The Dragon's BackboneChapter 7: The King's Gift free porn video

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On that high pinnacle of rock, in the midst of a fresh snowfall from the avalanche, and surrounded by the majesty of the mountains and the wreckage of the enemy army, I sat on Scar's lap, and we kissed. This hard soldier, with his scarred face and his wild hair, he was mine, and it was an amazing feeling. We buried ourselves in that kiss, it was as if we were trying to consume each other. I knew that I had found the love of my life. His inner strength, his patience, his kindness, his humility and his willingness to sacrifice himself for what he believed in: all these things combined to make him my man, the only one I would ever have. I shared my feelings with him, and found that, now we had broken the barrier between us, I could feel his feelings too, and this increased the intensity of our kiss. I had kissed many men, and kissed most of the squad men many times; I had even kissed Scar many times, but I had never experienced anything like this.

I knew that it was my feelings for Scar that had driven that amazing power I used to cause the avalanche. Later, I'd find out that what I had done was considered impossible, just like I considered that what Scar had done to reach me was impossible.

It was there, on that spot, as I sat on his lap, that we took our vows. We vowed that we would love only each other for the rest of our lives, that we would share our lives from this moment forth. For the first time in my life, when I looked into the future, I saw no reason to fear at all. How much I looked forward to the future now, to share my life with Scar.

But we couldn't stay in that spot. Scar was hurt, bleeding a little, and so were the others who had survived. We had to put aside our pleasure, and go help them. I was so sad when we joined them down on the pass, there was so many missing. We had lost six men, including Crunch, and Sock — I had seen both of them die — and also Tin Man and Digger, who had both been alive when I made the avalanche. All the dogs that had come to the battle with us had died as well.

I patched the squad up, there were no serious injuries, though several of them could be life threatening if they got infected, I'd have to stay on top of them. While I had been working on the worse injuries, the ones with only scratches had gone along the top of the pass and thrown every body that they could find down into the valley.

Finally, we gathered together where the trail crossed the pass to rest before we made our way back to our camp. The captain asked me to scan the valley for survivors. I could feel a few of the enemy running in total terror down the valley away from us, but that was all I could find. We had completely destroyed them. Scar led us in the traditional chorus of cheers that were due to a victorious commander. The golden boy had struck again. When our cheers had died down, he spoke to us again. He simply thanked each of us by name for what we had done. He thanked all the squad, and finally he got to me. He thanked me, but then he hesitated, and asked me about the avalanche, whether it was me that made it happen. I nodded. I could see that no one was surprised.

That night we rested at the camp. The three horses we had carried Digger, Tin Man and Wag, and Gong carried Sock all by himself. All of us were exhausted by the time we arrived at the camp, and for the first time, no one cooked, we simply ate the stored food as it was. I rested in Scar's arms. I had been hesitant about showing our love in front of the others, but Scar had insisted. He said that they all knew already anyway.

We stayed awake after all the others had gone to sleep, talking and kissing, and we made a decision. We talked about whether I would continue to share my body with the others. On the one hand, I obviously wouldn't do this anymore, now that we had sworn our vows. But on the other hand, I made a promise, that I would sleep with the squad for the whole six months. In my seedie haze I had thought of breaking that vow, but not now. If I didn't keep my promises, I would have no backbone. Yet I remembered the look on Scar's face when Captain Oltan had come. I didn't know what to do, and I laid my problem out as I lay in his arms, with my head on his chest.

He lifted my chin and looked in face. "Of course you should keep your promises", he told me. I told him how hurt I'd been when that captain had come, that I'd do anything rather than have Scar upset with me like that. He looked surprised. He was actually upset that he hadn't got the opportunity to explain how things were to the captain, to ask him to be gentle with me. He knew what I would do. My commitment to the cause and my promise, and how desirable I was were part of why he'd fallen in love with me, and made what happened with that captain inevitable. He told me that while I was here I should keep to my promise, but that after we left here, then I was his alone. I promised, and I looked forward to it.

