Bright Sparks Children's HomeChapter 4: The Team Gets A New Member free porn video

Dennis was up bright and early the next morning. As he was getting dressed he looked down on the naked Mandy as she slept. He was going to let her sleep for as long as she wanted.
Downstairs he looked at the mess and started a bit of the cleaning as well as removing the stirrups from the medical couch and hiding them in a cupboard. When some of the other kids surfaced he got them starting breakfast and the rest of cleaning the place.
By the time breakfast was ready everyone except Mandy was up and the place was looking presentable. When they started to eat Jane asked where Mandy was.
“Still sleeping, you lot wore her out last night”
“You mean the doctor did.” David interjected.
“Yes David, and one of the perks of her new job is that her boss can let her sleep late if he wants to. Did I tell you that a new girl will be joining our team later this morning?”
“You did.” Lucy replied.
“Good, her name is Ruth and she should arrive with her care worker around 10 am so girls, including you Jane and you Ann, I need you to be wearing a dress or skirt and top by then and not to disappear to town or the park for whatever before you’ve had time to say hello to Ruth. Ruth’s dossier implies that she’s had a rough time and that she may be a bit of a challenge to us so I’m asking you to be patient with her and be nice to her even if she isn’t nice back.”
Mike interrupted,
“Do you want David and me to break her in?”
“No, I’m hoping that it won’t come to that, but you 2 are my ‘plan B’. Don’t worry, I’m sure that the time will come when you can have your evil way with her.”
There was a couple of short laughs and both Jane and Ann smiled.
“And I’m hoping that it won’t be long before I can tell you that it’s okay to start just wearing your birthday suits again girls. Also, I have other news for you, I’ve been in discussions with social services an other people and it has been agreed that Bright Sparks will have an extension built to double the capacity of guests here and I’m hoping that most of the new guests will be girls.
The plan is to have the new extension up and running by Christmas and I’m sure that there will be some disruption to us along the way. Please be patient.
As a sort of compensation for the disruption, Social Services have agreed to give us some money for me to take you all on a summer holiday. There is nothing planned so I would like you all to think about it and in a couple of days I will ask you for your ideas on where you want to go and what you want to do.”
Most of the kids already had their unrealistic ideas and they were all happy to chip-in with those ideas right there and then.
“Okay team, you’ve already come up with some amazing ideas and I would love to take you to all those places but we have to be realistic, our allocation of money isn’t a bottomless pit.”
Willian interrupted saying,
“No, it’s the girls that are all bottomless pits.”
“Thank you William, think about it realistically guys and we’ll talk about it next week. Oh, a reminder, you may have 2 weeks off school but not 2 weeks off your household tasks, I expect all of you to do your jobs at the usual times.”
Just then, a bleary-eyed and totally naked Mandy walked into the room.
“Good morning boss.” Willian said.
“Guys,” Dennis said, “okay Mandy is now my assistant and I expect you to respect that and do as she asks you. I suppose that technically she is now your boss as well but I would like you to treat her like an older sister who you have to do as she says, sort of like your babysitter.”
“Will she change my nappies?” Tony asked.
“If you get incapable of using your little potty or you need to wear nappies Tony, then yes she will.”
Tony’s face showed that he had been put in his place.
Mandy took her usual seat and poured herself a drink.
“Good morning Mandy.” Dennis said.
“Hey, sorry I’m late, it’s just that I was soo tired.”
“I wonder why?” Jane said.
“Yes,” Mandy replied, “the doctor is good isn’t he, and thank you for your presents everyone and your handiwork at the end, it was a great party.”
Breakfast finished, everyone went about their tasks and Dennis took Mandy back to his flat telling her that he wanted her to stay there until after the care worker had dropped Ruth off. That he didn’t want her to see Mandy like she was.
“What do you mean, what’s wrong with me?”
“Nothing, absolutely nothing, it’s just all that marker pen stuff.”
“Oh yes, I understand. I’ll stay here until you come and get me, and when you do can you fuck me please, you didn’t do it last night.”
“You were way too tired Mandy. Do you remember me telling you that I had another birthday present for you?”
“Oh yes, what is it?”
Dennis went and got the box and Mandy ripped it open.
“What is it?”
“Get on the bed and spread your legs.”
