BecChapter 11 : Wednesday Afternoon free porn video

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Mum arrived at school with her own version of stone face on. Her stone face is a kind of half-smile that fools a lot of people into thinking she’s being nice. They relax and think they’re safe and then she lashes out with vicious swipes and they find themselves spurting metaphorical blood from dozens of wounds – metaphorical wounds that is. Tara and I weren’t fooled. We’d seen that smile enough to recognize it. Mum was angry and the smile was pasted over her face like a mask to hide her anger from the world.

Angie had toddled after Mum into reception, but when she saw Tara and me sitting there, she bolted across the room towards us and took a flying leap into our arms. Angie immediately started telling us this story about some scary man in the car park. Mum glanced at us then marched over to the receptionist to sign the form saying she’d collected me.

Eventually Tara and I between us managed to figure out that Angie was talking about the school’s security man who’d apparently objected to where Mum parked her car. From what we could tell from Angie’s garbled account, Mum had told him where he could stick his rules!

While Mum was at the reception desk, Miss Webster came out to talk to her. Miss Webster had stone face on and I could see Mum’s half-smile get half-smileyer (is that a word?). I figured things were about to get seriously bad. Normally I wouldn’t mind seeing Mum face off with the school. Line up every teacher in the school on one side and put Mum on the other side and I’d be betting on Mum every time, with very few survivors. The problem was, with what they thought about Mum at the moment, if she charged in with all claws out it would probably make things worse and not better. And I had to keep coming to school each day.

I left Angie with Tara sitting on the bench and I went to stand beside Mum. As soon as I left Tara, and therefore had to let go of her hand, my own hand felt empty and lost. In those few steps between Tara and Mum I already felt myself get trembly from not having someone to hold onto. As soon as I got to Mum I slid my hand into hers and the trembles started to go away again. I thought I’d mostly gotten over that meeting but apparently I hadn’t.

Mum squeezed my hand but apart from that kept her attention on Miss Webster. Mum was in the middle of asking Miss Webster for an explanation of how she’d come to be accused of hitting me based purely on the evidence of my black eye. Miss Webster started an apology but Mum cut her off.

“I saw on my way in that the Forentz boy is on crutches this week. Did you call him into your office and grill him about whether his mother hit him? Last summer Tara fell during a track meet and had her arm in a sling for three days. I didn’t hear any nonsense then about me hitting my children. What’s different now that made you assume my Bec had got her black eye from the blunt end of my fist?”

Miss Webster cleared her throat slightly but the stone face didn’t slip. “Well, we were told that there were some issues with your mental health this week and...”

Again Mum cut her off, “And are you an expert on mental health? No? Well neither am I, but what little I do know tells me there are a hell of a lot of people out there with mental health problems and very, very few of them become violent.”

Miss Webster nodded, “Yes, Mrs Freeman, I accept that and once again I apologize that our meeting didn’t go as well as it should.”

I was standing there listening to Miss Webster take the blame when it was Mr Shankie who did all the stuffing up. I couldn’t work out why she would do that. I wanted to stop Mum from blaming Miss Webster.

“Mum, it was Mr Shankie who said all that stuff. Miss Webster didn’t say anything, it wasn’t her fault.”

“And who is this Mr Shankie?”

“Mr Shankie is our Student Welfare Officer, Mrs Freeman.”

“Student Welfare?” Mum snorted in disgust. “And is this Mr Shankie more of an expert on mental illness than you are?”

“Mr Shankie has completed the appropriate training courses to fill the role of Student Welfare Officer.”

Mum snorted again, “Student Welfare? It sounds like this Mr Shankie shouldn’t be in charge of the welfare of a rabbit, let alone the welfare of hundreds of children.”

Miss Webster didn’t respond. She was standing very still. Not just her face was stone, her whole body was. I realized that she’d given a non-answer to Mum’s question. I also realized she wasn’t going to respond to Mum’s comments. Anything she said would either be a criticism of Mr Shankie and she wasn’t going to do that or would be defending Mr Shankie when she knew he was wrong, and she wasn’t going to do that either. So Miss Webster had no choice but to stand there and impersonate a statue and let Mum rant at her.

“I still don’t understand how he could jump to such a conclusion based on just ignorance about mental illness and a black eye,” said Mum.

“There was my picture too, Mum,” I said.

“What picture?”

I had to go fetch it out of my book bag which was sitting on the bench beside Tara and Angie. Angie was sitting on Tara’s lap playing with the collar on Tara’s top and talking about some butterfly she’d seen. Tara gave me a smile, so I kind of smiled back and then hurried back to Mum. Somehow I managed to do all that without getting the shakes.

I held out the paper and Mum took it from me and looked at the picture. I looped one hand around her elbow and held on. That felt better.

“Mr Shankie didn’t understand it. He thought it was me trying to escape through a window. That’s why he thought something bad was happening.”

