Love's ShepherdChapter 4: Dreams Of Summer free porn video

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On Monday, if John suspected anything, he didn’t let on. Things went back to normal for a while at school and at home. The only time I really even messed with my abilities was when Joey and I were horny. We got into a routine where one of us would call the other and arrange a time, then I would connect to him, and we would jerk each other off telepathically.

That had started as a joke about me controlling his hand to jerk him off, but when that proved better than when he controlled it himself, I did it a few more times before in a fit of frustration I accidentally gave him similar control over mine. Between that and the combined orgasm, we felt closer than ever before.

But after a few weeks of this, Joey began to push me for more than that. That brief moment where we had experienced Suzi masturbating was always on his mind, and mine too. The way I felt I shouldn’t use my abilities on others frustrated him. He didn’t understand that this protected him as well as everyone else from my tampering.

Unfortunately, my subconscious didn’t always agree with this policy of not messing with others. Despite everything my mother showed me, I didn’t necessarily have full conscious control over it all. I could direct it, but it still had a mind of its own. I could read thoughts easily enough, but whenever it came to actually controlling anything, I realized I was willing it to happen more than understanding what I was doing to make it happen.

My mom told me not to worry. Understanding and true control would come in time. She gave me several innocent examples from her own youth, and that made me feel a little better about it.

Joey was absolutely my best friend, and he being the only person besides my mom to know about my gift only reinforced the bond we had. But like anyone, Joey and I had different interests and different opinions of things. I’m not just talking about Joey wanting me to use my abilities.

I liked to read, but Joey wasn’t into reading anything besides comic books. Lex had become my friend in seventh grade when he and I learned we had read a lot of the same books and started talking about our favorite novels. That led to talking about more ... stimulating subjects, and eventually, Lex told me about his cousin Ollie and the things Ollie had told him.

I lived in Oakley, one of three towns in such close proximity that you could call them one large metropolitan area. They shared radio and T.V. stations, and even though they all had separate mayors, their police, fire and school districts had merged years before we had moved there.

Oakley was originally the smallest of the three but was going through a large building boom. We didn’t have any large corporations there, but we did have a lot of medium-sized companies in the area, and they were doing well enough that there was a small but steady flow of new people moving there. The building boom was more about upgrading those who lived in smaller or older homes that had benefited from the success of the local companies and the local economy.

The population had grown to the point where they had just finished remodeling a high school that had been shuttered when the school district merged and would reopen next year. This made the school district redraw the lines for who went to which school. We had gone through this right before fourth grade when they had done that to our elementary school. Joey and I changed schools, luckily getting to go to the new school where we met Brad and John.

The changing of the boundaries didn’t affect any of my close friends. We were still going to Oakley Senior High in September. If Lex hadn’t been moving, he would have been affected. But it didn’t end up mattering where he lived as Lex sadly told us at lunch that Wednesday his mom had enrolled him at St. Joe.

While we swore we’d remain friends, I knew how that probably wouldn’t happen. Like I said, Joey and I had experienced that before in fourth grade. Granted, there’s a big difference between fourth grade and ninth grade in terms of what determined who a kid considered their friend. I was saddened that I wouldn’t get to ‘geek’ out over the latest book he and I were reading at the same time at lunch.

We had a month of school left, and despite the news about Lex, Suzi and the guys were all looking forward to summer. I had to put the brakes on the guys’ requesting to do sessions over the phone. I threw my mom under the bus saying she had caught Joey and I doing it and I just couldn’t take the chance.

During practice that week, I started to realize I had been using my gifts to enhance our performance. I had never questioned how easily it was for me to throw to one of the guys, or how I practically didn’t even have to track the ball when they threw to me. And then at the game Friday, I realized my batting skill was dependent on reading the pitcher’s intent. It wasn’t reading his mind as much as reading his emotions. That was something I had never completely suppressed in first grade, though I had learned to somewhat ignore it.

We won that game, but I was so conflicted over the debate in my head on whether it was cheating or not that I threw up after the game and then had to bail on spending the night at Joey’s with John and Brad. I spent the night home alone but ended up talking to Suzi until after one in the morning. Among the things we talked about was whether using a gift no one else had to win would be wrong. I discussed it with my mom the next afternoon, and together, we decided it would do more harm than good to stop doing what I had been doing for the remainder of the season, but that I wouldn’t use it next year.

The following Friday, I was pretty sure most of us wouldn’t even play next year. The five of us depended on my abilities too much. Now that I was somewhat aware of what I was doing, I found myself continually connecting to my friends to aid their throws and even help clue them in on what the pitcher was going to do. I continued to do that, but now that I was aware I was doing it, I sometimes had to restrain myself from doing even more.

That night at Brad’s for the sleepover, I discovered a few startling facts. First, my ‘inspiration’ for the sessions there had come from Brad’s dad. Friday night apparently was Brad’s parent’s night to role play. The guys were anxious to have another Timmy-after-game-special as they were calling them, and we even had Lex on the phone. But now that I was aware of what was happening, I didn’t know how to prevent them from learning my secret. I literally would link my mind with theirs somehow and they’d experience what my imagination created based on what my expanded senses were getting from a particular target. Unfortunately, now that I knew what was going on, I didn’t know how to filter out the identity of that target, or in this case, their partner.

After two false starts, in a surge of frustration, I somewhat accidentally found a workaround.

I found a sleeping mind I didn’t recognize that felt eager to experience the same excitement the guys were asking for. I couldn’t tell where this mind was, but it was a fair distance from me. I had the sense it was female, but I couldn’t be certain at the time. All I knew was it was open to suggestion, and without understanding how I did it, the mind was suddenly visualizing the scene I had imagined, including the centerfold laying naked under a semi-translucent silk bedsheet.

