HomebodiesChapter 16 free porn video

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The base exchange, or BX, at the Sirius Fleet Outpost in orbit around Sirius B was not exactly a supercenter, particularly not in comparison to the BX at TNB back in the Sol, but it still had enough of the basics to make the re-supply run a success.

Gath, Taz, and their crew of three helpers—all of them wearing on-duty Fleet uniforms—entered the modest compartment of the base only forty minutes before it closed for the day and each of them grabbed one of the large levitating carts to load supplies onto. From there, they split up, each heading for separate aisles in the store, their commers in their hands showing a shared list in which items would be marked off as collected on everyone’s screen to avoid duplication of efforts. They then began to load up, gathering bags of coffee, cartons of dairy products, multi-kilogram packages of frozen meat, industrial sized packages of toilet paper, and dozens of other things. Naturally, this attracted the attention of the BX clerk, a second career age male who was probably working part-time to supplement his Fleet pay.

“Did ... uh, you all find everything you needed?” he asked Gath as he dubiously eyed the five overloaded carts that pulled up to his checkout station.

“No,” Gath said, “actually we did not. We could not find any fresh garlic, any tomato paste, any coriander seeds, or any bug juice powder. Do you, by chance, have any of those things in the supply room?”

Hearing Gath’s groundie accent, the clerk’s eyes took on a different look. It was if he now had a partial explanation for the goings on in his usually quiet store. “No,” he said, annunciating the word carefully, as if he were speaking to an idiot. “We don’t keep anything in the supply room that is not on display in the store.”

“A pity,” Gath said with a sigh. “Oh well. At least you have ground coriander and fresh tomatoes for the paste.”

“What the tork is coriander?” the clerk had to ask.

“It’s an herb that a certain spice is made out of,” Gath told him. “The plant itself is called cilantro, and you had some of that back there, but the seeds are what coriander is made of and you didn’t have any of that.” He shook his head in bewilderment. “If they shipped you a supply of cilantro, what the purg did they do with the seeds?” He looked over at Taz. “I bet they torkin’ threw them away at the processing point, not realizing they were good for anything.”

Taz rolled her eyes to the ceiling. “Spacies can be really moronic sometimes, can’t they?” she asked him.

“You got that slag right,” Gath responded.

The clerk was now showing an expression of caution, as if he were dealing with a volatile group of lunatics. “Is ... uh ... all of this stuff together?” he asked slowly.

“It is,” Gath told him. “I’ll lay derm for the cost. Go ahead and process it.”

The clerk looked at the five carts again, making no move to start processing. “This is an awful lot of slag you all are buying,” he said.

Gath looked back at the load for a moment, as if evaluating and quantifying it. Finally, he nodded. “Yes,” he said, “it really is. So, can we process it now?”

“What is all this stuff for?” the clerk asked—almost demanded.

“Well...” Gath said, taking his own turn at talking to someone as if they were an idiot, “most of it is for the preparation of food.”

“Food?” the clerk said.

“Food,” Gath confirmed. “You know? Ingestible nutrition that is taken orally for the purpose of maintaining homeostasis in the human body?”

That one went well over the clerk’s head. “Where did you all come from?” he asked.

“We’re with the Magnum,” Gath told him. “A ninety-nine ship in transit to the Redreams. We’re here to replace our consumable stock.”

That confused the clerk even further. “Why are you buying consumables in here? With your own credits? Don’t they stock you at the yard like they do everyone else?”

Taz handled this one. “Of course they do,” she said—although they really wouldn’t, not without a consumable stock requisition attached to their orders, something that had been deemed too risky to try to forge as it would increase the number of people perusing their orders. “We just don’t like the issued consumables very much. Gath here makes us fresh consumables when we’re out on deployment runs.”

The look of I’m dealing with the mad came across the clerk’s face again. “Fresh consumables?” he asked. “What the purg does that mean?”

“It means I make our meals by hand,” Gath explained. “Most of the time anyway.”

“By hand?” the clerk asked, never having heard of, or even conceived of such a thing. “Why would you do something like that?”

“Because it tastes good,” said Specialist Boogie, their weapons repair technician who was doubling as a kitchen helper of late.

“Tastes good?” the clerk said, his tongue flitting out and licking slowly across his upper lip.

“It’s a groundie thing,” said Spacer Second Floozy, an engineering technician who doubled as kitchen clean-up crew.

The clerk shook his head in bewilderment. “Whatever you say,” he told them, picking up his scanner. With a wave of it, he inventoried their load and his computer named the price. “One hundred, ninety-three point six two credits, please.”

Gath laid some derm and the amount was subtracted from his account. “Appreciate it,” he told the clerk. “Do you have some boxes in the back we can stow this slag in for the trip back to the Magnum?”

It turned out he did have some boxes and was happy to get rid of them since it meant he would not have to break them down later and send them to the recycle point. He even helped them package up their load for the trip.

“Ain’t you a medic?” he asked Gath while they were putting the last few items in.

“I am,” Gath confirmed, tapping the star of life on his shirt.

“Then why do they have you cooking slag on your ship?” the clerk asked. “That ain’t a medic’s job, is it?”

Gath put a look of bitterness on his face. “It’s not supposed to be,” he said, mock resentment in his tone, “but that’s the way we groundies get treated in the Fleet.”

“Really?” the clerk asked, shocked.

“Really,” Gath confirmed. “It’s just another way The Hume keeps my people down.”

“That’s torked up,” the clerk said righteously.

“That it is,” Gath agreed.

Thirty minutes later, with the assistance of an Uber autotransporter, they had their nine boxes of supplies back at the skiff docks in the lower part of the outpost. It took the better part of another twenty minutes to stow the boxes in the skiff and then pile in themselves for the trip back to the Magnum.

