ReginaldChapter 19
- 4 years ago
- 25
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He lifted the opened packet to his nose, and sniffed.
“Hmm. Drugs of some kind, I think. Smells slightly of cannabis, but I am getting over a cold, so my sense of smell is affected.” He told the other man, “Don’t touch anything behind the panels. Leave the lot intact for now, but uncover the other three panels to check if what is behind them is the same. I’ll need to phone this in and we can have a team meet the train at St Pancras, for a forensic search. There might be more than just these four panels involved.”
He waited as the rail man carefully unscrewed the other panels, confirming that they too had packets stuffed behind them.
Sidra and Elizabeth were almost bouncing wih excitement.
Elizabeth asked the policeman, “Have we uncovered hidden drugs, sir? I have never managed to do such an exciting thing before!”
The man smiled at her.
“I do believe you are right, young lady, but this is now a job for our forensic drug team, who will establish which drugs and in what quantity we have uncovered. No-one can touch them: they are evidence; not even me, so you can’t do anything either, despite your enthusiasm. We have to do everything by the book of rules; Okay?”
“Yes, sir. I understand. How much is there behind the panels? It seems loads and loads!”
He agreed with her guess. “It looks to be a lot, that is all I can say, so it might have been intended for delivery to some drugs baron in London. That’s one of the top dealers in drugs.”
“But we are not stopping in London, sir! We still have to catch another train out to Luton, where a bus will be waiting for us. When I say ‘we’, I mean this carriage and all the people in it.”
“Oh. I see. I thought this was your destination. I was expecting we would take over the carriage in St Pancras for the forensics team to start on it. It could take them hours!”
Frances intervened,”Well, if you could organise an alternative private carriage for our party, I expect we could transfer to it. Even if there was a slight delay in leaving for Luton, we can phone and inform our driver of the delay; but it all depends on our privacy, you see, with the babies needing breastfed at regular intervals. We paid to get that privacy.”
The policeman recognised the validity of her argument, so got on his phone and through to his HQ, where he explained the difficulties, and the need to commandeer a private carriage if one was free. He came to some agreement and closed his phone.
Turning to Frances, who was holding Jimmy in her arms provocatively, he said, “My bosses will do their best for you, as it is a priority linked to this major drug find. They will ring me back as soon as they have news.”
They were still waiting as the time to reach St Pancras approached, and Frances was becoming anxious at the delay.
At last the policeman’s phone rang and he answered.
“Yes, sir ... Uh-huh, I see ... That sounds reasonable. Thank you, sir.” and he rang off. He turned to Frances.
“Ma’am, they could not find a free private carriage, but they had a refurbished First Class coach coming out of the workshops, so it is being shunted to St Pancras and will be there for you to board at the platform next to where we will be arriving. They will move the Luton train forward at its scheduled departure time, and then shunt it back to your platform, where they will add your carriage, and then depart. They expect the train to still arrive at Luton on time.”
“Great stuff!” declared Frances. “Thank you, constable ... is it constable, sir?”
“It is, ma’am, but today’s discovery will help my chances of promotion in future.”
Reg came to add his own words. “Congratulations on getting us an alternative carriage, constable. I hope you get recognition for today’s work.”
A short while later, their train drew into St Pancras station, and Reg observed that while their First Class carriage was down at the concourse end of the platform, their present carriage was naturally at the outer end. Almost as soon as they stopped moving though, four electric buggies used for towing luggage/freight trollies drew up outside their carriage, and one driver came to announce that they had been asked to transport the ladies and their babies to the First Class carriage. Each buggie had seats for a couple of passengers, plus a trailer. The ladies fitted themselves on to the seats on the towing buggies, while Reg and the two younger teens hopped onto the trailers with the luggage. As they completed their move to their platform transport, a police car drove up the platform and stopped beside the private carriage, disgorging four more policemen These were wearing white forensic overalls on top of their uniforms, to avoid any cross-contamination.
It was a matter of a couple of minutes more to move to the First Class carriage and transfer people and luggage inside. The ladies found seats to suit them, mostly window seats, and Reg, Sidra and Elizabeth grabbed any available seat before the Luton train backed up to them.
They had noted that the door windows had stickers plastered on them: Reserved. That should stop any hopeful passengers from gatecrashing this carriage, but Reg noticed the presence of another policeman, a sergeant, walking sedately outside up and down the length of their carriage, prepared to eject any intruder trying to jump aboard. As the carriage was hooked up, and the train prepared to leave, he jumped aboard himself, showed his warrant card, and said to Reginald, “If you are Reginald Robertson, I need to record some background for the case, sir.”
Reg agreed to his identification, but said, “If we can wait until we are on our way, please.”
Shortly thereafter, their train was off again, on the last leg of their train expedition, and they settled in the shiny new seats, comparing them with the comfy but older chairs in their previous carriage. Comfortable though they were, the regimented layout of this coach was different from the more informal distribution in their private carriage. The police sergeant was ignored by the girls as being Reg’s problem to deal with. The man got out his notebook, and examined the list of questions he had prepared.
Before he could speak, Reg’s phone rang. He answered, finding the same Personalia voice on the line. The phone speaker was loud enough that the policeman could hear the entire conversation.
“Reginald Robertson, we will arrange the signalling so that your train will arrive at Luton station at its scheduled time, for you to meet the planned road transport back to your home. Have you spoken yet to any of the humans you wish to travel with you to view your wedding ceremony?”
“The Robson sisters have spoken with their father, and invited these parents to come with us, with a possibility of them deciding to start farming on Rehome. Can you check with the authorities on Rehome if that would be manageable? The second possibility is the Personal Assistant to Hubert Dangerfield, Q.C., and her two lady friends. Her name is Jenny and is contactable at Mr Dangerfield’s office. She was recently threatened, and might be amenable to marrying her lady friends on Rehome.”
