HealerChapter 2
- 4 years ago
- 19
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Arianna whimpered as her new husband pulled her under the steady fall of pleasantly hot water. She should be sated, but her hunger still was as sharp as it had been when they had first entered Dean's quarters the day before. She had pleaded and pleaded with him to finish it - to complete their bond. But as of yet, he had mated with her in every position but the one that was guaranteed to leash the fire once and for all.
"How much longer are you going to torment me?" she asked him as the steamy water soaked her hair and ran down her exquisitely sensitive body. There wasn't a part of him that he hadn't touched, nibbled, or licked.
"Torment you?" he asked, arching an eyebrow at her. "And here I thought I was being a considerate husband by loving you so thoroughly."
She glared at him as she pushed a strand of hair out of her eyes. Dean laughed before pulling her into his arms. She stifled a moan as she felt his hard erection against her abdomen.
He sighed in pleasure as the water beat down on them. He slid his arm between her legs before using it for leverage, as pulling it up parted her thighs and exposed her soft tender flesh to the warm spray of water. Ari gasped as the rushing water teased her folds.
"Dean," she whimpered as he dipped his head and sucked on the shell of her ear.
"I want you, Arianna. I want to take you right here in our shower. I want to make love to you, to feel the water sliding over us hot and steamy while I slide into you from below." he said hoarsely into her ear, as he turned them towards the beating spray. Ari shivered as the hot water now ran down between their bodies. "Do you want that, baby? Do you want the same thing I do?" he growled as he nibbled on her shoulder.
"Yes, oh, yes!" she sighed as he sank down onto the heated floor of the shower, dragging her down with him. He reached between their bodies and positioned himself. He stared up at her with hungry eyes.
"Look at me," he coaxed. She opened her eyes and looked down at him. She could see the flush on his cheeks both from the heat of the water and his desires.
"What?" she panted as she wriggled against him.
"I love you. Do you love me, Ari?" he asked his expression tense with desire and hope.
"Love you?" she gasped as the head of his cock entered her.
"Yeah." he said between clenched teeth. When she wiggled and slid down another inch, his breath hissed out of his lungs. "Answer me!"
"Dean, I need you to finish it! I can't stand this." she begged as she tried to bring him deeper inside of her.
"Then give me what I want," he coaxed. She shook her head as he sank to the hilt inside of her. He glared at her before shifting on to his side, taking her with him. As he had each time that she had denied his request through the night; he would give her release but would not complete the bonding process.
"No!" she pleaded as she realized his intent. "We need to complete it! I can't take any more! Please Stephan, I love you. YES I love you completely!"
"Finally!" he moaned as he rolled back on to his back, dragging her with him. He reached up and squeezed one of her nipples as he arched under her, driving even deeper inside of her.
"Yes!" she squealed as she felt their bonds enveloping them. Under her, he thrust furiously as they both skated on the edge of release. She panted as she met each of his thrusts, for she was nearing her breaking point. She could tell he was near climaxing as well - she had begun to recognize his own telltale signs of impending release. His hands always tightened on her, his eyes always locked on to hers. She had never seen a man keep his eyes open at the moment of his release.
"Arianna," he pleaded as he fought to bring both of them through the bonding. She caught her breath as the tension inside of her finally snapped. She screamed while the violent surges of pleasure coursed through her. She was vaguely aware of Stephan reaching his own peak under her. When the bonds wrapped tightly around her, she sobbed in relief. Through their link she could feel Stephan's pleasure and relief as he, too, relished the deep total bond that they now shared.
She collapsed forward and lay supine on his chest, then sighed shakily as the water continued to tease her back.
"Thank you, baby." Stephan said against the top of her head. "I know how badly you need to be in control."
"Hmmm." she mumbled as she enjoyed the relaxing warmth of the water.
"Why did you resist me so long, baby? Is it that hard to admit that you love me?" he asked as he used his powers to gently rub her all over.
"Now, why would I give you the upper hand, Mr. Dean?" she sassed as she raised her head off his chest.
"You little brat!" he laughed as he lightly slapped her bottom with his free hand. "All this was just a scheme to drive me out of mind!"
"Maybe." she said mysteriously.
"I can see life is never going to be boring with you," he said with a contented sigh.
"Nope!" she agreed as she laid her head back down.
