BethChapter 53 free porn video

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August 24, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

[Written August 26]

I was a bit groggy after the alarm went off, which was due mostly to spending too much time getting caught up on the diary last night. I will have to tell Gracey and Liya about the diary, since they’re both going to be here for most of the next seven months. Hopefully, that will allow me to keep more closely to current. School will also help in that vein. I hope.

Mrs. Palecek dropped Civia off at 7:50, a result of the new plan that we discussed at their house last night. Civia’s mom works not all that far from the house, so it made sense for her to drop Civia to ride with us to practice. I had had the door open for her and waved at Mrs. Palecek as she drove away.

“Where should I put my overnight bag?”

“Upstairs. Come on.”

When we got to my room, Civia saw that Heather hadn’t, yet, dressed and said, “Are you going to practice like that?”

“Oh, wouldn’t that be great?!”

“You’d do that?”

“No, not really, although I wish it were legal. I don’t mind being looked at wearing nothing but my skin. I just don’t want the legal hassle.”

“I just spent only my second-ever night sleeping naked. I’ve decided I like it.”

From the door, Gracey asked “You do?”

“I do,” Civia responded as she saw Gracey and Liya. “Umm. I do. But would you guys really be okay with wearing something in bed tonight. I’m not sure I’m comfortable with that, yet.”

“We can do that. No problem, Civia,” Rhee replied.

“Thanks, Rhee. I hate to be a drag, but...”

“No, Civia. It’s fine. Really. Beth and I have always slept together nude, but Gracey and Liya have done it for less than two months. Don’t worry about it.”

A bit bashfully, Civia said, “Thanks. I’ll think about it again for ... Oh.”

“Yes,” I said to her, “there will be a next time. Don’t worry about it.”

Practice was a lot of shooting- and passing-skills assessment for Coach, Liya following her with a clipboard and some form or another. We stopped at the house for lunch, then went to the practice field to do more ball-handling practice for Gracey and Liya. Liya is doing okay. She’s not a natural, but she is picking stuff up more quickly than many of our teammates did in the first year Rhee and I played.

Upon returning home, we found the garage deconstruction well underway, so explained to Civia the changes to the house that we would be making over the next two months.

Liya said, “Liya and Heather downstairs, Rhee with Civia.”

Showers taken and laundry in the dryer, we sat around in the Go5 HQ talking about the high-school team, particularly about Shameka, who was much like Ann, but older, stronger, and even better. We commiserated that Brianna was going to East, because even with the three goalies we’ll probably carry on Central’s roster, none of them were as good as her. Around 4 pm, we came downstairs – dressed, due to the construction crew – and began prep for dinner: home-made pizzas. Sandy had made the dough last night, so our tasks involved slicing and shredding the various toppings.

About 4:30, I got a text from Dad and called out, “Dad’s home shortly due to a change of plans.”

Rhee asked, “No clue as to what change?”


We continued our prep tasks until Dad walked in the front door ten minutes after he’d sent the text. Gracey was the closest to the entryway.

“Hi, Dad,” she said as she hugged him.

“How was your night at home,” he asked.

“It was good. Mom and I had a good, long talk that touched on a lot of things going on in our lives. I talked about being excited to being on the school team. I told her that as much as I learned from Ann over the past couple years, that Shameka – the team’s senior center back – could teach me more stuff. Mom explained more about the irons she has in the fire and why she’ll be gone so much over the next eight months. I’m really looking forward to us moving closer to here.”

Liya got Dad next.

“Hi, Dad. My mom and I also had a good talk. She wanted to know more about my sudden interest in soccer, although I’m not sure I got it across well. Of course, I’ve had trouble enough explaining it to myself. She explained to me that she first thought of taking me with her this winter but knew that I’d object to leaving my friends. I told her that I would have, even though it does sound interesting. I can only barely remember being overseas when I was really young.”

“Traveling is good, Liya. Seeing other places, other cultures is a great thing to do. Most Americans think we know the best ways to do everything; we don’t. Yes, six months gone would have been hard on you, but you should try to go with your mom on a shorter trip if the chance comes up. I know she’d love to spend more time with you.”

Liya looked up at Dad, then put the right side of her face against his chest and replied, “I probably should. It’s just that I’m so happy here, now. Thanks, Dad. I’ll keep your advice in mind.”

Civia was the next closest but looked a bit hesitant.

Dad said, “Hi, Civia. I haven’t seen you in, gosh, almost 24 hours,” and smiled at her.

She walked to him, saying, “Hi, Charlie,” and stepped into his arms. “I didn’t have a long talk with my mom, or with my dad, as I’ve seen them every night in ... almost forever. This will be the first night that I won’t see either of my parents in a very long time. It’s a bit ... sad, but I’m also excited to experience something new with my wonderful new friends.”

“I hope you’ll enjoy your night here. However, I’m counting on you to keep those five hoodlums in line, tonight. The Moms and I won’t be here, so you’ll have to crack the whip.”

“Where ... Sorry. That’s none of my business.”

“It’s not a big thing, Civia. Carol is a travel agent and occasionally gets some interesting perks. The Moms, Rhee and Beth, and I have been on a couple trips that were perks from her job. She suddenly got a chance to take herself and three others – although it will be just Sandy and me as the others – to a fancy restaurant that has a band and dancing. We’ll be dining and tripping the light fantastic into the late hours. Well, not too late, as we all work tomorrow. We’ll stay at the Devlin house tonight, which is why I was hoping you could keep the gang from burning down the house.”

Civia giggled. Rhee and I, in unplanned stereo, whined, “Da-addddd.”

Rhee and I both got our hugs in, Dad went off to the parents’ bedroom, and we girls continued in our pizza-making tasks. We were into dealing with the dough when Carol, then Sandy came home, entering through the front door. Each greeted all of us, then hustled into their bedroom. We had the first two pizzas in the warming oven and the next two on stones when Dad returned to the kitchen in shorts and T and handed a folded piece of paper to Civia.

“Civia, these are our cell numbers and the number of the restaurant should you need to get hold of us. Have the girls in bed by 9. They can watch one hour of TV, but they all have to agree to watch the same show or shows. They’re all potty-trained ... mostly, so you probably won’t have to deal with dirty diapers.”

