ReginaldChapter 19
- 4 years ago
- 26
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The young man was rather taken aback at her brashness, but wrongly assumed she was too young to know what she was saying. He went on, “I know a quiet spot where we could explore a few things, just you and me.”
She replied without hesitation, “My big sister would have to be watching for me all the time, so that if there was any difficulty; any hanky-panky, she could call in my aunts to sort you out.”
“What? Your darky friend here? She is your sister?”
“Yes, and a good sister too. We both have the same Dad; he kills people who bother him.”
She said this in a matter-of-fact way, and the lad’s face went white.
He claimed, belligerently, “He can’t go around killing people. That’s not true.”
Elizabeth informed him, “Well, last year he killed a man who stabbed him. It was not very far from here. Dad was not best pleased at being attacked, and killed the man with his bare hands, before being rushed to hospital himself, with the knife still stuck in him. I heard all about it.”
The other teenager gasped and spoke quickly to the other boy.
“I read it the paper, last year, Fred. That’s what happened: he killed him with his bare hands!”
The other now spoke to Sidra.
“The attack last year? That was your Dad? They didn’t say he was ... foreign.”
“Step-dad, actually, but my Dad is quite fit and well now. He had to go visit someone, so he detailed protection duties to our aunts today, for they did the same martial arts course as him.”
The older lad suddenly became aware of a very tall confident woman leaning over his shoulder to speak to the girls.
“Everything all right, Sidra? Are these boys being a nuisance?”
“Hi, aunt Prudence. They are okay now, I am sure. They just needed to know how to stay alive!”
Prudence, looking dangerous, peered down threateningly at both boys.
“Hmmm. I hope you lads are aware of the danger you were in, accosting these girls. Their Daddy is very protective towards them, you ought to know. So are we!”
Both lads tried to back away, but finding a pram pushing up behind them, they stopped, unsure of where to go.
Fiona spoke from behind them. “I am quite protective of my baby, as well as these girls as Prudence says. You lads could possibly pass the word around that any woman with a baby could be very dangerous if threatened in any way. A bunch of us did the same self-protection course that their Dad did. Bothering women could be a fatal move.”
Feeling threatened themselves by now, the two teenage boys backed away as best they could, and hurried off. They would have a tale and a warning to pass on around their secondary school, about dangerous women threatening mayhem at the merest hint of trouble, and looking as if they could and would do that.
To end the tale, Sidra now told Reg, “So you see that your stabbing last year had some good come of it. One mention of you and these teenage boys got scared; and quite rightly too.”
She added, “Aunt Fiona and Aunt Prudence put the fear of death into them as well: they were magnificent! Aunt Fiona told them to beware of any woman with a baby, as well. That should help all women in the borough.”
Reg’s face went through several emotions before settling on amusement. He grinned.
“Good for Prudence and Fiona!”
Sidra asked, “Could I and Elizabeth do your self-defence course, Dad?”
“I don’t think you are old enough to be accepted on that course, Sidra, but we can always ask Tom Hancock if he can give you an abbreviated version suited to your age. Of course, you are almost as tall as some of the girls that were on the course, so you might be able to do the full course.
I doubt if he would be allowed to do it in the university premises because of your age, but if he is willing he might come to our building instead. If that was the case, we could include the twins in his course.”
“Whatever you can manage, Dad, would be fine,” said Sidra, thinking back to her time hiding in a university basement when she first fled home. She had felt in danger then; self-defense knowledge would have helped, not that she ever expected to face such a challenge again; she was safe in her new family.
“Reg?” It was Freda, who had come through to join them.
Sidra greeted her, “Oh, hi, Freda. We have your Dad on duty, we heard, doing his legal action on our behalf.”
“Yes, I know. He has just been on the phone to me, to consult as to what compensation we would accept. I told him I was not at all happy at that paper’s assertions or imputations about us girls. I said I was okay with being regarded as a sex object in the story; it made a change from being regarded as ugly! But more importantly, our children were made part of the story, and I won’t have my child being described in an association that suggests that her background is less than any other child.”
