Chapter 31 Guilty Of Deadly Sin
- 4 years ago
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"That fucking bastard!" I screamed at my computer as the Find My iPhone app confirmed my darkest suspicions. "That lying sonofabitch!"
"I'll be working all night on that merger project and just be able to catch a couple of hours sleep at the office before my 9 a.m. meeting," my husband had said so convincingly a few minutes ago. He didn't know I had activated the GPS tracker on his iPhone. This was the third time this month he'd pulled this shit, but this time I had the new Find My iPhone app to see where he really was. How stupid did he think I was?
The real question was what was I going to do about it? It's one thing to know your husband is a cheating, lying bastard, it's another thing to do something about it. My anger quickly gave way to defeatism. What does she have that I don't have?
I stood up and looked at myself in the full-length mirror covering our closet door. Turning left and right as I slowly shed my clothes, I tried to be objective about my 34 year-old body. My breasts still looked good, pretty pert with no sag. My stomach was toned; I worked out at least four days a week and swam regularly. I ran my hands down my flat stomach and along my smooth hips.
Adjusting the closet door so the mirror faced the floor to ceiling window that covered most of one wall of our bedroom, I checked out my backside. With the drapes opened, the window glass reflected almost like another mirror. Nice firm ass, no sign of sag there either. I slapped my bare ass cheek for emphasis. So what the fuck was it?
My husband's co-worker was very pretty and she was ten years younger than I am but I always thought I had kept him satisfied. I gave him regular blowjobs and I was pretty good at it if I do say so myself. Up until recently, our sex had always been adventurous, almost aerobic. So why was he fucking that slut?
I let out a long sigh. This was getting me nowhere. Maybe a swim would clear my brain. I slipped on my lavender, silk robe and walked downstairs. Exiting through the sliding glass door off the family room, I was surprised by how hard the door slammed behind me. Maybe I was tenser than I thought.
Standing next to the pool in the cool night air, I dropped my robe and looked around. Our neighbor's house wasn't far away but I thought it unlikely he would be looking out at this time of night. I dove in, letting the water rush around me and caress my bare skin. I tried to forget about what my husband and his young slut were doing as I swam a few fast laps. When I felt the tension starting to leave my shoulders, I flipped onto my back and floated leisurely around letting my body completely relax. Fuck him!
Swimming usually helped but I couldn't quite get the image of those two cheaters out of my mind or the helplessness I felt trying to determine what to do about it. If I confronted him was I willing to throw away twelve years of marriage? If I didn't confront him was I willing to live with myself as the pathetic little wife who just accepted her husband's infidelity? I finally gave up and climbed out of the pool. Grabbing my robe I tried to push the door open but it wouldn't budge.
"What the fuck!" I cried, pulling on the handle. Shit. It must have locked when I slammed it shut. I almost laughed at the absurdity of standing naked in my back yard while my husband was across town fucking his whore. "Here I am world," I wanted to shout. "Fuck me over some more".
Now what? I knew the rest of the doors were locked. We had talked about a keyless entry for our garage but had never gotten around to it. There was a light on next door but I was naked as a jaybird. Well, almost. I slipped the silk robe on, pulling it tightly around me. It didn't have a tie so I held it closed as I traversed the short sidewalk that connected our side yards. Feeling totally foolish and embarrassed, I shivered as I rang Ron's back doorbell.
We don't know our neighbor very well except to say hello on the driveway now and then. If it was a shock for him to find a wet, half naked woman on his doorstep, he didn't show it.
"Hello, Mrs. Ascott," Ron said politely as if I stopped by like this regularly.
"Hi Ron, call me Beth," I said, wondering what he was thinking.
"Okay, Beth," he smiled. "What can I do for you?"
"I locked myself out of my house," I said as he held the door open for me and I saw him starring at my breasts. I didn't have to look down to know what the night air had done to my nipples and I knew my wet skin would make the silk almost transparent.
I blushed even more when I realized that Ron was only wearing a pair of sweat pants that hung enticingly low on his hips. His black chest rippled with muscles that deepened the color of my already flush face.
"How ... um ... I mean..." Ron was stammering as I dripped water on his kitchen floor and pulled the robe tightly around me. He couldn't keep his eyes off my breasts and I have to admit I found it reassuring after my husband's self-esteem crushing lies earlier in the evening.
"I was swimming and somehow the sliding glass door got locked. I'm sorry to bother you but I didn't know what to do. Maybe I could call a locksmith or something," I blurted out all in one breath.
"Of course, come in," he said, ushering me into the living room. "I'll get you a towel," he added. I watched him walk out of the room, almost voyeuristically observing his well-defined back muscles as he moved.
I have never fantasized about interracial sex but Ron's naked torso was having an effect on me. Maybe it was because I was sitting there almost naked or because I was still reeling from my husband's infidelity but I felt the familiar twinges of arousal between my naked thighs. Stop it! I admonished myself until I watched him walk back into the kitchen with a noticeable bulge in the front of his sweatpants. At least I still had that effect on someone even if it wasn't my husband.
Ron handed me the towel but I was at odds about how to dry off while keeping my robe pulled around me. He seemed to sense my discomfort and suggested I go upstairs to dry off. He didn't try to hide his scrutiny of my near naked rear-end as I ascended the stairs.
"There are some t-shirts in the second drawer down," he called after me. "Help yourself. I'll go see about your door. Sliding glass doors don't always latch all the way," he added.
I went into his very masculine bedroom, all dark colors with a huge dark blue or black comforter on his king-sized bed. Catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror over Ron's dresser I was shocked to see that my robe was almost completely transparent. No wonder Ron couldn't keep his eyes off my breasts. My nipples and areolas were as much on display as if I had been naked. The bottom half of my robe wasn't as wet and the material wasn't adhering to my skin so you could barely see a hint of my light colored pubic hair through the silk robe. At least that was something.