“And the parents of your other wives-to-be?”
“I think they will be keen to attend the wedding ceremony, but not likely to wish to emigrate. Most of them are fairly settled in their current abode and employment status. We have still to ask them, but will deal with that once we are home. Our residence is the property of Frances’ father’s business, though he intended to transfer ownership to us. He may be pleased to have it available for sale again.”
“Is property ownership a good investment, Reginald Robertson?”
Surprised at the question, Reg could only say, “In the right circumstances, yes. If there are indications that the value of buildings is probably going to increase, then buying a building – particularly a house - will most likely lead to a profit on resale. In other circumstances, if the market value in a specific location is going down, then purchase would be a poor option. To make a good judgment, you need to have detailed knowledge of selling prices in a wide area around the location of the building, but also know of market forces that might depress values. That could include a noisy or smelly factory about to be built nearby, but a high-tech low pollution nearby business might enhance local house values by attracting well-paid staff. It is a fine judgement to make.”
“That does sound similar to considerations we have to take into account with our other businesses. We have access to much data that might influence house prices. We may decide to invest in property, to make a profit as we do with our other businesses. We have learned all about this concept of ‘private enterprise’.”
Reg grinned. “You should have a look at property development companies, such as the one run by Mr LeBrun – Frances’ father. If you decided you would like to buy a share of his company, and provide investment capital, you could both benefit from astute business decisions.”
“We will research the field of property development, and see what is our best option for the future. Does the property value get affected by political decisions of national government, in the same way as the stock market does?”
“Not usually, except if there is a market downturn; then values of business properties may markedly decrease. If on the other hand, you were aware of a coming improvement in retailing, buying such property at low prices might be a worthwhile investment for future sale, particularly if the site was an attractive one, such as a city centre where there is a high footfall – many potential customers walking nearby.”
“I see. That makes considerable sense. Do you advise us embarking on such a venture, being an educated human?”
“My knowledge of that business is very limited, but a discussion bnetween yourselves and Mr LeBrun might prove fruitful, as he is a reliable and honest person – sorry, man - to deal with. You can trust his judgement, based on our dealings with him. He can tell where an office building has potential to be converted to residential flats, if there is an expanding market for such homes in the area. Price your flats to be slightly less than competing flats in the vicinity, and offer improved security – that is something you would be good at – and the flats are likely to sell quickly and make you money.”
“That is helpful information, Reginald Robertson. We will speak with Mr LeBrun: it is Paul LeBrun, is it not?”
“You have it right. Paul, not his brother Peter. Paul is the expert on property development.”
“I take it, then, that Mr Paul LeBrun would not be interested in moving to Rehome?”
“That is my view. I assume there is not yet a market in property development on Rehome?”
“There is no sign of such a market. The colony works on what is best for the colony, and buying and selling property does not fit well with that economic pattern. In the future, perhaps, but not now.”
Reg suggested, “In that case, a long-term business arrangement with him would be worth considering.”
“Thank you again, Reginald Robertson.”
Reg closed his phone, and the police sergeant stared at him curiously.
“Did I hear right, sir? Someone talking about humans, and a place called Rehome, and emigration? I got the discussion of the property business. It sounds like you were advising a potential investor. Unusual for such a young man as yourself. Your coming wedding seems to be working out. But mention of three females getting married? That is a real puzzler.”
Reg smiled sweetly at the policeman.
“Sir, if you don’t know what any of that means, try asking your top boss. He might know. For your general information, Rehome is out of this world; able to offer marriage to more than a single couple. Me and my ladies – the ones with babies -, hope to emigrate there shortly and get married.
However, you had questions for me, didn’t you?”
The man pulled himself together, still annoyed at not being in some information loop that his superiors were supposedly privy to. “Yes, sir, about the rail crash a week or so back. I need some details of the event.”
Reg waved his hand in dismissal.
“In that case, you are asking the wrong person, sergeant. A chunk of luggage of some kind fell on my head and knocked me out for a short time. I have little memory of the event, I am sorry to say: concussion.”
“Oh. Who then was aware throughout the event?”
“Most of my wives were conscious, I am told, but Frances is in charge of our family, so you should ask her.”
“And which of these ladies is Frances? Don’t say ‘the one with the baby’, as all of them seem to be holding babies. Just call her over.”
“Okay. Frances, love? Will you talk to the nice policeman about the rail crash?”
Frances looked up from rocking Jimmy to sleep, sighed her annoyance, and got up, still rocking her baby. She walked to where Reg and the policeman were sitting.
“Yes, Reg? Who exactly is this gentleman?”
The policeman interrupted before Reg could speak.
“Sorry, ma’am. I neglected to introduce myself earlier: Sergeant Robert McPherson, British Transport Police. I gather you are Frances? Surname?”
“Robertson, of course; Reg’s wife.”
“You are married, then? I was unsure of the relationships here, with talk of a wedding on Rehome.”
“Legally speaking, according to English law, none of us is married, sergeant, but in practice all of us ladies with babies are married to Reg. My legal name is correctly Mrs Frances Robertson, as recorded by Deed Poll. Most of the others applied the same legal stratagem in a similar way, and have similar titles. But surely that is not what you are here for?”
“No, ma’am. That is so. I need to record what actually happened to your private carriage during the rail crash. Mr Robertson says he was ‘non compos mentis’ at the time, through concussion, but that you might recollect things clearly.”
“That is correct. What do you want to know, sergeant?”