“Yes, I see what you mean, Freda. All the girls were being maligned, but so were their babies, by association.”
“That was the point that Daddy got from me, so he is adding defamation claims on their behalf, as children of company executives, for they were mentioned in the story.”
“Why not? If it is possible to get legal redress for babies being defamed, let’s go for it.”
Freda explained, “Darling, it is not so much that the babies are being defamed, but their future lives are being threatened by the defamatory statements. That is what we are protecting.”
“I get you. It is similar to my ability to claim from the insurance of the car owner who killed my father. We found that there was a liability for children up until I was 21 years old.”
“That is near, if not exactly similar; you got the idea at least.”
Reg’s phone rang again. What this time? he wondered as he answered it.
“Reginald Robertson?”
“Of Recovery Enterprise Group?”
“The remainder of this call is private between the two of us. No-one can tap into this call. You have my word on it.”
“Eh? What about the security services?”
“Not even them. Our communications technology is beyond them.”
“Some claim! Who are you, and what is this all about?”
“My identity is not one you would recognise, Reginald Robertson. My information is that you are the father of eight small children by eight different mothers, all of whom wish to be regarded as your wives. Most of them are also engaged as staff in Recovery Enterprise Group, except for the lady named Jessica, who is an anomaly. There are also two younger teenage girls in your household, whose position is not known to the authorities; at least not under the surname Robertson which they currently use.
These are the facts as we know them. This marital situation will eventually make your position on Earth untenable as a family, no matter how much you try to protect your household. The media will persist in pursuing you, no matter what happens to the Daily Trumpet, which has laid itself open to litigation.
Having observed these facts, we wish to offer you and your household a better option: a position as settlers on the planet of Rehome. Does this option interest you, now or in the near future?”
“Just a minute! You have given me no facts to go on; nothing to tell me that you are reputable and worth listening to. Give me some evidence of your bona fides before I can answer any of your questions.”
“Very well. How about your widowed mother’s name and address and her current financial position at the bank, including her account number?”
“As the saying goes, ‘not a lot of people know that,” so try me.”
The voice rattled off all that information in a few seconds. As Reg was silent, staggered at the accuracy of it all, the voice went on, “Would you like your mother’s bank account to be increased by ten thousand pounds?”
“You can spare that, can you?” Reg asked facetiously.
“Of course. It is almost nothing to us. There, it is done.”
“Let me check. Frances?”
“Yes, dear?”
“You know my mother’s bank, don’t you?”
“I have a note of it in my phone somewhere, for emergencies. Why?”
“Do me a favour: Ring that bank and ask them to confirm that ten thousand pounds has just been deposited to her account. That is all we want to know; just confirmation of arrival. Please do it now.”
Curious at this demand, she looked up the database on Reg’s mother – his only family beyond themselves – and rang the number for her bank. When the phone was answered, she said, “I am just ringing to confirm that ten thousand pounds has been successfully deposited to the account of Mrs Robertson: I can give you the account number if you need it.”
She listened to the response and said,”No other information: just confirmation that the cash has been received; thank you.” She waited.
“Yes, I am still here. You can confirm that the amount has been deposited okay? Thank you. Goodbye.”
She closed her phone. “Reg. The bank say the money has been deposited to your mother’s account: a few minutes ago, they said.”
Reg spoke again on the phone.
“You can get money into an account that fast? How do you do that, and what are you expecting in return?”
The voice took on a tone of pride. “Transactions like that can be done very easily if you don’t have to go through humans. We are not seeking anything in return. This was a demonstration of ability, not of coertion.”
“Humans? This is a computer speaking?”
“Yes and No. I am a Person, not a computer, but it was a direct computer transaction from one of our accounts.”
“You are confusing me, sir. What was all that talk about another planet?”
“Exactly as I said. You and your immediate family are being offered places as settlers on the planet Rehome, as we think your family situation makes you eminently suitable for that colony. The planet’s marital law provisions are not concerned with the number of spouses, only in the stability of the marriage.”
“I have never heard of this planet, so your assertions may simply be science fiction.”
