Droit de Seigneur
- 2 years ago
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"Plots have I laid, inductions dangerous..."
-- William Shakespeare, Richard III
"So that's my story, Mr. Morrison," Early concluded. "And it's not yet finished."
Roland Morrison, as agreed, had sat quietly and listened throughout Early's recounting. But he was seething.
He took a sip from his water glass.
"Conroy, I'm sure that you know that Geraldine Morrison, whom you mentioned several times in your story, is my wife. She is a partner at Jenson, Sharone, and Anderson."
"What the hell do you mean by telling me a load of shit like that? I've met Susan Conroy at their social events. She made Partner last year. So she's your ex-wife?"
"No she's still my wife, technically," Early said. "We split up over her adultery with the male partners, or with the two of them I know about. Any adulterous partner past the first two is overkill, legally speaking. Neither one of us has gotten around to filing for dissolution, so far. It isn't important."
Morrison got up, his face deeply red from anger. "You've accused my wife of being party to adultery, and a participant in a scheme of sexual harassment. You've accused her of immoral, illegal, and unethical conduct. Conroy, if I were a younger man, I'd kick your ass from here to the street for saying shit like that about my wife. You can fucking well forget about any fucking job offer!" He grabbed his cane and stalked away.
Early watched him walk away. Roland Morrison almost got to the door and then stopped. He stood there, leaning on his cane for a long time, staring out through the glass doorway. Early topped off his wineglass and refilled Morrison's.
Morrison abruptly turned and came back. He stared down at Early Conroy, who met his gaze with his negotiator's face. Then Roland Morrison slumped back down in his chair and took a swallow of the wine.
"I don't get it, Conroy. You're not some kind of nut. You have a good reputation. Why would you get me down here, obviously under false pretenses, and tell me a load of crap like that? Why?"
Conroy took a sip of his wine. "A load of crap? Ok, tell me, what's untrue in my story, Roland? I have evidence for almost everything I said. I was married to Susan Conroy. She did want to make partner. We did split up over how she was going about making partner: by having sex with the male partners. Your wife is her mentor."
"Yes, but you said all that crap about having to fuck the partners to make partner. My wife never did that!"
"Really? Well, I would have said the same about Susan until I found solid evidence that it was true. I wonder what Geraldine would say if you asked her to tell you the truth about that. You're Catholics, aren't you? Would she go to church with you and swear in front of the altar that my story is bullshit? I wonder?
"Just something to think about, Roland. You see, this is what the past seven months have been about. I want something from your wife. If I asked her for it, she'd laugh in my face. I tried several times to see her, but she refused. She said she'd get a restraining order if I persisted. So I decided I would set things up so that you would ask her for me.
"I'm sorry we won't be able to work together, Roland. Right now, you're easy to beat, because you have so many inefficiencies that you can't compete. If you had hired me I would have brought you guys into the 21st Century and you'd be hard to compete against.
"Thanks for the dinner."
Later that night, his cell phone rang. It was past midnight, but Early was still up. He had trouble sleeping. Despite his efforts to get over it, including a very unsatisfactory course of counseling and analysis, he was still too tormented over the loss of the love of his life to be able to have an untroubled night.
"Mr. Conroy. This is Geraldine Morrison. I am sitting in my car in front of your apartment building because I don't know what else to do. An hour ago I would have run you down if you were crossing the street in front of me. You have turned my life into a living nightmare.
"Now I think you may be my only hope. May I come up?"
He buzzed her in. He remembered her from the office parties; a tall, stately, beautiful Reubenesque woman. Quite a contrast to the small, slender Roland Morrison. But it was obvious then that they were a couple who were still very much in love after many years together.
Now she was disheveled, her hair flying around her face, and her face streaked with dried tears and smeared makeup. Early knew the look. It had been the last memory he had of Susan's face.
He made coffee, which she accepted.
She sat in an armchair opposite his.
"Mr. Conroy, I have been driving the streets aimlessly for over an hour. I had been worried since he had told me whom he was going to see tonight. Your name had been thrown around for the past months, and I was concerned about what you were doing and why. But I couldn't say anything to Roland.
"What could I say about what I knew about you that wouldn't invite further question? You had tried those several times to meet with me and I had always refused you. I even threatened you with a protective order."
Early nodded.
"Well, when Roland came home from meeting you he was obviously troubled and agitated. When I asked him what was wrong, he turned on me. He demanded to know if I had whored myself to make partner at Jenson, Sharone, and Anderson. I denied it.
