Angel's TaleChapter 14 free porn video

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The ringing phone woke her up. At first, Angel didn't remember where she was. Wherever it was, it was fancy and comfortable.

The spa.

She answered the phone. "H'lo?"

"This is your wake up call, Miss O'Connor. I am to remind you that you have school this morning. Would you like anything specific for breakfast?"


"Shall we just prepare something from your usual preferences?"


"Your transportation will be waiting when you get downstairs. Feel free to call if you need anything."

"Ok. Uh, bye."

"Have a good morning, Miss O'Connor." Angel nodded, and hung up.

Now that she was awake, she became aware of certain needs. Increasingly urgent needs. She got out of the warm, comfortable bed and padded across the thick, soft carpet to the bathroom.

It was as impressive as the room. Even the toilet seat was padded and gently warmed. The large, deep bathtub looked inviting, but her time was limited. She contented herself with a hot, relaxing shower.

After drying off with the thickest, softest towels she had ever used, she put on the fluffy bathrobe and went back out to the room. She immediately noticed two things. There was a tray of food and drink on the table. And her clothes were not where she had dropped them the previous night.

She found both sets of skirts, blouses, and shoes in the closet, all freshly cleaned. A dresser drawer held her underwear, looking a little silly in the middle of all that empty space.

She decided to dress, then eat. After quickly climbing into her clothes, she settled in at the table. Lifting the cover, she saw that she had a ham, mushroom, and cheese omelet and toast. She also had milk and orange juice. And a pot of tea, with two cups. After the first delicious bite, there was a knock at the door.

It was Mrs. Tabor. "May I come in?"

"Of course." Angel opened the door wider, then stepped aside.

"Thank you. Please, go ahead and eat. I just wanted to tell you a few things before you left."

Angel returned to the table, and sat. She offered her guest some tea, which she accepted. After carefully pouring the tea, angel passed it to her benefactor.

"Thank you. I just wanted to thank you again, for what you did last night. Our client is very pleased with the results, and sends her thanks and those of her future husband."

"I'm glad. I hope things go well for her."

"I believe they will. And I believe they will go well for you, as well. You are an intelligent, well mannered young lady, no matter who you were a year ago."

"You know?"

"You and your parents thought about it within these walls. I caught bits and pieces, without trying to pry. Especially when I was asking you about handling genitals. But a lot of what I caught from them is that they're proud of you. You were a good boy when you were a boy, and you're a good girl now. That's a strong recommendation in my mind."

"But not everyone's."

"I suppose not. Nobody else here suspects, and few would care if they did know. Everyone here who has met you has been impressed. You will make a fine addition to our little family, for as long as you choose to stay."

"And speaking of that, I would like you to start here a week from this coming Monday. Any unpleasantness should be well past by then. You will receive a substantial signing bonus, to cover the delay and your exemplary service of last night."

"And on the subject of that service, there has always been a call for such regrowth. If you do not object, it would help the situation - and make us both a lot of money - if we were to offer such a service as a very expensive, very exclusive option. You would not need to cover your work in that way for most such cases. In fact, it would be useful to have your signature on such work in certain cases. Sooner or later, the opposition will want to check your known work. A strong energy residue will make it that much more convincing that you had nothing to do with what they think happened last night."

Angel smiled and nodded her understanding as she savored the last of her omelet.

"Well, I had best let you get ready for school. Thank you again." With that, she left.

When she went to gather her clothes, she noticed her sports bag on the closet shelf. She assumed that her mother had used it to bring her clothes the night before. She carefully packed the rest of her clothes, and gave a brief, covetous glance at the robe. Shaking her head, she checked her school materials. She had all the forms, and the homework she had done. She would have to do some work during lunch to finish the rest.

After confirming that she had everything, she took a quick look around the room, and left. It felt wrong to be leaving the dirty dishes and the like, but intellectually she knew it was the only practical choice.

On her way downstairs, she met Cindy, her guide from her first visit to the spa.

"Ready to go?" Cindy asked.

"You're my transportation?"

"Well, my car is. Unless you'd rather show up at school in a limo?" Cindy quirked a small smile.

"Not this early in the year. It looks too desperate." Angel laughed.

On the way there, they talked. When Angel mentioned the robe, Cindy agreed. "We can get them for ourselves, at cost." She told Angel. "The boss likes to keep us happy, but there is the bottom line to consider."

Soon, Angel was being dropped off at one of the less used doors, which happened to be very close to her locker. After saying goodbye to Cindy and thanking her for the ride, she went in.

By lunch time, she was more than ready for it. It was clear that this school was not known for easing gently into the new semester. Out of four classes, she had three significant assignments and one set of "be prepared to discuss" questions. And she still had to finish her calculus worksheet before the end of lunch.

At least the worksheet was mostly review.

When Robin came to the table, she asked Angel to take another look at her. Between bites of lunch, she obliged. It was clear that she would start showing symptoms Friday afternoon, and that she would have the desired powers and a somewhat better physical appearance. Unlike David, there did not seem to be anything beyond the originally intended changes.

Angel couldn't resist. "I didn't realize you chose the green haired boy option. Pity." She paused, letting Robin react for a moment before going on. "You won't get that. Your looks will change a little, for the better, I think. And it looks like you'll have the powers you wanted."

Robin hit her on the arm for worrying her like that, but looked pleased. She told them that she had made a doctors appointment for after school on Friday, based on what Angel had said. The testing center would be closed for the holiday, but her folks were trying to get her an appointment for Tuesday. Apparently, the center took the request more seriously when they were told that Angel had predicted the onset.