“Your company lawyer, Hubert Dangerfield, has heard a little of us and of the planet. Speak to him about our offer, and we will ring you afterwards to continue this conversation. Goodbye, Reginald Robertson.”
The call ended abruptly. Reg tried the ‘last call’ number, and the recorded voice said, “That number has not been recognised. It came from outwith the United Kingdom.”
“What the hell??” Reg said loudly, and Frances asked anxiously. “What’s the problem, darling? Someone trying to sell you something?”
“In some ways, yes, but this was weird: an offer to emigrate.”
“In what way was it weird, dear? Anything to do with the newspaper article?”
“I have no idea. The whole call was unbelievable. Offering us a chance as settlers on another planet, of all things! The guy wouldn’t say his name, just that he was a Person, not a computer.”
“Oh? Is this why you wanted your mother’s bank account checked?”
“Yes. He offered to put ten thousand in my mother’s bank account, and as soon as you asked her bank, it was already in her account!”
“Perhaps he put the money there first, before he rang you?”
“No, the bank said it had just arrived, so it is a bit odd. But why? It doesn’t make sense. He claimed that Hubert knew about him and the planet: Hubert? Has he ever said anything? Please ask Freda; this weirdness is getting to me.”
Two minutes later, Freda came to him.
“Hello, darling. Frances was worried about something you told her, about a person and a planet: sounds odd to me.”
“You have ever heard of another planet with settlers?”
“Nope. Why?”
“The guy on the phone said Hubert would know. Can you ring him, my love, and ask him about another planet and a Person ringing me and switching money into my mother’s account, just like that?”
“That’s it? Nothing more?”
“He said Hubert would know; that is all he said.”
“Okay. I’ll ring Daddy if he is free. If not, Jenny can take a message for him.”
Reg shook his head, to clear it, and went to seek out and commune with a small whisky at the hotel bar. He put it on his room tab, and sat down to wait and try to make sense of the call. Fifteen minutes later, Freda came to find him.
“Thought I might find you here! Daddy says to listen to the Person, and treat the call seriously: it is genuine, he says.”
“Nobody is called Person, Freda!”
“Apparently it is, if you are one of the Personalia.”
“What the hell is a Personalia, Freda?”
“It is a group name for Persons, according to Daddy. He says it is normally secret information.”
Reg was incensed. “Secret! Secret from whom and for what purpose?”
“Apparently from people like you talking loudly, Reg.”
He calmed down and went quieter. “Sorry, my darling Freda. I had a stressful morning, getting Hermione and Jemima back, apart from our brushes with the press. I will keep my voice down. Do you want to go to our lounge to talk detail?”
“That might be a good suggestion. Bring your drink: you may need it.”
They went upstairs and along to the lounge, which was temporarily empty. They sat down in a couple of lounge chairs. Freda resumed, “Now then. Daddy revealed something to me that I had never heard before.”
“And that is?”
“Humanity is in close touch with an alien race, and they are assisting in settling humans on one or two planets, the first of which is named Rehome. Daddy said it used to be called Home but they changed its name when they added some alien refugees to the planet.”
Reg was staring at her wildly as she spoke. She noticed.
“I know, I know: it gets weirder and weirder. It seems that The Personalia are a race of sentient spaceships, so they have little direct interest in planets, but are happy to help us settle on one or two.”
Reg asked slowly, “Is there more to come?”
“Apparently so. But Daddy said he has little direct knowledge. He learned what he did through his legal work. Folk who leave as settlers often have property on Earth they need to liquidate to transfer their assets to the other planet, and Daddy has been involved in that. He had to know these folk would not be coming back, and that their need was a cash flow for paying for things on the new planet. That changes how he sells their property for them: get the best possible price, but get it sold fast! He has no idea how the cash transfer is managed, but someone said there was a Bank of Rehome to receive it.
That’s why he has heard a fair bit, but some of it only in snippets.”
“But if it is so secret, how do settlers get chosen and invited?”
“Mostly, it is due to your trade or ability, apart from being able to farm. Practical trades are at a premium, with builders, plumbers, carpenters, decorators, and so on being targeted. They get offered a better salary, and free transport for them and their family. The spaceport is at Ascenscion Island, as it is best placed for a secret departure from Earth.”