As she did so Dennis said,
“This is a Hitachi magic wand and within an hour it will be your best friend, apart from me that is.”
“What do I do with it, it looks like a microphone?”
“Oh, ooooh, oh Dennis, that’s awesome.”
Dennis handed the wand to her and told her to do it herself. She quickly did and was soon lost in her own little world of pleasure.
“Will that keep you happy for the next couple of hours?” Dennis asked, but he didn’t get an answer. Smiling he turned and left her to her pleasure.
Dennis went to Mandy’s old room and collected all (not many) clothes and belongings and took them to his flat. Mandy was still in her own little world, orgasming just as he arrived then keeping the wand on her clit.
He left her then went back to her old room to change the sheets on the bed and get the room ready for Ruth.
He did a quick tour of the place and satisfied that everything was okay, including the girl’s clothes, their skirts being just decent when they were stood up, then he went and made himself a coffee.
The coffee was half gone when the doorbell rang. He started to walk to the door when he heard Lucy shout that she’d get it so he went and stood in the corridor waiting for the guests.
“Hi Wendy,” Dennis said to the care worker. “This is Ruth I take it?”
“Hi Dennis, yes.”
Dennis went down on 1 knee and put out his hand to shake the girls.”
“Hello Ruth, I’m Dennis, I run this place, welcome to the team.”
Ruth just stood there.
“Would you like a drink, or perhaps something to eat. Have you had breakfast this morning, I could get someone to rustle something up if you like?”
After a short silence Ruth replied,
“No, I’m good.”
“Well I can see that Ruth. Are your belonging is that bag?”
“Lucy.” Dennis said as he turned his head, “Would you take Ruth’s bag up to her room, it’s Mandy’s old one.”
Lucy came over and went to take Ruth’s bag off her but she showed no signs of letting go of it.”
“It’s okay Ruth, your belongings are safe here. We’ve never had anything stolen here. Lucy will take good care of your stuff.”
Dennis got to his feet and looked around. He saw Jennifer, Mike and Jane watching them.
“Jennifer, would you take Ruth to the kitchen please, I’m sure that she can manage at least a biscuit.”
Jennifer went over to them and said to Ruth,
“Hi, I’m Jennifer, come with me.”
As they walked away Dennis heard Jennifer say.
“Ruth isn’t it, that’s a nice name.”
Dennis led Wendy to the lounge where they talked. They were soon interrupted by Ann, asking if they’d like a coffee. They both declined the offer and continued talking, Wendy telling Dennis things that he’d already read in Ruth’s dossier.
When Wendy was ready to leave they went into the kitchen and saw Jennifer trying to engage in a conversation with Ruth but it was a one-sided conversation. At least Ruth was eating a biscuit.
Wendy stood in front of Ruth and said a few things to her then left, Dennis showing her to the door. Wendy’s parting words were,
“If she gets too much for you just let us know and we’ll find somewhere else for her.”
Dennis said goodbye thinking,
“These idiots have no idea how to get along with teenagers.”
Back in the kitchen Jennifer was still trying to get Ruth to talk.
“Okay, thank you Jennifer. Ruth, if you’d like to come with me I’ll show you to your room and leave you to absorb what you’ve seen so far.”
As they went up the stairs he continued,
“Are we as bad as you were expecting us to be?”
Ruth didn’t answer.
Dennis opened the door to Ruth’s new room and said,
“The rooms for all our guests are about the same, no favourites here. I’m guessing that that bag contains all your belonging, don’t worry, we have a big pile of girl’s clothes that you can choose from, okay they’re hand-me-downs but they’re all clean and ironed.
Ruth, you don’t look like you are a happy girl at the moment.”
No reply.
“Tell me if I’ve got this right or wrong Ruth. You’ve been in 4 children’s home and with 2 foster parents since your parents died, The kids and the adults at the homes were horrible people who didn’t understand or listen to you and didn’t want anything to do with you. Am I right so far?”
Ruth nodded her head.
“You’ve been moved here and you’re wondering, no, expecting that all the adults and kids here are going to be just as much of a pain in the ass as all the others. After all, it’s a children’s home and they are all the same, right”
Ruth nodded her head.
“Well for starters. Did you notice the sign as you pulled off the road. It said. ‘Bright Sparks Young People’s Residence. Things are different here and I’m sure that you will get to like it here just as much as the other kids do.