Mum didn’t say anything. She kept looking at the picture. I could see her eyes flicking around all the details of the drawing. She’d shifted into art mode and was looking at it like it was done by some artist.

“I did it on the back of that science test I told you about. I knew I did badly.” I turned the paper over in her hands so she could see the mark. I felt another twinge in my brain as I saw again how bad the mark was.

“Never mind about that now; I’m sure you’ll do better next time.” With that, she turned the paper back so she could finish looking at the picture.

“Miss Webster has scheduled a make-up test for me next week,” I told Mum.

“That was good of her. I hope you said thank you.”

I rolled my eyes at Mum. She’d said it so automatically, like she always did. Maybe when I was six I needed reminding, but ever since then I’d been so well trained that of course I’d said thank you. That never stopped her reminding me though.

“This brings up another issue I have with this school.” Mum held out the picture to Miss Webster. “Can you explain to me how any child who draws like this can be given a C grade for Art?”

“Mrs Billings has assured me that the grades Rebecca has been given have been appropriate.”

“Mrs Billings!” Mum frowned as she tried to remember something. “Is that Eva Billings?” Miss Webster nodded. “I recall seeing only one piece by Eva Billings at art shows in the last few years. It didn’t sell. It didn’t sell because it lacked passion. That display of student work I walked past in the entrance had the same problem. No passion. This...” Mum waved my picture at Miss Webster. “This has passion! And Eva Billings grades the artist who drew this with a C!”

Mum snorted in disgust – again.

I blinked a couple of times. Mum had called me an artist! I looked at Miss Webster and figured she wasn’t going to reply to that either. I pushed at Mum. “Can we leave now? I want to go home.”

I glanced over at Tara and wagged my head at her. Tara scooped Angie up in her arms, picked up my book bag and headed over to us.

Mum glanced at me and nodded, and then looked back at Miss Webster. In the space of that quick glance, I could feel Mum relax a bit. Mum’s half-smile was gone and there was now a more pleasant look on her face.

“I expect Rebecca will be back at school tomorrow. Before we leave, could I please get a message to Elizabeth Davidson?”

“Elizabeth Davidson?” Miss Webster frowned in confusion. “I don’t understand.”

“Elizabeth’s father is out of town. She’s staying with us for a couple of days. With Bec leaving early, I wanted to make sure she knew that we would still be expecting her this afternoon.”

“I’ll tell her, Mum,” put in Tara while she transferred Angie to me and handed Mum my book bag. “It’s already sorted. I’ll catch up with her after class and ride the bus home with her.”

Miss Webster nodded at Tara. “If you wait with me for a moment, I’ll get her paged so you can talk to her before classes start.” The bell for the end of lunch period chose that moment to ring. “Ah! Well, we shall try not to make you too late for class anyway.”

Angie clung tightly around my neck and tucked her head over my shoulder as I settled her astride my hip. I had to shift her arms a bit so I didn’t choke but it was really nice to have her holding me like that so I stood there with my hip tilted to hold her weight and enjoyed the warmth of her little body hugged against mine.

Mum turned to Tara. “I’ll see you this afternoon. Stay out of trouble. I don’t think either Miss Webster or I could survive another meeting today.”

Mum’s smile had turned slightly ironic. Tara rolled her eyes at Mum. Mum had been in several conferences with Miss Webster about Tara. It was usually because of something Laura DiMartino had got her to do – not that either Mum or Miss Webster seemed to have worked that out.

Mum reached out and shook hands with Miss Webster. “It was nice talking to you again, Miss Webster. We should talk more often.”

Miss Webster’s stone face was a bit less severe. “Thank you for sharing your concerns with me, Mrs Freeman.”

I glanced between the two of them. It was like two opposing sportswomen shaking hands after a game. They’d both played as hard as they could but now the game was over so they shook hands and said how well the other one had played. Was that what this had been? Had this been a game to Mum and Miss Webster? No it hadn’t! Mum was really angry when she arrived. She’d told Miss Webster what she thought and Miss Webster had listened, like she was supposed to, so now Mum was calmer. Mum obviously knew that and didn’t mind. In fact I could see now that Mum respected Miss Webster too. Maybe that was part of the job of Principal – to listen to angry parents and calm them down. If it was, Miss Webster had done a good job with Mum. I thought of the times Mum had been angry with me and wished I could do it as well as Miss Webster. I wanted to shake her hand too, but that would have felt a bit weird.

We split up. Tara and Miss Webster went to the reception desk and Mum and I headed out the school entrance. We only made it as far as the art display though. Mum waved at the board covered with student art.

“You see? No passion.”

“How do you put passion into a bowl of fruit, Mum?” I asked, pointing at the handful of nearly identical pictures all grouped together. The ones on display all had a little red A prominently marked in one corner.

“Well, you did it by putting in flies and maggots.” Mum grinned at me.

I rolled my eyes at her. “Yes, but apart from that!”

Mum steered me so I was standing in front of the fruit pictures. I hoped I wasn’t in for a long lecture because I was carrying Angie. Angie wasn’t that heavy and she wasn’t wriggling around so it wasn’t too bad, but...