Their ship had finished taking on liquid hydrogen by this point and was now keeping station in a queue area two kilometers away from the hydrogen storage facility. Gath, feeling slightly nauseous due to the zero gravity conditions in the skiff, took slow deep breaths and tried not to look at the forbidding surface of Mouge, the rocky, desolate planet that was third from Sirius B, passing six hundred kilometers below. At last, they docked with the Magnum, returning gravity to their bodies. Gath’s nausea came close to erupting at this point—the sensation of heavying was not, by any means, one of life’s greatest—and then began to calm down. By the time they were safely inside the ship and ready to start unloading their groceries, he felt almost normal again.

They could not leave until everything was safely and securely stowed, so everyone not performing some vital ship function—and this included even Ox—pitched in to help put their supplies away. With twenty plus people concentrating on the task, it was accomplished in less than twenty-five minutes.

“All right,” Ox said to the bridge crew once all compartments reported ready for departure. “How about we blow this scene?”

Manny contacted local STC and was given permission to move the Magnum out of the queue and into the local transit corridor for the trip to the interstellar transit corridor. This corridor, labeled IST-13O on the holo map of the system stretched between the base and the SAR circuit point that lay at the barycenter between the red giant Sirius A and the ringed gas giant Julio which orbited it at a distance of seventeen AUs. As they made the trip they passed the berthing area of the outpost. Currently there were two ships at anchor there, one a Diamondback class destroyer, the other a Fleet personnel transporter. In addition to the ships at berth, there was one vessel—a ninety-nine their computer identified as the Beretta—half an AU out from the outpost and in the midst of a deceleration burn. They would have to pass that ship—although with a separation of over two hundred kilometers—as they accelerated out. Ox was grateful that he did not know anyone on that particular vessel. The less small talk they had to make, the better.

So far, no one had questioned their orders or their presence in the Sirius system. And though they could no longer actively detect the Blacksnake guarding the Sirius Prime circuit point, their STC telemetry showed it was still there. The contingency plan in case of discovery was to simply run like purg toward SAR and hope to get through. Once on the Redreams side of the circuit, they could start putting their plan into action. The SAR point, however, was currently nineteen astronomical units away and there were two ships—the dreadnought Covington and the anti-stealth carrier Rollins—who were in positions along their path to intercept them if so ordered. And other ships could come out of that circuit at any time. It was going to be a long, tense trip.

“Sound acceleration alarm,” Ox ordered once they entered the interstellar corridor.

“Sounding alarm, Captain,” Tull reported.

After the requisite amount of time, Ox ordered the engines lit at two Gs.

“Two Gs, aye Captain,” Tull said.

The engines lit up and the Magnum began to accelerate once again. They were on their way.

They passed the Berretta without incident and continued their burn until they were moving at 0.005C once again. Once the effects of acceleration were not an issue, and once the Phent-D that the Earth natives had taken had a chance to wear off, Gath gathered the four of them and Yank in the wardroom so they could start working on their presentation for the Redreams and beyond.

“A presentation?” asked Cedric, enunciating the word as if it were a particularly vile slang term for a particularly vile sexually transmitted disease. “What do you mean by that?”

“It means we’re going to record a holographic file of everyone here,” said Yank brightly. “It’s kind of like the documentary that Gath originally told us was the reason for our coming up from Libby, but we’re really going to do it this time.”

“I thought we were going to talk to the people who make decisions directly,” said Fears No Darkness. “Surely our words will have more impact that way.”

“That is the eventual plan,” Gath said, “but that is for when we arrive—if we arrive—in the AZ system where the spaceborn government and Fleet operations are based. We’re not going to have time to stop anywhere in the Redreams—” He looked at Yank, who was obviously about to start going on about the alluvial delta system to be found there. “—at least not on the outbound leg. To start passing the word about what is going on in the Sol, we’re going to broadcast the holo we’re about to make to all of the Redreams media outlets as we blast through there. We’ll then invite them to ask questions and clarify details by means of return messaging. At that point we will appear live—although with the inevitable lightspeed delay—and answer those questions before we hit the RG circuit point.”

“I see,” said Fears No Darkness doubtfully.

“I don’t,” barked Tom in disgust. “What is all of this drivel about talking to these overseers in charge of things? Talking solves nothing!”

“Agreed,” said Cedric. “The application of superior force is what solves matters! We should take this ship directly to the headquarters of the overseer CEO and destroy it with the weaponry aboard!”

“Fuckin A!” said Tom, excitedly. “And after that, we should transport down and shoot any survivors and then put their heads up on spikes on the fortress wall! That will serve to show we’re serious about putting a stop to this genocide!”

“Yeah...” said Gath carefully, “that would show we’re serious all right. How about we try my plan first, though? My people don’t react to violence all that well.”

“Your people are pathetic,” spat Tom.

“Beyond pathetic,” said Cedric. He turned to Fears No Darkness. “They did not even wipe out our army after they defeated us at Crescent City. Have you ever heard of such cowardice?”

“You’re upset because they did not kill you all?” asked Fears No Darkness.

“Not upset,” said Cedric, as if he were talking to an idiot, “just contemptuous. What kind of army does not kill every last one of a defeated foe?”

“A civilized one?” suggested Catches No Fish.

Cedric looked at the warrior in amazed contempt. “Civilized?” he spat. “Fuck off!”

“You fuck off, savage!” Catches No Fish yelled at him.

“You call me a savage, you fuckin’ flesh eater?” Cedric yelled. “I’ll rip your mother’s twat off and use it as a fifi!”

Catches No Fish stood up angrily, nearly knocking the table over. “I’ll have your balls for that, savage!” he yelled. “No one talks shit about my mother!”

“Bring it on, dickweed!” Cedric yelled back, standing to face him.

Gath and Yank quickly stepped between the two natives, keeping them apart. It took a minute or two, but they finally got the two of them to calm down and sit back down.

“Now look, humes,” Gath said once this was accomplished. “It could be we’re getting a little off topic here again. Now I know you don’t care too much for each other, but remember our goal with this presentation. We’re trying to prevent a genocide, remember? A genocide of your people. So, let’s try to present a united front, to show my people that your people are a race worth saving.” He turned to Fears No Darkness and Catches No Fish. “That means we keep our judgments about savagery and non-savagery to ourselves, that we do not judge other cultures openly if we do not agree with them.” He then turned to Tom and Cedric. “And that means we do not make remarks about the type of diet another culture prefers, or any allusions to ripping mothers apart and using their body parts for a fifi, okay?”