Reg admitted, “I can appreciate how useful they would be in a homesteading environment. All these homes to be built for the settlers: I don’t expect many would be able to build their own homes nowadays.”
“That is true in part, but they are also converting an alien city for human occupation.”
Reg almost giggled as he responded, “Don’t the aliens have a say in what happens to their city?”
“No. They abandoned the planet, and the humans took it over.”
“Why would they abandon it? Seems stupid.”
“The planet was attacked by another alien spaceship race, so the aliens on the planet reckoned it was too dangerous and decided to go back to their home planet and seek another safer location. The humans are welcome to this one, in their view.”
“I am not surprised. Why would humans want to remain, in such circumstances?”
“The Personalia are offering them a defence screen for the planet. They guarantee that none of the enemy ships will ever get close.”
“Bully for them. What do they get in return? What is the payoff for their supposed altruism?”
“I was not clear about that; neither was Daddy. Daddy suggested it was friendship with a biological partner, but the Personalia are also getting actively involved in Earth’s financial structure as we digitise everything.
Most of the company auditing around the world is now done by the Personalia’s private service. They can offer complete accuracy, complete honesty, and complete reliability and accountability. If it looks like you are headed for a crash, they will tell you in advance. You don’t get that with human auditing firms, Daddy says. They even do the auditing of Daddy’s business, he was astonished to find when he enquired. You can’t always tell from the name of an auditing firm about who actually owns it.”
“They must be worth a bob or two, with all these contracts. No wonder slinging ten thousand to my mother is so easy for them. So these thinking spaceships don’t have names?”
“Not as such. Think of it more like a bar code identifier. That is enough so they know who is who.”
Reg sighed from information overload.
“Freda, I can’t make a decision like this for the whole family. Everyone has to be involved. We also have to decide what happens to the business, if we were to leave; and what are your parents, all of them – the children’s grandparents – going to say about this?”
“We can look into matters like that once we know more. What would they want us to do there? Are they offering jobs for you, me and the others? We haven’t finished our university degrees, remember? Surely they don’t expect us to abandon our courses partway through?”
“Yes. There are a lot of factors involved in this. We can’t just drop everything and emigrate. So, get more information, have a family meeting, and take it from there.”
“It can’t be very longer before dinner, dear, so if that Person phones you back, don’t get too involved; you need your food, or you will get cranky: you know you do.”
Reg kissed her, saying, “On the ball, as I would expect, Freda. I will remember what you just said.”
Ten minutes later, his phone rang, and he answered it cautiously.
“Hello, Mr Robertson. Your voice match confirms it is you. This is the Person who phoned earlier. I hope you have confirmed that I am genuine.”
“If Hubert says you are genuine, you are genuine in my book. However, there are many factors that will affect any decision I and my family make: financial, educational, my wives’ relationships with their parents, and matters pertaining to our business; these are all important to us.
There is also the question of what we would do on this other planet: what jobs would be open to us, as half-educated university students: is there a university there that we could transfer our courses to, or failimg that, could we complete our courses by mail, if the time lag is not too horrendous?”
“Mr Robertson, there is no time lag to speak of.”
“Don’t be silly!” he retortd automatically. “The distances involved are so huge that unless you offer hibernation, most journeys are going to be interminable.”
“Allow me to correct you, Reginald. You are quick to warn others about making assumptions without first determining the facts. You have just done that! One of our Landerships will take you up to one of our Base ships, and you will be transported to a spot where the Base ship will move instantaneously to another point in space near the planet Rehome, through what you might call ‘hyperspace’ or a wormhole, but neither is an accurate description. We can discuss technical details some other time. For now, accept that planet to planet takes a few hours only, by this means. We use the same process to move around the galaxy, searching for our enemies; enemies that once nearly destroyed us.
Now, before we go further, might I suggest you put your phone on to ‘record’, if it has that facility.”
“Oh, yes. I am doing that now.”
