ElevatedChapter 13 free porn video

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For the second time since being elevated to the aristocracy, Corvus walked into his rooms to realize that the events of the day had so caught up with him that he'd managed to forget that a potentially life-altering sexual experience was waiting for him at the end of the day.

This time, he was saved from embarrassment by a scent. With his hand on the door to his bedroom, he caught a whiff of vanilla and exotic spices he'd smelled before. It wasn't a fragrance either Clover or Rose wore and his other slaves were back at his house. For a few seconds, he stood with his hand on the doorknob trying to remember who he'd smelled it on. Abruptly, the memory of Sunya Green kneeling before him flashed across him mind's eye. He took a deep breath before opening the door, waiting for the panic to come back, but found it wasn't there. Somehow, in the course of a single night, he'd started to think that he was exactly the sort of person movie stars should be having sex with.

Even so, he paused when he saw her, committing the sight to memory and hoping it would never fade. Pax Dulci sex goddess Sunya Green was kneeling at the side of his bed dressed in silky green harem pants and a matching ribbon tied around her chest like the ribbon on a gift waiting to be untied and doubling as a strophium.

Her eyes sparkled as if she were the one receiving a present. "The widow Iunius sends her warm regards and a gift. Would you like to unwrap it?"

"Very much." Corvus slid off his sandals as he knelt on the bed, gripped the trailing end of the ribbon and gave a tug. He lowered his head and kissed one nipple, flicking it with his tongue. Sunya's hands came up seemingly of their own volition and clawed at his shoulders.

He looked down into her eyes and caught the last hint of startlement fading. Already, she was shifting and adapting. "Forgive me, sir. You startled me."

Corvus lowered his head and chuckled. "No. Please forgive me. I let my enthusiasm get the best of me. I've been a fan of yours for a very long time." He kissed her shoulder. "This is sort of a dream come true for me."

Sunya's fists opened and she pressed her hands against his shoulders, keeping him close. "The widow told me you'd asked for me by name. But you seem so young. I didn't think most men your age even knew who I was anymore."

Corvus shook his head. "Most men my age only like movies where things explode every few minutes. "But I loved you in High Seas."

Sunya chuckled. She ran the fingers of one hand through his hair and guided his head back to her chest. "You must have been awfully young when that came out."

"I was twelve or thirteen." Corvus kissed her breast again, tongue circling the nipple. Sunya let out a wordless sound of pleasure and held him close, but Corvus raised his head to look into her eyes. "Please don't humor me. I met the woman who's going to be my wife today and I'd hate to get to the marital bed and find out that everything I thought I knew was just the product of slaves humoring me."

Sunya gave a faint smile. "You met your wife today? That's wonderful. Who is she?"

Corvus shook his head. "I don't know yet. But apparently there are only six women who might be acceptable to my parents and all of them were at this party tonight."

"And you want to be a good lover to her ... whoever she is?" Sunya's smile broadened. "That's a very progressive attitude. But I would expect no less from a fan of mine."

Corvus nodded. "Will you tell me then - honestly what pleases and what doesn't?"

Sunya looked in his eyes. "There is pleasure in all service. Even..."

"No," said Corvus earnestly. "Not that kind of pleasure. I get that from my own girls. Will you tell me what ... feels good physically, what ... you would enjoy if you were a citizen?"

"Is that the role you would have me take?" Sunya stroked his hair. "I can be anyone you want. Of all those, would you choose Citizen Sunya Green?"

Corvus considered the possibilities. "I think I would."

Sunya kissed his lips and looked into his eyes. "And what am I to you, Corvus Gallicus? Your mistress? Your wife? Another man's wife?"

Corvus stroked her hair. "Not my wife, I'm afraid. I'm not powerful or powerless enough to marry who I choose. Could you just be my lover?"

Sunya kissed him again, her lips hungry on his. "And who are you, then? Will the rich, powerful Corvus Gallicus take me to his bed with neither ring nor contract? Are we so in love?"

Corvus kissed back, guiding her until she was laying on the bed looking up at him. Having a lover - a girl so enamored of him that she didn't care about status or wealth and gave of herself freely, expecting nothing except his love in return, was a beautiful fantasy, but he couldn't imagine he'd be so callous as to not offer to support the woman he loved when it cost him so little. He shook his head. "Not Corvus Gallicus - Corvus Tullius, the luckiest plebeian ever born in the New Roman Empire to find himself loved by a beautiful movie star."

He leaned down and kissed the valley between Sunya's breasts. As he moved up the slope, she whispered. "Gentle, lover. The nipples are very sensitive."

Corvus raised his head and looked down at her. "And how should I approach them?"

Sunya reached up and drew down the straps of his toga until he chest was bare. "Touch me - all of me with all of you. If you do later what you did earlier, you'll find me most receptive."

Corvus kissed his way down her body, feeling the muscles under Sunya's skin go taut with his touch. There was a gold ring with a blue stone in her navel and he dipped his tongue in playfully. Sunya gave a little shudder and a gasped, "oh." He stayed there a while longer before kissing his way down to the waist of her harem pants. She raised her hips and let him slide them off, leaving her naked beneath him.

When Corvus continued to kiss downward, Sunya's breathing sped up and when he drew her legs apart, she gasped his name. He raised his head only enough to look up her body at her face. "You have a request?"

Sunya laughed and laid back. "No ... nothing specific. Proceed, wicked boy."

Corvus lowered his mouth to Sunya's sex and licked the bare entrance to her flesh. She opened her legs wider to him and he teased his tongue inside of her, seeking her heat. Sunya sighed and her hips rose and fell with a gentle rhythm. As he proceeded, little sounds of pleasure escaped her throat and her whole body grew tighter around him.

"Ooh, there!" said Sunya suddenly. "Stay ... right there for a bit."

Corvus wasn't sure exactly where she meant, but he probed with his tongue until he found an unusual texture among the folds of her flesh and honed in on it. Sunya's back arched and the sounds she made changed in timbre. He explored with his tongue, making out a bit of flesh that felt like licking a raspberry. After only a minute or so, Sunya's whole body went rigid for a moment, then shook violently. Corvus still didn't relent until she buried one hand in his hair and tugged hard enough to make him raise his head.

Her eyes gleamed with what might have been unshed tears. "Kiss me ... please."

