My walk home from sixth form
- 2 years ago
- 29
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Kyra slept on the way back. I would have loved to have joined her but Mark was just as tired and talking to him ensured we all did get back to their home safely.
I sat opposite to him in the back and Kyra lay across the seat with her head in my lap while I gently caressed her arm or side or hair. There was no need for anything sexual; there was currently no "need" within us any more and if it returned there would still be time for whatever we deemed safe.
"Won't he ask who you were with?"
"I can always say Lydia." Mark named the mare that had briefly been my steed.
"He won't recognise the name?"
"He doesn't bother with their names unless he's looking for them in a competition list. Lydia was never that good. No, he might remember Thunder but he probably could only name Wintergreen -- that's Michelle's horse."
"And what about me then? How is he going to take Kyra and I having sex?"
"I wouldn't tell him myself."
"I hadn't planned to but I expect it would be obvious."
"So long as it's not obvious that I did! God! I can't believe it. I think he'd kill me."
"Worse than if he found out about us?"
"Oh then he'd probably only have me beaten to a pulp. You'd be the one he killed then, though you'd probably be killed for knowing I'd fucked Kyra! I can't believe I can even say that!"
I assumed he was referring to Kyra and not my demise.
"So we don't tell him. You should really think about getting a girlfriend though considering the situation. There must be someone who doesn't make your stomach churn."
"Yeah -- Kyra, but I don't think that's a workable solution."
"I guess the first thing is to find someone you don't mind being around. There are a few like that -- I've seen you socialising." Repetition might just convince him I was right.
"Talking to them is easy enough but I don't have to get involved with them."
"And then there's the guys you wouldn't mind being involved with but you're stuck talking to them."
"Why does life have to be so bloody unfair!?"
"I can't say. I think it stinks at times and I've got the best of both worlds. At least I have at the moment. I can hug your manly body and snuggle into Kyra's softness. That doesn't worry you, does it?"
"Well it's not exactly how I'd have planned it but I'm better off than I've ever been before."
"So you need to see what we can do to make things safer. How about a younger girl? I know they rabbit on sometimes but you're going to be under her parents' watchful eyes and that can keep you out of more mischief. Plus you can find you don't have anything in common before things get hot."
"I'd have to kiss her though. I really don't like that idea."
"There aren't guys you don't want to kiss?"
"Of course there are, but they don't expect me to kiss them."
"Get a cold sore."
"You're not being helpful!"
"No, scratch your lip so you have a scab. Call it herpes."
What was I doing!? By the time Mark had a girl in a position where it mattered how he behaved his father would no longer be an issue. Still it fitted the persona I had employed and gave us something to discuss on the trip back to their house.
"Julia's not bad I guess."
Julia, I thought. Julia? Ah! Yes. Not actually in any of my classes but I remembered someone talking about her. On the ordinary side but still acceptable; more to the point, on the flatter side. You could see she was a girl and I think she would be interesting to bed since she was intelligent enough to come up with her own little twists.
On the down side, she didn't have anyone interested in her that I'd heard about and might fall heavily once someone did show they fancied her. Of course I could have been totally off target and Julia might have been quite content with her lot, even asexual by choice. Looking at my initial ideas about how Rosalee and Hailey would react, I certainly wasn't going to put money on any particular outcome.
"She's fairly smart isn't she?"
"Yeah. Friendly too."
"So what would you do? Get her to help you with something? (A ruse Anna and I had successfully used to get some privacy.) Or include her in your conversations more and perhaps ask her why you never see her at the Sharp Angle?"
"I don't know. I don't even know if I want to go out with her. I wish I could just let everyone know we were lovers."
"It would certainly cause as stir at school. Maybe we could each invite one of the football team to the prom and start a couple of more rumours about them."
"We'd end up underneath the football team."
I camped things up. "Oh you're just saying that to tease!"
"Don't!" Mark shivered. "That's exactly how my father thinks of me. He thinks if he allowed me to even think I was gay I'd be getting butt-fucked by every guy in school and the neighbourhood."
