A Paladin's JourneyChapter 19: Moonsong free porn video

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Erik rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands and sighed, his breath ruffling at some of the papers on his desk. Neat writing covered the pages, all concerning the now-bustling village of Suravale, nestled in amongst the ruins of the once-great city of the same name. He went over them again, the grainy feeling in his eyes making him blink more than normal. Working by the light of a single candle didn’t help, either. It was late, and sleep called to him, but he pushed the urge aside and focused on the task at hand; ensuring Suravale was in some semblance of functional order before he returned to the Temple.

Overall, a remarkable amount had been done in the short time since the refugees from the Sorral Plain had taken up residence. Many of them farmers, arable land had quickly been identified for the growing of crops, and some had even successfully forayed out for stray livestock roaming the plains. The town already had a makeshift forge, a farrier, and a windmill was under construction. It had come to Erik’s attention that a small handful of the older men had experience with fighting in their younger years, so he had assigned them to run daily lessons on a rotating basis, ensuring that everyone learned as much as possible. It wasn’t enough, Erik knew, but it was better than nothing.

Slowly but surely, the buildings that could be safely repaired had been chosen out, while the others were being taken apart for materials. New houses made almost entirely from the rubble of the old collapsed ones were going up. Erik thought there might be enough space under roofs for everyone within the next month or so.

Astonishingly, the numbers in Suravale had swelled into the thousands as the storms and earthquakes had driven people from the unprotected plains. They were fleeing south rather than north, for the Heralds occupied the cities, and sentiments toward them had changed drastically of late. There was not much love for the Heralds in Suravale. Many excursions from the hidden canyon aimed at finding livestock or more good land often returned with more people seeking shelter. Erik wondered just how many people would be living here, in the end.

Blinking several times, he held a sheet of paper up to his face, squinting as the words written there drifted in and out of focus. It was a report on the food stores, and from what Erik could read, there was not much good news on the page. More people arriving every day, and not enough food to go around. Crops had been planted, but they would need weeks to grow. Weeks they did not have. Something needed to be done, though Erik had little clue as to what that was.

So tired was he that he didn’t sense Sylvia’s presence until her fine-boned hands landed gently on his shoulders. “Come to bed,” she told him. “You cannot solve every problem in one night.” Her hands drifted down over his bare chest. It was a cool autumn night, but the robust fireplace in the small bedroom he shared with Sylvia warranted the lack of clothing while in the privacy of their room. She pressed herself into him and he felt the silky warmth of her bare skin against his back. Despite his exhaustion, he felt a thrill at her touch.

“If only I could,” he said with a sigh as he put the page down and spun on his stool. She moved back slightly to give him room and stood there proudly, wearing nothing but a smile. Erik looked her over with as much appreciation as he had the very first time, more than three years ago now. No number of sleepless nights could stop him from admiring the slim half-Elf. “But we’re leaving tomorrow, and I want to do as much as I can.”

“You have done everything you can,” she insisted softly, her emerald eyes earnest in the candlelight. Erik doubted that; surely the few hours he had left could be used for something, but he let the argument die on his tongue at the concerned look on her pretty face. She offered him a hand and he took it, allowing her to lead him to the makeshift bed against the wall nearby, more a nest of spare clothing and blankets than an actual bed. Still, it was theirs and theirs alone.

“You’ve been poring over reports all night,” she whispered as she looked up at him. She was standing close, her skin brushing against the dense hair on his torso. He thought there might be a few more grey ones there now than there had been before Suravale. “You’re looking after everyone but yourself.” Erik started to say something in reply, but a monstrous yawn forced his jaws wide open. After, he couldn’t remember what he’d been about to say. Gently, Sylvia guided him to lay down, and as soon as he felt his body touch the blankets, sleep reached for him. “Sleep now, my love,” he heard dimly. “And tomorrow, we return home.”

Home. That sounded nice.

The next day Erik and Sylvia slipped out early, just before dawn. As they rode through the city, they saw a few other early risers emerging from buildings or tents erected in cleared spaces. Nobody paid them any mind as they reached the broad avenue that split the narrow city down the middle and headed east. Some of the rubble had been cleared from the avenue recently, making it easier for the horses to pick their way across the ancient flagstones. By the time they neared the passage that connected the canyon to the Sorral Plain, lights were starting to appear in some of the windows. Erik unlimbered a pole lantern tucked behind Quill’s saddle girth and reined the gelding in long enough to fill the lantern from a small flask of oil and set it alight with a flint. It would be dark in the passage for some time, yet, and Erik did not have Sylvia’s Elven eyes.

They entered the rocky passage without speaking to anyone, and the men standing watch waved them through without delay; everyone knew who Erik and Sylvia were by now. Erik nodded at them and smiled as he rode past, though he didn’t stop to speak; he wanted to be as far toward Temple Sura by dark as he could. Mentally, he ran through the list of instructions he’d left for Harl, but he was sure nothing had been forgotten. Besides, Harl and Lissa were capable people; if Erik had left anything out, they would probably think of it anyway.

Gently heeling Quill to a trot, Erik lead the way into the passage, hoping there was not another earthquake while he and Sylvia were inside the rocky chasm. Neither he nor she said anything as they guided their horses through as quickly as they could, almost as if they were afraid the sounds of their voices alone could cause the rocks to slip down atop them. Beneath his tension, Erik found himself again marvelling at how easily Suravale could be defended against a large force with the only access to the city being this passage. “One or two hundred men, well entrenched,” he mused softly to himself.

“What?” Sylvia hissed from behind him.

Erik turned briefly to smile reassuringly. “Nothing,” he said, keeping his voice low. “Just thinking.”

The quarter-mile passage ended none too soon, and Erik relaxed once Quill stepped out into the welcome morning sunlight. From here he could see down over rolling foothills of the Karvanis to the sprawling Sorral Plain, vast and flat, unbroken but for the odd stand of fir and pine trees. Erik turned to look back at the mouth of the chasm. It looked like a gash left by a colossal axe in the sheer face of the cliff. There was no one up there, of course, but Erik had left instructions for men to be trained in scaling the cliffs in search of suitable watch posts. No army would get within a mile undetected if lookouts were posted high enough.