As I dropped the robe and started toweling off, my pussy twitched again at the idea of me standing naked in my neighbor's bedroom. In a very weird way it felt like an erotic adventure. I found his t-shirt drawer and slipped on an extra-long, V-neck shirt. Ron is well over six feet tall so the shirt hung almost mid-thigh length on me and rested nicely against my breasts. It displayed a little more cleavage than I usually like but I was beyond being modest at this point. He had already gotten an eyeful.
Properly attired, well almost, I nosily walked around his bedroom, looking at his things. I breathed in the masculine scent of him that hung in the air like an aphrodisiac. I was admiring a pair of bookends on his dresser when I saw movement through his window. Moving closer, I watched Ron step into my backyard and disappear behind the house. I could see part of the pool from here and the entire side of my house. I noticed the light was still on in my bedroom window. Shit. I looked more closely and could see everything in my bedroom as clear as day. That meant...
I hurried out of his bedroom, turned left and ran to the next room down the hall. This was some kind of exercise room but I was only interested in the window. Just as I feared, this room had a clear view of my backyard including the pool. Ron could have been watching me. My heart was beating rapidly as I assessed the damage. He wouldn't have been able to see much from up here. Taking a step back, I froze. On a small table next to the window was a pair of binoculars. Shit.
I picked them up and put them to my eyes as I moved slowly back to the window. There he was, working on my sliding glass door like he was standing right in front of me. Okay, he not only could have been watching me, I was pretty certain he had been watching me. I wondered how long this had been going on.
As I was trying to assimilate this new information, I saw Ron coming back from my house. I focused the binoculars on his six-pack abs and it was like I could touch them. Was he doing that while I was floating on my back in the pool? Hmm.
I couldn't believe how hard my heart was pounding or how excited my pussy was that my sexy black neighbor had been checking me out. What the fuck was wrong with me? I couldn't keep my husband from straying but my voyeuristic neighbor aroused me. I put the binoculars back where I found them, grabbed my robe from Ron's bedroom and was at the bottom of the stairs when he came in the back door.
"I got it opened, Mrs. Ascott," Ron said as he looked up at me, standing there in one of his t-shirts. "That looks better on you than it ever would on me," he smiled as he set a long screwdriver on the table.
"I doubt that," I answered boldly. He stared at me for a second and I wondered if my nipples were showing again but I didn't dare look down. I watched his lips curl into a half smile as if he could read my mind.
"Thank you," I said stepping towards the door. "I better be going." I was standing right next to him and my heart was pounding as I imagined him watching me get ready for bed.
"Anytime," he said in such a way that it could mean whatever I wanted it to.
"You're a lifesaver, Ron," I said, leaning up and chastely kissing his cheek.
"Like a knight in shining armor," he joked.
"Well, a knight in sweatpants," I said, laughing as I tapped my finger against his bare chest. Fuck! It was like touching solid steel. I wondered if his bulge was that hard. Stop it!
"Rescuing naked damsels is my specialty," he said, wrapping his large, dark hand around mine. "Call me if you need anything," he smiled, saying anything like it could be a broken cabinet hinge or a night of sexual bliss. I pulled my hand away and rushed out the door.
What a night! My husband was still fucking his young slut of a co-worker and I was staring out my window, wondering whether I wanted to pull the curtains closed. Standing in the middle of my bedroom, still wearing Ron's t-shirt, I pictured him watching me. Are you there with your binoculars? Do you want to see me naked? Do you want to come over? Stop it! Where did that come from?
Well, why not? It isn't like I'd be the only one in this marriage who was unfaithful and that was an awfully large bulge. He's watching me anyway. He's already seen me naked, why shouldn't I see him. I wanted to take his t-shirt off and press my breasts against the window. I wished the t-shirt smelled like him instead of like a dryer sheet.
I grabbed the phone and scrolled through our contact list. A few months ago we had a neighborhood watch meeting where they had us input each other's phone numbers in case of emergency. Well, wasn't this ache in my heart, not to mention the itch between my legs, somewhat of an emergency? I took a deep breath and pressed call.
"Hi Beth," he answered.
"Hi Ron," I said lamely.
"Did you forget something?" he asked, sounding somewhat amused.
"I was ... um ... wondering if you wanted to come over and get your t-shirt," I said, knowing this wasn't about the t-shirt.
"Why don't you bring it back to me?" he asked calmly.
"My husband won't be home tonight if that's what you're worried about," I said, getting bolder as I stepped closer to the window.
"That's not it," he said quietly. "I just think it's polite to return things you borrow, don't you?"
"You want me to bring it to you?" I asked, thinking about his bedroom and his king-sized bed.
"Don't you usually return things you borrow?" he asked, avoiding my question.
"Yes," I answered starting to pull the t-shirt over my head as I stared out the window.
"Don't take it off," he said quickly. "Bring it back like that."
"You are watching." I said, letting the t-shirt drop back into place.
"Oh, yes," he breathed into the phone.
"You were watching me earlier, in the pool." It was a statement rather than a question.
"I like your breast stroke," he said quietly.
"I was floating on my back," I corrected him.
"Exactly," he said so coolly that I felt my nipples tauten.
"What do you do when you watch me?" I asked.
"What do you think I do?" he answered offhandedly, filling my brain with visions of him stroking his large bulge. I took a deep breath and changed the subject.
"What would I wear home if I bring it to you like this?" I asked teasingly.
"Don't worry about that," he answered coolly. "I could loan you another one if you want." he added with a hint of seduction in his voice.
"What would you do if I brought it over?" I asked quietly.