“What exactly is a fifi?” asked Yank.

“It’s not important,” said Gath, who also did not know what a fifi was. He turned back to the natives. “Can we give this a try?”

Reluctantly, they agreed to call a temporary truce.

“All right then,” Gath said. “I will speak first and lay the scenario down on them. After that, I’ll have each of you talk as well. Cedric and Tom, I’m going to have you play your instruments for the holo too.”

“We will play our best,” promised Tom. Strangely, or perhaps not so strangely, the two Norcals actually seemed excited to play their instruments for an audience of overseers.

“That’s all I can ask,” Gath said. “Now let’s get this thing started.” He looked up at the ceiling. “Computer, start new holographic file, unencrypted, standard format, focus of the camera to be a body closeup of whoever is sitting in this chair I am in.”

“Initiating new file,” the computer’s voice replied. “What would you like to name the file?”

“Oooh,” said Yank. “I have a good name!”

“What’s that?” asked Gath.

“Well...” she said, “I think we should name it ‘Requiem of the Great Galaxian Dream of universal civility.’”

“Confirm Requiem of the Great Galaxian Dream of universal civility?” the computer enquired. “Is that your choice of file name?”

“No,” Gath said before Yank could open her mouth. He turned to her and put his diplomatic face on. “While poetic, your name does not clearly spell out what the holo is going to be about. The idea is to make sure the media people are intrigued, even shocked when they see the file name. We want them to open it immediately and see what is in it, not have some admin assistant throw it in a file for later perusal.”

Yank was pouting. “And you don’t think my name will accomplish that?”

“Not with a complete degree of confidence,” he said. “I think we should go literal for this one.”

“Such as?”

Gath thought for a moment. “How about: ‘Information regarding the genocide of the Earth native population by order of the Fleet and the Space Federation Executive Council?’”

Yank wrinkled her nose. “That is very literal,” she said. “It just doesn’t have any ... you know... panache to it.”

“Panache aside,” Gath said, “I think we should go with my suggestion. Computer, did you hear my file name?”

“Information regarding the genocide of the Earth native population by order of the Fleet and the Space Federation Executive Council,” the computer returned. “Is this the file name you would like to use?”

“It is,” Gath said before Yank could add anything else.

“The file has been created,” the computer said. “Camera focus is on the human seated in the chair you currently occupy and will remain so unless instructed otherwise. An ongoing live presentation of the imagery will be shown on the primary stage. Say ‘start recording’ when ready to begin, ‘pause recording’ to pause the recording, or ‘end recording’ to end the recording.”

“Thank you, computer,” Gath said. He then settled into the chair. “Shall we begin?”

Everyone agreed that this was the appropriate beginning point.

“All right then,” Gath said, taking out his commer and putting it on the table before him. He quickly called up the notes he had made to help him through his speech. Like most humans, he was not a big fan of public speaking, but he had done it enough in school, both as an undergraduate and in medic school, that he knew how to present well. “Computer, start recording.”

The computer did not reply, but on the holo stage, a three-dimensional image of Gath suddenly appeared with the bright red RECORDING message floating in the air over his head.

“Greetings,” Gath said, his face solemn, his voice clear and without much in the way of tone. “My name is Gathius Stoner and I am a Fleet medic who, until recently, was attached to the 327th Marine Division assigned to Planet Earth in the Sol system. These days I am a fugitive, guilty of being absent without leave and conspiracy to commit mutiny aboard a Fleet warship—this warship I am currently broadcasting from, the HSF Magnum under command of Lieutenant Commander Oxford Dripper. We are operating this ship without command authority—we have, in essence, stolen it—and are making a run toward the AZ system. These are all very serious charges and we are all prepared to admit guilt and face the consequences of our actions. But first we have to finish the mission we stole this ship for. We must tell you, the representatives of the media and the people of the independent planets, as well as the spaceborn citizens of the Federation, of the atrocity that is being carried out by the Fleet on orders of the Executive Council in the Sol system and that is being covered up and hidden from public review.

“What I am suggesting sounds quite fantastic to you, unbelievable even, but I assure you, it is real and it is being carried out right now, while we speak. The plan has a name. It is called the ‘concluding resolution’, concluding meaning final and resolution meaning the means by which the Executive Council and the Fleet medical operations are trying to put an end to the race of human beings who inhabit the planet Earth—the people we colloquially refer to as homebodies.

“Let me tell you how this all came to pass:”

Gath explained the events in the Sol system step by step, sticking mostly to chronological order, making clear delineations between things he knew to be fact and things that were speculation. He told of the first rumors that something was going to be happening as far as changing homeland policy and then he spoke of the sudden, mysterious probe shortage that closed down outgoing communications in the Sol system a suspiciously short time before the concluding resolution was officially announced. He told of the reluctance of the ultra-whites and the docs to explain just what the sterilization drug was at first, how it was strongly implied that it was only a birth reduction measure, and how he, Gath, had been among those who had discovered what the drug actually was.

He spent considerable time on the pharmacology of the drug, going so far as to explain the history of male birth control in general and the use of the motile haploid cell inhibitors in particular. He made sure to give enough particulars about the specific MHC inhibitor that was actually being used so that any media rep or even private citizen would be able to look it up in a database and confirm the permanent nature of the drug’s effect. From there, he went into the individual aspects of the conspiracy to conceal what was going on in the Sol. He started with Bookender and Zeal and then worked his way downward and outward, naming names whenever he knew them, finishing up with the ratslag story about the stellar instability in the Sol system preventing ships from transiting the circuit point.