Angel shrugged. Powerful friends and a good reputation in high places were all well and good, but she still had math to do. Somehow, she doubted it would help with any of her other classes, either.

Somehow, school seemed more "real world" to her than all the rest. She knew it was backwards, that school was the artificial world and her jobs and contacts were the stuff of reality, but it didn't feel that way.

Part of it was her peers. The jobs and friends in high places were part of the adult world. School was the world of people her age, give or take a year or two. Major parts of their years and lives revolved around it, for better or worse. They did more work related to school than most did for jobs and hobbies combined. They largely built their social lives around it, between the clubs, dances, and other activities, and the interactions with an artificially bounded group of peers. In large part, they even defined themselves in terms of their school and grade level.

It was an odd realization. Unlike her sudden girlhood, she had no trouble thinking of herself as a student - an integral part - of that school. Like she had in past moves and other schools, she would have to find her places in the school and its social order, have to define her niche. And however much her newly minted status as a girl and a morf might complicate defining that niche, her place as a part of the school ecology was assured.

Her friends were staring at her, quietly. Lena had a small smile, while the others looked concerned.

"What, am I drooling or something?" Angel wiped her (thankfully) dry chin.

"You stopped talking, and your eyes sort of glazed over. They were afraid you were going to repeat what happened out by the hill."

"What happened by the hill?" Robin asked.

"We got together to talk about some morf stuff," Lena explained. "The Captain had the bright idea that Angel should try to bootstrap her abilities. She went inside to see what she could find, and had problems. I had to go in and guide her back out."

"Keeping the 'pillars out?" Robin asked, a little hurt.

"Nothing like that," David assured her. "Sherry wasn't there, either. You both had things you were busy with, and it wasn't a big deal. You'll definitely be a part of the next one."

"Of course, by then I'll have shed the silk."

"I'm gonna have to remember that one." Angel commented. "And speaking of the hill, what did you think about all that?"

"That's gotta be the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me. As soon as we started feeling that stuff, I was off balance. And then it was all done. I think I would have freaked if you guys weren't there."

Definitely not the time to tell her. We can ease into it later. Lena warned Angel.

David didn't seem to take the hint. Or Lena hadn't warned him. "You think that's the reason more people haven't stumbled onto it? They get the feeling and leave right away?"

"Could be." She seemed to consider it seriously. "In the beginning, the feeling was just kind of weird. I bet a lot of people would just turn and go a different direction without even being aware they were doing it."

"Another piece of the puzzle." he nodded, looking at Lena.

"Aargh!" Angel complained, looking at the worksheet. "I can't get this one."

Robin looked at the sheet. "Well, move it around and you have a quadratic equation."

"Oh! Duh. I should have seen that. Thanks." After that, lunch conversation went along more conventional lines.

Angel was getting impatient through her next two classes. Calculus was more review. Whatever else had happened in the transformation, she hadn't lost any of his ability with math. Anything he already understood, she still understood. The real test would be when she started learning new things. She already had noticed that she learned a little differently than before.

Biology just fueled her impatience. She was disappointed about how long it would be before they got into studying microbes and the like. And they wouldn't be going anywhere near as deep as she would have liked.

Then it was time. She was a little nervous when she went in to change, but she was also running a little late, so she had to hurry through her changing. She wasn't really surprised that she didn't notice all that much.

The class itself would spend the next few days setting individual baselines. The teacher warned that she could tell when anyone was slacking, and would adjust things accordingly. A large part of how they did in the class would be based on how much improvement they showed over the course of the semester.

Angel wondered whether it was a bluff. Or maybe the teacher was another bio elemental? When she tried looking, she could tell she was some sort of morf, but not an elemental. She didn't have a chance to check more - the class really moved along.

The class itself was a mix of non morfs and morfs without significant physical enhancements. While the students would be competing against themselves rather than their classmates, it was decided (or discovered?) that mixing in people with morf enhanced speed, strength, and/or agility was too disruptive to the dynamics of the class. And there were other classes designed to challenge them.

Angel was drying off from her shower when she suddenly realized that she hadn't noticed anything. A whole room full of teenaged girls had stripped and showered with her, and were now dressing with her, and it was altogether normal. She noticed a few details, like what kinds of bras and panties some of them put on, and whether or how they were shaved, but it was in the same abstract way that she noticed that the locker next to hers was dented.

It was unfair! She was in the middle of years' worth of adolescent fantasies - of her former male self - and it wasn't even interesting. It was ... routine. All that anticipation, and then nothing.

As she finished dressing, she wondered whether David was going through the same thing, yet. Probably not. At least he still had the right hormones and stuff. It would take a while for him to settle in with his ability to see anyone naked at any time, and to get bored with it.

And the most annoying part was that he never would completely lose that enjoyment. There would always be someone new or exotic for him to turn his voyeuristic attention toward. She had lost both sides. She really had no interest in seeing naked boys or men - it had been too routine for too many years. And now naked girls and women were equally routine.


Angel went to the place they had agreed to meet, and walked toward the shortcut with her friends. Sherry had to stay after school for diving practice, so there were only the four of them. Once they were well into the State Park, and she could see that there was nobody within earshot, Robin asked her casual question.

"So Angel, how long have you been able to make people morf?"

Angel and Lena stood there, shocked into immobility. David just shook his head and smiled.

"What? How? I didn't... ?" Angel had never seen Lena so flustered. Robin just smiled.

"You've never noticed that you couldn't always read me? Good ... I'm doing it right. Telepaths were always a potential problem for my family, with all the business secrets and stuff. So I was taught how to shield some things. And how to do so in a way that was not especially noticeable. A particularly good or strong one, like you, could blow right through it if you knew it was there or knew what you were looking for. But the whole point is to make it so that you don't notice it." Robin shrugged.