“The actions of the carriage throughout the crash event, for starters.”
“It was fairly simple and straightforward, sergeant. The train must have hit something, and the brakes came on automatically, I presume. The carriages bumped up against each other, and some toppled over I believe, but our carriage at the rear merely halted suddenly, rocked to one side, back to the other side, then settled back down on the rails and the rocking motion continued a little longer. Then I was concerned with the family’s condition. That is why the injuries were minimal; just Reg and Prudence got slightly hurt by falling luggage from the luggage racks above. The rest of us in our comfy seating were cuddling our babies and were fairly well cushioned, and also nothing fell directly on us.”
“Ah. That is significant. No apparent damage to the bodywork?”
“None at all, as far as I could see. All the stresses were on the bogies and wheels, I was told.”
Sergeant McPherson asked, “Can I have another lady to answer the same question about the carriage? Without you saying anything to her, if you don’t mind!”
“Oh, yes: independent witness statements. Of course. Jessica, dear? Would you mind if this policeman came to you and asked a simple question about the rail crash? Give him your present identity, for your own protection.” She turned back to the sergeant, explaining, “An abusive ex-husband, so she changed her surname to Robertson for protection. Her infant baby is Reg’s, - her own choice, by the way.”
His eyebrows shot up, and he moved to where this older Asian lady, in her nthirties, he thought, was sitting cuddling a new baby. He asked solicitously, “you are all right with this, Mrs...”
“Mrs Jessica Robertson, sir. Yes, as long as you stick to the one question.”
He asked about the condition of their carriage and what happened to it during the crash. He got the exact same information as he had from Frances, and was pleased at that independent confirmation. He didn’t think he need ask any more of anyone.
“Thank you very much, Mrs Robertson. Is there any help we can give you regarding your ex-husband, if you need protection?”
She smiled at him. “Not now, sir. He was arrested yesterday, trying to attack my divorce lawyer, and I believe is being charged with attempted murder. I think he will be put away for a long time. Lawyers do not take kindly to be attacked with a knife, even if the perpetrator did not get as far as his office.”
The sergeant grinned. “Someone tripped him up on the way?”
“Not exactly. Mr Dangerfield’s P.A. belted him over the head with a police truncheon, and then handcuffed the man while he was unconscious. A great member of staff, don’t you think?”
The policeman was astonished. “Where did the truncheon and handcuffs come from?”
“A friend who had tried a magic act, but gave it up. She passed the truncheon and cuffs to Jenny after hearing of an earlier attempt on her boss’s life. The handcuffs were trick ones; easy to get off if you know the trick. They held him until the police arrived and took over with their own handcuffs.”
The sergeant laughed at the story. “You have some remarkable associates, Mrs Robertson. I trust all went well with the birth?”
“It went fine, sir. Reg was a darling; holding my hand when I needed him. Reg is my hero, sir: he helped me and my daughter escape from my former husband. But he is easy to love as well, so I am going to marry him soon.”
“Another one for the wedding?”
“Yes, sir. I know it seems peculiar, but none of us girls, young or old, have bickered seriously in all the time I have been here: an almost unheard-of thing. I think it was because we were almost all females with disabilities of one kind or another; not good-looking, too tall and skinny, family problems, such as me; that sort of thing. We are grateful for what we now have. Can you blame us for being happy?”
“No, ma’am. Most folk do not appreciate what they have; you obviously do.”
He left Jessica with her baby and returned to Frances.
“Mrs Robertson; Frances? May I ask a little more? Do you know who was told about what happened to your carriage, in terms of damage?”
“Now, there I am more than a little confused. We were more concerned with getting to safety than with who was taking an interest in the carriages. I think the priority was naturally given to those carriages that had more damage. Ours had little apparent damage. The rescue services found it easy to remove us through the normal doors, by simply using a ladder to the ground, though the babies got priority attention and were lifted out first. We girls are young and fit enough to climb out by ourselves and get our babies back once we reached ground level.We were rushed to ambulances and taken to hospital in York to be checked over and get whatever medical attention was required. For many of us, it was just shock that bothered us. When you are in shock you do not pay much attention to non-essentials, and what happened about the carriage afterward was a non-essential.”
“But you did not see anyone paying special attention to your carriage?”
“Certainly not. Of course, the whole train was left lying where it was after the injured and uninjured were removed, so a whole lot of onlookers would see the train carriages afterwards. One thing, I should say; our luggage remained on board, and we later received it intact, so someone had remained on guard to protect the contents of the carriages. Probably someone like your own police force.
At a guess, I would suggest that someone saw our carriage and made unwarranted assumptions about its condition, then arranged access at the repair workshop later. They must have some familiarity with the workshop procedures, as they gained access without being challenged. Then as the workshop manager apparently did not know about the work on the panels, and it only appeared on the list we saw by serendipity, it looks like a case of taking an opportunity to use our carriage as a useful transport route for drugs, by people with rail knowledge. You should check the rail employees, sergeant.
As for the drug runners, it was probably easier than using road transport, for I believe that is always watched for by the regular police forces. As our final destination was Luton, perhaps a supply of drugs was intended for Luton and our carriage was just a target of opportunity. You might explore who in Luton was looking to receive drugs at the rail station. You might possibly intercept them trying to get into this carriage, if they didn’t know what our original carriage looked like.”
“Very perceptive of you, madam. Have you some experience in this line?”
“You might say so. Our company investigates cash losses by national organisations and large companies, and we get paid according to what we save them. No savings, no fee.”
“And does your company do well?”
“It does; very well. We have a great reputation for successful investigations and recoveries, sergeant. We may not all have pretty faces, but we are pretty good at thinking out of the box. You should try us some time, if we are still around to help. The company name is Recovery Enterprise Group.”
