Point of no return
- 2 years ago
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Aileen went back inside the cabin and after she cleaned up after their dinner and put away the leftovers, she decided she might as well retire to bed herself. Before she left the living room she walked over to Colin's Christmas tree and straightened the star on top. The tree was a tiny island of cheer in a room that had suddenly grown dark and lonely.
Things had worked out well this evening. There were some surprises, but she and Colin had talked out their feelings and things were fair between them again. It was all Aileen had hoped to accomplish by coming here. Now they could both enjoy spending Christmas together tomorrow. Yes, things had definitely worked out well. So why did she feel so empty inside?
Aileen went to her room to get ready for bed. Colin had left her the master bedroom, taking one of the smaller rooms for himself. Aileen had her own private bathroom which had its own access to the spa room with the Jacuzzi and sauna. She changed into her nightgown, then washed her face and brushed her teeth. When she turned off the light in the bathroom something caught her attention. There was light seeping in under the door from the spa room.
Aileen hadn't even been in that room yet this trip. She walked over to the door and it was locked. She unlocked it and opened the door and sure enough the fluorescent lights were on bright. She stepped down into the room, walked around the Jacuzzi, and over to the sauna. Nearby on a ledge folded semi-neatly was a pair of plaid boxer shorts and a white tee shirt. On the floor sitting in a little puddle of melted snow were Colin's boots. He must have come into the spa the other way, from the back porch.
Aileen stepped up to the sauna and peered into the small round window on its door to see if Colin was in there. Yup, he was in there all right. Aileen quickly averted her gaze and she felt herself begin to blush after catching a glimpse of her son in the nude. He probably wanted to sweat out some tension before he went to sleep, Aileen surmised. She made to leave Colin in peace, but her feet remained planted where they were. Something inside her made Aileen look through the window for one more peak.
It was steamy inside the little room, but she could see him. He was stretched out on a bench lying on his back. A towel was bunched up under his head to serve as a pillow. Aileen knew she shouldn't be doing this, but she couldn't help staring, admiring his body. Colin was lean and athletic, with finely toned muscles in his arms, legs, and chest. Beads of sweat dotted his entire body. He had one arm behind his head, and his other arm was lying on top of him with his hand on his... Aileen's eyes opened wide when she realized what he was doing. This was wrong for her to be watching! She had to turn away! But she couldn't.
Colin's hand was on his fully erect cock, slowly moving up and down. She looked at his face, his eyes were closed and he had a look of concentration. Her eyes were pulled back to his cock. She had no idea it was so large, so entrancing. It was standing straight up and rigid, it was sublime. She watched his hand slide up the shaft to the head, give a gentle squeeze, and then slide back down the shaft. Over and over he did this and Aileen watched as her son pleasured himself sexually, watched and was mesmerized by it. It was the most erotic thing she ever saw.
Aileen licked her lips. Slowly, she lifted up her nightgown and with a trembling hand she touched the crotch of her panties to find they were damp. She slid her hand into her panties, the closer her fingers got to her slit, the wetter she became. Her pussy ached to be touched. In the back of her mind there was a voice that was shouting at her she shouldn't be doing this, but as each moment went by that voice grew fainter.
Aileen's gaze remained fixed on Colin's cock as she ran her fingers up and down her wet cunt lips. Her middle finger glanced over her protruding clit and a shiver went up her spine. She went back and circled that button with her finger tip. Around and around the rim of her clit she rubbed and then over the center. A moan escaped her lips.
Colin immediately halted what he was doing, his hand stopped still on his cock in mid stroke. Aileen looked at his face. His eyes were open and looking directly at her. Oh, God! He sees me! Aileen thought. Her instinct was to run away but she was frozen like a deer caught in the headlights. They just stared at each other for what seemed like forever, each one not moving a muscle. Then Colin's hand slowly started to move again, he was resuming pumping his cock! His eyes didn't waver from hers and Aileen knew. She knew that he had been fantasizing about her the entire time. He started pumping faster, and his cock looked even larger than it was before.
Aileen couldn't help herself; her hand started moving again on her twat. She parted the lips of her pussy and inserted a finger. As she watched Colin's hand slide up and down his cock, she started sliding her finger in and out of her cunt, first one finger, then two. Her motions synchronized with his. Colin could only see her face through the window from his position, but Aileen knew he knew what she was doing, and just then she didn't care.