"What would you want me to do?" he answered, again side-stepping the question.
"Do you always turn back questions instead of answering them directly," I asked with a sigh.
"Only when I don't know the exact answer," he said calmly.
"You don't know what you'd do to me?" I asked.
"Not until you've told me what you want," he answered like it was the most natural thing in the world for me to tell him how to seduce me. Maybe it was because I didn't respond or maybe he could see my anxiety through his binoculars but he switched to a more direct invitation.
"Why don't you come over and we can discuss it while I retrieve my property?" he said, his voice sounding almost an octave lower than it did earlier. When I didn't answer he added without a hint of menace. "You can always just borrow it again and go home."
"Okay." I put down the phone and checked my hair in the mirror before I remembered he was still watching. I shrugged at the window before hurrying down the stairs.
I tried not to think about what I was doing as I hopped across the sidewalk and saw him standing at his back door waiting for me. His muscular black chest looked like it had a slight sheen as the porch light reflected off of it.
"Thanks for returning this so promptly," he smiled as he offered me a glass of wine that was already poured. We locked eyes and sipped wine as we stood toe to toe in his living room.
"Why are you here?" he asked, running his finger down the side of my cheek and sending an electric pulse throughout my body.
"My husband is fucking his coworker across town," I answered without any forethought while I pondered if this was my only reason for being here.
"So this is what? Revenge?" he asked with a hint of amusement as he took a sip of his wine.
"I don't know ... well, yeah, I guess it's sort of revenge and sort of evening the score," I answered before taking a bigger sip of wine. He just nodded like he understood.
"What do you like?" he asked as he set both of our glasses down on an end table and lifted the hem of his t-shirt. I let him pull it over my head before I answered.
"What do you mean?" I felt so vulnerable and quite aroused standing there naked. He brushed the side of my breast with his fingers. The color contrast between his black fingers and my pale breast was surprisingly erotic.
"Do you like to be in control or out of control?" he elaborated as his fingers lightly caressed the sides of my breasts.
"I don't want to be in control tonight," I answered honestly, enjoying his gentle touch.
"How out of control do you want to be?" he asked, barely squeezing my breasts, hefting them in his huge hands. I've never had anyone ask me questions like this while exploring my naked flesh in such a sensual way. Fuck! I could feel myself getting wet already.
"What are my choices?" I asked, uncertain where this line of questioning was going but enjoying his overt assessment of my exposed breasts.
"Restrained, out of control?" he asked with his eyebrows raised. As if to emphasize his question, he gently encircled my wrists with his fingers and pulled my arms high over my head.
"I've never done that," I answered, quivering excitedly at the thought.
"Well, let's take it slowly and see what you like," he smiled. Keeping my arms over my head, he bent his mouth to my taut nipples and started licking, sucking and nibbling on my sensitive buds. I could already feel myself losing control. What was I doing? I closed my eyes and just let myself enjoy the erotic sensations of his talented mouth. Just when I thought I wouldn't be able to stand like that any longer, he released my wrists and scooped me up in his powerful arms.
"Let's take this into the bedroom, Mrs. Alcott," he smiled as he carried me up the stairs. My feet were draped over one arm while his other arm encircled my shoulders. My cheek rested against his well-built chest and I couldn't resist flicking my tongue against his dark skin.
"Mmmm," he whispered. "This is going to be fun, isn't it?"
He placed me gently in the center of his large bed and I sunk down into the soft dark comforter. While I was still settling onto his bed he pulled my hand to his lips and lightly kissed my palm several times. It was so deliciously unexpected that I didn't notice he had secured my wrist until he let go and I tried to pull my arm back. By then he was moving around the bed and repeating the action with my other hand. There was a soft leather cuff already attached to the headboard and my arms were now stretched out towards the top corners of his bed.
"You just happen to have handcuffs attached to your bedposts?" I asked as he smoothly massaged my foot while surreptitiously attaching a cuff to my ankle. He shrugged as he carefully pulled my other leg towards the last cuff. I was now spread-eagle on his bed, unable to move while he stood at the foot of the bed surveying his handiwork.
"Apparently I'm not the first woman you've had in your bed like this," I said, trying to sound calmer than I felt. He just shrugged again and I watched the corners of his mouth move slightly like he was amused about something.
"Do you feel out of control?" he asked as he stepped over to a computer that was sitting on a corner table.
"I feel restrained," I answered, almost challenging him to do more. It might seem funny that I wasn't scared to be handcuffed to my neighbor's bed when I hardly knew him and no one was aware I was here but there was something in his manner that invoked an implausible trust.
"Look at the ceiling," he said as he tapped a couple of keys on the keyboard. What I had thought was a dark skylight suddenly burst to life as an extra large video monitor mounted in the ceiling and I was looking at my naked body stretched out on his bed.
Holy fuck! My eyes bounced back and forth between Ron and the monitor as he waited for my reaction. I didn't know what to think or how to react. There was obviously a camera in the ceiling pointing right down at me.
"Have you ever watched yourself have an orgasm?" he asked quietly as he crawled onto the bed next to me. I shook my head.
"Nothing like this," I answered. "Ken and I experimented with it a couple of times but we videoed our love making and watched it later."
"With one stationary camera, I imagine," Ron said as he ran his fingers across my pubic mound.
"Isn't that stationary?" I asked, nodding at the ceiling.
"Yes, but it's not the only one, watch this." He held up his hand and showed me a small electronic gadget that fit on his finger like a ring. Pressing a button on a remote he had brought with him, he nodded towards the ceiling. When I looked up, I saw a close-up of my splayed open pussy. What the fuck!
"This is a wireless mini-cam," he said. "You'll be amazed at how erotic it is to watch yourself climax." Before I could take it all in, his hand moved closer and the entire monitor was filled with my pussy — up close and personal, as they say.
