Haleys Au Pair Adventure
- 4 years ago
- 30
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I was a little shocked to be awakened by the phone on Monday morning. As I put the situation together I was it was 8:30 and it was Marie, the secretary, from work calling to be sure I was up. I wasn't due until around 10 for the 10:15 meeting and this was her little perk for each of the roadmen on their first Monday back. Today was my turn and she did her usual little cat and mouse flirt. I was just a little curt with her wondering why Gail hadn't woken me. I told Marie I would see her in an hour or so and go up to see what was up.
There was a note on the bathroom mirror.
I smiled at her insinuation, but was proud that she knew it was work Monday and that was first. I was all about priorities and I loved the way she was adapting. This was her first day to regular salary and she wanted nothing to change that. I know she set a goal for getting her drivers license soon and a car after a few paychecks. Until then the bus stop each morning by 7:15 would be her gig. Unfortunately I really missed seeing her in the morning and I already hoped she woke me up the rest of the week with her. But for now, the shower, coffee and toast and my short drive in were all I could think about if I wanted to be ontime.
After being out on the road for a few weeks, my first day back at the office was my favorite. I got the chance to show them what was going on "out there" and share my ideas on things. The morning was typically a debriefing of sorts to explain my notes and incident reports. Supply problems in the Mobile area were a hot topic today as security issues reared their heads. We had been a target of vandals twice in that area and certain supply lines were closed for safety checks. Unusually high demand stretched us to the limit and never used emergency contingencies failed at times. I had dictated a long report with solution ideas to Marie on my drive home and uploaded it Saturday. When I hit the board room, the 8 page report was in each spot around the discussion table. Marie was as efficient as ever. As I read the report aloud from the overhead and supplied photos from my digital camera I impressed myself. Today might be a good day to make a pitch for an inside gig.
After my report and a review of the highlights of the previous weeks field reports they had a company news blurb that told of retirements and acquisitions, etc. Today's ended with, "Iggy Cooper today adds a new full time Geo-CAD to his team after a 6 week temp stint. Her name is Gail Hunt and she has the credentials to be a major contributor with AmeriGas. We're excited to have her on our team."
I stood up to speak before the meeting was to break at the end of the announcements.
"Ummm,... before rumors and stories start to get around I want to get this out in the open." I began. "Gail Hunt, the new Geo-CAD, is an old college friend of mine. Recently she and I have entered into a relationship together. We don't consider it a fling, and with my position on the road it doesn't violate our frat policies. She's very serious about her career here and we don't want rumors to float around."
At the head of the table the two VP's exchanged whispers and looked at me as I retook my seat.
"Rob, we don't see any problem with this, especially since you came forward. Good luck." One of them said before he stood and looked at the group and said, "I think we're done, let's dismiss."
We all stood and gathered our things from the table. Iggy Cooper came over to me.
"That was probably the best way to handle it. Way to go. Those guys know what she's capable of already so I wouldn't worry."
As we broke up and everyone headed for the halls and elevators I was able to catch up to Seth Maris, a VP. Seth had been an assistant coach at Minnesota when I was trying to walk onto the hockey team. He was out of school about 4 years then, but helped out with the Gophers program each Fall. I suspected he was a big alumni contributor to the Hockey program and strapping on the skates with the team as they whittled down to a squad was one of his perks. I knew him well from each of my 4 years as the third goalie and the practice goalie.
"Seth, do you have a minute? I want to thank you for cutting some slack on my ummm... relationship. It's a part of the reason I wanted to talk to you. I'm not asking you to come off the road, but if anything should become available here in house, I want you to know I would like to be considered."
"Want to spend more time at home with your new love, huh?" He answered smiling.