Unlike all the other linked fantasies where I had no control over the subject, this mind was so open to suggestion I only had to desire it to do something and it did it. I spent a few minutes experimenting with it while making sure I wasn’t altering the mind. Once I was comfortable with it, I allowed the simple links I still didn’t understand to form to share it with the guys. I proceeded to stroke and explore the body of the centerfold while experiencing what it felt like to her.

There were some limitations, such as only being able to use ‘my’ hands. When I tried to use my lips, it didn’t feel real. But the six of us got plenty of enjoyment out of just using ‘my’ hands.

I felt guilty about it afterward, though. I sensed the person had woken up just before she had orgasmed and had been very confused as to what had happened. The connection to her mind broke at that point, and I couldn’t seem to locate it after that. Not that I had any idea how I had found it to begin with.

After we went home the next day and I told Joey about it, I somehow allowed him to talk me into trying to do it again that night. I didn’t have any luck that night, but Sunday night, I was on the verge of falling asleep when I imagined her mind and suddenly realized I could feel it for real.

Her mind was very open to my suggestion, welcoming even. She was asleep, and I couldn’t get any detail about who she was. That part of her mind seemed closed to me. What I did learn was Friday night wasn’t the first time she had experienced my fantasies. Portions of a few of both my personal and shared fantasies flittered through her mindscape for a moment several times as I gently probed her mind.

My mom was asleep, or I would have been worried she’d pick up what I was doing. Not that I was doing anything but looking, but I wasn’t sure where this would fall on the scale of good or bad. The thing was, this mind was open to me, literally inviting me to use it for our mutual enjoyment. What was a guy to do? My mother said I might eventually find someone willing like this. I figured, what would be the harm? As long as I didn’t alter the mind or force it to do something it didn’t like, there wasn’t any reason not to accept what she offered.

I knew it was a little wrong, but I felt it was just a harmless sin rather than something that would cause someone some grief. Boy, was I wrong about that.

We had our last game the following Friday. At the sleepover at Brad’s, I announced that night would be the last group session as I felt we were getting a bit addicted to it. That didn’t go over very well, but they all eventually admitted it was probably for the best. With high school around the corner, group jerkoffs were not something high school guys did. They couldn’t argue against that. I had forewarned Joey and explained it wouldn’t entirely apply to us. We would limit it to doing it telepathically while in our separate beds.

But that last session, with the help of my willing sleeping friend, was possibly the best. We had spent each night that week building the fantasy we played out, a twosome where we touched and stimulated each other by directing the other person’s hands.

At lunch that Monday, Brad, John and Lex were trying to talk me into having one last session on the last day of school that Friday. Since it was a half-day, we would have all afternoon. I wasn’t having it, though. Each time I did it I risked one of them figuring out it wasn’t my storytelling skills helping their imaginations to form such realistic fantasies.

“Guys, I’m tired of doing it, okay? I’m just tired of it. It was fun, but I feel like I want more out of it, and I’m pretty sure that would mean doing things we don’t want to think about doing. I’m afraid of what would happen if we keep doing that kind of thing together.”

Brad said, “Man, now you’re the one sounding paranoid. You and Lex were the ones who said not to worry about that kind of shit.”

“I know, but it’s getting out of hand and becoming too difficult to come up with new stuff that doesn’t push it too far.”

Joey said, “Tim and I aren’t even sleeping over at each other’s houses anymore after ... doing something we’re not proud of. Trust me. It’s for the best. We can still talk about girls and shit. Just not like that.”

I was surprised at Joey’s admission, and I could see Brad was a little more than surprised. Not quite mortified, but only because he didn’t know what we had done.

The rest of the lunch was a bit strained. Things were better on Tuesday, but then Wednesday was our last lunch of the school year. The two days after that were half days for finals where we would eat lunch at home.

The importance of that didn’t hit us until Wednesday when Lex came over with his tray and said, “I just realized this is the last time the five of us will be eating lunch together.”

Lex just stood there with wet eyes holding his tray. I looked him in the eyes and suddenly felt that familiar feeling form. Feeling his sorrow, loss and spike of loneliness, I struggled against it for a moment before pushing across my excitement for high school and the chance to finally date a girl. I was looking forward to hopefully eating with Suzi next year, and so was she. I was sorry Lex wouldn’t be there for that, but St. Joe sounded pretty cool too. After telling my mom what all Lex had said about St. Joe, my mom said if I wanted to go there instead of Oakley Sr, she could make it happen. I was tempted, but I couldn’t do that to Joey.

Despite my attempt to share that with Lex, Lex didn’t move until Brad said, “Man, you can’t look at it that way. Sit down, and I’ll tell you why.”

Lex sniffed, and after placing his tray down, he made a quick swipe of his eyes with his arm to get rid of the tears before they could fall.

Once he sat down, Brad, the tone of his voice sounding a lot like his dad’s, said, “This isn’t the end; this is the beginning. We should celebrate having been together and kicking baseball ass. My dad would say the future is what we make of it, and we don’t have anything to fear. Yeah, you’ll be going to a different school and will be making new friends, but so will we. We’re not losing anything we have. That’s what you’re worried about. Losing us. But you’re not losing us as much as moving on. By this time next year, you’ll be joking around with four other assholes who talk shit out their mouth, probably worse than we do. And that’s okay. If you should be sorry about anything, it should be about us kicking your sorry excuse of a team next year.”

Lex grinned and said, “Your sorry ass team hasn’t won anything in over a decade while St. Joe is a contender almost every year.”