Aileen didn't know how long they continued in this manner, but it felt like a while. Eventually Colin's breathing started to become ragged. His stomach was contracting and expanding erratically. He was pumping faster and faster, Aileen increased her finger fucking pace. All of a sudden he gave his cock a final squeeze and a geyser of cum shot upwards then fell back to splatter on his stomach and chest. Aileen felt her pussy clamp down on her fingers and felt her own juice running down her inner thigh as she watched the white liquid spew forth from her son's cock. Aileen let out a mighty wail as she orgasmed in concurrence with Colin.
As climatic shivers ran through her body Aileen wanted to yank open the sauna door and run into Colin's arms. She wanted to feel his naked body against hers, to hold him and kiss him. But the reality of what she was thinking, what she had just done, crashed in on her and overwhelming guilt finally brought her to her senses. Mobility returned to her legs and she turned and ran back to her bedroom.
She crashed onto her bed curling up in the fetal position. Things were spinning out of control. How could she deal with these feelings she had for her son? She knew she couldn't give in to them, that Colin so clearly and amazingly longed for her as well couldn't be a factor. But she had come so close, for a brief time she had given into temptation and had almost passed the point of no return. She could not allow him to come to harm! To give in to their desire would ruin his life! But every minute, every second, it was getting more difficult to resist. What was she supposed to do, sever their relationship entirely? The thought of losing him completely was unbearable (she would rather die!) but it was something she had to consider. Aileen banged her fist repeatedly on the bed screaming and crying into her pillow. Why, God, why? Why is it so wrong to be with a man if I love him this much?
She heard a door slam somewhere in the cabin, it must be the back door. She heard his footsteps coming down the hall. They stopped right outside her door. She could feel him there, on the other side of the door, and it was all she could do to hold herself from rushing up to swing it open and bask in his glory. She waited for the door knob to turn, for him to enter, but that never happened. He must have been debating with himself whether to come in or not. Apparently he decided not to, his footsteps carried on going away from her door. Aileen didn't know if she was relieved or disappointed.
She heard a door close and then the sound of running water. Colin must be taking a shower in the other bathroom. Aileen sighed and got up to turn the lights out in the room. Then she climbed back in bed under the covers. She pulled the covers up to her chin and closed her eyes and tried to go to sleep. It was a queen sized bed and it felt huge to her, in fact, she felt lost in it, small and insignificant. Having that big bed all to herself only emphasized how alone she felt. Her head was buzzing with troubled thoughts and she tried to tune them out. The steady sound of running water helped lull her into a drowsy state, she refused to imagine Colin in the shower, only listening to the constant whoosh, and eventually descended into an uneasy slumber.
Before she was even awake, before she opened her eyes, she knew he was in the room, she felt his presence. The feeling of him being in the room was what gradually brought her around, and when she opened her eyes, there he was, sitting in a chair close to the bed just staring at her. If it had been anybody else, it would have scared her to death to see them sitting there in the dark like that, but with Colin, she felt... security. He was watching over her, like he was her protector.
"I... I just wanted to look at you," he said when he saw she was awake. "You are so beautiful, you look like an angel, I've always thought so... I just needed to look at you. I love you so much." His words melted her heart and brought tears to her eyes. She leaped out of the bed and rushed to take him in her arms.
"I love you too Baby!" Aileen said as she held his head to her breast. He hugged her back tightly. Aileen felt her son shivering and his teeth were chattering. He was cold to the touch. "Honey, you're freezing!" she said. All he had on was his tee shirt and boxers and it was very cold in the room. "How long have you been sitting there?"
"I don't know, an hour or so, ever since I got out of the shower," Colin answered with a shaking voice.
"C'mon, get into bed," Aileen said.
Aileen crawled back into her bed and Colin followed her without hesitating. He climbed in and lay on his side with his back against her front. Aileen wrapped them both up in the thick blankets and put her arms around her son's robust form holding him close to her.
"Mom?" Colin said.
"Yes, Dear?"
"I'm sorry about what happened before... in the sauna. I didn't mean for you to see..."
"Hush, Baby, we'll talk about it in the morning. Just go to sleep, my love."
After a few minutes the warm bed and Aileen's body heat started warming her son up. Colin stopped shuddering and his breathing became more regular. Aileen nuzzled her head up against his neck, the clean scent of his freshly washed hair and body filled her nostrils and was intoxicating. She gave him a squeeze; it felt so good to hold him! Comforted by the companionship of each other, they were both able to drift into a placid sleep.