“Thinking again?” Sylvia teased as she watched him scan the cliff face. “I thought I could smell something burning.”

Erik barked a laugh. “My brain is cooked, no doubt,” he said before heeling Quill forward again. “It would have to be for me to enjoy spending my time with you.” There was no acid in his words; it was merely the way he’d learned to relate with Sylvia. She was ever one for a friendly jibe, and strangely, she seemed to delight in being the object of remarks that would leave most people offended.

Indeed, her joyful laugh tinkled in the crisp morning air as she clicked her mare forward to follow him down the stony slope toward the plain. Erik just shook his head; of all the women he’d known, none of them were loath to drop a tart comment when it suited them, but when you offered one in reply, they acted as if you’d physically slapped them. Sylvia, however, loved nothing more than some spirited banter. The girl was a breath of fresh air, most days, and so different from her mother, though Erik felt a pang of heartache when Lynelle crossed his mind; putting his arms around her again would be a treat indeed.

Once down into the grasses of the plain, they turned southeast and hugged the mountains as they travelled in that direction, curling further south as the miles went by. While both riders remained vigilant, neither detected any sign of Herald patrols, nor the tell-tale sight or smell of smoke from a campfire. Sylvia was quick enough with a sling to land a rabbit just after midday, and she hung it triumphantly on the back of her saddle for dinner. When twilight arrived, her keen eyes spotted a suitable campsite, and she led them a short distance uphill to the west, where a convenient hollow lay nestled among the hills.

It had been a long day in the saddle, and Erik was looking forward to some food and rest. They roasted the rabbit over the fire and ate eagerly; it had been a long time since either of them had enjoyed roasted meat of any kind. Stomachs full, they sat back and talked and laughed, and Erik began to feel more at ease than he had in weeks.

He got some rest eventually, but not until Sylvia’s insistence on him making love to her was satisfied. He took her there, in the hollow, their cloaks spread out beneath them and the stars glittering above. Afterwards, they slept peacefully, comfortable they would not be discovered up here by unwanted eyes.

In the morning, they were moving again at first light, following the same path. Again, there was no sign of danger, though a light rain did set in for several hours. They persevered, and by mid-afternoon they were climbing once again, this time aimed at one of the many hidden entrances to the Temple that lay in the mountains. They ascended carefully, dismounting and leading the horses over the wet stone to reduce the chance of the animals slipping, though this particular path wound through the rocks with least resistance, carved so long ago that now it looked like a channel etched by centuries of water rather than by people.

Dark came quickly on this side of the range, and Erik let Sylvia take the lead; her eyes were much better than his. Before full night arrived, the narrow path ended in a flat stone surface, smooth and carved with a sunburst. In the failing light, Erik watched Sylvia activate the door by pushing three distinct points on the sunburst simultaneously. The door began to swing inward with the deep grinding of stone on stone.

Erik felt Amina before he saw her; a wave of peace and contentment washed over him and he heard Sylvia sigh happily as the Priestess’s aura enveloped them, radiating from wherever she was, deeper into the Temple.

The first person they saw as they led the horses down one of the wide access corridors was Rayna. The fire-haired beauty was coming down an adjoining corridor, dressed in a short robe that left her creamy legs bare to the upper thigh. It was a good imitation of a vaima, though nowhere near as sheer. She beamed when she saw Erik and Sylvia and rushed forward to greet them. Hugs and kisses were exchanged, and while Erik wished they could have lasted a little longer – Rayna was a very pleasant armful – he had questions to ask.

She answered readily as she walked with them to the stables, giving them as much as she knew. Erik was troubled to hear that Sara had disappeared. Why she would leave was beyond Erik, but he did not claim to understand the motivations of the arohim, let alone a Priestess, fully trained or not. He was glad to hear that all appeared well with Aran, at least according to what Rayna could feel through the melda. She said he felt different, lately. ‘Whole,’ was the word she used, though Erik wasn’t sure what she meant exactly. Ayla and Tavish were working hard at their lessons under Amina, and Rayna thought there was something different about Ayla now, but she didn’t elaborate.

Once the horses were secured in the stables and settled for the night, Rayna took a good long look at them under the light of a nearby sunstone. “You two need a bath,” she said flatly, her plump lips twisting in what Erik could only call amused distaste. “Which is a good thing, because it just happens to be the hour for it. Come, the others should still be there. If they’re not, the water will still be hot.”

At the thought of bathing with the women, Erik’s heart skipped a beat. He’d done it countless times before, but it never grew old. Sylvia grinned broadly as she looked at him; his excitement must be showing in his face. Erik followed the women back into the Temple as they chatted about this and that, and despite his anticipation for being reunited with everyone, he couldn’t suppress a strong sense that he should go straight to Amina, wherever she was.

‘By the time I find her,’ he thought to himself. ‘She’ll have found me. She knows I’m here. She will come when she’s ready.’ Telling himself that that decision had nothing to do with having a bath with six beautiful women, he stayed his course. A few minutes later, feminine voices could be heard up ahead, echoing slightly down the stone halls. No sooner had they reached the archway than Rayna rounded on him, pulling him up short. Sylvia stopped too, wearing a knowing smile. She raised a finger to her lips as he opened his mouth to ask what was happening.

Rayna moved in close and put her lips near his ear. “We have had no access to men for some time,” she whispered as her hands went to the laces of his shirt. “You are going to popular for a while. I hope you are ready.”

A jolt of excitement shot through him at her words. While she worked on his shirt, Sylvia undid his belt and trousers before bending to pull his boots off. He watched them silently in the light of the sunstones on the walls, wondering how he had ever gotten so lucky. Tonight, he was going to need every inch of the enhanced stamina gifted to arondur.