Brad shrugged and said, “That’s why it will be so hard on you when you lose to us.”

I didn’t have the heart to tell them I wouldn’t be playing next season. I hadn’t even told Joey that. The rest of the lunch was filled with our usual bullshitting each other, but then when it came time to line up to leave, Brad called us into a huddle.

Brad said with tears in his eyes, “Best damn friends any guy could have. Fucking the best.”

We all nodded, and the huddle tightened as it became a sort of circle group hug.

Lex choked out, “I’m going to miss you guys.”

Joey said, “For a while. But Brad’s right. You’ll find other guys to hang out with. And you’ll have your cousin around to show you the ropes.”

Then I added, “And I’m the one who is going to suffer the most.”

Everyone looked at me like I was about to announce I had cancer or something. I couldn’t keep the grin off my face as I said, “St. Joe is full of book geeks, but I won’t have anybody to talk about my books with at Oakley Senior.”

They all groaned, and as the huddle broke up, Joey punched me in the shoulder, which the other three decided was a good idea. We ended up trading friendly body shots with each other as we headed out.

My mom made me go to mass Wednesday night despite the fact I had my first day of finals the next day. Josh and Maggie were there, but to my surprise, they weren’t together. They apparently had broken up after my mom had cleaned out the simple commands I had unknowingly placed in their heads.

I felt terrible about that, but my mom said not to worry about it. She explained that by removing the commands, it had left a bit of a hole in their motivations concerning that sort of thing and had confused them. She assured me they would figure things out, and if they had anything else in common besides that mutual need she had removed, they’d likely get back together for a while.

I oddly didn’t feel as attracted to Maggie like I once had. Of course, her returning to dressing less revealing clothing might have had something to do with it. I was disturbed to find myself thinking more about Josh than Maggie. It took me a few minutes to realize that it was due to how much I had enjoyed experiencing their exchanges from his point of view.

I was tempted to start scoping out the guys to find someone else to experience such activities through, but I decided I didn’t want to do that. I had my dream girl to play with, and I was starting to think about how we might be able to play with others together as well.

If I had been linking my friends into a shared mutual fantasy without knowing it, surely I could link another girl into the one my new friend and I generated. I loved the way Dream Girl did whatever I liked, but at the same time, I missed the interactive aspect of it. I didn’t feel she had a great need to be the focus of the fantasy as she always reminded me indirectly of how much she enjoyed the other fantasies she had experienced.

After my last final in seventh hour, I couldn’t help noticing Gwen’s long legs were sticking out the side of the desk again. She wasn’t purposely teasing me or anyone else, but when I poked a hole through my blinds to peek in her head, I was delighted to find her feeling unsatisfied. She had gone through three boys since that day in the lunchroom, and none of them could make her feel whatever she was lusting to feel.

That feeling she felt. That need. I recognized it. Not for something I thought I had given her. No, this I was certain was just teenage hormones doing their thing. I later acknowledged to myself I had been partially responsible as I had pushed her into playing with her body that one afternoon, something she had never done to such lengths before but now routinely did when the pressure built up. But I didn’t feel guilty as she enjoyed it and I hadn’t really forced her. I had only guided her into trying it. That’s what I told myself anyway.

Somehow I managed to hold on to my connection with her mind after I left school. I could sense it in the back of my mind and could peek into it whenever I liked, which I did so the moment Joey and I got home.

I was cautious not to let her detect my presence in her mind. My mom had tried to show me how to access people’s memories without their awareness of it, but so far it was a hit or miss for me when I practiced it on Joey. I didn’t dare try it as it might just pop into the forefront and alert her to the fact something weird was going on.

I really didn’t know what I was doing, and I knew I didn’t. I was very cautious to not desire something while poking around inside other people’s minds as that sometimes was all it took. I had once made Joey wet himself accidentally from just wondering if I could. Other times I’d purposely try to make something happen and nothing I did produced the results I desired. In this case, I wasn’t about to fuck around with Gwen’s mind as I hadn’t learned how to remove commands without looking them in the eyes and letting that familiar feeling form.

After an hour of trying to work something out I could safely do without success, Joey got tired of waiting at his house for me to call and came over. He just let himself in, which was fine.

Joey came into my room, saying, “If you haven’t figured something out by now, we could just do the usual.”

“But I might lose the connection I have with her if I do.”

Joey sat down on the bed next to me. Even though I was naked while he was clothed, Joey didn’t bat an eye at me being like that.

Joey asked, “Okay, then what’s she doing?”

“Listening to the radio and talking on the phone while drawing pictures in her yearbook.”

“What sort of pictures?”

“Just doodles of people. Some of them are pretty good.”

“Anything kinky?”

“Nope. Her brother is home. She doesn’t want mess around while he’s there.”

Joey frowned and said, “Could you maybe give him a push to go somewhere else?”

“And how would I do that? I can’t find people’s minds without knowing them pretty well or looking them in the eyes.”

“You can’t hop into him from her somehow?”

I let out a breath of exasperation and said, “And risk getting stuck in his head?”

Joey shrugged and said, “If you don’t take some risks, you’ll never learn anything.”

I sighed, then thought a few moments. I was familiar with Gwen’s mind enough I might be able to locate her if I could hear her. That was how I had been able to link to Lex or Brad in the past over the phone.

So I took a risk. I had Gwen recall her phone number before pushing her to check on what her brother was doing.

Pushing was what I called it when I pushed a thought into someone’s head. My mom explained it was the safest way of manipulating someone since it didn’t force them to do what you pushed. As long as the thought was reasonable, people usually would accept the thought as their own. This was different from commands like I had used on Joey on the platform or Maggie and Josh. Saturday afternoons, I practiced using commands on Joey while my mom watched and fixed anything I couldn’t undo.