“R.E.G.” he paused. “Mr Robertson is called Reg, isn’t he, I noticed?”
“You are on the ball, sergeant. We girls chose the name on account of the letter combination. We liked that affectation as an apellation.”
“So you are all university students?”
“Most of us, but not all. Jessica never got a chance at going to university: her parents married her off young to that monster of a husband. Her daughter, Sidra, is being home-schooled by us, and should be able to reach university entrance standard shortly. Another home-schooler is Elizabeth, an orphan, a year younger than Sidra. We adopted her from a grandmother that didn’t care for her, and a school that left her suicidal. She is doing well now, but has teaching as her target career.”
“Fascinating tale. Keep it quiet, though, or the press will have a field day with you.”
“They have already tried. It is costing them a fortune in damages.”
“Really? You must have a good lawyer.”
“We do. Our company lawyer is a Q.C.”
“Wow. That is top drawer stuff; I am surprised you can afford him.”
“He is the father of one of us ladies, so he comes cheap!”
The sergeant laughed delightedly, and switched subjects.
“Do you mind if I phone in my news and see if we can set up something at Luton?”
“Go ahead. Would you like the train to be on time, or delayed a little?”
“Eh? You can’t control train times.”
“By knowing the right people, you can. Try us. At the moment, the plan is to be on time. Do you need us to be delayed?”
“Hang on and I will tell you shortly.”
He dialled a number on his phone, and reported his news, finishing by asking when a team would be able to watch Luton station and their carriage. He listened, asked, “Would it suit to have a couple of minutes delay in arriving? Okay. We will arrange that. Bye.”
“Frances? Two minutes late, if you can manage it.”
Frances pressed a key on her phone and an amplified voice said, “Yes, Frances Robertson. What can we do for you?”
“We are on the train to Luton. It would be helpful for the local police if the train arrived two minutes late.”
“Very well. That is a minor signalling delay; that is all. Consider it done.”
“Thank you. Bye.”
She looked at the policeman. “There you are. Two minutes late.”
“As simple as that? That is impossible!”
“No, it is possible, if you have control of digital communications, sergeant. That is all that the signalling system is.”
“But who did you phone, to get that done immediately?”
“If I said, alien spaceships in orbit, would you believe me?”
“Then I can’t tell you. Now my baby needs my attention. If you’ll excuse me?”
Frances turned and sat down again, leaving the B.T. policeman at a loss for words.
Frances next spoke to Reg.
“Darling, would you phone our bus people and say our train will be a couple of minutes late, but otherwise everything should be as expected.”
“Certainly, Frances. They will be happy to hear there is no significant delay.”
The policeman had a thought, and asked Frances, “Do you still have that sheet which listed panel work? We should keep it for evidence.”
“I think so. It should be in the folder on that table near the door, if the other policeman didn’t take it.”
“Thank you, ma’am. I will disturb you no longer.” He went over and deftly extracted it from the folder, adding it to another evidence bag.
It did not seem to take long before they were drawing into Luton station, and as they slowed down the ladies started to gather themselves for the next transfer, to the bus. Once the train had stopped, a man appeared and jumped down between their carriage and the rest of the train to uncouple them from the train.
The policeman raised a hand. “Everyone stay aboard while the carriage gets shunted to a less used platform. You can get off there and we will get you to your bus, then we will be able to get on with our own operations.”
The shunter engine quickly appeared and moved them across to the desired platform, where the police sergeant opened the door and looked out. Several motorised baggage trolleys were waiting, and he shephered them out and onto the trolleys.
“Where is your bus likely to be, Mr Robertson?” he asked. Reg said where it had left them on arrival, and the sergeant replied, “We will go to the same spot. Phone him and say we will be there.”
Reg did that, and the driver responded, “I will get as near as I can, and then we can meet. I will turn my headlights on so you can see where I am.”
This turned out to be easier than expected, and with the extra help the transfer into the bus was soon accomplished. Frances recognised the driver and told him, “Just straight back to our home where you picked us up a week or so ago.”
She turned back to the sergeant who was standing at the door.
“Thank you for your help, Sergeant McPherson. I hope your work goes well.”
“Goodbye, ma’am. Take care.” and he waved off the driver, while Frances hurried to her seat where Reg was holding a dozing Jimmy for her.
They were all tired by the time the bus drew up at their building. The twins heard the vehicle outside, and opened the door to welcome the family home again. Jessica got special treatment as she was helped out of the bus by Reg, with him holding baby Rex for her. The twins could not decide between hugging Jessica and cuddling the new baby, and settled on ‘turn-about’, before ushering her into the house. Their husbands were still away at work.
The other ladies simply trooped past and into their home. Sidra and Elizabeth pouted at being ignored, but realised that babies got special attention from all adult females. Once they had finished with greeting Jessica and her new baby, the twins hustled them inside and up to the nursery room, anxious to know if Rex was needing breast-fed. Jessica agreed that it was near time for his next feed, so the twins sat her on the special low chair for that purpose, and asked if she needed a drink or something else for herself.
Overwhelmed by the attention, Jessica asked if she could have a weak cup of tea and a couple of ‘rich tea’ biscuits to go with it. They were on it like a shot.
The nursery gradually filled up as the other mothers came in to lay their offspring in their cots. As soon as the baby was settled, the mother was able to leave and attend to other matters, such as the neatly laid out piles of mail that had collected during their absence.