“I can tell you,” he told them, “I was in the Sol system during this alleged stellar instability period and not a single word or suggestion about this alleged phenomenon was put forth to those of us on the inside. There is no stellar instability in the Sol system and there are no scientists recommending that transits be held. None of us aboard this vessel heard anything at all about this stellar instability issue until we’d transited out of the Sol and started talking to Fleet personnel on the other side of that circuit. I’m sure I do not have to spell out what this information means, but I will anyway. Someone, or, more likely, many someones, are furthering this conspiracy from outside of the Sol system, undoubtedly on orders from Fleet high command that probably were initiated at the Executive Council level.”

From there he worked his way into the reaction of the personnel assigned to Sol once the concluding resolution was clarified and initiated. He talked of the strife and division the debate on the appropriateness of the orders had caused, on the breakdown of morale and unit cohesion that was making it difficult to conduct even routine operations, on the efforts of the ultra-whites to flush out those who were opposed to the plan, on the punitive reassignments—including his own—handed out to those who were opposed. Finally, he rounded out how the conspiracy to steal the Magnum was launched and how time was of the essence to prevent the genocide from being carried out.

“So that,” he concluded, “in brief, is what is going on and is the reason for our theft of this Fleet vessel and our subsequent flight from the Sol. And now, in order to illustrate just what kind of people are the proposed victims of this genocide, I’m going to hand the floor over to PhD Dizza Yankeur, a renowned cultural anthropologist who has made it her life’s work to study the natives of Earth. She will speak briefly to you—” He gave her a warning look at the word briefly (they had already discussed her tendency to ramble and how she should avoid that in this forum) “—of the types of cultures and beliefs and lifestyles these so-called savages of the Sol utilize and live under and then she is going to introduce four of these natives themselves so you can get a feel for what we are trying to save here.” He stood and then waved at the chair. “Yank?”

Yank thanked him and sat down in the chair. She then began to talk about the various groups of people found on Earth and the lifestyles they lived by. To Gath’s surprise, she kept more or less on topic. He supposed her teaching experience—she had spent a considerable amount of time in both of her careers as a post-graduate lecturer—had something to do with that.

She talked of the Ukes and the Opies and the Ceepies and how they lived. She then moved onto the various feudal societies that made up the vast majority of the homebodies planetwide. She talked of their good traits, glossing over or not mentioning their more violent and superstitious ones. She spoke of the art that could be found in their structures, of the music they composed, of the buildings they built and their primitive resourcefulness, of the religions they worshipped. It was the art and music she kept returning to over and over however.

At last, it came time to start introducing the guest lecturers. She started with Fears No Darkness. The quarterback was obviously nervous as he took his seat at the table and looked into the camera, but Yank soon put him at ease, asking him questions like an attorney questioning her client.

“Now I know many are put off by a culture that utilizes the flesh of actual animals for nutrition instead of the plant-based proteins most of us use to make palatable food,” she said, her face off-stage but her voice clearly audible. “Many of the opies, however, still eat the flesh of animals because it is how their people have always fed themselves and they pride themselves on not taking any handouts from the Star People—us. Quarterback Fears No Darkness, please tell us how your people keep themselves fed.”

And so, the quarterback began to talk about fishing, and hunting deer, and harvesting acorns and blackberries. His matter-of-fact words and his shy, almost humble delivery of them served his cause well. He was not apologetic for his people, he was proud of their self-reliance, and this air was clearly transmitted into the holograph in a method that served to make the Modoc seem noble and pure.

After he finished speaking, Catches No Fish took the seat and introduced himself to the audience. He took on the task of describing the life of a Modoc warrior from birth to death. As a child he was required to learn to make bows and arrows, knives and axes, to fish from the time he could walk and to bring down his first deer by the time of first hair under the arms. At the age of thirteen he was considered a warrior apprentice and was assigned to an established warrior for training in the art and science of protecting the team. His final task before being considered a full-fledged warrior of the tribe was to trek alone and climb Mount Lassen on the edge of Modoc territory and then return to the village. Once a warrior, he had the right to marry and to enter into contracts with other warriors or the team itself. As he aged, he might one day become quarterback of the team himself. At the very least, if he survived to the age of sixty, he would become a respected elder of the team, one whose words it was the duty of all to listen to and consider.

Gath stepped back in at this point, not taking the seat, but taking over the job of questioning the Modoc. “You say you’re a warrior, correct?” he asked him.

“I am a warrior,” Fears No Darkness confirmed in no uncertain terms.

“How many people have you killed in your life?” Gath asked him.

“I have killed no one,” Fears No Darkness said, “and I hope I never have to.”

“Have you ever actually been to war?” Gath asked him next.

“We do not make war on others,” Fears No Darkness said. “We are warriors, trained in the art and science of war so we might protect our teams from others who might do us harm. So far, no one has tried us.”

“So, you’re saying you’re a peaceful people who only want to be left alone, but you will protect yourself if need be?”

“That is correct, Gath of the Star People,” the warrior confirmed.

Gath looked up at the ceiling. “Computer, focus the holo camera on Fears No Darkness for a moment, if you will.”

The computer shifted focus, putting the quarterback back in the picture.

“Fears No Darkness,” Gath said. “Tell us about the law your people have regarding use of items or food from the Star People.”

“It is forbidden,” Fears No Darkness said simply.

“Could you elaborate a bit?”

“No Modoc may use anything made by the Star People or even the white people who live in other parts of the planet. We may eat none of the food you provide. We may not drink from your water sources. We may not wear any of your clothing or use any of the gadgets you distribute.”

“And what is the penalty for violation of this law?” Gath asked.

“Death,” the warrior said simply.

“And how many people have you had to sentence to death for violating this law?”

“There has never been an instance of violation of this law in our collective memory, which stretches back all the way to the Great Collapse of Earth Society itself.”

“So, your people take this law pretty seriously then, right?”

“This law is held sacred above all other things,” he confirmed.

“Very interesting,” Gath said. “Now you and Catches No Fish accompanied me on this mission. We left your territory in a hydrogen powered hover. Since you’ve been with us, you have eaten our food many times, have worn our clothing, have utilized our computers and communication devices, have flown in surface to orbit craft and interstellar space vessels. Is this not a violation of your law?”