Gwen found her brother on his Atari 800XL playing some game I had never seen before. It took me three attempts to pop into his head, and the third attempt only worked because I pushed her to get his attention where he looked her in the eyes.

I thought that was pretty cool when it happened. One moment I was looking through Gwen’s eyes and the next through his.

Henry was sixteen and would be a junior next year. I took a few minutes to explore his mind and decided he was way too interested in the new game he was playing for him to care what his little sister was doing.

I managed to hop back to Gwen without needing to use the phone or take Henry from his game. I realized I never entirely lost the connection to her while I had been in Henry.

Once I had pushed Gwen to decide Henry was harmless for the time being and she had locked her door, I was momentarily startled when Joey nudged me to scoot over after having stripped. I complied and then carefully began sharing what I was getting from Gwen with him.

The sensations we felt from her body weren’t like what we had experienced briefly in that sugar-induced shared jerkoff with Suzi. That had felt like the vagina was our vagina where this and other occasions felt one step removed. It’s hard to describe. The closest I can come to would be imagining what an orange tastes like versus eating an orange. The sensations weren’t as distant as that, but the idea of how you couldn’t mistake a memory versus the actual tasting of the orange is what I’m trying to impress. It just didn’t feel like it was you.

So feeling her manipulate her clit while the other hand pressed a finger against her hymen was very stimulating, it also left us wanting for more afterward. After Joey and I briefly goofed around in the shower together, we sat in the living room with the T.V. on in just our underpants debating on whether to try hopping into a dude if they were with a girl.

We both were a little nervous about trying that. We weren’t that dissatisfied with feeling it from the girl’s side when they were alone. We certainly didn’t want to experience the girl’s point of view while she was with a guy again. That was just too gay. What we really wanted was to be able to interact with the girl. I especially wanted to be able to touch and stroke her, maybe even kiss and lick her. And the idea of getting a blowjob from her was my greatest fantasy. Intercourse wasn’t something I wanted to play with yet. My mom’s story about not being ready was probably the biggest reason for that.

Joey didn’t argue with any of that. I knew he didn’t feel the same way, but as long as I was sharing, he knew better than to complain.

That night after getting off the phone with Suzi, I was lying in bed, just letting my mind wander before I tried to fall to sleep. After ten or so minutes, I thought about Dream Girl and sensed her mind was patiently waiting for me.

That surprised me. Dream Girl didn’t seem to be asleep, yet I couldn’t access any more of her mind than usual. All I got was that she was waiting for me to have another fantasy with her.

Then I sensed Gwen’s sleeping mind too. I had no idea how I did it, but with a surge of youthful hormonal horniness, I bridged their connections together and found myself in a sort of dream.

I could smell the faint odor of a candle burning incense and hear in the background a familiar song. It was decades old, one that made me realize this mind was far older than I realized. Like older than my mother’s possibly. I eventually recognized the song as Barry Manilow singing “Could it be Magic”.

Gwen was lying on a queen bed naked before me. At least it appeared to be Gwen but I sensed it was also the woman who was providing us with this dream. As I moved towards her, Gwen said, “I’ve been waiting for so long...”

I discovered I couldn’t speak myself. But I could touch. It felt very close to real, about as real as a dream could be. I knelt on the bed and slowly ran my hand up Gwen’s beautiful bare legs, delighting in how smooth they felt. When I reached the inner thigh, I paused. Did I proceed? I looked up at her eyes only to find they were closed.

But then Gwen spread her legs a little, a visible sign of inviting me to continue. Feeling emboldened by this, I crawled over and blew across her vagina’s lips and then her swollen clitoris.

The shudder and sigh that escaped Gwen’s lips excited me. I moved my head closer and repeated the teasing with air for a few minutes before taking a tentative lick of her moist lips and then encircling her little nub with my tongue.

While some aspects felt pretty realistic, others weren’t. Gwen’s moisture was scentless and tasteless, and I was disappointed I couldn’t feel the other side of what I was doing. I teased and licked and even kissed various parts of her body, but I didn’t kiss her lips or mouth. I didn’t want my first kiss to be a fantasy.

That night was the first of many I spent exploring different girl’s bodies orally within that dreamscape my friend provided me.

After two days of doing more or less the same thing with Gwen every night, Joey and I rode our bikes to scope out fresh girls at the mall. There I fell in lust for this redhead working in the mall in one of the department stores.

I didn’t know her name, but she was startling similar in the face and body to my first centerfold. Red hair, white skin, a light coat of freckles around her nose, and nicely sized C cups that she had on display for every boy to notice. Working the counter in the men’s department, she was very popular. I was in instant lust for her the moment our eyes met and I felt her own need.

I felt the link to her mind form in the back of my mine. Staring into her faintly green eyes for over ten seconds, awakened all sorts of desires in me. Desires and needs I had been yearning to fulfill without knowing what they were until then.

Joey managed to distract me before I did something stupid. We spent another hour at the mall looking, but I had already had my next fantasy girl. Gwen would just have to pleasure herself alone from then on.

Red, as Joey and I called her, got off at six, and I was delighted she was picked up by her boyfriend. Ex-boyfriend as it turned out. He was a U.S. Marine on leave and was just taking her out to dinner for old time’s sake.

Red and the Marine had history. They were high school sweethearts who had done the deed the night of their prom two years prior. While they had broken up when he had gone into the Marine Corp, Red still fancied him and was open to bumping uglies with him again.

The dinner was her idea, but he apparently wasn’t interested in flaming that fire. After dinner, he drove her back to the mall to where her car was and then got out to say goodbye.