The next time Aileen woke up it was because of her bladder. It was early in the morning and the light of dawn was just starting to come through the bedroom windows. She groaned to herself. She was so comfy and cozy in bed that she hated the idea of having to get up into the cold. She tried to hold off, but the longer she waited the more the pressure built up and the more uncomfortable she got. Finally, she got out of bed irritably, it was so cold! Hugging herself to try to keep warm she made her way to the bathroom. On her way there, she glanced out the window, there was two feet of snow outside and it was still coming down at a heavy pace! White Christmas indeed! This was a blizzard!
After she relieved her bladder, Aileen went out into the living room. She noticed that the fire Colin had made last night had completely died out. The first thing she did was to go over to the thermostat and turn the heat up. Then she went over and turned on the television. She was greeted by a sky blue screen and no picture. She tried turning channels, but nothing came in. Of course, the satellite dish! There was a heap of snow on it. Aileen turned the TV off and switched on the radio. After tuning the dial a moment she got a station to come in clear. She waited a few minutes and then the weather report came on. There was a blizzard warning for their area and they were calling for one to two feet of snow in Philly, but possibly up to four or five feet in the mountains! The snowplows and salt trucks were in a mighty struggle to keep just the main roads clear and they couldn't say when they would be able to get to the secondary streets and mountain roads. It might take days.
Aileen turned off the radio. Well, it could be worse. At least they had plenty of food and when Patrick had this place built he had in mind how harsh the mountain winters could be and took extra precautions to make the power lines as secure as possible. But even if they did lose power they still had the fireplace and plenty of wood.
Standing there in her bare feet in the living room with nothing on except her nightgown, the cold was proving too much for her. Shivering, Aileen hustled back to the bedroom and scrambled into bed. Colin had been lying on his back, but when Aileen got back in bed, he turned on his side and now he encompassed her. She took refuge from the cold in his powerful arms. His warmth quickly eased her shivering and the joyous feeling of being held by him made her not want to be anywhere else in the world. Let the snow come! she thought, I'm happy where I am.
Aileen closed her eyes and basked in the snug closeness she felt with Colin. She started drifting off again, but in that semi-conscious state between sleep and awake, she felt something. Colin's pelvis was pressed right up against her backside and she could feel something firm digging in from behind. She knew it was Colin's cock, hard and poking through his boxers. With that realization she was wide awake again.
Aileen squirmed a bit trying to get into a position so she wouldn't feel his cock, but all that managed to do was cause his cock to work further in and make her nightgown ride up a bit. Aileen's eyes rolled back at the feel of her son's cock rubbing into her ass and she began to deliberately grind her ass into his groin just to feel the sensation. Aileen got a grip on herself and stopped the motion, but it was too late, Colin had begun to respond.
Colin slipped his hand underneath her nightgown placing it on her bare tummy. He began to brush his hand over her stomach in a circular motion. Aileen felt a heat radiate out from the place he was rubbing and spread throughout her body. It felt too good to make him stop. Colin pulled her closer into him, which caused his cock to push in even deeper into her ass. Aileen started grinding again as he continued to rub her belly. She felt Colin's warm breath and soft lips towards the back of her neck as he began to kiss her there. Aileen moaned in pleasure. With every motion of her ass, she could feel his cock coming closer to her slit, her pussy was wet and his touches were making her wetter by the second.
Colin's hand on her stomach was moving further up, and eventually it found her breast. Aileen placed her hand on top of his to stop its movement. "Colin," she said.
"We... we can't do this,"
"Mom, I love you! I need you, only you! Please... ?"
Aileen knew how much her son hurt inside, how much he needed to be with someone he could trust not to hurt him again. She had been hurt just as bad, if not worse, and she would never trust anyone as much as she trusted Colin. How much more pain would she put them through if she denied this? Would she be hurting Colin more by refusing him? Dear God, she prayed as tears came to her eyes, I don't know what's right anymore. All I know is my son needs me and I need him! Please, no matter what I decide, no matter what happens, please God, please, don't let him be hurt!
Aileen turned around in Colin's arms and looked into his intense eyes. "Things will change if we do this." She said.
"Will your love for me change?" Colin asked.
"It can only grow stronger, but..."
"Then that's all I care about," Colin said
"But the world won't accept us being together," Aileen said.
"What world? The snow has changed the world... magic, remember? It's a new world out there today. It's our world, just us. The other world never has to know about this one."
"But what happens when this world is gone? Snow melts away."