“Look at these. Which one of them is the best – artistically?”

I looked. Mum and I had been through this routine dozens of times at art shows. This was the first time I’d had to judge my own classmates’ work though. I looked. They were all pictures of fruit piled up in a bowl – the same fruit piled up in the same bowl. There was not much there to get excited about. I saw that one of them was by Liz. I wanted to pick hers out of sheer loyalty, but hers was the same as the others. My eyes were drawn to one and I pointed it out.

“Good! I agree. That one definitely deserved its A. What made you choose it?”

“I like the way the shadows curve under the edges of the fruit and also there are some little dimples and marks; imperfections in the fruit. They make the fruit look realer than the others.”

“Yes indeed. Though I wish you would use a better word than ‘realer’! The fruit in that picture looks real. It makes me want to pick up the apple and take a bite. Appetite is an emotion. Real food makes us think about eating. Plastic imitation food does nothing for us. The rest of these pictures are drawings of plastic food.”

“I get that.” I peered closer to read the name of the student. I had to peer because it was in tiny print.

“April Bohm! She’s pretty good at drawing. She does these beautiful little horses all across her workbooks. The teachers sometimes get cross at her because of them but she keeps doing them so mostly they’ve given up complaining.”

I didn’t know much else about April, except that she looked asian despite her name! I was pretty sure there was a story behind that; I just didn’t know what it was.

“There you are! There’s her passion. Teenage girls and horses! It’s a stereotype because it’s so often true. Thankfully you two have mostly been free of that particular passion. Our backyard is far too small for a Shetland Pony, let alone a proper horse.”

With that, Mum turned and led me out of the school.

I quickly worked out why the school’s security guy was upset. Mum had parked in the no-parking zone right in front of the front doors. He was still hovering there when we came out of the school.

Mum glared at him. “I hope you aren’t expecting a tip for guarding my car while I was inside!”

He stuttered something and seemed to suddenly remember he needed to check the back of the school and hurried off. Mum barked a short little laugh at his retreating back and then opened the door for me so I could put Angie into her seat.

“Did you notice?” Mum asked.


Mum leant past me and flipped up Angie’s dress, revealing a pretty pair of pink panties with kittens all over them. “See? Proper knickers!” Then she tucked the dress down again, tickled a half-asleep Angie under the chin and moved around to the driver’s side of the car so she could get in.

I wasn’t surprised, so a bit of my brain must’ve noticed when I was holding her but I hadn’t noticed noticed – if you know what I mean.

“Peter told me she’s going to the potty properly since Saturday. I’m impressed. Pretty much overnight she’s potty trained. You took weeks and weeks! I figured I’d try her without nappies and see how she goes.”

“Mum we’re in America now! They’re called diapers. If you walk into a shop and ask for nappies, no one will know what you mean. I think ‘nappies’ means something else here.”

“I don’t walk into a shop and ask for anything,” she said. “I walk into the supermarket and there they are on the shelf. I think to myself ‘I need some nappies’ and I throw them in the trolley. They’re labelled diapers and that reminds me I’m in America, but they still look the same. They still work the same too. They’re even made by the same company for heaven’s sake. All the company does is put a different wrapper around them depending on where they’re going to sell the nappies – or the diapers.”

I rolled my eyes at Mum and did up my seat belt.

“Why? What else does ‘nappy’ mean?” she asked.

“Um! I think it’s rude or something.” I said.

To be honest I didn’t know. I just heard it being used about some people at school in a way that sounded like an insult. It didn’t make sense at the time.

Mum raised an eyebrow at me and then shook her head. She did her own seatbelt up as she muttered to herself about needing to buy an American dictionary.

As I sat there, I felt like something was missing. I reached out and rested my hand on Mum’s thigh. That felt better. She dropped her hand over mine and squeezed it, and then put both hands back on the wheel so she could steer the car out onto the street.

“I guess you were pretty upset in that meeting with Miss Webster and Mr Student Welfare?”

“Yeah, I guess. Mr Shankie started going on about putting me in a foster home and I kind of freaked out.”

Mum slammed the brakes on and pulled into the side of the road – completely ignoring the sudden honking from an annoyed driver behind us. Once the car was stopped, she twisted in the seat so she was looking straight at me. Her half-smile was back.

“He what?” Her voice was low and calm. That dangerous sort of calm that they talk about in movies before the storm hits or before the big battle starts. That sort of calm!

“He was convinced you were hitting me so he was saying that if it was true I’d be put in a foster home.”

I figured I’d better calm Mum down before she turned the car around and drove us back to the school and did something extreme.

“I wanted to tell him that if you ever did hit me, I’d pretty much be in hospital for a month, but I figured that would be a bad thing to say.” I managed a little grin at her to tell her I was joking. “I was pretty upset then but I’m mostly okay now.”

