Angel's TaleChapter 4 free porn video

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"Ok, Angel." Lena was saying. "Now think of going to the pool tomorrow. Good. Now think of eating breakfast next Monday. Good. Now think of starting school. Good. Now, think of waking up next Christmas morning. Good."

"What the heck are we doing, anyway?"

"One of the ways you sort out the 'meaning' of mental images is how and where you represent them. We're finding out where you put the past and the future. With that, we can put things there. We won't really change your memories or reality, but you will think about some things differently. And that's what we are trying to accomplish - making it easier for you to accept your new life, on your own terms."

It had been a weird morning for Angel. Lena was doing her thing, trying to help Angel realign his self image to reflect his new reality. Trying to make his life easier. The setup worked well enough, "mapping" his "timeline", "Calibrating" this and that, visualizing one thing or another.

But when she pulled it all together for him, it didn't work. He could - briefly - think of himself as a girl or a woman, but not this girl or woman. And without addressing the mystery element, the whole thing fell apart. Some part of him wouldn't let it work.

They both started to get frustrated, which didn't help. Before they gave up for the moment, Lena looked at Angel and, with complete conviction and sincerity, said "You want to do this. I'm not sure whether those parts of your mind that have your best interests as a focus will find a way to let us know what the issues are and how to successfully address them this morning, or tomorrow morning."

Angel sort of mentally crossed his eyes at that, but the two of them moved on to other things. He went to his computer and checked his mail. One of the people on his watch list was out of bed. Angel's cousins sent him a picture and description, and he was a little confused.

He had the general kind of changes Angel had seen, but not to the degree he had seen. He had the strength, and certain suggestions of canine features. But he mostly appeared human. From their description, he was larger, much stronger, had a stronger (but not apparently distorted) jaw, and the same general kind of thick nails as Otter. While not visible in any way, he also had an enhanced sense of smell. On the down side, his color vision was less acute.

After thinking about it for a while, it made a certain amount of sense to Angel. He saw the form, but could not yet recognize the degree. He was confident that, with practice, he would be able to recognize and integrate some indication of degree. But he needed a lot of samples.

This was a job for an expert. You busy?

Not really. What's up? Lena sent back.

After a brief exchange of images and thoughts, Angel asked Where would a wide range of Morfs hang out, on a day like this?

The pool or the Mall. You've already seen a lot of the talent at the pool.

Angel flashed on earlier problems with the mall, but Lena reminded him that was a different mall in a different State. And that he was confident about his ability to be female in public.

Conceding the point, he cleared it with his mother. She had her own shopping to do, and decided it would be a good idea for him to start looking for some more school clothes. Lena could advise him, and he could use the exercise as cover for his real mission. And if he found something appropriate, Lena could "call" her to come and either veto it or pay for it.

Don't get your hopes up too high, Lena warned his mother. He still hasn't really learned the fun of shopping for shopping's sake. One step at a time.

His mother sighed briefly, then got them into the car. Once at the mall, they split up. They had cells and Lena for keeping in touch, so she went her own way and let Angel and Lena go theirs.

The expedition was a success. In addition to learning about the feeling that seemed to indicate the degree of the transformation, he learned some practical aspects of the school dress code.

Over the last ten years, the strict and oppressive dress codes of earlier times had all but vanished. Their earlier successes had faded, and been shown to owe more to the famous effect of making any significant change in an institution than to any inherent merit of the strict dress codes themselves. That wouldn't have been enough to force a change by itself, given the usual inertia of school districts and the like. The real killer had been the lawsuits on behalf of intersexed and other sexually nonstandard students. Some failed, but many succeeded. And the costs to the schools was enormous, win or lose.

Like most districts, theirs had mostly reverted to the earlier dress codes. Those were based on health, safety and disruption, and were largely immune from such lawsuits. Some of the skirts his aunt and cousin had foisted off on him would not meet the new standards, being too short. And much the same was true of some of the blouses. But he was left with a very wide range of choices.

In the end, after pressure from both Lena and his mother, he got a few things.

On the way home, he was forced to admit that he had a good time doing the shopping and just hanging around with Lena. Nor was it wasted in any sense. In addition to his purchases, he had spotted a number of impending Morfs, and had notes about them. He noted their names, the image he got, and the impression of the degree of change. He didn't have an objective scale for the degree of change, but he could tell the shades of gray apart. He would watch them over the next couple of weeks.