Once he was naked, Rayna and Sylvia stripped their own garments and led him into the bath chamber, each holding one of his arms as if afraid he might try and escape, though that was the farthest thing from his mind. Inside, all chatter ceased as if cut by a knife, and four pretty faces turned as one to regard him. Erik’s mouth went dry as he looked around. There was Jeira, leaning back in the corner of the bath behind Bella, her hands tangled in Bella’s soapy hair. And Sorla, statuesque and buxom, her half-Orcish body glinting wetly in the firelight as she sat on a stool next to the bath while Lynelle dried her hair with a towel. The women didn’t appear to be up to anything sexual, but Erik still found it one of the most erotic scenes he’d ever witnessed.

At his appearance, the faces of the four women lit up with warm smiles, though Erik noted with amusement there was a predatory touch to their eyes. “Ah, it’s good to be back!” Sylvia said with a sigh as she released his arm and strolled to the bath. “Seeing as I’ve had him all to myself these past weeks,” she began, jerking her head back toward Erik. “It’s only fair I leave him to you. I’ll get a turn later, if he survives!” She finished that last with a chuckle and dove into the water cleanly, making only the barest of splashes.

The others laughed, and Erik did too, at least until Rayna’s lips found his. After that, he didn’t have a coherent thought for quite some time.

The next morning, Erik looked everywhere for Amina. He traversed what felt like miles of halls and corridors, but it was as if she had disappeared. Figuring she must be in her quarters, which were forbidden unless one was invited, he made for the library she had granted him access to, hoping to find more information on Palavus Ironrod. He found himself grinning as he entered the huge room deep in the bowels of the Temple. Even this far down, Amina’s vala had the sunstones blazing, and the rows upon rows of finely crafted stone shelves sung with volume upon volume of books and scrolls and parchments, heavy with the dust of an age.

By a miracle – or perhaps somehow prevented by Amina – the library was unaffected by the multitude of collapses that had occurred elsewhere in the Temple, and so Erik walked among the tall rows of shelves, holding up a small sunstone for light to read by in places where the shadows grew too deep. This truly was a trove of knowledge such as he had never imagined finding. The Heralds had burned most, if not all, the knowledge of the years before the car’mori, at least in the Human cities. If the Elves or Dwarves had ancient libraries like this, they were so far away they might as well not exist anyway.

“Where to start?” He muttered as his light passed over a book titled: ‘Great Composers of the Age.’ That one would be an interesting read; Erik rather liked music. He wondered what instruments existed in times past. He had read bits and pieces over the years of strange things like long brass tubes riddled with holes that worked a little like a flute, as he understood it, but what he had found was too vague to paint an accurate picture. One piece he had found even claimed that such an instrument existed which actually wrapped around the player’s body like a snake and produced the sound from a huge bell above one’s head!

Other titles jumped out at him, too, like: ‘The Rise and Fall of Eshendi,’ ‘Studies of the Andrakin,’ and ‘Nazar: A City in the Sands.’ Erik’s mind spun giddily as he imagined the knowledge contained in these pages, but so far, he had not found what he sought. High and low he looked, scouring every aisle, and just as he was about to conclude that it didn’t exist, a stack of pages bundled with a thin leather cord caught his eye. Strangely, the leather looked reasonably new compared to the age-yellowed pages. The layer of dust was also thinner. Had Amina looked at these recently?

Carefully picking the pages up, Erik sat down on the floor and gingerly plucked at the knot on the cord until it came free. The first sheet was blank, but the next made Erik’s heart skip a beat. This was it! ‘Interviews with the Ironrod: A Biography of the Hero of Raengarde.’ The author’s name was penned in smaller print below; ‘Edelielle Vinasia.’ Erik had never heard of the author, but he knew the name Raengarde. It had been a beautiful city in the northwest of Ekistair, between Beringarde and Maralon, a hub of trade and prosperity for Humans, Elves, Orcs, Dwarves, Andrakin, and many other races. Sadly, the city had not survived the Purge.

Wondering how Palavus had come by the title ‘Hero of Raengarde,’ Erik eagerly – but cautiously – lifted the page away to read the next, and then the next, and so on, his eyes gobbling up the text greedily. He didn’t know how much time passed, but it had only felt like minutes as he finished the final page and placed it upside down on top of the stack next to him. All in all, Edelielle Vinasia – who it seemed had never actually published the book – had painted a rather grandiose picture of Palavus, and if she had written true to events, it seemed that Palavus was not a man burdened by modesty. In the interviews transcribed within, Palavus was all too happy to discuss his heroic exploits in detail. This was a much different man than the one Erik had met.

“I see you found Edeli’s unfinished work,” Amina said suddenly. Erik started at the sound of her voice. He looked over to see her standing at the end of his aisle, leaning against the shelf with her arms folded. His heart swelled to behold her, and his loins ached at her allure, despite the extensive exercise they’d recently been given. “Don’t put too much faith in the style of her words,” the Priestess continued. “The stories are true, for the most part, but Edeli was in love with Palavus – Gods, most women were – and she liked embellishing his glory. He was actually quite modest, for a man.”

Erik nodded, smiling at the friendly jibe. “I was wondering that. Thank you for clarifying.” He stood slowly, careful not to disturb the stack of pages. “I was searching for you yesterday, and today.”

Amina inclined her head, confirming this was not news to her. “I know. I was busy with Ayla. You have heard what happened?” She meant Sara. When Erik confirmed, she went on. “The girl takes much of my time, now. She is progressing quickly, however. Much more so than I expected. It is almost enough for me to awaken Tavish. Almost.” Shaking her head, she straightened and swayed toward him.

Erik heard himself moan as they embraced and shared a deep kiss. Remembering what he needed to tell her, though, he gently and reluctantly pulled back a little. One more second of that, and he would lose himself in her. Her sapphire eyes searched his as she read him. “What troubles you?” Erik’s heart thumped in his chest. Did Amina even know Palavus was alive? What would her reaction be? “Erik?” She said, concern in her crystalline voice. “What has you so afraid? Are you in danger?”

For his loyalty to Amina, he was going to break his word to Palavus. Silently, he apologised to the Paladin, wherever he may be. “We found him,” Erik whispered. “Palavus.”