I tried to look calm as I turned and faced forward, looking out the window at the trees beside the street. That’s the direction I was facing, but every bit of me was paying attention to Mum and her reactions. The trembles had come back so I guess I wasn’t mostly okay but I wasn’t going to tell her that.

She held her breath for a moment, and then out of the corner of my eye, I could see her relax a bit and breathe out steadily. Then she grinned. “You’re right, that would probably not’ve been a helpful thing to say.” She paused, “And Mr Shankie was right too. If a child is being beaten at home, it’s his job to call in the protection agencies.”

That surprised me. I thought about it and I realized that Mum was right. It also surprised me that she went from being mad to saying he was right so quickly. I hoped that I helped her do that. I decided that it didn’t matter that he was right – he still stuffed up the way he did it.

Mum picked my hand off her thigh, lifted it to her mouth, kissed it and then returned it to her leg. “Also if I ever hit you, with the way your father and brother are so protective of you, I’d probably end up in the hospital bed next to yours.”

We grinned at each other. Then Mum’s face got serious. “Honey, I’m not one of those people that preach about how violence is always wrong. If you get attacked and don’t think you can talk your way out of it you should bloody well fight back with everything you have. If you see someone who needs defending, you do it however you can. In a violent situation it’s really hard to think clearly, but try to remember that your brain is always your best weapon. Use it first! And if you have to hit someone, make it count! A person’s head is really hard. Aim for something softer!”

Mum looked at me steadily and I nodded. I knew where she was telling me to aim – especially if it was a guy!

“The sort of hitting that Mr Welfare was talking about is completely different. He’s not even talking about a few smacks on the back of your legs which I might be prepared to do if you ever did something so outrageous that you deserved that. He’s talking about full on belting you. I can’t imagine ever being so out of control that I would hit one of you like that. There’s nothing about my condition that would make me do something like that either. You understand that, don’t you?”

“I understand Mum. I completely knew all that today in that stupid meeting. What freaked me out was the idea I might not be able to convince Mr Shankie and Miss Webster. I was all panicked that no matter what I said, they’d take me away from you. I was so scared I could hardly move. I could hardly talk.” I snapped my mouth shut. Damn I didn’t mean to say that. This might set her off again. I looked at her carefully, and then relaxed a bit because she was just sitting there looking at me with a thoughtful expression on her face.

“And all of this because he misunderstood that picture you drew?”


“Honey, it’s a very good drawing. It’s really well-drawn and insightful as well.”

I shrugged. “The hands aren’t right! And the reflections in the pieces of broken mirror don’t show up very well, and it only shows the top half of me – it kind of fades out below my navel.”

Mum nodded at me. “That might be true, but it’s still a very good drawing. Perfection usually takes a little longer. Everyone finds hands hard to draw; that’s normal. There are a few tricks I can show you to get your hands looking more realistic. After that, all it takes is practice; lots and lots of practice.”

Mum sat drumming her fingers on the steering wheel and looking out the front window for a moment. She was obviously thinking hard about something. I had no clue what, so I had no choice but to sit there and watch the traffic whiz past us.

“Honey, I have an important question for you.”

I looked at her curiously, “Okay!”

“How important is your art to you?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, do you feel driven to always be drawing something? Or is drawing something you like to do as much as you like to play basketball and fight with your sister and all those other things you like to do?”

“I don’t ‘like’ to fight with Tara. Sometimes I can’t help it, but I don’t like it. Why are you asking?”

“If you’re going to be an artist, I should find a proper art teacher for you. Or get you into a school which specialises in teaching art properly. I don’t think Eva Billings has a lot to teach you. If you want to be a person who does something else but is good at art, then I’ll teach you what I can for now and we’ll take pot luck that you get a decent art teacher when you get to high school.”

My head whirled. It was a big decision Mum was asking from me. I wasn’t ready for it. “Mum, can I think about this for a while?”

“Sure honey. Take your time. There’s no rush. In the meantime, you and I will make some art together from time to time. It’ll be fun!”

“I’d like that, Mum.”

“Wonderful!” Mum glanced over her shoulder at Angie. “Well, Angie’s asleep and we have nowhere we have to be in a hurry. There’s no time like the present. Open the glove box for me honey.”

I opened the glove box in front of me and sure enough, tucked inside were one of Mum’s sketchbooks, a handful of pencils and an eraser. I handed the sketchbook and two of the pencils to Mum, then dived into my book bag that was tucked under my feet, hoping to find something I could use. I didn’t have a sketchbook with me, of course. All I had was the workbook I use for math – it would have to do. I opened my workbook to a blank page and put it flat on my lap.

Same as Bec
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WednesdaysChapter 3 Another Wednesday

Toni went on vacation for a couple of weeks and came back with pictures that passed around the table. "Where is this, Toni?' Dana asked, looking up from the photograph. "That's Cabo San Lucas. Down at the end of Baja California. I go there often. There's not too many people and you get to see a lot of gray whales - they seem to hang out in the Gulf there.' "You speak Spanish?' Dana asked. "Yeah, some. Enough to get by when it comes to food and that stuff. Not to talk to the...