"If you have all of this," I nodded to the monitor, the computer and the handcuffs. "Why were you watching me?" I wasn't sure what I thought about seeing myself displayed on a large screen like this.
"Because you're so beautiful," he said, looking me in the eye. "And you were, seemingly unattainable," he smiled. "You know that you always want what you can't have." With that he nodded to the monitor.
"See this little bead of moisture right here," he asked, bringing the camera closer so my labia completely filled the screen. Sure enough, there was a lone bead of moisture seeping out.
"This is just the first drop of a coming flood," he said confidently as his other hand moved into the scene and his finger picked the moisture drop off while barely touching me. Fuck! That very slight touch sent a tremor through my body as if he had plunged his fingers right into me.
"Mmm," he murmured, touching his finger to his tongue. "Feeling out of control yet?" he asked as I stared at the video screen and watched him spread my cunt lips apart. I gasped at his touch as well as the over-sized video of the inside of my vagina.
I'm not a prude and I've watched my fair share of porn videos but nothing prepared me for the near out of body experience this was providing. It was doubly arousing to feel and watch as his fingers explored my vagina.
"Mmmm," he said. "More juice already." He was right; my pussy was bubbling up an impressive amount of liquid as I was helplessly watching him scoop it out and taste it.
"Want some?" he asked bringing two wet fingers to my mouth. I've sucked my husband off after we've had sex so I'm not afraid of tasting myself but I've never had it fed to me like this.
"Come on," he said, locking eyes with me as he pressed his fingers to my lips. "You're going to taste a lot more of it before the night is over." I sucked his fingers into my mouth while staring at him defiantly. When I looked back at the monitor all I saw were two large black fingers sliding in and out between my pale lips. What an erotic sight! Fuck! He's barely touched me and I'm creaming all over myself.
"You'll want to keep your eyes on the monitor for this next part," he said, clearly enjoying himself. I watched as he wet his fingers around the inside edges of my juicy hole and then dripped the natural lubricant onto my hooded clitoris. Fuck!
With his right hand on my thigh to steady the camera, he used two fingers of his other hand to lightly caress my clit.
"Oh God!" I gasped, trying to pull my knees up but couldn't because of the restraints. I glanced at his face but he was intently focused on what he was doing, trying to hold the camera still while he used two fingers to stimulate my clit. That would have felt good no matter what but you can't imagine what it was like to watch it happen to you.
Damn! My juices were flowing and I watched my ass muscles twitching on the big screen as he set a slow steady rhythm on my protruding clit. His dark fingers provided an erotic contrast to my very pink love button.
"Fuck! Don't stop," I pleaded as I strained against my bonds and watched my pussy generating enough lubricant to fuck for a week. I couldn't move. He controlled everything with just two fingers.
"I have no intention of stopping," he smiled. "I want you to watch your first orgasm of the night." He dipped his fingers for more lubricant and increased the pace, rubbing faster but not harder on my hypersensitive clit. He knew exactly what to do and my body responded intensely to his virtuosic touch. My pussy lips were splayed open and frothing gratuitous amounts of juice as his fingers moved deftly across my swollen clit.
"Oh Fuck! Oh Fuck!" I tried to arch my back and push against his fingers but my legs were spread too wide. I saw my wet cunt lips quivering as I felt the pressure build.
"Come on," he whispered encouragingly, to my pussy or maybe to me, I couldn't tell which. "Just let it come." I watched my ass muscles clench and my pussy contract as my climax rapidly approached.
"Ohhhhhhhhhh! Yeaaaahhhhh!" I screamed as my orgasm ripped through my body and my pussy spewed forth a flood of fresh cream. I was shaking and panting, spiraling my head from side to side.
"Don't stop watching," Ron admonished me and I flipped my eyes back to the big screen just in time to see my pussy lips visibly trembling from the intensity of my orgasm. "Have you ever seen anything like that?" he whispered reverently. Never! Fuck! If this is what he does to me with just two fingers what is the rest of the night going to be like.
I didn't have long to ponder that question because Ron was kneeling between my legs and lowering his head to my drenched pussy. Looking up, I was surprised to see the stationary camera was again filling the screen with my entire body. I watched as Ron's head moved closer to its target and I was again struck by the dramatic contrast between his black skin and the almost pale whiteness of mine.
"Fuck! I haven't even caught my breath, Ron," I moaned as his tongue flicked out and lapped at the freely flowing nectar inside my quivering pussy. I couldn't believe I was at his mercy again so quickly. The view on the monitor was stimulating in itself but the feel of his tongue on my recently climaxed pussy was incredible.
I love oral sex and my husband eats me to orgasm regularly but this was something else entirely. Whether it was because Ken and I usually start our evening with oral sex and I was still coming down from my last orgasm or if Ron was doing something different with his tongue, I don't know but he was making my whole body tremble, not just my pussy.
I wanted to arch against him and grab the back of his head but all I could do was lie there and watch. Well, that's not all I could do, I was also churning up juices like crazy and the wet, slurping sounds coming from between my legs was an additional turn-on. This orgasm was building even faster than the last one and I was about to cry out when Ron pulled his tongue away from my pussy and crawled up my body.
"I was getting close," I whined just before he pushed his pussy soaked tongue in my mouth and swirled it around.
"You taste so fucking good," he breathed, breaking the kiss and staring into my eyes. "I just thought you should know how damn good you taste," he added before sliding back down and resuming his oral onslaught of my over-heated pussy. Fuck! The taste in my mouth was an additional stimulant that unexpectedly drove me to even higher levels of arousal as Ron continued his tongue's dominance of my smoldering pussy.