"Well not all at once. You'd never get the grin off your face!"
"Roger!" At least he was laughing now.
"Sorry Mark, I can't help it. When the situation is ridiculous ridicule it!."
"I guess. Well if you could have any guy on the football team who would you choose?"
"My tastes don't really go to the jock mentality. If you really wanted to tempt me there's the guy on the squash team; very short hair except at the back, he has, like, a little ponytail."
"Dwayne!? Sounds like a good ol' boy; definitely not the finely boned athlete that makes my heart race."
"Really? And you know his bone is so fine?"
"No. I'm just trying to make you jealous. He does look nice and fit and has sounded okay but I fear he is as straight as a ... well, whatever a pretzel isn't."
"So you think of me as a pretzel?"
"I think of myself as a pretzel. You might be a boomerang. I just hope you keep coming back to me."
"Well coming seems to be the right word for what we do together."
"I'm glad you and Kyra could help each other out like that."
"Help each other? How?"
"Well, satisfy each other's needs."
"I still feel it was wrong."
"But the nicest possible wrong, wasn't it? I wonder what we could do to vary things some more. How about Kyra blowing you while you're sitting on my lap with my hard prick buried as deeply in your ass as you were in Kyra?"
"I'd rather we blew each other."
"Mmm. Want to turn around?"
"You're not getting cold feet about meeting my father are you?"
"I guess a little. It would be one thing if I was meeting your father openly but I'm really meeting Kyra's if you understand. I wonder if anyone has ever had such a mix-up?"
"I guess there would have been plenty of guys over the years who dated one sister and then fell for the other. Some of them had to have been careless and let them overlap."
"But how many of them fucked both sisters together, at the same time?" The question was asked by a female voice.
I looked down. "Hello sunshine. Back with us again then?"
"Mmm. You can be my pillow all the time. What were you saying about Daddy?"
"Mainly that it was strange being invited in one guise when I'm actually something completely different."
"You don't want to be my boyfriend?"
"Well I don't know what I want for the rest of my life. I do know that it would be interesting with either of you. For now I'm thankful for knowing you both and for being able to share what we do. If that means being your boyfriend in public and Mark's in secret and you are both okay with that I don't mind facing up to your father. Just, does he expect me to ask his permission or anything weird like that?"
Kyra and Mark laughed. "I think he will warn you to treat her right and to be careful not to break her heart or he might have to break some things of yours."
"So you can dump me sunshine but I can't dump you."
"Just so long as you know."
For some reason that didn't worry me.
Beverley made me welcome. I wondered what Mark would say if I suggested a little two on one with her; it was a suggestion that would never reach my lips. Fooling around with Adam Pringle's daughter was risky unless you were prospective son-in-law material; even joking that Beverley was a MILF was likely to be a capital offence. I was not stupid.
We were home in plenty of time for dinner so it wasn't a case of sitting down at the table as soon as we walked in the door. Adam was elsewhere -- the where and why not even offered, merely a " ... will be joining us soon."
Instead I was settled into a comfortable lounge in a room full of expensive-looking ornamentation and supplied with my every need. Well, Beverley brought a cola for me.
Kyra sat beside me and Mark opposite where our toes could brush together under the long low coffee table.
Michelle kept us company and I have to say Kyra accepted her 12 year old half-sister's presence with what I can only call extreme good will. Kyra actually spoke with Michelle instead of to her.
"I had a good day, not even Miss Prissy was going to get me down," was how she described it later.
Michelle was disappointed I hadn't brought my toys with me. I grinned and promised to bring my remote controlled cars over some time and she could try driving them.
"Oh I don't need to drive yours, I've got one of my own. I wanted to learn how to race it like you do."
"Okay. We'll organise a race some time then."
I had no objection to Adam Pringle's own family providing an extra reason for me to bring the cars back.