For a moment Amina did not respond, but she finally smiled. “I wish that were true, child, but that is impossible. Palavus has been dead for centuries.” She released him from the embrace and stepped back slightly.

Erik took a deep breath. Was he sure about this? Completely and utterly? He found the words tumbling from his lips on their own. “Forgive me, Priestess, but did you ever see his body?”

Her smile turned sad, and Erik hated himself for making her feel that way. “No, I did not. But I felt the pain of him leaving this world. Leaving me.” She finished softly, barely a whisper. Her gaze had turned inward, as if remembering that pain. “We were amatharn, you see. Like Aran and Elaina. It is a powerful bond, and one does not mistake the feeling of it being broken.”

“We were in Suravale,” Erik explained. “There was a house there, in better shape than the others around, like someone had been living in it. A man came, tall and good-looking, with eyes as blue and hair as golden as yours.” He went on, telling her everything as clearly as he could remember. Amina’s expression changed slowly as he spoke, and when he got to the part about Sylvia feeling the echo of a vala, she sagged visibly as if struck, and would have fallen if Erik had not caught her and lowered her to the ground.

“He wouldn’t have,” she murmured as Erik set her back against a shelf and knelt beside her. Eyes wide, her face was a picture of shock, her beautiful features decidedly pale. Erik had never seen her so out of countenance; it was alarming to say the least. “He wouldn’t have!” She said, more firmly this time. Her gaze sharpened, and she turned it on him, pinning him to the spot with twin augurs. “What else?” She asked him.

Erik answered her, his voice sounding distant in his own ears. May he be damned for uncovering centuries of pain in someone he loved so dearly. “He told me to keep his existence a secret from you. He said it was better for everyone if he remains forgotten.” His heart ached as a tear welled in her eye and fell down her cheek. “I’m so sorry.” He knew why she was sad; if Palavus wasn’t dead, that meant he had somehow cut himself off from the vala and Amina willingly. What would it be like to be alone for a thousand years, and then discover that the one closest to you had been alive all this time? If Amina’s heart wasn’t breaking all over again, it had to be close to it. More tears fell, and Erik watched, not knowing what to do or say. Perhaps there was nothing. Never had he felt so helpless.

She pushed herself to her feet slowly. Erik held onto her arm; she still seemed a little unsteady. She pushed him off, though, and straightened her robe as she took a deep breath. Her composure returned quickly; Erik’s admiration for her increased as he watched her return to her normal self.

“Whatever you need, I will do,” he told her with as much certainty as he could muster. When she looked at him, he saw something in her had changed, as if she had let go of something she’d been holding for a long time.

“I know,” she said quietly, touching his face. “Here is what I need, Erik arondur; gather the others and ready them for travel. It is time for Amina Moonsong to enter the world once again.” At that, she strode from the room, leaving Erik standing in stunned stillness. Something told him that if she ever found Palavus, the man would have much to answer for.

“Moonsong,” he heard himself whisper as he gently retied the leather cord around the pages he’d just read. All this time with Amina, and he’d never thought to ask about her second name, or if she even had one. It had a nice ring to it.

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19.2: The Third Ring

Maloth appeared in the centre of a hard-packed circle of earth surrounded by lush grass. Nearby was a building all of smooth white stone, set with tall arched windows. The glass in those windows flashed as they reflected the lightning that spidered across the roiling black sky above; the hallmark of Maloth’s presence. He came to this world when he dreamed, of late, but this was his first time at this particular location. Was it a real place, in the waking world? Or was it something he had created in his mind?

Taking a deep breath, he filled his lungs and filtered the scents of the area through his nose. There was the coolness of the wind, the heaviness of the air beneath the storm, and the usual, more subtle scents of the earth, trees and grass. But one overpowered all the others; the prickling, agitating scent of arohim, hot and sharp in his nose. It was strong here, very strong. Almost as if more than one had gathered in this very spot not long ago.

Turning in place, he studied the area. The house and yard were encircled by an eight-foot wall, made from smooth, round stones. The wall was so overgrown with mosses and vines that the stone was almost completely hidden in places. What was this place? It wasn’t until Maloth studied the building that he noticed the sunburst emblazoned in gold on the door. The same sunburst on the cloaks of the ones who had killed his mother, so long ago.

He felt a cold smile cross his face as his fingers brushed the gold inlay in the polished blackwood door. “This was your home, wasn’t it, brother?” He murmured as he pushed the door open and walked inside. There was no evidence that the Anarion had lived here, but somehow, Maloth knew it for truth. “I will find this place,” he said aloud as he stalked the halls. Barely more than a hovel, it was hardly the grand abode he had imagined the arohim living in. “And burn it to the ground.”

He stopped in the dining room to stare at a painting hanging on the wall between two arched windows. It was of a man, tall and noble, with fiery hair and piercing blue eyes. He was all in white, with a gold sunburst blazing on his breast and a sword of fire clutched in his fist. That blue stare held Maloth fast, as if it had a power over him.

Maloth remembered the eyes of his father well. Embrace my legacy, that stare seemed to implore from within the painting. You are more than what you are. Maloth ignored it.

“You were too weak, father,” he told the man in the painting. “Too weak to save us. To save mother. I will not be.” Something flickered deep inside him, warm and uncomfortable, stirred to life by ancient memory. He shoved it down mercilessly and covered it with cold, hard resolve. “I reject your feeble power. When I find my half-brother, I will kill him.”

Maloth thought he heard laughter, dark and grim, echoing from somewhere else. It happened sometimes, that and faint whispering just on the edge of hearing. Perhaps he was losing his sanity, or perhaps he was evolving beyond what he was used to. Either way, it would not stop him taking what he wanted. Leaving the room, he made his way back outside and continued his exploration of this strange world.

Elaina took a long pull from the heavy pewter mug in her hand and placed it back on the polished stone table. This Dwarvish ale was quite good, and she was on her third round already. After walking the streets of Dun’Arghol for hours on end, she’d finally settled on a tavern where she could eat and have an ale. This establishment – simply called ‘The Royal’ -- was a lively place, though short of raucous. Elaina had been here over an hour and hadn’t seen one fight, or even so much as a harsh word. The patrons were well-dressed, not as elegantly as nobles, but certainly more so than the working class.