He told me that as far as the squad was concerned, I was the best they'd ever had, way better, every time. And I had chosen Scar, he was thrilled, when he never expected to catch any girls' eye after what had happened to him, let alone the best there ever was. Surely I wasn't the best there ever was, but I spent a long time kissing him anyway. We snuck away from the camp, and down by the river, in the cold dark night, we cemented our vows with some rather wild sex. For the first time in a long time, I felt free to make as much noise as I liked. Afterwards, and then afterwards again — we were still high on our victory - I held him tight, and knew that I had found the man I would love forever.

The next day we laid our dead comrades in a grave that we dug beside Clonk, and then we built another cairn for them. We told each other mostly true stories of the heroic acts that they had done in their lives, and the captain led the final dirge in their lament.

We rested after this, and ran light patrols through the mountains, but there was nothing on the mountain now. The men believed that the main way through the mountains was closed forever; with that many dead, no one would ever try to go there again. The way of the dead.

I resumed my normal duties. They men were a bit subdued with me, they weren't sure where they stood now Scar and I had sorted ourselves out. But once it became clear that Scar didn't mind, things went back to normal and I had my harem again, though smaller than it was. But I didn't kiss any of them again.

Two weeks after the battle, Whistle came back with a new order: we were to report to the Tower of Obost at dawn in eight days time. The squad burst into shouts of joy at this. I looked to Scar for an explanation. Being summoned to the Tower of Obost not only meant that we were being called off the mountains, it was a tradition that from there you would be escorted on a victory parade through the city by the King's guard, and thence to a public audience with the King himself. And our families would be there to witness it. Not that Scar had any, but most of the men did.

The men wanted to know whether this was really good, how could they have found out already and organised everything. The captain told them they should've figured out by now that both we and the enemies had active and efficient spy services that used magical communications, so there had been plenty of time for them to find out from our spies what had happened even if they didn't believe the captains report.

I asked the captain when we would leave. He said that if we left at dawn the next day we would make it. Then I asked him about my status. He smiled and said that I had given far beyond my calling and my choice, and I could consider my service complete anytime I wanted. I counted quickly, it would be a week over five months on the day we met the King.

I wanted one last time to say a proper good bye to each of the men, so I proposed to the captain that we stay an extra two days at the camp, so I could give each of them one last go, and that we rode harder on the road. The captain looked around the squad to see whether they were prepared to ride harder, and their eye's said it all — they'd ride to hell for one last time with me. Anyway, we really needed the time to get ready to leave.

I was tired and sore by mid afternoon on the second day. I had seen all of them but the Captain and Scar, and each of them had wanted something special "to remember me by." I hadn't expected any less, and honestly, I had enjoyed every minute of it as well. None of them were Scar, but each of them was special, and I gave them exactly what I'd learnt that they wanted. And I sorted out with each of them what story I would give their families if it came up. Finally, after we dressed, I sat in their laps and kissed them, thanking them for looking after me so well.

The captain was my second last. I looked at him, and thought of how I'd admired his power when I first undressed him. I knew him so much better, and now, although I certainly had much stronger magic than him, I understood the depths of his fire and his self discipline. The captain was a great man, who would go on to achieve much in this life. I wasn't fooled by the growth of my own magic. It might appear powerful, but the only really powerful thing I had done, starting the avalanche, although it had been astounding, had arisen out of complete desperation. I was still honoured to call the captain my master. In all the time on the mountain in the winter, he had never taken me again since that first time, presumably as a mark of respect for Holly. Well, I understood that, but today, we were going out with a bang, and I was going to be taken by him.

He tried to resist, but he never had a chance. When I turned my focus to seducing him, given how well I knew him, and how I could sense his feelings, he was powerless to resist. And I guess that was why I wanted him. But he was good, he gave back as good as I gave him, and once again I found myself resting in his arms, full of emotion. Then I sat up next to him, rested my hand on his chest, and said "You know that you are still my master."

"Oh no", he said, "not any more. I remember giving you a challenge to show that you had the backbone to find what you deserve. Not any more. You have the strength to be anything you want now. I only hope that you continue in the path you've laid for yourself, and look after Scar for me, he is my best friend."

I thought about that. I could see that this was true. "Perhaps this is true, but the law still counts you as my Master. And so do I, I think perhaps forever, you are a great man."

"I am honoured indeed. And we will sort out the law when we see the King. I will be happy simply to count you as a friend." And so there, still naked, we promised to each other that we would always be friends, and that we would help each other stay true to the people and the land.