By the time that Dad got to the TV part, Civia was giggling and by the end, the rest of us were laughing, although the laughing didn’t last long before changing to sniffles. We didn’t make a plan; the five of us just wrapped Dad in our arms.

“Dad,” Liya said, “you’re wonderful. We love you so much.”

From the hall, Sandy said, “Charlie, you’re a kook, but a loveable, adorable kook.”

Carol said, “Hear, hear.”

We let Dad go, with the others returning to pizza tasks.

“Dad, don’t you guys need to get going or do those sorts of restaurants seat late?”

“The latter, Cupcake. We won’t be getting out of your hair for another hour.”

“Oh, good! Feel free to have a slice or two to tide you over. We’ve already made one of your favorites.”

“Kalamatas and artichoke hearts?”


“I sure hope you’re making pizzas that someone else will like.”

“Da-add,” I mock-whined, then added in normal voice, “you know that Rhee likes that one, too. You two would make a great couple, ‘cause you’re both weird.”

“Did you plan to use the kitchen table or the dining-room table?”

“Kitchen, but we can set the dining-room table if you three will join us.”

“I think we will.”

Gracey called out, “I’ll get plates.”

In less than three minutes, we had the dining-room table set, two more pizzas in the warming oven, two more fresh onto the stones, and nine people sitting at the table digging into four pizzas with a varied assortment of toppings.

Civia tried Dad’s and Rhee’s pizza, pronouncing it, “Different, but good.” Dad and the Moms ate only two pieces each of the small pizzas cut into six slices. I had lobbied for a pizza with jalapeños and black beans. While it was not the best combo I’d tried, it was pretty good; Dad liked it, too. While the parents ate no more pizza, they hung out at the table with us, chatting, for half an hour. Carol put Civia on the spot.

“What do you think about home-made pizza night at the Williams-Devlin residence?”

“Gosh, it’s great. It was so much fun making them. I couldn’t believe some of the combos that we made, but they were all good. The jalapeños and black beans pizza was good, but too spicy for me. Perhaps, that’s something else I must get used to or learn to like. I liked the white pizza with black olives and portobello best. But the best part was the ... comm ... camaraderie of making them. Mom and I nearly always split the cooking job between us while Dad studies, but these girls make everything so much fun. They also work together so well, it’s ... it’s just amazing. I’m so glad that Beth and Rhee invited me that first day. I’ve never had so much fun in my life as I’ve had this month with ... with these friends.”

“Civia, Dear,” Sandy said, “you’re welcome here anytime. We enjoy you being here, and I was not joking the other day. You fit well here; you’re family.”

Civia looked down then back up at Sandy.

“Thanks, Sandy. I really like being here. I really like my family. Uh, my Mom and Dad, but this family is just so fun!”

“Anytime, Civia,” Dad said. “You’re welcome anytime.” He looked up at the clock, then said, “Speaking of time, ladies, we should be getting dressed. Girls, I’ll be here at 8:05 to take you to practice. Have fun, tonight.”

He then walked around the table giving each of the Go5 a kiss on the top of the head.

When he got to Civia, last, he asked her, “Do you still want to be just one of the girls?”

She looked up at him and nodded. He kissed her on the top of her head and walked off following his wives to the bedroom. We all looked at Civia, waiting for a reaction. She looked around the table.

“You ... you all have ... many parents. Don’t you? I mean, you really do think of all three of them as your parents. Right?”

In my quick eyeball canvas of my sisters, I knew that I was elected.

“Yes, we do. Rhee, Heather, and I aren’t all that close to Gracey’s and Liya’s moms, mostly because we don’t spend a lot of time with them, but my parents and Rhee’s mom treat all five of us ... now, six of us, as daughters, and the five of us think of all three of them as parents. It only makes sense, as we five consider each other as sisters, but closer, much closer, than a lot of sisters are. You and I are the only ones of the six of us with both mother and father at home and still in love with each other. If you’re like me, you may have a little trouble understanding why it is that the other four think my dad is so wonderful.”

Liya cut in, saying, “Charlie and Sandy, but especially Charlie, have helped all four of us directly, in various ways. He says that we more than pay him back for ‘what little effort’ he went through to help us. None of us agree with him on that. Our lives are so much better because of his intervention. The four of us agree that we cannot possibly pay back what we owe, but we keep trying. In fact, most of the reason that all of our parents – Charlie, Sandy, Carol, my mom, and Gracey’s mom – treat us mostly as adults is due to our efforts, with a little help from Beth, to be worth Charlie’s efforts on our behalf. All four of us would do almost anything for Charlie and Sandy.”

“Let’s get the kitchen cleaned up,” Rhee said quietly. “If we want, we can continue this discussion after the parents are gone.”

We had the dining-room table cleared and cleaned and were well into the kitchen-cleaning process when Dad and the Moms exited their bedroom.

“Civia, I’m sorry that we won’t get to enjoy your presence on your first sleepover here. We also missed the first multi-day sleepover of the Go5. However, I hope that you can give us a rain check, as we like to have family to-dos, such as playing cards or board games. If you’re interested in things like that, we’ll make a point of making it happen on your next night here.”

“I’d like that, Carol. The girls have already said that this will happen again, so I’ll look forward to it.” Civia snuck a peek at Dad, then turned back to Carol with a nascent grin on her face and said, “I promise that I’ll have the girls in bed by 9. You can count on me.”

There was much laughing.

Gracey, who was the closest to Civia, not only wrapped her up, but picked her up, hugging her tightly for a second, then putting her feet on the floor, again.

“That is why we like you. You fit so well with us! That’s something that Liya or Beth might have said under different circumstances.”

Dad chimed in with, “Civia, all of us appreciate wit, and what Gracey said is bang on. That was witty and funny. Is there any chance we could borrow you from your parents for, oh, say ... five or six years? We still have a king bed upstairs that generally has only two girls in it, so we have room for you.”

Civia blushed but smiled at Dad, then said, “Thanks, Charlie. That’s tempting, but my parents would probably demand a pretty high price for such a long-term daughter rental.”

“Aw, shucks!”

Civia then surprised us by walking quickly to Dad, hugging him, and telling him to “Have a fun night out,” then repeating those actions with both Moms. The rest of us decided to follow Civia’s lead.

Once the parents were gone, Liya said, “I’m really liking this version of Civia. You’re letting yourself have fun, letting your sharp brain out to play. I liked you before, but I like you even more, now. As Dad said, we all appreciate wit.