"Well, sort of. It would be nice. I mean our time together is great but being away has been a drag. By the time something opens up I may have changed my mind. We're just going through that building block phase of our relationship and I just wish I was home more. I'm home for two weeks this trip and I have my hiatus time, so it will actually be three. So as you can imagine, leaving is hard. I probably have my head up my butt the first few days I'm out, but I'm sure I'll be over that. I guess I really feel this is the real thing and it's getting pretty serious. I wouldn't want to be married this way." I explained as honestly as I could.
"Listen Rob, I totally understand and you wouldn't be the first man who would want to be home if he were just married. We know it goes with the territory. Let things play out, but I'll keep you in mind if we think anything fits you in here. Send me a memo to remind me once I get back to my office. I'd hate to lose you on the road, but I'd hate even more if you left the company. By the way, you've picked yourself a pretty smart girl there. Iggy wants to turn the whole department over to her if he gets his Masters and puts in for another department." Seth said, easing my trepidations about even asking.
As the elevator closed and I walked back up the hallway I felt pretty good. Seth had endorsed both of us and seemed to understand my mental predicament with our relationship and knew he would have to provide a fix should we really get crazy and make the big step. Today was Gail's first real official day on the job after her temp status had run out and a VP of the firm was talking about her taking over one of the most important departments in the company's profit and R and D structure. They weren't handling her as a new hire, they were handling her as if THEY paid her way through college and touted her.
I checked my watch and saw it was almost one o'clock and I was feeling hungry. I buzzed Gail's phone and I heard it roll over to the floor receptionist.
"Gail Hunt's phone, can I help you?"
"Yes, is she out of the office?"
"Yes, but she is in the building and I can get her a message if it's urgent."
"No - no. Is she at lunch?"
"Ummmm... Mr. Preston? She said she was going to grab a bite and workout. She expected you to call."
"Oh! Umm OK, thanks." I said as I headed towards the gym.
You have to walk to the end of the third floor and down a ramp past windows that overlook the gym. The gym consisted of a floor full of exercise machines, stair climbers, treadmills and fixed resistance modules. There were a few mats for exercising. From noon till two and again from five until seven there were usually a couple spotters to assist anyone. The company was very health conscious with the ulterior motive of keeping health care costs down. The most endearing part of the gym was the elevated track that circled the large high ceiling room. That was where I saw Gail through the overlook windows as I went down the ramp to the entrance. I stopped to watch her jog by. My cock fluttered in my pants as I saw her in her tight little outfit. As she went by I watched her ass as her legs pumped. Good Lord, she was a picture! I stood to watch her go by again but she finished her run and I saw her go down the steps into the women's locker and shower. I suspected she was just inside cooling down, but I thought it best to leave her be.
After grabbing a quick bite in the cafeteria I felt my cell vibrate and I saw it was Gail returning my call.
"Did you call me on business?" She queried as I answered.
"Yes. Monkey." I answered.
"Huh? What?" she answered confused.
"Monkey business!" I said with a chuckle.
Oh, sorry Rob. I'm just real busy so I can get done with a project for Iggy. He's leaving for New Orleans tonight and needs it. I'll start dinner for us. If you don't get a call you'll be home just after 6, right?"
"Yes, Ms Hunt... Jeepers Gail, can you turn it off for a second. How about, hello Robbie I miss you today?"
Her voice turned to a sexy growl. "You'll know how much I missed you later. Maybe we can feed each other?"
"Now, I'm sweating. Sorry to bother you. I'll see you at home." I said as she laughed and got back to her work.
I realized another quality I admired in her. She was able to take her emotions about our relationship, which were quite great, and bottle them and set them aside and be just as passionate about her other "loves". She truly loved her work. Her sense of self-satisfaction and accomplishment drove her madly towards her goal. However, when she walked out the door she was able to leave the job behind. I suspect her former life style of being mad at the world, mad at God and wanting to show the world as much, helped nurture this quality. At first she had to know how freaky she looked and acted, but she kept herself strong and told herself not to bend. However, when she was in class she was all business, and I do mean ALL. Having the where with all to turn that world grudge off long enough to devote her mind to her studies was like she partitioned her brain, like one might a hard drive on their computer.