"What are you doing to me?" I cried as he licked, nibbled, bit and thoroughly molested my horny pussy.
"Are you out of control yet," he asked, as he took a breath before renewing his expert attack on my liquefied cunt. Fuck! I was out of control when he carried me up the stairs. This was beyond out of control.
"Before the night is over, you won't have a single brain cell that isn't focused on your intense carnal pleasures," Ron said, as he took another deep breath and began making good on his promise.
I came so fucking hard that I thought I would tear the bedposts off. Ron was doing things with his mouth that I can't begin to describe. His tongue was inside me, and then he was sucking my clit, and then biting my labia, then back to my clit. At times it felt like he was doing all those things at once and my pussy exploded in a swampy flood of juices that Ron continued to suck out of me long after my orgasm had subsided.
"Stop ... stop ... Ron..." I panted as his tongue snaked deeply inside my palpitating pussy. My heart was pounding and my chest was heaving as I tried to catch my breath but he wouldn't let up. Pulling at my restraints, I saw my sweat-soaked body writhing under his continued machinations. My naked breasts, sprouting hard, elongated nipples were jostling from side to side as I tried in vain to move my cunt away from his hungry mouth.
I collapsed on the bed, fighting to catch my breath and trying to ignore Ron's incorrigible tongue-lashing. Just when I thought I couldn't take anymore, I felt that familiar ache in my abdomen. Fuck me! He's getting me going again! I started moving with him instead of away from him and suddenly he was pleasuring me instead of exasperating me. Goddamn! Is there no end to my orgasmic indulgence? Can he really bring me to another climax so quickly?
The answer was a resounding yes! Him and that goddamn tongue of his easily overpowered my drenched pussy and sent ecstatic signals pulsating throughout my body. My nipples were particularly receptive to these new pleasure waves and longed to be touched and sucked as they tightened up even more than before. The woman on the monitor was out of control. It was like I was watching someone else's aching nipples straining for attention as Ron's head bobbed up and down between her legs.
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IncestShe had been dreaming of this day for years now. Her love for him had been burning insider her like a furnace. ‘Tis a sin!’ They would say if anyone found out, but Sister Pamfry didn’t care anymore. She loved Cardinal Vogue and he loved her. It all started a few years back. Sister Pamfry, then known as Catharine Pamfry, had just become a nun after throwing away her life of greed and deception. She came to the newly built St. Joan of Arc Nunnery in Domrémy, France. It was a big change from her...
She had been dreaming of this day for years now. Her love for him had been burning insider her like a furnace. "Tis a sin!" They would say if anyone found out, but Sister Pamfry didn't care anymore. She loved Cardinal Vogue and he loved her. It all started a few years back. Sister Pamfry, then known as Catharine Pamfry, had just become a nun after throwing away her life of greed and deception. She came to the newly built St. Joan of Arc Nunnery in Domrémy, France. It was a big change...
ReluctanceYou can't think about hot girls when you priest... The sin. I was zealous catholic. Church was everything for me. I believed in God and was in church every day. I didn’t date anybody. Maybe once in a while I would go on a “blind” date. If guy was cute we had sex. If no – home and Netflix. Usually mass’ were boring. Sometimes I was asking myself why am I here? Until I saw him… I think God wanted to see my reaction because I had only one idea in my mind...
TabooIn the beginning, there was nothing.And then, in a move which can only be described as "ill-advised, not very well thought-out, and rather stupid", God created the heaven and the earth. And then, realising that it's rather difficult to see what you're doing whilst working in pitch black darkness inside of a trans-dimensional divine cosmic tool shed, God said, "Let there be light!", and behold! There was light.Exactly where this light came from is up for some debate, seeing as God had yet to...
Contrary to what you might have been told, Purgatory is not a waiting room. You do not measure each sin in decades, serving a lonely sentence that’s proportionate to your crimes.If it were, she’d have left by now.Instead, in this place that is not about waiting, she relives her sins.It starts with theft – the kind that you’d think were forgiveable. A thick, purple lipstick that dazzled her five-year-old self. She reached out, smeared the test stick on her hand, then slipped it into Mum’s...
Book One: The Quest Chapter Seven: The Knight's Sacrifice By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Acolyte Sophia – Western Deorc Forest, The Federation of Deoraciynae The two other elf hunters appeared silently out of the woods. Like Xera, they were gorgeous, tall and lithe, their bodies painted in greens and browns to let them blend into the woods. Their keen eyes flickered at Angela and me, their ears twitching in obvious curiosity at the sight...
Bless Me, Father, for I Have Sinned by Ashley B. D. Zacharias?Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been two weeks since my last confession.? Mary proceeded to recite a list of mundane sins for the priest behind the carved wooden screen. Impure thoughts. Intemperate language. A couple of other venial sins. Nothing the least bit interesting. It wasn't even worth the effort to ask for salacious details about her impure thoughts. She was probably fantasizing about having an affair with the...
I was a zealous Catholic woman. The church was everything to me. I believed in God and was in church every day. I didn’t date anybody regularly. Maybe once in a while, I would go on a “blind” date. If the guy was cute, we had sex. If no, home and Netflix.Usually mass’ was boring. Sometimes I asked myself 'why am I here'? Then I saw him. I think God wanted to see my reaction because I had only one idea in my mind “Are you fucking kidding me?” He was tall, had a great built and very hot… the...
MasturbationAn elderly gentleman sat at his wooden desk staring at the painting on the wall. He had been chided by his peers for many years for having it, but the beauty of it could not be denied. It depicted the Arch-Angel Michael standing over a beaten man. Michael held a two edged sword and the image was reminiscent of the Michael depicted on the Temperance card in the Rider-Waite version of the Tarot. The Arch-Angel was Androgynous having the lean muscular features of a man with the long blond...