She was seated at a booth in the back corner from which she had a good view of the whole room. A long stone bar stretched the length of the room on one side and a roaring fireplace at either end kept the cool mountain air at bay. Patrons sat atop stools along the bar, talking and laughing with the barmaids, whose necklines were slung low enough to threaten full exposure, though in Dun’Arghol, that was nothing to sneeze at. Dwarves believed in flaunting their assets, and Elaina was happy to enjoy the view. She had walked past more than one tavern promoting nude waitresses, but as much fun as that would have been, Elaina wanted somewhere quieter, at least for today.

Same as A Paladin's Journey
Chapter 19: Moonsong Videos

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There were three of them at the Club, all black, good looking, and nicely hung. One of them hit on me, and I let him buy me a drink while we chatted. After the conversation turned to sex, he asked me if I was interested in sucking him off, along with a couple of his friends, who had all been watching me as I danced. I said sure, but only if they were all hung at least eight inches. He assured me that they were, and soon I was crowded into the booth between them, and the guys on either side of...

2 years ago
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The Oblivious Giantess Girlfriend

You thought it would be nice to surprise your girlfriend for her birthday, so you borrowed her extra key and let yourself in while she was at work. What you didn't know was that she has a very unique security system. It was silent, and just as you walked over the threshold it zapped you. As you came to, you noticed that everything was huge, and you immediately started to panic.

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Sex Games

He hears the door close behind him and the key twist in the lock. He turns around. He watches as she places the key on the small table by the door, she smiles at him, then walks toward the bed that occupies most of the far side of the room. He follows her voluptuous figure with his eyes as she moves.She wears a white loose fitting blouse above a knee length black skirt. Her legs are covered in skintight black nylon and he wonders if they are tights or stockings, he studies the way her skirt...

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Illegal Illicit and IntoxicatingChapter 7

MY EYES POPPED OPEN when the bed moved. The room was shadows and darkness, the open window a bright rectangle. I rolled over, knowing Rachael had just slipped into bed. She smiled at me. “I’ve thought about it.” “Not enough,” I countered. Her smile faded, making me conscious of how much courage it must have taken to take the initiative. Not wanting her to feel rejected, I added, “But you can sleep in bed with me and experience what it’s like to be with someone.” Her smile returned. “Kay.”...

4 years ago
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Slave to the EmpireChapter 17 The Council of War

Empress Xarina XII strode through her personal chambers as her body slaves prepared her clothing for the meeting. She stood with arms extended as the slaves wrapped a silk band around her breasts and tied it securely, followed by as hard leather corset that functioned as armor. A third slave wrapped her shaven pussy in a similar silk loincloth before the other slaves brought forth the thigh high armored boots. A long loin cloth was laced over her waist, followed by a light chain-mail skirt. A...

3 years ago
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Corruption Samanthas Story

Corruption Samantha's Story By Erica Wright, with very special consultant, Marcia St. Denis 05/02/02 - 08/14/02 Faithful readers, I thought you needed some background information on Samantha in order to justify the storyline in later chapters of Corruption. Thankfully I was able to convince Marcia to allow me to 'investigate' Samantha's younger years. This is a stand-alone story but fits nicely with the original story. Take heart, more chapters of both stories are in the...

1 year ago
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Moms changes

Note : This story is completely fictional! Subj: 1. First Night This chapter and those that will follow, are fiction. They are set in the relm of actuality although they never happened. My mother was a slut, I just didn't know it at the time, or to what levels she would finally reach. This series of stories is my recounting of the chain of events as they happened. I will attempt to put them in order however as with any good wrighting, chapters develope later on in the developemental stage that...

4 years ago
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DemiGodChapter 2 Familial Familiarity

Jake couldn't sleep. It was one o'clock in the morning, but he wasn't even the slightest bit tired. He had spent the last three hours staring at the ceiling, remembering his encounter with Tina that afternoon. It was incredible, but it was also scary as hell. He couldn't understand why she had acted the way she did. She had been a complete bitch up until he called her out for it, and then suddenly, she was the most submissive... something. His mind shied away from the words "love...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Alecia Fox Rebecca Black Anal 3Way

Cute in bookish glasses, blonde Alecia Fox struts and flirts with thickly hung Erik Everhard, showing off her long legs. Sculpted blonde teen Rebecca Black bends over on a leather couch so Alecia can enjoy some lesbian pussy play. Alecia shoves a clear dildo up Rebecca’s puckering asshole, stretching Rebecca’s sphincter. Erik joins the crazy teens, licking Alecia’s pearly clit. He gives her a tasty rim job. Alecia masturbates while Rebecca spreads her ass cheeks for...

3 years ago
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The Clueless Husband And The Balcony

Sarah knew she was lucky to have a husband who made so much money that she could stay at home and didn’t need to work, but sometimes she got bored. There were only so many lunches with the ladies of the rotary club one can attend. Also, her husband Stephen worked so hard that he frequently was too tired to have sex. So there she was, a bored and horny housewife, a combustible combination. It was a warm day in late September when northern California got it’s annual heatwave. Sarah used to call...

1 year ago
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Some chocolate piece at the adult video store

Home alone again and my pussy aching for some cock…But I had not enough with my lovely toys; I needed even more tan this to have some relief. The adult theater was closed; so, I had only two choices: the adult video store or just a pick up outside…As I walked into the adult video store, my eyes raced around at all the magazines, movies and sex toys they had on display. It was such a turn on; I wanted to purchase a new toy for my cunt.As I browsed around the store, several eyes stared at me; but...

3 years ago
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Dynasty and Destiny Book 6 of Poachers ProgressChapter 16 Sturm Und Drang

The day of the Loyal Address in Birmingham dawned bright, and the cloudless sky promised a warm, English spring morning. I heard birdsong as I rode along the towpath from Britannia towards the canal basin at Gas Street. However, as I approached the basin the odour of the canal and its surroundings intensified while the bird song slackened. Eventually there was no sound of birds, and I held a cloth to my nose to avoid choking on the stench. Foundries, textile mills, tanneries, and all manner...