Her next comment was fortunately delayed until after her mother had brought us our refreshments and then left us to our own devices while she made sure dinner would be ready whenever her husband arrived; it made me snort cola out my nose -- not fun.
"So are you fucking Kyra?"
"What!?" Kyra was astounded.
"Well I heard Daddy saying, er,..." Michelle's eyes looked heavenward as she recalled the words. "... 'I'm sure the little cunt is fucking Kyra. Find out what he's doing with those other sluts you told me about.' I figured you must be the little cunt because he said your name before. I don't think it was a nice thing to call you."
"And it's not a nice thing for you to repeat. Daddy wouldn't be happy to know you were listening to his conversation."
Michelle looked sad. "But is he fucking you?"
"Why? Why is it even any of your business?"
"Because if he is, then he has to be your boyfriend cause that's what boyfriends do. And if he's your boyfriend then he's going to be coming around all the time and that's good 'cause I like him."
A crush! I did not want a 12 year old pursuing me! At least the others spared me the embarrassment of having the crush acknowledged by them.
Fortunately Mark came to the rescue, at least as far as the explanation went -- I was on my own regarding dealing with Michelle.
"Roger is Kyra's boyfriend but you can be a boyfriend without having sex and you can have sex without being boyfriend and girlfriend. And I think you should say 'making love' rather than 'fucking' -- it sounds much nicer."
"And Daddy's not as likely to whoop your ass!"
Kyra! I thought.
"But if Roger is your boyfriend and you are making love..." Michelle paused.
"Yes?" asked Kyra with only a hint of threat in her voice.
"Well, what's it like, really?". Her tone actually changed to a pleasant enquiry.
Kyra had a smug look on her face and I worried what she would say.
"If we were making love then it would be so good he would make my heart pound, and my legs and arms go weak, and I'd scream."
Michelle turned to me. "Kyra screams at me sometimes, especially if I annoy her. I hope it doesn't worry you because she can be nice too -- I've been told."
I smiled at the mild cattiness.
"Yes, I think she can be nice as well."
"I hope I get a boyfriend who makes me scream too."
"You're too young."
Michelle looked at her sister again. "That's what Daddy said about you two; that you were too young to be careful and if Roger made you pregnant, he'd have to find Roger a job so he could afford a wife. Does that mean Roger would live here with us?"
"I've only been going out with Roger for a couple of weeks. We are not getting married!!"
"See I told you she screams at me when I annoy her. Gotcha!"
Michelle smiled broadly and stood up.
"I may only be 12 but I'm not stupid. Plus I wasn't lying about what Daddy said. See you at dinner Roger." She waved to Mark and left us alone.
"Sorry Roger."
"That's okay Kyra. I don't mind her. She's interesting."
"I didn't mean Michelle. I meant my father and us and everything. Michelle does love to stir me but she wouldn't have lied; we've brought you into a situation where you're likely to find yourself in so deep you won't be able to get out. I think it might be best for you to go and I'll tell my father I thought we were incompatible and broke up with you."
A valiant gesture, forsaking her current sexual happiness and possible romantic future for my wellbeing. We did get on well enough that there was the potential for Roger Torrent to propose to Kyra Pringle at some stage in a few years time. How Mark would fit into that life would be hard to say but there were some interesting possibilities.
Unfortunately for Kyra, I wasn't Roger Torrent and while I had no intentions of spending more than a few more days with Kyra or Mark I did need that time.
"You want to get rid of me? I thought you liked me."
"I do. That's why you can't be my boyfriend."
"Have you thought that maybe I don't want to not be your boyfriend?"
Kyra looked to be torn between worry over what her father would do to me and worry that she was losing something more than a good, or great, fuck.
"We knew that your father might not approve of me. Why is it worse if he insists on approving?"
"It can get worse if he changes his mind," Mark added his view.
I looked at him.
"There's a couple of reasons why I'd like to see this through -- not just one. I don't like just dropping my friends. I can't see any reason why I should. I'm more inclined to be as honest as possible. As possible," I repeated, "and just see how things work out."
