Mary Catherine
- 2 years ago
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The Mary Dreare went down during a storm in 1824, further from the shore of North Carolina than normal because her Captain was trying to escape the weather. She had been bound for New Orleans, and the passengers had been warned that it was a perilous journey at this particular time of year, but she was a large ship, four masts and with room for nearly one hundred, not counting crew. The selection of those who continued to inhabit the ship as she lay on the ocean bottom was rather curious.
Certainly the most attractive were Darius Absolving, a professional gambler (think Pierce Brosnan), his companion, Mrs Frank Skeffington (think Jenna Jameson, without the boobs. We'll get to the boobs later.), and her daughter, Glenda (think Sylvia Saint). They had each been in the throes of passion as the ship went down, Mrs. Skeffington having cum two minutes before, and Darius pouring his seed into her just as the Mary Dreare went under. Glenda was spying on them from her adjoining stateroom, and masturbating as she watched. All the inhabitants were in one way or the other, in fact or in mind, engaged in libidinous conduct at the crucial moment.
Existence was rather strange there on the oceans bottom, but everyone adjusted quickly. There were some strange rules. Darius, Mrs. Skeffington, and Glenda could see and touch each other, but touch none of the other residents. As they would promenade around the deck of an evening, they could see others, and would nod, but could not hear them or touch them. There were around twenty people, and Darius supposed they all felt as he did, that it was a great deal better than the fate ordinarily reserved for riders on a sunken ship. They were not cold, nor affected by the currents, nor in any way bored. They simply existed.
The thing they all did frequently, lacking much other amusement. was fuck. Darius, Mrs. Skeffington and Glenda were able to touch, feel, and thus interact with each other. The other residents they could watch, but not join. Darius had been stealing Mrs. Skeffington from her husband, along with all her jewelry which he had planned to pawn to finance his gambling., and young Glenda had even before embarking made her very precocious sexual interests known to him. For a time they were able to be perfectly satisfied with all the variations two women and a man could manage, and, another of the strange rules, pregnancy was not a problem. Eventually, they made an effort to engage others, but did not man age it. During one of these escapades, as they observed another attractive couple in furious coupling, and Darius commented positively about the woman's breasts, Mrs. Skeffington discovered she could concentrate and develop a spectacular bust, which she kept permanently. (NOW think Jenna Jameson, complete with boobs.) Glenda, being young, never acquired the knack.
After over a hundred years, they had become very very good at a level of sensuality that would have scandalized the primitive world they had left. Mrs Skeffington developed an amazing deep throat ability, which she taught Glenda. It was apparently unnecessary to resort to lubrication to engage in sodomy. Being young, and with so much practice, they were all able to achieve orgasm far more often than normal, the ladies more than Darius, of course. They saw nothing wrong in this existence, and were never particularly aware of a deeply buried frustration, until the arrival of the submersible. It came whirring out of the gloom one afternoon, as Darius and Mrs. Skeffington were enjoying a lovely, relaxed sixty nine on a canvas covered skiff. They disengaged and were surprised to see a young couple inside, peering excitedly out at the Mary Dreare, but disappointed that the couple did not appear to see them.
Naturally this new addition attracted everyone's attention, and it was apparent that the young couple were exploring the ship, but unaware of its inhabitants. When it began to rise upward, only Darius and his ladies had the courage to ride with it. (Don't ask me how, I'm the author, not god.) The ship they arrived at was a spectacular surprise, made of steel, with an amazing number of masts and protuberances, whirring, rumbling things, and a crew of about twenty. It was the Carypso.
Being by definition old fashioned, the family was amazed at the casual and scanty costumes of the crew. Nearly all the women wore little more than underclothes, and were tanned from the sun. Many of the men wore tiny pants which barely covered their privates. The family was naturally wearing their best formal clothes. Mrs. Skeffington commented to Darius that she had the feeling that by concentrating, she could bring them to the attention of any of the crew. Most of the afternoon was spent debating which members that should be, but they concluded that the young couple who had ridden the submersible were the best candidates.
Joel Swenson was the son of an Admiral, and had been fascinated by the sea all his life. He was also very bright, which had led to a PHD in Oceanography at 22, and second in seniority on the research vessel Carypso, exploring the deep waters east of Florida. Of average height, he was a handsome, well built man whose blue swedish eyes had been fascinating women since his seduction of his babysitter at age eleven. Practice and habit had made him constantly horny.