Hermione commandeered the post addressed to the company and took it to the company office for opening and sorting into categories: Action, Non-urgent, Interesting but not important, and junk mail. She opened all the junk mail, and ended up dumping it in the waste paper recycling box. The rest were opened and laid flat in appropriate piles. One in particular caught her eye, and she walked through to find Reg. He was relaxing in a comfy chair with a cup of freshly-made coffee, and one of his children cuddled in his lap. Hermione recognised her own baby.
“Reg, you dear man. Was William bothering you?”
“Not me, but he was noisy in the nursery, so I brought him through with me, as you were occupied with the business mail. He is fine now: seems to like his Dad’s lap, or maybe just likes being cuddled.”
“Sorry to bother you myself, but there is an item in the Action pile that needs the attention of the company as a whole. It is an approach from your university to take over your business and base it in a new research centre at the university. They see the possibilities of using the activity of the company for study by a number of disciplines: management, economics, business studies, psychology, and possibly several others involving finance, transport and storage facilities. You and the other directors will need to study the proposal and decide what is in it for you, in the short term and long term; after all, it is your business, not theirs.”
“Thanks for the invite, but your mother expects me home tonight, so I must refuse. In fact, I’d better be off, so that I am not too late in getting home. My best wishes to all of you. Let me know if you need anything, Frances.” “I will, Dad. Give my love to Mum.” A few minutes later, Mr LeBrun was back in his car and driving away. They all returned to the living room, where they reviewed the visit. Prudence was delighted with Mr LeBrun. “Your Dad is a really likeable guy, Frances.” “I...
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“Ah.” Reg was reticent. “I admitted that you were my girlfriend, Frances.” “I have no problem with that, my darling boy. There must have been more.” Prudence interrupted, “I told Mrs Compton that my tutor was also my boyfriend, when I was talking with her. I didn’t mean to, but it just slipped out. I was so proud of that status.” “From what little I heard, it was a lot more than that, you lot. Give!” Reg told her, “I was called to see Dr Henderson after classes, and he said he had heard...
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“Thank you, Reg.” Freda kissed him again, and made a point of rubbing her breasts against him. He took the opportunity to put his arms round her upper torso, to hold her tight to him, and enjoyed the kissing session. They were still in that position when Frances and Erika came into the room. Frances called softly, “Hello, you two. Can you spare us a minute?” Reg was embarrassed. “Sorry, Frances, Freda insisted on apologising, in her own unique way.” “Oh, yes. The other girls. We’ll talk...
Frances concluded, “Right. Do what you want with him tonight, but I get him to myself tomorrow night. Goodnight to the three of you.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Erika murmured, “Wow. She sounds peeved. Reg, was that a promise to fuck you tomorrow?” “I am not certain, darling. It may be, but I am not going to count on it. It might just be a cuddle like we are having now.” Erika disabused him of that notion. “No, Reg, not just a cuddle. Prepare for a lot more. I can...
“Well now, there are several things to decide on. One, can Reg help you with tutoring, and if so, can you assist him in picking up social skills? Second, if you get accepted as part of the study group, Beth gets rejected and we help you shaking loose from her. Is that it?” “More or less, Frances. I am not sure what you meant – IF Reg can help me with tutoring?” “Oh, that is simple. Reg has to decide if you are worth his effort. If he concludes that you are not picking things up as he...
“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...
He hurried in, but she was not in the bedroom as he expected, so he tried the bathroom. Prudence was kneeling naked in the empty tub, with one arm resting on the side. She looked very appealing as the Venus of the bath, but she was truly frustrated. “Reg, I can’t get myself out of the bath! It is too slippery, and my balance is not good at the moment. Can you help me?” She turned her body to face him, again displaying her small breasts in front of him. He took a sharp breath, but...
Reg explained, “It was much later, when I observed other children, that I saw how they and their parents seemed to act differently towards each other than my parents were with me. I decided there was something wrong with me, and that was how I couldn’t be loved like other children. I turned my attention to the world around me, and started studying it. I found school a great revelation, for the teachers started explaining what things were, and how they reacted, like water will do magical...
“But Prudence is a university student. She won’t want to have a baby while at Uni.” Reg made a factual remark. “Frances, there are at least several female students who are expecting babies, as far as I have observed.” Frances retorted, “Yes, but all of them are married, so it is not such a problem for them.” Reg backed down. “Sorry, I didn’t know that. Sorry I spoke.” Frances patted his arm. “No, it is all right, Reg. Your observation was accurate, just not fully comprehensive. These...
Prudence told him, “For the moment, Reg, do nothing. I phoned your mother back, and explained a little to her about you, me and the girls, but I emphasised that you need a lot of time to adjust from being a loner to dealing with people at large. She said she was willing to wait. I believe her, Reg.” “Thank you, Prudence. I don’t think I could have done that myself. I couldn’t have told her about you girls. You are a wonderful, thoughtful girl. It is no wonder that I love you.” Still...
Reg sat in a chair facing the Dean, and waited. The Dean cleared his throat before declaring, “Mr Robertson, it has come to my notice that you have arranged for a commitment ceremony next week. Is that correct?” “Yes sir.” Reg was not offering anything. He had learned to be careful. “I understand this is not a simple cohabitation agreement, but something more complex.” “Yes, sir.” “You and four other students – girls - are proposing to live together as a family unit. Is that so?” “Yes,...
The tropical breezes drift over them as they lay in the shadow of the palms, watching the clear blue surf roll in, cool drinks at their sides, the scent of the sea mixed with luscious oils and native blooms filling their senses. They are both relaxed and lost in thought, enjoying the atmosphere and being together. He asks her to rub lotion on him and flips over to receive it. She slathers his firm muscles with cream and lets her hands drift down across his ass. She playfully tickles his crotch...
