Reginald's DisasterChapter 19 free porn video

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“That will be nice, Sandra.” Reg failed to see the additional meaning she had put into her answer, or that there was more than one word that started da... “Some day, you will be struck with how nice a young man is, and be the answer to his own prayers for a nice girl.”

“I know, but I already have my eye on a nice young man.”

“That was quick! What does he think of your interest?”

“He hasn’t even noticed, Reg, but I am afraid to push, in case I scare him away.”

“That’s a shame. You should discuss it with my wives; they will be happy to advise you about your next step. I would be useless to speak about such matters.”

“Thank you, Reg. You are a wonderful man: you give good directions for advice, if nothing else.”

One of the babies began to chunter, in his or her grandmother’s arms. Reg was up like a shot. “Excuse me, one of my offspring needs me.”

He moved to the crying baby and offered his arms to the grandmother, who handed her charge over to Reg. He gathered the little bundle in his arms, whispering, “There now, my little one. Daddy is here for you; no need to cry.”

The child looked up at him, recognised his face, and immediately calmed. Reg rocked her for a few minutes until the baby fell asleep. He then handed her back to the doting grandmother with a reassuring smile. She smiled back, and he resumed his seat beside the waiting Sandra.

Sandra took his hand and patted it.

“You make a very good father, Reg. That is one of the things I love about you.”

He preened at this praise, and told her, “I never want my children to feel I do not love them, for I know what it can be like to be unloved.” He brightened again. “You make a lovely substitute mother, Sandra my dear. The babies all love you to bits.”

“Well, I want to be a good real mother sometime, so it is excellent practice.”

“Thanks for your company, Sandra; it was very welcome. You had best get back to your seat before anyone else grabs it!”

“It is safe. I am beside Frances’ Mum and Dad, so they are watching it for me. They think I am cute, it seems!”

“Well, you are; no surprise there. Thanks again, but scoot. I don’t want to seem to be having fun with another woman just now, in case I get in trouble before I am even married!”

Sandra scarpered, and was sitting demurely in her seat long before the first of the brides entered. Each was holding a pretty bouquet and grinning fit to burst. The flowers seem to have been a hit, Reg decided, as he returned his face to the front.

The priest gestured for Reg to come and stand before him, and indicated the spot. Music burst out to announce the bridal party. It was Mendelssohn’s Wedding March from ‘A midsummer Night’s Dream’.

The eight brides marched slowly and sedately down the aisle in pairs. Naturally there were no parental escorts for this event, as that would have been overkill as a procession. As each pair arrived at the front, they peeled off, left and right of Reg, leaving space for the others, until there were four ladies perched either side of the husband-to-be. Each was trying to avoid grinning too much as they stood waiting for what to them was the finale.

The priest went into his spiel, giving his introduction about marriage on the planet Rehome’s human colony; the stringent rules about marriage in the colony, and concluding with the commitment each man or woman made to his or her spouses.

“I will ask the bridegroom if he will make the promise to his brides, by name and as a group, to love and cherish them as stated by me, for life. He must say “I will” to formally accept that legally binding promise to his spouses. I will then proceed to asking the brides, by name and as a group, to agree with a similar solemn binding promise to their spouse. I will address them as a group but by individual name and ask them to make that promise by saying together, “I will”. These promises are the essence of this ceremony, made before our deity and these witnesses, and cannot be broken except by criminal acts which results in banishment of the perpetrator to Earth.”

The service started with a love hymn, and then the priest launched into demanding the promises by the brides and groom. That completed, he announced, “According to the law and custom of the Colony of Rehome, I now pronounce you husband and wives.”

The congregation applauded, and Reg and his wives reversed themselves and bowed to the congregation. The priest then gave a mercifully short homily about love and commitment, both in marriage and as a community; then declared, “The area next door is set up for the reception of this new family, where you can individually congratulate them and help yourselves to food and drink, courtesy of the Governor of the Colony, who is sitting at the rear of the congregation with his own family.”

There was a short gasp from the many people who had no idea that they had so illustrious a personage present at the ceremony. At a gesture from the priest, Reg walked down the aisle, followed by his new wives walking in pairs again for the symmetry. They entered the side room, where the priest got them to line up to be welcomed.

First to arrive were the Governor, Robert Kempe, and his four wives, who all made a short welcome to each one of the Robertsons, then moved on to make way for the others. Reg said ‘Thank-you’ to the Governor on behalf of them all for the reception and the wonderful spread. Following them were three ladies, one of whom they recognised as Jenny from Mr Dangerfield’s office, so the others would be her wives-to-be. Jenny told them, “That was a beautiful ceremony.”