Joey was bouncing up and down on his bed, begging me to intercede.

He thought to me,

I was so conflicted and under so much pressure by both Joey and my own desires that when the opportunity happened, I just did it.

As I found myself looking out through his eyes, I heard him think,

I pushed,

And he could see it.

I pushed,

He thought as his arms reached for her,

As he kissed her and then picked her up and carried her back to his car, Joey sent,

I said,

Joey replied,

I could feel Joey’s frustration at that, but he didn’t think anything back to me.

Same as Love's Shepherd
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Tara lived with her parents and her five-year-old sister Hannah. Tara at the age of nine had adored having a new baby come into the house, and had enjoyed playing with her as she grew up. Since she was so much older, she related to her a bit more like a mother than a sister. But the little girl adored her and was on the whole a pretty good kid. She had her moments, of course. But on the whole Tara felt she was lucky when she heard her peers talk about their siblings. Hannah had a best friend...

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Six Times A DayPart 6 Sweet Dreams Are Made of This

Friday at school, Alan was impatient and distracted, as was par for the course lately. All he could think about was the prospect of Suzanne giving him another handjob later that afternoon. He didn't realize that she was planning something new, even though she'd dropped some not-very-subtle hints about it. Suzanne and Susan continued their ritual of talking about their dreams and recent sexual experiences while doing their morning workouts. Susan had handjobs and blowjobs on her mind to...

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Ancient Abilities Part 1Chapter 3 Unsettling Dreams

It felt as if I was waking up from a very deep sleep. I was almost, but not fully conscious. I drifted along in a pleasant haze hearing noises and voices, but not understanding what they meant. I gradually became aware of my surroundings. I was in a bed in a dimly lit room that wasn't my bedroom. I started to get out of bed, but something wasn't right. I was very weak, had a sore throat, and there was an oxygen mask on my face. I later learned I had an IV in my arm, electrical leads...

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Dreams Without Guilt or Shame the CHALLENGE

Introduction: A story of sexual awakenings. A young teen dreams about her algebra teacher. But what does she discover about him during a scheduled tutoring session? – a submission of the dreams writers competition. AUTHORS NOTE: This story was written as a submission of the writers competition by eljs and J Jackass Tails. It is a fictional telling of a sexual awakening by a young teen. Among the criteria of the submissions is thematic associations with the song: All I Have To Do Is Dream, sung...

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Little Caprice Dreams

Do you have Little Caprice Dreams? Well, then you and I have something in common. We certainly ain’t alone in that respect, though, as the little babe is arguably one of the most popular pornstars to arrive on the scene in the last decade. She’s got a huge stack of XBIZ and AVN Awards to her name, has shot with some of the biggest studios in the business, and I’m guessing she’s a regular in your daytime fap fantasies and wet dreams. I wouldn’t be surprised if she starts making even more...

Top Premium Porn Sites
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Springtime for Summers

Springtime for Summers (c) 2002 by Nom de Plume Anne Summers had always thought that Christmas would be the worst time. The death of her husband Patrick the preceding September had been such a devastating shock, she had barely gone through the motions that first December, in an effort to create a semblance of joy for her three year old daughter Lindy. In her fragile state, she had succumbed to the smooth advances of her investment advisor, Andrew Nash, a...

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Part 4 Beyond Dreamscape

Part 4: Beyond Dreamscape By Diana Kimberly Heche No one heard from Alex at all these days, not even Lucy. That is why she was surprised to hear his voice on the other end when she picked up the line. "Lucy?" he asked this almost tentatively as if he'd forgotten her voice. His sounded hoarse. "Yes, Alex. It's good to hear from you again." She was unsure how to respond to her brother now, only hoping he was having one of his lucid episodes. There haven't been many of those in...

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Ann Summers

AnnSummers! When shopping for sex toys, lingerie, or even something for your BDSM backroom exploits, it’s always important to choose a retailer you can trust. Well, perhaps you enjoy walking into your local sex shop and chatting with the cashier, telling them how you appreciated their nipple clamp suggestions last week, but not everyone is into that.In the 21st century, most people prefer to purchase their sexual paraphernalia discreetly from the comfort of their own homes. But, still, it’s...

Online Sex Toys Shops
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Follow Your Dreams

Author's Note: Some pre reading may be necessary because while this is a standalone story it does follow on from an earlier one called The Model. Also characters appear, who were last seen in two other earlier stories; Andi and Mia featured in Two Fantasies and Jess and Carrie in Carrie and Jess Take Flight. Follow Your Dreams Returning Home Jeanie Pritchard waited till the last passenger had left the plane before she went to the crew locker and retrieved her carryon bag....

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Melissas Dreams

Melissa found her svelte body being pushed into the bed. Her legs curved outwards and tucked up beneath her; her bum partly projecting over the end of the bed. A large hand pressed down onto the base of her spine, pinning her in place. A cock, the largest cock she had ever felt, fucked her relentlessly. Every penetrating thrust resulted in Melissa exhaling into the damp bedclothes; her hands outstretched and clinging onto the sheets above her head, pulling them towards her. Her head shook from...

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Dreams Without Guilt or Shame the CHALLENGE

teen. Among the criteria of the submissions is thematic associations with the song: "All I Have To Do Is Dream", sung popularly by Roy Orbison, the Everly Brothers, and others. Another criterion is the central character in narrative perspective must be the opposite sex of the author. I pose the usual disclaimer that the posted themes for ...