He had invited the beautiful Lena Jones (think Veronica Zemanova) to be his assistant on this cruise less because of her brain than her beauty. She was also a couple of years older than most of the seniors he taught in his college course on deep sea exploration. He did not know that she was a career stripper, having amassed a sufficient nest egg to attend school by becoming a regular at the "Krazy Kat" on the other side of town. She had had a boob job at eighteen, and liposuction on her tummy at twenty, and was at her present age of twenty four a spectacular brunette who still commanded substantial tips on the weekends. She had understood Joel's intentions when he invited her on this adventure, which she had looked forward to, so that they had been lovers for most of the cruise.
The evening after they had found the old wooden schooner wedged on a steep fissure at about two hundred fathoms, they were watching the sunset from the little spot on the foredeck which provided a bit of privacy for them, and were discussing their dive. They would retire soon to their adjoining rooms, where Lena was sure Joel would do his usual enthusiastic cunnilingus for her, prior to fucking her for his usual ten minutes. She thought he viewed sex as a sport, rather than a meeting of minds and souls, as she fiercely hoped some man would someday find with her. But she had no complaints.
"I had the strangest feeling down there Joel. It was as though we were being watched. Remember the way those little clouds of murkiness kept drifting around? I thought it was spooky, but I felt, I dunno, kind of excited too. I know you always think I'm imagining things."
Joel was indeed becoming a little bored with Lena's imagination, so he answered "That's just the microscopic life from deeper drifting upwards until it bursts, doll. Remember my lecture on plankton? Its like that, except a different organism. I..." But Lena's eyes were opened wide and she was staring over his shoulder. He rotated around to find a man and two women standing in the shade of a machine housing, smiling at them both.
They were dressed in old fashioned clothes, the man in something that almost looked like tails, and the women in gowns with amazing frilly details. At first Lena thought them almost statues, posed as they were, their eyes seeming to bore through her. Then she thought what odd, conservative garments they were wearing, and then she noticed some little details. The good looking man's pants were tented by what looked like a huge cock, semi-erect, and his pose pushed his hips forward in a lascivious way. The older of the two gorgeous blonde women had a very low decolletage, and enormous breasts which puffed up above the neckline. One hand lingered on the junction between them so that you could not escape noticing their fullness. The younger woman had very bright lips and an eager, sensual smile, while her hand pressed her thin dress against her hips, outlining her pubic area. Both women had their hair up, though the older one had masses of curls.
The man bowed low, and spoke in a low, sexy voice. "Good evening. My name is Darius, and this is Mrs. Skeffington and her daughter Glenda. We are hoping you might introduce us to your world, for it is new to us." As he said this, his eyes held Lena's, and she felt a seduction in them that made her pussy tingle.
Joel was seriously non-plussed by the three, but his lecturing experience had made him able to at least answer. "Well certainly, we would like to be helpful. But may I ask where you came from? The crew... ummmm, well I'm Joel, and this is Lena." Mrs. Skeffington took three leisurely steps to him, and took his hand.
"I am delighted to meet you, Joel. You are very handsome, and have a lovely body. Glenda and I have known only Darius for a long time. What is the name of this vessel?" As she said this, Glenda took his arm on the other side and breathed in his ear as she pressed her pubic bone against his thigh.
Joel felt a shiver of excitement rattle through his body, and realized that his cock stiffened so that his shorts were pushed out. Mrs. Skeffington looked down casually, then smiled at him lasciviously. Without taking her eyes away, she murmured "We have chosen well, Darius." He felt Glenda's pussy twist around toward his stiff prick. He found himself, for the first time ever, speechless.
Lena had eyes only for Darius. He smiled warmly, and held his arm out for her. She stepped to his side, and linked her hand to him. She felt enormous strength in him, and her pussy dampened. His smile grew wider, and in a quiet voice that both she and Joel could hear, He said "This seems to be a shock for you both, and we are very curious about your world. Is there a place to which we could retire, become better acquainted, and then talk?" Wordlessly, Lena set out for their cabin. On the way, she vaguely realized that a couple of the crew they passed didn't seem to see their new friends. But Darius strolled along confidently, smiling and nodding.