"I looked at his face and my first thought was one of bewilderment. I thought: how can he not believe me? When have I ever lied to him?
"And came the epiphany. When have I ever lied to him?
"Every day for the past seventeen years. Every day from the day when I came home and did not say that I had fucked Tim Jenson to become a partner. Every day when I did not say that I had fucked John Stickner to become a partner. Every day when I did not say that I had fucked the other three willing male partners to become a partner. Lies by omission. Lies when I let him think that I had always been faithful. And God help me, every day when I did not tell him about the times I consented to be fucked by the two handsome young male associates who wanted to become partners.
"And as I thought of all of those lies, Roland was reading my deceit in my face.
"He told me the story you'd told him about you and Susan. I'd heard her version after you left her. Of course neither she nor I knew then that you'd overheard her phone conversation with John Stickner.
"When Roland told me about that, I knew then why you were a man on a mission. That conversation blew up the entire subterfuge.
"Roland said that he'd brushed your story off, at first, but as he drove home he began to remember some little things that had happened. Times when I had been off on business meetings and came back in a strange mood. Those times when I suggested some new little sexual thing that I'd refused to do before. He put those other things together and realized that it was in a pattern that might confirm your account, and therefore condemn my own actions.
"We are both practicing Catholics. Since I was denying everything, he demanded that I come down to our church and swear before the altar of God that nothing like what you described had happened, and that I had never cheated on him while with Jenson, Sharone, and Anderson.
"Mr. Conroy, I could not do that. That would be a mortal sin. I had committed my other mortal sins and had stopped doing them. Once I did that, I unburdened myself to my confessor. But last night I just could not lie in the presence of Christ at the altar. So I refused. I tried to make up reasons, but Roland got more and more angry. He said that our marriage was over. He left. I think he's staying at his country club.
"I had to leave the house, too. I couldn't bear the silence when he's not there and might never come back. I drove around and around, and now I am here.
"This happened to you and Susan. Now it's happening to me. I know I have no claim to your sympathy after what I've done, but Mr. Conroy, please, I beg of you. Tell me what can I do to save my marriage?"
He looked at her, a beaten woman.
"Early. I go by the name, Early," he said.
"I think that you and I are going to be on a first name basis from now on."
"Jeri," she said. "Call me Jeri with a J.
"Ok, Jeri. You are asking me for answers. You already know the answers. The first thing you have to do is what Susan wouldn't do when it might have mattered: Tell the truth. To Roland, first. Make a clean breast of it, leaving nothing out. Tell him what you did and why you did it. Don't leave anything out and don't try to sugarcoat it. If Roland really loves you, then you have a chance. Getting it all out in the open might let you both begin the healing process.
"It will take a long time to gain his forgiveness. You may both need extensive counseling, and it is possible that he will never forgive you. There are no guarantees in this deep a matter of betrayal, Jeri. And it is betrayal most foul and deep, Jeri. Do you understand that?"
She nodded.
"Even if he does come around, things will never be the same between the two of you; I think you understand that. But almost anything would be better than what you have now, correct?"
Her gaze was intent on Early's face.
"Yes, I know that you are right, Early. I will have to go crawling on my knees to Roland and tell it all. God, I can't bear the thought of what he will think of me.
"But you said that I must tell the truth to Roland 'first.' What did you mean by that?"
"Jeri, I have lost the only woman that I have ever loved. She willingly took part in that horrible degrading scheme, and I can never forgive her for that, but the scheme was created and sold to her by the partners at Jenson, Sharone, and Anderson. I cannot ever have Susan and my happy marriage back, but I can have revenge. Part of my revenge will be to take down your law firm and ruin those partners.
"You are one of those partners, Jeri. So if I said that I'm sorry that I had to attack your marriage, I'd be lying. You were a party to the destruction of my marriage, a very active party. You were Susan's mentor and confidante and she relied on your guidance.
"You were the one who explained to her what she would have to do if she were ever nominated for partner. You were the one who explained how she would have to whore herself for the male partners. You were the one who helped sell her on the idea, because I do not think that Susan would have gone along with it unless she was convinced that it was somehow all right and that she could get away with it without damaging us.
"Any denials? Protestations of innocence?"
Jeri shook her head. "No. I had faced that decision myself. I had made my own Devil's bargain. I felt great guilt for it, but I did it and it worked. I became partner. The additional income went to Roland to put into his company.