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I walked into the large metal walled room and sat on the single white plastic chair. A bright light prevented me from seeing the voice that spoke, a soft autoreactive male voice. “State your name, family name and then your Christian name… First name.”My tiny voice echoed in the sterile room. “State your age and sexual orientation.” I was okay with the first but what was he taking about orientation, Japan? “I’ll put you down as bisexual, covers both bases.”The confusing and often bizarre...

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Ill See You in My DreamsChapter 1

First it was just an odd dream. Through her jeans, Tara felt a hand on her butt, which was still for a moment, then started stroking in a circle. When she turned, there was no one there. The next night a hand went to her butt while another started fondling her breast. Incensed, she yanked the hand off her breast and turned around -- again no one there. She woke up right after it feeling angry, but in the morning as she recalled it she felt a bit of excitement too. She was 14, her body was...

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The Girl of My Dreams

John stood transfixed feeling the fine grains of pure white sand squish between his toes. He looked along the pristine white beach and saw her standing on the edge of the endless white band of sand that stretched off seemingly into infinity; an oval green clearing of short grass spread out behind her until it reached the dark palm trees, their palm fronds waving in the rising evening breeze. The row of palms stood in a dark ominous line like soldiers at attention some distance far behind where...

First Time
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Ill See You in My DreamsChapter 3

Cyrus's secret was out, and it was a relief. The girls knew he had dreamed of pawing and poking and almost starting to rape them, over and over again. That was shameful and embarrassing. But they'd accepted it as natural for a boy, albeit without enthusiasm. He smiled. They'd also accepted his dream cock, straight and hard and deep. It was easier to be around them now. With Melanie, it looked like it hadn't just been some accident or trick when she'd asked him over. She really seemed...

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Sweet Dreams Mr Wilcox Never Could Be Any Other Way

SWEET DREAMS, MR. WILCOX (NEVER COULD BE ANY OTHER WAY) by Crazy Baron DISCLAIMERS This work may be distributed to forums where it can be read free of charge, provided that the author gives his explicit permission and that the text is not altered. Please note that this story is intended for mature readers only. The people and incidents depicted herein are completely fictional. THE STORY Synopsis: A pop music producer, who once was one of the hottest names in the industry,...

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Wet Dreams

The August night seemed perfect: cool, still fragrant with the scents of late summer. Peter could smell the flowers in the front yards, the tomatoes and cucumbers in the backyard gardens. He could hear and smell the prowling of cats in search of midnight mice, and the occasional bark of a dog fulfilling a social contract to defend territory. A racoon scurried across the street on its was to knock over the next available garbage can. The full moon washed the quiet street, the pretty wood frame...

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Wet DreamsChapter 2

That night, she talked to Don on the phone, and told him about her parents leaving for almost a week. She mentioned that he could come over and watch TV and he agreed, that would be cool. She had intended on bringing him over earlier, but now she didn’t want to, she didn’t want her parents to get cold feet about leaving her by herself. She didn’t want them to know that she had a kinda boyfriend, not now. Don asked about what she’d dreamed last night, and she told him a heavily edited version...

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The Girl Wet Dreams are made of

The Girl Wet Dreams are made of I was getting ready to leave the school parking lot that evening. I did some art work for the stage for the prom king and queen dance coming up. I saw a car with a girl in it just sitting there. I wondered if she had car trouble. I walked towards the car and recognized the car. It was the prom queens car. She was the prettiest girl in school, no question. She had a great personality to go with it. No big head but just a beautiful hot looking girl. I tapped on...

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Making Dreams Come True

Making Dreams Come True by Writer345 1. Helena's Request I was waiting nervously in my library when I heard the doorbell ring, I didn't move: Concita would see that it was answered, that was one of her duties. Besides I knew exactly who was there, I had invited the damned woman after all. At 6'2" I am tall for a woman, I'm also blonde and people say that I exude confidence: I suppose that it goes with the job, I'm a merchant banker. As I am used to being in total control I...

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Loving Moms Wildest Dreams Ch01

"Oh... Oh yes... Yes, just like that... Oh yes, I'm so close. Oh, Fuck! I'm... I'm... I'M CUMMING!!" I screamed as I awoke from my dream. Covered in sweat, I sat up and noticed that once again, I had cum in my sleep.Fuck! Another sex dream about Mom. I thought as I leaped up and stripped the stain-covered sheet from my bed.As I tossed the soiled linen into my hamper, I mumbled, "Maybe it's natural to have dreams like this?"Who the fuck am I kidding. No way can this be natural. I rationalized...

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DENISE IS A DEAR DARING DARLING WITH ONE WISH -- ONE DOMINANT DREAM---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DENIS IS SAILING SEAS WITH MAMMA ANNEMARIE AS LONG AS SHE REMEMBERSDENISE KNOWS HOW MUCH FREEDOM THEIR VESSEL MEANS FOR MA ANNEMARIE-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ANNEMARIE IS ATTRACTIVE AWESOME AA-BOOBIES BLONDE...

2 years ago
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Home for Horny Monsters Book FourChapter 3 Girl of My Dreams

Mike yawned, covering his mouth, then set his book down on the cart. It was dangerously full, and he knew that Sofia would ream him out if he just kept cramming books onto it. “Can you take this to the platform?” he asked Death. “Yes I can, Mike Radley.” The grim reaper grabbed the cart with bony hands and pushed it down the corridor, the wheels squeaking softly. Mike rubbed his eyes and yawned again, then checked his phone. He had no signal in the Library, but all he wanted was to see the...

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Tales of Arkham More Dreams in the WitchHouse

Author's note: For those of you wondering where Arkham is, it sprang from the imagination of H.P.Lovecraft, one of the greatest horror writers. The characters in this story were borrowed mainly from Dreams in the Witch-House, written by Lovecraft and published in 1932. I apologize for borrowing Lovecraft's characters without being able to borrow his talent, but we work with the talents we're given. That said - I hope you enjoy! Kate Baptista Walter Gilman awoke screaming...