“To change the subject completely, I’d like to ask about your dad, Civia, if I may.”

“Umm, okay.”

“You said he studies while you make dinner. He also buttonholed Charlie the other night about something to do with math. If you don’t mind, why is he studying?”

“Oh, I don’t mind, nor does Dad. He works in the electrical field, at the big power plant, actually. He’s got what they call a tech degree, but he’s trying to upgrade to an electrical engineering degree. He says it’s really hard, but it’s the only way up, only way to rise in the field. He’s taken a bunch of the easier courses he needs online, but he hopes to become a part-time student at the university here next year. He said he’ll have to give up coaching baseball for a few years to have the time. I’m sure glad he was still coaching this year so he met you guys, else I would not be here now.”

“Your dad becoming an engineer is a good thing, right?”

“Yeah, it would be. Money’s always a little tight, Mom’s explained, because they need to save for him going to school here and because we help out Mom’s mom a bit, you know, financially. They almost didn’t agree to pay for the premier team as it reduces our ... safety net for emergencies.”

Heather jumped in with, “My mother couldn’t afford it, either, but there’s a program. I can’t remember the name, but it’s specifically endowed to enable parents to afford paying for the advancement of girls, either in education or sports. That’s the only way I could have been on the team, and I found the program for her. I’m sure I can find it again if you think your parents would be interested.”

Civia enveloped Heather.

“Oh, yes, please. That would ease my dad’s mind a lot.” She then leaned back and said, “You girls keep making my life better and better. Thanks.”

“I hate to break up this mutual admiration society, but I noticed we’re all still wearing clothes,” said Rhee.

That caused a flurry of clothing to settle to the floor. We watched some YouTube videos, beginning with some dribbling instruction for Gracey, with the show being run by Civia, since she had learned many of her ball-handling skills from such videos. We transitioned into our general-learning game using videos, which took us to 9:30, when we began bedtime prep, making sure the downstairs was cleaned and locked. On the way to the stairs, Heather pulled Civia aside and told the rest of us to go on up. Heather and Civia joined the rest of us in the bathroom a minute or so after we’d gotten there.

“Heather told me I should pick whether to sleep in Beth’s and Rhee’s room or Gracey’s and Liya’s room and that she would sleep in the other. She also said that tonight will not be the last sleepover here for me, so that it doesn’t really matter, as I could trade off.”

Liya responded, “True, that. I predict that you’ll get lots of nights with us, and we’re happy to trade you back and forth.” She followed that up with a skin-to-skin hug with Civia, saying, “I have only one warning for you for the future: Don’t get caught between Rhee and Gracey in bed. Gracey is very warm and Rhee is a furnace. Beth says that it’s wonderful to share a bed with Rhee in the winter, but that it’s a good thing that we have a good AC here, now.”

Liya had said the latter bit with Civia’s face not even a foot from hers and their bodies still enmeshed in the hug. She gradually released Civia, then began brushing her teeth, a task that both Gracey and I had already completed.

“Since Beth and Rhee were the first to invite me, I’ll sleep in their room tonight, if that’s okay with everyone.”

“Sure,” Gracey answered. “We’ll just have to accept the consolation prize of Heather.”

Gracey grinned widely at Heather and Civia, the former putting on a huge fake pout and the latter smiling.

Once everyone completed ablutions, I hugged Gracey, Liya, and Heather good night, which began a round robin of good-night hugs.

Once in our room, I pulled my undies drawer out and grabbed a cotton panty, then pulled an old T out of another drawer and began climbing into them.

“Beth, wait, please,” Civia requested. “Umm, I’ve been thinking hard, and I want to change my mind about clothing. I’ve quickly become comfortable being naked with all of you and have begun being naked in my room. I’ve just had naked hugs with all of you. I have little doubt that I’ll become even more comfortable with ... the way you girls ... live. So, I’d like to start on that increased comfort tonight by sleeping how you and Rhee sleep. That is, if you don’t mind. I’m still a bit nervous, but I know that it’s just because it’s new, not because I think anything weird or bad could happen. Is that okay? Can we do that?”

Rhee was closer than I was, pulling Civia into another hug and said, “Absolutely, Civia. We don’t want you to be uncomfortable, but I applaud your decision. I expect as you do, that you’ll get to our comfort level with all this quickly. We’ll give you the choice about where you’ll sleep, on either side – and you can have your choice of side – or in the middle. And don’t worry about picking one of the sides and disappointing one of us. That’s another facet that we can trade from sleepover to sleepover.”


I interrupted with, “How ‘bout this? Are you generally cool in bed such that you often use a blanket, even in summer or do you frequently wake up too hot?”

“Too cool, usually.”

“Okay. You take one side and we’ll put Rhee in the middle. That way, you probably won’t get too hot and you can gradually get comfortable with sleeping naked with us without having both of us naked next to you on your first sleepover. Is that acceptable?”

She nodded her head, swallowed hard, then hugged me.

“Thanks, Beth, for ... for ... everything.” She sniffled, then said, “I don’t know why you thought that you, all of you, would like spending time with me, but I definitely appreciate it. Thanks.”

“No thanks needed. We appreciate spending time with you because you’re fun. Now you have to decide whether you want the wall or the door.”

As I expected, she chose the door side of the bed, so I climbed in on the wall side. We all settled in and turned lights off. I snuggled into Rhee. The three of us chatted quietly for a bit about the banquet tomorrow night, then a bit about tomorrow’s practice, wondering what Coach would be having us do. The discussion became desultory and we drifted off to sleep.

August 25, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

[Written August 26]

I woke to my bedmates’ quiet talking, which surprised me a little, as I usually wake before Rhee. She seems to need more sleep than I do.

“Fill me in, Civia. How was it,” I asked.

“Good timing, Girl. I had just asked her that, and you just interrupted the beginning of her answer.”

Rhee rolled a little to send a grin my way, and said, “G’morning, Beth.”

I reached up and turned off the alarm, then said, “Good morning, all. Civia, please excuse me and start again.”