On the tables were a wide variety of finger foods and glasses of wine – white, red and rosé – and soft drinks. On cards laid on the table were the words: ‘Buffet foods by Mark’s Party Supplies, 120 Main Avenue.’

Telford Prentiss spotted this and remarked, “Local businesses starting up already: that is a good sign. I wonder if we could start supplying pharmacies with a regular drug shipment?”

He was overheard by one of the Governor’s wives, who tapped his arm.

“Sir, would you like to discuss that with the Governor?”

“I certainly would, young lady. Do you know him well?”

“I am married to him, sir.”

“Oh. My apologies for assuming you were younger than you are.”

“It is a nice compliment, sir. Please come this way. What is your name?”

“Telford Prentiss. I am here purely for my daughter’s wedding ceremony, then I return to Earth.”

She responded, “Ah, here we are. Can I interrupt, darling?” The Governor turned aside from chatting to Mrs LeBrun. “Excuse me, my dear. Work, I think! Yes, my love?”

“Mr Telford Prentiss here thinks he might be in a position to supply pharmaceuticals to our local pharmacies.”

“How do you do, Mr Prentiss. Are you in the drug business?”

“Indeed so. I am CEO of the UK arm of Quantum Pharmaceuticals. I noticed a local firm supplied food to the wedding reception, and thought that if you have local pharmacies, we might be able to arrange a deal to supply your drug needs for them. Our range is considerable.”

“That does sound worth exploring, Mr Prentiss. At present, our pharmacy is a single one, based at our general hospital, and some popular medicines aimed at houshold use are currently sold at our grocery stores. What do you have in mind?”

“At first, I was thinking of just supplying your local pharmacies, but if you do not have such, what if our company set up a local chain of pharmacies in the Colony? We would need an initial monopoly while we set up the business, then we could be open to local competition.”

“I good idea, but our policy is not to have direct investment in local firms from Earth. The Colony has to be able to survive on its own two feet, you see. If you were to emigrate here, you could build your own pharmacy business, but you can’t do it from Earth. Are you well paid by your company?”

“I am afraid so. Starting my own pharmacy chain would take time to build up to make sufficient profit to be worthwhile for me. My daughter Fiona is one of the Robertson brides. Would it be acceptible for her to set up such a business?”

“Yes, provided you were not financing the business from Earth.”

“So, if I donated a largish sum of money to her, purely as a future inheritance provided early, she could use part of that inheritance to set up such a business? Would that fit your rules?”

“Curiously enough, it would fit our requirements, provided you did not leave the donation as a staged payment, or it might be construed as an ongoing investment. Keep it as a one-off early inheritance, and it will be acceptible.”

“Well, Fiona’s stepmother does not like her, so if I die and Fiona is on Rehome, her inheritance might vanish rather than come to her, so it would be satisfactory to give it to her early.”

“Sounds okay to me, Mr Prentiss. As long as the money comes without strings, in the form of a written statement to that effect: hers to do what she wants with it, it fits our colony rules. If she decides to set up a business in that line, and your company can do her a deal for future drug supplies, then fine.”

“I hear that you sell drugs to Earth. Is there any chance my company can get a slice of the action?”

“It is always possible, but due to certain side-effects, you might prefer not to be involved in the distribution side.”


“Perhaps on the erotic side, if I might word it carefully?”

“Oh. Mood-enhancing side-effects?”

“That is so. It is these side-effects that make our export popular, but by the same token may not suit your more mainstream market. In certain jurisdictions, our product may be deemed illegal, but we simply make it available to purchase, with no promises regarding effects; nothing else.”

“Sounds like a wise position to take. A product that is both popular and apparently illegal, tends to be a profitable exercise. Do you have people doing research on other substances that may have pharmaceutical applications?”

“Not at present, not on any formal basis. The Colony is too young to be so well organised.”

“I see. In that case, if my company provided a few such researchers, might our company get first chance to import any resulting products? That would not be any direct investment; merely a legally-sanctioned opportunity for us to be the primary importer of agreed products from Rehome in future.”

“That would appear to be satisfactory, except that whatever conditions were applied to any contract with these researchers, at the end of each full year of their work here their contract must permit them to cancel without penalty of any kind, should they decide to remain here as settlers if approved by the Colony, and allowing them to bring any family with them. Agreeable to you?”