Corvus grinned. "I thought I was kissing you."

Sunya shook her head guided him upward. He crawled up her body, kissing a line to her lips. On the way, he pressed a quick kiss to one nipple, sucking on it for just a moment before continuing upward. Sunya bucked under him and drew his mouth to hers.

Corvus didn't have a lot to compare with how it felt to kiss Sunya Gree, but it was closest to being kissed by Crispa in the back seat of his limo. Clover's kisses were all responsive, sweet and yielding. Rose kissed with more urgency. Crispa's kisses that night had been all need. There was need here too, but tempered with a desire to please. Corvus lost himself in kissing Sunya, who clung to him and kissed him in return, hands roaming over his back and ass as she pushed his toga further and further down until he was able to kick it off completely.

When he raised his head, Sunya's eyes were so full of emotion that it made Corvus's breath catch. He knew she was an actress and performing for him, but being looked at like that touched something deep in his core nonetheless. He kissed her lips softly one more time, then trailed kisses down her chin and throat. Her hand guided him to her breast and, when he kissed and licked the nipple this time, a low moan rose in her throat and her whole body grew taut until she seemed wound like a violin string. When she'd plateaued, Corvus took the nipple between his teeth and flicked his tongue back and forth across it. Sunya's cries took on an air of pleading and the violin string seemed to snap as her body collapsed back onto the bed, shuddering out her pleasure again.

"Please..." she whispered, one hand guiding him more fully between her thighs, the other reaching out to take him and guide him inside of her. Corvus slipped inside of her like he belonged there, her body rising to meet him.

Corvus's own urgency had him rigid and needing release, but he forced himself to move slowly like a man with his lover. Citizen Sunya Green could have any man she set her mind to, but she'd chosen him. He returned that awesome favor by worshiping at the altar of her body.

Even so, when he felt the first shudders of her pleasure cresting, he was more than ready to go over with her. He spent himself deep inside of her, crying out hoarsely as he did.

Later, they lay together in the moonlight that shone through Corvus's windows, limbs tangled, bodies cooling in the midnight air. Sunya raised her head and rested her chin on his chest. "Poplicola Pinarius has me signed up to make a new movie starting next week, but in three months or so, I will be available again - if you were inclined to see me for a longer engagement."

Corvus stroked her hair and chuckled. "I think you might be a dangerous drug, Sunya Green. I would have to consider what it would mean to my work if I were to have you around all the time. I might forget to leave my house."

"And I might encourage such a forgetting," said Sunya. "Would you treat a slave half as well as you do a lover?"

"I'm not sure what you mean," Corvus frowned. "Everything I did tonight, I've done before and I've only been with slaves."

Sunya smiled and traced a pattern on his chest with a fingertip and didn't say anything right away. Corvus raised his head."What?"

Sunya gave him an apologetic smile. "I should not have spoken so freely, sir. I apologize. I think I was still imagining myself your lover and a citizen."

"And I didn't tell you to stop," said Corvus a little crossly. There was important information here and Sunya was suddenly too bashful to share it. "Be my free lover a while longer and tell me what I've done that is so surprising."

Sunya bit her lip. "And will you punish Sunya Green the slave for the words spoken by Sunya Green the citizen?"

"No. Please, Sunya. I need your counsel more than I need to be flattered. What did I do wrong? Have I offended you in some way?"

"No. You've done nothing wrong and given no offense. Far from it." Sunya spoke quickly, but then took a breath and said more evenly. "It's just that patricians don't kiss a woman where you kissed me."

Corvus frowned. "Never?"

Sunya shook her head. "I can't say never, but none have ever done it to me. It's something I think only girls are expected to do."

"Slave girls?" Corvus asked.

"Yes, Corvus. It is most ... unusual to feel stubble against my thighs and a tongue on my clit at the same time."

Corvus laid his head back and looked up at the ceiling thoughtfully. He hadn't realized that it was unusual for a man to do what he'd done. "Do plebeian men do it?"

"I couldn't say. I've never been with a plebeian," said Sunya. "I did enjoy it. I was only thinking that, if you were going to do it to your slaves, you might instruct them not to talk about it with other slaves. If it were to get out that you take a slave's role in the bed, other men would certainly seek to use it to question your character."

Corvus frowned and considered what Sunya was telling him. He'd kissed Clover's sex when they were alone, but thinking back, realized that she'd always seemed eager to guide his mouth elsewhere after only a short while. Quietly, he asked, "If you were a citizen and I was your lover, would it make you recoil from me?"

"Oh, no." said Sunya earnestly. "To the contrary, it would very much not."

Corvus was enjoying a quiet breakfast in his receiving room when the slave Tansy stepped through the door and came to kneel at his side. "How may I serve?"

Rose, who had been serving him breakfast, gave her a faint frown as if to suggest she didn't belong there, but Corvus gestured to her. "Rose, would you watch the reception desk for a while please? And when Crispa gets here, send her back here."

Rose smiled at him, put down the tray of fruit she'd been serving from and lowered her head in a nod. "Of course."

Once she'd gone, Tansy rose and closed the door between the antechamber and the receiving room. As she walked back to the table, Tansy seemed to dissolve a little with each step being replaced by the brash, in-charge spy Alyce Londinium. She indicated a chair, "May I join you? Tansy didn't get much of a chance to eat yesterday."

"Of course." Corvus indicated the same chair. "That's really a remarkable transformation. I'm not sure I would notice Tansy in the halls and I know she's really you."

"Invisibility is a valuable skill for both slaves and spies. It lets us get our work done." Alyse sat and poured herself a cup of coffee. "Are we waiting for the widow Iunius?"

"For your report on her father's activities yesterday? Yes." Corvus spread some olive tapenade on a triangle of pita. "I did want to talk to you first if that's all right."

"It's fine," said Alyse evenly. "You hired me. What's on your mind?"

Corvus considered the question. There was so much on his mind that he barely knew where to start. He decided to start with the thing he wanted to discuss least with Crispa in the room. "Did any of your agents hear my conversation with Plautus Iunius last night?"

"The conversation in the men's room, yes," said Alyse. "The one in the garden was observed from a distance, but too far to hear what was said. Traditionally, when a client works so hard to go somewhere it's hard to eavesdrop on them, we assume they have some business they don't want us to overhear."