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Falling head over heels with BBW Brandy

Brandy and I lived in the same apartment building; actually, we met in the elevator going up to our floor. We both seemed to get home from work at around the same time and began chatting on the ride up. One Friday evening she was carrying what turned out to be Jamaican Jerk Chicken in a bag, and when I commented on the good aroma, she invited me to join her. I stopped by my unit and grabbed a bottle of dark rum I had, then we went to her place to eat.I soon found that I enjoyed her company, as...

2 years ago
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Hallelujah Ch 09

The podium wobbles a little as I reach out to grip it. It’s made of compressed wood, a dark and somber shade of brown, and from afar it looks nice and mournful. But now that I’m right next to it I can see that one of the casters is either loose or broken, and the whole thing is just waiting for someone to lean on it wrong and send it crashing to the ground. I adjust my grip to prevent both the wobbling and its accompanying squeak. It occurs to me that this is exactly how the bored-looking...

4 years ago
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cum filled panties

For years I had kept a very private secret. I had run the gauntlet emotionally because of it too. Sometimes forcing myself to abstain, thinking it wrong, bizarre, even disgusting as many would see it. But eventually, I'd give in to the urge, usually resulting in a frenzy of activity in order to satisfy what I believed then to be an absurd form of sexual pleasure and gratification.Looking back, I couldn't pinpoint the exact moment or reason why this particular fetish of mine as I came to...

2 years ago
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Wife gets husband Promoted By Blacken

That hit me like a ton of bricks, I hadn't achieved what I had set out to do, and I had now also lost Larry his job into the bargain. That's when I stopped myself; I looked up at him pleadingly. He cocked an eye brow; he knew what he was doing alright. He was forcing me now, forcing me to make a choice, when really there wasn't one."Look at yourself you pathetic bitch, you waltz in here thinking you can flash your lovely eyes and tits, show me some leg, and I'll be eating out of your hand, well...

2 years ago
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Every Other Sunday Pt 02

‘Are Jackie and Tom coming to the barbecue?’ ‘Yes, Mike, turn your head and hold still.’ ‘Will they bring Eddie and Stevie?’ ‘Well, of course, they’ll bring the boys. Hold very still, now. I’m going to trim your sideburns.’ Whenever Jackie and Tom come to our house, it’s like having a cyclone land in the driveway. They have strollers and high chairs and Tom is rushing around and talking really loud. This is funny, because all the kids and noise at our house used to drive him crazy before he...

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Three Boons

Three Boons by Nobilis The heavy doors opened at a touch, and she stepped through the narrow gap, her bare feet making soft sounds in the otherwise silent space. Her body, unencumbered by clothing, swayed provocatively. She did so even though she had no intention of it, simply from the way her joints and muscles moved. ‘My Lady Sorceress,’ she said, bowing gracefully to the figure enthroned before her. ‘Do you know why I have summoned you?’ The sorceress sat with one bare leg thrown...

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Life Changing Encounter

My name is Tony and I want to relate my story about a recent change in my sexual attitudes and preferences. When I was small my parents were divorced and my father never came back to visit me or even write a letter so I grew up with my working single mom. During most of my life I was heterosexual. When I was twelve I came by some Playboy magazines, given to me by a friend, that displayed impossibly beautiful women in various suggestive positions. I had not had an orgasm yet but during the last...

3 years ago
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Erotic Comic Orgy Series ndash Chapter XX

“The Harder They Fuck, The Creamier They Cum”, with Bella (based on an art by 100evthepronger), Serge Leonard (based on an erotic art) and Don (based on an Douglas art)Bella: Serge Leonard: Don (the bottom one): “So, what the guys would like to do today?”“We came here to see you, my darling. You are the one that we want”This was a small part of the chat that happened at a regular house at a midspring afternoon where a middle-aged woman named Bella was about to enjoy her time with two fellow...

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The Bad Habit by loyalsock

"What are we going to do with that girl," a very frustrated Marie Downs asked her husband, "she's eighteen years old and still can't stop touching herself in public!?!" "Don't look at me, dear," Ed Downs replied quickly, "if you wanna say something to her, go ahead, but leave me out of it!!!" "Some help you are," Marie said with exasperation, "your daughter's behaving like a monkey in the zoo and all you can do is say keep me out of it, what kind of father are you anyway!?!" "The kind that...

1 year ago
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Mom and Me First Time1986

After my father passed away it was just me and my mom. All of my sisters were already married and out of the house. We were both depressed and it was a sad place to live. I tried to make her laugh as often as possible and I tried to be good and stay out of troubleI come from an affectionate family. We hug and kiss eachother on the cheeks and always say we love you to one another. After daddy died mom and I would comfort each other as best we could. We cuddled on the couch when we watched tv at...

3 years ago
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The Farmers Daughter Chapter One

The Farmer’s Daughter: Chapter 1 Sisyphus Note: This is a ten chapter novella I started working as an apprentice on John Allen’s farm in April and was eager to learn all I could from him about farming so that I would be able to start my own farm in a few years. He set me up in the apprentice cabin on the other side of the field about a hundred yards from the house. It was a small cabin with a wood stove, a bed, a soft chair and a bureau. An outhouse sat about twenty feet from the back door.

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Carol tells a story

One night I brought someone home from the bar I was working at, I had told my husband about him -- he was very open about the idea that he wanted to fuck me, and he wouldn’t mind sharing me or watching me with another man at the same time. His name was Belldonn. When I came home I told Belldonn that I just needed to get towels outta the other bathroom and I would be right into the master bathroom, I wanted to shower after working all night. When I went into our bathroom, My husband heard me and...