Telford had to think for all of two seconds before blurting out, “Done!”. He added, “If I treat them right, they will decide to stay with the company for a good while, I am sure.”

“Either way, it will be helpful to the Colony,” said Governor Kempe.

Mr Prentiss offered his thanks, then set out to locate Fiona, as the receiving line had now dispersed. He found her tenderly holding her smiling baby, saying to her, “You are Mummy’s wonderful little girl.”

Telford tapped her on the shoulder, and she spun round.

“Daddy! That was a nice ceremony, wasn’t it?”

“It was indeed, and you are now legally Mrs Robertson, not just in name only. Congratulations, my girl.”

“I am so pleased, Daddy. We are going to have a tract of land, and build a house there, and have lots of children to fill it. I can now forget all about Dora and her machinations. She is not going to kill you now, is she?”

“Not for my money, certainly. On that matter, I propose to send you your inheritance now, rather than wait until I shuffle off this mortal body. You will get most of my assets. Dora will get what remains: not a great deal, but enough to keep her in relative comfort.”

“You should not have to do that, Daddy, but if you think it best, I will not object.”

“Thank you, my dear. My only request – no more than a suggestion for you, is that you might think about setting up your own pharmacy business here. The only real pharmacy is in the hospital, for their own purposes, but a private pharmacy business can offer a much wider range of products beyond the prescription drugs. You could set up one shop and if there is a growing demand, as I expect there will be, you can turn it into a chain, either all run by you, or as a franchise setup.”

Fiona stared at him, open-mouthed. “Daddy! Typical of you, to see a business opportunity for me. I suppose you will want me to order most of my stuff from your company, and in particular from your branch of the company?”

“That would be very welcome, but you are under no compulsion to do so; it would just be nice for your old dad if you did.”

“Okay, Daddy. If you think it has potential, I will look into it, after I discuss it with the Governor. Do want a share of ownership of the business?”

“I can’t do that, Fiona. The Governor tells me that Rehome does not allow direct investment from Earth. It has to do with being economically independent of Earth, which is a laudable ambition. Handing over your inheritance early gives you the assets to start up the business, but it will be entirely YOUR business, financed with your own money.”

“Thanks, Daddy. I will look into the possibilities, for there may be other businesses worth me having a look at. We first have to build ourselves a home on our land, once we get it.”

“Any idea how far you will be from the city? Distance can be a bugbear if you don’t have a car.”

“Daddy, there are few cars in the Colony, we were told, for roads are almost non-existent outside of the cities. Most travel is by train, but they are expanding the rail network all the time, for the economic benefits to the Colony are immense. They have a magnificent new tracklaying machine to expand the network.”

By the time the reception was over, those parents scheduled to return to Earth were wondering about when they would have to leave for the Landership. A phone call by Frances to The Personalia brought the news that Landerships left every day about the same time of day, so as long as seating capacity was available, they could book their places.

She passed on this information, and while a few wanted to get home smartish, for business reasons, those not in a rush decided to stay another night and see a little more of the city, and learn where their daughter and family would be living.

The new Robertson clan first travelled back to the housing block, so they could change back into normal daywear, then made their way to the administration department to see what land was being offered to them. They got a surprise when they went inside. The land on offer to them was not near the city. It was close to the second city that was currently being adapted for human use.

The official explained, “The tract we are suggesting as your land grant is very close to the city boundary, and a rail halt – not yet a true station – is close to your land. Passing trains will stop if you ask them to; a phone call to the driver is all that is needed. Train travel is easy and you can be back in the first city in less time than walking in to the first city from a piece of land more distant. We can also give you a larger tract as a bonus, because firstly you are a large family gtoup, and secondly we want to encourage more settlement around the second city and thus provide a farming population that will encourage new shops and businesses in the city.”

Reginald asked, “Does that mean that Sandra can get a land parcel next to us? And what about the twins and their tradesmen husbands: Thomas Taylor and Gerald Brown?”

The official grinned. “That also helps; you see, we know Sandra works for you, so a piece of land next to yours will help with that situation. The two tradesmen will be employed in the second city, and they will be given land on the outskirts – not necessarily near you - so getting home will be easy for them if they have land near to their workplaces.”

Frances beamed at the man. “I think we can all live with that, but please speak to the men about it.” She turned to one side to ask, “Where is Sandra?”

The teen pushed through the crowd of wives. “Here, Frances.”

“The department is offering a tract of land for you, next door to ours. Will you be happy with that?”

“Yes, please! That suits me perfectly. I want to stay close.”

