Country Boy, City GirlChapter 10 free porn video

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On Thursday I followed what had become the new norm. After school Keith and I went over to his house and got his stuff, then drove over to my house to get mine. Then around the block to pick up Linda and Holly at Holly’s house. Shortly after we were at JD’s house, and everybody was doing the usual creating a new party shuffle, while trying to pump me for information.

I told them it was going to be starting in a city. And yes, only 1 character each, levels 5 through 7. Multi-class was fine, so long as the total levels do not add up to anything over 8. And that all religions are allowed there, but Tiny’s cleric that worships The Force was not allowed and he had to either pick another character or another religion. And that Linda, could bring Kilea, her Ranger. And to not worry about Holly, I had already approved of her character.

Finally everybody had decided what characters they were playing, all my books and notes were behind the foot and a half high wood screen JD had made and off we went. One thing I started doing was rolling the dice every few minutes. A kind of a mind-game on my part, but that way they wouldn’t know what rolls were important and what rolls were not.

They notice the pretty half-elf girl with what appeared to be leprosy begging on the side of the road. The cleric asked her if she needed help, and Keith said he wanted to use a cure disease. After they all made a roll, Tiny noticed that the leprosy is cosmetic and not real. Then they had to make another roll. The last part was for nothing, I had already scripted this part. But by having them roll and not even know what for half the time, I wanted them to guess what was random and what was scripted.

The girl smiled at Keith’s cleric and thanks him for caring about her, and says “Thanks, ya know, I was like just trying to score some food, ya know? Like, somebody stole my coins and I’m just like trying ta bag enough for dinner and a room, ya know? Like, that was totally bogus.” And that is how Kaos, the Valley Elf was introduced into the party. And as scripted, she said she was a mage, and was simply down on her luck. Of course they invite her to join them.

They walked down the main street, and a random encounter. They heard a commotion in an alley. Checking it out, they saw three thugs trying to mug a merchant. And when they said they wanted to join in the fight, I asked on which side. “No, I don’t know you want to help the merchant, maybe you want a share of the loot also? Ahh, good thinking, subdue the muggers.”

The thugs were knocked out, the city guard arrives, and a reward is given. The thankful merchant gives more reward.

They got to the inn, and Kaos shared a room with Kilea. Then having drinks in the bar, a bar fight broke out. Tiny is mad his Paladin got soaked in cheap beer but still blesses the guy after he was knocked out.

More rolls, and Kilea, overheard two guys talking about a big gold strike up North. Two dwarves came in with a large pouch of gold two days before and bought a large wagon and supplies, and said they and their brothers had hit it big. Up high in the mountains, must be piles of gold up there. They spent most of their money buying gold mining supplies at an inflated price, and headed out of town. As they were leaving, a dog walked up and took a piss on Keith’s leg. Kaos whispered to him that she usually charges extra for that.

Have you ever seen a cleric blush?

Heading north, Kilea saw many wagon tracks heading along the road. Then they were ambushed by bandits, several were wounded in the battle and some decent loot. They decided to heal and call it a night and recover spells. Next morning they saw a giant bear off in the distance, and decided to just avoid it. The track was now much less traveled and they saw the tracks of a wagon that has a two horse team in the dust.

At noon the next day they were ambushed by more highwaymen. They are outnumbered 3 to 1, after a few rolls on the special chart Kaos announced she has pulled out her wand and screaming “Bite me you bitches!” let’s go with a large fireball. Half of the raiders perish, the rest flee into the woods.

Everybody congratulated Kaos (which Holly has been pronouncing as “Kay-ohs”, like the Harry Belefonte song “Day-o” but with a K) and after splitting the loot and healing they continued. Just before sunset they ran into a curious sight. In the front are two dwarves on ponies, followed by a wagon. Kilea rolled, and it was the same wagon they have been following, and she noticed the front right wheel is off to the side a bit, bad alignment.

Behind the wagon is a red dragon that is chained to it. It was a young adult, and yes the wagon seemed to be heavily laden down. Taking a count, they saw that in total there are seven dwarves.

“No, they are not THOSE dwarves!”