Joel's mouth was dry, his mind swirling. Both the women held his arm as they walked along, and brushed against him with each step. As they arrived at the hatch for their adjoining rooms, he saw Lena lead the man into her stateroom, leaving the door between the rooms open. As soon as he closed the hatch to the outside hallway, Glenda went to her mother and helped remove the pins which secured the hat to her mass of blonde, curly hair. But then she began unbuttoning the back of the deep red dress. Mrs. Skeffington held Joel's eyes as the woman's massive tits popped out of the loosening bodice, revealing rose red nipples that were small and stiff. As the dress slowly descended to the floor, Mrs. Skeffington pulled things from her hair, and it fell into a wide halo which framed her sensual face. Then she stood before him, a fantastic, voluptuous woman, the equal of any porn star, but for a thick fur of brown pubic hair.
Even as he stared at her, he noticed Glenda pulling a lace that seemed to weave through the bodice of her dress, and it too dropped to the floor. Her pussy hair was somewhat less thick than Mrs. Skeffington. Her body was perfectly shaped, with plump but modest sized breasts. The lips of her pussy glistened in the soft light. Joel pulled his shirt off, and was unzipping his pants when he heard"Migawd" from the next room.
Lena had felt almost in a trance as Darius led her to her room. He threw his coat over a chair as his arm went behind her waist, then pulled her into his arms. He was easily four inches taller than Joel, and as his lips closed over hers, she felt his strong body pressing to her. That cock poked at her lower tummy, feeling huge, and stiff as steel. His tongue found hers, and she lost herself in lust for him.
Then he eased back, and with one arm still around her, cupped one of her boobs. His eyes seemed to flair with their firmness, and he started pawing at the runners bra she wore. She smiled at him and whispered "Let me." Then with a twirl, she did as much of a striptease as she could manage with just the bra and thong. His smile was a combination of pleasure and mastery, and his sexual confidence was so obvious she tried to surprise him by dipping a finger inside herself, and offering it to his lips. With his eyes still on hers, he licked it gently, and then sucked it into his mouth. Then his eyes traveled down her body, and he explained "Migawd" when he got to her shaved, hairless pussy.
He led her into the other room by the hand, where Joel was gaping at the two women who were naked and very sensual looking. Lena felt herself vibrating at the sight, as Darius pointed to her cunt and whispered "Look at that, ladies, no hair." Both women stared at her groin, eyes wide. Then as Joel lowered his shorts, displaying his own trimmed pubic area, they all smiled.
"What an interesting idea," breathed Mrs. Skeffington. Glenda giggled. Darius shook his head, led Lena back to her room and eased her down to the bed. He strode around to the other side as he stripped. His cock was indeed huge, ten inches but not too thick, and Lena was sure she could handle it. Somehow with the speed of the seduction that had occurred, she thought he might just jump on her, but instead he let his cock lay across her abdomen, began to caress her tits, and kissed her.
During the next half hour, he made slow, gentle love to her. She was vaguely aware of grunting from Joel in the other room, and when she recovered from the first orgasm as he ate her pussy, she peeked over his shoulder, but all she could see was Glenda writhing on Joel's face. Then she lost herself again in the slow but forceful way Darius was stroking into her, reaching depths she did not know she had, causing pleasure she had never known. He whispered softly to her as he gradually brought her again to her apex, "Ah Lena, Cara Mia", and "Lovely slattern", and she lost herself in the amazing, timeless thrills.
Mrs. Skeffington came in as they lay langourously recovering, Lena's pussy wet and dripping from both her fluids and his. The fantastic blonde settled beside her, and began kissing her gently. Lena had never even posed for fake pictures involving another woman, but the skilled lips which seemed to find every sensitive spot on her body drove her into another slow paroxysm of delight, and as she climbed again to a wailing peak caused by the talented lips in her cunt, she noticed Glenda thrusting her ass wildly on Darius's cock. She tried to find Mrs. Skeffington's pussy with her hand, but toward the end of her climb, realized Glenda was slavering at the woman's twisting behind, even as the teen grunted with Darius's smooth rooting in her back passage. It was the kind of sex she had always dreamed about, forceful and determined, but with a connection of soul and body that added to the thrill. She was amazed that these three people could produce such stupendous highs, yet be so smooth and unhurried.