I kissed him good bye with a tinge of regret. He was a great man, and Holly was very lucky. But the regret passed quickly as I realised that I was finally free. Free to give everything I had to the love of my life. After a short rest and a bit of packing, I called him in, and we made the camp ring. I wasn't ashamed, I wanted them all to know that Scar was the man I wanted.

As we rode out of the mountains and I started recognising landmarks from the trip in, I thought about how much I had changed in those few months on the Dragon's Backbone. I had been a dazed and weak girl, a seedie whore with no friends, no future; no redeeming qualities at all, in fact. Coming back I was finally a grown woman, desirable, with great power, love, happiness, and a future. How much I had changed, and I knew that though it had taken three men to ruin my life in the first place, it was almost entirely the work of only two men to build me a new life, a much better one. The Captain, and Scar. It made me happy to know that giving my life to Scar also meant that I would continue to be around the Captain. I thought of what the Captain had said about riding and steering my emotions like a horse, and how much my love for Scar filled me up now that I had allowed it to be released. I think I finally understood what he had meant.

I was in a bit of a quandary about my future. Up till the last few weeks, all I had ever considered was that somehow I would like to go to healer's school, but now that would take me apart from Scar for a few years, so I really didn't want it anymore. Scar thought I still should go there, he would still see me often, and it would be worth it. I didn't know what to do, but it would take a strong force to separate me from Scar now.

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The Dragons Of ArborChapter 4 Rock the Cradle

I woke up in a cocoon. I could see, through a gauzy film, Warup, or another of his kind, crouched over me. I had to fight back the urge to vomit when I realized the creature was spitting a cloudy white liquid across my wrapped form. It must have been visible in my eyes, because the spitting stopped and spoke. It was Warup, unless they all had the same voice. "Do not panic young sir. We are dissolving the healing blanket we placed around you. It is a process you are unfamiliar with, and we...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood True BeginningsChapter 9

JUMP GATE THREE FIVE LEONIDAS II-CLASS STRIKE CRUISER MJOLNIR'S HAND The cavernous landing bay of the United Lycavorian Union's Flagship was a beehive of chaotic activity that many would think to be quite insane. Very neat rows of T9E TEMPTEST Fighter Interceptors and the M4B DEVASTATOR Fighter/Bombers lined the bay as the dozens of ground crewmembers went about their duties with barely a pause. They were the crème de le crème of the Lycavorian Union Fleet; they knew it and it showed in...

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Fairies Dragons and Elves Oh My

My hair streamed behind me and my gossamer wings fluttered in the slipstream as I hitched a flight from Bahadur Azi Dahaka, dragon warrior of the Mountains of the Summer Snows. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is unintentional. Transgender themes and other mature themes are included within. If you would be offended by these, please don't continue! I, the author, reserve the right repost this work. As always, I am very aware of the...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 26

EARTH EDEN CITY Aricia stood next to Thr'won and Selene as they watched Talco pace the secure room restlessly like a caged animal, which fit with his feline nature and that of his species. Admiral Joarl stood just behind them, his dark eyes watching Talco's every move through the reinforced one way glass. "He has recovered far quicker than we had anticipated and the drugs had no real lasting effects on him. Unfortunately." Selene spoke with a cruel grin as she looked at Aricia, her...

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Dragons vs DC Universe

Mount Everest, Earth The highest mountain in the World lay quietly within the ranges of the Himalayas. The clouds themselves bowed to its size and hid the top of the mountain. Only a few had ever managed to conquer this mountain. Hundreds had died trying to reach this peak. But the mountain rarely revealed its secrets. Again, and again the bodies of expeditions that had failed on the way were found. Although the mountain was the most famous mountain on the planet, nobody knew its true secret....