I did my best to put my anticipation of being with her in the back of my mind and devote my thoughts to work as well. The day was cruising by with my catching up with paperwork and making out itineraries when I felt my pager go off. Looking down at it I saw that I was in the tan Amerigas-Amerifuels road tech uniform and was quick to remember I was on call.
I dialed the service number and got the lowdown on a problem right in Metro Atlanta. There was a gas smell in the area of Turner Field and around Pulliam Street; and Georgia and Capitol Avenues. The report was followed quickly by a call from Turner Field itself saying that the gas pressure was low. In less than 3 hours they were to host a High School football pre-season match-up of county rivals. It was a yearly charity game and they expected 25,000 or more fans to be there. Football of any kind is big in Georgia.
I called and sent prelim crews to the site and followed up with police and fire crews to be ready to handle an emergency. Fire crews would assist us in getting into the sewer systems and prepare to vent them if necessary. All downtowns fear a trapped underground gas explosion in the infrastructure of the sewers. This had the earmarks of just such a situation. All enroute crews were told of what it "sounded" like so they could take precautions upon arrival. If there were a problem it meant closing I-20 and I-75/85 which crossed almost over the area. Doing so with the prospect of 20,000 additional cars coming to a game only increased the mess and the possibility of a bigger disaster.
I was in an emergency vehicle with flashing lights on my way within a few minutes. Our on site fire crew were trained first responders and our lights and sirens got the same respect that municipal engines got.
When I arrived our first crews were already measuring gas from cracks in the pavement at street level and along the curbs. Metro Atlanta fire fighters were there just behind us and they were gingerly opening a manhole after gelling it down to make sure no sparks were created. Hosenoses were sent down into the sewer lines and, thankfully, we found no detection of natural gas. Meanwhile crews were getting strength readings from different areas of the affected streets and began to pin down where a break might be. This could end up being a simple fix-up after all. Pulling out our blueprints of the area we began to turn gas cocks off to isolate the affected streets and still keep Turner Field online. Where it didn't seem possible as first, we did come up with routing to facilitate our needs. Then I was off to Turner to check for pressure and be sure there were no additional problems.
It was pushing 6 o'clock and parking lots were still closed and traffic was bound as far as the eye could see, but traffic was moving unless you were trying to get off at any Turner Field exits. By 6:10 we gave the all clear to open parking lots and permit the game to go on. We found the source of the leak, let it vent to make it safe and ending up only closing one block of one street; an inconvenience for sure, but an easy one when you consider what the possibilities could have been. My own expertise was never needed on this emergency, but having the luxury of knowing that up front was impossible. A smell of gas in the streets and low pressure usually means a build up is contained and that means disaster I was 20 minutes late being home and I hadn't called Gail yet, and I was at least an hour from walking in my door. After being called out once, it would take a dire emergency for me to get a second call. I wasn't on a service or repair crew, I was just their guide to safely do their job when the situation called for it. Then I followed up with the why and how to prevent it from happening again.
"Hey, babysweets, I guess you know I'm late. I'm out on call." I said as she answered the phone.
"I know. Iggy called me as soon as you left the garage. I even saw you on the live news cam on channel 63. Are you through?" she asked.
"Yes I just have to file a report and drive home. Lets look at 7:30 OK?" I offered.
"OK, be careful! Do your job, we have forever... but tonight would be nice." She chuckled.
I was back at Amerigas in a few minutes and got the on-call secretary to depose me. I hated that word, it sounded like I do or did something illegal. Actually it was just the opposite, it was to keep our ass covered for lawyers and possible law suits. Tonight was a simple settlement rupture in a very soft firmament under the pavement, next to the sewer line, probably caused by the massive construction project of tearing down Fulton County Stadium and building Turner Field. In city infrastructure if there is heavy gas smell on the street, 95 times out of a 100, the sewers are ripe for explosion as they build pressure and take away from the customer pressure. A spark in this unnoticed condition could take out a couple city blocks. My deposition definitely justified my actions with police and fire, as well as permitting the game to proceed as planned. At 7:15 I was driving home with a clear head and a lot of anticipation of my evening with Gail. God, I loved her and missed her.