I’ll leave you for a while then come looking for you Ruth, if you feel like going for a wander around the place to get the lay of the land and meet some of the other guests, just go. I’ll find you when I want you.”
Ruth sat on the edge of her bed as Dennis closed the door.
He went downstairs and found most of the kids in the lounge.
“Thanks for that guys, it’s appreciated. Those of you who have met Ruth will see that we do have a bit of a challenge on our hands, Mike, David, no, we’ll try to resolve this by everyone being your usual nice to each other, and girls, please keep your clothes on until we see signs that Ruth is relaxing and starting to knock that wall down.”
“What wall?” Tommy said.
“I’ll explain it to him Dennis.”
“Thank you Mike.”
“So, what’s your plans for today guys? If you’re planning on going out somewhere please can a couple of you stay back to keep Ruth company when she emerges from her room?”
Tommy and Jennifer volunteered.
Dennis went to see how Mandy was getting on, wondering if she’d held the wand on her clit so long that she’d passed out again. She was still spread eagle, naked on the bed and she was asleep when he went in, the wand being down by her left foot. He closed the door and let her sleep. He went to his office to read Ruth’s dossier again.
About 10 minutes later as he was going up the stairs to see Ruth, he heard 2 screams coming from his flat. He quickly diverted and was surprised to see Mandy sat on the bed, still naked, and Ruth stood at the foot of the bed, both looking a bit shocked.
“Are you okay Ruth, and are you Mandy?”
Mandy answered first,
“Who’s this and what is she doing in here?”
“Okay, relax girls, Mandy this is Ruth, our new guest, Ruth this is Mandy, my assistant and my girlfriend.”
“She’s, she’s naked and, and she’s covered in writing.” Ruth replied.
“It’s okay Ruth, it was Mandy’s last day at school yesterday and they have this sort of crazy tradition, it’s permanent marker pen, it will take a few days to wear off.”
“But she’s naked.”
“It’s okay Ruth, this is our flat, we live here, it’s normal for girls to be be naked where they live.”
“I saw this door and there wasn’t a name on it and it wasn’t locked, and you did say that I could have a look around.”
“I did, and you have done nothing wrong Ruth. Mandy, put something on please, you’ve shocked the poor girl.”
“Sorry,” Mandy said as she got off the bed and put on her favourite T shirt. She sat on the end of the bed near Ruth and patted the bed next to her. Ruth sat on the edge of the bed.
“Ruth,” Mandy said, “this isn’t the way I intended us to meet and I’m sorry that you got a shock.”
“That’s okay.”
“As Dennis said, I’m his assistant and it still sounds funny saying that. Dennis probably told you that we are a team here, like the family that I never had, and I guess that I’m like your older sister now, a sister that you can come and talk to about anything and at anytime, including in here in the middle of the night if you want. There are no barriers here, just a few simple rules. We all get on great here and it’s not uncommon for us girls to walk around with little or nothing on. Family’s do it and we are a family.”
Dennis took over,
“What Mandy has said is very true, given time you will get to like the people here and they will look out for you like the brother and sister that I believe you never had. As for the walking around with little or nothing on, well that is up to you. We do have a few simple rules but we’ll come to them later, come, it’s sunny outside, let’s go outside and talk. Would you like Mandy to make you a sandwich or something, it’s a while before dinner. With it being the school holidays most of the other kids have gone to the park for a while.”
“Yes please, I couldn’t eat my breakfast.”
“Were they trying to poison you?”
Ruth realised that Dennis was joking and said,
“No, well I don’t think so, it’s just that I’ve got tired of all this moving from one home to another and I didn’t know what it would be like here.”
“And you just have to lash-out at times, get rid of your frustration and anger. Believe me, I know what it’s like, did Wendy tell you that I grew up in a children’s home, several actually, so I do know a bit about what you are thinking.”
By then they were outside at the back and Dennis led her to the 2 old swings. Sitting on one himself he motioned for Ruth to sit on the other whilst they continued talking. After a while Mandy came out with the sandwich and a glass of juice for Ruth. Mandy was still wearing the T shirt and she sat crossed leg on the grass in front of both of them, her pussy and the drawings around it all on display to both of them.