"And," Angel coaxed, "you asked that about me because... ?"

"I didn't put it together until after lunch. After David's question," Lena slapped David on the back of his head. "I started wondering how to recreate the experience. Then it all fell into place. Lena would do the emotions and, maybe, read the person's mind to get the desired changes. That only left one person, and one function. It didn't occur to me at first, but you could have been telling me a lie about the morf. It would have been pointless and out of character. In a few days, I would have known it was a lie. And it would have been too big of a coincidence for the change to be just what I wanted. You had to be creating the change."

"For what it's worth," David cut in, "they did the same to me, without the visual special effects."

"What I want to know is why?" Robin demanded. "Why trick me? Why all the elaborate charade?"

"First," Angel replied, "I want you to know that we would have told you soon, anyway."

"That's right." David added, trying to redeem himself. "They told me after a little bit."

"But why?"

"That's my fault," Angel admitted. "At first, I just wanted to see if we could put together a team and do something, like in the movies. Then it shifted. I can help so many people with this ability, but if most people learned about it, they would fear me, try to control me, or both. Hell, look at what has happened with just my limited healing power and what I can see. People want to own me, to use me for their own purposes. Just think what governments, terrorists, or even major corporations would do to be able to create custom made morfs! Kidnap my family? Threaten you guys? Hold the whole school hostage?"

"Ok, I get that you want to hide that power. But why all this?" Robin insisted.

"I still want to help. I want to be able to give my friends what they really want. To help people who are really hurting. I want to use my abilities without people knowing I was doing so. This seemed like a way to do so. Most people won't know the five of us are involved..."


"Cassandra, Penny, is a part of it, too. She checks for potential disasters before we do the change. She was the one who brought up the necessity of the camouflage. But as I was saying, Lena and David can do their parts from a distance, without the person knowing they are involved. I need to make contact, shortly before or after, but I can change my appearance somewhat, and David can wrap me in an illusion. I suspect you will be able to make me invisible with you, after you master your change, so that's another option. The central part will be the Hill, and there have been funny rumors about that place for years."

"That might work." Robin conceded. "Especially with people who don't know you guys that well. But how will you get them there?"

"The ones we want to send there will hear the renewed rumors about the hill. Then Lena or David, or someone we otherwise convince, will give them a gentle nudge in the right direction. Some others will hear the rumors and try the hill, and we will take them on a case by case basis. Some won't feel anything, and will go away disappointed. That is why the rumors talk about it not always working. Others will either get accepted and gain some or all of what they wanted, or will find out they are rejected. The rejects will either get nothing, or in extreme cases will get an unwanted change. That will also go into the rumors."

"How is all that decided?"

"Sort of a fast and loose consensus. We don't have anything formal. If Cassandra sees a bad outcome one way or another, we will try and avoid it. Our criteria so far are kind of broad. If someone wants powers for something malicious, they will be rejected or worse. If they want something that is socially unacceptable, but ultimately harmless, we will probably accept it. Like Captain Peeper here." She indicated David.

Lena stepped in. "And we are limited by what Angel can and can't do. Some changes are beyond her power, and some she just doesn't have enough information about."

"So what's my part in all this?"

"We weren't sure until you chose your changes. We wanted you to be a part of it, because you are our friend, one of our inner circle if you will." Angel added, earnestly. "I'm still not sure what role you will want to play. One thing you can do, like David, is learn to think about the events at the hill as real whenever you casually think about all this. That way, any wandering telepaths get the Party Line."

David stepped in again. "We can also act as points of contact. We went through the thing at the hill, and ended up with the changes we wanted. We can truthfully say that. We can honestly describe our experiences, even though a lot of people won't believe us. We won't stand on the street corner and shout about it, but we can bring it up when we think it is appropriate."

"You have already played an important role." Lena added. "We needed someone to help us test and refine the process. Someone we could trust, absolutely. Especially if something went wrong. David was the first. You are the second. Penny has nominated someone we don't know as the third test subject, and effectively the first active run. Unlike you, that person won't be told about all this. They'll spread the word to Smokey Hill, and start the operational phase, if you will, of this whole thing."

Robin nodded, and they started walking down the path again. She suggested that the glowing figure be less detailed, more of a hint than a picture. Then she asked the key question.

"Where are you going with all this? What is the goal, the payoff, the endgame?"

"We." Angel corrected. "You are completely one of us, now. Even without your upcoming change. And we don't know. I have a feeling that something is coming, something that will need our ability to act as a practiced group. No idea in the world what it is, though. You have any ideas?"

"About that mysterious event, or about the payoff?"

"Either. Both. Whatever."

"Ah..." Robin looked like she was going to say something profound and authoritative. "Nope. Not a clue." She grinned.

"We obviously need to watch more movies." David grinned. "Now, who do we know that can help us do that?"

"See what I mean?" Angel said to Robin. "Even my friends want to take advantage of me."

"Us." Lena corrected. "He wants to use my passes, too. Good thing he's so good looking."

Angel and Robin rolled their eyes.

David had one more bit of advice for Robin. "Start thinking of a good nickname now. You never know what they might stick you with, otherwise."

"Thus speaks Captain Peeper." Lena quipped.

"Why, thank you, Radar." he returned.

"Point taken." Robin laughed.

At the edge of the park, they separated and went their own ways. Angel and Lena headed toward their houses, talking about what had just happened. When they noticed that they were coming within range of other people, they switched to mental mode.

That could have been a problem. Angel thought, showcasing her talent for understatement.