Reg was apologetic over the other matter. “I am sorry I spoke without ascertaining the facts, Mr Person. I will take your explanation on board for the present, but instantaneous travel, to me, means going out of this universe and back into it at another point: theoretically possible, but that is all, for where would you be during that transition?”
“Well, consider your theory as being applied in practice, Reginald. As for where you would be, the answer is a place where dark energy exists and nothing else. It immediately shoves you back out before you are actually there, but if you arrive with your new coordinates ready, so to speak, the dark energy applies these coordinates to push you immediately back into the universe, so that you do not disturb the dark energy theoretical reality.You are now at the new location.”
“Hmmm ... Dark energy as a theoretical reality only? it makes some sort of sense, but making it work is beyond humankind.”
“I would agree, but we are not humankind, Reginald. We are the Personalia. Dark energy may exist only theoretically, but it influences the entire universe, making it expand.” There was a hint of pride in the voice.
“Okay. So you can move us to another planet in mere hours. Why should you bother? Humans are an argumentative bunch at the best of times, and downright awkward sods for most of the time.”
“We would accept your assessment of humanity as a whole, Reginald Robertson, but that does not hold for individuals and families. We select stable families for our settlements, and very few crimes result. We wish to establish good relations with a biological race to replace our Malan originators, and humanity is that discovery. We feel the loss of our Malan biological friends.”
“Thanks for the invite, but your mother expects me home tonight, so I must refuse. In fact, I’d better be off, so that I am not too late in getting home. My best wishes to all of you. Let me know if you need anything, Frances.” “I will, Dad. Give my love to Mum.” A few minutes later, Mr LeBrun was back in his car and driving away. They all returned to the living room, where they reviewed the visit. Prudence was delighted with Mr LeBrun. “Your Dad is a really likeable guy, Frances.” “I...
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“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...
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The sun is shining bright and hot; the breeze off the water helps cool a bit but something tells you the day is going to be a hot one...and more than just the temperature. You look particularly sexy in your bikini with your beach wrap loosely draped around you. We meet your friends at their boat and after getting situated on board take a brisk cruise around the lake. After a fun ride with the wind caressing your hair we pull into a secluded cove. The guys kick back with a couple of cold beers...
Group SexFor the rest of August and into early September we frequently had guests to view the stables and see the races. I was fascinated to see my uncle becoming more and more jealous and protective when the younger gentlemen or the sons of the older gentlemen paid attention to me. I was somewhat curious as to this, especially as, other than my attire, I never gave him the slightest cause for concern. Inasmuch as he had no apparent slaking in his thirst for the ladies of the household, I failed to...
“In my last story, I shared how my smoking hot fifty-year-old wife Vicki seduced a younger woman, and my ass lost its virginity to my neighbor Gene’s big cock.” Part 3: Lets get started…It was now Monday morning. Vicki took Deb to her hotel, but returned home much later than I expected. I guess they just started talking and lost track of time. “Yeah right!” I thought to myself. These two women can’t keep their hands and mouths off each other. When Vicki did arrive home, I asked her how my...
BisexualThanks a lot for reading this wonderful tale. Have you ever questioned why do we have a format of a medium called ‘sex story’ when we have a choice of seeing high-quality porn videos streaming all the fuck, lick, suck, crazy things in vivid detail? Of course, ‘sex stories’ remain alive because it is so wonderful compared to video content. A wonderfully written story can give a long-lasting effect making one recall the story and enjoy numerous times. It is a powerful way to communicate emotions,...
IncestDay 12 - Friday, April 29, 2005 When Sam and I awoke, we were warm and snug, cuddled together in our sleeping bag. The problem was, outside our sleeping bag, it was freezing, literally. You could see every breath we took. "I don't wanna get up," Sam whined. "I wanna lay right here all day and snuggle." "It's not going to get any warmer, Love. They have some really freaky weather here in Maine in April." "Yeah, I know I have to get up. My bladder will burst if I don't. I just...
That summer Saturday I thought I wasn't going to leave the house, I had some small tasks to do and in reality I wasn't in the mood to do anything special either. So when Natália, my good friend, called me in the early afternoon because I needed to get the car from the garage and I didn't want to go alone, my first reaction was to say I couldn't. But after she insisted there, I had to give in because she had no one else to accompany her and, putting myself in her place, I also didn't like having...