"Honest?" Kyra asked.
"Well we've only known each other for a couple of weeks but feel strongly for each other. That we're both a mass of teenage hormones but so far haven't had a chance to be alone so are still thinking about sex."
"Constantly," muttered Mark.
"You're a terrible friend; not letting me be alone with your sister!"
Mark only grinned.
"Okay, so you're still my boyfriend."
"Think Dad will let him sleep over?" Mark teased.
Kyra shuddered. She really had no idea just how her father would react to her openly fucking me. I guess she had hoped to keep the role of new boyfriend going for a while before having to deal with her father in some new frame of mind. Her father could be extremely hypocritical about some matters -- for instance his own sexual morals -- but then again occasionally he would be tolerant when she didn't expect it.
Michelle returned, walking down the corridor so we knew she hadn't been eavesdropping outside the door.
"Daddy's home if you'd like to wash up and come to the dining room." She flounced away, the contrast with her earlier aplomb making her look far younger than 12.
With mutual looks that said "Well this is it!", we rose and headed out of the room. As we reached the doorway I waited for Kyra to pass through first and reached behind me to give Mark's hand a squeeze before catching up and taking Kyra's hand in mind.
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I collapsed on the bed after he left. My mind was swimming. Never in my life did I think it would be like that, that my whole body would be held captive to one touch, at once place on my body. The movement inside me, the feel of me clinching around him, being parted by him, the force of his movement against me, all cam surging back to me. I felt open, not really able to feel him inside me, but rather the absence of him. I moved to the head of the bed, and let my wet hair hang between the bed...
I had played sick so I could stay home school. There was going to be a test and I was in no way prepared to take it. Mom went off to work and left me home to get well. I am only sixteen, my mom and dad got divorced when I was thirteen. Mom does go out but she keeps it pretty low key. I got tired of playing X-Box and thought I would snoop around my moms room. I was hoping to find a pair of her dirty panties thaat I could use to jerk off with. I went thru her closet and was going thru her...
I remember the excitement-while we had done this before, it had been a while for each of us, and our last trip had been iffy. But not this time. My inner goddess stirring, knowing, excited and determined. I was wet and on edge most of the ride down, and once we were all together sexual tension filled the van. It hung in the air, a great lovely wicked b**st, demanding satisfaction. And I a willing sacrifice. But not yet. A quick dip in the pool to cool the b**st first. All eyes on us as we...
Please read parts 1 and 2 first for this story to make sense. Feel free to leave me comments and suggestions on what should happen next. As soon as the pictures had sent to mark, lisa stood up and went to the bathroom to get herself cleaned up. As she stood at the sink looking in the mirror at the naked woman in front of her with cum dripping down her face and clinging to her eye lids she started to cry, how had she let it go this far? why did she ever fuck those strippers? how could her...
?If the stray dog stays, leash it. If the stray dog wanders, kill it.? Old Mexican Proverb I.-She didn’t tell me how old was she, and if she told me, she told me in Japanese, which I don’t understand, so it would have been exactly as if she didn’t tell me. I had never been in Japan before. Never had an interest in doing so. I’m not the kind of person that likes to travel. All places are the same place if you ask me. But every year I spent a week somewhere else with Mervyn, the only person I’d...
Without a second thought he says, “I can give you a liftâ€. Now normally...on a regular day when the morning goes to shit I would've said I’m ok...I would have thanked him and returned to the call to my sister. Today wasn’t a regular day….it was Wednesday. It was supposed to be sunny. It wasn’t, and this handsome man..whom I wished would talk….and explore naughty things with me had just offered me a ride. It was a rainy Wednesday. An overcast day that once again the WeatherChannel had guessed...
Sex With StrangerAnother day, another night. After wrapping up your homework for tomorrow, it's time to get ready for bed. You lay out your favorite pajamas on the comforter and strip down to your underwear. Like most nights, you take the opportunity to pose in front of the mirror atop your dresser. You don't find your reflection disappointing. You are...well, you know who you are. After three-and-a-half years at an all-girls high school, you're in your final semester now, 18 years old and ready to head off to...