All 3 talked some more whilst Ruth ate. Ruth was starting to come out of her shell and both Dennis and Mandy had noticed that she was staring at Mandy’s exposure. Ruth suddenly changed the subject of the conversation.
“Your class mates did that to you Mandy?”
“Yes, it’s a tradition.”
“Did they, you know, do what it says, fuck you?”
“No thankfully, they did this to all the girls, just a bit of fun ... Are you getting around to saying that you’ve been raped Ruth because I know what it’s like to have been raped, I was raped lots of times in my old homes.”
Ruth quietly said that she too had been raped then she told them the whole story,
“I was in my last home for 3 months and from day one the boys started raping me during the night. I kept complaining to the people who ran the place but they didn’t believe me and told me to stop making-up stories. The boys didn’t stop so eventually I started throwing tantrums and smashing things. Finally Wendy came and brought me here.”
“I’m really sorry that you had to go through that, but I can 200 percent guarantee that you will not get raped here. It will not happen. I can’t say that you won’t have sex with anyone, but if you do it will be because YOU want to do it, not because a boy is forcing himself on you. You are safe here.”
“He’s right Ruth, even with us girls walking around like this, or with less on, we don’t get raped.”
As Mandy was saying that Dennis realised that that wasn’t quite true, but the Jane and Ann situation was different, punishment, and it all ended good, very good, for all concerned.
“Girls walk around here naked.” Ruth exclaimed.
“Yes, and they don’t get raped or even groped.” Dennis said. “The boys respect the girls and anything that goes on between them is consensual.”
“I’ve seen boys sneaking to girls rooms and girls sneaking to boys rooms in the middle of the night as well.” Ruth said.
“It happens here too,” Dennis said, “I don’t mind just so long as everyone is happy and no one gets pregnant.”
“Are you on the pill Ruth?” Mandy asked.
“Yes, why?”
“Well if you weren’t we have a really nice doctor who comes here once a week and he’s really good with girls.”
“I think that that’s enough about that for now Mandy, why don’t you take Ruth and introduce her to anyone who hasn’t gone on walkabout?”
“Okay.” Mandy said as she got to her feet, not caring that Ruth got to see more of Mandy’s body writing and drawings.
Mandy led Ruth back inside, stopping in at the kitchen to wash the plate and glass that Ruth had used, and went to the lounge where Tommy and Jennifer were playing an electronic game.
“Can you put those down for a minute please guys, this is Ruth, our new guest. Ruth this is Jennifer and Tommy.”
“We’ve sort of met already.” Jennifer said.
“Cute.” Tommy said.
“Ignore him,” Jennifer said, “he’s just being his usual dickhead. Do you play these games Ruth?”
“Want to learn?” Jennifer asked.
“I guess.”
“Tommy, go and sit by Ruth and show her how to play.” Jennifer said.
“I’ll leave you to it. Remember Ruth, come and see me or Dennis if you want to talk about absolutely anything.”
Tommy started showing Ruth how to play the game and she was starting to get into it when she suddenly said,
“Jennifer, you’re not wearing any knickers.”
“She never does, none of us ever wear underwear, saves us time when we have to do the washing. Look, you missed that door.”
“Oh, I got distracted.”
“That’s okay, it’s only a game. Talk to Dennis, or maybe Mandy now, about the underwear, there’s a roster on the notice board that will tell you what jobs you have to do and when.”
“Okay, I’ll look at it later. So Jennifer, what’s it like not wearing knickers?”
“Or a bra.” Jennifer replied, “It’s no different to wearing them. Well it is quicker when I get dressed or undressed.”
“Don’t you worry about boys looking up your skirts?”
“Naw, it’s no big deal. I’d be naked right now if you hadn’t been arriving today.”
“And you don’t care about the boys seeing you?”
“Naw, as I said, it’s no big deal and I can tease them at times and they always do whatever I ask them, like I told Tommy to show you how to play that game.”
“A lot to take in, this place I mean?”
“Yes it is.”
“Don’t worry Ruth, there’s no rush, baby steps, as Dennis sometimes says.”
“Are you playing this game or just yapping?” Tommy said.
“Okay, okay.”
By the time the other kids got back Ruth was starting to relax and get used to things there. Jennifer introduced her to all the others with Dennis watching in the background. The ones who didn’t have jobs to do stayed in the lounge and talked to Ruth, quizzing her on her previous homes and frequently, the girls, accidentally giving her a glance up their skirts revealing their lack of knickers. Somehow Jane and Ann managed to keep their knees almost together.