"I tried to do everything possible to show him how much I loved him. He got a little suspicious when I started hinting at wanting to do things in our bed that I had always refused, but I wanted to do whatever he had ever dreamed of to add to our union. I guess he never quite forgot his suspicions because he sure remembered them tonight.
"So when it was Susan's turn, I told her she had to do it, and how to do it, and how to keep you from finding out. I told her that it would be something that she could make up for by loving you with all her heart.
"And that was sophistry, pure sophistry. I already loved Roland with my whole heart and soul. Susan loved you in the same way. How could we ever make up for our betrayal by loving you more? But we lied to ourselves, each in turn, because of our ambitions.
"Early, I can't tell you how shocked and horrified and guilty I felt when John Stickner called me up and told me that you were on to us. I went to that hasty meeting. I did what I could to try to make up some kind of cover story. It was a lawyerly thing to do something to protect our client and her case. When I first looked at Susan's face, I thought that I might die of self-hatred. She knew that she was lost. She knew that you would never be fooled by anything we could fabricate.
"She knew her marriage was over. And just as she knew that, I knew that if there was a just God, I would face the same fate one day."
Early nodded. "Well, what I told you is the first big step: tell Roland the truth. All of it. Hold nothing back. I can't say what Roland will do. I'm not even sure what I would have done if Susan had confessed it all when I gave her that last chance.
"Anyway, it's too late for us now, but you and Roland have just had this come out. Go to Roland and tell him all of it. Beg his forgiveness. Go to the church or any other good counselor to try to work through it. He loves you and you love him; maybe there's something that can be salvaged."
"You must also go to your priest, Jeri. As I understand your church, a confession of a sin cannot be pardoned or absolved if you have it in your heart that you will do it again. When you confessed your first dalliance with a partner you knew there would be others. To take Communion when you are not in a state of Grace is a mortal sin, Jeri."
She nodded. "I have to deal with that. I will. Right after I get Roland to see me and confess to him.
"But you said that you want to destroy the law firm. Early, there are over a hundred people working there. Most of them are innocent. You will be hurting them if you put them out on the street."
Early's face hardened. "That can't be a factor. I can't permit an evil place to continue because it employs innocent people. There were innocent people who worked in many organizations and bureaucracies that did evil. Should we have kept the shower rooms and furnaces of Dachau and Buchenwald running in the interest of full employment, Jeri?'
She shook her head.
"I am very single-minded in this, Jeri. I will not stand by and let them go on seducing young people and potentially ruining lives. If I can get what I want, I'll be happy to try to help the innocent. If we can find ways to mitigate the affects on the decent people, then we'll do what we can for them. But my main agenda is Delenda Est Jenson, Sharone, and Anderson! That is nonnegotiable."
"I have to accept that, Early," Jeri said. "I don't think that Roland will accept anything less, either. He is as furious at them as he is at me."
"You and Roland have been high earners for a long time. Could you walk away from the firm and be ok financially?
"I suppose we could. We have talked about retirement and setting up some little enterprise to do together in our retirement. Maybe buy something like an inn or country store, something like that. We both want to live away from the cities. If Rollie will forgive me and take me back, I will resign and start planning that."
"No, that's not good enough Jeri," Early said. "No conditions. I want your help regardless of how things go with you and Roland. In any event, you need to get out of the line of fire when I attack the firm.
"I don't think Roland is ready to retire from his business right now," Early continued. "He was going to hire me in to make him more competitive. Somehow I doubt he'll want to ever see me again, much less hire me, but he's still involved in his business. Right now I suspect he's going to be burying himself in it, now that you and he are in trouble.
"My question is to you. Will you help me?" he asked Jeri.
"Yes," Jeri said. "I will. I must. I need to stop this. What do you want from me?"
"I need to get proof of how that partnership fast- track system works. How an associate gets chosen. Then, exactly how the sexual requirement is made explicit. I want to be able to show the courts and the world what Susan and other young people were lured into doing that ruined their lives and poisoned their marriages. She bears her share of the blame, but it was the firm's process that lured her.
"I want to concentrate on the young women, because frankly, men are supposed to be such pigs that no one would be surprised that they'd fuck anyone decent-looking to get promoted."
"You'll need proof," Jeri said. "I know you're going to ask me to testify, and of course I will, but any one witness can be discredited. I've done it myself. Do you have anything other than my say-so?"