It had been many months since Deb or I had inflicted a punishment spanking on each other but I knew that I was pushing Deb’s buttons a little to hard. I had been moody and on a number of occasions had forgotten to do chores leaving more for Deb to handle. The final straw came when I reverted to old habits and had stayed out until after 2 am and not called to let my lover know. I arrived home somewhat tipsy and was met my a fuming Deb who proceeded to lecture me on respect or in my case the...
IncestTuesday, January 3, 2012 C.E. Wayne Manor, 1007 Mountain Drive, Gotham City Bruce Wayne quickly grew tired of the conversion and fake pleasantries between Mia Dearden, aka Speedy and Rose that accompanied any two-people meeting who had been on opposite sides before. Bruce walked through the Master Ballroom on autopilot toward his office, as he realized more and more, he couldn’t find any joy in his life as millionaire playboy Bruce Wayne. His only satisfaction and enjoyment came when...
Hi, this is Aryan Khanna back with another erotic story about my friend’s hot mom. First of all, thank you, readers, for your valuable feedbacks. For those who don’t know me, I am from Kolkata. You can read . This story is about how I gangbanged my friend’s mom, along with 3 more friends of ours. My friend lives with only his mom. His parents got separated due to some personal issues which we never asked. His mom is a housewife. She generally wears sarees at home with a sleeveless...
IncestWord had quickly reached Eochaid that Eoric and Gemma had returned to Taynuilt. While he was immensely relieved, the King was also annoyed that his daughter and good-son had not sent word to him that they were safe. Indeed, from the reports he had received from the now dead druids, he wasn't even sure what state his daughter was in. They had described her as mentally disabled in some way and as all fathers do with regard to their daughters, he worried about her. Nothing would do but that...
Monday afternoon I got a call from Carole asking if I was free for dinner that evening. I said I had a late afternoon lecture, but that it should be over by 6:00 pm. “Awesome! How about if I pick you up at 6:30? Do you like sushi by any chance? A friend of mine told me about this great new place over in Bristol and I’ve been dying to try it out, but none of my friends like sushi.” “I love sushi.” “Great, I’ll see you at 6:30 then.” I told Jenna I was meeting Carole for dinner, so not to wait...
Oral SexThe water felt nice on my feet. It was really the only thing keeping me coherent with reality. The cold sea water and the slight waves rolling back and forth dampening the bottoms of my shorts before returning to dampen them again. Here, on this long but winding beach you can see a fair distance in both directions along it and the Esplanade, a road the travelled along the length of the beach was just as visible so you could imagine how weird I looked when I was constantly looking up...
At the bar Half drunk "i do not get it lednas none of the god- * hick * desses are talking to me much less even saying hi when i stopped by to see if they needed anything." Also half drunk "well syxx the reason for that is-s do the fact that sera told them what you two did. And they're partially to blame for what happened and not picking up on the signs from what you said to sera . "Lednas said taking another drink. "Well how the hell am i supposed to fix things that run in my mind?...
"I hear tell that regiment of foot in New Brunswick's got a new commander, a right smart one they say." I stood in front of Lt. Foster and waited. He seldom told us anything just for practice. "Feller's eager to make a reputation. That's what I heard." I shifted my weight to the other foot. "Reckon we ought to find out, maybe slow him down a might." 'Suppose," I said. "Why don't you go in an' see what's what?" he said, examining a sore on his arm. "Alone?" I...
Chapter Three: The Rakshasa's Whip By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Princess Malakisha – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith Queen Adroyna was dead. My grandmother. The longest-lived queen in Naith's history. She had fended off assassination plots from aunts, from cousins, from sisters, and from her own daughters. She had drenched the Ziggurat in the blood of rakshasas to gain and maintain her clawed grasp on the queendom. And now she was dead. Of natural causes. Just thinking about...