I parked he car and went in through the mud room and immediately my senses were filled with good smells from the kitchen. Gail greeted me at the kitchen with a long deep kiss and tight hug. She turned and picked up two glasses of wine she had poured and we clinked before sipping. As we walked into the kitchen I saw she had to places set at the end of the breakfast counter where we could sit almost face to face. She pulled out my chair and I sat while she served.
Salmon fillets with steamed veggies filled the plates she brought out and her secret was known. Chef Carmina, a neighbor of mine, was a TV chef and had a small catering business. She froze her specialties for me and delivered them every week or so. She was a rotund woman in her fifties whom I met when I first moved in. She admired my lawn and landscaping as I set my yard up. She brought me a couple of her frozen specialties as a housewarming, friendly gesture. I was blown away at the quality and asked if she could supply more, offering to pay. Since that time she would stop over Mondays if she saw the kitchen lights on and deliver her flash frozen specialties. I usually gave her $100 which she would put down her cleavage and say it would go to her grandchild's college find. She enjoyed our weekly visits and I enjoyed the food. To her they may have been TV and catering leftovers, to me it was a way to get a good hot meal without investing the time.
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SpankingThere had been a thunderstorm at Camp Lake Blue Water last night. The students and teachers were all fine, as were the camp buildings. Some of the trees however, had not fared quite so well. A few trees were strewn about the grounds. It was nothing major, nothing a few hours of cleaning up by the camp owners would not fix. Mr. John Michaels and Mrs. Sandra Michaels, the camp owners and supervisors surveyed the main camp area. Mr Michaels started to clean up the broken trees, while Mrs....
I laid on the carpeted floor, chest down and back exposed to the air. Wearing only a pair of shorts, I watched whatever tv show was playing, unable to conjure the strength to move my arm to the remote and change the channel. Heat radiated from my shoulders and back, caused by the terrible sunburn I had experienced in the pool earlier that day. Every motion of my upper body shot tendrils of pain raking across my skin. When I finally landed on the floor in the living room in the most comfortable...
Straight SexWhen I was in school there was this one teacher named Miss Snow that made all the boys (as well as all the male teacher) drool. When she walked down the hall all the males would stop, turn around, and follow her like little puppies. She couldn't have been much older then 24. She had long straight black hair. A nice body, not overly large in the tit department but they were nice. Miss Snow was in Media/Video; which meant she was in charge of all the films, video, cameras, VCR's, and...
"Shhh! We can't wake her up!" your mom whispers. You, your mom, and your older sister were standing outside your little sister's door, ready to surprise her. It was her 18th birthday, and pancakes were about to be served in bed. "We know, we know! Come on, let's do this!" Sam whispers, smiling with anticipation. You smile back at her as you slowly open her door, allowing space for your mom with the pancakes and your sister with the plates and forks can get through. You all slowly creep towards...
IncestElection Day, November 3, 2020 Sanders For President Headquarters, Burlington, Vermont “Well, at least some good news, of course. It’s a call from Joe Walsh, Senator,” Jane Sanders, still leaking some of my cum from her ass after a little quickie, informed her husband, Bernie. “Congressman Walsh? How nice to hear from you!” Bernie was polite as ever, his eyes only briefly flashing with demonic mischief and schadenfreude over Walsh’s landslide defeat. “Congratulations, Senator. Or should I...
After sucking a magnificent black dick at the glory hole in that truck stop in the middle of nowhere; I stayed locked in the Janitor’s closet; trying to catch my breath.Fifteen minutes passed and just another man entered the men’s room; but he took a leak in other stall. He did not know for sure there was a glory hole in the last booth…I decided to stand up and leave my hidden place. I washed my mouth, still tasting that black guy’s cum in my tongue and lips...Then I came back to the coffee...