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Gambling My Wife and Black Business Partner

Introduction: This is a Fantasy that my wife had about Gambling and Big Black Men Gambling , My Wife and Black Business Partner This is a story about about one of my wifes many fantasys It is about a young woman who has a bad gambling habit, gets hooked, and quickly gets in over her head. This eventually leads to her borrowing money a lot of it from her husbands, (Me) business partner and figuratively speaking ends up betting her ass, and a lot more if she loses, and is unable to pay the debt...

1 year ago
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DickDrainers Jezebeth Ima Take My Arabic Girlfriend8217s Virginity

Me and Jezebeth have been dating for about 6 months now?. She pretty asl and she got a PHAT ASS???…but she still ain’t let me fuq? Nooooo it’s not cuz I haven’t tried. Ass too phat to not try my guy. But Jezebeth and her parents religious?. I barely see her on Friday. She wear her hijab all the time, covering up all that pretty hair?? Niqqa can’t even get no throat from them pretty lips she got. And she def don’t be tryna let me get sum pussy?? Every time...

4 years ago
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Jack and His Nan Ch 1

This story was inspired by another Lush member who is "interested" in her grandson.Jack woke up and looked over at the beauty lying next to him. Parts of her white hair covered her face. He moved the hair out of the way and touched her cheek gently with his fingertips. He moved his fingers down to her jaw line to her chin then slowly up to her lips. He caressed them. These were the lips that only hours before he had kissed in a totally new way...a way reserved for lovers, not grandmothers. But...

4 years ago
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Amandas ChoiceChapter 6

Vanlo examined his experiment with a critical eye, failing to be distracted even by the constant sounds of orgasmic moaning from the examination room as his assistant continued the Kaylaxxa treatments to the now steady-stream of slaves arriving that morning. The progress of the fluids that made their way through the apparatus was slow and meticulous, and nowhere near finished, as the beaker at the end was only a quarter full. Yet what had already collected told him enough. Vanlo straightened...

1 year ago
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Smoking Visits

My mother would drag me along to many of her friends house's so she could have a drink and a catch up. This was a regular occurrence and boredom would always set in the minute i would had to sit there.Visiting Maureen was different though, Maureen was a smoker. Maureen was a petite loud carefree woman that didn't hold back in saying what was on her mind.She was a northern working class mother who was rough around the edges but naturally attractive. I would sit and wait patiently for her to grab...

2 years ago
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My Perfect Valentine

My Perfect Valentine ? by: Lacy White Always hold true to the idea that you should be careful what you wish for or in this case ask for. The way our risky adventures usually start is by me asking for or in most cases writing down a usually very detailed and lengthy fantasy and then Jan following by arranging the trip or in some instances a just a night on the town. Well this was no different parts of this had been in almost every story I had ever written to her. The month was...

2 years ago
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Those naughty fingers during the soccer match

Saturday afternoon I was at home getting bored; but then my loving hubby said he had arranged with some of his friends to go to a bar to watch a soccer match. Victor asked me if I want to go with him.When we got there the bar was really crowded.I was wearing a tight short dress and high heels.I loved to show my long legs and my cleavage, although I was not really into watching soccer…Victor moved with some friends at a corner and I managed finally to get a drink and have to stand by a high bar...

3 years ago
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Telugulo Na Tholi Anubhavam With My Girlfriend

హాయ్ నా పేరు వెంకట్ మది చల్లపల్లి నేను మీకు నా జీవితంలో జరిగిన విషయం ఉన్నది ఉన్నట్లు చెప్తాను. నేను రాధ అనే అమ్మాయి ని ఇంటర్ నుండి లవ్ చేసాని తనకి వన్ ఇయర్ అంటే తను డిగ్రీ మొదటి సంవత్సరం లో ఉండగా చెప్పాను తను కూడా ఒప్పుకుంది అల మేము 6 సంవత్సరాలు లవ్ లోనే ఉన్నాం. రీసెంట్ గ తననే పెళ్లి చేస్కున్న అనుకోండి అది వేరే విషయం. ఎలా రాస్తున్నపుడు తను కూడా పక్కనే ఉంది. సరే గరిగిన కధలోకి వెళ్తే తను గని నేను గని చూడటానికి అంతగా బాగోము కానీ తన బయలు చాల పెద్దవి అవి 34 సైజు (మొదటిసారి తనతో సెక్స్ చేసినప్పుడు...

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Heyyy Mr Postman

I was surprised to find Ana’s car in our driveway, when I came back home early from my office…She would be at work at that time; it looked a bit strange.I opened the front door and almost froze in the threshold, when I saw her clothes ragged to pieces on the carpet and also some trousers that were not mine…Also I found my wife’s phone in the mess of clothing and it displayed a huge amount of missed calls. I saw it was set on vibrate mode.The sounds from upstairs were unmistakable: I could hear...

2 years ago
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Party Mein Mili Hot Aunty

Hello friends toh story shuru hoti h jab mai apne ek dost ki sister ki shaadi mein gaya tha… Ek well decorated n high profile ghar ki shaadi thi .. Wahan par bahut hi sexy sexy ladkiyan aur housewifes ayi thi … Mai unsab ko dekh hi raha tha ki tabhi meri nazar ek lady par gayi jisne black colour transparent saree pehni huwi thi with slevless blouse of deep neck. Kya batau doston mai toh us lady ko dekhta hi reh gaya .. Lakin tabhi mood banaya ki isko toh patana hi h…. Mai usko stare karna shuru...

1 year ago
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Aw Fuck MeChapter 10 Preparations

While the compilation of war materials was ramping up to full swing, it almost came to a screeching halt. It soon became apparent, that I was not generating the capital to realize my ambitions. Despite the enormous wealth Abram had brought to the table, I was spending it faster than I was taking it in. That had to change, and change quickly! I couldn’t wait until after the war started, to get the funding I needed now. Away from the Compound, the wives were discovering the lack of many modern...