They approached and I said they were cautious but friendly. They said they are also adventurers and are on their way to town to sell the dragon and buy gems with the gold they took for easier transport home. And no, they do not need any more guards, but the group were welcome to join their encampment for the night.

They all had a good time that night, even as they realized they have been suckered. There was no gold strike, there was only seven dwarves who found a big treasure and subdued a dragon.

They headed back to town, and on the second day came the real encounter. A war band of 30 orcs on their way home from a raid runs across them and charges. I nodded to Holly as she pretended to make several rolls then when they are 60 feet away she pulls out her wand and yells “Like, burn in hell you grody orcs!” and blasts them with another fireball. Ten were dead, and the rest faltered a moment then charged on. At 30 feet away Kaos let go again screaming “Die bitches!”

And a stream of butterflies poured out of the wand obscuring everybody’s view. The room breaks out in chaos!

They started to get hit by arrows fired by the orcs on the other side of the butterflies. It took two rounds for them to disperse and to engage in melee combat. Some bad hits were taken, and by the time they took down the remaining orcs, two of the party were unconscious (including Tiny’s Paladin and Kilea. They recovered a lot of loot, including two hand carts full of spoils from their earlier raiding.

Everybody limped into town the next day, quite a bit better off, with a lot more experience. Tiny’s Paladin insisted they turn over the spoils the orcs had been bringing back, as keeping it would be a sin. They had a bickering debate, then reluctantly agreed.

Now this I had not planned for, who tries to turn over loot fairly gained? Thinking fast I play ed along as they took the carts to the city watch and try to turn it in. They were aware of the raid, and are impressed that they are turning it in to be returned to the rightful owners. The Captain inventoried it, then turned over all the coins back to the party, saying it is a reward for taking out the orcs and a finders fee for returning everything else. “After all, there is no way we can ever know who the money belonged to. We will return the goods, I will have a guardsman take a report of everything they have reported stolen. And they are free to keep any armor or weapons, as any that were taken would be replaced by the King. Oh, and come back in a few days, I would like to hire them to go after the rest of the orc band.”

They checked the loot remaining from the actual kills, and nothing was evil. A few items very good. Tiny took a magical mace, Kilea picked a magical dagger, everybody got something nice.

Once they are all back at the inn we called it a night. I was given several pats on the back, and everybody said it had been a lot of fun, in between being called a son of a bitch. My first dungeon did not even have a dungeon in it. And one person asked Holly why she had two wands.

“Well, like, I had one of them first ya know, and it was like this totally tubular fireball wand. I like, fried some read bad jodies my first time and kept it cause it’s awesome! Then, like, I found this second wand. And like, I had some bodacious trolls heading at me so I used it, and I fireballed them too! So now I just keep, ya know, like both of them ready. But one of them is like so broken, it don’t always make fireballs. But I can never seem to remember which is broken, so I just grab one and let fly.”

Everybody was cracking up at the idea that Holly and I made a “Valley Elf”. And she let them look at the character sheet finally, and saw the incredibly high intelligence, and almost basement-dwelling wisdom.

JD came over and asked why I was rolling so much, then I showed him the books I had bought. “Dude, this is like totally radical! Can I borrow these?” Since I was only going to be running one game a month, I told him he could borrow them this week, but next week I would want them back. And yes, he could borrow them for games.

Before breaking up I asked if we could bring Mandy for the next game. Everybody thought it would be a great idea, JD even volunteering that she could roll for the monsters if she wanted.

So at just before 9 we were all in Scout, waiting for her to warm up. No need to ask what we should do with the two in the back, they were already exploring each other’s tonsils. So I pulled into a little park near Keith’s house and soon Linda and I were doing the same thing in the front.

We had just under an hour so nobody got real carried away. But some lovely breasts got rubbed, as did some engorged cocks. My pretty little pixie was snuggled deep in my lap, and I could see that Keith was getting to rub some nice legs through Holly’s leggings when my alarm went off and it was time to go.