EroticIn late spring, the canals, the many little bridges that ribbed each canal into the distance, and all the walkways leading to and from were framed with blooming trees and flowers, a scene that deserved to have been painted by one of the classic painters. But this was Amsterdam, and such scenes had been famously recreated by many Masters, over hundreds of years. An extra little flower from America was a part of today’s scene. Jaimie was central on one of the up and over bridges. There she...
EroticThe dog nudged my crotch as I stopped to catch my breath after walking up the steep hillside. I walked this every day for exercise. It made my endurance for basketball much better. The dog always came with me, today he was a little rambunctious. Every time I stopped he nosed my crotch to keep walking. I guess he was great motivation for me to keep my ass moving. I continued up the hillside till I reached the top. When I hit the meadow at the top I flopped down on the tall grass and wildflowers...
Black Caddy DaddyOver the many years of cruising I have learned how to look for the signs of places and men who are looking for a little action. Learning to loiter with intent and recognize those who are loitering with intent is a more exact science now days but it can still be done. We live in a surveillance society now with cameras, security guards, lighting and cops watching public places so the days of open cruising are long gone. If you take your time, are cautious and learn from small...
The confrontation with the liquidation unit of the military headquarters in San Diego convinced Desmond that he needed to move the entire operation further inland to the Nevada border area even if it meant getting up into the dreaded Sierra Madres. They were barely adequate in the area of supplies including weapons and ammo but were short on cold weather gear to make it through a harsh winter. He considered raiding one of the survivor towns to pilfer their stores even if it would mean coming...
I had heard quite a bit about Lorna Pierce before I actually met her. I was the new hire for the company and the personnel manager, Bill, and I seemed to hit it off pretty well. We had both gone to the same college (he was a couple years ahead of me) and we both came from the same general part of Ohio - I was from the Dayton area while he was from somewhere around Columbus. "You probably won't see much of her... she doesn't come down from her ivory tower to visit us commonfolk much. But if you...
ReluctanceChristie was feeling the alcohol. She had two drinks and was slowly sipping a third. The one reason she was allowing herself to get so drunk was because her hotel room was upstairs. The faint beat of the trip hop music that played through hidden speakers seemed more twisted and looped. “Sometimes I think they try to hard to be cool.” Christie turned her head. Next to her sat a man in a suit. The jacket laid across the back of the chair with the tie. The liquid in his glass was amber....
My Choice By Jennifer Allison A scream vibrated through the mall. "My wife must have just woke up from her hypnotic trance," a man said to himself, sitting on a bench near the ladies bathroom. I was the one who let out this loud scream. I awoke from a sleep looking at someone I had never seen before. Staring back at me in the mirror. What I found staring back at me was a beautiful twenty-four year old woman. Wearing a blouse showing off plenty of cleavage. Wearing a...
Your name is David. You are a disgustingly skinny moron who has been a huge failure at life. You lost your job, you dropped out of college, and your semi attractive girlfriend broke up with you. Your head is shaved, your armpits stink and you have proven repeatedly throughout your life to have about as much common sense as a monkey. Like all men you have an unquenchable desire to get blowjobs from beautiful women, a desire which has never been able to be fulfilled, primarily because you are...
FantasyStreet Hooker Part 1After booking in at the hotel in a smart suit and heels, I returned to my car to get my 'things'. My two bags seemed excessive for an overnight stay but this was a stay with a difference. The hotel was perfect. It was just out of the centre of an unfamiliar (to me) town and on the fringe of a rather run down area. I was starting to get that butterfly in the stomach feeling - the buzz of daring adventure and excitement in anticipation of the evening and night to come. Each...
Wife Does The Black Hospital JanitorI Was married to Kathy for many years and never found out about her 'dark side?. To me, she was just another prudish wife, doing all the normal things. Church, helping people, just a nice wife. Our sex life wasn't always the best. Now I know why. Been divorced a few years now and I found out about her black lovers one day when I went over to her place to help her out with some needed fixes at her house. Happened to run into one of her black overs as he was...
That late afternoon I was leaving my office, when I received a call form Ana. My sweet wife asked me not to hurry up, or I would find someone else in our marital bed.I smiled and asked her who was the lucky bastard, but Ana replied it was a secret…Ana opened the door for me. I noticed she was wearing a very tight pair of cut off denim shorts and a white tank top. Her hair was a mess, probably from the fucking she had just got. She was not wearing a bra or panties under that sexy short…She gave...
My Nurse Practitioner Sherry had been treating me for several hours. To put things bluntly, we had been fucking like wild beasts in heat and both of us were gratified, satisfied, and nearly exhausted. Almost swimming in a mixture or her sweet glory hole juice, my cum, and our sweat, we lay cuddled up intertwined with one another attempting to breathe but still softly and tenderly fondling one another. We were jolted out of our euphoric state by the sound of an automobile horn coming from my...
MatureHey friends I am Soumya, again here I am with another story wase mujhe ladkiyon se jada aunty pasand hain main aap ko bina boring kie story pe lata huin. Ye baat tab ki hai jab main 12th standard main padhta tha.ustym main jab v ghar main akela hota tha to hamesa blue pictures hin dekhta tha din Raat muth marta tha.hamare ghar ke charo taraf jitney v auntya thi sab ko main bure najar se dekhna suru kar dia tha maira maan kar rahatha ki kaas ye sab mujhe chodne mil jayen rooz main unki boobs or...
Looking down her body she eyed her skin critically looking for signs of overexposure. She had been building up her tan all summer, and she was pleased with the golden tone she had achieved, giving her smooth skin a healthy glow, which set off her golden blond hair and blue eyes nicely. Jessica was also thrilled with her new bikini, paying homage to an old song, she couldn’t resist the yellow polka dot bikini when she saw it online. Today was the first time she had been able to try it on and...