2 years ago
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Another Boring Class

Jerry walked into the lecture room and couldn't figure out why in the world he would need a class about Shakespeare when he was going for a degree in mechanical engineering. This was sure to be the most boring class he ever had in his entire life. And that's when she walked into the room and changed his life forever. "Good Morning ladies and gentleman. My name is Professor Angel Castleberry," she said in a heavy English accent that sent chills through Jerry's masculine, young body. He was...

3 years ago
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Happy Birthday Mistress

Title- Happy Birthday Mistress Author- Jayden Mczimmer         Email- [email protected] Codes- FF, spanking, D/s, toys Copyright 2008 by the author                Today is your birthday and we only got to spend some time together during the morning. We both wanted to lounge around the house all day but our schedules wouldn't allow it. Since I have class till ten tonight you decided to enjoy your birthday evening and go out with a friend.        What you didn't know was that my last...

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Bonding Between Siblings 8211 Part 4

Hello all, this is a side story of the siblings Himani and Pratik’s relationship as observed by their cousin Rajshri. A quick intro of Rajshri. Rajshri was the cousin of Pratik and Himani. She lived near their house and was quite close to them. Her height was 5’5” and she had a 33-26-32 figure. She was about 4 years elder than Himani. Our story begins after Pratik finally got to fuck his sister Himani in the kitchen and Himani asked Pratik to get condoms. Rajshri was returning from her...

1 year ago
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Met On Whtsapp Group And Enjoyed At Hotel In Pune

Hi all, I am new to this Indian sex stories site and love to read the stories… and would like to share one of my encounter with a young lady in her mid thirties…. Few words about me I am young guy from Pune, quite chubby and like to enjoy sex all the time, like to travel a lot. Coming to the story, we both was in whtsapp group created by our common friend and used to share common jokes and pictures… once we had general talk in group about what you do and all but others group members said do...

3 years ago
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Magic Is Gross 2 DevilChapter 2

“Davy ... Davy...” The dulcet singsong woke him up, almost. He couldn’t move. His whole body refused to respond as his eyes searched the dark. The LEDs from the computer in the corner and the dull 5:24 of the alarm clock were almost enough to see by. He saw shadows. He tried to move and didn’t. He felt pinned; like someone was sitting on his chest. Kristi? He hoped flicking his eyes to the opened window. No, his redhead witch friend hadn’t broken into his bedroom. There was someone, like a...

2 years ago
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Slut and how I became one

Slut and how I became one:My husband and I were enjoying our second wedding anniversary in a local restaurant when out of the blue he dropped this bombshell question.“Do you ever think about fucking other guys?” He stammered nervously.I put down my knife and fork, looked him directly in the eye and replied.“What kind of question is that?”“I mean when we’re having sex, have you never fantasized that it was someone else fucking you?” he squirmed in his seat as he asked his question.“No I have...

2 years ago
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An Indecent Proposal Chapter 2

Disclaimer: This story contains some adult themes and it is expected that you, the reader, are considered to be legally an adult from the area that you are from, so as not to spoil your otherwise innocent nature. Note: This chapter is mainly about the past events introduced in the previous chapter. This chapter involves some kind of initiation coupled with humiliation, if you are offended by such material please skip this chapter. Also, a great part of it is from the character's...

1 year ago
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College Friend Turned Fuck Buddy

Hello guys this is a real story which happened between me and my college friend, well about this girl she was one of the hot girl in my college milky white skin, pink lips and a figure 28-24-24, i was awestruck when i saw her and in the starting just wanted to be her friend, and i succeeded we became very good friends and started hanging out together a lot and used to pull pranks on other friends and pretended to be bf-gf just to get free entry in the pub, we were inseparable lunch break we...

2 years ago
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Trophy Wife and Mom gets Blackmailed

Cathy and Tim had been married for seventeen years; they had two sons. They were normal active kids who didn’t get into much trouble so she figured she was ahead of things. They had a nice home in a decent part of town with a pool. One issue was her and Tim’s sex life was none existent. She had bought a big black vibrator and her and the device were very good friends. It was Sunday and Tim’s boss was having a cookout, they had gone with the understanding they would leave right after they had...

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It was finally here. The day that Hank had been wanting to arrive for the last seven months. It was finally the first day of football season. He was again able to watch his favorite team, the Dallas Cowboys. This was even more important as they just happen to be playing his least favorite team the San Francisco 49ers. He was so excited that he could hardly contain himself. The pepperoni with extra cheese pizza he ordered had just arrived and his beer had been chilling for about an hour. So it...

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Fucking My Mom8217s Friend

Hello everyone, I have visited this site two or three times before, and read some stories given in indian sex stories. I myself wish to write about my beautiful relationship. My real name is not Vijay, however, the incidents mentioned here happened in my life. I am a 27 year old man from Hyderabad. About an year ago, while I was doing my P.G, I happened to form a relationship with my mother’s friend. She is around 50 – 55, and is a little bit fatty. Her house is at walking distance from my...

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Trainer meets His Goal PT4 Blacken

Lisa took in Marc's handsome body with its thick dark penis and the tightly curled pubic hair encircling the thick shaft where it met his smoothly toned abdomen as he closed the door to the shower and walked away. The last thing she noted was his nicely rounded mocha colored ass, and she felt an excitement in her loins as she remembered the thrill of holding his ass with her hands and pulling it toward her body as he fucked her only hours before. Her excitement was mixed with shame and...

4 years ago
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Neighbors PetChapter 6

For what seemed an eternity, a quivering Beth knelt upon the bed, resting forward on her elbows and forearms, knees widespread, the unprotected mounds of her nakedly offered buttocks obscenely raised according to her captivating neighbor's lewd instructions! The hardened tips of her passion-swollen breasts incitingly grazed the silken material beneath, and her long blonde hair tumbled down over her shoulders and cheeks in a golden veil that thankfully hid all facial evidence the bizarre...