As she cuddled to Mrs. Skeffington, Glenda dragged Darius to the other room, and Lena knew somehow that she intended to have both men inside her nubile body. The full, generous lips felt so warm and loving to her, that she tried hard to return that same feeling, of affection with lust. She found herself wanting to taste every fluid that had been generated by their tryst, but not anxious, for she felt a confidence that this was just the beginning of the adventures she would enjoy. They showered together, Lena tasted of Mrs. Skeffington's pussy, then they returned to the bed.
"Ah Lena, you are like us, your need for pleasure giving love for your partners. I think Joel is beyond saving" The women giggled in agreement. "Now tell me about this modern world. But we can talk while we fuck." Lena felt fingers enter her well used vagina, which amazingly lubricated easily again, smiled and began to answer the many questions.
TwoThe little party stood at the end of the pier to which Carypso was docked. Mrs. Skeffington was wearing the tiny G-string she had borrowed from Lena, so filmy it barely covered her tiny, now shaved triangle of brown pubic hair. Glenda wore the bottom to one of Lena's thong bikini's, while her mother wore the bra, which had the effect of magnifying her boobs. Darius wore long, baggy shorts and a shirt. Lena and Bruno, the diver Mrs. Skeffington had attracted to herself when Joel proved so disappointing, wore the skimpy bathing suits typical of the ship. They had been heading ashore, but their three visitors had been unable to pass the point where the pier extended over dry land. The sea would not give them up.
The last week had been a whirl of pleasure on the Carypso. Bruno was a well muscled man of very striking stature, and most of the other crew had joined their activity at one time or another. Lena was amazed at the number of variations they tried, but found she could never get enough. It was strange, when Darius used her asshole as Joel had filled her pussy, a pairing Lena had never tried, but found devastatingly stimulating, it was easy, but if Bruno tried her ass, he needed lubrication. She had learned ways of lesbian stimulation she had never imagined, but proudly introduced Glenda and Mrs. Skeffington to dildos.
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Standard warnings apply (i.e if your too young,too gullible, or it's plain out illegal don't read any further). The storyis fictional as are the people it's about. Enjoy. Gaining Mary The halls were empty now, all the students havingleft for the day. Mary was in no hurry to go, however.Her stepmother had gone on another week long businesstrip and she had no real friends to hang out with so she decided to snoop aroundthe deserted school.There was not much of interest, a few open lockerswith the...
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John was broad shouldered but slim, not much fat evident. His hair was an indeterminate color between red and blonde and brown, cut short enough to keep out of his eyes, which were a different color depending on the season (currently it was springtime, so they were a grey-green). Today, he arrived at his new home, his truck loaded with boxes. Across the road, an SUV pulled into the last house on that side's driveway, and a pair of women a little bit older than him got out, one with short...
Fast forward some four years. After more clandestine meetings, we'd made our affection clear to both our children and their respective grandparents. Whilst not all had been plain sailing through unruffled waters, our merged families enjoyed the renewed zest for life that Mary and I clearly displayed.As for us, we had had many conversations about advantages and potential problems such a blending could produce. However, those talks had usually ended up with us making love (yes, that's what it had...
ThreesomesPrologueLike many husbands I have had a long time fantasy of watching my lovely wife, Mary Deanna, being fucked by a Black man. For about as long as I can remember I had dreamed of her sucking and fucking a big Black Cock while I watched her and maybe even photographed or videotaped her with her Black lover. I never expected her to actually ever let any man fuck her other than myself, but one has his dreams. In fact, I had only rarely broached the subject of sex with another man with her, as...
Husband's fantasies about sleeping with his sister-in-law and his fantasies about his wife sleeping with another man are filled when his in-laws come to visit.***My wife Diane and I were having her sister and her husband visit us for the week. Mary was Di's older sister but the two of them were fairly close to each other. Mary's husband Jerry was about as easy going as you could get. The two of them made a good pair as neither one seemed to get to riled up about anything. Diane and I were...
Please note: the only sex, such as it is, is found only in the first chapter. There may or not be more in the next installments. The Munsters 1-4: The Mary Mix-up Created by Joe Connelly and Bob Mosher; Parodied by Ron Dow75 1) Transformers The smoke from the cauldron that filled the lab was clearing. "Grandpa!! What have you done to me this time!!" Gloria Munster tried to bellow, as she held onto large mortared stones as she came down the stairs awkwardly in pumps. At...