Corvus nodded. "That's fine. I didn't plan on going out of observable ground, but I generally won't need you to report back to me what was said between myself and Plautus."

"Or to the Widow Iunius," said Alyse. "That's fine as well. You are the client. We'll tell her what you want us to tell her."

Corvus almost wanted to protest that wasn't what he meant. But he stopped himself. He didn't feel any less warmly towards Crispa than he had before talking to her father, but he was starting to wonder if she was as firmly at odds with her father's machinations as she said. He hadn't questioned her wearing of the purple, but he wondered at it now. And Plautus had gone out of his way to tell Corvus repeatedly how ill-suited his daughter was to espionage.

He didn't intend to draw back from the young widow, but his political secrets would have to remain his own - at least until he could decide if she was really what she pretended to be or if she wasn't playing some deep game. "Just tell her what you need to tell me. I don't need a report on anything you've heard me say and neither does she."

"Understood." Alyse reached for a slice of buttered toast. As she spoke and listened, her hands moved automatically, gathering food and eating it while Corvus spoke like she was unsure when she might eat again.

"I think I might need to hire more spies," said Corvus.

"How many?" Alyse asked.

"I don't know," admitted Corvus. "Probably a lot. There are a lot of things going on that I know nothing about and eventually one of them is going to come back to bite me on the ass."

Alyse frowned thoughtfully. "That kind of open-ended assignment can require a lot of manpower. I wouldn't recommend my agency for it. They're really good at handling specific things - watch this person, find out who stole that piece of jewelry, find that runaway. When you start to get to bigger questions, we don't have the manpower or the expertise to really cover it."

Corvus frowned. "Who do you recommend?"

"Does it have anything to do with our current target?" Alyse asked.

Corvus nodded.

"You'd need a lot of boots on the ground," said Alyse. "If he's in Europe and you're worried about him making trouble here, that says the scope of your problem is global. You can go with one of the bigger agencies, but I don't recommend it. They're so established and so big that invariably they'll have another client working at cross-purposes with you. It's pretty well known that they'll screw over their smaller clients to keep the bigger ones happy."

That got a frown. "Who would you recommend then?"

"What's your budget?"

Corvus tried to calculate and, after a moment asked instead, "What's it worth to know who's painted a target on your back and what they're capable of? Let's assume that whatever it costs, I can afford it."

Alyse raised an eyebrow for a moment, giving Corvus a chance to take that back, but he held his ground. She picked up her coffee cup and cradled it in both hands. "In that case, I'd say you should start your own network. These agencies like I work for - we're generally going to be able to help you catch a cheating spouse or find a runaway slave. What you're talking about, you generally want to have your own spies full-time. That way, you have a freer hand in dealing with them. You'll still have the problem of divided loyalties, but they won't be built into the network itself."

"Do people really do that?" Corvus asked.

Alyse nodded. "There are at least four major spy networks operating in the capital with a dozen full-time agents or more. Two of them belong to senator, one to a general, and one to a criminal who uses it to blackmail public officials. And of course, everyone is spying on everyone else in a less official capacity. You're going to be a senator. Right?"

Corvus smirked and didn't answer.

"Fine," said Alyse. "Let's assume you're going to be replacing Senator Petronius starting in the next senatorial term. He's got about two dozen staffers and at least three-quarters of them have divided loyalties. Everybody in Rio knows what he's going to do before he steps foot in the senate house."

"So ... I should fire everybody and start over?" Corvus asked.

Alyse shook her head. "The harder you make it to spy on you, the more people think you have something to hide and the harder they spy. Besides, right now, you know who your spies are and you can make sure they hear what they're supposed to and not what they shouldn't."

"But I don't know who the spies are," Corvus pointed out.

"I do." Alyse smiled. "I checked our files once I learned I was going to be working for you. I'll tell you if you like."

Corvus smirked. "And what will that cost me?"

"Nothing." Alyse's smirk matched his. "I understand you're considering hiring your own spies full-time and I thought I'd try to make a good first impression."

Crispa breezed into the receiving room even later than Corvus had told her the meeting was to start. She had Clover in tow, Corvus's body slave dressed in a yellow silk tunic he didn't recognize.

The widow kissed Corvus on the cheek and settled into the seat set for her. "Good morning. How's the spying business going?"

Clover had stopped halfway across the room, doing a double-take at the sight of Alyse sitting at the table, slave-mark clear on her neck. Corvus gestured her over. "Clover, come here."

She came over and knelt at his side. "How may I serve?"

Corvus turned to Alyse. "What should we be telling the ... slaves currently in my father's employ about you?"

Alyse scowled. "I'd rather not tell them anything. I didn't realize they would just be wandering in and out of what's supposed to be a secured room."

"I brought her in here..." Crispa bristled. "Is that a problem?"

"Only if anyone sees the two of us interacting and realizes she's acting strange," said Alyse. To Corvus, she added, "Can you send her away for the duration of this assignment? I don't want her blowing my cover."

Corvus frowned. "I'd rather not. What's the problem? Clover doesn't gossip and she does what she's told. Your cover is safe."

"Then tell her who I am and why I have a provenance mark," said Alyse.

Corvus turned to his body-slave. "Clover, this is Alyse Londinia. She's a Roman citizen born in Britain. I've hired her to spy on Plautus Iunius for me and she's disguising herself as a slave to do so. You're to treat her as a fellow slave any time anyone other than Crispa or me can see you together and not tell anyone - even Rose - who she really is. All right?"

Clover's eyes widened at the revelation, but she nodded. "Of course. It will be as you say."

"Is that sufficient?" Corvus asked.

"Nearly," said Alyse. She dropped smoothly to her knees in front of Clover. "I've been impudent to our master and need a good slap. Give it to me."

Clover's brows furrowed and she looked at Corvus, "Sir?"

"Humor her," said Corvus. "If she wants a slap, give her one."

Clover raised her hand, but looked to Corvus again. "Sir, you said she was a citizen..."

"One who might need you to strike her to save her life," said Alyse sharply. "Slap me."

Clover looked to Corvus again. Bemused, Corvus gave her a faint nod. She drew back and slapped Alyse's cheek, but pulled back so that it barely had any force behind it. Alyse looked at Corvus. "Do you think that will convince Plautus Iunius if he sees it?"