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 8

MJOLNIR'S HAND "A Firespitter? Are you sure Isra?" Martin asked from the chair in his large Ready Room off the bridge of MJOLNIR'S HAND. The stars filled the large view window, the desk against the wall with two couches across from it. The small credenza was pushed up against the opposite wall with several holoimages of Androcles and Aricia, as well as Anja, Dysea and Isabella resting on top of it. The wall was adorned with framed still pictures of Torma and Isheeni, as well as Arzoal...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 2 A Spartans WarChapter 11

HADARIA DAY TWENTY-SEVEN Seanna sat to one side of the room in the palace and watched as Anja practiced calling for the healing pulses within her. She was practicing on the broken pieces of fruit and repairing the cellular damage made by knives and dropping the separate fruits onto the floor. She had a habit of lifting the pieces of fruit off the floor with her Mindvoice talents, frustrating her instructors who were telling her to focus on the healing pulses and try not to use both gifts...

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A Fistful of Dragons Part 2

A FISTFUL OF DRAGONS Part 2 Here we go part two of Yedda and Cyrena's adventures. Again I apologise for the length of time taken to get it out, but you have to admit I tend to give you decent size hunks. Anyway I am honestly trying to concentrate on this one and Kingdom of the Blind, the other four I have on the go just keep distracting me from them occasionally. Thanks should go out to Lynn from all who read this and enjoy it, for it is her efforts that translates 'Hypatia...

2 years ago
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There Be Dragons

"The warrior heard of this legend as he sat in the dark and smoky tavern and a great hunger arose in him," the old man said, gleeful that his tale had captured the complete attention of the eight children sitting before him under the spreading branches of the oak. It was a fine day to be out with his grandchildren, telling them the old tales his grandfather told him when he was a boy. The sounds of village life had receded as the tale grew in the minds of both the listeners and the teller....

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The Dragons Of ArborChapter 7 The Road to Beletara

Our return to the Valley of the Wind was brief. The ice had already broken in the river before we arrived. Master Jo had been riding pretty much non-stop while we were gone, and had relearned the comfortable manner atop a horse that he had as a young man on Temple. He certainly thought that the saddle helped. His home facet of Temple's idea of a saddle had been pretty similar to those of the Zadaru, a blanket and a leather pad. The northern post road was clear, and had been clear for a...

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Dungeons Dragons 4th Edition

Dungeons & Dragons: 4th Edition Creation Page (Only the Creation Pages are in 3rd Person's Point of View, the rest is 1st Person's Point of View) First it shall be decided, WHICH world of D&D your character will be made in, there are many a different types of universes for dungeons and dragons, it is open to make your own world, but it will require a good deal of work for it to properly work. now, here's a list of the campaign settings of Dungeons & Dragons. 1 Al-Qadim 2 Birthright 3...

3 years ago
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From Butterflies To Dragons

Some say every person is like a coin. There is always another side to them. But let me tell you friends, a person is more than a coin. He/she is a multi-faceted dice. A dice which rolls on its own and shows what it wants to depending on the person it shows to and the situation it is in. And I, yours truly, am no different. So world, this is Vanita Hiral and this is my sex story. This is my side which no one knows other than me and I am putting it out in the world for all to know. Born in a...

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When the Dragons Ruled

"Hello, Prin," he said. The girl turned from the table where she was arranging a display of women's shoes. "What are you doing here?" she said, scowling. She was wearing black lipstick and had a ring in her nose. "It's your birthday," he said. "I thought we could go to lunch." "Go away," she said, turning back to the table. "Prin, please." "Stop calling me that name." She dropped a shoe on the floor and cursed, picking it up. "Could we go out to lunch?" "I'm working,...

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Book 7 New DragonsChapter 12

Raimi the dragoness spent the rest of the morning dragging old fallen trees and large pieces of wood then gathered arm loads of small and medium size pieces for the stove and to use as kindling to put behind her cottage. It was still damp from the day before but at least the sun had come out so hopefully it would dry she told herself. Strut snorted "you make me tired just watching you, what are you doing?" Raimi turned and looked at Strut "I'm trying to get ready for the cold weather, you...