The curly-headed, pretty little blonde girl clutched her mother's warm hand as they made their way into the small church. At the tender young age of six, Miriam Posey was the perfect picture of a bright-eyed young lady, eager to learn about the vast new world all around her. The little girl and her mother sat at the front of the church like they religiously did every Sunday morning. Miriam smiled up at the man in the long white robe. She dearly loved her father, the Reverend Posey. The topic...
I was working in a company in Hyderabad, in the company I was surrounded by people who were many years my senior, Then about 2 months ago, Hasina joined our company, I could scarcely believe my eyes. I was overjoyed that I would now have a beautiful, fresh, good looking girl of my own age working with us. My super active mind was full of fantasies involving her: blowjobs under my desk, quick fucks in the rest room, doggie-style humping and so on. Hasina is a knockout in the truest sense, she...
LIVING IN SIN By Jenny North "I represent to you all the sins you have never had the courage to commit." - Oscar Wilde, _The Picture of Dorian Gray_ Chapter 1: Blithe Spirit God, I looked good. I gazed longingly at my reflection and gave myself a sexy little pout as I ran my hands sensuously down my body. Three long years it's taken me. All the dieting and exercise, the painful surgeries...but it's all been worth it to finally have the body I deserve. I marveled at the...
Hey everybody…thanks for your good compliments about my earlier story with Saraf Naveed…. As you know from that story…..I met a bellboy named Mohsin Khan in hotel at Paradise Point… and I promised him to get him in the university canteen….and I will teach him school also. After Naveed left to England….I was feeling lonely….needs someone to fulfill the gap of Naveed….I was cleaning my pocket…there I saw a small paper from Mhsin Khan…..then I suddenly remember him…to make him my bed partner….I...
Gay MaleI tossed in sweat-drenched sheets as the dream continued vividly in my mind. And though I was vaguely aware that my body approached climax, I didn’t intend to do so alone. I woke fitfully, and Natalie came to mind just like she was in my dream…naked. We’d been together three times since the spontaneous sex on the beach. ‘The woman is truly addictive,’ I thought as I threw my dark legs over the side of the bed. Her mind, her very filthy mind, intrigued me just as much as her body aroused me. I...
CheatingThere she was again. Why did she keep looking at me that way? I saw her earlier at the airport; she was gorgeous. She had blonde hair which was pulled back in a stylish chignon, blue eyes that shined, long toned legs that made my head spin and mouth water, and a mouth made for sin. She was everything that I wanted and nothing that I needed on this trip. "You're tired Renee, leave it alone," I thought as I pranced my way toward the concierge of the posh resort. "You have a reservation for Renee...
LesbianIMMORTAL SIN. As he grabbed my arm again I screamed and tried to fight him off kickingout at him then I launched forward and bite into the side of his face, he pushedme away and slapped me" your nothing but a cheep dirty whore I cant believeI wasted my time with you just go, go on" and he pushed me over onto thewet street, everyone stared at me I felt humiliated and degraded, who did hethink he was? I started to walk off; I just wanted to get as far away fromhim as I could and never come...
EROTIC TALES The Seducer’s Diary: The Taste of Sin June 14th 1986 Dear Diary, Today I have discovered a power I didn’t know I possessed. It has come as a bit of surprise to me that a 14 year old girl can exert such a powerful allure—for both women and men! I find it all so wickedly delightful even more so since I am not a statuesque blond beauty, like my older sister, Christine. However, it seems what I may lack in certain stereotypical feminine graces, I more than make up for it...
Chapter 2: dealing with my sin I remained in the shower for an extended period of time, trying to deal with the conflict that was overwhelming me. I could not quite get my mind around what had just occurred; and what I had done.In a moment of weakness, I had crossed a line that our society has deemed uncrossable. I had violated one of the most fundamental taboos that exist; a taboo that has existed since biblical time.I was ashamed, and guilt ridden; at the same time I was excited and confused....
TabooHello ISS readers, ,my name is Valkyrie(name changed). i am 21 years old. this story is around 6 months old. well i wouldn’t say its true and all. read it and you people decide. My sister is married and has a 3 year old son. she leaves in Sahibabad in a m.i.g. flat. there was a couple who leaves in neighboring flat. husband was a lawyer and wife was a teacher who was forced to be a housewife as her in-laws didn’t wished her to go for work. they were married for 6 years but didn’t had any...
Hello all ISS readers! I’m Susant again. I am happy to say that I could have developed friendship with so many readers thru my stories. Thanks to all my fans and This is my sincerest request to all of u teen virgins that after reading this story don’t forget to give your comments on Rahul’s act. Ok before that, read out his confession…. Hi Susant………..I am Rahul, going to narrate my most dangerous acts in my life which sometimes embarrassed me very much. Please read this patiently and...
IncestDeborah was sitting at her desk intently looking at her screen as she always did. I approached from behind. She was always so close to her computer monitor that if you didn’t approach from behind her monitor you were approaching from behind her. She was a very tall girl, all legs and attitude, a very strong, assertive attitude. I like to think I have the same attitude, but she had never seen it, because in her presence, I felt intimidated. I wanted to tell her how I felt about her, and...
ALIAS SINBAD © 2014, 2019 by Anthony Durrant As I climbed up to the top of the clock tower of the Royal Palace of Bagrad, I could hear nothing at all. Hence, when I finally reached the window at the top, I simply climbed in through it and walked over to the gem set in the front of the main hall. Grabbing the gem, I ran back to the window, only to be grabbed from behind by a guard and dragged off to see the Crown Prince of Bagrad. ?You!? he shouted. ?You...