2 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 21 Wednesday Melanie

I looked down at Sylvia, next to me. She was wearing one of those peasant blouses that lets you show a lot of shoulder and chest. "Do they always card you?" I asked. "Only the ones who don't know me. I've gotten in the habit of just handing them my license before they ask. They can't help that I look like a kid." Ned sat next to her, peered discreetly into her cleavage. He said, "Sylvia, nobody in his right mind would confuse you with a teenager. You just don't look the...

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WednesdaysChapter 33 Wednesday Ed

Dana and I got there first that night. She'd come home a little early, put on a t-shirt and shorts, and we walked down Maple to Tom's. I love the way t-shirts cling to her breasts, and I love to watch them move as she walks. Anyway, we sat in the booth with our first beers and played footsie, my toes running up her thigh to where her shorts covered her bush. Her foot was busy, too. Then Ned and Toni showed up. "Hi, you two," Toni called, starting to slide into the bench next to...

5 years ago
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Wednesday in SOHO

Wednesday in SOHO I felt a little nudge; I was sleeping on my left side while Mark curled upagainst my back. His right arm is draped along my side his hand cupping thecurve of my bottom. He nudged me again. I could feel the hardness against myass so I lifted my right leg a bit and let him slip in between. Mark let outa contented sigh as his little one slides along my pussy. I squeezed my legstogether not wanting to lose him while I opened my eyes and propped myselfup on an elbow. "It's 9:30" I...

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Alpha Male a Continuation StoryChapter 5 Wednesday Afternoon

I found in my diary a meeting with Charlie for the afternoon. I felt that it would be ideal if Carol came too as this was a form of handover of his roles and responsibilities so we headed off to the main building. As Charlie didn’t have a PA these days, Carol and I walked straight into Charlie’s office. I enquired how he’d been getting on – he commented that his retirement plans had been coming together and his wife was getting very excited about spending time together and she even had a...

2 years ago
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Wednesday Nite Widows Ch 04

Paul lay back watching television in the downstairs den when Ruth Eleanor Taylor arrived home. ‘Hi Mom, have a good night?’ Ruth Eleanor nodded absently. ‘It was real nice. What did you do this evening?’ Paul shrugged. ‘I don’t suppose you boys ever do anything you shouldn’t. You know something that would make you deserve a good spanking.’ Paul sat up on the couch and looked at his mother. ‘What makes you say that? Are you craving to warm some ass. Or did you do something that deserves...

3 years ago
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Wednesday to Saturday

Wednesday In the garden of the house we share there is a small bower of trees which encloses a seat. When she needs to think it is to that seat that she goes; for the quiet and the lack of diversion. I am not allowed there unless she takes me with her. It is her space. I sat in the room overlooking the garden and watched as she walked to her seat in the late evening sun. She is tall, lithe and graceful. Her dark hair is thick and shines in the sunlight. I watched as she turned and smoothed...

2 years ago
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When Wednesday Comes

When Wednesday Comes. By Jill Bird. It was the middle of Monday afternoon and Jill was lying in post-coitalcontentment with her lover, under the print of the Vermeer her father had givenher years ago, a canal scene. "I'll have to go soon," Paul said. "You never stay; once you've fucked your old lady you're off, doing whateverteenagers do these days!" she snapped. His voice became wheedling, "You know I want to stay but my mum will wonderwhy I'm late. And you're not old, thirty two next time,...

3 years ago
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Ash Wednesday

He was only a few weeks shy of 40 when Cain called him, and on days when he felt guilty about the whole thing he hid it behind that excuse: midlife crisis, staring into the abyss of mortality, the appeal of youth, that whole thing. But the truth was he'd found her attractive even before that. In the last photo he'd seen of her she must have been thirteen, and in that moment right before recognition set in, he'd thought, "Wow, she's hot." Long legs, what they used to call "coltish," but...

1 year ago
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A Rainy Wednesday

Without a second thought he says, “I can give you a lift”. Now normally...on a regular day when the morning goes to shit I would've said I’m ok...I would have thanked him and returned to the call to my sister. Today wasn’t a regular day….it was Wednesday. It was supposed to be sunny. It wasn’t, and this handsome man..whom I wished would talk….and explore naughty things with me had just offered me a ride. It was a rainy Wednesday. An overcast day that once again the WeatherChannel had guessed...