"But my love for you never will. Our love will sustain this world. There's magic in love too." Colin moved in and kissed her delicately on the lips. Aileen couldn't resist him anymore, she didn't want to resist any longer; she craved him too much. It was a sweet surrender as she joined in with his kiss. They held each other as they kissed, soaking in each other's essences. Their tongues intertwined, dancing in celebration of being together.
Colin ran his hands up and down Aileen's body, when he got to her breasts Aileen tugged at her nightgown, eagerly pulling it off. Aileen always thought her tits were too large and sagged a bit, but when she lay bare-chested before Colin, he seemed fascinated by them. Ever so slowly his hand came up and touched her left breast. Softly he caressed it, feeling every part of it, holding it, it felt like it belonged in his hand. When he ran his fingers over her hard nipple, she trembled at his touch. Then he moved to her other tit and gave it the same attention.
Colin started kissing her neck then gradually he worked his way down her throat and down her chest. He buried his soft lips in her cleavage. His tongue came out and brushed her tits, when his mouth came over a nipple he gingerly took the bud in his mouth and his lips surrounded her areola. As he began to suck, Aileen purred and ran her fingers through his dark reddish hair.
Colin looked up from her bosom and into her face. He was directly on top of her now and she could feel his cock pressing through his shorts against her pussy. "Mom, I need you so bad..." Colin said.
"I'm here Baby. I'm here all for you, my love." Aileen said burning to be taken by him. Once she decided to give into her desire, she wasn't going to hold back. Colin pulled his shorts down freeing his impressive cock. With shaking hands he slipped his fingers underneath the elastic band of her panties, he looked back to her eyes one more time, as if seeking final confirmation of her consent, Aileen nodded definitively and he pulled down her panties with exhilaration.
Colin gazed at her pubic region for more than a moment. He seemed to be studying it in great detail so Aileen spread her legs wide allowing him a good look. It felt wickedly good to have his eyes on her in that place. Then he lay back on top of her, the feel of his powerful body enveloping her was like a cocoon of love, she had never felt so safe and secure before. She wanted more, she wanted all of him; she wanted him in her. Her cunt was dripping for his cock. Colin moved his hips and pelvis, and she could feel his erection sliding all over her slick pussy, but he was uncertain of exactly what to do, she could see it in his eyes, he had never gone this far with a woman before.
Aileen reached down and took hold of his throbbing cock in her hand, it was coated with pre cum and pussy juice, and guided it to the opening of her pussy. Colin pushed and she could feel it begin to slide in. She gasped at how big it felt going inside her.
"Oh God!" Colin said as he penetrated her deeply. Aileen couldn't believe how far in his shaft was stemming. "Oh God," Colin said again. "This is incredible, this feels amazing! Oh God Mom, I love you!"
"I love you Honey!" Aileen said in a pant. Colin pushed in until their pelvises met. He was so far immersed in her it felt like the head of his cock was touching her womb. She had never felt so full before, so whole. It was like she had been living all her life with a part of her being having been torn asunder and now she was finally reunited with it. She wanted the feeling to last forever.
Colin started pumping his cock. He drew himself out almost all the way and then thrust himself back in. He did this two more times, but she could feel his muscles tense, this was his first time and the experience was overwhelming him, he was already past the threshold. "Mom... I'm going to..." Colin stammered out.
"I know, Baby, give it to me, I want you to cum in me," Aileen said. She had just managed to get the words out when Colin slammed his cock into her as deep as it would go and spasmed in sheer delight. She felt his warm semen spreading into her uterus.
"OHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Colin shouted as he shook. The thought that this was her son, but also the man she loved, cumming inside her, pushed Aileen over the edge as well. Her pussy clamped down on his cock and evoked it for all the jizz it would secrete. Aileen let out a scream of her own and grasped hold of her son tightly. Embracing, they felt each other's orgasmic quivers running through one another.
"I love you so much, my darling! My darling man!" Aileen said with tears in her eyes. Those words felt inadequate to express the powerful emotions she felt but she didn't know of any better, so she just kept saying them to reiterate it, "I love you!"
"I love you!" Colin said breathing heavily. "I love you forever! Forever and always!" He collapsed on top of her and kissed her passionately. She felt his cock going flaccid inside her. She held his member in her pussy as she didn't want to lose the connection.
Colin looked up from kissing her, he was smiling from ear to ear and there was a sparkle in his eye. "I did it!" He said, "I actually did it... with you! We did it! I never thought this would ever happen. You made my dreams come true! Thank you! Oh, thank you so much! You are wonderful!"
"Yes, my love," Aileen said, "we did it. And you are wonderful too. Thank you for being in my life! Merry Christmas, my darling."