2 years ago
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Isolated Island of Long Love For a Foxy Triple Victim Gang-BangTwo tasty smart slender sexy pretty Parisians are among my finest friends, for sure the most kinky of all.As a tribute to their tastes and foxy fancies I invite them to a private party first weekend of September.I imagine we will all three end up at centre of a hot hurricane of love in a triple gang-bang in open air.Ile de Frioul for experts in geography, frivolic centre where the Mistral runs into hot local love storms.Hahaha, how...

4 years ago
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My Brother My LoverChapter 13

Callie and Nathan drove to their parent's house in silence. Callie wondered what Amber or Rebecca had said to Nathan about David. Nathan was never silent unless he was upset. "Nate? You OK?" Callie asked softly placing her hand over his. Nathan sighed. "Yeah I'm fine but that Rebecca girl mentioned something about her cousin having a crush on you?" "Well yeah that's the guy I told you about. I already to you that I got that situation under control babe. He knows I'm seeing...

3 years ago
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The Master

THE MASTER Lisa and I enjoy role-play and occasionally have had the opportunity to indulge ourselves, to turn fantasy into reality. Both of us enjoy bondage and discipline, and can take an active or passive role, individually or together. In addition we also had, for many years, the fantasy of getting it together with certain nationalities of dark skinned people. We were lucky when one of those rare events occurred where we were able to combine a number of fantasies into the one reality. At a...

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Uncles Favorite Niece ch01

Note : This story is completely fictional! Special thanks to my wonderful master, Lover< and Editor for all the work and support you have given me SEVERUSMAX My name is Grant. I am the eldest of 3 kids, with myself being the only son. My sisters are Megan and Peggy. All three of us were a year apart each. Megan was the middle child, and Peggy was the "baby" of the family. I was happy when my sister, Megan, had a little girl, which she named Gracy. Our parents, on the other hand, weren't too...

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The Trials and Tribulations of Amy Sue MaxineChapter 2

A short while later, while we're waiting for the elevator back in our apartment building, we run into one of our neighbors who we know is both a lesbian and a lawyer. We tell her about our evening, and she says that someone should have warned us about that bar. We don't tell her that we are planning to go back tomorrow night. After all, we both expect that by tomorrow night we will both be unemployed, and using our cunts to get food and drinks is better than starving to death. But, we do...

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HotwifeXXX Caitlin Bell Caitlin Was Promised Creampies All Weekend

Sexy milf Caitlin stopped her weekend stud Michael in his tracks as he was about to leave the house and reminded him she was promised to have hard cock all weekend by her husband. Michael quickly obliges and asks Caitlin where would she like to get fucked this time, back in the bedroom, in the kitchen or on the couch as they roll onto it. Michael wasted no time slipping her wet panties to the side and licking up her sweet married pussy juices before Caitlin face fucked his hard cock down her...

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It Started On The Bus

When my car broke down and I was told it wasn't fixable, I just wanted to scream. I was far too broke to even think of buying a new one, even a used one. I had no choice, other than to start taking the bus to work. I hated the idea, but I wasn't about to ask my parents for help. They would somehow attach strings to it, I didn't need the hassle. I’m twenty one, I can handle this on my own. It’s been three weeks of taking the bus to work. It’s funny how quickly you start to fall into a routine,...

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HussiePass Nola Exico They8217re Scary8230 Big8230 Heavy8230

Hussie?️Pass is thrilled to have curvy up-and-cummer ? Nola Exico making her debut with us today, and why wouldn’t we pair her up with the one and only Brickzilla ?➕☝? for her first scene with us? During the Johnny ?? Robbins interview portion of the program ??? we learn that Nola thinks huge dicks are “Scary… Big… Heavy…”, so we’ll see how she handles our 13-inch friend! To get her juices flowing, Nola spreads and fucks her neatly trimmed twat with a rather large...

3 years ago
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Insane masturbation to Paris HIlton yesterday

Felt like a big Paris day and wanted to have a MASTURBATION-THON so I wrote down everything.Started at 8AM and came to a pic of her in my sisters Star magazine at 8:259:43 started again to her on a DVR TMZ episode. Big load11:33 Saw new pics I found and loaded in Paris pic section. Dropped TWO loads back to back on Paris.I guess masturbating so much I continue to be horny. 12:40 watching One Night in Paris Vid. Come to Paris at 12:56.2:03 blow my load to Paris on a printed pic of her in white...

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Super Slut Dolls part 3

Super Slut dolls 3 This is my 3rd installment. Hope you all like this one, more to come for sure. If you want a cameo appearance just leave starting description and what you want to be turned into in the review section!! Victoria was busy in the lab cracking what she could do to Amazonia and have her keep her powers. She could change the woman's skin to latex and change the brain as much as she wanted to, though her telepathic doll had already been working on the woman. She...

1 year ago
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Alucard Angela is an Amazing Creature

The next morning, I was met by bright sunlight dancing on the wall of my bedroom. It was common for me to leave my blinds open in order to wake up more naturally. I had a simple breakfast and made my way to the stock house. I needed to find another female to breed. This time, I would install an anal plug in order to mitigate the unfortunate outcome Mia suffered, even as enjoyable as it was to watch. I once again peered into the human female's holding pens. And that is when I saw Angela....

1 year ago
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BrattyMILF Sophia Locke Closing The Deal

Realtor Jason is waiting when a prospective homebuyer, Sophia Locke arrives to a showing. Sophia apologizes for running late, then listens as Jason gives her the rundown on the house. He offers her a tour and she accepts. When they reach the master bedroom, Sophia tells Jason that she may need to test it out. She goes into the walk in closet and comes out without a shirt. Climbing into the bed, she tells Jason that she needs to test that out, too. At first, Jay tries to pretend that he...

2 years ago
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Sharis WeddingChapter 9 Twentytwo days to Wedding

The next day rushed by and Sharleen and Heather were thrown together to keep Sharleen in check and cooperate with various what she would think 'silly things'. Kathleen was finding it harder to find right time and spot to ensure her father was not starved of sex and her body. Sharleen was feeling frustrated as another day slipped by with out any chance of having sex with her father. Benjamin and Sharleen looked at each other longingly but the opportunities were hard to come by. Sharleen...