Anyway, I was waiting for my girlfriend to get ready for our date, again. I told her to hurry up already so we don't mis the movie. She said, "I am fixing my hair, these things take time. I keep my hair nice for you, you know." I responded "I like it when you look nice, but if you cut your hair to your neck I wouldn't mind." Melody said "Really?, I'll get the scissors if your serious. I would love to save the time but i don't think you really mean that." I glared at her...
“ Sorry I have to ask you this but can I see your I.D.?” The cashier who asked me this question didn’t look old enough to buy beer herself but in the supermarket where she worked it was store policy to check everyone, no matter their age. “I know you’re only doing your job. Glad to help fight the menace of underage drinking” I said with a straight face while handing her my license. She typed my birth date into the computerized register before returning my license to me. “...
Toby and Megan swam easily back across the pond, to find both Andrew and Lizzie sunning themselves naked on the grass. Megan’s top had come undone on the swim over as well, so she was almost topless herself. Regardless, neither girl commented on their own partial or full nudity, nor of Andrew’s. It seemed as if all four understood what had just occurred and it was no longer a big deal. Then Megan stripped off her swimsuit and dried off, and then both twins pulled their t-shirts and shorts on...
She was there at the gate, as she'd promised. "Did you have a nice cruise?" she said by way of greeting. "A cruise it wasn't! We took a beating from the ocean, but we got most of the data we were looking for." I drew her to me, and we kissed. "I never got a chance to wash those panties of yours." "I'm sure you didn't. In fact, I'm sure you went to bed with them on your face every night!" "Damn right! I missed you so much, Liz! I needed to smell you, to make sure you weren't...
“How’re you feeling?” Sam asked. “Sore. Disoriented.” Tegan picked up her phone to check the time: it was early afternoon, presumably the same day. “Did you want to sleep more? I was going to get some lunch together.” “Food sounds amaaazing.” Tegan sighed, reflecting that she had only had snacks and wine the night before. “Ok, leave you to it while I get lunch started.” Sam said, standing up and exiting her room. Tegan reluctantly slid out of bed and wandered across the hall to the...
We soon married and began a life together. One nite while lying in bed, watching a well known late night show, she commented she would like to have sex with the host of the TV show! I was shocked!! I knew she had never had sex with anyone other than me, and the idea turned me on. We began sharing fantasies of her having sex with another man. This was a tremendous turn on for both of us. We continued with our little "fantasies" for many years. She knew I wanted her to have sex with someone...
Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 28 Return to Tallahassee Mercifully for Beth her week in Charleston ended. She felt like she had survived a very difficult test and she wanted to celebrate. As they were heading back to Tallahassee Beth looked at Aaron. She knew what she wanted. "We had a good visit in Charleston. I think we need to celebrate. There is a nice Embassy Suites in Savanah. Let's stop there for the night. We can enjoy the Manager's Reception and the...
Introduction: Now entering the second trimester with her dads baby inside Nicole is now in her second trimester with her dads baby growing inside her. Her belly is starting that familiar bulge and her breasts are getting that lovely darkening around the nipples that I love, knowing they will soon start filling with milk. She has been texting her dad at least one every weekend with updates and sending him pictures of her bare belly and shaved pussy for him to admire. I enjoy taking the pictures...
My name is Riyanca and I was such a homely girl until I was taken and humiliated by my 1st boyfriend. Before I start on what happened let me describe myself I am an indian and Thailand mix blood and was considered a very pretty and hot girl from where I come from with an amazing body and a pretty face. Many guys used to pay attention to me especially because of my big breast and big ass. I have a medium body frame making my big breast and big ass stand out a lot. I was very reluctant to fall...