Awakening. The priest had heard the door shut quietly and settled into a comfortable position, ready to hear the usual liturgy of minor transgressions that would be forgiven with his scale of “Hail Mary’s” by way of absolution. Twenty minutes later, and having received an education in the emergence of one of his parishioners from drudge to the exalted woman she now was, he was, for the first time in his life, unable to dispense a suitable punishment and suspected that the occupant of...
In the spring of 1976, having passed my twenty-first birthday, I got a part-time job driving for a car service called Lioness Limousine. At that time I was a junior at the City College of New York but I wasn’t straining myself with the academic load of being a history major. I figured I might as well get a bit ambitious for once and do something with the spare time that accumulated outside of midterm and end-term requirements.In my first couple of months, I wound up having a regular customer, a...
Straight SexForgive me Father, for I have sinned.The words dance through your mind as you return to the vicarage to the help with the post service coffees and teas. Your mind racing in a million directions as you take a deep breath and tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear, re-joining the conversation with the regulars as if you had been there all the time. Offering hot beverages and freshly made bakeries to the older congregation, your warming smile ever more radiant.Acting just as you always had...
Quickie SexBook Ten: The Flaming Woman Chapter Four: The Knight's Resolve By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Aurora Xandra – Unmik, Asunow Princedom, The Princedoms of Zeutch The alarm resounded through the cell, my delicate ears flinching from the piercing reverberations while the smile grew and grew on Princess Adelaide's face. The strawberry-blonde woman shuddered on Chaun, eyes casting to the ceiling of his cell. My stomach twisted with fear and anger. She triggered an alarm. She had just...
Hi, guys, this is Kiran from Bangalore writing my first sex encounter on Indian sex stories.As this is the first time I am writing on ISS if at all you find any mistake forgive me and don’t forget to write me back on was my first sex encounter which happened 4 years ago.After my pu(12th), I was pushed to study from my parents. Even though I was not interested in studying, I use to be regular at my college because of my friends. Once I meet a girl at my college during my first sem eng exams....
{Because of something that happened in "Lost Indian Caves" before he was born, Alex's has a condition that changes his gender; male in the dark, female in the light. Alex's simple goal is complicated by a power struggle within the first school he's ever attended. That struggle is about to take on wider implications. - WARNING: This story has been heavily manga influenced.} Knight and Dey 3: Meet the Knights By Ron Dow75 Out in the outer office of school administration, police...
HumorPeople gossip, and no one gossips more than gay men. It's true. Just think about your own experiences in the so-called gay community. Yes? Anyway... Yes, we gossip about each other, but the unwritten rule was always that it stayed within the 'gay circle'. History shows that famous gay men were able to enjoy a gay lifestyle in relative security, because although many men 'knew' about them, the gossip rarely strayed where it shouldn't - outside the circle and into general society. Perhaps that's...
It took less than twenty seconds to snare Amanda Haldane. It was a warm, humid summer afternoon. It was Wednesday, and everyone was off to work or college. Amanda’s daughter Jenny was off to study her art course, and her husband Michael was at work. Amanda was 38, with wavy auburn hair, a slim body which she kept in trim with visits to Fitness First every Monday and Thursday. Her eyes were brown, her face a triangle with a little pointed chin, and pouty lips. She was wearing a plain white...
The trip to San Francisco, California, goes at a faster pace than Boone likes because Peter, the trader, is pushing to get there and back home. Boone has little choice about matching Peter’s pace if he wants to get the extra money for hauling the goods. At camp on the night after the first full day Boone walks over to Peter and ask, “Is this the pace you’ll be keeping all the way to San Francisco and back to Arizona City?” Peter looks up at Boone from where he’s sitting as he says, “Only on...
My late wife Gemma and I were pretty much left to our own devices at age sixteen. Though we,d both had sex education at school we seemed destined to be together being next door neighbours and it seemed natural to lose our cherries to each other. As a result Sindy was born when we were both s*******n. Our parents Didn,t pressure us into getting married, but we decided we would at age eighteen. It was a struggle at first with both of us working and Gemma,s parents helping look after baby Sindy as...
After Boone sees everyone in the camp is properly set out for their first night in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, he goes over to the cooking fire for the Gray contingent, asks for both Olive and Nellie to walk with him, and he walks toward the horses. He stops short of the rope corral they’ve put up for the stock, turns to the two young ladies, and says, “A couple of weeks back your mother told me both of you want to be my wife and have insisted I’ll be your man for some years. Is that...
The trip of about five hundred miles to Santa Fe should take them about twelve to fourteen days to make the journey. After much talking on who’ll go Mary decides Nellie and Sam will accompany Boone and he’s to hire three or four of the Apache as scouts. After the decision is made preparations are made for the trip, the three family members will share the gold between them in their saddlebags, and the ladies will lead two pack-horses carrying their camping gear and food supplies. To ensure...
Bright and early on Monday July 1st, 1861 the doors to the barn are opened and the four wagons move out. Yesterday afternoon was spent cleaning up the barn and stables and now they’re leaving after several weeks of living there while getting ready to go west. Three of the wagons are fully loaded and the fourth is mostly loaded, they’ll finish loading it when they reach Columbus, Ohio, where they plan to buy a great deal of salt. Nellie is at the reins of the lead wagon pair with Heidi in...
When rolling into town mid-morning Boone has a stray thought of, Something must be wrong! This is a Tuesday, not a Monday. We never get anywhere except on a Monday. He’s amused by the thought. During the afternoon they talk while they unpack the wagons, and Boone says, “While in Council Bluffs I caught up on the news. There’s been a dozen or so battles between Army units in Missouri since April, hundreds of shootings and killings in Kansas, and militia attacking the people all over Kansas...