Sex With Stranger
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Wednesdays I fuck your young wife

``````````Her long chestnut hair was fixed in a pony tail. Her face freshly scrubbed, no make-up. She wore a man's large flannel shirt, yellow and black plaid, her long, shapely legs bare. ``````````We greet by touching fingertips affectionately, touching lips in a brief and conspiratorial kiss. ``````````"I come to you pre-fucked," she said wryly. "He threw a quickie into me this morning. I made him pull out and cum in my mouth, though." ``````````"Yeah?" I said, playfully drawing...

2 years ago
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Movie Wednesday

They sat on the couch, the bowl of popcorn in her lap. Nathan reached over from some popcorn, eyes never leaving the TV. Summer swatted his hand away playfully, eyes focused on the movie, smiling as she popped another piece into her mouth. Nathan rolled his eyes, settling back against the couch, putting his feet up on the coffee table. This was their usual Wednesday night tradition. It’d started years ago when Summer had been dumped and she’d come crying to Nathan. Nathan had been annoyed...

2 years ago
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Every Wednesday

My office mate George, finally admitted that since about a year ago, the bastard had been dating my sweet wife.That night we were having some drinks after office and George got too much alcohol; so he was very communicative with me and he finally slipped his little secret….His fetish was a woman who wears coats with nothing underneath. So, before dating him for the very first time, my sexy Ana had purchased a short black leather rain coat to wear for him… When George told me that, my cock...

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Wild Wednesdays

A couple in the swinging lifestyle make their weekly pilgramage to a private club. Wednesdays have been punctuated by a young woman who puts on quite a show in one of the anything-goes areas. Caitlyn's husband is in the crowd of onlookers while she sits alone in the public area. She's not alone for long.Wild Wednesdays“Mind if I sit down?” asked the black man with the muscular build.“What, you’re not going to join the others?” she said. He looked toward the wide doorway that led into the back...

3 years ago
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Sharons Wednesday

The bus ride home always felt so much longer on Wednesdays. It was the anticipation and the excitement that did it and Sharon was filled to the brim with both. At times she would wonder why she hadn't started to get bored of this yet, every Wednesday for over a year now, but if anything she was more and more pleased every time the school rang out on those extra short days in the middle of the week. Then she'd have a light skip in her step on the way to the bus stop, no matter what the...

3 years ago
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First Wednesday of the Month

There is no sex in this story. * Terry Langford was madly in love with his wife, Jessica. He fell in love with her the first time he saw her and his adoration of her grew everyday. She was smart, pretty and fun to be with. She made him feel like he was a king. He would do anything for her. Terry and Jessica met a year after both of them finished college. Terry graduated from Penn State and Jessica from Albright College. Both of Jessica’s parents died in a car accident when she was in her...

2 years ago
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Wednesday Nite Widows Ch 03

Pauline and Ruth Eleanor had left after they watched Liz and Jackie absorb their punishment on upturned bare bottoms turning red. ‘No telling where this little game will wind up after we’ve been at it a while,’ said Ruth Eleanor. There could be some real interesting interactions.’ ‘I have to admit that watching Jackie and Liz getting theirs got to me,’ said Pauline. ‘Old Liz handled her spanking nicely.’ ‘Yes.’ ‘You know Liz doesn’t have a bad looking ass for a gal in her fifties.’ ‘She’s...

3 years ago
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Reversal Rings Weird Wednesday

Reversal Rings: Weird Wednesday A Spells R Us story by Morpheus ([email protected]) 20 Jan 98 Warning, this story contains adult content. If you are under 18 or offended by this, don't read any further. This is the first of a short Spells R Us sub-universe series that I'm working on called the Reversal Rings. I'm still working on the other stories in the Reversal Rings series. I've always been fond of Freaky Friday type stories, so wrote this one of my own. This is my...

3 years ago
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It happened last Wednesday

Let me describe my pet how she was dressed that Wednesday: chubby lady in her late 50s, dressed in her small maid uniform, long to the waist, snow white apron in front barely covered fresh shaved pussy lips, black stockings and high heels. Her ass, colored in soft rose color, as result of light caning by tinny whippy cane earlier that morning, was exposed, as usually.She was beautiful! Like an angel. An angel with rose behind. View at her bending in the waist and make her pussy lips visible...

4 years ago
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Yankee Swap Chapter 16 Wednesday

Yankee Swap, Chapter 16: Wednesday Disclaimer: (Repeated here for this chapter.) Know this before you read further. This and some of the following chapters depict sexual harassment and physical assault. I am not trying to glorify it, but rather to shine a light on it through Kim's reaction. While there is truth in this, it is not all women's truths. Kim is afraid to rock the boat and thinks she can handle things and so her tormentors are not challenged or reported until it is...

3 years ago
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The Visitor Skylas Diary Wednesday July 5

The Visitor Skyla's Diary Wednesday, July 5 I can't believe how lame these people are. They say they want to help me, then they do everything to mess my life up. Yeah, they got me out of jail, but they should have never turned me in in the first place. If it hadn't been for them I wouldn't have been there to get my head caved in and my hair hacked off. I wouldn't have had to go to the hospital and have all those old Amish types gawk at me every day. And their idea of clothes is...