Luckily, she came to us before coming to her final conclusions. She gets a little delicate sometimes, and if she took it the wrong way...

Yeah. What's up with that? She's smart, attractive, accomplished, and her family has money. Even her personality seems strong. So what gives? Angel asked.

Critical family with high expectations. She comes from a long line of overachievers, and they had no patience with anything less. Wait a minute. Lena held her hand up and listened.

"Shit!" Lena exclaimed. "Cassandragram. Can we meet at your house?"

"Sure. You calling in the troops?"

"Yep. Now hush, I'm talking to David."

"Don't forget Robin."

"Already done."

They picked up their pace, and got to Angel's house just in time to see David flying Robin into a landing on Angel's front lawn. By the time she got her door open, Penny was pulling up in her car.

After a quick glance at Robin, and a nod, Penny followed them inside. After the usual offers of food and drink, they got down to it.

"We need to move the schedule up." Penny proclaimed, making it clear that Cassandra was speaking. "Pat is getting suicidal. She can't face starting another school year as a girl. I hinted about the hill rumor, and she latched onto it like a lifeline." She turned to Robin.

"You're up to speed?"

"Yeah. Pat is supposed to be the first real subject and the last of the test subjects. Lena and David set the stage and handle the special effects. Lena gets the mental request. You all confer..."

"We all confer." Angel corrected.

"We all confer on what to do. David does a special effect to show what will happen, and Lena gives the appropriate feeling. Angel creates and delivers the genetic bomb, while looking like someone else. I just help spread rumors, for now."

"Sounds right. Are you guys ready to run it?"


"Tonight would be good. Tomorrow would work, too. We need her to be changing, if not changed, by the start of school on Tuesday."

"Ok. I have the energy." Angel jumped in, playing leader. "David, you up to another one this soon?"

"No problem. My part is no big strain to begin with."


Lena saluted. "Primed and ready, ma'm."

Angel returned the salute with a half smile. "All right. What do we need to tweak? Pat won't see David or Lena, and won't know me when she sees me. What else? Robin?"

"Don't overplay the visuals. If you keep the light thing, make it vague and suggestive. And don't fish for feedback. Otherwise ... go for it."


"Monitor her closely. She's fragile. Her folks are fighting over her sexual identity, and it's gotten nasty. And watch for her getting too deep."

"Ok. Lena?"

"It all seems good to me. How do we get her there?"

"I'll take care of that." Penny said. Her tone made it clear that she didn't want to volunteer any more details. "I'll let Lena know when."

"Good enough. David?"

"I'd like to try some images here, see what people think."

"Ok," Angel said. "That's a good idea. Penny, you want to do this, or would you rather get back to work on Pat?"

"I'll go. Thanks, guys. This would have been a bad one." With that, Penny left.

David tried a variety of images, until they found a look they all liked.

Angel pulled Robin aside, while David and Lena cuddled a bit on the sofa.

"My parents don't know about this ability. Outside of the five of us, two cousins of mine might suspect. The fewer people who know, the less chance of accidental exposure." Angel explained. "I appreciate your help."

"Believe me, I understand about secrets." Robin smiled, meaningfully.

The front door opened. "Another boy on my couch, I see."

"This one's a rerun. You remember David."

"Hello, David. I don't think I've seen you since you got your wings. Impressive."

"Thank you, Ma'm"

"We'd better get going," Lena said. Then she turned to Angel. "I'll let you know when."

"When what?" Angel's mother asked, as the others left.

"I have to do something later, something confidential. It won't take long."

"Angel, look at me." her mother demanded. When she complied, she continued.

"Is this something dangerous?"

"No. Not at all."

"Is it something I would prohibit, if I knew?"

"No." Angel sounded hurt.

"Don't play the sensitive little girl with me. What do you expect me to think with that announcement? You do secret things at the spa. The police come looking for you. That Wilson woman came after you. That horrible theater man hurt you so badly. You and your friends have all these little plans. I'm your mother. How am I supposed to deal with all that?"

"By trusting me?" Before she was even finished saying it, Angel knew it was the wrong thing. "I know it's been hard. It is hard. But I've been trusted with secrets that are not mine to tell. I can tell you that I'll be helping someone heal, but who and how is not mine to tell. Last night, I healed someone too. But bad things could happen to them if anyone found out. Even I don't really know who it was. Most of our plans are just for things like going to the movies or visiting someone. The theater thing was worse than I expected - worse than anyone expected - but I did have backup. I am careful. I'm more careful than the old Angel ever was. And I have powerful friends. Lena can get help to me with a thought. David is insanely powerful. His mom and dad are no slouches, themselves. Penny can see trouble coming. And that's not even counting the political and economic power of friends, parents of friends, and my employers."

She took a breath, and continued. "I know you worry. It's in the job description. But I'm really not doing things for you to worry about. And I'm not a little boy anymore."

"But you're still my child. My little girl. It's hard to see you so deeply involved in things I don't know enough about; to know there's nothing I can do to help if you have a problem." She opened her arms, and they hugged. "You're right. It's my job to worry, and your job to make your place in the world."

"Anything I should know about?" Angel's father asked, coming unexpectedly on that tableau.

"Mom doesn't like feeling like a mushroom." Angel answered, with a small smile. "And now, I've got to start working on my homework. I'll be going out briefly tonight, for a top secret mission. Ask Mom." She turned, grabbed her school stuff, and headed upstairs.

In an attempt to lighten the mood, Magdalena made a family tradition - breakfast for dinner. Waffles, eggs, bacon and sausage, just ordinary breakfast foods. Angel liked those meals, and so did her parents. About halfway through her second batch of waffles, Angel got the call.