Group SexThe Orioles' runaway Division championship in the AL East made for a disappointing year in New York, Boston, and Toronto. Not so much in Tampa Bay. The Devil Rays had done pretty well on the season (despite once again finishing fifth-and-last). There was hope. If anything, Devil Ray fans, seeing the Orioles' success, took some encouragement from it. After all, we'd been right down there in the basement alongside them, for close to a decade; and not so very long ago. Joe Torre got fired,...
The Devil You Say That evening, we attended the box lunch and country-dance. Angel expressed keen disappointment when she found our version of "box lunches" weren't sexual events. But she was a good sport about it and whammied up a nice little Kentucky fried box of goodies. I bid on her box and Harold Loomis bid against me. Suddenly, I felt a squirmy feeling in my right jeans pocket. I reached in and pulled out a big wad of cash. "Well, Rupert," I said to myself. "I bet this means...
Chapter 5 The following week Beth called to say Bob would be out of town on Thursday night. “Do you suppose Charlie would like me to come over for a visit?”“I don’t think I need to consult him on such a question,” Lexi laughed.One week after Beth’s visit, Lexi again spent an evening with Beth and Bob.This back and forth went on for two months before the girls decided it was time to get all four of them together at one time. They planned to have a Saturday afternoon cookout at Beth’s house so...
NovelsHey friends, I am really thankful to all of you who sent me feedback and especially to the girls who mailed me and appreciated me. Love you all. Koi v ladki ya bhabhi sex krna chahti ho toh mujhe mail kra- abh chudai story par ata hu mai Yeh mera best friend ki story ha us na mujhe btaye thi so mai abh btata hu Mera name rakesh ha. Mera khud ka business ha. Meri umar 29 years ha. Meri height 5’9″ ha. Colour is white. Mera lund 6 inch ka ha. Jab mai college mai padhta tha toh meri ek junior...
“Ah, Mr. Avanti. Nice to meet you. Sana said that you’d be coming,” the attorney greeted me as I entered his main office after about twenty minutes or so of admiring the secretary. I tried not to be too obvious, but hey, blondes ... what could I say? “Sana?” I asked. “Dr. Habib. I’m Yuri Natansky and you’re Simon Avanti, the man who was her patient last night, right?” the bald, goateed divorce lawyer confirmed. “That I am. Look ... what my wife did last night ... it’s not simple adultery....
In my middle years, I met and married a Mexican girl -- woman, I should say, as Maria Elena was in her mid-30s, three years younger than I. She was tall, full-bodied, dark-eyed and olive-skinned. The night we met, we wound up in bed. I was somewhat desperate, between girlfriends for several months, and she was very pretty in a haughty, high-cheeked sort of way. I threw myself at her feet, literally, to get her to dance with me. Later, talking with Maria Elena and her girlfriend over drinks at...
Jane pulled back from her revelry. That had been five years ago. In that time she had only taught a few of the skills to a few women. She had used some of the skills to coerce a very talented physics major with a flair for art into producing her own Rod of Sappho. Upon leaving California, she had left him in the hands of her counselor, who had taken five of the sessions with the rod. Five of the sessions would be plenty to insure the physics major lived a very happy existence. But Jane felt a...
Monday morning came and Jeannie was right. Suddenly I was interesting to girls who wouldn't even acknowledge my presence before. This was great. I looked for Angie and found her at lunch. Gathering up whatever courage I had, I went over to her. As usual, she was sitting alone and giving evil stares to anyone trying to join her. I ignored the stare and sat down anyway. "Hi Angie." "What do you want, Oscar? Why don't you sit somewhere else, instead. I want to be alone." I thought...
Lenny parted from the dusky gypsy-beauty with some sadness. She knew that a grueling and perhaps dangerous task still lay ahead of her. After leaving a full report with Lenora she returned to her own apartment and changed into a suit and put her silky blonde hair up in a bun. "That," she said snappily to the mirror, ought to do for the sex-machine nuts." She then caught a cross-town cab for the office of Masters McClain. The day, for this young woman at least, had just barely...