The Final Day of the Mezclar
Kat lay on her side and watched Charlie as he slept. He looked so relaxed - his face at peace as he slumbered. She could still see the power that was inherent to him; she didn't think anything would ever diminish that... he wore it like a mantle. She reached up traced a finger across his cheek. He didn't even have a five o'clock shadow. Adding up the little differences amazed her; she was used to seeing Earthling men — they had facial hair and hair on their bodies. She glanced down at his chest - even there he had no hair, she mused. She gently rubbed the heavy muscles on his chest.
"Hmmmmm, that feels wonderful, Hellkat." he rumbled sleepily.
"You feel wonderful." she said with a sigh as she draped a leg over his thigh and let their joined hands lie across his chest. It had taken some getting used to, she thought, as she stared at the bonds that kept them joined. She wasn't sure what she was going to do when the nylon cord was removed.
"Our bonds will still be there, sweetheart; the physical bonds have been replaced by the bond of our love for each other. There can be no 'me' without you, Katrina. You are part of my soul. Just as I am yours."
She looked up at him, with tears in her eyes.
"Oh hell, I said the wrong thing again. I didn't mean to make you cry! What can I do to fix it?" Charlie asked his face showing his dismay.
"Make love to me." She requested as the tears streaked down her face.
His eyes flared and once again the silver that she loved was present. She sobbed softly with pleasure as he rolled them onto their sides, lifted her leg and slid into her slowly-deeply.
"Oh Hellkat!" he groaned as her sheath stroked him in response. "I love you."
The next morning dawned bright and sunny. Kat sat on Charlie's lap on the glider that he had installed just for her on their wide private balcony. They watched as the sun slowly crept into the night sky and chased the stars away. She smiled with pleasure as the sun caressed her face.
Charlie rested his head against hers as a warm breeze filled with scent of the mellitus sensus drifted around them. Kat sighed in pleasure and marveled as she felt Charlie's powers surge within him.
"Thank you." she said huskily.
"Hmmmm - you're welcome. But for what?" he asked as he gathered her closer.
"Charlie, we have to talk about Pati and Jonathan. I think I know how to heal her but I am going to need your help," she replied after a moment.
"Gladly. I trained with Jonathan; I hate to see him torn up like this over his wife's condition. Besides it's a terrible way for any one to live - being addicted to raz-ice."
"I'm glad that you feel that way. Because what I propose is going to be very intimate, and in addition, I would like to have your mother and Councilman Dean present to observe."
"Really? Why?" Charlie asked curiously.
"Because if this works on Pati, think of how many others it could help that have been fighting the addiction with no relief or remedy in sight."
"I trust you, Hellkat. You would never do anything that would intentionally hurt us or anyone else."
Kat and Charlie stood in front of Rand once more as many of the members of his kingdom gathered. The huge outdoor arena was crowded; it seemed that everyone wanted to see that their King and Queen had survived the mezclar and that Charlie had actually bonded with his new queen.
Rand greeted both couples warmly as he stepped back he examined them carefully. He first spoke to Arianna and Dean.
"Did it work, Stephan. Do you finally have what you have been chasing for so many years?"
"Yes, King Randall. I can safely say that Ari and I have bonded completely. I had a bit of fight on my hands. But I knew I was going to." He looked over at his wife and lifted their joined hands and kissed her fingers. "But in the end she's become mine and I've become hers."
"Good!" Rand said with pleasure. "Extend your hands, Councilman Dean and Healer Arianna."
Arianna and Dean offered their bonded hands to the King. He chanted a spell and the silk binding unraveled and fell to the floor.
"I now present the bonded pair of Stephan and Arianna." Rand called out as they turned and faced the people of Areseric." The applause filled the amphitheater where the severing of the binds was being held.
Rand turned back and faced the royal couple in front of him. He focused on Kat.
"Did you find your "dream man" Katrina?" he asked.
Kat smiled beautifully. "Oh, yes. He led me on quite the chase but I got my man."
"Good. You are an extraordinary woman, and I hope your chosen realizes what a rare find he has in you."
"He does!" Charlie assured him.
"And you, Charles. Are you still angry with me?" Rand asked with a twinkle in his eye.
Charlie replied softly — his voice for Rand alone. "No. But if you ever try do something as high handed as that again, Your Majesty, I will kick your royal ass."
"You think that you can? Your powers are new. Maybe in a few years you will be able to." Rand said with a chuckle. "So we are agreed that your bonding has taken place? That you BOTH are bonded physically, emotionally and magically?"