4 years ago
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Master PC Mind MagiChapter 17 Den of Dragons

I approached the warehouse, not sure what the security of the place was like. There was little outside lighting so there might have been no cameras. Then again, they might have used infra-red equipment to put would-be intruders like me at ease. I wasn't at ease. I could feel my heart pounding, my muscles flexing and the surrounding area slowing down. I was ready for a fight. I didn't bother with the door Russ and Leland had used. If they were expecting me, and I was certain they were, I...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 15

USU'OZEIB 7 CAPITAL CITY OF DWURI Yuri sat up quickly in the bed, her face and neck laced with a fine sheen of sweat, the thin loose shirt she wore spotted with sweat stains in several places as well. The bedroom was dark except for the lights of the capital drifting in through the large floor to ceiling windows that open onto a balcony. Yuri turned her head quickly in the dim light of the room to see that his eyes were still closed and his naked chest rose and fell evenly. Robert's large...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 2 A Spartans WarChapter 15

DAY THIRTY-SEVEN APO PRIME OFFICE OF PRIME MINISTER DEIA Deia insured the door was locked behind her and then turned to look at the men who had just entered her office. They had come in through a little used entrance of the main government building, further deserted by the hour of the evening. She had just spent the last five hours with Gorgo and Dasha in the sub-basement of the University sifting through mountains of scrolls and data pads and even some hand written documents dating...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood True BeginningsChapter 3

SCIMITAR TWENTY-TWO HOURS FROM EARTH " ... landed behind Sadi's DT and then he comes out of the smoke, Elynth next to him, their eyes like beacons on some dark night. He launches his shield and then draws one of those two swords he carries ... gods it was like watching some majestic knight come to save you. As he fought ... his Shi Viska circled the area he and Elynth were fighting in ... it was almost moving of its own accord." Teeria was speaking animatedly as they sat at the table in...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood True BeginningsChapter 4

NEOR KAVALIAN FEDERATION IMPERIUM HEADQUARTERS They had accomplished so much and he knew more was coming. Keleru'Puat looked around the large table at the gathered Pride Leaders and could not help but smile to himself. Two hundred and fifty-six High Coven worlds they had conquered in twenty-five years. The Kavalian Empire was once more reborn and it would continue to grow. Combined with the six hundred and fourteen planets of their original empire that they had reestablished control over,...

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We Three Kings

SACRILEGE ALERT-If reading rewrites of holy texts bothers you, you probably should spare me your ire and not read this. Last warning! Demetrius of Chersonesos looked up at the knock on his door and his already grim visage grew grimmer when he saw who entered. His vision of the murder of a newborn babe the night before caused this interruption of his work and he waved the three men who entered his cluttered office to the chairs before his beautifully carved desk of teak and cherry. The three...

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Knights Dragons and Princesses

(feel free to add) In a fantasy land, there is a tradition to have the daughters of Kings and noblemen live in castles guarded by dragons. Anyone brave enough and skilled enough can earn the title of knight. Once they have this title they are deemed worthy of taking on the challenge of rescuing a "princess" from a dragon. The dragons come in all shapes and sizes and have a wide range of abilities, intelligence and skill. They don't only guard pretty women but also piles of treasure. Not all...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 30

EARTH FOUR KILOMETERS WEST OF WICHITA The convoy of three large Heavy Lifters and half a dozen armored Lifters moved slowly along the transit path. This early in the morning and in this part of the country, other Lifter traffic was almost non-existent. Even though the reconstruction of Earth was proceeding better than anyone had expected, they had yet to reach out into the Wastes yet, mainly concentrating on rebuilding the many cities that had sprouted up, as well as building the defensive...

1 year ago
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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood True BeginningsChapter 7

SPARTA ROYAL ESTATE "Why didn't you tell me it had gotten this bad Anja?" Martin asked as he lowered the pad he was reading and leaned over to kiss Anja's bare shoulder. They were sprawled on the massive bear skinned rugs in the main room of the villa. None of them had much on in the way of clothing if any at all; they never did when they were alone in their home and simply lounging around in the evening. Their five teenage children were with Andro and the others at Gallais's Retreat,...

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The Mother of Dragons

The "Mother" of Dragons. Disclaimer: A song of Ice and Fire, its characters and locations belong to George R.R. Martin. The Game of Thrones TV show belongs to HBO. SPOILER ALERT! It was almost 20 years ago. It was in a cold night with storm. The night Daenerys Targaryen was born. Her mother, Rhaella Targaryen, died after giving birth to Dany. But there was a secret in Daenerys Targaryen's birth. Rhaella was in great pain, but she knew that she could stand it. She already had...

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