Reg intervened, “Is there water on our tract? Enough to irrigate it?”

“Yes, there is. Several small streams run through your property before meeting the little river that runs through part of the city. The streams should be adequate for watering your land, but you may need to install irrigation channels to get the full benefit.”

Reg looked around at the faces of his wives, gauging their attitudes. He was able to tell the official, “We’ll take the land you offer. Sandra, do you also accept?” She nodded, “Yes, Reg my...” then stopped abruptly.

Prudence frowned at Sandra’s words, or rather at what was unsaid. She then stared at Frances, looking for confirmation of what she was reading into Sandra’s unsaid words, but Frances did not seem to have noticed, or was ignoring it. Prudence let it be.

The official gave a small cough, to attract attention.

“There is another matter: the farmer and his wife, named Robson. They expressed a wish for good land from crops, yet not too far from the tract you receive. It appears they have a daughter married to Mr Robertson and want to remain fairly close.”

Frances corrected him, “Two daughters married to Reginald, not one.”

The man blinked but said nothing about the correction. He continued, “There is a suitable tract of farmland near your land, for the Robsons, beyond Miss Sandra’s tract, between two small rivers, but because of that it is larger in extent than your land; the rivers mark natural boundaries. Do you have any objection to this disparity in area?”

Reg replied, “They need the land for their commercial crops; the more ground the better. We only need enough land to feed our family in the years to come. We have no objections.”

“Excellent. Someone else will discuss farming implements with them, as local equipment will be used. The other parcels of land have less significance, so we do not need your opinion on that matter. If you all report to the legal section, across the way there, they will issue you with your land grant documentation, including the plan of your holdings. It only takes a few minutes to print them out from the database, then they will certify them as correct and approved.”

They did so, then returned to their accomodation block for an extended family discussion about those visitors returning to Earth, and saying farewell without shedding tears.

Jessica took over for the honeymoon celebrations, explaining to Frances, “A honeymoon is for a couple to get to know each other more intimately, to realise who their partner is for life. Trying to do that with eight women at once is a recipe for disaster, Frances. Reginald should have an evening with one wife at a time, so he can concentrate on her, on her needs and wants, on the love between them, one on one. Each wife should get the same treatment, so that we all know how Reginald feels for us as individuals, not simply as a group.”

“You are sure of this, Jessica?” Frances was not certain of this assessment.

“When I joined you girls, Frances, for a while I had time to watch you as a loving group, and I was impressed. Once I decided that this was for me, I had to persuade Reginald that I, as an older woman, was worth the effort of loving. When I finally did get him to myself and he made love to me, it was wonderful in comparison to my first time with my other husband; in fact, compared to all the times with my other husband. That man never loved me, just claimed me.

That made me appreciate the value of one-on-one loving where the emphasis is on love. The sharing of a honeymoon is between man and woman; nothing else should get in the way, not even other spouses.”

“I see. Does that mean you want to be first with Reg?”

“Good God, no! You can decide on the order, Frances: you are the chief wife. Pick the names out of a hat, for all I care. I love the man, so I am willing to do anything I can to make his life perfect. All I can do is commend singular love with Reg for each of us. I think it will be good for all of us, understanding what Reg means to each of us. It also means the others can look after our baby, so we don’t get interrupted at any point.”

Frances was more convinced. “I am willing to try it, Jessica. I can see your argument; I think it will be welcome to Reg, once it is explained to him.”

It was. The thought of making love to a single wife at a time, showing her how much he loved her, appealed to him as a formerly lone offspring. Sharing his love with Frances or any other of his wives would be a statement on its own.

It was a good beginning for their formal marriage.


Three weeks after the wedding, the family had moved temporarily to a housing block in CityTwo while their home was being constructed on their land grant. Even that was a surprise in how it was done. One could order a house to be built by a local contruction firm, but much of it arrived prefabricated in sections from Earth, and delivered as a massive unit by Landership direct to the building site on Rehome. The Landership was apparently able to use the same technology as with passengers to move from planet to planet, but was configured inside for cargo. This one was a pure cargo vessel, and much of that cargo was packaged as building sections small enough that they fit inside the limited space of that vessel. Being small, the wood frame panels could be put together more easily than on Earth with its cranes and large panels. Construction was almost like a DIY kit house, except that most were put together by professionals, able to adjust manufacturing faults on the site as they built.