"Yes." they said in unison.
"Good. It's been a long time coming for both of you." Rand said as he took their joined hands and held them between his hands. He chanted the spell to release them. This time instead of the nylon falling to the floor as expected - both Katrina and Charles cried out as the fabric transformed and a bright flare flashed through the clearing. When it died down, Rand stared in disbelief at them.
"What happened?" Kat asked warily as her wrist tingled.
"Oops. I forgot to warn you." The voice that was heard came from the sheepish tones of Master Iason. Kat turned towards her grandfather.
"You forgot to what!" she scolded.
"Master Iason?" Charlie questioned softly.
Rand scowled at the Master Warrior. Jason rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.
"I'm sorry, in all that has been and is going on, I completely forgot about the imprinting that happens when the bindings are severed between a Vindexicis couple."
"Imprinting?" Charlie asked in a daze.
"Yes. Take a glance at your wrist, Charles." Jason encouraged.
Charlie looked down at his wrist. He gasped as he saw a brilliant, multihued band that encircled his wrist in the same pattern of the binding that had just been severed. He hesitantly touched the mark. He realized other than that skin being a bit warmer than the rest of his skin, it was seamless. There were no bumps or raised edges. It was as if...
"A living tattoo. It's just like a living tattoo." Kat whispered in awe as she touched her own identical marking.
"Yes." he agreed as he lifted her hand to examine her smaller wrist in comparison to his.
"It's beautiful." she whispered as both of their "tattoos" glittered and moved in the bright sunshine.
"Yes it is!" Rand agreed as he lifted both of their wrists to his lips and blessed both of them with a spell of steadfastness.
"I, King Randall, am proud to present Areseric with it's first bonded King and Queen in forty years. King Charles and Queen Katrina, please greet your people as a bonded and chosen couple." He called out in a strong vibrant voice. Kat turned slowly as she took in the cheering people. In the last few days there had been so many things that had happened — some to question - and a lot to cheer about - now more was to come. She stepped forward to greet the people gathered for this final ceremony.
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CHAPTER 1 It’s certainly not good for a supposedly happily married woman, to fall in love. That’s what happened to me, as I fell in love with a man, much younger to me. And, to make matter worse, the man with whom I fell in love, was none other than my own son. After remaining faithful to my husband for nearly twenty years, one fine day I found that I was interested in my own teenage son. My feeling towards my son, Rahul had nothing to do with a motherly love; a mother has for her son. In...
IncestAfter my divorced, I bought a house with a large piece of property in a rural area away from the madness of ubran life. As summer had brought about considerable foliage around the perimeter of my ample property, I felt concealed allowing me to wear less and less clothing as the heat of the season built. I would walk around my property in merely a long tee shirt allowing the breeze to caress my ass and genitals in a pleasantly unfamiliar manner. Occassionally I would even venture outdoors...
We searched high and low and finally came up with some small metal drums with well-fitting lids. Each of the small drums held 50 gallons, so we were able to put about 45 gallons into six drums. I wanted to leave some head space in case the liquid tended to expand excessively when it got warm. Each small drum still weighed about 300 pounds, so it was a pain to handle. We used our empty carts plus one other after we rearranged the loads among the carts. Around 600 pounds aboard each cart meant...
Allright let's continue and get it to the good details :)The stranger was kneeling behind me and spreading my asshole, he just spitted in it and good feel his warm spit inside of me. I loved that feeling, it make me forget that i was actually going to have a guy in his 40's fuck me up the ass. It didn't matter anymore at that point , i was way too horney and got passed the blockade in my mind.Stranger : Can i finger him a bit ?Esther : Sure no problem, he's all cleaned up.The stranger gently...
Classes were due to start in roughly two weeks. After years of studying, stressing, winning awards, and being a try hard, I simply wanted at least to relax. I just recovered from grueling wisdom teeth extraction as well, so my small vacation was riddled with pain and hunger. Finally, there was a chance at happiness in this short lived summer. There was a party tonight at Brittany’s mansion while her parents were away on business. After fifteen years of friendship, there’s not much we haven’t...