Muttering about the timing, she excused herself and headed for the door. After a brief conference with the others, she kept her normal appearance for her initial contact. While Lena fed her bits and pieces of the desired change, she went a little way into the park and waited for her first cue.

She got the word from Lena, and started walking out of the park as though she had been jogging there. Penny was parked across the street, a little way down the cross street. Angel saw the two of them get out of the car, and started absorbing what baseline information she could about Pat. She extended her observation time a little by bending down to re-tie her shoe while they crossed the street toward her. By the time they passed her and headed down the trail, she had all she needed. She trotted home for a quick change, getting more details from Lena as she went.

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Angels Peril a Whateley tale Chapter 7

Thank you all for your inspiring reviews that always help me to get out of a slump the moment I tend to get stuck while writing. I hope you accept my excuse for being a bit late with Chapter 7 of Angels peril as I had much to deal with over the last couple of days. Special thanks to my buds Nuuan and Shadowsblade for constantly working with me on my English and the awesome work on your stories that I really enjoy to read. Also big thanks for working with me in our little writing group. I...

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Angels Salvation

ANGELS SALVATION After the dark and nasty start to this story which proved so cleansing to my mind, I needed to rescue my character. I never imagined I'd do something that nasty to someone and now my real persona has come back to write the second and final part. For those who asked, I hope this answers your questions. For those who didn't want the character saved from a life of hell, don't read it! As always, the characters in the story are totally fictional and of legal age in my...

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Angels Peril a Whateley tale Chapter 1

Hi there and thank you for reading this little introduction. My handle is Branek, and what you are going to read is a joint venture of a group of Authors. Together Nuuan , Shadowsblade and myself are writing a Fan Fiction set in the Whateley universe. This tale will be readable from multiple characters and each of the main protagonist's is getting his or her own story. To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop around here is a short introduction. Angels...

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Angels and Guardians Pt 07

Author’s note: Part Seven. To see where the characters come from, it is highly recommended to read the first six parts. Please remember to vote after reading each part. *** Chapter 24 Ashley woke Joe at 5, dressed in her cheer uniform. She had slipped out from under Joe during the night to wash both their uniforms, and now laid his jersey, t-shirt, and jeans out on his bed while he showered. They got to the school, and met the senior cheerleaders at the track for a light jog around a few...

3 years ago
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Angels And Insects

Marcus woke just before dawn, hunger squirming through his guts, angrily twisting; burrowing deeper like a maggot gnawing away at his rotten core. He stumbled to the bathroom, barely making it in time to vomit the remains of last night’s meal into the sink - thin ropes of bile dragged reluctantly from his body, burning the back of his throat.Placated for now, the hunger retreated and he ran the tap, splashing tepid water onto his face until the nausea faded. It was getting harder these days to...

Oral Sex
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Angels Story Chapter 75

I go through the bags, wondering what she's got. Lasagne? I can make that... I start to prepare things, putting extras away when I feel a hand caressing my ass. "You are just too gorgeous when you're nervous." Chrissy says kissing my neck. "So damn hot!" I blush brightly. "P.. please..." I gasp. "I need to get this ready!" "Of course," she says stepping back a little. "Let me help, I know where everything goes.... though why Thorne doesn't get a place of her own amazes me, she...

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Angels Story Chapter 74

We go to the beach, and I'm allowed to take off my pumps and stockings and fit wedge sandals on my bare feet. Stockings and sand just don't mix... It's a lovely long walk, even if the weather is a bit cold, and she buys me lunch at an expensive beach cafe. I have to ask her permission to go pee of course, and call her Miss at all times, but that's only natural. As we leave she drags me in to the ladies again to kiss me, mussing my hair, and gripping and squeezing my ass hard, meaning...

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Angels Night

It was just after 7pm when I finally got home from work. It had been a long day and I was aching. Even the small fight of stairs leading to my front door seemed like a task, so trudging up the actual flight leading to my apartment seemed like an impossible feat. I managed the to get through my front door with relative ease, but found my hands fumbling with keys as I tried getting into the apartment. "Fuckin' really?" I exclaimed to the air as I finally got my door open. The interior was dark as...

2 years ago
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Angels Peril a Whateley tale Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Vengeance is born! MCO observation room Lab E Dr. Hilber was looking the humiliated mutant that was crying, tears ran down the mutants cheeks and he enjoyed the pain he was causing to that freak. The readings suddenly went wild and one of the assistant asked "What is that?" Dr. Hilber looked at the readings, the essence Subject 142 gathered started to rise again, this time the scale they used to measure the...

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Angels Peril a Whateley tale Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Unforeseen consequences I woke up sweating like a pig. The nightmare I had, had taken quite the toll on me. I removed the blanket from my body and sit up on the corner of my bed. Taking a deep breath I stood up and moved towards my bathroom. "Wumps" I crushed into something and staggered back, opening my eyes for the first time awake today I looked at the dresser I had just ran into. I remembered this dresser, I had seen it a few week's ago I was sure of it. Yeah, that was...

1 year ago
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Angels Birthday tourture Ch1

Kary stood back and admired her handy work. Her personal pleasure slave was chained naked to the wall. Fresh blood fell from the new cuts on his chest. The blood flowed from the word “Angel” carved into his skin. In parts of the cuts the blood was smeared on his chest as well as Kary’s lips. The boy was moaning and groaning over the pleasure of the pain he received, begging for more threw the tight gag around his lips. She was giving him his 18th birthday present. From the moment...