Dinner that night was a nice confirmation of his earlier feeling: he was home with his family. After helping with the dishes, he went upstairs to (as he put it) "do my homework."

He explored the websites he had bookmarked. He learned more about the MORF viruses, and what had been learned about his own personal variant. The first thing he learned was that his version wasn't a virus. It was three different ones, which interacted. The best guess among the researchers was that sooner or later the three would uncouple, and spread separately. The medical community was working on prevention and cure, but were not particularly optimistic.

In the process, he also learned a lot more about microscopic life and pseudo life than he ever knew there was to learn. And the biggest thing he learned was that he had more to learn. A lot more to learn.

His head was swimming as he got ready for bed. Too many facts, but too little understanding. In one of his early computer classes, the instructor made a big deal of the difference between data and information. That came prominently to mind while he was trying to get to sleep.

He spent a restless night, filled with strange dreams and nightmares. Most of them came and went, leaving little more than an unpleasant emotional texture behind. But two stuck in his mind. The first was an old nursery rhyme he knew, about a centipede trying to become conscious of how he walked, and becoming hopelessly confused. First, he saw the poor critter as a cartoon style beast. Then, he was the centipede.

He woke up, with a feeling of urgency. He grabbed some paper and a pen, and wrote what he could remember. He just hoped that the next morning, when he woke up, it wouldn't say something like "Life is a peach pit."

The other was even stranger. He was trying to sculpt a toasted marshmallow. But every time he shaped it, the brown, outer part cracked and leaked, and the effort just ended up a shapeless glob. Then he got an idea. He turned it inside out, and shaped the brown part on the inside. The white outside kept its shape, and formed a new skin. He woke up knowing this was the answer to something important. But he had no idea what.

He wrote it down as well.

It was a little early, but he couldn't really get back to sleep. He went to take care of his morning business - including the unpleasant new bits - and take a shower. This time, the extra time he spent cleaning between his legs really was for cleaning.

That done, he dried himself and took the necessary precautions. Then he went back to his bedroom to get ready for the day. While he was combing and brushing his hair, he looked at his notes. While not quite down to the peach pit standard, they were puzzling. After each, he had written and underlined "IMPORTANT" in large letters. He just wasn't sure what was so important about a bug laying distracted in a ditch, or a gooey sculpture.

He got to the kitchen first, for a change, so he decided to make breakfast. Especially because that gave him the choice of what to make. He put on the "helper" apron, out of self defense, and got started. He knew better than to use his mother's apron. Even his dad wasn't safe trying that.

He put on the coffee, then decided to take a long term approach to breakfast. He had learned a way to make pancakes which reheated very nicely. They weren't as good as his mother's best, but they were better than most. He could make up a batch, serve some for breakfast, and put the rest away for a quick meal.

With the griddle heating, he was just finishing the batter when his mother appeared. First, she made a bee line for the coffee. He knew better than to say anything before the first half cup or two. She turned a bleary eye at what he was doing, and nodded. After the elixir of life had done its work, she joined him at the counter.

"Your quick snack specials, hmm? Want me to do bacon and eggs to go with it?"

"Sure. Got enough room?"

"I'll manage. What got you up so early?"

"Some weird dreams. After the second Earthshakingly Important Missive from Dreamland, I couldn't get back to sleep."


"Got 'em."

"Peach pits?"

"Too damned close."

"Language! Want to talk?"

"I don't think it would help. I just need them to rattle around until they decide to make sense."

They worked side by side, talking about trivia, while they cooked. With a practiced timing, honed by years of experience, his dad showed up just when the food was almost ready to serve. He got out plates, forks, and glasses, and poured himself some coffee.

They talked about work and plans. His dad would be working late again. His mother expected a call from the school district, about the job. He was going to hang out with his new friends, and get to know the area a little better.

You're up early!

Bad dreams. Want some breakfast?

Sounds better than my usual bowl of cereal. I'll be over in a minute.

"Lena's coming over. I just invited her to breakfast."

"How did ... oh! Ask her if she wants some bacon and eggs with the pancakes."

His father looked at the two of them like they were crazy. While Angel asked Lena about the food, his mother explained.