College SexAre story begins. You have a slave standing with his cock and balls confined it your new toy. The ankles are secured at the bottom and the hands are cuffed behind his back. He is mouth gagged as well and possible a blindfold. That's slave number one. As for slave number two, he is in front of the device with his hands behind the back of the first slave and secured together.His knees are secured to the upright. Slave number 2 has slave number ones cock in his mouth and his head is taped in that...
Diary: Charlie is a good skier. Much better than I am. I wanted him to have the experience of skiing in the Alps as David and I did many years ago. Astonishing coincidence, we met Alan and his daughter Jennifer, a little older than Charlie. Jennifer still lives near us but her father, now divorced lives in upstate New York. We have taken to skiing together and having meals together. Charlie seems smitten with her. And why not, she is very pretty and skis nearly as well as he does. Alan is...
Welcome to the next installment of my wonderful adventures. I hope you enjoy reading this one as much as I enjoy writing it. I reserve all non-electronic and commercial rights to this work. If it is illegal in your jurisdiction to read this work, please do not read this story. THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF MISS K: HAVE YOU HAD YOUR BREAK TODAY? ? by: Brett Lynn Miss K brushed a strain of hair out of her face as she backed her SUV out of her parking space. For the last time for...
For a week after he had first taken her that night after the fair, Vladimir barely bothered Anna. He made her take him in her mouth once a day, but he simply asked her if she would rather than demanding it, and he did not make her strip. Slowly, Anna's vaginal walls recovered from their pounding and while she still felt a little tender, there was no pain, not even when she touched herself. She found that she was doing this frequently, remembering the touch of others' hands and feeling...
I can remember when i was. A k** about 14. My aunt who was older. Then me byabout 3years and ill never forget it was the first.time i ever seen a pussy my aunt still looks good for her age too! I remember like. It was yesterday. I had gone into her room one night and there she was only wearing panties legs. Spread open real nice it was a sight to see for a young boy my age. I turned off the light and had to go back into room later so i grabbed a flashlight ans snuck back in because i needed. Tl...
I walked in, turned, and locked the door, I expected the little room to be dark, but a bulb above and the light of the big video screen lit up the tiny space. The room itself was small, so small that I could touch both sides to my right and left without stretching at all. There was a single plastic chair in front of the screen. I looked at the walls and sure enough there were holes on both sides of me. They were the size of a small volleyball. It looked to me, that it was big enough to pass...
As the driving rain smote his window, Joseph felt a chill in his spine. This was not the chill of a cold, wintry night. This was a chill he had felt many times before. ‘He’s coming,’ Joseph thought to himself. For a moment, Joseph thought he would flee as he had done so many times before. It had, in fact, become a natural instinct, a reflex action that he simply performed without ever knowing why. He was found, he fled, he was found, he fled…Sometimes he outwitted his adversary, others he...
"Come here you," the beaming bride exclaimed as she opened her arms and embraced one of the ushers from her wedding. She tilted her face up toward his and leaned in for a kiss, full and open mouthed, her tongue doing a tango with his. They broke the kiss with a giggle as the bride leaned back and looked up at him."I owe the two of you so much, Tim. Honestly, I don't know where I would have ended up without you both in my life.""Trust me, Jenny. It was my pleasure," Tim replied with a grin. A...
Wednesday Steve I awoke to the 6:00 am alarm, and gave Susan her favorite wake-up call. I slid into her, and she just purred. As I picked up the pace, she arched her back, and met me stroke for stroke. When we came, she screamed. "You've got to learn not to scream your orgasms, honey", I told her. "The neighbors are apt to call the cops, telling them someone is getting murdered." She laughed and hit me playfully. "Come on; let's get a shower." We took a quick shower, and picked out...
I never thought “tomorrow” would arrive, but it did, and I woke up with my small penis tenting my panties thinking about what I was going to do today. Rose was sound asleep next to me as I thought about what had transpired between my brother’s son Junior and me and what was going to happen today.I was always impressed with the size of my brother’s cock, which explains why I was addicted to it the first time I swallowed it and why he was the lucky recipient of so many blowjobs from me when we...
IncestHi, I am Jatin from Chandigarh 31-year-old. Am a regular reader of ISS.This sex story is about me and my cousin sister Kavita. She is my mom’s sister’s daughter and three years older than me. At that time were 18 years old and she is 21 years old she is looking very sexy. Every man wants to fuck with her but luckily I got this chance. This happened between us when my grandmother passed away and she came to our home to help my mother in household work as too many relatives come to my home every...