"Merry Christmas!" Colin said. "Thank you for the best Christmas ever!"
"We didn't even open our presents yet and this is the best Christmas?" Aileen said with an impish grin.
"That's what you think!" Colin said. "The only present I want to open is in here!" Colin tickled her ribs and Aileen squealed. They both started laughing but that eventually led to more kissing.
The kissing became more and more intense and soon Aileen was very pleased to feel Colin's cock hardening inside her. Electricity seemed to dance behind his eyes as his potency grew again. Aileen drew in a breath sharply as she felt his member expanding the walls of her pussy. Was his cock this large before?
Colin slid his dick almost all the way out of her, and then he glided back into her, all the way to her womb again. Aileen's nails dug into his back. He slid out of her again, then back in. He began to build up a rhythm, moving in and out, in and out. Aileen luxuriated in the feel of his cock moving within her. Colin fondled and caressed her breasts as he made love to her, adding to the sensations she felt.
He began to pump faster and harder, he pushed in deeper. He was lasting much longer than he had the first time and it was Aileen who first started to feel the orgasmic build up this time. The look on Colin's face was absolute seriousness as he went on penetrating her cunt. The force building inside Aileen kept getting stronger and stronger; it was feeding off of Colin's motions with his boner. Finally she got to the boiling point and released a blaring scream as her pussy clenched on his cock.
She spasmed as waves of pleasure washed over her, over and over again. Colin's cock remained hard as steal though and continued to pump in and out of her. Just when Aileen felt her orgasm subsiding she was shocked to feel another one building up right on the heels of the previous one. Aileen's arms had fallen to her sides and now she tightly gripped onto the bedding holding on for the ride of her life.
As Colin plunged deep inside her, as if into her very soul, Aileen climaxed again screaming louder than before. The rapturous waves washed through her once more and Aileen thought she might be carried away by them. She was half delirious with ecstasy.
Colin still hadn't had his release yet, but Aileen could tell by the fervent look on his face he was close. One more time she felt an orgasm of her own coming on. Oh my God! Again?!! Aileen thought, half in trepidation, half in gleeful anticipation. She didn't know how much more she could take but she was determined to find out.
Colin's cock was sliding in and out of her faster and faster, lubricated by the enormous amount of juice she had cum all ready. It was coming, Aileen knew she was on the verge; just a little bit more and she would be there. His shaft glided through her vaginal walls and, like an arrow shot by an expert archer, he hit the bull's eye.
Gripping the sheets for dear life, Aileen arched her back and threw back her head making a parabolic form of her body, and let out a primal roar. This time when her cunt clenched Colin's cock, he let out a scream that rivaled hers and his manhood gushed forth its cream.
Colin, in a kneeling position, placed his hands under her arms and pulled her up to him all the while his cock continued to shoot cum into her pussy. Aileen threw her arms around her son's neck and rubbed her body against his. Their lips met and they kissed sloppily as they shared this final orgasm.
They fell back on the bed, remaining in each other's arms. Both of them were breathing heavily, Aileen felt her heart beating rapidly inside her chest, when she finally caught her breath she said, "Oh my God! How did you do that?!!"
"You," Colin said simply as he placed his hand on her stomach and began to stroke it. "I've dreamed of you for so long, I desire you like no one else."
"I never knew it could be like that," Aileen said, and it was the truth. Fred was the only other lover she had ever had and sex with him had always seemed a duty rather than a pleasure. When he wanted sex they had to have it, it got to a point where she was only doing it to avoid a beating, and still sometimes he beat her anyway. She didn't think she ever had a real orgasm with him either. It was hard to feel sexual when you were afraid the man you were with could injure you at any moment. But with Colin, she was able to give herself totally over to him because she trusted him, and she had the best sex she ever had.
"I just want to please you," Colin said.
Aileen placed her hand on top of his, "You did," she said, "and you do, and you always will, no matter what. You can count on that." Then tears came to her eyes as she said, "Just tell me that it can always be this way, that if things become difficult you will never resent me for allowing this to happen."
Colin brushed a tear out of her eye and said, "I cherish you for allowing this to happen and I always will. I told you, I would go through Hell to be with you. All I need is your love."
"You have it," Aileen said, "forever."
"Forever," Colin repeated with a smile, and then he kissed her softly. Hugging each other close, the two lovers fell into an exhausted but blissful sleep.
When they awoke again it was past noon. Colin got out of bed and exclaimed, "Holy shit!" when he saw the amount of snow outside.