Indeed, the elder who measured Zax with a cold aura was the same one everyone talked about, Talhera's Mor and the creator of Kingdom Earth's best bodily refinement technique, Scarlet Armor. Zax glanced over at the elder. He had a stern look on his handsome face and sharp eyes. 'From how it seems, both of your Tals are present and one is even a participant... ' Zax gathered for what reason the elder has to be, or give the impression that he is, hostile toward him, but he was not a...
When Helen arrived at the university psychology institute, there was a crowd of students bustling around the notice board ‘What’s happening?’ she asked a fellow colleague. ‘Why is there so much fuss?’ ‘It’s Professor Lord. He’s dead.’ ‘What?’ She pushed herself through the gathering students to read the notice board which explained that the professor was no longer available due to death of ‘uncertain’ circumstances. She wondered what caused it to happen so suddenly. Perhaps a heart attack, or...
"I hope we don't stay long. We've got a lot to get done before we pick up the girls from school. So lets not dally," Dora said as they approached the Thomas' home. Right," he pulled up to the curb. They got out and ran up the stairs to the porch. Dora had the morning paper over her head to keep her hair dry. Ted rang the doorbell. This time it was the FBI agent who answered the door. "Say Ted, wazzup?" the black man smiled. "Say Francis, any news?" he entered the house. "By the...
A swirly cloud of something that looked like fog filled the room, and then it faded into the night. You lay sleeping in the bed, covers pulled up to your chin. The clock next to you showed "6:59", then quietly flipped to "7:00" and began to beep. You were asleep, and right in the middle of a very exciting dream, when the loud beeping of the alarm woke you up. You blinked your eyes a few times, rolled over and turned off the alarm. You lay there in bed for a moment, remembering what you was...
RomanceThe Retreat As usual, Kei was awakened by the AI. Stretching, she luxuriated in the feeling of waking to a new day. Nothing like a half dozen orgasms to make me wake feeling like a million dollars, she thought as she slid her pillow back to sit against the headboard for a moment. Her right hand, almost of its own accord, eased into her panties to cup her sex. As a fingertip touched her button, her body arched and she gave out a shuddering sigh. I am a grown woman, not some teenager who...
He sells me My husband married me when I was quite young. I had very little experience with sex. My parents were very poor and he was ten years older than me and very well to do. On our wedding night he made it quite clear that I was not only his wife but his property. He took off his belt and whipped me with it until I screamed that I belonged to him and would do anything he ordered me to do. I spread my legs wide for him that night and felt him plow me for hours. I had never really sucked a...
The wind was whistling round the village, there were flurries of cold rain creating delightfully muddy puddles but the children didn’t want to play outside, it was too cold. Winter was sometimes unpleasant even here. This was one of those days, the beams of the Rabbi’s new roof would have to wait until the weather improved and the old carpenter sat by the fire calmly whittling. “Another wooden man for the child to play with?” Asked his much younger wife, stroking her belly. Her husband was...
Note: This is fiction, intended to entertain readers. It has graphic lesbian sex. There’s also domination and submission in this story. If you can’t legally view this, please don’t! Any resemblance between these characters and any person is coincidental. o0O0o When I joined her in the playroom, Aurora met my gaze with a shy smile. I flashed her my best saucy, lustful grin. She reflexively turned away a bit and moved her arms to hide her chest and backside. The effect her action had on me-I...
Trelkor rubbed his temple. He have had a headache for the past two days. He couldn't show weakness to his crew, lest they lose hope. The Imperial Navy had been hounding them the last few days, at-least that's what the spy on the Imperial ship had told the Alliance. Had his warp drive not been restored, they would all be space-dust by now. If he didn't lose them by the time they reached Fria, the mission would be a failure. He couldn't outgun a light cruiser in his frigate. He let out a...
A bit of family history. I live at home with my Mom. My name is Dan and I am a 20 year old college student. My Nan also lives with us but in another section of the home that my Dad had built when he and Mom first married. It is a large house and if not for Nan, I think Mom would have moved into something a bit smaller just for herself and me. As I said earlier, I am 20 years old and Majoring in Health Education at College. I have a very fit body and pronounced Abs and muscles throughout...
IncestIt was 3:00 AM.I sat alone on the last train to the suburbs. Graffiti seemed to be everywhere then. They couldn't clean it fast enough before more surfaced in its place. My thick cock was rigid and straining to break free from its restraints.After quickly scanning my surroundings to ensure there was nobody else on board, I obliged my cock by lowering my Levi's to my knees and setting it free. A sigh escaped my lips as I gripped my prick and stroked it with a slow, methodical pace.Growing bolder...
VoyeurOne night you experience a peculiar dream. A naked goddess blesses you with the power to fulfill your sexual desires. She tells you that she will handle any potential problems that might arise. You’ve always wanted to destroy the breasts and clits of the girls in your life.
BDSM*NOTE* this story is an original work by ME. copyright 2009. you can copy this and switch it around and change the names and make it your own if you wish. if you make money off it, consider cutting me a slice of the pie. this story can also be found enjoy!I'm on the table waiting for the masseuse. My eyes are closed and in my mind I am working on another chapter to my "Sensual, Sexy Massage Ther****t" fantasy.I watch as that hot little vixen goes down on my girlfriend when,...
Id been on the website a while and had varing degrees of luck. I got chatting a woman called shelly from the medway towns. we semedto hit it of really well and as with all chats on the wesiteit got very fruity at times. It turned out that shelly was married no k**s and a great husband, but she had maried young and had only ever been with one guy. It was her fortieth birthday at the weekend and her hubby who knewthat this wasa problem had told her to join this site and "get"it out of her...