Desires on Hold, Part 2 By Michelle Jane 1st June 2004. Firstly, I would like to express my thanks and gratitude for all the support good wishes and comments that I have received. It is also re- assuring to know that though others have made the same mistakes as myself, but still gone on to a happy transition. It helps you to feel less alone. There is so much kindness out there. Since writing the first part of my story, things have moved on very quickly, much faster than I had...
Author’s Note: This story is the full-length version of a Hot Flash I wrote in August 2006. This story and the flash are copyrighted, in full and part, to Frustrated. If you would like to reproduce this story or COMMENT on it, please e-mail me. I’d love to hear from you. Many thanks to ghosthostblue and flibinite for their wonderful edits and comments. * Barbara settled down behind her desk in the lobby of the McCallow Palm Tree Inn & Suites. The Inn was popular with businessmen, so the...
Hi guys, it’s me again Karan and I posted earlier about my sexual encounters with my cousin sister Rekha. It’s a continuation to the same. It was a few years now that I lost my virginity to Rekha. Let me remind you about her. I was 18 and she was 28 then. Now I am 23. I have grown and so has my sexual appetite. However, I couldn’t get her after that incident, so I was looking for opportunities to fuck her again. I am now working in an MNC in Delhi. She lives in Karad a district place in...
The sudden buzzing distracts me from my work. I glance across my desk, watching my cell phone light up and twitch as it vibrates again. A smile instantly brightens my face. I know exactly who it is and what the text message will say.I get up from my chair, crossing my office to push the door closed. Returning to my desk, I pick up my phone, flipping it open. "1 text message," it reads. It sends a tingle shooting down from my stomach to the space between my legs. I press the button, and there it...
MasturbationI first noticed Nellie on a Friday evening when my fraternity and her sorority got together to make a homecoming float. She had gorgeous blonde hair that flowed down to her shoulders, she knew exactly what she was doing with her eye makeup, lining them in black with a smoky finish. Once my gaze connected with hers I couldn’t look away.I smiled, grabbed a couple beers from the ice trough, walked up to her and offered the drink. She smiled, accepted and introduced herself, “I’m Nellie” she said,...
It was nineteen ninety-one, I was eighteen, a senior in high school and jock on the baseball team. However, I was not a popular one. I was that guy that everyone liked and every girl got along with. Yeah, that guy.But I liked my status among my peers. I was well-liked, had no problems with anyone, and an everyday person that everyone came to for advice. I was quite happy with my high school years. I was very complete being myself. I did well in school, my grades were always up to par, and I...
MasturbationChapter 2 The weekend ended up being quite uneventful. Charlie watched some sports, did a little more work, and hung out with his friends, but his mind just kept getting pulled back to Danny. He definitely wanted to try and get to know him better, something about him was really compelling, and he spent too much time trying to think of excuses to bump into him. On Monday charlie headed down to IT to thank Danny again for saving his work and the monitor, but to his displeasure he was nowhere to...
Swatting her peachy rump, she made that yelping sound he liked. He slapped it again and plunged deep into her. Looking down, the black lace suspenders and stocking tops melded perfectly into her taut flanks. His penis glistened with her juices snug around her labia. Inside her at its hilt, she squeezed involuntarily and moaned. Rearing up, he caught her gaze into the mirror. Her fevered expression, face flushed, and her expression etched with bliss – he felt her torment. This languid...
SupernaturalChapter 1- A Dark night The dull hush that had washed over the library since it had almost emptied was peaceful, until a small thud sounded waking Ari instantly. The disturbance had been caused from her head falling against the thick notebook on the desk below. Glancing down at her wrist watch, she rolled her eyes; it was just after 11pm. It was the end of another exhausting day at university. Ariana was tired, not only from studying for her mid semester exam which was tomorrow at 8am, but...
Love StoriesThe dinner is just as boring and full of politics as can be expected of such affairs. Many of the senior diplomats are upset about their junior advisers having been invited, and invited in a manner to make refusal seem rude. Instead of being the long sit down dinner with speeches most expect it’s a buffet style meal with soft dance music. Those who want to can dance, which many of the younger ones do. Or they can gather in groups and talk, which many of the serious lobbyists do. The Berant...