2 years ago
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Angels Surprise

The market was crowded today, perfect, that always made her job easier. Angel was, unlike her name suggested, not a good girl- she was a thief by trade. As Angel wondered through the crowd she spotted a target, he was wearing a cloak but Angel could see that on his right hand was a jeweled ring, a noble or someone wealthy who doesn’t want to be spotted. Angel gradually worked her way ahead of the target so she could “casually” brush against him as they walked past each other. She had lived her...

1 year ago
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Angels Bisexual young lovers Part 1

Jason, Brad and Mark all sat on the couch with their cocks in their hands slowly pumping themselves waiting for Jason’s Angel baby to come back home. Jason had been fucking his “Angel Baby” for over 3 months now. Each time he had tried to do something even more wilder than what he had done before in order to please his Angel . Today he had brought Mark and Brad over, two of his buddies to surprise his girl friend with two extra cock for her to play with.     Leann was 40 years old when she...

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Angels Story Chapter 72

I'm woken by the sensation of kisses to my neck, lovely soft kisses, making me purr softly around my gag, making me squirm in my bonds. "Morning my little sissy slut," Mistress Thorne whisper in my ear, making me groan. "Still a dirty little bitch?" I nod my head sliding against the silk pillow, brushing against the dampness from the drool from my mouth. I wriggle my ass against her, guessing from her greeting she's horny... wanting to show I'm receptive. "Hmm.. really?" she says...

3 years ago
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Angels and Guardians Pt 01

Author’s note: The following story is about an eventful fall that brings a cheerleader from another state to know a very special group of friends. This story is 9 parts storyline, 1 part sex. If you’re looking for ‘Wham Bam’ right off, it isn’t for you. All characters are aged 18 at the time sex is described. Thank you for reading. ************************************************ Chapter 1 Living On a Prayer ‘You really need to stop saving my life. You’re gonna kill yourself someday.’ Joe...

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Angels Story Chapter 70

(Dear reader. It's been a while. I've been trying to write more of Angel's story, following the storyline I have laid out. What with RL, and writers block, it's been going a lot more slowly than I would have liked. However... now I have enough to start posting, and I hope to be able to continue, albeit maybe at a slower pace that I (and hopefully you) would like. Please give me some feedback, you'd be amazed how much help that is to inspiring the creative process. Aaaand back to the...

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Angels Story Chapter 71

We share the ice cream at the start, snuggling against each other, our silk clothing sliding sensually against each other. It's almost vanilla, the behaviour not the ice cream, at the beginning. After a while though.. it starts, she gets some soft white rope and binds my wrists behind me, then my elbows, before settling back down beside me. "Open wide," she says spooning the melting ice-cream into my mouth before leaning in to kiss me, tasting me and the ice-cream together. When...

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Angels Delight

He’d only been gone for an hour and a half but already she couldn’t get thoughts of him out of her mind. Angelina, known to most as Angel, had been seeing this guy steadily for almost four weeks and she was getting ‘The Feeling’. You know, the feeling like this could be “The Real Thing”. This scared Angel. She was only 22, was she ready to settle down with someone? At the same time the prospect excited her. The thought of sharing her life with this man sent tingles down her spine. In her...

1 year ago
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Angels Journey Chapter 1

I head towards my new job at the office. The uniform is uncomfortable but fortunately mostly hidden by my long coat. My 6" inch patent heels clatter on the pavement, the locks (supplied by the office without keys) shiny on the ankle straps, drawing attention to my long stockinged legs. The tug of my suspenders is a constant reminder of what I'm wearing, as is the tight waist cincher (also fitted with a lock with no keys provided.) My delicate steps and swinging hips constantly tease my...

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Angels Story Chapter 73

I'm still straddling the bike when the first few people walk past, and I'm getting a few odd looks. I awkwardly slip off, so I'm standing beside it, unavoidalbly showing my stocking tops as I do so. The elderly gentleman walking past as I do so gasps and blushes slightly, as do I, damn I thought I'd be discreet. Standing next to the bike in my 6" heels is fairly comfortable, and I realise that these are pretty much my normal everyday shoes now... which makes me giggle at the thought....

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Angels Peril a Whateley tale Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Turning myself in. My big sister Ann moved slowly closer to me. I was still kneeling on the floor tiles and tears were running down my cheeks. "I'm a monster, sob. I'm turning into a monster, I'm a mutant." I had finally said it out loud and realized it was the truth I was turning into the one thing I had been always warned about, by the teaching of my father as well as from the people in Prescott. It had been the reason I had joined the MCO to make sure no mutant would...

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Angels Conditioning

‘I can’t stop thinking about your ass.’ Matt whispered to me while giving my ass cheeks a quick grope, pulling them apart. ‘I want to fuck you until you scream for mercy.’ He made a point of brushing his hard on against my ass. ‘My brother is a lucky bastard. If I was him, you wouldn’t walk straight for a week… or more. I’d fuck you every day and night.’ If anyone looked my way they would see me blushing. Thankfully, I was being ignored by everyone but Matt. Ever since the episode of my...

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Angels and Demons2

Alright well I can't think of how else to make this ending longer but I need five thousand characters to post it so you can skip this paragraph because it will just be me rambling I mean come on look at this I've just given up on periods completely so like the great fish god dory says just keep swimming just keep swimming I'm almost there guys only 73 left look at me go dory would be proud but I'm still 9 chBINGO!!!! Chapters one and two are just prequels to the rest of...

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Angels and Demons1

My father was the creator of the third rock and the only one that chose to stay. His instinct was to create and create he did. On his rock he created the seas and shores, skies and mountains. For one hundred years he shaped his rock to please himself and he soon noticed things changing without his will. He had created life and now it was creating more of its own accord. It was such a thing of absolute beauty that he stopped meddling and let it develop without his interference. It was then...