Driving to Keith’s house we all decided that going rollerskating sounded great for Saturday. I had not been to the one in Northridge yet, so said that will be great. We all shared some kisses as I dropped Keith off, then Holy and I both walked Linda to her apartment and she let us in. Rosie was doing some paperwork at the desk and Mandy was watching some sitcom, and I called her over. I told her she was welcome to attend game nights, so long as her mother approved.

We all got big hugs, and Rosie said it was fine with her, but she had to make sure she did not fall behind in any of her school work since it was a school night. Holly and I got hugs and I got a nice kiss from Linda as I drove home. After walking Holly to her house, I went home.

Friday we had a half-day at school, so having some time to kill I headed on over to The Galleria. Looking through a stationery shop, I saw this cute little Navajo patterned backpack and thought it was the perfect size for Linda’s gifts. Then I went over to the notebooks and saw a Trapper Keeper with the same pattern and got that also.

Seeing it was almost time for Linda to get out of school I headed on over and was waiting in the same place as before. This time Linda was chatting with her friends, who I had taken to calling the “Three Musketeers” whenever they were together. She was actually so busy chatting with her friends she did not realize she had stopped at the corner right next to me. Until in a gruff stage whisper I huskily said “Want some candy little girl?”

A pissed off look appeared on all three of their faces, before Linda saw who I was and once again I had a five foot tall pixie hurtling into my arms. “Pete, what are you doing here!” she screamed. I told her I had gotten out of school early, and unless she or her mother had a problem we could go ahead and take off early. She looked at me and bit her lip, then said “Well, Kimmie and Julie and me have not been out together in ages, do ya think?”

Now I may be called stupid sometimes, but I am not a fool. “Tell ya what. Why don’t we make it a foursome tonight. We can all go get changed, then we can go to Skate!, how does that sound?”

The kiss for that was totally tubular, and they all thought that sounded great. So piling into Scout I took each one in turn to their houses. I waited in the car at both Kimmie and Julie’s house as all three had to go inside, put away books, and spend about a half-hour changing clothes, doing makeup, and putting on enough jewelry to make Mr. T jealous. Then we went to Linda’s and the same thing repeated itself. I saw the mopey look on Mandy’s face, and raising my eyebrow at Linda she saw my glance at Mandy, and nodded.

So now I was the chauffeur of three 14 year old girls, and a 13 year old girl. Rosie gave Linda $20 to cover her and Mandy, and after stopping at Del Taco we were pulling into the parking lot at the rink just as the line started to move.

Yeah, Skate! was still not my favorite rink to go to. In fact, while I now liked a lot of the New Wave stuff, Punk was not my style at all. But the girls liked it, and having a happy girlfriend was more important than having happy eardrums.

The first half was mostly Linda and I holding hands and skating, as the other three were alternating between goofing off, and flirting back with some of the guys that were always around pretty girls. Mandy was skating next to us when the second couples skate was announced, and for some reason I dropped Linda’s hand and skated around and took Mandy’s in mine. Linda gave me a huge grin as she skated off of the rink, and Mandy looked a bit startled and nervous as I pulled her back with me.

We held hands and skated. “Why are you skating with me, Pete?”

“Well, I skate with my girlfriend all the time. I wanted to skate with a different pretty girl this time. Besides, Linda told me she had to potty, and I saw no reason for both of us to sit this out.”

So we had a nice three song set, chatting and lightly flirting with her a bit. Mandy is a bit more rounded then her older sister, and has these killer dimples. She was also not as good of a skater, something I suspected would be improving in the coming months, since it was likely many of the outings we took her on would be rollerskating. At the end of the couples set I kissed her on the cheek. She skated off, and Linda rejoined me.

“Pete, that was awesome, thank you! I think you just made her night, although I hope I don’t have to tell her that you’re mine, and she needs to keep her hands off of you.”

“Naw, she’s a good kid. And I don’t think you have to worry too much about her. She’s more than a bit too young for me.”

Linda pulled me down, and whispered “I was about her age now when I started”. Then she nibbled my ear, then gave me a kiss. For some reason we had fallen into doing things a bit backwards this time. Linda and I held hands all during the open skate, which seemed to annoy some of those around. But also seemed to get her jealous looks from what seemed to be some of her classmates.