It still took weeks from the design phase, aiming to produce a house suited to the commissioning family. The process included ordering the sections, their shipment to Ascenscion Island, then their delivery by Landership, and finally put together and completed by joiners, plumbers and electricians to the requirements of the client.

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Futa Daughters Naughty Temptation 7 FutaMommy Searches the Cutie

Chapter Seven: Futa-Mommy Searches the Cutie By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Madeline Marlow I savored my futa-daughter, Sky, sucking my clit-dick as I drove us to school. I worked as a secretary at her community college. She bobbed her head, loving my mommy-cock with that hungry mouth of hers. I gripped the steering wheel, struggling to focus on driving. “Wow, Mrs. Marlow, your daughter is being naughty,” Georgia said from the backseat. The...

4 years ago
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Sex on the Mary Dreare

One The Mary Dreare went down during a storm in 1824, further from the shore of North Carolina than normal because her Captain was trying to escape the weather. She had been bound for New Orleans, and the passengers had been warned that it was a perilous journey at this particular time of year, but she was a large ship, four masts and with room for nearly one hundred, not counting crew. The selection of those who continued to inhabit the ship as she lay on the ocean bottom was rather...

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BBC Training part 2

Again not me but as told to me by a friend as a true storyMe and Henry, the young dominant black college student I had met at an ABS and gone to have sex in his dorm room, had settled down to me meeting him in his dorm room frequently two times a week. It was weird me being almost 30 going up to his dorm room and passing other younger students and their odd expressions seeing me enter Henry’s room. He lived alone, but the walls in the dorm were paper thin and my moans and his groans must have...

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Experiencing The Unexpected

I was desperate for a piss, one, or several beers too many does that to you, well it does to me anyway. I wandered through the crowds, squeezing though narrow gaps between people talking and dancing. Trying to edge closer to the toilets, which was easier said than done in this bar.I was in a good place mentally, smiling to myself and having fun, it had been a hard but successful day at work. Of course, I was quite aroused, had been all evening really. Dark lighting, beer, music and hot women in...

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Angels Journey Chapter 30

In the rush, and amongst the sissy's, I don't stand out much. A few guys gawp at my legs, but I'm used to that... I like that... Back to the changing room in the car park, taking off the school skirt, and replacing it with my modest one. Realising I don't have a spare blouse or heels is a blow, but I brush out my hair, aware of little bits of cum gumming up my fringe.. But I guess I can still drive in these heels, and in my coat no one will see the transparent blouse or the black...

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The Anomaly Volume Three Into the UnknowableChapter 16 Intrepid 3756 CE

It was no surprise at all to Vashti that taking control of the space ship Intrepid had been so effortless. Humans were such simple animals. All she had to do was take control of the command structure and the crew and passengers were easily persuaded to follow orders. The few cases of dissent were regrettable and only to be expected, but they were easy to identify and deal with. Human history showed time after time that command structures of sometimes appalling stupidity and gross cruelty had...

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The MassageAtlanta Cheshire Bridge

Anyhow several weeks ago I was in my company car, it was 2001, heading to meet with some field employees in the Cheshire Bridge Rd area. As I drove down the street I noticed a sign that said “Sauna, Stress Relief”. My 7’’ dick immediately twitched, but I couldn’t stop, so I made a mental note to come back. That time is now. As I rounded my car around the driveway into this place back parking area, I knew what could happen inside. I would pay a door fee, go to a private room, get naked and...

3 years ago
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Good Girls SwallowChapter 16 Out of the Frying Pan

The ambassador's face appeared to be carved from granite. He walked around his desk and opened a drawer. He took out a handful of pictures, the ones of Frick and Frack I had given him through Captain Woods. He handed them to Keith. "Give these to the media. Mister Hundley sent this packet of pictures to this office. I have no words to describe my feelings right now." Sidekick Henry, very woozy, staggered to his feet. "What happened?" Agent Olson made a grab for the pictures. Bobbie...

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Bath House Visit PT2 Gay

As I grabbed my towel and headed toward the shower room I decided not to wipe the cum off my face. I walked over slowly with a towel thrown over my shoulder, cum still all over my face and a hard cock. I managed to turn some heads on my walk of shame or walk of pride. I rinsed off my body quickly and chose to explore the glory hole area. My cock was aching for some relief. The glory hole area had a raised platform with several large holes. About half of them were enclosed in cubicles with...