Clover dissolved into tears, falling at Corvus's feet. "Forgive me. I ... she's a citizen. I ... please."

Corvus was immediately on his feet, drawing Clover to hers. He crushed her in a fierce hug and kissed the top of her head. "Easy, Clover. You did nothing wrong."

Clover blinked up at him through her tears. "Please ... I won't fail again. I wasn't ready."

"It's all right." Corvus kissed her softly on the cheek. "You are what you are, Clover. I just didn't realize how hard it would be for you to treat Alyse like a slave if you knew she wasn't."

"I can do it," Clover shuddered in his embrace. "Please, give me another chance. Don't send me away."

Corvus stroked her hair and looked at Alyse. "Is it sufficient if I keep her in my inner rooms? Plautus Iunius has no reason to come in here."

"If it means that much to you," said Alyse. "I would feel better if she were sent away."

Corvus shook his head. "No. Clover, don't leave my rooms until after the wedding unless I come and get you. Rose will work reception for a while. If you need anything from outside the rooms during that time, ask her to bring it to you."

Clover nodded slowly. "It will be as you say, sir."

"Go get yourself cleaned up," said Corvus gently.

Clover nodded again, but turned to shoot a dark look at Alyse. "It will be as you say, but I swear I won't fail again. If I do have to slap her, I won't hesitate again."

Corvus gave a smile and kissed her one more time. "I don't doubt it. But it's important we keep you two apart so no one suspects what you know. All right?"

"Yes, sir." Clover bowed, shot Alyse another dirty look, and left.

"I'd steer clear of her if I were you," Crispa offered Alyse. "I think she might look for any excuse she can find to slap the shit out of Tansy now."

Alyse smirked. "It's a better reaction than behaving like I'm a bloody patrician."

Corvus scowled down at her before taking his seat again. "I would appreciate going forward if you don't go out of your way to torment my slaves."

Alyse shrugged and reached for a plate of muskmelon. "You didn't want to believe she would blow my cover. I didn't want her getting me killed. A demonstration was in order."

"Even so..." said Corvus darkly.

Crispa looked at the two of them and sensed the tension growing in the room. "Speaking of slaves, I suppose if Clover's not going to be able to come back to my rooms, I should retrieve Sunya Green. I didn't see her out in the antechamber."

"She was still sleeping the last I checked," said Corvus.

"Oh, well done." Crispa laid a hand on his wrist. "She's usually such an early riser. You must have kept her awfully busy."

The embarrassment that rose at the odd compliment was powerful enough to wash away Corvus's anger at Alyse, which might well have been the point. In truth, he'd kept Sunya up most of the night, only falling asleep a couple of hours before he had to be up for this meeting. He gave Crispa a diffident smile. "Your gift was most thoughtful. Thank you."

"As was yours. If I'd known how hospitable you could be, I might have visited sooner."

Corvus cleared his throat. "Yes. Anyway, Alyse - you had something to report?"

Alyse shook her head. "Surprisingly little. The ambassador rode straight from the airport to this house, stayed in his rooms until the banquet, spoke only to the Gallicus family and their hand-picked allies, retired at one, and slept through until morning. We have him under observation now, but I suspect he'll still be sleeping when I get back there." She gave a faintly smug smile at that last bit.

"Are you sure?" Crispa asked. "That doesn't sound like my father at all. He didn't do anything else?"

"We can never be completely sure of what a target isn't doing," said Alyse. "He could have passed notes too small to see or some prearranged signal that means nothing to anyone except the intended receiver. All we can do is observe closely and report any suspicious behavior."

"And you didn't see any of that?" Crispa asked. "'Suspicious behavior' is practically my father's cognomen."

"Nothing worth reporting," said Alyse. "Maybe he was tired from his long flight. We'll keep watching."

"Speaking of flights, he spotted his tail at the airport," said Corvus. "His first words to me were to ask if I was the one who sent him."

"What did you tell him?" Alyse asked, sharply alert.

"Nothing. Thanks to my mother, I'm well used to people making outrageous statements in order to try to get me to blurt out what I know. I waited for him to change the subject." Corvus allowed himself a faintly pleased smile that he wasn't totally new to the world of espionage. "On the plus side, he didn't seem at all perturbed to be spied on. I think he likes the attention."

"Did he say anything interesting to you - apart from asking you if you were spying on him?" Crispa asked.

"He didn't ask so much as stating it baldly," said Corvus. He turned to Alyse. "If you have nothing else to report, shouldn't you be getting back to it?"

Alyse looked at Crispa, then Corvus and gave a faint nod. She rose, brushing the provenance mark on her neck with two fingers. As if that touch were a cue, her posture and demeanor changed so that Tansy the slave was again standing in front of Corvus.

"May I return to my duties in Ambassador Iunius's rooms?" she asked softly. "He should be awake soon."

Corvus nodded and she left. Crispa watched her go. "That is downright creepy. It makes you wonder if your own slaves are spying on you. Doesn't it?"

Corvus considered it. "Not particularly. My slaves are pretty well accounted for in terms of where they come from and someone would have to be playing an awfully deep game to ruin a well-positioned plebeian family just to spy on me. I suppose if John turns out not to actually be a half-wit, I'll have to re-evaluate. I do worry about my father's house, though. He has so many slaves, I don't think he even knows all their names. And at least some of them were political gifts."

"Ibis ... was a gift to my grandmother," said Crispa thoughtfully. "From some powerful British merchant, I think. I wonder if she was meant to be a spy."

"If she was, your grandmother did an excellent job of putting her somewhere that she couldn't do any real damage. What secrets do you have that the British would care about?" Corvus asked it casually, as if the were bantering, but he was keen to hear the answer.

"None ... unless the British have started printing their own tabloids," said Crispa, raising her coffee cup to her lips. "So, what did you and my father talk about that you didn't want Tansy to hear?"

"He wants me to marry you in order to improve my claim to the purple when I become emperor," said Corvus almost casually.

Crispa took a long sip of her coffee before putting the cup down. "That's not funny ... even as a joke."

"He wasn't joking."

Crispa stared at Corvus, looking for any sign that he might be pulling her leg. "You refused him of course?"

"I did," said Corvus. "I told him I couldn't marry you unless your house was in order."