“Morning, Beth. The night was ... weird. I’ve never slept in a bed with someone else, so I woke up a few times when Rhee moved. Twice, I quickly realized why I woke, realized that I was with my friends, and got back to sleep. I woke up once with Rhee’s arm around me and with her ... I guess, snuggled up to my back. That was both the weirdest and nicest time. It was weird because that was new to me and it kept me awake thinking about what I should do, if anything. I didn’t want her to think I didn’t like her by having her move or moving myself. After a couple minutes, I realized that it wasn’t ... icky, that she was warm, and liked me enough to share her bed with me. I also realized that it was like Heather had said about showers, but it was like a longer-lasting hug. Once I thought of it as a hug, I put my forearm on Rhee’s arm around my belly to sort of hug her back. That’s the last thing I remember until I woke up a few minutes ago.”

Rhee responded, “Thanks for the hug back.”

“All in all, then, Civia, you’ll be up...”

I stopped talking, as Liya stepped into the room.

“Hey, Girl, you don’t have a shirt on. Are you wearing anything?”

Since I was now looking over Rhee’s form at Civia, I could see her blush.

“No. When I saw Beth getting clothes out to wear to bed, I decided I was being selfish and afraid of change. The last was particularly annoying to me considering the huge changes that my life has seen in the past month, all due directly or indirectly to you girls and all of which are wonderful. I decided to trust my five new friends. I was just telling them that it was weird, but nice. I think that Beth was about to ask me whether I’d do this, again. I definitely will. I’m still a little uncomfortable, but much less so. Considering how quickly being naked in this house went from weird to normal, I doubt that it will take long before I’ll think that sleeping naked with you is anything other than normal.”

Liya leaned over and gave Civia a quick hug, saying, “Great! You’ll be in our room next time. How was sleeping with the furnace?”

Liya followed the question with a beaming grin.

Civia smiled, and replied, “Nice. She’s warm, and I was comfortable, temperature-wise, all night with only a sheet.”

While tapping her nose, Rhee said, “Liya, the three of us will get breakfast started if you guys want to shower.”

Since we woke well before the alarm, we made a hot breakfast instead of having cold cereal. We heated some leftover rice and some refried black beans – from a can, cooked some eggs sunny-side-up, and warmed a bunch of tortillas. Throw in some mild salsa and we had our version of what Dad called – allowing for the replacement of typical refried beans with lard-free refried black beans – a “typical Middle American breakfast.” He and Mom had become enamored of the breakfast on their pre-me Costa Rica trip. As per typical, all six of us had tasks, with the three showering girls getting the tasks that could be done later in the process; we had the breakfast made quickly.

Practice was more skills assessment/instruction, mostly of passing. Again, we grabbed slices of pizza to eat on the bus on the way home so that we could go straight to the practice pitch, where we gave Gracey and Liya more ball-handling and trapping practice, respectively.

Back at home, the deck was completely gone, and the garage was well on its way to following the deck. Inside, Liya said, “Heather and Liya downstairs, Gracey with Civia,” and we headed for the showers. Because of the de-construction crew, we again hung out in the Go5 HQ.

Gracey said, “We could do a lot more in here if we already had the remodel done. The house will be so sweet once it’s done, because all three bedrooms, as well as the living room, will be networked over fiber optic from a hub. Each bedroom will have a big display as well as a terminal. We could have run our YouTube game, or whatever you want to call it, here.”

“Oh, well,” Rhee came back. “I guess we’ll have to talk to each other.”

There was much chuckling.

We Go5 girls had decided to wear our first-day-in-high-school dresses to the banquet and began getting ready shortly after 3:30. The Moms were home one after the other just past 4, Dad ten minutes later. We were in the Sprinter by 4:40 and on our way to the banquet, which started at 5.

We were walking in the venue’s parking lot when Civia said, “Whoa! Look who’s here!”

I turned my head from Rhee to Civia to see where she was looking, then turned my head that way.

As the girl approached us, I said, “Charlize! What are you ... Let me guess. Coach invited you and your parents.”

As she stepped up to me and hugged me, she replied, “You got it.” She then whispered in my ear, “I’ve been missing spending time with you guys since the tournament. I convinced my parents to come primarily so I ... you know.”

With my arms around her, I quietly replied, “Do you think you could spend a weekend with us, sometime?”

“I’d love that. Let me see what I can arrange. Oddly, it will be easier once school is going.”

“Oh, I forgot. It will probably have to wait until after October. Our house is being remodeled to be finished before November. We’d love to have you, then.”

We released each other and Civia immediately stepped into Charlize so the two could hug.

“Hi, Charlize. It’s so good to see you again.”

“It’s great to see you, too.”

I found it interesting that all six of us lined up to hug Charlize, particularly as I was the only one to hug her when we first saw her at state. Of course, Gracey and Liya knew her then only as a member of our arch-rival and Civia didn’t know her at all. Everyone truly had enjoyed her presence at the tournament. All nine of us said “hi” to her parents when they joined us, and the dozen of us walked into the venue together.

Coach was at the door greeting everyone. We were behind Ann and Mia and some of their families.

There was much hugging.

As we were starting through the entrance, I heard Gracey exclaim, “Lana!” The two of them hugged, and then we had another round of hugs, in which Ann and Mia were a part.

Coach said, “Welcome back, Lana. I’m glad that you and your mother could swing this. It wouldn’t have felt right without you here. Thank you, Marla, for agreeing to bring her, as Lana is an important part of the team.”

There were only a few other team members here before us: Kanda and, of course, Dakota, Zahira, and Padme. Another round of hugs ensued, and it continued as more and more teammates arrived. Civia’s parents came in shortly before 5, and they immediately joined us and got hugs from Civia.

Mrs. Palecek asked, “How was your two-day stay with your friends?”

“It was great! Those girls are so fun!” Civia thought for a second, then added, “How was your two-day time with no annoying children at home?”

She followed with a wide grin for both parents.

“It was great,” her dad exclaimed. “No precocious girl to ask so many questions. No chatterbox talking our ears off about her wonderful friends. No quiet girl making us wonder what she’s up to alone in her room. Without those children around, it was nice. We talked a lot with each other and had a nice night. We did miss our wonderful daughter, though.”

Sandy and Carol chuckled and Dad smiled. Civia hugged her parents, again.

“Mom, Dad. I had a good time. Could I do it again, sometime? They already asked, although we haven’t discussed a date.”

“It will depend on a few things, particularly when. However, we don’t have any problem with the idea, as long as you enjoyed yourself this time,” Mrs. Palecek answered.