"She's the telepath from next door. Seems to have taken Angel under her wing, since we arrived."

He nodded his understanding, then craned his neck as though he was trying to look at Angel's back. Another old family joke.

While Angel and Lena cleaned up, his dad left for work. His mother went out to "pick up a few things," and told him to refer any calls to her cell. When they were done, they went up to his room to talk.

Lena asked about the dreams, and then helped him interpret them. She didn't suggest interpretations so much as ask leading questions to help him understand them himself. She said it was more of the stuff she learned in self defense.

The centipede dream was the simplest. She asked what he was doing just before he went to sleep. He told her about the research. She asked what the bug in the poem was trying to do. After some prompting, he decided that it was trying to do something consciously that he had been doing perfectly well without conscious thought. In the poem, walk.

He decided that his subconscious mind was trying to tell him to stop trying to consciously manage his powers at the detail level. Looking back, it seemed obvious.

The other dream was more difficult. It brought up things he didn't like to talk about. When Lena asked him about the image of a toasted marshmallow, she caught an image of a large crowd of giant, angry, taunting latino youths yelling insults and threats.

When he saw her reaction, he knew what she had seen. It was actually a conglomeration of several incidents, reduced to their essential commonality. It was horrible and painful. He was upset that she saw it, and upset at reliving it.

After helping him to calm down a bit, she asked "Why were they so angry?"

"They thought I was a traitor to my race."

"I don't understand. Was this after you changed?"

"No, before. They said I was like a toasted marshmallow: a thin layer of brown - latino - on the outside and a whole lot of white - anglo - on the inside. They said that under any pressure, the latino part of me would go away entirely. They said I was only pretending to be what I looked like. And they were angry about it."

Lena recognized something else, but had to make him come up with it. "Why didn't you just blow that off? If it was so obviously false, why did you let them get to you?" she asked, gently.

"Because it wasn't," he wailed. "Wasn't obviously false. My pride, my heritage, my family ... we really were more anglo than latino. We were and are middle class Americans first, and everything else a distant second. It was true, but I didn't want it to be true. Who I was and what I was were closely tied to many things, but my ethnic history was a big one."

She let him cry it out, and comforted him when he was done. When she had him calm again, she asked him what that information said about the dream, and what the dream said about changing him.

"If I try to stay who I was, a thin layer of a proud, ancient culture over a core of middle class white bread American, trying to change who I am won't work. It will only destroy what helps define me."

Just then, the phone rang. He was about to go answer it, when it stopped after one and a half rings.

"Your mother's home. She got the phone."

They had been so involved in what they were doing that they had not noticed her return.

"She needs to talk to you." Lena smiled.

Angel got himself together and went downstairs in search of his mother. She was just hanging up the phone.

"Oh, hi Angel. I was just about to go looking for you. That was the school district. I got the job! I have to go down to fill out some more paperwork and talk to some people. Could you finish putting the food away while I get ready?"

"Sure." he assured her.

"I'll be there all afternoon. Will you be ok?"

Angel rolled his eyes. "Yes, Mommy. I'ze a big ... girl now."

His mother caught the pause, even in the middle of the sarcasm. She just shook her head, then dashed upstairs to get ready.

Angel and Lena put the stuff away, then Angel fixed them a snack. They were sitting in the living room, munching away, when his mother rushed out the door. Somehow, they both found her hasty exit funny.

They were just coming down from their bout of laughter, when Lena stiffened. She nodded a couple of times, then turned to Angel.

"Mind a little more company?"

"No, why?"

"Someone's on her way over, and I suspect it has something to do with you."

"That sounds ominous."

"In a way. How's your mythology?"


"What does the name Cassandra mean to you?"

"I assume you don't mean the singer or the actress?"


"Wasn't she some kind of prophet? Under a curse from some goddess, so she only saw bad stuff?"

"Close enough. We have our own version here. We call her Cassandra, or Cassie, but her name is really Penny. She's a little bit of a precog, but her main ability is a weird one."

"What else is new, these days?" Angel observed, wryly.

"I mean weird by our standards."

"Ok, that's impressive. What is it?"

"She seems to be subconsciously hooked into everyone in the region who has a perceptive power. Like you and me."

"She knows everything we see?"

"Not consciously. I heard that she tried to make it conscious, and nearly ended up catatonic."