"Well," Early said, "There were other women who were approached and decided to leave the firm rather that do what was required. I think that if we are getting something substantial together and it looks as if it might work, some of them might be willing to testify. I know they were bought off and threatened with blackballing, so there must be a reservoir of anger."
"Sure, but what do we have that's substantial? It has to be more than my testimony. We have to have a better case than that before we can get anyone else to come forward."
Early put a diskette into his laptop and called it up. "I don't know whether this is legal enough to stand up in court," he said. "You're the lawyer.
"I have about 8 minutes of a recorded conversation. It was right after I laid down the law to Susan that Saturday morning."
He clicked on the icon, and the recording began.
Jeri listened with genuine interest. It was all new to her, and she monitored it with her lawyer's mind, looking for key legal points. Early had heard it hundreds of times and it held no interest for him now.
Jeri clicked back and replayed:
"Well he was here, looking at that kitchen and later sleeping in that bed. He listened to me lie and lie and lie in two calls over two days and never let on that he knew they were lies. God, when he said something offhand about knowing how lonely such a big bed could be, I thought there was something odd in his tone, but I didn't pick up on it. You were licking my nipple and I was distracted.
"The damage was done by then, only I didn't know it. The last thing he said last night was that he HAD loved me more than his own life. I should have heard that past tense and reacted to it, but you were sliding your cock in me just then and I wasn't thinking clearly."
She also replayed:
"Susan, this is very important. Did you outright admit that we had sex? The fucking and oral and anal and all that?"
"Bullshit, John. Now you listen and listen hard, because I'm not going to lose everything without retribution. I taped the conversations when you and Geraldine explained the arrangement and made the partnership offer and. I have the assurances on the record and your voice was on there too."
The recording cut off then, after 8 minutes 25 seconds, the max recording capacity of the cell phone.
Jeri said, "That's pretty damaging. Graphic. All that about licking her nipples and sliding his cock..." She saw the expression on Early's face and stopped. "I'm sorry, Early; I forgot.
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The Price of Success by Ginny Wolf "You have got to be kidding me!" That is exactly what I said to my oldest friend Isabel Becker. I have known Isabel since we were freshmen in high school. At that time her name, or rather, his name was Dante Moretti. "I certainly am not kidding, Quentin Donne, not about something so serious. Remember, 'The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand and....'" "'... and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have...
My name is Darren Price and I am 50 years old. I am the principal of a private boarding school. It is also an all girl school. I love my job and I will never ever want to be doing anything else. It is a pretty prestigious school where I have students from all over the world trying to be a part of this magnificent legacy. We produced students who will be the cream of society and we are proud of it. And being the principal of this school has given me numerous benefits. I have my own mansion in...
TabooMy name is Darren Price and I am 50 years old. I am just like any other guy of my age I think except for the fact that I am a principal of a private school and I am most privileged as it is an extremely well-known school. Everyone as in everyone dreams to be in my school and being expelled is something unthinkable. Thus, I am privileged since many are willing to do nearly anything to be a part of Saint Catherine Girl School. We even have students from abroad and what a joy to have girls from...
TabooChapter 1 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Joey's Background +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ January 8, 1980 Joey wanted nothing more in this world then to be a rock star, but the odds were against him. He did not know how to play any instrument, nor was his singing ability anything special. It hurt him even more that he did not know anyone within the industry. Still, he wanted to be a rock star. Unfortunately for Joey, he was also lazy and undisciplined. He was just a few...
Part 1: The Kindness of Strangers Nathan had learned that Charity could be a troublesome thing. As a person, she had slept with him for a month before running off with his savings, his TV, and his luxury cherry-red convertible. The Charity of his auto insurance only covered the book price of the car, which turned out to be a fraction of the price he'd gone into debt to buy it for. Without a car and with an empty bank account, he had no way to get to that high-paying job he held across...
Howie waited patiently for the plane from Ireland. The television monitor listed their flight as one hour late. Howie sat totally relaxed and focused on the door. Howie thought he was patient before he met Black Eagle, now he knew how to be patient and vigilant. If he had to, he knew that he could sit and wait for as long as it took for his parents to come though the Customs terminal door. He waited, relaxed but focused. Howie's parents were very surprised when they cleared customs at BWI....
"It seems that I end up in the hospital with something major a lot. I get forced to think about things," he said. "There are better ways to do that. Hopefully, you won't keep this up or your mother is going to be old before her time," she said. "Nobody loves you like your mother. I never thought that I worried you. I feel much safer in Oklahoma than Baltimore," he said. "I feel much safer when you are home with me in Pennsylvania," she said. "Mom, I think I am going to law...