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Angels Carry Guns

I would like to thank SouthPacific for his editing work on this story, his offer to edit this story was very much appreciated. Any errors in this story are mine and mine alone. ***** I had been up since just before dawn and, considering it was still dark, I hadn’t noticed anything out of the ordinary. To be honest, mind you, I wasn’t looking. I had heard Tessa moving around, so I had her breakfast ready as her bare feet padded down the stairs. ‘Daddy, who does the car belong to?’ Tessa was...

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Angels and Guardians Pt 06

Author’s note: Part six. To understand where the characters come from, it is recommended to read the first five parts. Please remember to vote at the end. *** Chapter 20 All Things Must Change Ashley was watching Joe’s face. His expression of concern when he left the classroom hadn’t changed any, but the blood drained, making him appear as white as a sheet. She grabbed his hand. ‘Joe? Did you hear me?’ Cindy asked when Joe didn’t respond. ‘Yeah,’ he said finally. ‘Where?’ ‘In Denver,...

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Angels and Guardians Pt 03

Author’s note: Part 3 of a multi part series. Best if you read the character development of the first two. All characters are 18 or older. *** Chapter 9 Moving In Ashley woke the next morning to Jasmine stroking her arm. ‘Hmm…good morning,’ she said. ‘What time is it?’ Jasmine smiled down at her and said, ‘It’s 9:30. Time to get up.’ ‘I don’t want to. This bed is so nice.’ Ashley rolled over and dozed off. Jasmine watched her breathing get deeper. ‘Oh no you don’t! Get up, pretty thing....

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Angels and Guardians Pt 08

Author’s note: Thanks to all who took the time to read this story. At first, I wasn’t happy with this final part, but after rereading it, I think it ended as it should. Please remember to vote! *** Chapter 27 The next couple of days were early release for the seniors, so Kim, Jasmine, and Jill would come and visit Ashley in the afternoons. Ashley’s mom would usually be there as well, but the one person who could not be dragged outside the hospital doors was Joe. He would reluctantly leave...

2 years ago
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Angels and Guardians Pt 04

Author’s note: This is part four of a story about a group of very close and special friends. Character development was done primarily in the first three parts, so it is best to read those first. All characters are 18 and are the subject of this FICTIONAL story. Thanks for reading and please VOTE! (5’s are awesome, but only if deserved.) Thank you. *** Chapter 14 Amateur Night They had walked a short distance when Ashley broke into their thoughts. ‘A lot of what you told me molded around...

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Angels and Guardians Pt 05

Author’s note: This is part 5 of a multi-part series. Best if read after parts 1-4. Thanks for reading, and please remember to vote! *** Chapter 18 Love Regained Jon talked with Ashley for a bit backstage, introducing her to his agent. To his manager’s somewhat annoyance, Jon offered Ashley a job with the band as female lead vocalist. Ashley was dumbfounded at the invitation, but denied the offer when she recovered her words. The band was surprised at her answer. They were doing very...

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Angels Peril a Whateley tale Chapter 2

Chapter 2 small changes Waking up I didn't feel too good, my back was hurting probably because I had been sleeping on the couch, and my scalp was all tingly. Sitting up looking for some water to drink, I realized that of course the bottle I used to have next to my bed wasn't anywhere near me. Getting up and out of the living room and left into the kitchen pouring in some water in a glass I took a big gulp, then I started to make some coffee and headed back towards my bathroom right...

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Angels Peril a Whateley tale Chapter 4

I wish you all a merry Christmas. Before you start reading, I have to excuse myself. The next chapter is not really fitting for the time of the year and some people might be disgusted by the dark side the story take during this chapter. Unfortunately for the development of Jacob it is necessary to live through it, as well as to make the readers understand why the story is developing the way it is. Warning the story contains, Blood and Violence. Chapter 4 In hell? Waking...

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Angels in love

Hi, Readers of ISS very recently I started writing about the lesbian experience of my college tutor Raji the best female I could have ever fucked during my PG days at the university. Some of the readers gave me a feedback sying the story is short and in this attempt I have given a long one hope you people like it. As already told the lesbian act in front of my eyes at Raji’s residence it was like a dream where two lovely angles were having a love making session & for the first time I realized...

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Trans Angels is “home of the best TS porn online”. A relatively new site that started in mid-2017, Trans Angels is all about them chicks…with dicks. The site features top-rated models like Chanel Santini and Domino Presley all in various scenes you can watch from the site.Content is somewhat limited at 117 scenes, but the site is updated very regularly with 2-3 scenes added per week. A lot of these scenes are entertaining porn skits such as “Chauffeur Her”, where the Chauffeur fucks the shit...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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Angel with a devil inside

ANGEL WITH A DEVIL INSIDE Chapter 1 - When I first met her We met about two years ago, in the mall. I still remember the first time I saw her. She was walking ahead of me in the mall, and I noticed her hair. She has beautiful waist length red hair. It is somewhat thick, and it just flows from her head. She was wearing it loosely and it was all I could see. I caught up with her, and her face was just as beautiful as her hair. I noticed her deep blue eyes as I looked at her and said, ?Hi. I saw...

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Angel of Seduction

Kristen McNally was lost. She had been trying to do the weekly grocery shopping, but had gotten turned around again. It was so hard finding things in a new town anyway. Couple that with having to learn how to drive on the left side of the road, and she was having major problems. Kristen and her husband, Ben, were visiting Australia. He was a martial art instructor who conducted seminars and worked with instructors all over the world. She helped him with the logistics of travel, record keeping,...