Angel whistled.

"What it does now is feed into her subconscious. For some reason, she becomes aware of impending disasters and the like and, unlike the original, possible ways to avoid them. If any exist."

"Useful, in a backhanded way. What a way to spend your life." Angel shook his head.

"Yeah. She was kind of a genius before MORFS, and seems to have gotten smarter with all this. And she was already dealing with the darker side of things, which seems to have helped her. She helped me get through my introduction to the nasty side of the human psyche."

"And she's here now."

Angel went to the door, and watched the approaching girl. She was tall for a girl, about 5' 10", he estimated. She looked a little older than them, probably about to be a senior. She had black hair, which made her skin look paler than it was. And she had a look of urgency.

"Hey, Cassie. What's the problem?"

Angel looked at the two of them, and rolled his eyes. "Would you like to come in and get a little more comfortable?"

They looked at each other, then at him, as though the idea had never occurred to them. Then they shrugged and moved inside.

"Want something to drink?" he offered. "Iced tea, soda, water... ?"

"Tea would be great. Thanks."

As Angel went for the tea, Lena gave Cassie the public version of his life and powers. He got back in time to catch the end, including the description of the tan and the healing of the scar. When Lena was finished, Cassie drank a moment, and thought.

"She must be the one then."

"What one?" Angel asked. "Am I some kind of walking disaster or something?"

"I see Radar gave you the condensed version. Probably about as complete as what she said about you." She arched an eyebrow. Angel always wished he could do that, but never got the hang of it. "You're not the problem, but you may be the answer."

"Ok," Lena prompted, "All you've said is that someone's in danger, and someone I know can help. Spill."

"Ok. One of the boys from my school..."

"Your school?" Angel asked.

"I go to Smokey Hills. Anyway, Jerry Anderson, a sophomore there, is about to go through MORFS. But he won't survive it."

From his research, Angel knew that some transformations were fatal. And so far, there was nothing Medicine could do about it. Apparently, Jerry would be one of those cases.

"Unless... ?" Lena prompted.

"That's where you come in, Radar. It's a little confusing, but from what I can make out, someone you know can complete his ... her ... that's one of the confusing parts ... can complete hir transformation with your help, then can transform Jerry's transformation. I wish I could say it more clearly, but it's all jumbled. I could guess at some things, but my guess would be no better than yours, and might just confuse things more." She stopped and took a breath.

"Jerry's a nice guy. Nobody deserves to die like that, but especially not someone like him."

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Angels Delight

He’d only been gone for an hour and a half but already she couldn’t get thoughts of him out of her mind. Angelina, known to most as Angel, had been seeing this guy steadily for almost four weeks and she was getting ‘The Feeling’. You know, the feeling like this could be “The Real Thing”. This scared Angel. She was only 22, was she ready to settle down with someone? At the same time the prospect excited her. The thought of sharing her life with this man sent tingles down her spine. In her...

1 year ago
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Angels Journey Chapter 1

I head towards my new job at the office. The uniform is uncomfortable but fortunately mostly hidden by my long coat. My 6" inch patent heels clatter on the pavement, the locks (supplied by the office without keys) shiny on the ankle straps, drawing attention to my long stockinged legs. The tug of my suspenders is a constant reminder of what I'm wearing, as is the tight waist cincher (also fitted with a lock with no keys provided.) My delicate steps and swinging hips constantly tease my...

3 years ago
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Angels Story Chapter 73

I'm still straddling the bike when the first few people walk past, and I'm getting a few odd looks. I awkwardly slip off, so I'm standing beside it, unavoidalbly showing my stocking tops as I do so. The elderly gentleman walking past as I do so gasps and blushes slightly, as do I, damn I thought I'd be discreet. Standing next to the bike in my 6" heels is fairly comfortable, and I realise that these are pretty much my normal everyday shoes now... which makes me giggle at the thought....

1 year ago
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Angels Peril a Whateley tale Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Turning myself in. My big sister Ann moved slowly closer to me. I was still kneeling on the floor tiles and tears were running down my cheeks. "I'm a monster, sob. I'm turning into a monster, I'm a mutant." I had finally said it out loud and realized it was the truth I was turning into the one thing I had been always warned about, by the teaching of my father as well as from the people in Prescott. It had been the reason I had joined the MCO to make sure no mutant would...