When the next couple skate was announced we were right behind Kimmy and Julie. I looked at Linda and smiled as I nodded at her. She nodded back. We parted and each skated up to the outside of her two friends, who looked to be about to leave the rink. “Kimmy, I think this is my turn” I said as I took her hand in mine, and Linda took Julie’s hand.

Kimmie looked surprised, but gave this cute smile and nodded. So hand in hand we fell back behind the other two. This is the first time I really talked with Kimmie, and was surprised like I always was how smart some of these Valley Girls were when you took them away from the clothes and way of talking.

She was near the top of her class, and was planning on going into Orthopedic Medicine when she went to college. “Hmm, so someday I will be calling you Doctor Kimmie?” I asked.

She then got this haughty look in her face, and said “I will have you know, that will be Doctor Kimberly Nguyen! Doctor Kimmie indeed!” Then she burst out into almost perfect airhead giggles.

Well, if anybody is entitled to giggle like an airhead, it’s a 14 year old Vietnamese Valley Girl. But she was cute, smart, and we both had a great time. As the final song ended I bent down and kissed her on the cheek, and thanked her. She actually squeezed my hand before letting go, thanking me and left to rejoin Julie.

Well, now there was no doubt who my next partner would be in the minds of anybody. The first was a surprise only to Mandy,. But I was her sister’s boyfriend, so that was not too unexpected. But I could tell Kimmie and Julie had been caught off-guard, as they were not Linda’s sisters. But you can only carry a good surprise so far.

We took a break to relieve ourselves and watch the skaters, and I saw something that caught my eye. Nudging my sweetie, when she looked up at me I nodded off to the side. It seems one of the other guys was interested in Kimmie, a boy about her age was standing almost in front of her, and they were chatting back and forth. And Kimmie did not seem to mind, even though she was almost pushed back against the wall and he was deep into her “personal space”. And her right knee was bent and only the toes of her right skate were on the floor, gave me she was at least a bit interested in him as well. So Linda and I smiled at each other and headed back towards the floor.

We knew that another couples skate was coming up soon, and we saw that Kimmie was skating next to the guy she had been chatting with already. Well, unless both of them blew it they had partners for the next couples skate. And we saw that Mandy and Julie were skating next to each other, so this time everybody would have a partner.

Sure enough the next song was announced as a couples, but Mandy was in front of me and Julie was in front of Linda. So dropping her hand I quickly skated behind her then forward to take Julie’s hand in mine. “Ma’am, I believe this is my dance” I said as I took her hand in mine. She giggled and we were then heading off to the other side of the rink, Linda and her sister hand in hand being left behind.

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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 26

The next week was a frenzy of making plans for the con, and finishing the details for the campaign, and a dozen other things. Finally I had the next quest continue where the last one left off and threw in a note from an unknown leader to have the orcs mass for raiding the city.Of course they wanted to go after them. Long journey to the ruined fortress the ogres were in, big battle, finally reach the lowest levels only to find that things were not quite what they thought. Kaos was not only a...

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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 24

The next morning after having breakfast with my dad I told him about Mandy and her new passion for skating.“Well, that’s the age a lot of girls tend to go crazy for something. With your mom, it was barrel racing. Like Mandy she was kinda old really get good at it, but she did it competitively for about 2 years before we started dating. She still loved riding, but I think she mostly got discouraged because in the 4 years she did it she never won anything better than a minor award.”I confirmed...

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Country Boy City GirlChapter 18

The next morning after having breakfast with my dad I told him about Mandy and her new passion for skating. “Well, that’s the age a lot of girls tend to go crazy for something. With your mom, it was barrel racing. Like Mandy she was kinda old really get good at it, but she did it competitively for a few years before we started dating. She still loved riding, but I think she mostly got discouraged because in the four years she did it she never won anything better than a minor award.” I...