Hello Indian sex stories dot net readers, I’m 22 years old from Belgaum, Karnataka. Anyone close by can email me on siddyboy66gmail.com. Anyone can contact me and avail me to pleasure you’ll. I have a 6-inch cock. This story took place when I had a vacation after my 5th sem exams. My aunt whose fig goes with 36-34-36 with fair complexion. Her eyes with big and with a bright spark. So she called twice or thrice to come for vacation to Pune and I couldn’t resist the invitation. So I reached there...
IncestHi ..this is Seema here again with another marvelous adventure during the 20034 new years. After we got Niti into our gang we always use the think of expanding the gang for fun and adventure as Niti was engaged she was involved very less like once in a month or so as me and didi were concerned we never missed a opportunity to fuck each other. So once we decided to get on the net and look for like minded females or girls or aunts. We all 3 made fake e-mail ids and in India times and yahoo and...
LesbianIt’s about a story of me and my my roommate of hostel days. From the starting I had bisexual tendency. My name is shsalini and her name is soniya. I am a bisexual although I dint knew about her bisexual tendeny initially. In the engineering days we were allotted the same room. But when we 2 went into second year I started developing hots of her. Her figure was 34c 30 34. In the night when she changed her clothes she used to wear shorts and white loose t—shirt which was quiet transparent through...
LesbianThis was the second night I spent with him this week. The second time we had a sleepover. The first night we were really drunk and slept most of the night, but we did have sex a couple of times. We were lying next to each other. He stroked my legs and kissed my neck sending so many thoughts to my head. I’m only 16 but since my ex boyfriend from a couple months ago had been my age sex always seemed more of an exploration; like a sport I wanted to be good at. John was way different than my ex, he...
Straight SexMichelle frowned but started to pull down her dress regardless. "Funny... but don't forget who's in charge here. Your dick probably needs a rest, so how bout you repay the favor and make me cum in your mouth?"Kaitlin looked at me, "Oh my god... please eat me out too... I heard it felt soooo good..."The woman addressed me as she sat on the desk and rubbed the crotch of her panties, "You've eaten pussy before... right?"I nodded, "A few times.... with Delia ...""Good, then do me." I approached her...
Zoë felt quite excited as she pushed open the door to the flat she shared with Esther. Tonight was the night of the dinner party for which they’d been preparing for ever such a long time. Ever since the last such party in fact. That one had been such a success that they could hardly wait to get another organised. She smiled at her reflection in the hall mirror as she slipped off the denim jacket she’d been wearing. It had been so much fun her pussy had been sore for a week. She could hear a...
My head was screaming as I awoke! I kept trying to remember last night? All there was darkness,emptiness, and forgotten hours. The booze had been free and it did nor it matter that I knew no one. Free kept repeating its self! I was not even sure what day it was."Morning sleepy..." I open my eyes to a girl that I did not remember. I tried to move,found out that it was impossible! "Shhh." her finger touched my lips. "You cannot move sweety. Nor can you escape." Fear shook me fully awake! I tried...
It was a huge wedding with people from all over the country there to watch and celebrate. I knew the woman who was getting married but not very well, she was a distant relative. There were members of my family there but mostly people I had no idea who they were. The wedding was a big church and the reception followed. It was and evening wedding. The reception was good with a lot of drinking and a live band. I found some dudes my age and we hung out trying to be cool. I ditched my parents. We...
Hello All, I am Rajesh my age is 20, i am well built six feet tall. As all the boys i am always horny and i used to masturbate every day. I used to masturbate seeing xvideos and youtube hot songs of actresses. I used to get hard whenever i sit near by a girl or even if i talk to a girl. It was going like that for sometime. I live in chennai with my parents. One day my parents asked me to go to my native village to bring my aunty. My aunty wants to see us. So i started to my native place in bus....