3 years ago
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Angels Conditioning

‘I can’t stop thinking about your ass.’ Matt whispered to me while giving my ass cheeks a quick grope, pulling them apart. ‘I want to fuck you until you scream for mercy.’ He made a point of brushing his hard on against my ass. ‘My brother is a lucky bastard. If I was him, you wouldn’t walk straight for a week… or more. I’d fuck you every day and night.’ If anyone looked my way they would see me blushing. Thankfully, I was being ignored by everyone but Matt. Ever since the episode of my...

3 years ago
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Angels and Demons2

Alright well I can't think of how else to make this ending longer but I need five thousand characters to post it so you can skip this paragraph because it will just be me rambling I mean come on look at this I've just given up on periods completely so like the great fish god dory says just keep swimming just keep swimming I'm almost there guys only 73 left look at me go dory would be proud but I'm still 9 chBINGO!!!! Chapters one and two are just prequels to the rest of...

2 years ago
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Angels and Demons1

My father was the creator of the third rock and the only one that chose to stay. His instinct was to create and create he did. On his rock he created the seas and shores, skies and mountains. For one hundred years he shaped his rock to please himself and he soon noticed things changing without his will. He had created life and now it was creating more of its own accord. It was such a thing of absolute beauty that he stopped meddling and let it develop without his interference. It was then...

1 year ago
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Angels Carry Guns

I would like to thank SouthPacific for his editing work on this story, his offer to edit this story was very much appreciated. Any errors in this story are mine and mine alone. ***** I had been up since just before dawn and, considering it was still dark, I hadn’t noticed anything out of the ordinary. To be honest, mind you, I wasn’t looking. I had heard Tessa moving around, so I had her breakfast ready as her bare feet padded down the stairs. ‘Daddy, who does the car belong to?’ Tessa was...

4 years ago
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Angels and Guardians Pt 06

Author’s note: Part six. To understand where the characters come from, it is recommended to read the first five parts. Please remember to vote at the end. *** Chapter 20 All Things Must Change Ashley was watching Joe’s face. His expression of concern when he left the classroom hadn’t changed any, but the blood drained, making him appear as white as a sheet. She grabbed his hand. ‘Joe? Did you hear me?’ Cindy asked when Joe didn’t respond. ‘Yeah,’ he said finally. ‘Where?’ ‘In Denver,...

3 years ago
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Angels and Guardians Pt 03

Author’s note: Part 3 of a multi part series. Best if you read the character development of the first two. All characters are 18 or older. *** Chapter 9 Moving In Ashley woke the next morning to Jasmine stroking her arm. ‘Hmm…good morning,’ she said. ‘What time is it?’ Jasmine smiled down at her and said, ‘It’s 9:30. Time to get up.’ ‘I don’t want to. This bed is so nice.’ Ashley rolled over and dozed off. Jasmine watched her breathing get deeper. ‘Oh no you don’t! Get up, pretty thing....

3 years ago
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Angels and Guardians Pt 08

Author’s note: Thanks to all who took the time to read this story. At first, I wasn’t happy with this final part, but after rereading it, I think it ended as it should. Please remember to vote! *** Chapter 27 The next couple of days were early release for the seniors, so Kim, Jasmine, and Jill would come and visit Ashley in the afternoons. Ashley’s mom would usually be there as well, but the one person who could not be dragged outside the hospital doors was Joe. He would reluctantly leave...

2 years ago
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Angels and Guardians Pt 04

Author’s note: This is part four of a story about a group of very close and special friends. Character development was done primarily in the first three parts, so it is best to read those first. All characters are 18 and are the subject of this FICTIONAL story. Thanks for reading and please VOTE! (5’s are awesome, but only if deserved.) Thank you. *** Chapter 14 Amateur Night They had walked a short distance when Ashley broke into their thoughts. ‘A lot of what you told me molded around...

2 years ago
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Angels and Guardians Pt 05

Author’s note: This is part 5 of a multi-part series. Best if read after parts 1-4. Thanks for reading, and please remember to vote! *** Chapter 18 Love Regained Jon talked with Ashley for a bit backstage, introducing her to his agent. To his manager’s somewhat annoyance, Jon offered Ashley a job with the band as female lead vocalist. Ashley was dumbfounded at the invitation, but denied the offer when she recovered her words. The band was surprised at her answer. They were doing very...