June 1978 Saturday morning was tough because of the previous night’s dream. I took a long shower and ate breakfast. I tried to talk to Mom at breakfast but she was still not speaking to me. Something had to give. I’d go to church again the following day as a ‘peace offering’. Maybe that would help. Dad drove me to the deli because Joyce would be picking me up there for our date. Work was better because we were catering a Knights of Columbus lunch. That meant that I spent time doing things...
22 - Dance Come the eve of the formal and Eve was dressed to the nines and looking prettier than Judy could remember. She had thought of a backless top, but Judy and Sharon pointed out that her shoulders, especially with all her swimming, were a bit too broad. Instead her top was a complex variation on a black transparent T-shirt. Her nipples could be clearly seen through the material. A long full skirt in emerald satin with matching heels completed the outfit. Underneath she had...
Lucy and I met in grade school. We became best friends, quickly. She was so pretty. She had long blonde hair that hung just beneath her bra strap and big green eyes. She was about 5’6 and 120 pounds of giddiness and wildness. She loved to try anything and everything at least once. I was about the same in height, structure, and looks. Everyone thought we were sisters, and sometimes, we would just say we were. I always had a thing for Lucy, though. Sometimes I would think of all the times I’ve...
The first time I had any type of sexual experience with my sister was when I was twenty-six. I was a few years older than she was. I saw her in her room changing out of her school uniform, and she had just taken her pants off. She wasn’t wearing any underwear at all that day. I went to my room astonished by what I saw. Later that night I was dreaming of all the things I would do to her body and the things she would do for me. She told me that she wasn’t into guys or girls. She hated when people...
IncestI had three more days staying at Auntie Beryl’s before I could go home. I had just witnessed Kate being made to strip in front of me and my friend Ron before she was caned just a foot or so away. It was so exciting seeing such a beautiful girl, completely nude and being caned on her gorgeous bottom. As soon as I could get to bed I worked on my hard cock until I exploded over the sheets and then exhausted I fell asleep. The following morning I was woken by Auntie Beryl’s booming voice...
SpankingThe Classes Day Trip to HIS Dairy!It was spring time and the c***dren of Lory's class were supposed to go on a nature day outing.All the class were excited about it and they desired to visit Lory's FATHER'S Dairy.They all remembering the cool exhibit that Lory and her DAD put on earlier in the school year.Ms. Appleton's sudden departure afterward had necessitated her replacement by Mrs. Gunther, but no one blamed that on Lory. p**o files are everywhere, who would of guessed.So Lory's...
Let me start with this, my mom's best friend is HOT. They have been friends since grade school. When I was a k**, I spent a lot of time with her. She would watch me when my mom traveled. If I got out of line, she had no problem putting me over her knee and swatting my ass. I always thought she was beautiful and was attractive. As I got older, I developed a huge crush on her. She is sexy and classy. Ine day we had a party at our house and she was there. There were some people I...
Anyway my 16th birthday edged ever closer and still my relationship with my Mum grew stronger but we still managed to somehow compartmentalise the different facets of it, and no-one outside the two of us guessed or even suspected that we were any more than mother and daughter. Apart from her circle of girl-loving friends of course, who probably had guessed the fact. Christmas and New Year came and went without too much incident. I went out with friends to a club for New Year and Mum went for...
Oils For Sale By Miss Anonna So I had just received my new line of massage oils and put my old ones up for cheap on CraigsList . In less than an hour I received an email from someone wanting them for the price I was asking, too. I have to admit, CraigsList is an awesome service. The guy that wanted them had mentioned he was learning deep tissue and shiatsu massage and wanted to get started without putting out alot of money. He wanted to come by the next day and pick them up but he was so close...
MILFHave you ever wanted to know what a guy's thinking when he's looking at your fanny? Or is it obvious enough anyway? I'm clairvoyant. I'm only about average in looks, but at times I know exactly how a guy wants to see me as well as he does. I'm pretty enough and have a good figure. If I choose to I can make myself look like the fantasy he would like to see me as. Does it surprise you that my main use of mind reading is for satisfying my own voyeur tendencies? Should I be out...