4 years ago
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There Can Be Only One Chapter 3 Cathy and Vicky

There Can Be Only One Chapter 3 Cathy and VickyWhen I got to my room I jumped on the bed, the girls right behind me. “I can’t believe you made mum suck your cock” Cathy squealed. I pulled Vicky to me and kissed her hard on the lips, my tongue pushing its way between them only to find her tongue eager to play with mine. I felt a hand gingerly touch my now flaccid cock which I knew would not respond having cum for the third time in as many hours, but what the hell…the hand felt good and even...

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Caitlin decided to spend Spring Break at home this year, with her mother, Carrie, and her little sister, Chloe. In her first year at college, during Spring Break, she had gone to Ft. Lauderdale with several of her girlfriends. The first day there, while drinking, she had almost drown in the ocean. The next day she had gotten so drunk she passed out and had to be turned onto her side by two of her friends when, still u*********s, her body started rejecting all the booze she had poured down her...

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Getting a haircut

My hair grows like crazy and I have to cut it once a month at least, if I dont, I look like a lion with all that messy hair...I have one place where I go when it's time to get my haircut. So I called my hair dresser and made an appointment...I know her her a long time, she around 35, tall, and has meat on her..She's always cheerful and happy, it's easy to talk to her..So she started her doings around my head. "the usual" I said...having in mind more than haircut itself....She was wearing black...

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Tattoo Trade with Brian 3 the final chapter fo

Well, the world is in a state of emergency, there is a global pandemic called Covid-19 and all businesses other than those deemed essential have been closed and people have been asked to stay home and not socialize.Erin has been getting more ink from her artist, Brian, and had planned to get more shortly but with the pandemic all tattoo shops have been ordered to be closed. She was chatting with Brian online one day and he said that he’d ink her anyways. She asked if they weren’t closed and he...

4 years ago
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Love In Time Of Goddamn Arab Spring

There is no underage sex in my story. Ahmad was a thirty-three years old single Egyptian man, living alone in Old Cairo. He was a secular, believing in Deism and Western civilization values. And he disliked Theocratic Abrahamic Terrorist nations like Saudi Entity KSA and Zionist Entity, Afghanistan, Somalia, Pakistan, Erdogan’s and Justice and Development Party’s Turkey and Sudan. But he was facing another Theocratic catastrophe that was int the year Two Thousand and Eleven, Obama’s Arab...

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A Little Morning Prep

“... and we continue to see promising momentum in our Gen Y-factor line, where sales increased 22% in the quarter, with strong demand evident for the retro-styled merchandise. These successes underpin our confidence in the direction of our model. Over the last quarter, as more of these exciting concepts are hitting the market, it’s obvious that we are not only maintaining momentum but… uh… we are not only maintaining momentum…”Kellen paused in front of the bathroom mirror, his hands frozen in...

Oral Sex
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SaralindaChapter 47 Moira

Be yourself, see yourself I can see others like me Be yourself, see yourself Try and find peace of mind Be yourself, see yourself Be yourself, see yourself Be yourself Be yourself, see yourself I can't find peace of mind Be yourself, see yourself I can see others like me Be yourself, see yourself Be yourself, see yourself Be yourself, see yourself Be yourself Gary was sprawled on the bed, staring at the ceiling. He glanced down long enough to give me a small smile, and to pat the bed...

2 years ago
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U Chapter III

His mobile rang and he rose from the bed to answer it. U lay back on the bed and watched the porn. The scene had changed now to a chamber where a woman was naked and bound to a St. Andrew's Cross. Two men in Nazi uniforms stood on either side of her while a uniformed female stood in front. She held a flogger in her hand. "You filthy Resistance bitch!" the uniformed woman screamed. "You think you can use your sex to entrap my men? I'll teach you". She raised the flogger and flogged her...

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I jerked off several times while watching the SULKA video. At this point I wanted more. I returned the videocassette to the video store and made my way towards the darkness that was the ADULT section. I opened the door and there were several people in the room. My excitement turned to fear. Fear of being in a room of strangers looking for porn. My hands shook a little as I tried to hide my shame. I nervously looked around the room to find a spot where I could sheild my face.I wanted the room...

1 year ago
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Bible Thumping Slut

Carey was fully aware of her panties pushing against her clit. Pussy juice started to dampen the cotton underware. Dammit! she swore. Carey picked up her pace, then slowed it again, trying to stop the swell of her cunt. Images no catholic girl should have filled her mind. Angry, she shoved them out. What kindof whore was she? Up ahead the image of St. Michaels Catholic Church loomed. "Thank God" muttered Carey, ajusting her purse and trying to ignore the tingle between her legs. She walked up...

Group Sex
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English Girl Goes to Brighton Part 2

Bent over the chair, Hayley waited for him, her heart beating like a hummingbird’s. She lifted up on her toes, arched her back and pushed her ass out, hoping to please him as he sat on the couch, directly behind her. She hoped he was enjoying the view. The plug was still there, big and rude inside her—could he see the bright blue tip? Her ass wanted his attention, all of her did, even while it scared her. Being bent over the chair was more comfortable than she’d expected. Would she still think...

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Remembering Boston

A small group of us traveled from Martha’s Vineyard to Boston that early spring morning. The five of us all met the previous year during an excursion in the mountains of Nepal. We became friends in the beautiful but Spartan surroundings, vowing to meet again afterward and run the next Boston Marathon together. We were simultaneously excited and in a state of animated suspense. We were all chatty during the 40-minute ferry ride and 80-mile drive to Boston, engaging in playful banter to calm the...

3 years ago
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Anal Fun

Ready to have that little item in your ass?" "Oh NO! Nope, no!" she said realizing too late what I intended, not that it would have mattered of course."Barri, not now, not yet, please!""Look IW" I growled, "stop arguing with me. It's time to stretch that asshole the next step unless you want to get split open with my cock. And if you don't start behaving a little better, I'm going to use that crop on your ass now. In fact I might just anyway, so stop angering me."I placed the lube and plug on...

