early forties, tall, with dark hair and complexion. My wife, Roxy, is also very tall about 6 feet and a knockout with killer legs and nice jugs. She is extremely erotic and when she walks into a room I see all the guys and most of the girl’s spring to attention. She never wears a bra and generally is in a very short skirt. I love to show her off and get a big...
PART TWOJulie had been away on a business trip for a few days. We chatted briefly every evening around supper time while she was out of town. It sounded like she was having a good trip. She told me that the meetings were rather involved and that they were wearing her down. When she got home, everything got back into its usual rhythm. We would make love once a week in our usual manner. Yes, I was experiencing some guilt for having slept with Diane but I did everything I could to hide that fact....
Gregg closed the car door and leaned back into the open window. "Thanks again for the ride. I'll see you tomorrow. 9am ... don't be late." Laura smiled excitedly and nodded. Just knowing that she'd get to see her "Master" again so soon had her body on fire. It didn't worry her that he'd told her to bring her sorority pledge paddle. She watched as he walked up the sidewalk to the cozy duplex on the opposite side of campus from where he lived. Standing in the main doorway was a...
"Hunnie, is that you?" Meagan mumbles. "Hey, baby, I can't stay long, I forgot the keys to my office and I desperately need to get in there to pick up my paperwork, for my meeting later on in the afternoon," Hope groans, with a saddened tone in her voice. "But.....its Valentine's day, I thought we could spend the day together, like we have done for the past three years!" grovels Meagan. "I'll make it up to you tonight, I promise. We can do anything you want, and I'll do anything you want,"...
LesbianHello readers, my name is Xanthia and this story took place last year when I was visiting family in Europe. I was 24, I have a nice body with 32 d cup and a tiny waist and nice round ass when I arrived my uncle picked me up and I went to his house. I saw my cousin Haari who I haven’t seen in 3 years there is some history with us, when we were younger (15 at the time) we kissed but that was all. I thought it was wrong and I never did it again because he is my first cousin. He is tall 6 feet and...
IncestThe ringing telephone disturbed my sleep and before I even picked it up a thought entered my clouded mind; I'd slept like a baby. The dream was gone. Cassie, realizing that she had awakened me, apologized before delivering the good news. She and her family would accept my invitation to use Holly's pool. "What time should we come?" she wanted to know and I told her any time would be fine. She must have handed the phone to Doris, who said they would leave their house about four P.M. It...
It was a hot night in Myrtle Beach but that did not stop me from wanting to dance. After a day lying on the beach and swimming and looking at all that man meat, I was ready for some f-u-n and hoping to get laid. It had been month's since I had a cock and I was so horny looking at all that oiled man candy. I had found the ideal outfit while cruising along the Boardwalk shops; a satin-like tank top and matching running short set in a bright aquamarine color that made my sun-bronzed skin seem to...
A Helpful Change By Peachy Part 1 Chapter 1 I knocked on the door of old Mrs. Storey's house and waited, feeling anxious. I would have liked to have had a different placement but I hadn't really had much choice. Our school had a work experience program and it had been just my bad luck to turn up to the hall late, so I had gotten stuck with being a home help for this seventy year old lady whose house I was now waiting outside. I'd already picked out my future career as doing caring...
When Marty’s car broke down seemingly miles from anywhere he managed to thumb a lift with a truck driver who dumped him off in the nearest town. The local community had once been a depressed area after it’s cotton mill closed down but now they had revived it’s fortunes with an usual hotel and casino called “The Erotica.” As the local garage said they couldn’t go out for his car until the next day he decided to book into the hotel which was housed in what used to be the old mill. Of course it...
Erotic“I can’t believe this is really happening!” thought Jamie as she watched the white stripes fly by as the truck sped down the interstate. She looked in the side mirror and could see the truck-bed cover bulging to contain the luggage stored safely from the weather. She looked out the window at the beauty of lush forests, steep cliffs, and snow capped mountains all around her. This was a far cry from the hustle and bustle of downtown – and worlds away from “Forbidden Pleasures”, the adult novelty...
EroticI was driving up highway 41 toward the Sierra foothills on my way to a lake where I sometimes went camping and fishing. My plan was to spend a few days fishing and unwinding from 2 weeks of intense contract work for a client. I was alone because I had made the decision on the spur of the moment and I knew none of my friends would be able to get free on short notice. That was ok, I was looking forward to being alone. I reached my favorite spot on the lake, a small clearing on the...
Its nearly lunchtime and Sonia is getting ready to meet her friend. He told her that the hotel is booked and to meet him in the bar at 12:30. She makes sure she has everything with her that she needs. One rampant rabbit - check. One mini vibe - check. One set of jiggle balls - inserted. Bottle of lube- check. That's all the toys he asked her to bring and she wonders what he will bring. Sonia is wearing a little black skirt which just covers her bum, a white shirt with the top button undone,...
ToysDay 9 Going Home Walter Beep... Beep... I jerked as the annoying sound woke me up. Looking at the radar, I saw two targets approaching the boat from directly ahead of me. I woke up Katia, and sent her below for my rifle. Turning the spot light on, I scanned the water ahead of us, and settled the light on a small sailing ship. A black flag was flying from it, and the side towards me started opening gun ports. Yanking the helm hard to starboard, I pressed the throttle to full ahead. The...
Hii friends its ajay from pune . The story i m going to tell is all about my experience that happened few weeks back …..the luck of mine to have sex with a housewife …32 year old ….her name is aditi ….she is from mumbai ….working in a multi-national company.i came into contact with her when she replied to me when she read a story posted by me on iss,……initially the way of aditi was like very general infact she was not that much interested in talking to me as i was younger to her….so we use to...
IncestVina Skyʼs grades are not where they need to be in order for her to transfer. Community College is hard on a beautiful, 18-year-old girl who has parties, dates, and tons of better things to do that donʼt involve studying. She drops by class a little early one afternoon to see what kind of extra credit she could do to raise her ‘D’. Professor Jay Crew has seen it before and is not swayed by her pleading. Her tight body and see-through top is another thing though! And Professor Crew...
xmoviesforyouThis happened back when I was a young lad who didn't fully understand which way my sexual thoughts would take me.I was very sporty as a young boy, always running, football, cricket, rugby anything that allowed me to burn off energy and get a little physical and sweaty.But I never expected my energy levels to be used in the way they were last summer.My mother had left my father and run off with a salesman from the local car dealership.My dad started to drink a lot, and have his friends over for...