2 years ago
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Angels Peril a Whateley tale Chapter 2

Chapter 2 small changes Waking up I didn't feel too good, my back was hurting probably because I had been sleeping on the couch, and my scalp was all tingly. Sitting up looking for some water to drink, I realized that of course the bottle I used to have next to my bed wasn't anywhere near me. Getting up and out of the living room and left into the kitchen pouring in some water in a glass I took a big gulp, then I started to make some coffee and headed back towards my bathroom right...

3 years ago
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Angels Peril a Whateley tale Chapter 4

I wish you all a merry Christmas. Before you start reading, I have to excuse myself. The next chapter is not really fitting for the time of the year and some people might be disgusted by the dark side the story take during this chapter. Unfortunately for the development of Jacob it is necessary to live through it, as well as to make the readers understand why the story is developing the way it is. Warning the story contains, Blood and Violence. Chapter 4 In hell? Waking...

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Angels in love

Hi, Readers of ISS very recently I started writing about the lesbian experience of my college tutor Raji the best female I could have ever fucked during my PG days at the university. Some of the readers gave me a feedback sying the story is short and in this attempt I have given a long one hope you people like it. As already told the lesbian act in front of my eyes at Raji’s residence it was like a dream where two lovely angles were having a love making session & for the first time I realized...

1 year ago
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Trans Angels is “home of the best TS porn online”. A relatively new site that started in mid-2017, Trans Angels is all about them chicks…with dicks. The site features top-rated models like Chanel Santini and Domino Presley all in various scenes you can watch from the site.Content is somewhat limited at 117 scenes, but the site is updated very regularly with 2-3 scenes added per week. A lot of these scenes are entertaining porn skits such as “Chauffeur Her”, where the Chauffeur fucks the shit...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Angel with a devil inside

ANGEL WITH A DEVIL INSIDE Chapter 1 - When I first met her We met about two years ago, in the mall. I still remember the first time I saw her. She was walking ahead of me in the mall, and I noticed her hair. She has beautiful waist length red hair. It is somewhat thick, and it just flows from her head. She was wearing it loosely and it was all I could see. I caught up with her, and her face was just as beautiful as her hair. I noticed her deep blue eyes as I looked at her and said, ?Hi. I saw...

3 years ago
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Angel of Seduction

Kristen McNally was lost. She had been trying to do the weekly grocery shopping, but had gotten turned around again. It was so hard finding things in a new town anyway. Couple that with having to learn how to drive on the left side of the road, and she was having major problems. Kristen and her husband, Ben, were visiting Australia. He was a martial art instructor who conducted seminars and worked with instructors all over the world. She helped him with the logistics of travel, record keeping,...

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Angel Becky Gangbanged in Reno part 25 G

Going to the Adult Sex Boutique so Angel & Becky could have some fun..Angel had told Becky about the adult boutique we liked going to for shopping &other fun & had also told her about the Pleasure Swing they had there. Nowwe planned to let Becky try it out for awhile. After we got parked on thestreet beside the store I told the girls that they had to leave their skirtsunzipped as is to walk to the store so that anyone may see their pussies asthey drove by. I also told them that when...

4 years ago
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THE FIRST WEEKEND…Friday seemed to come quickly this week. Angel had spent most of her time working around the house preparing for her absence over the weekend. Her thoughts always seemed to return to the big black man that she had taken into her mouth. The one who would now own her for the weekend. What was going to happen to her? What will she be made to do? Why didn’t Ken seem to care? All he had been doing was working or going over his books. He hadn’t even bothered to ask about...

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Angels loan pat 1

THE LOAN…Ken was beginning to feel desperate. He needed a short-term loan for a business venture which could more than double his investment. He had tried all the banks, the loan companies, and even some of his friends in hopes of gaining the money that he needed to complete his plans. All without any luck. No one felt that the investment opportunity was worth the risks. He felt broken, down and out. Nowhere to turn. Where could he get the money he so desperately needed? An...