IncestI caught my stepmom in the bathroom taking sexy selfies for my father. She seemed embarrassed, but that did not stop her from asking me to help her take some pics. I needed some cash for the movies so I agreed. Stepmom removed her top and was all nude except for her bright red panties. She had a pretty nice body for an older chick. She started to get way too comfortable and removed her panties. She noticed the bulge in my pants and crawled over to me. She wanted to suck my cock. I let her...
xmoviesforyouI almost always flashed back to my time in the desert at times like these. I suppose that it is reasonable given that I am staring through a scope at my target. Only now my target isn’t a terrorist, or even a criminal. In fact, in this scenario, it is me who is the criminal. My target is a balding, sweaty, slightly overweight banker who at this very moment is ploughing the field of one of his underlings from the bank. Why is he in my sights? Well, that is because I have the contract to end...
Chapter Six.I pulled up into the parking lot and parked in the shade of a big gum tree while I waited. I was daydreaming about the events of the day as I watched the boys begin packing up the gear. I was shaken out of my daydream by the phone ringing.“Hello?”“Hi, hon. How are you doing?”I instantly felt a bit panicky. Did he know? Had Kat sent the videos afterall? Why was he ringing me at this time? He should be on his way home soon. Had he come home early and saw us?“Hello? Are you there...
ExhibitionismHer eighteenth birthday was rapidly approaching, marking the point at which she would join me as a recognized adult, at least in the eyes of the law. I wanted to mark the occasion for her, making it as memorable as I could. I didn't want to just get her a present, or have her name tattooed on my arm. I wanted the occasion to be as personal as I could make it, and to mark it as something special between the two if us. An idea finally germinated in my mind, and as I worked on it, it began to...
What a great day this is. Joe here, I'm 28, about 5'10" and, guess I need to include this, have about almost eight inches of dick. Oh, and I stay in pretty good shape.Today is my wedding day and I've finally caught the woman I want to spend my life with. Jill is around 5'5", nice B cup tits, a wonderfully shaped ass and very nice, strong legs.She was a wild one in her younger days but after we met things changed as things became more serious. Guess it was time for both of us to grow up.I'm...
Waking up on that hazy, hot, and very humid mid-july morning I realized, I have a ton of stuff to get accomplished today. From catching up on housework to mowing the lawn my day was going to be very busy indeed. It started off like a normal day off from work. I left early and went to get my iced coffee from my favorite coffee place around the corner then came back to enjoy it on the deck. As the temperature and humidity started to climb quickly I erected the table umbrella on the deck to block...
EroticI was several strokes into Erin, who didn’t try to hold back her screams as I fucked her, my sexy cousin giving as good as she got with her wonderful body, when I felt a tongue sliding along my crack and sucking on my balls. This gave me chills, to say the least, but I kept up my solid work, screwing my fair cousin blind, and there was little doubt that she was enjoying herself, because she grew wetter by the second as I fucked her. Erin didn’t just cream herself. She creamed herself...
i tell him to straddle my face so I can continue keeping his cock nice and hard. We get in the 69 position. Feeling his tongue on my clit as I start sucking his cock. He gets my pussy nice and wet, asking if my pussy is ready for brother's cock, I shake my head yes. He slides his unprotected cock deep in my pussy, says he won't be pulling out and is gonna stay in his sister's hot box all night. I hadn't told him that I had been flushing my birth control pills down the toilet for 2 months. I...
Kim and Steve are a married couple in the mid 20’s. They have been married for 4 years with a very healthy sex life. The both enjoy watching porn but have never considered playing with others. Kim is about 5’4” with long blond hair; she is fit with nice but not big tits. Steve is 6’1” also fit with short brown hair. They live in a typical suburban neighborhood. Their back yard neighbors are Sheri and Rick. Sheri and Rick are also in their mid 20’s. Sheri and Rick had been married for just over...
Wife Lovers