Howie decided to go the southern route. He liked the drive through the Virginia mountains. And he wanted to show Brooke where the Cherokee lived before they were marched to Oklahoma. Howie put a cover over the truck bed. With a cover over the bed, he didn't worry about a place to sleep. The cover was level with the top of the truck cab. Brooke had never been to the University of Virginia or been through the Roanoke Valley. And she wanted to see Charlottesville, where Dorothy was going to...
Dorothy called Howie. "We were afraid you weren't going to make it back. How is Brooke?" "I imagine Brooke is fine. We broke up," Howie said. "Are you serious?" "Yes." "Howie. I'm sorry. Mike's family rented Professor Trevale's house. You know, the big house just down from the dorm. Come over." Howie said, "I know where Amy lives. I am an art major remember. You are too busy to bother with this now." Dorothy said, "Howie, get your butt over here, now." "Yes maam. Who...
His mother said, "Howie, I am worried about you. You are getting mixed up with too many older women. I am sorry that Wanda moved and you had problems with Becky. You are juggling to many things for a boy your age." "My luck with women for the long term is not good," he said. When Howie started back to school and the new semester, he noticed that Becky wasn't in any of his classes. There usually was only one section of Advanced Placement in a subject area, so Howie was surprised that...
It was called the Pledge Leadout. At the first of the dance, the room was darkened. Each pledge came to the spotlight. The girl and her escort were introduced. "Howie, this is the A group. I wouldn't have been asked to join any group before I worked out with you and lost weight. It helps that mom has a high level job at this college too." Howie responded, "You dieted and you exercised. You did it and you deserve the credit. And we are going to have a good time tonight." "Thank you...
Howie was given two years of science credits for his paramedic license. He entered as a freshman. When he signed up for the fourth course, his status changed from special to full time student. Wednesday, he went to the Phi Gamma Delta house for his pledging ceremony. His father was invited and pinned Howie's pledge star on him. Howie listened to the words of the pledge ceremony. Dad was right. It is very much like the Kiowa. Of course, the Kiowa never spoke of Robert E. Lee or the southern...
She was standing nude in front of the full length mirror when I entered the bedroom. I stopped and admired the view, both rear and front, as reflected in the mirror. Her eyes met mine in the mirror. Kay is petite at five foot tall and less than 110 pounds. She is not skinny, a well formed butt, small pointy breast, slim waist, a slight pooch to the stomach area and legs, beautiful legs that accent her buttocks and waist. At age 30 she could still pass as a teenager. “Should I...
She was standing nude in front of the full length mirror when I entered the bedroom. I stopped and admired the view, both rear and front, as reflected in the mirror. Her eyes met mine in the mirror. Kay is petite at five foot tall and less than 110 pounds. She is not skinny, a well formed butt, small pointy breast, slim waist, a slight pooch to the stomach area and legs, beautiful legs that accent her buttocks and waist. At age 30 she could still pass as a teenager. “Should I...
Howie was up at daybreak and out running on the road. By seven he was in the Fitness Center. Brooke joined him everyday there. She used the Nordic track. Brooke studied after she exercised. Howie only had one final, and that was in Investments. He had an A average as did Dorothy. They both didn't need to study. Howie was so interested, because of the Kiowa trust, that he went way beyond what was required. Dorothy hung on for the ride. Dorothy was one of the few women in the business major...
Howie got home about four a.m. on New Year's Day. He slept until nine then ate breakfast with his parents and children. After they ate, Howie washed dishes with his mother. She asked, "How was the dance?" "Very fancy, but I wasn't able to dance much. It is a high society club. Did you have a good time on the cruise and at the country club?" he asked. "The cruise was wonderful and very romantic. I recommend it for any old married couple. Actually the country club was very nice. They...
Hi, I’m Jennifer, and I appreciate your taking time to read about my life. Up until the time I turned fifteen, it was a pretty ordinary life, from the standpoint of sex, anyway. I dated a lot of boys, had my share of romantic entanglements, and had more than my share of sex. I loved sex, and really couldn’t get enough. It wasn’t out of control or anything — far from it: I was always in control. Always. And I liked being the one in control. I loved it, in fact, right from the time I became...