Dave and Mary (part2) Mary leaned forward and placed the tip of the strap on to Joanna's ring piece, Joanna twitched , Mary said, "Try to relax sweetie it will not hurt as much." Easier said than done thought Joanna. As Mary slowly put her weight against Joanna she felt her resisting, with a little more pressure Mary slowly got the strap on to go in a little way, as Joanna struggled against her bonds as the strap on entered her, she could not do anything to stop it happening...
Oh Mary 3Following on from the time on the train, which I guess is a couple of years ago now, Mary's appetite for extra cock had developed as had my own enjoyment of being cuckolded. Roger had faded away and been replaced by a string of other well hung men who openly fucked her in front of me. Mary grew quite fond of one, Paul who was only in his early 20s. He has a very slim build which only accentuates his very large thick cock. It almost looks incongruous as it cantilevers out 10 inches from...
Jeff was smart enough to realize what Mary was feeling and understood that he was not the one who could give her what she wanted. However, he knew that Kevin was more that capable of providing her fulfillment. Jeff also felt that Kevin would be more that happy to help Mary. Mary was very beautiful. She had long, fine blond hair. Her blue eyes sparkled like the sea and seemed to draw you into them. She kept her body in shape with plenty of exercise and proper nutrition. Her breasts were 36D,...
So Mary hired James to design and set up the new system, that when done could run itself. first was to install new system of automated gates that would open and close letting each horse thought a number of set of new alleys and gates leading them to the breeding dummy room and back the their own stall. After a bit of time each horse learned the when the gate opened and they breed the dummy and food would be there back in there stall. Slowly the system was coming together for Mary each...
Introduction: The second chapter in this story is already halfway done, so tell me if you like it and I might post Authors note: This is actually the first erotic story I have ever written, and I have no idea how to do it. This is only the first chapter in a story that I am in the middle of writing. The plot gets better in other chapters. I was walking home one night, when I started to think about my life. I work as a secretary at Briggs and Jefferson Law Corporation. It sounds great on paper,...
Mary the Teenaged Slut - Part One Mary Havens hurries home on a frigid Thursday afternoon. The pretty littleteen with blonde braids is late because mean old Mr Hunter, her Grade 10 Geographyteacher, gave her a detention. Her heart hammers in her chest as much fromfear as exertion. The slender fourteen-year-old knows her parents will punishher for coming home late – the later she is, the more severe the punishment.Her small, firm breasts jiggle a little as she runs. The cool air has hardenedher...
Introduction: This is my entry for a Xmas pantomime story competition. Its in the form of a play, and is intended to simply be a spoof adult play, on a Xmas theme. If youre looking for a sexually stimulating text, please look elsewhere, but if you want something that will make you smile then (I hope) this one is for you. MARY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY A pantomime play in three Acts. Cast (In no particular order): Narrator (The easiest part of all), Mary Christmas (An attractive woman in her early...
My name’s Chris Coleman, I’m a college student and it’s the summer break between my junior and senior year. I’d really like to be able to take on a full time summer job but I’m carrying classes during the summer quarter so part-time work is all I can handle. I want to graduate in December and get a job. Although I do intend to pursue a post-grad degree it will have to be something I can accomplish while I’m working. I’m a scholarship student so, between that and student loans I make do,...
A pantomime play in three Acts. Cast (In no particular order): Narrator (The easiest part of all), Mary Christmas (An attractive woman in her early 30’s), Carole (a young trainee), Rudy The Red Knobbed Reindeer (a reindeer), Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Comet, Cupid, Vixen, Donner and Blitzen (more reindeers), Foo-Kin Thin (a small box of electronics from Japan), Santa Claus (a red faced obese old inebriate wanted for questioning by police forces in 92 different countries on suspicion of...
They broke out of prison, the four of them, all dangerous men willing to do anything not to go back. Their stolen car ran out of gas a few miles away from the next city, nothing around for miles. They had been travelling for two days, trying to put as many miles as they could between the police and them. A storm was coming, nothing would be moving for days, the snow out here making the roads impassable. The lights of the house were inviting, the family living there believing they were...
We want to be used!Mary had confessed to me her affair; use is a better word, with her “master”. I had followed her on her last meeting with him and seen her used by a dozen men in humiliating and depraved sex and I had found it so sexually stimulating I longed to see her used again. Her Master had dismissed her, she showed me the e mail telling her she was now used goods and he had enjoyed turning her into the slut she had become. This left us with the realisation that Mary wanted more...