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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 32

We hit the floor and had been wandering from game to game when I saw dad and Deana walk by holding hands. I smiled and waved to them and they came over. But after a bit she said that she had to cover a presentation in the main hall so they headed off again.Keith had been wanting to run an adventure, but was unsure of himself. So the girls and I all pulled out some character sheets and he was using the Cities book to run through a series of random encounters. And since this was basically just a...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City GirlChapter 24

We hit the floor and had been wandering from game to game when I saw dad and Deana walk by holding hands. I smiled and waved to them and they came over. But after a bit she said that she had to cover a presentation in the main hall so they headed off again. Keith had been wanting to run an adventure, but was unsure of himself. So the girls and I all pulled out some character sheets and he was using the Cities book to run through a series of random encounters. And since this was basically...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 33

After breakfast, Linda and I wandered from table to table together. Holly and Keith both agreed to explore the convention on their own today, so nobody else would realize we were all together. More than once somebody would come up and tell me how much they had loved watching the game the night before. A couple tried pumping me for more information, but I told them only that they had to return tonight for the final chapter.It was almost 10, and Linda and I were playing a card game about nuclear...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City GirlChapter 42

The next day after finishing the morning chores, I collected the girls and headed into town. I knew what I wanted, and went to Grand Central. When we pulled up, Linda asked where we were. Now last time I had them wait outside as I dashed in to grab the frame I wanted as we were short on time. But this time I wanted to bring her in also. When I told her it was a local discount chain like K-Mart, she thought it would be cool. The girls of course wanted to check out the clothing, and Linda said...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 41

Once we were back in the room, the girls insisted that Keith and I shower and change as they sat in the sitting area and talked. So with a shrug we each did that. I put on a pair of swim shorts I had and a tank top and rejoined the girls.The girls had showered earlier, so Linda, Peggy, and Mandy all went into our bedroom together to get changed, and as soon as Keith returned in a pair of sweatpants and t-shirt, Holly went off to do the same. I got the champagne out and set up the glasses as I...

5 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 11

The first part of the flight was uneventful. I was one of the last on board, and was seated in First Class! There was a Staff Sergeant in the seat next to me, and after taking off we were soon chatting. This was his second time to Okinawa, and he was looking forward to being back at Camp Hansen. I told him I was going to Camp Butler, and he told me to make sure I went up to see Kinville outside of his camp. We spent the next hour and a half talking until we finished lunch, and they started...

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Country Boy City GirlChapter 27

Dad was already asleep in his room when we got home. I was going to let him know I was home, but I could hear the snoring through the door. So deciding not to wake him, I shrugged and went back downstairs. I turned the stereo on softly, and noticed that Holly was sitting on the floor, her back a few feet from the couch. So understanding what she wanted I slipped in behind her and she leaned back and we cuddled. “Than you so much Pete,” she whispered as I wrapped my arms around her waist and...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 36

Dad was already asleep in his room when we got home. I was going to let him know I was home, but I could hear the snoring through the door. So deciding not to wake him, I shrugged and went back downstairs. I turned the radio on softly, and noticed that Holly was sitting on the floor, her back a few feet from the couch. So understanding what she wanted I slipped in behind her and she leaned back and we cuddled.“Than you so much Pete” she whispered as I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 64

That morning we all had breakfast, then Kim took us out to the corral. Linda and I stood at the rail as Aunt Darla put Kim through her paces on the ring. “We let her take some time off since you guys were visiting, but Trixie there was getting restless. You can't leave a horse like that alone, or they get moody and fat,” Uncle Dave said.“She's really good!” Linda said, watching Kim do several runs then applauding. “How long has she been doing that?”Uncle Dave chuckled. “Oh, since she was around...

4 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 17

Saturday I woke up, and when I went to grab the newspaper it was in one of those plastic bags, and it was drizzling. Well, there went the idea of going to the drive-in tonight. So I brought the paper in and pulled out the Entertainment section to see what was playing in one of the cinemas.Hmmmm, there was a report in there about GameCon, a gaming convention. I went to the den and got out the Thomas Guide (a thick atlas that was full of detailed maps of LA) and had to look up where it was. OK,...