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Angel Becky Gangbanged in Reno part 15

Then we grabbed our things & went back out to the car. The girls got in asCarl & me put the bags in the trunk this time Carl also put Beckys blouse intheir bag while I put Angels skirt & blouse in ours. All the girls had in thecar to wear was their coats.As we were getting close to the freeway I handed each girl a vibrator & toldthem to put them in their cunts. I then instructed them that they had to leavethese in their cunts for the whole ride to Reno & whenever a trucker...

1 year ago
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Angel Gets Double Stuffed

Introduction: This is based on a true story This story is based on a true story, honest to God. Of course some of the details are embellished in order to make it more interesting. I like to think that I got extremely lucky in picking such an awesome wife. Angel is very beautiful standing about 52 with dirty blond hair that falls just above her shoulders. Shes not too thick and not too thin. She has a slightly large, round ass that is so much fun to smack when you are fucking her doggy style,...

3 years ago
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Angel a ficticious story about Daddys girl

My little AngelEntirely fictitious. Not my story but had to post.Angel was just seven when her mother died. It took a long time for both of us to adjust to the void in our lives but it also brought us closer together. We became more than just father and daughter, we were best friends. Now, at 17, Angel was becoming a beautiful young woman, slim and blonde like me but with her mother's quick smile. She was even beginning to show signs of her mother's voluptuous figure.A few weeks ago I took...

4 years ago
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I enjoy reading other authors writings on the Medallion of Zulo, so... I thought I would take a "stab" at one. Instead of focusing on the story like others, I wondered what would happen if an adult that used Zulo was suddenly transformed into a very young baby... less than a month old? Would they be able to retain all their knowledge when they reverted back? This story is what I think could happen. Angel By Anon Allsop The pendant laid dormant in the plastic baggie next to my...

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Angel Beckys 1st time together

Angel & our friends wife Becky having their 1st joint gangbang----------------------------------------------------------------------About 3 weeks after our 'Fun at the Avengers' I needed to go see Carl aboutanother mining venture we had. We had some placer claims on the American Riverwe wanted to get going now that the spring runoff had ended & he & I had totalk about equipment & supplies that we need to get. Angel asked me if shecould go with me so that she & I could do...

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Angel 4

©This is a fantasy; any resemblance to real people or places is coincidental. **************************************************************** Angel had been following the flagstone path for two days now. Not to long ago she saw a tall castle on a mountaintop in the distance. Bright flags flew from tall towers set in high-buttressed walls. She wondered who would live there and if they would know how she could get home. By now, her tits had stopped growing. They were now an enticing ‘C’ cup...

1 year ago
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Angel A New Beginning

This story is a sequel to one of my first stories here on Fictionmania, Angel was a sad medallion story about the misuse of the Medallion of Zulo. In the earlier story, Angel was changed into an infant, forcing her husband Ray to move on with his life raising Angel as his daughter. While it isn't 100% necessary to read Angel, it is short enough to get you into the characters and provide you with a background for this story. While the first one was somewhat rushed, I feel this story...

4 years ago
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Angel does a perverted act against

Angel stared like a mesmerised rabbit at the length of black cock bobbing in front of her eyes. Her heart quaked with fear and disgust, and weakness. Igwe wanted her to suck his cock, and her stomach churned with the horror of it. She was losing the argument and she knew it! Igwe was not accepting her refusal. Not accepting that she had the right to say No! Her husband would never treat her like this. He had more respect for her! Igwe wanted his cock sucked, and what Igwe wanted Igwe got. He...

2 years ago
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Angel Gets Double Stuffed

I like to think that I got extremely lucky in picking such an awesome wife. Angel is very beautiful standing about 5’2” with dirty blond hair that falls just above her shoulders. She’s not too thick and not too thin. She has a slightly large, round ass that is so much fun to smack when you are fucking her doggy style, and recently she has gotten a boob job. Her double D tits stop guys in their tracks every day. Angel and I are both in our late twenties. Not only am I lucky...

4 years ago
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Angel gets Double Stuffed

I like to think that I got extremely lucky in picking such an awesome wife. Angel is very beautiful standing about 5’2” with dirty blond hair that falls just above her shoulders. She’s not too thick and not too thin. She has a slightly large, round ass that is so much fun to smack when you are fucking her doggy style, and recently she has gotten a boob job. Her double D tits stop guys in their tracks every day. Angel and I are both in our late twenties.Not only am I lucky because my wife Angel...

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