Synopsis: Young catholic girl tortures herself to atone her sins the she just committed in very extreme ways, using common household stuff as torture devices .I attempt to be logical and reasonable as much as possible but it is still more or less random stuff.About me: I prefer to stay anonymous and I release this story from all copyrights, do what you like as you was just my first story to test of my abilities to create something. So if you like it or use it, my work is sucess.p.s....
The year is two thousand one hundred twenty-one on planet earth.Sina, the youngest of three children, has just turned twenty-one.The day of her birth held special significance as she would be counseled on her possible mission.Her father, Joseph, was one of the few elders left on the planet, and it was his task to explain it to Sina.Since a young child, Sina had been educated by computers almost robot-like.She knew nothing of love and sex only what computers clinically explained to her.The real...
First TimeFollowing the talks in December 1859 Mary, Heidi, and Boone start their preparations to leave Virginia. Materials and things are bought and put aside, for now. The tensions and troubles increase with each passing month of 1860. Mary, Heidi, and Boone become more worried with each rise in the tensions between the two major political forces. Boone starts to build a wagon like his father made using his father’s drawings which Mary has. They don’t have a farm wagon so he builds two of the large...
I found this story on the web, it's not from me.Sindy was the property of her Master, a wealthy New York lawyer who'd collared and contracted her as his own slave property three years ago, when she'd worked as a temporary filing clerk in his offices one summer vacation from college. Sindy had the perfect Dolcett looks, tall lithe, healthy with the right balance of meat and fat on a clean, toned and tanned skin. The fact that she was utterly submissive outside her job, and obedient to all of his...
Introduction: I cannot believe I let this happen. I cannot believe I allowed my stepson into my bed. I can claim I was drunk, confused, depressed, lonely, or even out of my mind with lust, but there is no excuse for a stepmother doing what I did. I am not here to make excuses, or to claim that there is any excuse. There is none. But please as you read this, please do not condemn me until you understand the events that led up to me committing the one of the gravest of all sins: a sexual...
TabooThe trail west from Fort Laramie, Nebraska Territory, is well marked due to the many hundreds of wagons along the trail in the past twenty years. Many of the worst parts of the trail have been improved by earlier wagon-trains; which just means the trail is wide enough for the wagons, it’s well marked, also some water crossings have stones in them to stop the crossing from washing away, and some of the worst crossings now have ferries in place to make them easier. There are still some places...
Hi readers, I am a 40 years old man and I look very handsome. I am a rich and successful businessman living in Mumbai. I had not been yet married till this age because I did not find a fitting girl for me. Well, I had many childhood crushes but not good enough to marry. Many women also had a crush on me and wanted to marry me because of my wealth. But I wanted true love. My parents were worried about me and looked for girls regularly. Finally, they met a girl about same my age and they agreed...
It’s rare to find a woman, at least as upstanding and educated as I am, and a Black woman on top of that, who readily admits that she is a aroused by sexual variation and coloring outside the lines. I didn’t say it was rare to find a woman of my social and economic standing who is a pervert, I meet tons of them. We live in such a sexually repressed society, finding women who are sophisticated and conservative on the outside and horny and willing to push their limits when they let their hair...
I’m a pervert, and an unapologetic one at that. I’m so completely confident and comfortable with my sexuality that I refuse to compartmentalize it, lie about it, or be ashamed of it. I’m free from society’s pressure to conform and that is a joy most people will never experience. To most people in a sexually-repressed society, being unashamed of your sexuality translates to being a perv and trying to convince people that you never have any sexual thoughts whatsoever is considered normal. ...
Hi! I’m Rahul Reddy. I’m from Khairathabad, hyderabad. I’m 6″0. I’m a state level cricket player & fair & have a athletic body. This is my first story folks. If any mistakes ignore them. This is a true and real sex story. Coming to the story, this happened in 2010. She was my school mate and even my college mate. Her name was Sindhura Bhavani. Her smile is one of the major asset to her body apart from boobs and butt. She was the buxom beauty in our school and college. She made boys crazy by her...
Tara walked into her simple yet elegant two bedroom apartment and collapsed on the sofa. It had been a long night. She had gone beyond anything she had ever done before and had completely gone against every moral she ever stood for tonite…but with no regrets. Looking up at the ceiling she remenisced on the events of the evening and smiled to herself. If her fiancee, Justin found out what she had done, he would go ballistic and she definitely wouldnt be standing at the alter in September…so this...
It would have been impossible to keep track of how many of these horrid creatures had seeded Sunflower in the hours of abuse she had endured against her body. The buxom blonde was now forced to straddle one of the beasts as another bore down on top of her, her hips being forced against two separate cocks inside two separate entrances; a cool rush of air chilled her sweat covered face as the lower half of her mask was suddenly torn away, and another throbbing shaft was thrust down her...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Volume II Affairs of a Family in Sin -- Part One : Partner's In Crime She... She screams in silence, A slowly riot penetrating through her mind, Waiting for a sign, to smash the silence with the brick of self control. . Are you locked up in a world...
There she was again. Why did she keep looking at me that way? I saw her earlier at the airport, she was gorgeous. She had blonde hair which was pulled back in a stylish chignon, blue eyes that shined, long toned legs that made my head spin and mouth water, and a mouth made for sin. She was everything that I wanted and nothing that I needed on this trip. ‘You’re tired Renee, leave it alone,’ I thought as I pranced my way toward the concierge of the posh resort. ‘You have a reservation for...
Standing on the balcony over looking the beach, wearing my light pink sundress feeling the early morning breeze caress my soft skin. I feel my papi come up behind me. He gently strokes my straight black hair before pushing it to the side, lowering his full lips on to my neck and kissing me softly. “Good morning mami,” he whispers against my neck. I reach back and run my fingers through his short black hair, “Good morning baby.” I turn around and look up, staring deep into his brown eyes before...