[Before Fred Gwynne was "Herman Munster" he was "Off. Francis Muldoon" of "Car 54, Where Are You?" which was created by Nat Hiken. He also created Phil Silver's Sgt. Bilko Show (more properly titled, "You'll Never Get Rich"). Gwynne guest stared at least twice on it. Several people were in both Hiken shows. Joe E. Ross ("Off. Gunter Toody"), as "Sgt. Rupert Ridzik", was a regular, along with Beatrice Pons ("Emma" in both). Hiken, though, did not create "The Munsters". If you do...
HumorMary is 42 years old, stands about 5’2″, average looks, and a nice body. She does yoga several times a week and is reasonably fit. She is not Hollywood slim; the catty women at work call her ‘curvy’ behind her back. Then again, the men at work call her curvy too, but they’re not being mean… Mary has never married. She’s had a few boyfriends, but just never seemed to find the right guy. Her neighbor Bob is a nice man with a big black great Dane named...
“Will you hurry up with that down there? My bedroom is a real mess, I can’t get a good night’s sleep like that.” “Yes Sandy, I’m almost done.” Sandy was sitting at the kitchen table, and Mary was on her knees wiping up a puddle of coke from the floor. After several hours of cleaning and washing for Sandy, she was almost resigned to her new situation. Just enough, anyway, to have begun worrying about practical matters. Space. Money. Food. How did Sandy expect they would live? Had the girl...
FetishOur story is like so many others. We met in college, dated off and on and then one day I realized I didn't want to date other girls. I wanted to spend all my time with Mary Beth. Apparently about the same time she decided that she wanted to spend her time with me. We were a steady couple the rest of the way through college and we were married three months after graduation. Mary Beth never did put her college education to go use. Three weeks after we married we found out that she was pregnant....
There should be a genre of Historical Fiction. This story explains why my great grandparents had a black slave. The lieutenant had been greeted at the door by a large black woman and asked to wait in the reception room when he had asked to see Mr. Sims. “George Claiborne Sims is the name,” the well dressed man announced himself as he entered his own reception room. “Lieutenant Henry Justus. You are the one I was looking for,” said the lieutenant in the US Army uniform. “And what can I do...
Introduction:Another b**st storyMary Had a Hot Ram ChapterGEnre- Dark Fantasy, b********y, Bi-sexual, First Time, Lesbian, Masturbation, Virginity---------------------------------------------------Chapter 1Mary Wilson had a little lamb.His fleece was white as snow and he followed her to school and all that shit, but the nursery rhyme stuff stopped there -- because the little lamb grew up to be a horny ram.The ram was a powerful creature with swept-back horns, mighty shoulders and piledriver...
Mary sat on a bench while reading a letter that Brad had left for her on his cabin door. She already read it once before but was rereading it to make some sense out of it. What Mary had read in the letter left her shock and with some uncertainty about how to handle it. He wrote that she deserved to know the truth about him and why he did the things he did with her. The reason for him coming to the lake was for one last trip with the guys before he got married. He never intended to lie to her...
LesbianMARY-THE FIRST STEPS By Scrambler'J' Copyright Scrambler'J' 1999 This is my first TG story so if you don't like it that's fine or if you have any ideas for me to make it better let me know E-mail me at [email protected] Mark was worried that he might lose his girlfriend Jenni soon. He could tell something was bothering her last week. He wonder what he had done to upset her. On a chance he followed her one night after work and saw she went into a bar on the east side...
Mary was standing on a small dais in the middle of the dimly lit room. She was wearing a pair of tight leather shorts, spiked heels, and a black leather collar around her neck, and nothing else. The nipples of her small firm tits were rock hard and stood straight out, her lips were moist and slightly parted as she breathed in and out through her mouth in short, excited breaths. Her long, black hair hung straight down her back, and her skin glowed with a golden undertone in the light of several...
Dave and Mary Dave and Mary lived in a large stately home on the outskirts of Yeleverton on Dartmoor, Dave is a multi millionaire from a large lottery win some years ago, and Mary ran a small business selling women's clothes in Tavistock which is a few miles north of Yeleverton. They both lived very comfortably and where both very happy with each other. Dave to relieve the bored of not working helped out at the shop which his wife runs, Dave was just a glorified coffee boy but...