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The camera zoomed in between little Cindy's skinny wet thighs as Tony lay his daughter down onto the hastily-prepared bed. Her wet pussy-slit looked quite swollen and juicy, the tight, shaved cuntlips pulled apart by her wide-spread legs into a hungry grin of her desire. Tony loomed above her, his impressively large cock still only at half-mast as he knelt between his daughter's thighs, for a second before dropping his face into her crotch. Tony's put his hands under her ass and lifted...

4 years ago
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Marie 1851

Marie                         8950 wordsIt was hot in Savannah, and the humidity madeMarie's  simple muslin dress cling.  She held Mr.Marrow's hand and tried not to step in the horsedroppings with her bare feet as they made their wayto the hotel.  Inside, after visiting with the deskclerk, he led her up two flights of stairs to a room. It was the first time Marie had visited Savannah, thefirst time she had seen a building so big, and therewere so many white folks.  Mr. Marrow was takenaback...

3 years ago
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Aunty Ko Khush Kiya

Hello me sahil meri ye story padh k mard muth merenge aur aurte ungli se ras nikalegi to ab story pe chalte hai meri pehli story mosi ko choda us k baad muhe bahot mail mile un mese ek mail tha jisme usne apna phone no diya tha mene call kiya to samne ek lady n fon uthaya maine unka naam pucha to unhone apna nam nilam batay mene unse unki age puchi to 52 saal batayi aur fir unhone mera nam ouch mene apna naam bataya aur apni age 22 saal batayi unhone mera adress pucha to mene apna addres gujrat...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Alexa Grace POV Hit Me With Your Best Cumshot

Naughty nympho Alexa Grace gets down and dirty with Manuel! Alexa’s in the bath when Manuel interrupts her because he’s feeling horny. She shows off her sexy curves while giving us an amazing view of that pussy and ass and then pulls out Manuel’s big dick. She strokes it nice and slow, getting him rock hard, then Alexa gets on her knees as she takes that huge cock deep down her tiny throat. Manuel fucks her face good and hard then lays on his back to let Alexa ride that cock....

4 years ago
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Lady in the HouseChapter 4

Fifteen minutes later I was back in the cell Carmel had described as my 'work room'. She had cleaned me up in the shower and led me back here, dressed me, and was now putting the finishing touches to my makeup. I was in daze; Eddie coming against my crotch and thighs was one thing, but 'Iron-bar' Steve's brutal rape of my mouth and then the humiliation of him ejaculating over my face had left me blank and bewildered. I had followed Carmel like a drone and let her take care of me and...

4 years ago
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Damn Mister The school teacher and student Pt 1 Revised

One day during our class, as he was teaching, one of my class-mates made a joke in regards to his last name. He's pretty lenient, and has a pretty good sense of humor. “Ah, so you like to talk about masturbating huh?” he asked and turned around to look at the student, who just idiotically nodded. “Ya know, they call me the master for a reason” as he stepped forward towards his desk, folding his arms in front of his chest. “Damn..” I thought to myself as I was staring at his...

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Suddenly Rich KidChapter 14 Old Haunts

They decided to take the scenic route, switching to Route 13, and traveling leisurely with the soft roof folded away. Danny and Lucy had not spent much time together since the winter, with Danny being a full time student and father, and Lucy being a full time student and blossoming media personality. Lucy had found an unlikely friend in Christina – Chris – DiBiasi, the infamous Charley’s ex-fiancée. They had met over the Winter break and become instant friends. Chris was aiming for a career...

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ExpoitedCollegeGirls Maria 18 years old

So if we have ever made classy porn here at ExCoGi and exploited innocence, then this girl is the closest thing to it. How can I describe 18 year-old Maria. This girl’s a young lady in the streets, and a little whore in training in the sheets. Just the way every guy likes his girls and after doing all of this girl’s firsts all I can say is wow. Just WOW! And if I’ve ever said a girl doesn’t look like she should be doing this… It’s Maria. This girl is well spoken, on her way to being...

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Nice Surprise After Getting Caught By Wife Jacking

N I C E S U R P R I S E A F T E R A F T E R G E T T I N G C A U G H T True story… I usually get up a few hours before my wife. So I’m on the computer, on X-Hamster, talking to a guy who wants to show me his tiny dick and masturbate. I oblige him and get my camera set up to point at my crotch when my wife shows up out of nowhere. She hardly ever gets up this early. Before I could close the page, she get a good glance at what I’m looking at. I had just...

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The Widow Brannigan part 1

The watching crows sat cackling in the skeletal trees as a cold October wind blew through the graveyard as Mr. Brannigan was put into the ground and laid to rest.We stood a ways back from the black-veiled widow as she stepped forward and dropped her small posy of flowers onto the coffin as it was lowered then stooped down to grab a handful of dirt and threw it into the grave.My Mother crossed herself as she turned and made her way back to the small white church that sat atop a windy hill...

Love Stories
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Palomino Ch 09

Lacey sat beside the tall plate glass window, thousands of yards high into the sky, simply turning the wine glass in her hand as she stared out the window into the brilliant night sky, ablaze with bright lights and the bustle of the city below. She hadn’t touched her wine, barely played with her food and hadn’t said a word in the last ten minutes to her dining companion across the table. Tyra set down her fork and blotted her lips with her napkin. ‘Lizzy! Stop drifting on me, honey. I can’t...

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332 mother begged him

Part 4 It was all a bit much for our Trevor in reality. Oh, he had the imagination, the fantasies, and the lust, but this was his mother, and reality was way, way different to fantasy! During the long working day, his mind kept straying, remembering her face, the blood, and that look as they cleaned up her wounds and posed after the whipping of ‘so you see, I can take it, type of triumph’. He just couldn’t place it with the mother, the caring, loving, butter wouldn`t melt mother he had known...

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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 36

Most of the wedding party ended up at our house for breakfast on Sunday. Mom out did herself with the food. Abby and Will came too, before they headed to the airport for their honeymoon. Mom and Dad's wedding gift to them was five days in the Virgin Islands. They planned to spend time soaking up the sun on the beach, snorkeling and scuba. Of course all of that would come after they spent some quality time together in bed. Before they left for the airport Will teased Mom, "Who knows, maybe...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 35

The laughter infuriated her. Although she had, without a single twist of her arm, with absolutely zero coercion, totally her own impulse, put herself in the position of hangover city ... this had to be someone else's fault. Grasping at straws her mind fell upon that simple request of Davids ... she recalled it imperfectly ... but it was there. Geoff said, cryptically. "Drink?" and David said, "Glenmorangie, straight. Andrea?" She had replied, "Must I?" Andrea? ... there it was ......