4 years ago
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Fashion House 2 WEDNESDAY

Wednesday Wednesday morning seemed to be a repeat of Tuesday morning. I awoke alone in bed and there was satin robe lying across the bed. It wasn't the blue one but rather a long silver one with embroidery that matched the negligee. I got up, and went into the bathroom knowing I needed to relieve myself. I walked to the toilet, pulled my panties down and sat. "If I'm going to experience being a woman then I might as well start now," I thought. Next I went to the sink and...

5 years ago
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Wednesday morning part 2

Mr Africa had gone out for about 25 minutes, it was really pouring hard outside which in turn made a bit of noise so you can't hear any footsteps, therefore Jackie was forced to stay bended for she may not hear Mr Africa. The 55 years old Africa re-appeared and straight away spoke to Jackie "good news girl, i have managed to convince all the teachers concerned to have you for the rest of the day, we really going to have fun together ant we?" But the girl only had a deep breath and never...

2 years ago
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Same Time Wednesday

It’s Monday and work is agonizingly slow. I’m the only staff today and I might as well not even be there. Nobody is really browsing books, nobody is really selling them. Usually when things are slow I clean, organize, go over the schedules, or read. I was reading, but the written words surrounding me, both wise and beautiful, are ignored. My nose is all but pressed up against the computer screen as I read erotica. I’m dressed in a mid-length frilly summer skirt and a see through blouse. My...

2 years ago
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Same Time Wednesday

It’s Monday and work is agonizingly slow. I’m the only staff today and I might as well not even be there. Nobody is really browsing books, nobody is really selling them. Usually when things are slow I clean, organize, go over the schedules, or read. I was reading, but the written words surrounding me, both wise and beautiful, are ignored. My nose is all but pressed up against the computer screen as I read erotica. I’m dressed in a mid-length frilly summer skirt and a see through blouse. My...

2 years ago
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The Chastity BallWednesday Chastitys Answer

Wednesday - Chastity's Answer Steve was lecturing about chapter 9 and 10 of our Human Sexuality textbook today. It was all about technique. I decided to ask him why we spent so much time on sexual mechanics and so little on love. "After all, it's just intercourse." He frowned. "Remember to watch your language, young lady." I blushed. "I'm sorry. I mean, it's just fucking." Steve looked at me for a long time. Then he spoke. "I'm going to tell you a love story about a girl named...

4 years ago
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Spring BreakChapter 3 Wednesday

Wednesday The wake-up call came way too early. I picked up the phone and heard the automated message start, then I dropped it back in the cradle. My back and arms were sore, the price I was more than willing to pay for the previous night's pleasures. My two lovers stirred in the bed. I leaned over and kissed each of them on the cheek. "C'mon, girls. It's time to get up." "Five more minutes," Leah groaned. She was never a morning person. The other girl in my bed rolled over on her...

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Missy and David Naked in SchoolPart 3 Wednesday

I had gone to bed pretty early Tuesday night. The painkillers they subscribed for me helped. I didn't stay up very late after David had left. I didn't even eat-now there's a miracle. I did, however, stay up long enough for my Dad to get home. Unfortunately. That man takes 'unsympathetic' to a whole new level. And, of course, all he cared about was that "it would get around" if I dropped out of The Program. So, he called Mr. Tilling and twisted his arm, nice and hard. I'd still be in...

2 years ago
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RecruitingChapter 5 Wednesday Morning and Afternoon

The next morning Rich, Choung Suk and Britney showed up at Barbara's. Britney stayed in the kitchen and accepted a glass of orange juice as Rich took his wife into the back yard with Mike following. Tony came out but Mike told him to take Naomi and pick up Dawn then drop her off for her training and get Naomi's house mortgage taken care of. He needed to get Naomi and Tony moved in here, Maria and Becky into their new residence and figure out what to do with Mary. He also needed everything...

1 year ago
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Wednesday afternoon

Marion anxiously waited for the doorbell to ring, as she checked her watch for the third time in the last ten minutes. "Where was she," Marion thought to herself, "I wish for once she'd be on time!!!" Ten seconds later the apartment air was split by the loud resonance of the bell and Marion quickly buzzed her friend in. She opened the door listened for the footsteps coming up the carpeted stairs, but oddly, she swore there was more than just Evelyn's steps she was hearing! A second or two later...

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The Visitor Monicas Diary Wednesday June 28

The Visitor Monica's Diary Wednesday, June 28 One of the advantages to Nathan working for himself is that to some extent he controls his own schedule. This allows him to knock off a little early on Wednesdays so that he can get home in time for us to leave in time to get to prayer meeting. If he gets home at 5:00, we eat and leave at 6:00 to be sure of arriving at 7:00 when the service begins. If he doesn't get home by 6:00, then I take the kids myself. When that is the case, most...

3 years ago
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Card PartyChapter 18 Wednesday