1 year ago
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What the fuck is it about porn comics that draw horny bastards the world over? I’m impressed with the detailed art and sex scenes as much as the next guy. But between you and me, I prefer beating off to porn featuring in-the-flesh beauties rather than something conjured up by some dude’s sex-crazed brain!I’m not kink-shaming, though! If watching Peter and Loise Griffin fuck each other while their son Chris beats off in the corner gets you off, that’s nature, and you can’t fucking change that!...

Porn Comics Sites
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Dave and Mary

Dave and Mary Dave and Mary lived in a large stately home on the outskirts of Yeleverton on Dartmoor, Dave is a multi millionaire from a large lottery win some years ago, and Mary ran a small business selling women's clothes in Tavistock which is a few miles north of Yeleverton. They both lived very comfortably and where both very happy with each other. Dave to relieve the bored of not working helped out at the shop which his wife runs, Dave was just a glorified coffee boy but...

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This is part 2 of how my wife became a Hotwife

This is part 2 of how my wife became a Hotwife. As I left off my wife had come to grips with her friend and husband having a cuckold marriage. Bonnie certainly did not approve but did not want to loose a good friend. Some weeks past before they talked. Sharon asked if my wife was freaked out about everything. Bonnie told her that what she and her husband did was between them and she was not going to pass judgement. They continued with their friendship as normal. A month had passed and Sharon...

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Young Eager Help

Introduction: This is a standalone piece but also a conclusion to parts 1 & 2 of the Writing with Young Eager Help pieces. Uncle Dave had the girls shower and join him for some last minute fun before their parents and friends returned. Uncle Dave had separated the girls into different bathrooms and had them shower so that they had squeaky clean bodies. They were asked to put their hair into pigtails and to wear only a robe when they came back out. He loved girls hair long . . . in this case...

3 years ago
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Lightning Does Strike TwiceChapter 6

I woke up about 2 hours later still in the Wal-Mart parking lot. I had cried myself to sleep right there in the car. I was thinking about going home but remembered that I left my tools at Jessica's. I dug in the console for the Trac-phone that I normally kept there for emergencies. I called home, "Hello." "Hi Robbie, it's Dad. Could you look on the caller id box for the number that called around 1?" Robbie found the number and gave it to me. "Dad, mom got called into work just after...

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Treated like a Dog for Black cock part 2

***From chapter one. **Then he groaned, "OOHHOO yes, YES, damn this is good, OOHHOOH, I'm going to cum, OH YEAH, I'm going to cum and give our dog a juicy treat!" **** Then he fucked my mouth as cum shot out of his cock, he fucked in my mouth, shooting cum and spreading it all around in my mouth. I was again drooling, slobbering out cum and spit down my chin, and unto my chest and running down to my protruding cock. Then he rammed deep and was injecting cum right down my throat into me. Again I...

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Texas Summer Heat Chapter 4

Blake and Tanya arrived in Amarillo and went straight to a nice hotel and secured a room. It was dinnertime so before they got too comfortable they decided to grab a bite to eat."I don't know about you, but I'm starving!" Blake said when they had went up and put some things in their room."I am too... you kinda work up an appetite in me!" Tanya said, biting her fingernail coyly.He smiled and pulled her to him in a kiss. Then they left to go to the front desk and inquire about a restaurant. After...

Straight Sex
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Lost My Virginity To Cousin

Hello everyone…….this is Sweta Agarwal living in Guwahati….. I have been reading the stories in this site for about 3 years and I find most of the stories very interesting and erotic. After reading the stories I had the urge to be fucked, myself being a virgin, and my desire got fulfilled when my cousin brother came to spend his vacations in my home. But lets start with the intro..I’m Sweta..age-19..and my stats read as 34-28-36..this incident happened when I was 18, in July, when my summer...

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His Special Massage

We rest awhile longer after ‘Her Special Massage,’ as we finish our champagne. She takes our glasses and places them off to the side. She takes my hand, telling me that it is now my turn. We stand, and I am lead to the walk in shower. Turning on the multiple shower heads, she guides me under one, pressing herself against me. Hooking her fingers in the waist of my skimpy white briefs, she pulls them from my hips. As she goes down on bended knees, her breasts rub along my body. Her nipple...

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Vanessas New Life Part 04

Vanessa Monday August 3 Jon was up bright and early and full of life and had decided that we needed some exercise. He told me to pack a bag with my white shorts and top, his shorts, our trainers and towels. We put our vests on and then went for breakfast. Later we drove around looking for a Gym that we could use, but the ones that we found didn’t open until after lunch so we went to Ibiza town and went shopping. We found a department store and wandered round. We found some nice dresses...