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Incest Neighborhood Ch 05

Chapter 5 – Joining Families Martin Caulfield had never been one of those guys who was lucky in love. For a number of years, the entirety of his love life had been an unmitigated disaster. 4 long-term relationships since he had turned 16 and now the promise of a bitter, acrimonious divorce loomed on the horizon. Iris had left him and their son behind to run off with her much-younger yoga instructor. ‘Mom’s fucking nuts Dad, you know that, right?’ Richard had complained to his father over cold...

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The Perils of Pubescent PornChapter 11

Then at the end of the month, after classes on the last Friday, Janice called me into her office. I knocked, and went in to find Christina’s mother sitting in the other visitor’s chair. “Hello,” I smiled, hoping that might help. “Carl,” Mrs Nering smiled back, “our favourite porn star.” She and Janice grinned tauntingly at me while I glanced from one to the other, trying to find a way to play it. Why were they smiling? What did they know? I saw Janice had her laptop open... “Mrs Nering...

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The HomestandersChapter 8

Considering the fact that Duane was home, Jason could have taken Friday off work -- but he'd known from the beginning that Duane had plans to spend much of the weekend with Cory working out the details of the Appalachian Trail hike. For four years it had been on the back burner, and the two kids hadn't even seen much of each other; now with the end of college only a semester and change away, the time had come to move it back to the front. From having done a fair amount of backpacking,...

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A Night to Remember or to Forget

As a petite, pretty, and now fairly confident young transvestite, I feel fortunate to have discovered so many things about myself. I am proud to have a slim, smooth and well-exercised shape. I have longish streaked blonde hair and my goal is to always develop and improve my feminine elegance.My friends tell me I possess a very strong believability in my appearance as a young woman. I think it is due to the constant experimentation and hours of practice that I joyfully spend in front of my...

4 years ago
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Wife groped

"You're a pervert then," said Shirley, "You wanting me to flash and let other blokes touch me up, and fantasising about me being screwed by them, makes you a pervert.""Well that means me and about 50% of the male population then, because it's one of the biggest male fantasies." I said a bit defensively. "Look; when we go out you get dressed up so you look great, yes? I see other blokes looking at you and I don't think they are wondering where you bought your dress from. I know, because I am a...

1 year ago
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You Should Always Be Nice to Your Neighbours

Several months ago, my wife DeeDee, told me that she wanted a separation. Her new life goals didn’t include me. She was determined to find a good genteman that shared her new values. Since we had been drifting apart for some time, this was no big shocker. It was one of those sultry summer nights. The heat and humidity could be cut with a spoon. I was home alone with the TV on for company. DeeDee had dressed in her hottest summer party clothes and was out on a date for the evening with one of...

Wife Lovers
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Private Cherry Kiss The Art Of Improvisation

Cherry Kiss is a true professional and today in Private Specials, Cherry Kiss Homestory she’s here to prove it! Like all successful actresses, Cherry studies and rehearses her lines diligently, however as you will see today, good improvisation separates out the stars! Watch this sexy blonde show off her improvisation talent and more on www.private.com as she gets practical with an incredible threesome, first rehearsing lines with Sam Bourne before Potro joins the party for some deepthroat, anal...

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Love in the Age of Chemicals Ch 03

My stomach hurt. I was lying in bed, eyes closed, sensing it was morning. I felt a heavy pressure on my abdomen and feared the worst. My brain flashed through a list of ailments that might manifest as stomach pain. I blinked my eyes open and reached down to feel the affected area. When I did, my startle reflex forced me back, scrambling towards the headboard as far as I could go. A smooth, fleshy weight that had been sprawled over my midsection now fell into my lap. It moved in time with a...

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Incest Does Happen

Hi, I have been reading stories on this website for long. Few seem to be true but how does it matter. But yes incest happens in our society and I guess it happens pretty often. I still believe it doesn’t happen between blood relatives but cousins and bhabhis etc it happens very often. When I recall my life so I see with most of my cousin sisters I had something at least. With some just kissing, boobs or fingering or with some it went to last extent. Reason for this I believe is easy access,...

2 years ago
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Summer camp gags First mustual masturbation

At summer camp, when I was 14, my bunkmate was older, and open. It was so hot and humid at night he slept naked and persuaded me too also. Wasn't hard to do it was so hot. But I used to get erections as I slept. I noticed he did too.He noticed my erection one night and, as a gag, he snuck over and stroked me off while I kept sleeping- leaving an embarrassing mess for me to clean up in the morning.But he was cool about it and promised he would't tell. He assured me it was natural. was sooo...

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My hot Bengali teacher

This is a real life incident, something which I cannot erase from my memory even after almost 18-20 years of it taking place. I had this buxom Bengali Teacher in school. She is perhaps the only woman who turned me on the very first time I saw her. It was a co-incidence that we took a mutual affinity for each other. She was dusky in complexion with sharp features. Her ample build was what made her the most attractive. Her real massive, firm and shapely Breasts and Buttocks were something to be...

3 years ago
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Brief Encounter

Brief Encounter ? by: Edward Peter After months of correspondence by EMail, Vincent and I decided it felt right to finally explore our bi-sexual curiosity together, which would also include our liking for crossdressing. We had written to each other describing all our fantasies concerning dressing up and what we would love to do together and now we both agreed we should try it for real not wanting to dream about it any longer. We both were obviously very nervous after all we had...

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Fucking my Aunty and Cousin

My family had moved to London about ten years ago after my Dad got a posting here. I am now twenty two years old and haven’t been back to India in that time and have become much westernised. After finishing my degree studies I decided take some time off and travel around the world, including a trip to India and a visit to see the family for a few days. Originally we are from the North of India, I won’t say where as it could easily identify me and my family. I decided to bypass Europe as I’ve...

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Jane Stalwart and the Cock of OsirisChapter 4 Baptism on the Orient Express

Jane's eyes were closed as she floated naked on her back in the hot water. She was in a deep meditative state, completely relaxed. She'd had difficulty achieving this state of being with the professor's murder being so fresh in her mind. When she opened her eyes again, she'd feel totally refreshed as if she'd gotten a full nights sleep. Patty slid up out of the water and let the hot steam embrace her nude body before reaching for a comb and going to work getting the tangles out of her...

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