1 year ago
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sisters part 2

The Captain moved around in front of me. I was mesmerized by the sight of the soldier’s huge cock playing with my sister. My plight returned, the Captain not content with watching my sisters r4pe, he wanted to abuse me. His hands returned to my panties. His fingers slowly played with them, letting them slide down my abdomen, teasing me, forcing me to accept the humiliation of being stripped naked. He picked up one my ankles and tied a rope around it, making me groan in pain when he tightened it...

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Asian Massage Fun

I'd been married for about 15 years when I got a job transfer and my wife and I moved to Hawaii. We moved to the outskirts of Honolulu and enjoyed living in paradise. However our life at home had become a little stale, especially in the bedroom. She had always wanted to move to HI and now that she was here, the heat in the bed seemed to get turned down to a simmer. Sex was once a week if I was luckky and it was straight missionary. Basically she would lay back, spread her legs, and wait for me...

4 years ago
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My daughters tutor

My name is Roxanne, I'm 39, and I have a daughter named Sofie. She is in college and 20. We're both dark brunettes, and people even mistake us for sisters at times. Her dad divorced me and moved roughly 2,000 miles away. Anyway, she has a rather cute tutor named Amber. Well, I think she is really cute. When I was in college, I experimented with a couple women, but I never considered myself a lesbian or bi-sexual though. Amber is blonde, and she definitely proves that not all blondes are dumb....

1 year ago
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Dealing With Amys Little ImpChapter 4

The “Hot to Trot” postal inspector called Mercedes rode me until I was plumb worn out where it really counted when two people had sex on their mind. Our little visit to see my trio of female nymphos called Amy, Misty and Amy’s red haired imp with her non-stop humping needs must have put her into the mood for love morning, noon and nighttime too. I had my four hour limit on the little pills cut down to one hour by the doctor and increased the dosage on my meds to triple the volume of my penis...

2 years ago
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Teasing used as Punishment Ariels revenge

It’s been three weeks since I punished Ariel for not giving me sex when I asked for it. Since that day in the laundry room she has definitely learned her lesson. We had sex no matter where we were, in the bed, car, park or even a quickie in the bathroom at a restaurant. I always got what I wanted from her but nothing could prepare me for what she had planned for me when I got home from work one night.  It was a Friday, I came home around 9:15pm. I walked into the apartment and saw Ariel sitting...

4 years ago
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Neighborly Lust Part 6

Neighborly Lust (Part 6)Don Abdul ©2010The thought of being fucked by a group of strangers really turned me on. It felt just so dirty, exciting, and adventurous. My cunt was practically buzzing with sexual need as my head filled with images of sucking all three cocks, licking and sucking the two women’s pussies. Hopefully have my mouth, ass and pussy filled with cum too as I am used over and over until I pass out from exhaustion.Santos was standing by the couch and beckoned me to come on over,...

Group Sex
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The Breeder

The students of Hallmore College stood in front of the scientist who stood there in front of a large device. It was strange on the top was an radar dish like device and there was a pod it was attached to with a control panel on the side. The scientist, Professor Evan Hedgerow, stood at the side looking both proud and nervous. He looked at the group of over 50 young men standing there watching. He then cleared his throat, "Ahem, now then as you were told earlier my name is Professor Evan...

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Sex Clinic 2 Hot Holiday

We get up late in the mornings as our nights last long and our hot foxy fun is pretty exhaustingWe get a big brunch to store energy and walk the skinny sexy blonde beauty to her beach sun bath Like my dear doctor I do not like that immense heat so we often go for a shaded walk or a museumLike that I have a lot of occasions to get to know her a better to the extend of her blond friendShe lectures me secretly about the medical details of her chance to get pregnant from making loveShe tells me how...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotGirl Vivianna Mulino 23859

With the nursing boards fast approaching, Vivianna Mulino hasn’t gotten any help from her boyfriend when it comes to studying. She needs a live human body to practice on, and he’s always flaking on her. But she’s in luck when her boyfriend’s buddy Tony stops by to pick up his guitar, because he has some time to help her with her studies! But things turn weird when she has him strip down to his boxers, then tells him she needs to cup his balls while he coughs. Awkward!...

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Twin Japanese Nieces Pt18

Introduction: Erins gift Twin Japanese Nieces Pt18 William Blake once wrote, The road to excess leads to the palace of wisdom…for we never know what is enough until we know what is more than enough. I had had enough. The lunch and the cake were absolutely fabulous, but now I felt like a bloated whale. As Kayko and the kids cleaned off the table I sat down on the couch to stew about why I had been so stupid. I felt absolutely miserable, and just a little embarrassed. I should not have eaten so...

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Accommodating LadyChapter 2

I woke up with the sun streaming through the window, a raging alcoholic thirst and a battering ram of an erection. I was also alone, which wasn't in the script so I staggered to the bathroom, relieved myself, showered, shaved, cleaned my teeth, slipped on a pair of shorts and followed the fragrant bacon aroma to the kitchen. "Hi there," Ruth trilled, sounding a great deal too cheerful for someone who had consumed enough booze the night before to earn the grudging respect of Dean Martin in...

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Swingin with Mike Julie part 1

When my partner and I started going to clubs, we tried a couple near to us and nearly gave up the idea as both were a bit 'seedy', and we didn't like the mix of people who went to them. Then I remembered a club a lady I had met through a contact site had mentioned briefly, I decided to find it so we could give the whole idea one last go.Luckily it came up on Google. I showed their website to "Mrs Pornman" and she thought it looked a lot better than the others. I gave them a call and spoke to...

1 year ago
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This story took place at the time I joined college. I moved in at my uncle’s place since the college was only a few miles from their home. My uncle had three daughters. The eldest, Ashley was studying for medicine at a college very far and was staying at a hostel near their college. Then, there was Ann, who was a few months younger than me and was completing high school. She was very beautiful, had a beautiful figure, some dark skin complexions, like that of chocolate brown, dark hair and...