Same as Beth
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I came home from work with a knot in my belly that felt like it would be an ulcer before long. What was I going to do about my three horny buddies that would be arriving next week to play poker? They would be counting on playing a lot more than poker, because I had promised that I would disappear for the evening and leave them alone with my wife. Just two days ago we had been at Bob's house, and he had left us alone with Cindy. Oh, fuck, what a night that had been! Now it was my turn to slip...

2 years ago
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Angela TransformedChapter 11

After dinner I helped mom clean up the kitchen. She tried to tell me it wasn't necessary. I smiled and said, "It's okay. Classes are winding down. I don't have any homework." We engaged in a little inane small talk for a while before she asked what's really on my mind. I was struggling not very successfully to hold back the tears when I asked, "Is dad still mad at me?" As soon as the words were out of my mouth the tears started rolling down my cheeks. I have this terrible, cold,...

2 years ago
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My Stepsister Hailey P6

So, there we were in the car, my stepmother, Father, my stepsister Hailey and me heading to my aunt and uncles house for my cousin's birthday.It was my cousin Samantha's birthday , she was just turning 18, and like normal tradition all the family were invited to celebrate it, at my uncles house. So we put on our best clothes, me and my father in shirt and trousers, my stepmother and stepsister in very pretty dresses, climbed into the car and made our way to the next town where they lived.As we...

4 years ago
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Afternoon morning Delight

Afternoon (morning) DelightWritten 1/12/2018You know how it is… You haven’t had sex in a few days. Each night, lying next to your wife is a different kind of torture. Touching her skin accidentally. Caressing the curve of her ass when rolling over. The thrill when she rolls over and gently spoons behind you with her arm across your chest. Or those nights when you are frustrated and angry. Wanting sex, but also not wanting to give her the satisfaction of begging for it in the many ways that can...

4 years ago
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Captivating Lucinda

Captivating Lucinda They must have driven somewhere between fifty to a hundred miles withouta bend in the road or a change in the landscape. Now it was dark and his visionwas restricted to what the car's headlights illuminated and the fault linebetween the black earth and the dark blue sky. Clouds were billowing up asfar as he could tell, blacking out the bright pinpoints of light that not longbefore coated the sky like rhinestones. The monotonous scrub landscape continued.It was an alien...

3 years ago
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The Popular Girl

As beautiful and "hot" Peyton was she had never been modest about any of her blessings and always carried a haughty attitude. She had come from rich parents and had never had to work for anything in her life. She was already committed to play division 1 soccer and was the captain of the cheerleading and varsity soccer team. plus was dating the star player on the boys team But perhaps her most overlooked and fatal flaw was her knack to bully various girls in high school as she would easily fall...

2 years ago
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The HermitChapter 1

Bill : Bill was looking through the waterfall at Sarah and Samantha, who was now fourteen. They had been coming to this area to camp, during the summer, for several years. They always camped naked and Bill was surprised at just how much Samantha looked like her mother. Yeah, he had seen her every summer since she was about five or so, but only recently realized that they were mother and daughter. At first he had thought they were sisters despite their obvious age difference. After all Sarah...

4 years ago
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Raising Our KidsChapter 7

The sex-ed tapes from the school came in the next day. So that afternoon I showed them the 11 to 13 year old tape. This one explained puberty, all the emotional and physical changes that boys and girls go through. They divided the tapes for boys and girls with one tape each. I just ran both of them back to back. It seemed funny that they would only talk about the boys or about the girls and not both sexes. As I was running the tapes, I saw all three kids taking notes. They were actually...

3 years ago
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Silent Love

Some months after my first sexual experience with another boy an opportunity with another boy at school came my way. The boy and I were both seventeen. He had the loveliest body of all the boys I had sex with – it could have been made in heaven and yet I will freely admit he was not a good looker but it was not his looks that attracted me. His younger brother, as it happened, certainly was pretty and some of the other boys my age had a crush on M. He was a boy who loved the attention and got...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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the funniest conversation during sex ever

ok backround i was in a car with this guy in high school. his name was ryan. we were 17 he was like 5'4" or somthing (he was short) cute like irish/itailian hair freckles goofy smile thick cock. any way he just came after like 2 minutes and we were talking. he was still in me lying on top of me.him: "fuck.... im so sorry but you cant blame me the blowjob eirlier got me really... ready."me: "yeah i guess but really like two minutes." i said sadlyhim: "im sorry can we do this again...

2 years ago
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The Davins And The Comptons Get Closer

A few days had gone by since fifty-nine-year-old Beryl Davin had been spanked by her husband John in front of long time friends Theresa and Philip Compton.The Compton's were aged in their early sixties and actually employed Beryl in their shop and the spanking that she received was because she had stolen cash from them to replace money lost in gambling.Witnessing the spanking had turned both Philip and Theresa on and when they returned home Theresa had her bare arse spanked, at her insistence,...

4 years ago
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Days after I’d fucked Erin I was really struggling to get her out of my mind, those incredible breasts were all I could think about. I masterbated everyday with the thought of her pussy being wrapped around my cock, I didn’t know what to do apart from contact Erin and see if she wanted to fuck again. Me and Chloe had some previous issues together but we worked them out and as a result we were much more open to the pleasures of life, I’d seen her and heard her get fucked before and she had with...

1 year ago
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Shanghai a Camera and a Blow Job

“Where are you going?” “Shopping.” “Shopping? What do you want to shop for?” “Well, it’s been a while since we bought anything for the ‘tickle trunk’. I thought it would be fun to find something new for me to wear. Besides, I’m in a mood to be a model again.” My grin betrays my pleasure. “May I join you?” In a short time, we are walking down one of the main shopping streets in Shanghai. As we pass a lingerie shop, “Wait! Have a look at this!” I stop and you point out a bra and panty set in...

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Picking Up the PiecesChapter 11

"Face it, Dave," Shae said as they drove up the New Jersey Turnpike past Newark Airport a few hours later, heading for I-80. "Your mother is doing her best to try to talk you into going back there." "No question about it," he agreed. "It's not a simple decision; there are plenty of pluses and minuses on both sides. And I have plenty of reasons to be uncomfortable either way I do it. About the best I can come up with is either one of them has to be better than moving back into Battery...