There was more quizzing of Ruth over the meal and Dennis had to put a halt to it saying that Ruth had gone through enough for one day so he told her about the extension and the holiday. Ruth asked if she was included and looked pleased when Dennis told her that of course she was included, she was now part of team Bright Sparks.
Of course, some of the kids made a few very unrealistic suggestions for places to go then Ruth suggested going camping, telling everyone that one of her best weeks in one of her previous homes was spent camping on the coast of Cornwall.
Dennis said that he liked that idea but they would discuss all the suggestions fully, and a team decision would be made one night during the next week.
Just as the meal was coming to an end Ruth asked,
“Do I have to hand in my knickers and bras?”
“And your nightclothes.” Tommy added.
Dennis answered her by saying,
“Well all the others have, but there is no rush and if you don’t want to then that’s okay with me.”
“Thank you Dennis, and if you girls want to walk around naked that’s okay with me, I’m honoured that you put clothes on for me today.”
“Thank gawd for that.” Lucy said, stood up, pulled her top up and off then dropped her skirt. “That’s much better.”
“You really like being naked?” Ruth asked.
“Hell yes, I feel free and I don’t have to worry about getting my clothes dirty, skin is a lot easier to clean than clothes.” Lucy replied. “And these jerks do what I ask.”
“Who are you calling a jerk?” William asked.
“You dummy.”
“Enough,” Dennis said, “or do you want me to spend the holiday money on a boxing ring?”
“No,” Jennifer said, “I want to run barefoot on the sand and swim in the sea. Can you swim Ruth?”
“One of the schools that I went to had swimming lessons but I couldn’t say that I’m a good swimmer.”
“That’s okay Ruth, talking about schools, Wendy tells me that she’s enrolled you in the same school that this bunch go to, the school has a uniform, it’s not much but I’m guessing that you will need some new clothes. Can we go through the clothes that you have already got then go through the hand-me-downs. If you’re still short after that we’ll go into town and get whatever you need. Oh, you’ll need some PE kit as well, we’ve got a skirt for you but you may not want to wear that quite yet.”
“Why, what’s wrong with it?”
“Absolutely nothing, these girls look amazing in theirs.”
Two of the girls said that they loved theirs.
“Do all the girls at my new school wear skirts and not shorts for PE?”
“No, but all our girls do and they prefer their skirts, in fact they always go to school in skirts as well.”
“Oh, I suppose that I’ll get used to that.”
Dennis wasn’t sure if Ruth had realised that it was skirts with no underwear, or not, but he wasn’t going to ask, not so soon after she had arrived.
By that time the table had been cleared and those with kitchen duties had returned to the table, when Angela got back she saw that Lucy had stripped naked and she asked Dennis if it was okay for her to strip as well. He had nodded his head and Angela had stripped before sitting down. Ruth had watched her but had said nothing.
“Can we go to the local Leisure Centre please Dennis?” William asked and his request was echoed by 3 more of the kids.
“Well, there’s one big problem with that, none of you have a swimsuit, but I suppose that we could get some for you, you’ll be needing them for when we go on holiday wherever that is. Ann, Jane, can you go online as see what you can find, and make sure that the site can offer next day delivery.”
Jane and Ann went to the 2 PCs that were to one side of the lounge and started looking for swimsuit. As soon as some images of girls in bikinis came onto the screens everyone went and gathered around, some of the boys commenting on which models they thought looked the best.
After a while Jane said,
“What about these Dennis, they do them in slightly different designs and different colours.”
Dennis made his was through the kids to Jane and had a look.
“Hmm,” Dennis said, “Not much material to those swimsuits, is there a picture of the back parts?”
Jane did a few clicks and soon an image of a model wearing the thong bikini bottoms was on the screen. Dennis smiled and asked Jane to click backspace. She did, and this time Dennis looked at the bikini top and saw that the top consisted of 2 little triangles held in place with a couple of strings, the model’s nipples were tenting the obviously thin material and the girls areolas were clear to see.
“So what do the rest of you girls think?”