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Mary the Super Slut and her Unwilling Cuckold Part

So i have had a pretty interesting and exciting sexual life. All the stories i write about are true. This is the story of Mary, the sluttiest girl i have ever known and probably a contender for the worlds biggest slut. I first met Mary when i was 21, she was supervisor at the new call center job i had just started at. On the first day of meeting her she came over to where i was sitting, chatted for a while and gave me her number and told me to call her that night. Mary is a good looking...

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Green CloudsChapter 11

After my shower in the morning I put on my shoes. I looked at myself in the mirror and decided that one of the things I'm going to do with my first paycheck is return to that shoe store. I have found that not only do I love the way my legs and my ass look in these rather extreme heels but I'm actually so comfortable I have come to prefer these shoes to my old ones! While consuming my normal boring breakfast of coffee and toast I heard the garbage truck coming down the street. After it went...

2 years ago
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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 35

The following new characters are introduced in the next two chapters: Father Michael Fournier Priest, Missionary, 5'-7" tall, 135 pounds, 45 years old, brown hair, hazel eyes Thomas Young Partisan Leader, Lieutenant Colonel, 5'-10" tall, 150 pounds, 38 years old, brown hair and beard, blue eyes, no Talent Shortly after the Feast of the Epiphany, which is on the 6th of January, a Tuesday in this year of 1801, Clare, Saoirse, and Eileen became very agitated. On the evening of Friday,...

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Darling Darling Darling

I don’t love you anymore actually I don’t think I ever did. You make me angry all the time, well most of the time and we bicker too much. The sex is good though and when I’m hurting about something well you won’t tell me anything I don’t already know but you’ll hug me because you love me. We sit down and watch the television together when I’m home, which is rare because normally I am out with friends or by myself silently wishing that my life could be different, that you are different. You...

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THE SHOP ON THE CORNER – CHAPTER 4In the shower the next morning Kim could think of nothing except the events of the previous day. How sexual he had made her feel. How his eyes burned into her as he watched her. How she had brazenly exposed herself, enjoyed him looking at her, openly masturbated in front of him. Cum so powerfully. As she soaped her tits and pussy her fingertips grazed her clit. It throbbed to be touched. But his words echoed on her head. She was not allowed to cum without his...

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The Bet Chapter 12

The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 12 (Wednesday - week 2) Sharp little pinpricks to his private area slowly seeped their way into his dreams, increasing in strength. He groaned for the hundredth time and came partially awake. He hadn't slept hardly at all because of those pinpricks. He rolled over on his blow-up mattress as best he could since his diapers were so swollen that maneuvering was difficult - especially now with the chastity device she had locked onto him. That by...

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Beautiful Trap 2 Suck Her Dry

For the first chapter of this story look for “Beautiful Trap” I parked in the parking garage and took the elevator to the mall. We were going to meet on the other side of the food court from where I entered the mall. It was under construction past that area so the entry way she wanted to meet it was basically empty and secluded. I had an idea of why she chose that place to meet. I got to the long corridor and I saw her standing near the exterior door. She was exceptionally hot. She had her dark...

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Affair With Neighbour In Singapore

Hi all, my name is Arun and Im 29 years old, live and working in Singapore. This special thing happen 2 years back when I was staying in Yishun. I was staying 11th floor in apartment building as a paying guest with 1 other family. From my unit to lift, I need to pass 2 other units daily and in one of the house there is an Indian family staying. In their family: Husband, wife and ~6 years old daughter. Wife name is Anita and she is housewife. She is normal Indian looking, not fair and not dark...

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Gym Glory Pt 4

When I arrived at school, the first person I saw getting off the bus was Davy. My heart froze. He glanced in my direction and did a double take when he realized it was me. He smiled and waved, and I waved back. An almost nauseated feeling washed over me. 'Was it right for me to do those things last night?' I wondered as I walked into school. I drifted through my classes, barely paying attention to any of them. Almost too soon, it was final hour. Gym time. I began undressing when...

2 years ago
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Destination AzaharChapter 19 Surprises Low and High

Ensign Clark's pod had been habitable in Barcino for less than week when sounds of sex could be heard originating from the kitchen one morning when Marvin, Millie, and Rebecca had slept later than usual. Jason was merrily pounding away in Sasha as she sat on a barstool. Sasha waved at the trio without taking her elbows off the countertop she was leaning against for balance. She had her bare heels hooked on the top outside rungs of the stool maximizing the spread of her thighs. Jason had...