1 year ago
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A Family in Need a Mason Degraves StoryChapter 3

Julie was tested the next day. They found that she was, in fact, pregnant. Of greater concern were the mental and developmental changes she had been through. Her body, which so closely resembled her mother’s, was biologically her own age of 19 years, it only appeared to be that of a 36-year-old; it’s topology had changed, but only one of her bodily functions appeared to be impacted. Her breasts were actually a bit larger than her mother’s, and appeared to be lactating prematurely, but...

3 years ago
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Dreams Come True Ch 01

This day started out like any typical day. I woke up and went downstairs for some breakfast. My usual, which is a grapefruit, some strawberries and a glass of water. I like to keep in shape. Most people would say I am a very well rounded, petite, blond haired, school girl type. My friends all know me as Tara. I have a few very close girlfriends that I hang out with most of the time. In my twenty-two years of life I have enjoyed many guys admiring me from afar. None have been quite so bold...

4 years ago
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Chanel and Ethan 2

I wake up on Kyle’s chest, his fingers lightly tracing my back. “I was hoping I’d get to say goodbye before I left. Now I think I’m running late,’ he says but makes no effort to move. “You should have woke me up sooner, I would have showered with you,” I reply getting to a sitting position. We’re both still naked, and I pull the sheet across my chest. “Fuck. Maybe next time.” He winks at me and I watch him climb out of bed and get dressed. He’s looking really good. Better than I’d realized...

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Driving Instructor

As I have said in other stories another true story that I have to add is about when I was taking driving lessons.I started driving fairly late in life when I was about 32, I lived in an area with little public transport I needed to be able to get around. I selected a driving school and arranged my first driving lesson for 11.00 am. I got involved with doing things and was surprised when the instructor knocked on my door. As anyone that has read any of my other stories I do not generally wear a...

4 years ago
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Ajas Delight

I live with my uncle, who happens to always be away on business. My parents, well, let’s just leave it that they are not in the picture. Something I would rather not talk about. He is in the Information Technology Sales something; all I know is he travels a lot, sometimes internationally, so he is gone for several days at a time. He makes good money so we live a rather cushy but modest life. I’m happy, he’s happy, life is good. Anyway, when I turned 15, my uncle decides that I don’t...

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Bryans Redemption

The captain was unsure how to answer this question. Linda could be possessive and often flew into jealous rages. She was like the wicked witch in Snow White, her one desire to be more beautiful than all. Thousands of dollars spent on plastic surgery could not make this dream a reality and Linda was bitter. It was sad really for she had been quite attractive before allowing surgeon after surgeon to dissect her face. Now, her face was mask-like and distorted looking. Huge amounts of makeup...

2 years ago
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Me And Mythili My Classmate

Hi, friends, this part of the narration, I’m going to say about the second girl because it is more interesting in the secret affair than in the legally or in a relationship. This is my real sex story. I and Mythili are schoolmates, she studied in that same school from 5th and I joined in that school after 10th. I used to be friendly with all the boys and girls as the total number of students in my class never exceeded 20 including both there biology and computer science group students...

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I Lost My Wife In A Massage Parlour 8211 Part 5 Final

Vikram agreed for his wife’s fuck with a stranger in order to shed all her inhibitions but on condition that Madhu would not be forced for such sex. He himself was a witness. He saw that his wife remained nude comfortably in presence of a male and she herself invited that massaeur to fuck her. And that one fuck in massage parlour made Madhu a massage woman. In her absence Vikram enjoyed with a virgin girl Sheila provided by manager of that parlour. He returned back home alone but for next 50...

2 years ago
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First Fuck Of My Sweet Cousin

It was a story of long time back, I was in school & we in the village had almost no idea or rather not very clear idea about sex. Off course we used to have small & short boob squeeze session with growing girls at that age while having bath in the river. Oh! I’m Nisa presently about 38-39 yrs having good built, fair, tall & good personality. I’m from Dhaka-Bangladesh. Now let’s go back to the story. So was saying, we used to study before the school final (10th Level) exam & in our group, myself...

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Girlfriend Banged For A Week

Hi everyone, i am ragu here posting a most pleasurable moments i had with nisha, my girlfriend. Its all started during my final year of engineering. She is my classmate , we have some mutual attraction towards each other, we always roaming together in shopping and i am very familiar with her family. Don’t forget to give feedback at Her name is nisha farhana, she always wear hijab(burka) even during college. It is the reason for my attractions towards her. Because i always attracted to girls in...

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NightfallChapter 16

The first words that flew out of her mouth were not so flattering. "You just don't give up, do you?" Devlin got up, his grey eyes sparkling and approached her grinning. "Never". "I'm sorry but I can't deal with this right now". She tried to push him away but it was like trying to move a rock. "A migraine?", he asked sounding concerned. "Yes", she admitted. And you're making it worse, she thought. "Let me take care of you", he said and she almost cried. Damn him! Why did...

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Maine Neha Ki Chut Ko Jam Lagakar Chata

Hi story readers me yesh from Gujarat aaj me apko jo kahani sunane ja raha hu meri story readers ke sath chudai ki he, Aaj se karib ek month pahale ki baat he meri story padhkar ek couple ka mail aaya jiska name tha amit aur uski wife ka neha ( name badal diye he) Unhone kaha hume apki story achchhi lagi aur hum apke friend banana chahate he fir hum dono roj mail bhejate aur humme dosti ho gayi fir hum dono phon par bate karne lage aur usne muje surat aane ka invitation diya Me surat pahucha to...

2 years ago
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Due Some LoveChapter 9 Council Political Wisdom

One of the Council Manager's tasks was to make reality, whatever imaginative fiction councillor's vote up, and to make sure that the council organisation operates efficiently, even if those two tasks were mutually exclusive. A certain someone, politically right of centre who sat in 'D' Ward, believed that all council staff should be able to do every other staff members jobs, and used his best car sales techniques to make a majority of other councillors agree with him. And ... no one...

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