“You know, at this point, the interview’s practically a formality. You’re okay with sleeping with the boss, right?” I teased Sarah, as she snuggled up closer with me and kissed me repeatedly on my lips. “We’re not still talking about your office job, are we? I mean, I wouldn’t mind the job, don’t get me wrong, I would certainly accept it, unfair as it might be to others. Trust me, this isn’t going to be a #MeToo deal at all. You want to grope me at work, do it as much as you want, though we...
Relative safety and Jimmy's example encouraged more horseplay, and Stick started pressing Mary, who was surprisingly good at making virtually no noise at all when she moved. After a couple of minutes of limited success, he pulled Teddy into the conspiracy, too, the pair making loud splashes in the vicinity of Mary and diving away. But it was Danny who eventually blundered into Darla Jean's man-trap while trying to guard Thelma. Darla Jean picked him up interspersing himself between her and...
My husband’s best friend Dave had separated with his wife. Dave was pretty torn up about it and was trying to get her back. He lives in PA and she moved back to NY. On the weekends Dave would drive up and stay with us while trying to convince his wife to come home. It was pretty sad. Dave is a very good looking guy and is always the life of the party. His wife was a nut case who didn’t want to be married because she said it made her feel old. Anyway Dave would come to town and stay with us. He...
Danica and Brandon took Celes and Terran to their rooms upon returning to the safety of the familiar stone walls of the fortress. Both wizards were exhausted beyond thought by the strain of the mass teleport and the subsequent run. Everyone was in high spirits. Cheron and Brandon admired his new sword taken from the orc leader. Brandon remarked that the weapon looked like dwarven work — certainly nothing any orc could make. The two dwarves approached to point out telltale scrollwork on the...
I discovered snuff porn and gore. God how I lived the blood and entrails while rape proceeded. I became consumed by it. I wanted to feel a woman’s intestines in my hands. But I knew I couldn’t. My father left on a business trip for a week. On the second night of his absence my mother told me she was not feeling well and needed to go to bed early. I went to my bed as well saying I was exhausted and might hit the hay early as well, but really I just wanted to watch some gruesome porn. Around...
Monday after school, Tommy stopped by a friends house to hang out for a little bit before heading home. He was tempted to tell someone what happened over the weekend with Susan but he knew he needed to keep it a secret. When he got home and walked in, his mom and step dad were in the kitchen. His mom had already changed from work, now wearing a curve hugging pair of black leggings and a cutoff sweatshirt. He heard his mom laughing as he walked in and she said, ‘Maybe, we’ll see.” to my stepdad...
IncestThis is a continuation of Just Plain Bob’s story, Orgasms. When I had finished his story, I had an OCD moment and wrote this the next day. Please read his story first to get the background. Addie’s Story: I sat at the conference table looking out at the absolutely spectacular view and saw nothing. Not the snow on the mountains, the murmur and bustle of the employees outside the room I was in ... not a thing registered in my conscious mind until the door was yanked open and I saw Jolene stride...
Christine was the youngest daughter of Bill Gates and his wife. He had two other daughters older than Christine, both happily married and producing lots of grandchildren. They lived on a farm in the South West of England in a small country market town. Christine had been a difficult child from the day she was born and having been brought up on a farm she learned all about sex at an early age. She had a natural beauty, a good figure and a vivacious temperament and she had lost her virginity at...
THIS WAS A WEEK when I needed to accomplish great things. It was the last week before classes started at SCU and I’d be tied up in freshman orientation for a good part of it. But I’d never had so many canvases started and unfinished. I decided I was going to have to move my work to the new studio and set regular times there to really work. I had an exhibition coming up and suddenly four or five months didn’t seem like any time at all. I was up early on Monday morning so I could get moved and...
Monday, July 31th, 2006, Arlington, Virginia I slowly awoke, feeling pretty great. I was well fucked and well-rested. I realized that when my magic levels were full to the brim. I seemed happier than when they weren’t; it wasn’t a massive difference, pretty small actually but noticeable. Maybe it was the magic’s way of adding a little extra incentive for me to fuck as often as I could. Not that I needed it. Mmm, I also just realized that I had my face buried in a luxurious pile of soft hair...
Chapter 1 Right after Dawn left on Sunday morning, Angela’s phone rang. “Yes Master?” “Two men are at your front door. They will pack up your belongings and move you to your new apartment.” “But Master, how will I explain this to my landlord?” “You don’t. By the time she gets home, you will be gone. Do you owe her any money still?” “I owe her three weeks rent.” “Leave her a check, but no note.” “Yes Master. But she is also my friend Master. She has been very good to me.” “Shut up and do...
Straight SexThe next week, at dinner with all the family, Julie sprung a surprise on me. "Daddy, my two best friends Tina and Carly want to make love with you." "Hey, since when have I become the neighborhood stud? Not only did I agree to incest, now you want strangers in on it too? I'll end up in jail because all of this love." "Come on, Daddy. You know that both Tina and Carly sleep with their Dads and as there are no secrets between us they also know about us. They both do many men. For them...
"God damnit Minato! Not again!" exclaimed Kushina as she looked down over her pale 34G tits at the small flaccid penis of her husband as he held himself over her at arm's length.Minato sighed as he rolled off his wife to lay beside her on the bed. "I'm sorry Kushina, but I'm getting older. It can't be helped." He rolled over on his side facing away from her and sighed again. "Maybe we can try again tomorrow?"Kushina glared over at her husband as she crossed her arms under her immense chest....