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While driving to work

I was driving to work yesterday morning and feeling especially horny. I was reading some really good stories on here last night – stories about what I’d like someone to do to my pussy. My pussy was throbbing when I went to bed but my vibrator took care of that. I just pretended it was someone’s tongue lapping away at my clit. My clit got harder and bigger the more the vibrator buzzed against it. It felt so good that as much as I wanted – no needed – to come I didn’t want the way the vibrator...

1 year ago
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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 54

The next morning, we all returned to what I had termed "O'Connell House". Both of our cooks came with us, and all of the women began preparing food for those whom we expected to arrive at around noon time. Albert, his Wife, and their children were the first to arrive. We were glad to see them and to know that he was well enough to come to the meeting. He was followed shortly by a trickle of other men, and as noon approached a veritable flood of men appeared, but there were very few women...

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Bla Book 6a Jurassic Bed BreakfastChapter 23

She gazed down at the three of them sleeping on the bed, their positions betraying their earlier activities. The tall, bosomy blonde had her rump and back spooned in against the man's belly and chest. He had his arm wrapped possessively around her waist. The blonde, in turn, had one arm over another, slightly shorter streaked-blond girl with short cropped hair. 'This must be the potential Phoenix Tanya wants me to evaluate, ' Lisa thought, casually brushing her mind against the dreaming...

2 years ago
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Me and 5 Girls Part 3

Waking up on Sunday morning was interesting. I was on a fold out couch in the living room. I had three girls on the bed with me, two more in on Kate's king size. I got up to go pee and everyone was still asleep. I decided to climb into bed with Kate and Penny. Both were naked and cuddling so there was plenty of room. I fell asleep quickly. I awoke a couple of hours later. But I couldn't see and I mostly couldn't move. Some one was sucking my cock. I moaned and tried to move but it was futile....

4 years ago
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12th GradeChapter 31

I had been working my grain trading program for a month and a half when I ran into my first real problem. I had been selling into a rising oats market, and had somehow foolishly oversold the entire production capacity of all our oats producing farms. I needed to cover some three thousand contracts that I had sold, and I had less than two thousand contracts of farm production available to me. I couldn't really take the farm production either, because our companies used that to produce some of...

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Desirees Star Ch 06

Chapter 6 ~*~*~ Desiree slightly tensed as Gabriel’s face moved closer and closer to hers. She couldn’t help but hope that Gabriel would kiss her, and her stomach filled with butterflies with the prospect. She nervously licked her lips and watched as he slowly closed the gap. Desiree closed her eyes, slightly parted her lips and arched her back as she waited for what she hoped would be the best kiss of her life. She was startled when she felt his hot breath on her ear. ‘Are you still mad at...

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Sucking fucking and more in front of Girl friend

Never could I have imagined how much more pleasure and excitement I'd feelwhen I let myself by used and taken as people looked on. Being thecocksucker always turned me on, especially when I sat and talked with theguy I was with, both of us knowing I would suck his cock. Then when Larryfirst pissed in my mouth, I was sure it couldn't ever be any better.That's what I thought until Cindy saw how much I liked being watched asLarry pissed in my mouth one afternoon.As I walked from the car towards...

2 years ago
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Bikini Beach Priorities

Bikini Beach: Priorities By Bashful "Johnny, would you come here a minute, I need to speak to you?" The voice belonged to John's grandmother who he had lived with since he was twelve years old. He was now twenty-three. "Damn it Grandma, I've asked you not to call me Johnny any more. My name is John," he said gruffly as he entered the living room. His grandmother was sitting in her rocker and she looked very old and weary. "Johnn...John, I got a call from Carole Thornton...

1 year ago
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Claudias Condition the HealingChapter 6

Claudia was unusually nervous with the expectant mid-afternoon arrival of Erin St. Clair. During their abduction and confinement, she seemed to have suffered the most mental punishment. The front door chime announced her arrival and Claudia was instantly mauled by Erin. Dan had been in the other spare room doing some much-needed work on his next novel. Claudia escorted her to the pool area where he was now relaxing. “Erin is here, honey!” She pronounced, and Dan stood to greet her. He...

2 years ago
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Slave Queen of the Orcs Part 1 Turning

Celebrian had sunk to her knees in the clutches of her orc captors, but they would not let her hide her face as they tortured and slaughtered her retinue. Their sharp, dark claws dug viciously into the alabaster flesh of her arms; their hands fisted in her silver tresses kept her watching the violent scene before her. They spoke to her in the common tongue, though it was foul in their vile mouths. “Best keep your eyes open, elf-bitch, or Ishnazugk is like to sew them open for ye,” the...

3 years ago
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A guy and his 45 Friendship

Gen cringed when she heard her master curse again for the hundredth time. She was feeling ashamed that hers and the others magic healing had not only not protected him, it was also the fact that he was hurt as badly as he was. She'd already made a decision that she was sure that master wouldn't be too pleased with but for him she'd do anything. Walking out of the huge room in the palace they were in, she headed for the throne room. As she walked in Princess Amira saw her and walked...

2 years ago
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Us Raat Ki Kya Baat 8211 Had Sex With My Neighbor Aunty

Meri age 25 yrs hai , dekhne mein Dubla Patla hu. Hieght 5’10 hai aur zindagi ko masti se jeene ki puri khosish karta hu. Yeh baat kuch 7-8 din phele ki hai, mein ek apartment mein rehta hu, us building mein ek lagbhag 40-45 age ke beech ki hai moti :p aunty rehti hai, unke hubby kuch 1-2 saal phele expire kiye hai, unke 2 bacche hai jo ki bahar job karte hai, Rishika aunty akele hi yeh neeras zindagi jaise taise kaat rahi hai. Yeh sab jo bhi mere unke beech hua , yeh bas ho gaya, meine...

3 years ago
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What to do When Its Too Big for the Wife Gay

It always seemed like a blessing. It's what everyone wants. A big dick. But, it's been more of a curse. I've been able to fuck some people, but a lot of times, people are worried about whether it'll be too much. So, they don't even want to try. And even when they do, they usually end up being right. I'll get most of the way in, but they can't take any more.But, I don't want it to get in the way of my relationships. Sex isn't the most important thing. I want someone who I love and care about....