1 year ago
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My Tiny Skirt Part Six

Eric came punctually but I didn’t open the door and gate for him. I prearranged with Sis Mary to invite him in and I will only come out to meet him when he is in the living room. I wanted to see his reaction when I come out from my room wearing this outrageous dress to ejaculation and another hand grabbed the paper hand towel to contain the dripping cum from my cupped hand thus prevented causing a mess on his body with his own cum. Just then Sis Mary came in, she shock her head but make no...

4 years ago
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Sex Files from a Therapist

Carol and Zach had been fucking for twenty minutes. He was on top of her slowly riding her. She adored the feel of his long, thick cock filling her up and slowly pulling back to where only the head was inside her and then slowly reentering until his balls were rubbing against her groin. She had already cum twice and was building toward a third. He was picking up the pace again, but maintaining the long strokes. That always guaranteed a big bang for her and ultimately one for him as well. He...

3 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 109

Reggie and I spent the afternoon just driving around town. We checked out restaurants for dinner and where exactly the Portland Inn was located. The Inn was a very fancy name for a shabby downtown motel. It was obviously outside the downtown rehab area. It was headed toward oblivion, and should be there in a few year. It was a good thing we got to town when we did, if we wanted to hang out there. "So it's dinner at Elizabeth's Italian restaurant and then on to the Portland Inn's...

3 years ago
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After IT The First 40 Days A Commonwealth Struggles to AriseChapter 2 Where are we and how did we get there

(June 2, Day 11, Galena, Alaska) Paul taxied shut the engine off and exited the plane, producing his ID for the officer approaching. Before the trooper took it, he looked at the nine other people climbing out of the Cessna 207. He then said, "I won't ask you for your Pilot's License if you are refugees." "I guess you could call us that," Paul replied. "Here is my Oregon Driver's License. We were on a float trip up on the Kobuk River when whatever happened took place. The only people...

2 years ago
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Along Came a SwapperChapter 2

The Bensons ate a hearty meal in celebration of Max's promotion, then washed their dishes and returned to bed, seeking to surpass the fervent joy of their Special. They both had to admit that the later climaxes didn't quite measure up to the bone-crushing splendor of that first grand culmination, though they also admitted that the effort had been delightful. They fell asleep only after totally exhausting their bodies that night, and Max awoke early the next morning to find Jackie bent over...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 307 Seek Me Not

Time to make introductions. Will any of them want to have their ability removed? I went outside to find that there were dozens of seekers spread out around my house trying, badly, to look inconspicuous. My implant pinged me with their names and locations, as well as those of their “handlers.” In one of the cars, it marked the three girls, who didn’t have names available, that I had “burned out” at the school board meeting. I went right toward them first. How did these people get to the...

2 years ago
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A Nice and Very Naughty Drive With Josh

I thought it -and we - were over and done with a year earlier. But a few days after I returned home after my first year of college, I saw him walking over to me. I was outside doing nothing on a warm Saturday afternoon. Horny like always and still trying to find a girl to fuck all summer. At least one and hopefully more than just one of course.We were best friends once but when best friends add sex to their relationship the result is usually a disaster. Josh and I had no formal "breakup" and...

3 years ago
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My first BBW

I was working a gig as a Security guard, it was a rock concert, 10,000 people crammed into this little hall. Metallica sure did know how to keep them all going!It was coming to the end of the night and a friendly lady approached me, asking me to show her to the toilets. So i pointed out were they were, she shouted in my ear " No i want you to take me.. " So i walked her down, then showed her into the toilet.Im being fully professional at this point, not wanting to lose my job, i try and resist...

3 years ago
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Romantic Night of Camping

Introduction: If you squick easily, my stories arent for you. Consider yourself warned. My boyfriend, Mark, decided that it would be romantic for us to go camping for a night, in the middle of the nearby forest. It will just be the two of us. He fits everything we need into his van. Its Saturday when we head out. We stop at McDonalds for lunch on the way. After driving a few hours into the forest, we find a small clearing and start to set up the tent and a fire. For dinner, we roast some hot...

1 year ago
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Florences exhibitionism experienceChapter 3

The day passed quickly and soon it was one in the morning. The house was dark and unlit. My parents and my younger brother, Josh had already went back to their rooms and were asleep. At the backdoor, I met Rose. Both of us had already left our clothes in our rooms and were completely nude and bare. We started with a bit of a warm up by 69ing in the backyard. The sky was starless and our neighbors’ rooms were not lit. On the grass, Rose crawled on top of me and started to eat my already wet...

1 year ago
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PrettyDirty Chanel Preston Come By For Pie

While Johnny Castle is on one of his routine runs through the neighborhood, he spots none other than his sexy Ex-Wife, Chanel Preston. After only spotting her from behind, neither Ex can get over how sexy the other looks. Chanel can’t keep her eyes off Johnny’s rock hard body, while Johnny can imagine grabbing Chanel’s butt and eating her out from behind, like old times. With these fantasies in mind, Chanel invites Johnny for some dessert later that evening. This is an...

2 years ago
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Missing You

It's been so long since I was last in your arms. I lay here tonight remembering your touch, your caress. I recall the words spoken softly in the darkness; a room only lit by far away lights. Your smell, your taste, I remember it all. I wish you were here with me now but it's going to be two more months until we meet again. I talked to you again last night on the phone. Hearing your sweet voice is heaven to me. I was so happy when you got your new phone. Now that we're on the same network...

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Sexual Adventures Of Aryaan And Kay

It has been an exhaustive journey so far. A total of four hours from the work site to the airport by car, but his arrival to the terminal didn’t affect the unsettling weather conditions lately, it is expected to be so this time of the year. The rain and snow fall made the roads far more dangerous to travel upon, let alone long windy roads to the mountain tops. The weather, along with his pure dumb luck caused his flight to be delayed for yet another couple of hours. ‘When will I ever catch a...

2 years ago
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Predator Series Chapter Six Sadophillia

Standing in the bedroom I turned around and gave the rope a tug. As expected she jumped forward when she felt the rope slide and press tightly against her clitoris. I started to walk off and give the rope a tug ever so often just to see her jump forward and shake those beautiful breasts. As we walked she would make a moan every so often. Not to loud just under her breath. As I get to the basement door I stopped to warn her of the steps. I did not want to take the blindfold off but rather...