The Wednesday Ladies Lunch met as usual. “How did Vern like his dessert on Monday?” Alice asked. Maria giggled. “Loved it. Always does, ‘specially since we’ve been ... You know. “I like his choice of sandwiches, too.” Susan said. “What do you mean?” Maria responded. “Well, you know we got together on Tuesday?” Maria nodded. “Well...” Susan described her lunch with Vern and Alice said, “Well, I’ll have to try that next week.” She frowned. “Or whenever.” “Yeah, we’ll be out of action for...

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Home StudiesDay 22 Wednesday

Wednesday is a good day for tit-torture, don’t you agree? Of course, that’s true for any day, but it’s also true for Wednesdays. So, tit-torture is on the menu today! Usually, when we play, we to it naked. So when I ask Anna if she has any bras that she wants to throw out, she is a bit surprised. But then she manages to come up with two older bras that we can use. So, I take about 50 thumb tacks and stick them into the first bra, from the outside in. Then, I use glue to make them stick, and...

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WednesdaysChapter 30 Phil

Sylvia is a woman who really intrigues me; smart, competent, beautiful. But she certainly takes some getting used to as a person. Very strong, but I like that. I also like it that she's an architect, and a good one. I feel good about the law, she feels good about creating buildings. It gives us a common ground that we frequently return to when we talk about things. When we first started dating, there wasn't much question about the sexual side. She took her time to get to know me, then she...

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Wednesday Nite Widows

Jackie Webster was not sure when the Wednesday Nite Widows Card Club changed their rules and she got her bare bottom warmed over Janet Masons lap. but she remembered exactly how it happened and how it felt. So would Janet, and Lorene Simmons . All three were approaching forty, Liz Ashton was a generation older. Krista Forbes and Mindy Carson, the newest members, had just passed thirty. Pauline Toms and Ruth Eleanor Taylor were in their mid-forties. The eight women played Euchre once a week....

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Little Piggy 6 Double Detention Wednesday

Wednesday Little Piggy was up early, or more to the point she had a restless night. Her first thought in the morning started when she rolled over and the big prongs stuffed in her folds and pucker moved. What a feeling she thought to herself. She sat up on the bed and rocked back and forth renewing her excitement from yesterday's events. LP was a little bleary eyed and the walk to school went much like the walk home the day before. She had to stop a couple times and shake through the...

2 years ago
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Tim and Abbie 06 Wednesday

Abbie wakes Wednesday morning feeling so good.  She had dreamed of Tim and her together, in such erotic ways.  The dreams slip back in her head, leaving her smiling as she showers, dresses, and prepares for the day.It will be fun to be back at the London site.  Abbie will get to see the friends that helped her through her transition to what she is now.  And okay, so a few of them are also ones she romped with in the past. While Abbie would not go back to that life, especially with Tim now as a...

4 years ago
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E081 Back on the road Wednesday morning

As they had fallen asleep so early last night and had not eaten, Donald and Emma are up at dawn, ready to face a long day of driving ahead of them.  They quickly shower and dress.  Today, Donald does not put panties on Emma.  She looks quizzically at him over this, but he just swats her ass cheeks and tells her he likes her easily accessible.She jumps a little at the swat and giggles, today should be an interesting day.  Since leaving home, she has been earning stars.  When she gets into the...

Love Stories
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Woman Crush Wednesday

“She's so cool.”“You mentioned that. Once a day for the past seven days.”“We clicked and soul-bonded.”“Then this should be a terrific dining experience.”“I’m nervous. What if I am remembering her inaccurately?” I posited, as Kevin and I walked through the doors of the casual dining establishment. “What if Amber isn’t engaging or amusing at all? Or, what if her husband is a toad?”My husband held my hand as we stood in line for the host. “Then we’ll eat our meals, save most of the chicken and...

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Friday night and Wednesday morning

It was still early (8.30ish) on Friday night and my friend Julia and I were about to leave the Centurian Bar near the railway station in Newcastle when a male voice called to me; “Nice jeans, what make are they?” Stunned; I stopped in my tracks and fingered the spangly logo on the back pocket. “Victoria Beckham,” I replied as I looked up to see the voice belonged to a chubby thuggish looking bloke wearing a peach coloured CP Company polo shirt, “Why?” “They make your arse...

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Friday Night and Wednesday Morning

It was still early (8.30ish) on Friday night and my friend Julia and I were about to leave the Centurian Bar near the railway station in Newcastle when a male voice called to me, ‘Nice jeans, what make are they?’ Stunned, I stopped in my tracks and fingered the spangly logo on the back pocket. ‘Victoria Beckham,’ I replied as I looked up to see the voice belonged to a chubby thuggish looking bloke wearing a peach coloured CP Company polo shirt, ‘Why?’ ‘They make your arse look bloody sexy!’...

4 years ago
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Wednesday to Saturday

Wednesday In the garden of the house we share there is a small bower of trees which encloses a seat. When she needs to think it is to that seat that she goes, for the quiet and the lack of diversion. I am not allowed there unless she takes me with her. It is her space. I sat in the room overlooking the garden and watched as she walked to her seat in the late evening sun. She is tall, lithe and graceful. Her dark hair is thick and shines in the sunlight. I watched as she turned and smoothed...

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