The Strawberry Patch Book 1: The BabiesChapter 36: License And Registration free porn video

September – Year 1
“Now then Mrs. O’Dell please open your mouth a bit.” Dr. Chauhan instructed Erin.
“I can’t move my jaw!”
“I can’t move my jaw!” Tears began to flow from Erin’s eyes.
“Mrs. O’Dell!” The doctor raised his voice to get her attention.
“Mrs. O’Dell you have had your jaw wired shut for a long time. The muscles are weak. Now please calm down and take a few minutes. Take a deep breath and open your mouth, just a little.”
Erins lower jaw move a small amount.
“Good, now close and relax. Now open again. Good. Close and relax. Open again.”
Each time the doctor asked Erin to open her mouth the opening was larger. That is the good news. The bad news, at best Erin could fit a finger in her mouth. She was still a little freaked when the doctor asked her to relax the last time.
“Very good, Mrs. O’Dell. That is really very good for immediately after the wire is removed. Now what I need for you to do is go home and try to eat solid food and chew as much as possible. A chewing gum that is for denture wearers is also a good choice. The chewing motion will cause soreness in the jaw, but that is because the muscles and the tendons that make it work are weak and slightly atrophied.”
“How long before I can open my mouth like normal?” Erin was more relaxed now.
“In most cases it takes about a week to ten days of chewing a lot before the jaw returns to a full range of motion. Whatever you do, do not force it open, you will do extreme damage to the muscles and tendons and you might have to have the wire put back in.”
“Ok. So chew non-sticky gum and talk a lot and move my jaw around a lot and it will get better unless I push it too far too fast and injure myself. Does that sound about right?” As she poked her mouth moved more and she began to sound like the Erin of old.
“All of that is correct. If you have pain that is a discomfort take aspirin or ibuprofen. These are anti-inflammatory drugs and are better for you than just a pain killer. Do not chew anything that is hard like jawbreaker candy or some nuts. Food can be eaten in small pieces and should be like chicken breast or ground beef. Do either of you have any questions?”
I looked at Lynn and she at me and we shook our heads.
“Very good, then. Please see the scheduler on the way out and come to see me in two weeks. By then you should be all smiles and have full jaw movement. OK?”
“Thanks Doctor Chauhan. I’m sorry for freaking out before. I was really looking forward to this and I was scared something was really wrong. I will do everything that you say and I will see you in two weeks.”
Erin and I walked down the hall holding hands and found the check-out desk. So I checked out our nurse’s butt one more time, earning me untold abuse from my wives.
“Are you having fun, you grumpy old pervert?” Lynn punched me in the arm a little harder than light.
“Who are you calling grumpy?” I smiled and patted her on the butt.
Lynn and Erin locked arms after setting the date for the next appointment and they headed out the door oblivious to me. Erin asked me to sit in the back with her if Lynn didn’t mind. She smiled and nodded.
We got into the back seat and as soon as Lynn had pulled out of the parking lot, Erin grabbed me and kissed me. She pushed her tongue out just enough to touch my lips and I gladly returned the favor. We kissed for a long time and while doing so, Erin began to rub my now erect cock. When she released the kiss she reached down and unzipped my pants and pulled out my erection.
With a big smile on her face she leaned over and began to lick me from as far down as she could reach all the way up to the tip. At the tip she nibbled the head as best as she could and then returned to the licking. Her hand began to slowly pump my erection as she used her tongue more around the head. It had been so long that I could feel myself loading up.
“Erin, I’m getting close.”
“I know. Let me have it. I have missed your taste. I need a mouthful. Come on Paul, give me a shot.”
I groaned as the pressure built and the release was glorious! There were stars and sparkly, shiny things floating around and warm lips and a wet tongue and my body suddenly leaned to the side and I felt changes in speed.
“Oh oh! Hide his dick!”
“What? Lynn?” Erin asked.
“Lynn are we stopped?”
“Yeah, a cop.”
Erin flew into action, wiping off her face where cum had dribbled out. She was busy fixing her rumpled clothes and hair. I, on the other hand, was still sitting there with my dick out! I was just finishing zipping up when the officer walked up next to the window.
“Hello. May I please see your license and registration and proof of insurance?” The man was very polite.
“Yes sir.” Lynn reached for her purse and pulled out her wallet. She handed her license and insurance card to the officer.
“I don’t have the registration. The car belongs to someone else.”
“Are you driving it with that person’s permission?”
“Yes sir. He is in the back seat.”
The officer looked into the back. I’m sure he had scanned it for anything dangerous before, but now he was examining. I am sure that he noticed the two people in the back were slightly disheveled and blushing brightly.
“Mrs. O’Dell. Have you been drinking?”
“WHAT?” Lynn was surprised by the question.
“Have you been drinking?”
“No sir! I am driving back from the hospital. My wife just had a visit to the doctor and we were going home.”
“Your wife?” He sounded more skeptical than surprised.
“Yes! My Wife.” That question always got Lynn fired up.
I stuck my head out from the back seat and asked Lynn to calm down and show the officer the card we carried with us detailing our legal union.
“No! I am not going to give him that information. It has nothing to do with this. I still want to know why I got pulled over and why this clown thinks I have been drinking!”
“Alright; everyone please get out of the car. You two in the back please get out on the passenger side away from traffic and let me have your ID’s. Mrs. O’Dell please exit and move around the back of the car.”
Erin and I got out and dug out our drivers licenses. Now I was getting a bit hot under the collar. Erin was straightening her clothes and that is when I noticed the officer behind us, He had been watching the entire thing and had his hand resting on the grip of his sidearm. That is when I knew this was not something to be taken lightly.

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