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Angel Becky Gangbanged in Reno part 25 G

Going to the Adult Sex Boutique so Angel & Becky could have some fun..Angel had told Becky about the adult boutique we liked going to for shopping &other fun & had also told her about the Pleasure Swing they had there. Nowwe planned to let Becky try it out for awhile. After we got parked on thestreet beside the store I told the girls that they had to leave their skirtsunzipped as is to walk to the store so that anyone may see their pussies asthey drove by. I also told them that when...

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THE FIRST WEEKEND…Friday seemed to come quickly this week. Angel had spent most of her time working around the house preparing for her absence over the weekend. Her thoughts always seemed to return to the big black man that she had taken into her mouth. The one who would now own her for the weekend. What was going to happen to her? What will she be made to do? Why didn’t Ken seem to care? All he had been doing was working or going over his books. He hadn’t even bothered to ask about...

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Angels loan pat 1

THE LOAN…Ken was beginning to feel desperate. He needed a short-term loan for a business venture which could more than double his investment. He had tried all the banks, the loan companies, and even some of his friends in hopes of gaining the money that he needed to complete his plans. All without any luck. No one felt that the investment opportunity was worth the risks. He felt broken, down and out. Nowhere to turn. Where could he get the money he so desperately needed? An...

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Angel Becky Gangbanged in Reno part 15

Then we grabbed our things & went back out to the car. The girls got in asCarl & me put the bags in the trunk this time Carl also put Beckys blouse intheir bag while I put Angels skirt & blouse in ours. All the girls had in thecar to wear was their coats.As we were getting close to the freeway I handed each girl a vibrator & toldthem to put them in their cunts. I then instructed them that they had to leavethese in their cunts for the whole ride to Reno & whenever a trucker...

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Angel Gets Double Stuffed

Introduction: This is based on a true story This story is based on a true story, honest to God. Of course some of the details are embellished in order to make it more interesting. I like to think that I got extremely lucky in picking such an awesome wife. Angel is very beautiful standing about 52 with dirty blond hair that falls just above her shoulders. Shes not too thick and not too thin. She has a slightly large, round ass that is so much fun to smack when you are fucking her doggy style,...

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Angel a ficticious story about Daddys girl

My little AngelEntirely fictitious. Not my story but had to post.Angel was just seven when her mother died. It took a long time for both of us to adjust to the void in our lives but it also brought us closer together. We became more than just father and daughter, we were best friends. Now, at 17, Angel was becoming a beautiful young woman, slim and blonde like me but with her mother's quick smile. She was even beginning to show signs of her mother's voluptuous figure.A few weeks ago I took...

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I enjoy reading other authors writings on the Medallion of Zulo, so... I thought I would take a "stab" at one. Instead of focusing on the story like others, I wondered what would happen if an adult that used Zulo was suddenly transformed into a very young baby... less than a month old? Would they be able to retain all their knowledge when they reverted back? This story is what I think could happen. Angel By Anon Allsop The pendant laid dormant in the plastic baggie next to my...

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Angel Beckys 1st time together

Angel & our friends wife Becky having their 1st joint gangbang----------------------------------------------------------------------About 3 weeks after our 'Fun at the Avengers' I needed to go see Carl aboutanother mining venture we had. We had some placer claims on the American Riverwe wanted to get going now that the spring runoff had ended & he & I had totalk about equipment & supplies that we need to get. Angel asked me if shecould go with me so that she & I could do...

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Angel 4

©This is a fantasy; any resemblance to real people or places is coincidental. **************************************************************** Angel had been following the flagstone path for two days now. Not to long ago she saw a tall castle on a mountaintop in the distance. Bright flags flew from tall towers set in high-buttressed walls. She wondered who would live there and if they would know how she could get home. By now, her tits had stopped growing. They were now an enticing ‘C’ cup...

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Angel A New Beginning

This story is a sequel to one of my first stories here on Fictionmania, Angel was a sad medallion story about the misuse of the Medallion of Zulo. In the earlier story, Angel was changed into an infant, forcing her husband Ray to move on with his life raising Angel as his daughter. While it isn't 100% necessary to read Angel, it is short enough to get you into the characters and provide you with a background for this story. While the first one was somewhat rushed, I feel this story...

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Angel does a perverted act against

Angel stared like a mesmerised rabbit at the length of black cock bobbing in front of her eyes. Her heart quaked with fear and disgust, and weakness. Igwe wanted her to suck his cock, and her stomach churned with the horror of it. She was losing the argument and she knew it! Igwe was not accepting her refusal. Not accepting that she had the right to say No! Her husband would never treat her like this. He had more respect for her! Igwe wanted his cock sucked, and what Igwe wanted Igwe got. He...

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Angel Gets Double Stuffed

I like to think that I got extremely lucky in picking such an awesome wife. Angel is very beautiful standing about 5’2” with dirty blond hair that falls just above her shoulders. She’s not too thick and not too thin. She has a slightly large, round ass that is so much fun to smack when you are fucking her doggy style, and recently she has gotten a boob job. Her double D tits stop guys in their tracks every day. Angel and I are both in our late twenties. Not only am I lucky...

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Angel gets Double Stuffed

I like to think that I got extremely lucky in picking such an awesome wife. Angel is very beautiful standing about 5’2” with dirty blond hair that falls just above her shoulders. She’s not too thick and not too thin. She has a slightly large, round ass that is so much fun to smack when you are fucking her doggy style, and recently she has gotten a boob job. Her double D tits stop guys in their tracks every day. Angel and I are both in our late twenties.Not only am I lucky because my wife Angel...

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