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RhaanDreams of Desire

This is the time of dreams. The dreams shared by most involve travels and tales led in far distant lands; where they become kings, merchants or a hero or heroin of such legend that generations unborn will remember them. Some do make such dreams happen, seeking out their own destinies. It is from these folks that true changes, good or bad emerge. For even the darkest hearted villains do have dreams of their own; just different in how they manage or desire to achieve them. But this...

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Karen woke up with a start. She had been dreaming again, always the same one. It centred around her brother and the shower. Sometimes the scenario would differ slightly, but not the outcome. Normally her dreams were never that memorable, she would sometimes remember parts of them, but very rarely the whole thing.Karen sat up and looked at her alarm clock, 6:30, damn she thought to herself, it’s going to be another long day. Deciding to get up she swung her legs out of bed and headed for the...

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The Man of my Dreams

Heather hear me out before you say no again. I know you think Juan being a crossdresser makes giving him a chance a no go. The cringe on your face when you told me was sign enough that you decision was set.It should not be. You have put too much emphasis on something which is insignificant. How does Jaun liking to wear women's clothing change who he is? That does not change one thing about him and You know it doesn't. When I was a young girl, the man of my dreams was tall, ambitious...

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Baywatch Lost Summer

Someone once said "Never leave home angry". Summer couldn't remember who had said it, but the line kept on bouncing around her brain. She was angry and she had just left the Trailer, she and her Mom were sharing, to go to the Baywatch Headquarters to start her shift. She was angry and she was disappointed. Only a few hours ago she had a fight with her boyfriend Matt. They kept on having fights about the one theme only. But why wouldn't he just let go of it? She had made it clear to him...

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Rob Summer

Part 1.Rob had nothing but admiration for this girl. The fact she was his daughter made little difference. He gazed upon her with love in his eyes.She had suffered many tragedies in her short life, many were shared with Rob, yet, she still smiled everyday. She'd grown up happy, in good health, with loving parents. Rob and Claire had been married since they were sixteen. They bore two c***dren, two years apart. Eddie was the elder, Summer the younger.The first tragedy struck when Eddie was...

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Zone Dreams

Zone Dreams My mind was still reeling from your erotic visit of the nightbefore. I showered and climbed into bed snuggling intothe soft pillows and pulling my duvet snuggly around me. I couldn’t sleep – I was thinking about what you said. Youbegged me to trust you, to follow where you led and to obeywith out question. My body had still been tingling withthe pleasure you had given me and I agreed to whatever yousaid and to whatever it might bring me. I wasn’t frightenedthen and gave no thought...

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Dreamscape III

Dreamscape III By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 3: Kirk, Janet and Betty I pulled into the parking lot a full 45 minutes early and sat in my car. I needed to get my mind around the idea that I was actually going to work. Never had I been this nervous reporting to a job, but never have I done so in a body, which was not mine. Craig Morton, my former self, was an advertising executive at the tender age of twenty-five - a well established wunderkind with a reputation throughout...

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Beyond Dreamscape Part 2 Kaetlin Jack and the Driver

Beyond Dreamscape Part 2: Kaetlin, Jack, and the Driver By Diana Kimberly Heche "Where am I?" The gentle faced red haired woman stood up at the sound of Jack Wallace's voice. She smiled upon him kindly, but her eyes could not conceal the concern. "You're in a hospital room Jack, you had a small accident. You fell off of the ladder when you were cleaning the gutters and were out for awhile." Jack Wallace lay in bed, he had raised his arms off of the bed, opening and...

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It would be hard to understand if I had not been Neil's neighbour these last 18 years. I hadn't imagined what was going on in their house or his relationship with his daughter. To the outside observer he was a single parent making a go of it, after that fatal collision with a drunk driver, which took his wife's life leaving him and his daughter unharmed.To be the sole parent of a young c***d, juggling work, full time parenting and responsibility for the daily tasks usually shared by two adults,...

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Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams I'd been having difficulty sleeping for a while now.? Work was stressful, and I'd often wake up at 3 in the morning, staring at the ceiling or watching infomercials on TV.? The lack of sleep was interfering with work, and I was so irritable that I'd broken up with my girlfriend Robin. She stormed out one day, cursing me up one side and down the other.? I figured we were over, but a few weeks later she sent me an e-mail with the name of a doctor who she said was a sleep...

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My affair with Summer

The project I was working on was going to take two months. I'd spend month there, go home for two weeks, and then go back for another month. We had to make appointments at each facility before we could go, so scheduling was big issue. The site was about 50 miles from the nearest town. So we'd have to get up early and drive for an hour before we can start working and it was the same going home in the evening. We end up spending a lot of time together talking on the drive to and from site....

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B7 Chapter 5 Jordan Sucks Summer

Chapter 5: Jordan Sucks Summer Kneeling on the bed, Jordan reached out and stroked Summer's tummy; rubbing her head and hands against her impressive shaft lying down between her legs. "What are you waiting for, silly?" teased Summer. Now Jordan was facing the impressive member. Summer's limp cock hung from her crotch, and went halfway down her thigh to her knee. Jordan slowly moved her hands to cup the lower half of its soft, warm and heavy expanse. With her fingertips, she gradually ran...