1 year ago
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The forest was dank. Humid. Alive. Mosquitos buzzed in the warm sunlight. Ferns danced in the cool summer breeze. In the distance, a wolf barked. Then another. The sound of many paws hitting dirt was getting closer. They were a pack. They were hunting. A naked woman suddenly bolted out from the underbrush. Her eyes were wide, her breath frantic as she ran. Blood dripped from fresh scratches across her body; some from thorns, some from claws. On her heels followed the fangs of five large, grey...

1 year ago
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Solo Sex In The Time Of Coronavirus

A little background about me, might at this stage me useful. I am Mark a newly divorced Londoner who is rediscovering life and starting out afresh. After years of deeply unsatisfying, resentful sex, my wife and I went our separate ways, she enjoyed the company of her phone,  I was wanking for England.As our sex life had deteriorated to the point of being non-existent I had rediscovered the joys of masturbation. Sometimes I became aroused watching porn sometimes my own imagination was all I...

2 years ago
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The bicurious professor in the sauna Part 2

The next Friday I end up in the sauna again and the guy shows up. We start talking. I find out he is a professor at the college I go to. While we are talking the professor starts to caress his cock. He nods toward me and I start to caress my own cock. The professor tells me that he is married and bi-curious. I tell him that I am between steady girl friends and also bi-curious. Eventually we start masturbating. After about 10 minutes the professor’s hips start thrusting as he masturbates...

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My Friend WesG54blowjobsswallowingvoyeurismjacking offpart1of1

When a girl-girl scene came on screen Wes started going a lot faster and breathing differently. I think I was aware that something was coming up and that this wouldn‘t be the same old stuff. When he was ready to shoot, Wes reached up, grabbed the back of my head and pulled me down to his cock. To my surprise I opened my mouth and let him stick his dick in it. My Friend WesPart-1-of-1 Mom and I moved a lot after she and Dad got divorced. The first place we lived was the nicest but it turned out...

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The Adventures of Hoot MccoyChapter 7

Hoot saw Sharon working on some patterns at the cutting table, she had her head down and didn’t see him standing there. Hoot tapped on the wall and she looked up and jumped when she saw him. “Hoot McCoy, I was just now thinking of you and here you walk into the shop will that work anytime I want it to?” She laughed. “It might, how are you Sharon?” “I’m good, how are you, Hoot? Hey, I got a surprise for you.” “Your Dad already told me that he had my saddle bags looking really good, is...

2 years ago
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Hot ISS Reader And Erotic Hotel Room Sex 8211 Part 1

I never thought my story would get such a great response. I am really overwhelmed with the response to for which I want to thank each and every reader who made time to read the story. So, I come up here again with another true encounter. Some days after I published my story on ISS, I was receiving constant emails appreciating the incident. One of the emails came from a girl named Pooja (name changed). I was travelling for official work at that time and we had a whole night sex chat! We...

2 years ago
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The Grand Tour

There she stood, as radiant as ever. From across the room I could see the sunlight shining through the window and glistening off each strand of Rebel's golden hair. Does she even know I exist? Does she know of the thoughts that run through my head when she turns and smiles? She turns to look my direction, quickly I glance the other way. Did she see me? Oh my, she's coming towards me.. I gasp to catch my breath as each step closer she takes, my heart quickens. She takes a seat next to me, my...

3 years ago
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The Fairer Sex

My meeting ended mid-afternoon, leaving me plenty of time to drive to my hotel. An old manor house now converted into an extremely comfortable four-star hotel set in its riverside grounds, including several acres of grass and woodlands that were home to a sizable population of deer.I took a leisurely bath before changing into a dark grey silk blouse, black leather skirt, grey thigh high stockings and black heels before going out for a well-deserved libation.Seated at a window table in the bar,...

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The Circle Politics

The Circle by Angela J. "Politics" Part 1 All is fair in politics, I thought. Sure it was a nasty thing to do, but I had no choice. Jack Brown was my worst enemy. Not because our political viewpoints were different, but because they were similar. We had similar beliefs and the voters had a hard time choosing between us. The Gubernatorial race was between three individuals, myself, Bob Edwards, and my two opponents Jack Brown and Bill Robinson. Because Jack and I shared...

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Love Making In Ooty

Firstly a big hi to ISS readers, sex lovers, singles, couples, unsatisfied housewives, IT people, and everyone. I’m Sonu 25 years old. I’m going to share my experience with you guys which happened a few months back. This experience is between me and a girl of my age. Her name is Coco. Her stats are 34C-30-35. I met Coco in an institute when I was learning a new technology. After joining the course, I use to attend classes regularly. But I hadn’t made any friends in the batch. But all of a...

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NFBusty Susane Barts Perfect Pair

Susane Barts is decked out in a sheer shirt that lets us admire her big boobs in their bra and her firm ass in its thong. After rubbing down her bigtit knockers, she shakes her ass so that Leon can admire the jiggling delight. Then she lifts her bra to free her titties, tempting Leon to worship her breasts. Leon is definitely up to the task that Susane has set for him. He leans forward to suckle her big areolas and rock hard nipples. Then she pulls out Leon’s stiffie so that she can rub...

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Little sis chapter nine

After school I hung out at Jason’s. I knew I would never confess my new hobby in the dark room. That much sexual activity in one day left me so damn bubbly I was damn near obnoxious. Jason thought it was from fucking first period and getting high at lunch. I just couldn’t wipe the smirk off my face. Scott was perched in front of the TV sipping whiskey. I told him to pour me a glass and Jason told us we were both lushes.Scott just grinned at me and said ‘I’ll pour you a glass if I can see your...

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Dost Ki Girlfriend Ki Chhat Par Chudai

This happened two years back when I used to live with 2 other friends of mine in a flat. I and my two friends used to live together, they are Saurabh and Vivek. Saurabh was engineer in an MNC and Vivek was into hospitality. Vivek had a bomb girlfriend who he met online and was a friend of his friend. We used to live in a 2 BHK. Par at weekends we all crashed in a single room where we would drink and eat and have fun. I always had eye on Manish (Vivek’s girlfriend) and I was pretty sure she too...

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