3 years ago
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The Way HomeChapter 8

(snap) (thunk) (click-click) (snick) (traffic) (voices) (birds) "Hello Benito." "Edward Richardson, it seems that we keep meeting – here in Memorial Park." "Yes ... I..." "What day is it, Edward? I'm having trouble keeping track of the days." "It's Thursday, Benito. Today is Thursday." "Ah! Thursday, excellent. And what time is it, Edward?" I glance at my wrist. "My watch ... it seems to be playing up. I must have taken it off." "Oh? Then what time would you say it...

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Slut wife exhibitionist

After meeting and fucking Biff (yeah I know, but that was what he wanted to be called) Cindy kept in touch with him and tried to work out another time to see him. She came to me and asked if I minded if she stopped into the bowling alley where he was in a league. I of course told her to have fun. I watched as she took a shower, and then got dressed for her night out. By the panties she slipped on, black lace, I knew she was hoping the night would end in sex. She wasn’t disappointed.She left the...

4 years ago
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The Heartbreak Diaries Taryn Bailey

March 13th, Dear Diary,  Well, today was shit. Nothing new there.  My work day was overloaded - like usual, I dropped my coffee and stained my shirt, ripped a stocking and the guy I've been trying to be semi-serious with is only interested in having a lay. Now, after being unable to decompress on my own, I'm sitting here on my couch with a bottle of Chardonnay and my largest - and favorite of late - wine glass while I try to write away my sorrows and frustrations. So, here goes:  My life feels...

Love Stories
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My Goddess makes my dream cum true

I’d been allowed another Worship Session with my Goddess. The last two sessions had been the highlight of my life, but the best was yet to cum. Worshipping Her is my life, and I still can't believe I've been so lucky as to find a Goddess so beautiful who lets me worship Her. And let me worship her in person too. I made it clear in every worship sheet, story, poem, worship video for Her that what I longed for most was for Her to deliberately make me do it in my pants openly in front of Her. In...

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Sexual Saga My Aunt Indu

Hello, everyone, this is rahul rajput(pen name) from bangalore, an ardent reader of indian sex stories and an investment banker by profession. I am 28 and married but that never hindered my passion for wild nights and crazy days. I have been reading sex stories when I was just over 21 right from my college days and always thrived for experiences of people that could get me gushing and honestly its very hard to find such work which you would love to read and live every time you die to let out...

3 years ago
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Payel as the

Payel schooler homework e mon dite chesta korchilo. Tar kache math tough ekta subject. Mon tao tar valo nai. Du chokhe jeno rajjer bishonnota jomat bedhe ache. Matro 3 mash age road accident-e payel tar baba-ma ke hariyeche. Kishori meyeti ekhon sompurno nishshongo. Dur somporker ek chachu take nijer kache ene rekhechen. Suhan chachu payel ke khub-e valobashen. Kinto majhe majhe payel-er mone hoy chachu ektu beshi-e ador koren. Chachu shobshomoy take kole niye joriye dhore ador koren. Payel-er...

2 years ago
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diffrent part 3

1 year later......Rosa sat on the dildo, thinking it was her best freind in times like this. she had sucked more dicks than she could count and it was almost like a cycle now: suck, get fucked, move on to the next guy, repeat. it had continued non stop for a year now. she couldnt remember her c***dren, her beautifull c***dren. she couldnt remember tyree. all she knew was sucking and fucking. her masters walked in the doors, carrying a collar. her collar. she was put into it and walked out of...

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Nowhere Man Book OneChapter 20

John spoke with Tempo after telling the warriors to pick out huts to rest in, and get some sleep before morning. He explained to Tempo how he wanted four hands of trees, of a thickness of a hand and a half, chopped down and cut to around five or six feet in length. They could do it between them. The branches were to be cut off at the trunk, and the logs brought to the beach near the boat. As Tempo expressed surprise, John explained the concept of the rolling road that could transport heavy...

3 years ago
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As Good As It Gets 8211 Part IV

Hey…This is Anand back with story. Let me get back to my story directly. The Day,,,,,…. I woke up at about 9 at the morning. I just couldn’t believe that that was the day. I just didn’t have any fucking idea how I am gonna make it the perfect day of my life, how to satisfy my angel Rani, how to use her to the max. I knew Rani would be waiting for me in her bedroom. I saved my last night without masturbating to give her a good sex. I entered without knocking and I was surprised to see her...

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One Thing Leads to Another Hey Thats my Ass

Christine and Maria were driving to a house party Maria was invited to by one of her co-workers. Christine is an 18 year old white girl with long blond hair which she wore braided into pigtails. Maria is a couple of years older, Mexican, and on the thin side with shoulder length black hair. "Who's party are we going to?" Christine asked. "You don't know them, it's this guy Roberto's apartment. Him and this other guy Juan live there, they're cool. They work in the kitchen at the pizzeria. It's...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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BadTeensPunished Katya Rodriguez Lesson Learned

Katya Rodriguez is playing video games when her stepdad Tony De Sergio lets her know that her mom is gone. When Katya ignores him, Tony punishes her by pulling her pants down and giving her a spanking. Then he pushes his stiffie into her tight twat, fucking her doggy style as she keeps playing. He won’t stop his punishment until he gives her a creampie of cum. Later, Tony finds Katya on the phone. When she continues to ignore her stepdad, he sticks his cock in her mouth to teach her...

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Nina and Hannah Get Spanked

This continues the Nina series. 38 year old Nina had got to work early but her bottom was stinging from the six strokes her 18 year old stepdaughter Ella had given her this morning. Six hard strokes because Hannah had complained again yesterday that Nina had belittled her at the office and Ella reiterated to her stepmother just what she thought of that. Six strokes. Before work to act as a reminder Ella explained. Nina hated being caned but always enjoyed the after pain and when she got to the...

3 years ago
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Celestial Nirvana Part 1 The Wise One

The young woman plunged her fingers in between the juicy swollen lips of her slit for the umpteenth time, biting down on her pillow to muffle her moans of pleasure. She was lying in bed, the sun approaching the eastern horizon as the minutes ticked by on her alarm clock. The hour was early, earlier than the time her parents woke up, but this was how she liked it. The girl liked to pleasure herself each morning, again after she got home, and a final time before falling asleep. You could say that...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Madi Collins 11092021

Poor little Madi. Her boyfriend is just not treating her right. He is off seeing other girls and just generally blowing her off. Dammit she needs to get back at him. Lucky for her, – her best friend has a solution. Why not fuck the hot black 18 year old Damien whom they are all doing. He is a slut and loves white pussy. Take a pic of his dick on your head and send it to your boyfriend. Well this plan sounds excellent to Madi and as fast as you can say ” I need black cock” she...