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Brittanys Strapon Hell Week 4 Submission with Skye and Summer

Brittany's Strapon Hell Week 4: "Submission with Skye and Summer" By humbleslave I am attempting to make these stories stand-alone as well as make sense in a series. If you like this, make sure to read my other stories. Think of your votes and comments as your contribution to my stories! Thanks! After the week I'd had so far, including my most recent ordeal at the softball fields, I didn't figure it could get much worse. Today I had been promised to Mistresses Skye Blue and Summer...

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Half Dreams

Half Dreams by Kelley Rigney I realize that the following scenarios may be out of place in Fictionmania, but I do believe there might be someone who will appreciate this work. If on occasion you have ever been wisped away by your imagination but for only a few seconds or minutes and cherished those incremental sketches of wishful thinking I do believe you might find these interesting. I've never seen anybody write about their "half" dreams as I call them. What I am talking about...

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The Book of Dreams

The Book of Dreams Last night, I dreamed of a black horse. Upon waking, I lookedin the dictionary of dreams I keep in my bedside table, to see if thereis any significance to this particular night time vision. It seems a dreamof a black horse is a dream of passion. Considering all that has happenedin the past weeks, I am not surprised. Chapter 1: The Marriage It started a few weeks ago ? at least it was a few weeks for me. History itselfhas stretched itself thin in that time so that I must...

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Impossible DreamsChapter 5

"Know what?" Rick said, when Lauren got into his car. "What?" Lauren said. "And why didn't you say 'hi' and kiss me first?" "Hi," Rick said, and leaned over to kiss Lauren. "Okay," Lauren said, smiling as she put on her seat belt. "What is it?" "I've talked with Coach Lamont," Rick said. "I hired Coach Frazier." "You hired him?" "Yeah, as my personal trainer." "You're paying him?" "Yeah." "Why don't they pay for him?" "I ain't no Shaq," Rick said....

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Oh Brother Jesses Fantasy Summer

Oh Brother! Jesse's Fantasy Summer Author's Note: A reader commented on Oh Brother! Those are My Things with an idea for this continuation. I go back and look for comments often, and sometimes reread them. This idea suddenly started to become a story. Allie, Jesse, and their mom were sitting at the kitchen table waiting for Dad to join them. He assured them he was going to be just a minute more and they would all have dinner together for the first time in months. Allie had just...

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The Boys of Summer

Hi folks ... there’s a slight chill in the air. It’s still sunny out but not as warm. The kids go back to school in less than two weeks. Summer is ending. I heard my favorite end of summer song the other day and it started me on this. This one is all one piece. Thanks for all of the e-mails and messages from those of you who got the answer to my blog question. And to the guy who thought the lyrics were from a Beethoven piece ... uhhhm ... Any way. Thanks to Barney-R for editing it. And Thanks...

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Monday night, Ruth had one of those nightmares that psychoanalysts love to make a big deal out of. She dreamt that she was... no, it wasn't she. She dreamt that she was someone else, and she was naked in a public place, with everyone staring and pointing and making noise. She had some books, and a large notebook, and she tried to cover her breasts and crotch, but she dropped them, and people laughed when she couldn't cover herself with her hands. It was a frightening dream. It was just a...

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Dannys Favourite Summer

Danny`s Favorite Summer Originally based on My favourite summer by Tiffany B. further developed and rewritten by Florentine. This story is fiction. Danny McCallum lived the life of a normal eleven-year-old boy until the summer before entering Junior High. He was small (just about 4`8") for his age, with a frail appearance and quite shy. He basically kept to himself, wasn't very athletic and did not really enjoy sports. He was more into movies and video games. His mommy was a big...

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Liam to Lina II The Summer

Liam to Lina II, The Summer It was the second last day of school before the summer break. Liam said hello to his sister Emily as he arrived home. Today it was her turn to cook. He knew their mother would not be home for about another hour so he went into his room and closed the door. Just a week before, 15 year old Liam had competed at his school's womanless pageant and finished a very close runner up. Liam and the winner, Kurt, had wowed the crowd and the judges with convincingly...

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Man of My Dreams

His gray eyes pierced at me as I looked up at him. His hard cock was in my mouth and my lips were wrapped tightly around it, squeezing it. Soft moans escaped his mouth and his hands cupped my face while my head bobbed back and forth. I loved the feeling of his hard cock in my mouth, but most of all I loved his taste. I felt him tense up and his threw his head back moaning loudly while hot spurts of his cum shot in my mouth. ... Yes cum for me, let me drink you up... was all I could think of....

1 year ago
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Man Of My Dreams

Authors Note: I wrote this story for entertainment purposes only. There is no accuracy dealing with broken bones or anything. Just enjoy! *s* His gray eyes pierced at me as I looked up at him. His hard cock was in my mouth and my lips were wrapped tightly around it, squeezing it. Soft moans escaped his mouth and his hands cupped my face while my head bobbed back and forth. I loved the feeling of his hard cock in my mouth, but most of all I loved his taste. I felt him tense up and his threw his...

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A Lady Dreams

A Lady Dreams(c) Abe Froman *The following story is a work of fiction. It contains scenes of an adult nature so if you are underage where you live, stop reading now. This story contains explicit sexual language and fantasies involving the mental and physical control of others. If you are offended by such activities, do not read any further. This is purely a fantasy. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead is a literary homage only or is purely coincidental.* *Please send...

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Sweet Dreams are Made of This

Chapter 1 For the seventh night in a row, I lie awake in bed, my wife snoring softly beside me, my cock iron-hard in my hand. I jerk myself slowly, careful not to wake her. A week ago, I wouldn't have cared. A week ago, this would have been a prelude to some seriously hot sex. A week ago, we weren't talking about little blue pills to "rectify" my "problem." She thinks I'm impotent. And not without good reason. At only 25, my wife's a hot little number. Small and svelte, she likes...

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