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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 25

Linda looked at me and said, “Stay out here”. I nodded and put the bag in the kitchen. At this time I could hear that Mandy was crying in her room, and heard Linda go in and start speaking to her quietly. I went and sat on the couch, wondering what to do next.I could hear Mandy still crying but talking with Linda when the bathroom door finally opened. Peggy came out, and it was obvious she had been (and still was) crying. She looked like hell, but her clothes were back in order. And she looked...

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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 46

I called Holly and the girls, and 10 minutes later Holly was sitting next to me as I went to get Mandy and Linda. A little later we were pulling in front of the used car lot in Reseda and getting out, and Peggy jumped into Mandy’s arms. “It’s ready! It’s ready!”She took us into the back and there it was. A yellow Volkswagen Thing, complete with a black convertible top. AM-FM-tape deck stereo, and all the bells and whistles. We spent a few minutes as she showed it off to us, and her uncle was...

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Country Boy City GirlChapter 12

The rest of the weekend and then the next week continued as before. Linda and I took Mandy rollerskating, and the three of us have a blast. Then we hit an arcade and hung out together until almost 9. Mandy is actually pretty good at Frogger. Finally I dropped them off and get a lovely kiss from Linda. That Thursday I picked everybody up and JD told us that since this is a new phase of the campaign, we can change out our characters if we wanted. Keith decided that he wants to pull out his old...

4 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 31

Finally it was time for the con. We took an extra day off of school and with the top down were driving down the San Diego Freeway for our weekend of fun. We hit the expected traffic, but none of us cared. This was going to be a great weekend.Surprisingly enough, Mandy said she and Peggy wanted to come as well. They had come to one of the games a few weeks ago, and Peggy thought it was cool also. Thankfully we were having dinner with Rosie at the time and she cut that off. “Sorry k**, but nope....

3 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 9

Finally it was Saturday, the day of the dance. I was a bit nervous, but also anticipating the night to come. I spent the morning pulling everything out I was going to need, and more time than I wanted going through boxes that were still packed in the garage I had not thought I would need again any time soon.After lunch I called Linda and we chatted for a bit. She told me not to pick up Holly, she was already on her way over there and that Keith and I should just pick them both up at her house....

3 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 2

Well, the new school year started and I was quickly learning how things were in LA. I had made a few friends, and was learning about things I had never known about back home.Like Dungeons and Dragons was not only played by the geeks and nerds. One of the members of the group that taught me how to play was a fullback on the football team, and 2 were cute girls that were on the Drill Team. I still mostly listened to Country and Top 40 music, but I was gaining an appreciation for more varied...

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 9

On Saturday night after spending most of the day with my family, Linda and I headed out to the Japanese Garden. There we made love for about two hours before I took her home. I spent some time chatting with Rosie and telling her my plans for the rest of the week, and she smiled. “Pete, that is good planning there. She may not say it, but my youngest daughter loves you almost as much as my oldest one does. You are really making her feel special by spending a day of your last week just for...

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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 17

The next morning I was working on a system that had a bad hard drive when Frannie came up behind me. “So I heard you were out again all night this weekend. But this time at PT this morning you had obvious scratches on your arm. Wanna talk about it?” I took a sip of my soda and thought fast and hard. “Well, let’s just say I am no longer single. And if you want to talk about it over lunch, grab me two hot dogs and fries from the fast food line and meet me under our tree.” That was a tree we...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 20

Finally I had hugged and kissed everybody, and the tears were wiped away as we went to wait for my luggage. And I held George the entire time, his arms around my neck. He was babbling non-stop, and I understood maybe a quarter of what he was saying. But I did not care. Then finally we were home, and it felt amazing! “Pete, put your things upstairs in your old room, that is still yours. Georgie sleeps in the old guest room.” “OK Dee” I said as I went upstairs, putting the luggage in the...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 23

I woke up as the light started to lighten the curtains. As usual, I had an erection, caused by the hydraulic pressure that all men are aware of which is their body’s way of preventing them from urinating in their sleep. And as I came awake, I realized it was again resting between the cheeks of Mandy’s lovely ass. And one of her breasts was cupped in each hand. The urge was not as strong that it could not be held off, so I held her tight and enjoyed just holding her. She murmured softly in...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Book IIChapter 40

The next weekend I realized I had forgotten to do something, and grabbed the frame, and drove out to the skating rink. I walked in about an hour before they opened, and asked for the manager. As soon as he saw me he smiled and bid me to come in. The same girl was translating, and I told them to hold on and that I would be right back. I returned with the frames and set them on the counter where the skates were handed out. I told them that this was a gift from the owner of the rink in...