Dennis was happy to hear all the girls, and the boys agreeing that Dennis should get them for the girls. Meanwhile Dennis was imagining Mandy and the other girls wearing them and everyone around looking at them showing their areolas, nipples and camel-toes.
The only voice that he didn’t hear was Ruth’s.
“What do you think Ruth, your opinion counts.”
“They’re a bit brief aren’t they?”
“They’re supposed to be, they’re bikinis.” Lucy replied.
Ruth thought for a few seconds then said,
“Well if the other girls are wearing them then I guess that I will.”
“Good girl.” Mike said.
“Do they offer express delivery?” Dennis asked.
Jane quickly checked and replied in the affirmative.
“Okay Jane, move out of the way and I’ll order them. Ann, can you look for some swimming shorts for the boys.”
Ann did, and quickly found some.
“That was easy.” Ann soon said, “Can you tell me what sizes you want guys?”
They did, and by the time that Dennis had completed the purchase of the bikinis, Ann had got 6 swimming shorts in the basket of the site.
Ann moved off the chair and Dennis sat down and completed the purchase while everyone else went to the sofas and chairs and sat talking, mainly about what the girls would look like in the bikinis.
Mandy went up to Dennis and said,
“I won’t be able to go to the leisure centre with you, it will take days for this writing to wear off.
Dennis put his arm round her and pulled her to him.
“Don’t worry love, I’ll make sure that we don’t go until all the writing has gone.”
Mandy’s smile came back and Dennis started thinking about Mandy in bed.
“Okay guys, it’s near enough to bed time, off you go, and try to get full night’s sleep.”
Dennis saw Mike smile, knowing what Dennis was referring to but knowing that his comments wouldn’t make any difference. Dennis continued,
“Mandy, can you go up with Ruth and make sure that she’s got everything that she needs?”
Mandy did, checking that Ruth had the necessary toiletries. When Ruth got back from the bathroom she told Mandy that the 2 girls in there were both naked and that there were 2 naked boys in there as well.
“Yes, we aren’t bothered with segregation here, the boys have seen all of the girls naked many, many times and the girls see the boys naked every Thursday evening when they have their medical examinations.”
“Oh yes, Dennis said something about a doctor coming here every Thursday, do we get examined with everyone else watching?”
“Yes, on that medical couch in the lounge, and it has those stirrups so that us girls can get properly examined.”
“You mean an internal exam?”
“With the boys watching?”
“Isn’t it embarrassing?”
“It was for some of the girls the first time, but the doctor soon fixed that problem.”
“Dare I ask how?”
“He makes us cum and he’s good at it, better at it than your fingers, you do play with yourself don’t you Ruth?”
“Yes I do, but only in bed on a night or a morning if I wake up early.”
“Girl, you are in for some mind-blowing orgasms.”
“Oh, I just never expected anything like this when they told me I was coming here.”
“Dennis did tell you that this place was different to all the other homes. so are you ready to hand-over your underwear and sleepwear yet Ruth.”
“No, well I suppose I could give you my bra, I never did like wearing it and I had to go without when I wanted to get it washed.”
“Did you feel uncomfortable when you weren’t wearing it?”
“No, it felt nice, I could breath properly.”
“And it’s not like either of us really needs a bra, I feel sorry for girls with big boobs.”
“I guess that it must be difficult for them.”
As Ruth was saying that she took off her top and her bra.
“What about your knickers, are you ready to part with those?”
“Can I keep them a bit longer please, that’s a big step for me.”
“Sure, you can keep them for as long as you like, for ever if you want to.”
Ruth unfastened her skirt and let it drop revealing huge granny style knickers.
“Do I take it that you didn’t choose your own knickers Ruth?”
“I wish, I think that these belonged to the old woman that ran the last home that I was in.”
“You sound like you will be glad to get rid of them.”
“Yes, but I’m not happy to be without yet.”
“You said ‘yet’ Ruth.”
“I did didn’t I, it looks like I will get rid of them, but just not yet.”
“Fair enough, are you going to sleep like that or have you got a nightie or pyjamas in that little bag of yours?”
“No, I’ve had to sleep in bra and knickers in the last 3 homes that I’ve been in.”
“Well this is a nice place, and just so long as you don’t start throwing wobblers there is no reason why you can’t stay here until you are 18. Even if you do throw a few wobblers Dennis has a way of fixing that.”

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