4 years ago
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Humiliating Trip to the Er

This summer I had one of the more humiliating experiences of my life. From the first time that I realized that my penis was smaller than nearly anyone else’s, I have gone to great length to avoid situations where anyone else would see. I’ve always been a rather muscular guy, but I quit playing football after Junior High so that I wouldn’t have to go to the doctor for physicals or change with the other players in the locker room. Even now, I go to the gym fully dressed for my workout so that I...

2 years ago
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The Dental PlanChapter 11

“Oh, damn it, Michael, you know how I love it ... good and hard, from both of you!” Farah told me as she took my cock deep inside her ass from behind and rode Henry vigorously now. Damn, that fine Persian booty of hers! I loved that bottom, swarthy, earthy, sultry and all! Her dark, sleek moons enticed me with every stroke as I pushed in and out of her anal cavity, stretching it as I loved to do. My thick, throbbing rod pulsed repeatedly as I filled her up and used her tush for the sheer joy...

2 years ago
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If The Shoe Fits

[MANY THANKS to all the wonderful reviews of this series of stories. I am far from being gifted with words so please let me apologize now for past and future mistakes in grammar, spelling, etc. For those clamoring for more, rest assured they're on the way with several in the works and several already completed.] If the Shoe Fits By Taytana Mason I had been on edge for most of the day. Why? Because tonight was the night we were going shopping for shoes. Or, should...

4 years ago
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Head of the Clan The adventures of Steve and LanaChapter 2

Lana and I didn't discuss a time table for going back to Arkansas. I wanted to take the time with Lana and do some exploring along the way. Sure there had been our honeymoon after we were first married but that was more about exploring our bodies than enjoying our time together. I'm not complaining about our first honeymoon but I saw this mating up as a new life for us and every new beginning should have a honeymoon. Of course I had not mentioned this fact to Lana but I had a good idea what...

2 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 02Chapter 9

[Tennessee] “Lovie, go as fast as you can safely. They’re coming this way.” She sped up. “Melissa, have you got a grenade or three ready?” “Yes, sir. I’m not sticking out but I can be in a second.” “Good, wait until we’re ready. I can see headlights in my rear-view mirror. They’re too far yet. When you throw, pull the pin, count three and throw in front of them. It will be more effective if a grenade blows up right in their faces or under them.” I paused for a second. “Melissa, Murray...

1 year ago
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Lots of Fun in the Woods

My name is Carl and I’m seventeen years old. I’m super horny and always masturbating. I was so excited when school ended that summer. My friends and I were going to have the best summer ever. A few of the neighborhood girls entertained me during the summer. We played a lot of truth and dare and seven minutes in heaven. I had my dick sucked a lot and even got to fuck a few of the girls. A few of my guy friends even had a threesome with a few of the girls. We had a very sexy time all summer long....

2 years ago
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The SmallholderChapter 17

"A man was here," Elaine told him at the front door, where she had awaited him. "I saw him walking across the yard towards the turbines." "I hope you didn't try to follow him," said Joseph with a worried frown. "No, I waited by the kitchen door with Bob; I knew he couldn't get into the cages round the turbines, or into the workings of the screw. I was safe enough with Bob." "So?" "He came back and saw me. He asked for the keys to the cages. He said he was from the council and...

4 years ago
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Z Facing the World and Getting PaidChapter 22 Catering Gig ndash Prep

Z is still working as a prostitute. Her ad pays off again. A horny couple needs a server for a sexy catering gig. That couple invites Z and younger sister, Fran, for dinner. There is talk about a threesome. Fran is not supposed to make it a foursome. Readers will have to decide if Fa/ft really applies. The BS&O message: We need a server for a catering gig. You will have multiple opportunities to meet prospective clients. Call for more info [phone number] -RRRR I called. “This is Roberta...

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Tales From a Far CountryChapter 16 Pictures in an Exhibition

I have begun to notice pictures in my corridor and then even in my cell. They are in my line of sight. Everywhere. At first I never seemed to have time to look properly but now, perhaps because I am better at doing what they want me to do, I have time. They all show a girl, like me, in the company of others. She is always happy. The people with her always seem pleased with her. Here she is serving them tea. Here she is cleaning a room. The sun is shining through the windows and...

3 years ago
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Oh brother my underwear

I had a suspicion that my older brother Jitu had been snooping in my room; nothing I could put my finger on, but things weren’t exactly the way I left them when I had gone to school that morning. I wasn’t too worried about it: the things that would have been really bad for him to find were all safely locked in a box under my bed. Nothing was missing, nothing seemed to have been disturbed… But I was pretty sure that I hadn’t left the panties I wore yesterday on top of the pile of dirty clothes....

3 years ago
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Some People Are Just Lucky I GuessChapter 16

I was not worried about Amalie's safety because she was encased in TK armor just as I was. I landed us on the roof of the building and found the trapdoor leading into the building. This was a two-storey building, so I did not expect any problems in finding our way around. I instructed Amalie to stay close to me as we entered the building. This floor was used as a storeroom and there were a lot of things here, including stored arms and ammunition, but I did not spot any explosives. My first...

1 year ago
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Door in the ClosetChapter 7

"What's this?" I half-laughed as Ruhk veered left and right and right again, threading his delivery scooter through the limbs and branches of a huge tree. "A secret!" He grinned over his shoulder at me. "So don't go tellin' anybody." "Yeah right!" I rolled my eyes at him. "A tree house? Aren't you a little too old for that?" "It's cool," the boy said. "Get off here ... It's safe, don't worry about it." We were about eighty feet off the ground maybe, I dunno, pretty...

3 years ago
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Widows Whiskey and Willow SwitchesChapter 7

He steeled himself against her tears. He had to remember that she hadn’t wanted to get married at all, and that he’d forced her. While he wouldn’t slack off on her punishment, he would do everything in his power to prove to her that he could be a good husband. He would be generous and kind, and swore to himself that he would never discipline her in anger. He’d come too close to that already. For better or worse, she was his wife. He would ensure her pleasure, but she would do her duty to him...

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