4 years ago
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Country Boy City GirlChapter 2

Well, the new school year started and I was quickly learning how things were in LA. I had made a few friends, and was learning about things I had never known about back home. Like Dungeons and Dragons was not only played by the geeks and nerds. One of the members of the group that taught me how to play was a fullback on the football team, and two were cute girls that were on the Drill Team. I still mostly listened to Country and Top 40 music, but I was gaining an appreciation for more varied...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City GirlChapter 29

Once we were back in the room, the girls insisted that Keith and I shower and change as they sat in the sitting area and talked. So with a shrug we each did that. I put on a pair of swim shorts I had and a tank top, and rejoined the girls. The girls had showered earlier, so Linda, Peggy, and Mandy all went into our bedroom together to get changed, and as soon as Keith returned in a pair of sweatpants and t-shirt, Holly went off to do the same. I got the champagne out and set up the glasses...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 38

When I got home I told dad that I had stayed late with Linda and Rosie because they wanted to talk with me. And that after several long discussions I decided it was best if we broke up. Not quite the truth, but good enough. He was sorry, and I am not sure if he understood but said he was there if I ever wanted to talk about it he was there for me.I think I spent the next hour crying. And I mean really crying, the first time I think I had cried like that since my mom had died. It felt like my...

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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 34

“School’s out for summer! School’s out forever!”Keith was singing and playing in my living room, with Holly, Linda, and I clapping along listening to him rock out. It was the first full week with no school, and we were having a blast. Linda had spent the night with Holly, and both showed up shortly after all of our parents had left for work. Then 20 minutes later Keith showed up with his guitar. Linda was sitting in my lap and dancing in it as Keith sang.Finally Keith finished, and Holly went...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 34

“School’s out for summer! School’s out forever!”Keith was singing and playing in my living room, with Holly, Linda, and I clapping along listening to him rock out. It was the first full week with no school, and we were having a blast. Linda had spent the night with Holly, and both showed up shortly after all of our parents had left for work. Then 20 minutes later Keith showed up with his guitar. Linda was sitting in my lap and dancing in it as Keith sang.Finally Keith finished, and Holly went...

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Country Boy City GirlChapter 11

Saturday I woke up, and when I went to grab the newspaper it was in one of those plastic bags, and it was drizzling. Well, there went the idea of going to the drive-in tonight. So I brought the paper in and pulled out the Entertainment section to see what was playing in one of the cinemas. Hmm, there was a report in there about GameCon, a local gaming convention. That sounded interesting, as I had never been to a gaming convention before and was wondering what they were like. I went to the...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 21

Waking up the next morning I put the guest room bedding in the dryer, and threw all of my bedding and the towels in and started another load.When I got home from school I remade the guest bed, folded it back into the couch, and did my homework. After all the laundry was done I had dinner, then called Linda. After about an hour and a half on the phone she was tired so I wished her a good night.Still wide awake, I went to the store and used some of the money dad left me to replenish the slightly...

4 years ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 57

The next few months went by in a blur. Studying for and taking final exams, finalizing plans for my last summer break, and then my new life come August. Linda and I made several calls to Kim and her parents to narrow down our stay. We had decided that the last week of June and the first week of July would be best, which would give us about a week and a half not counting drive time.Then right before graduation it was the 7 of us going to the Memorial Day convention near LAX. This time I had a...

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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 43

Next week after school we all climbed into Blue Whale, then drove to pick up Mandy at school and we all went to my house. To say everybody was blown away at the new game room was an understatement.I had already been planning this, so at the convention I arranged to have a wood screen similar to what JD had shipped here from a guy I met at the con that made them. My side had all the important tables needed, and the table was an old dining table I had found at a thrift store for a good price. It...

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