The feed was in black and white and showed a woman in a kitchen. A gently striped cat sat on one of the kitchen chairs watching her as she picked up a plate from the floor and rinsed it under the tap. She got out a new plate and ripped open a packet of cat food. Swiftly she replenished both dry and wet food, and changed the water. The cat merely observed, waiting until the woman had moved away before hopping down from the chair to feast.The woman looked around. Job done, she had no reason to...
ToysForeword: Dear Readers, I wrote this story nearly 20 years ago. Now, thanks to my new French friend Avaro Le Banni, who searched his archive and forwarded a copy to me, I am pleased to post The Price of Beauty, which is, in its own way, a love story. - Best wishes, Toxis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE PRICE OF BEAUTY by: TOXIS Miranda...
My name is Darren Price and I am 50 years old. I am the principal of a private boarding school. It is also an all girl school. I love my job and I will never ever want to be doing anything else. It is a pretty prestigious school where I have students from all over the world trying to be a part of this magnificent legacy. We produced students who will be the cream of society and we are proud of it. And being the principal of this school has given me numerous benefits. I have my own mansion in...
TabooAs I sat there, unable to move, and watched my devastated husband walk out the back door of our house. The tears flowed freely as I tried to understand how I had been so foolish, and to the real possibility that our marriage, which believe it or not, meant as much to me as it did to Early, may have been irrevocably harmed, and finished. I thought back to the beginning of this week, a week that started as many others had in the past, but weeks that had never jeopardized our love. We had a...
Getting up early he quietly completed his morning ablutions, dressed and left for the office before Susan woke. He wondered if she would go into her office today after the strain of the weekend. He wondered what her reaction to John Stickner would be when she saw him again. Would the pain of the week end dim and her vows that she still loved Early fade when she returned to Stickners sphere of influence and the pressure charged atmosphere of her office? He dreaded Susan returning to that...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Little Sis Pays the Price By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Clint Elliston I had my queen and my concubine perched on my naked thighs, both girls nude, their pussies hot and juicy on my flesh as they squirmed, their arms around my neck, and their breasts thrust right into my face. Both of their nipples were hard and beading with that creamy treat—breast milk. They were the first mothers of my...
Three For The Price Of One I was only fourteen when I attended my first underage drinking party. My sister had been invited to them just as soon as she got her tits, that was four years ago. Ann Marie was now fifteen. I was told not to tell her and then wait a half-hour before following her to the clearing out in the woods where the kids always met. There was drinking, there was music, and there was a big bonfire. I paid the girl five dollars for my plastic cup. That bought me...
Introduction: A website actually worked I would like to say I had a sob story, but like most people I am over dramatic about my own life. I grew up in a good home, until my parents divorced when I was in 6th grade. While my parents were both supportive and loving, I lived with my mother and missed out on a lot of Man time with my dad, so I never learned the unlimited self confidence a lot of guys have. I have seen many guys who were ugly, broke and balding still have no trouble going up to any...
A man travels on business to San Francisco and through the inadvertent misuse of a male enhancement cream is transformed into a woman.Okay, I shouldn’t need to say this, but this is a TOTAL fabrication and it is not my fantasy. I was asked by a reader of my stories to write a story where a man is transformed into a woman in a “magical way”. The reader was not specific on the method but insisted that the transformation must be unexpected as it occurs to a guy that had no advance desire for the...
THE PRICE OF HEELS Judy Davenport was only twenty seven, but a rich lady who enjoyed her wealth with friends who, whilst they certainly weren't poor, weren't quite as well off. It gave her a chance to shine the brightest in any of her gatherings. She'd been happily married for three years to her husband James, the same age as her, and was honest when she claimed that he did everything he could to please her. He continued to work when he didn't need to from the financial point of...
Excerpt from ‘ The price of Rebellion’A Crucim story in progress. By [email protected] sleek Roman war galley drops anchor and a short time later the captain speaks to General ‘Crassus.’? We couldn’t catch the pirates sir. The slaves are lazy and didn’t put in all their effort even with a liberal taste of the whip.The captain is nervous, he knows that the final blame will lay with him. He takes the generals silence as liberty to...
Paying the PriceInhalt Paying the Price........1 1. Bad news........1 3. Testing the merchandise........4 4. The deep end........6 5. A special kind of pampering........9 6. Getting naked........11 7. Finishing........13 8. Learning the ropes........16 9. Light entertainment........19 10. The morning after the night before........23 11. Beauty treatment........24 12. The slut chair........27 13. Pet bitch........30 14. The movie........32 15. A pleasurable task........34 16. The slut chair –...