5 years ago
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Personal Journal of Dr Cindy Cox

August 15th - Doctor Davis has asked me to take over a couple of his patients while he honeymoons in Paris. It was a beautiful wedding, tastefully done. While Chris and I have had our ups and downs, I think Beverly will be good for him. Tall and statuesque, and just dumb enough not to argue too much. That was one of our downfalls, neither one of us could admit to being wrong. We could get past that, even laugh about it, as friends. As more than that...not so much. So, he moved on and found her...

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Stolen Smile Revelations

Looking closely, I was struck by how unaffected her makeup was even after the aggressive blowjob she had just performed. Her hair had loosened a little from her bun, but everything from her lipstick to eye shadow looked like it had at dinner. I didn’t see any sign that she had just taken a load from me not more than a minute earlier. “No, I don’t see anything.” I responded. “That’d kind of impressive” “With how much you cum, its very impressive” she smirked at me as we passed out of the...

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The Vampire Kiss Chapter Thirteen Bloody Orgy

Chapter 13: Bloody Orgy by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 The vampire Faust stared with fear at the priest. Father Augustine had changed in the time since they first met in the early hours of the morning. The priest was possessed by the demon Jezebel, Faust's patron, sent to protect him. Augustine's eyes bored into Faust's while the priest's hand gripped Lynette's black hair, working her mouth up and down his cock. Lynette was Faust's vampiress and lover. Her wanton moans twisted...

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Her Lessons After SchoolChapter 2

She was making a big mistake, Susan thought to herself the next evening as she pulled up in front of Stewart's house. It was around eight. She should have called Stewart and told him that she couldn't make it. She shouldn't get involved with one of her students. Stewart was just too young. The horny boy really knew how to use his cock, but if anybody found out what was going on, she would be in big trouble. She wouldn't go inside after all. That was Susan's plan as she knocked on the...

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Pretty CAPableChapter 13 First

"A.I., we're about a minute out," Sergeant Mike "Hammer" Hammerton said softly. He had always been a big man even before the standard Confederacy Marine package; now, though, what had once been muscle with a burgeoning over-layer of fat was nothing more than taut, bulging, sinewy muscle. Of course, everyone around him was basically the same thanks to that Marine package; the aliens that had dragged humanity kicking and screaming into space had some wonderful tech in their arsenal not the...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 87

"Maxine. we need to meet." The voice on the cell phone belonged to Vlad. "I'm at the house. It's going to take me twenty minutes to meet you anywhere." I explained. "I am at your gate now." "Alright, I'll turn off the alarm. Do you need me to come unlock the gate?" "No, I can get it open," He informed me. "I thought so," I agreed. I had time to pour a cup of coffee before Vlad showed up. I put the shotgun under the bedspread before I let him in. He didn't need to see the...

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Country BoysChapter 9

“Let’s move this stuff from the back seat into the trunk,” Donny said stretching his sore back. He had been riding in the back seat, while Vincent had been driving. “Thank God. I was getting tired of sitting back there with all of that gear,” Vincent said. The camping gear, clothes, and food had taken up most of the back seat. It had not been entirely comfortable riding back there. “We all took turns,” Rose said. “You’re all smaller than I am,” Vincent replied. He was feeling a little...

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Dark Secrets 3

Chapter Twelve – NaomiWhen I woke up next to Megan, we were both naked. Her arms laid across my breasts. It was comforting. I thought back to last night, to Marcus, and all the things that happened. It was a lot for one night but as I was remembering, I could feel my body respond. I rolled over and kissed Megan. We ended up making love. Things were certainly different now between us and I was liking it. I felt unrestricted. It’s amazing how giving up your freedom can do that. After she left, I...

2 years ago
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The Hawk and The ChipmunkChapter 3

John awoke with a start, and looked around the room. It was just like he remembered it the night before, and that did nothing to dissipate the confusion flooding his mind. The best way he’d describe the situation was his world was upside down, and, if that was uncomfortable in the real world, it was downright terrifying in prison! He’d been released from the hospital more than a week ago, but, for some unknown reason, he was still being confined to a section of the prison infirmary. He was...

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The Mistaken One

The Mistaken One Miranda and Melissa Katdare are identical twins of Hindu descent, at least physically they are. The 16-year-olds both had the same dark skin pigmentation that their heritage gave them, both were petite at 5'2", and both have long raven hair which they both styled in the same way, letting it cascade over their shoulder. And though their tits were only 34s, their petite bodies made them look humongous. Many a times one would be confused for the other, even by their closest...

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