Aileen explained to him what the latest weather report had said then added, "They probably won't have the roads cleared up here until New Year's."
"A whole week snowed in... whatever shall we do to keep ourselves occupied?" Colin said with an evil grin.
"I wonder?" Aileen said grinning.
When they walked into the living room Aileen once again noticed the cold fireplace. "We should bring in some more wood before it gets any worse out there." She said.
Colin looked out through the blowing snow towards the wood shed with a look of dismay. Aileen stared at him expectantly, "Well you're the snow lover," she said.
"That's not snow out there, that's Mother Nature gone daft!"
"I'll tell you what," Aileen said whispering into his ear. "You go get the wood and when you come back I'll be waiting for you in the Jacuzzi. If the hot water doesn't heat you up, I bet I will."
"Give me ten minutes," Colin said then ran to his room to get dressed, before he shut the door he stuck his head out and peering at her from around the corner said, "No, five!"
Aileen walked back to their bedroom, she thought of it as 'their bedroom' now, and took off the nightgown she had only just put back on. Totally naked, she walked through the bathroom and into the spa. She removed the cover over the Jacuzzi and turned on the heater and the jets. She sat on the ledge of the tub while she waited for the water to get hot.
Aileen was amazed at how much she all ready longed to be in Colin's arms again. Last night she fought herself to resist him, now there was no force in the universe that could make her refuse him. But their relationship would change, has changed, at least in private. She would always be his mother, it was just that she was also his woman now and he was her man. No longer could she act the parent and him the child, they were equals now, partners. She felt a little misty for the end of their old roles, but she felt infinitely more excited for how things were going to be now. Colin was still Colin and that would never change and there was no other man in the world she would rather have for a partner. Just the thought of his touch, full of love, made her glow inside.
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My wife, Lucy and I were on holiday and had become friendly with another couple, Helen and Pete, who were slightly younger than us but were both very much on our wavelength. It happened one night, that we were back at their rented villa, enjoying a few drinks and a tipsy chat. I was seated next to Lucy, and facing us, Helen next to Pete when the topic of conversation moved somehow from politics to sexuality:"So Tony", Pete piped up. "What's your view on bi-sexuality?" He asked forwardly. I...
BisexualChapter 1 I had sent a letter as reply to the answers I got to an ad in a Danish adult magazine called Weekend Sex, we were seeking a man to tie my husband and "rape" me! The headline in the ad said: TIE MY HUSBAND AND RAPE ME! 1 1/2 month had gone without getting any answer from him. (In the following I will call him Steen). His letter was rather naughty and I was interested in meeting him. I send him a new letter. 3 days later he phoned me, he had been send to work in Norway by his...
Last year, I wrote a story entitled Foul Language, wherein a bitter, angry Geoff Matheson had been through an ugly, unjustified divorce from his wife of 30 years. The most dispiriting part of the whole episode was the vile treatment he received at the hands of his wife’s divorce lawyer, one Claire LaPointe. Geoff survived the divorce, and moved to the West Coast to start a new life. He was not a happy man, and only the single good fortune of having a large corporation purchase an obscure...
many thanks. Jill walked into what felt like a normal day at the office; the office surroundings gave no indication that it was the last day of work before the Christmas break. Their boss was a strict short man, who had no Christmas cheer about him. The workers knick named him Scrooge behind his back, due to the sheer lack of generosity especially at this time of year. Jill knew Scrooge had a bit of a thing for her, as he would always go beetroot red when he spoke to her. Jill thought...
This all started when I got a promotion in the office. Now I was about to handle a team of some 10 people. It was a big responsibility. I had the responsibility of those 10 people and I was responsible for getting the project completed on time. In my team, there were 4 girls and 6 boys. Most of them were good at working. They were very much technical sound due to which my projects started to get easily completed. After getting one big project completed our client from the USA decided to sponsor...
When My brother-in-laws best friend graduated, My wife found out they were having a party. Seeing that my wife had already had sex with her younger brother several times, she asked him if we could get an invite. He grinned and said why are you wanting a lot more of that young cock. she said umm Ill owe you if you get us invited. Tom laughed and said ok. I'll see what I can do.We were invited and on the day of the party Peggy wore a sundress that was very light colored and if you stood across...
Where She appoints "This place is amazing! Hard to believe the Romans used this place for curses" "Its true though. you've seen the little markers, and heard the translation of the curses." "That last one was wild. 'May the one who finds my gold coin and does not return it lose his manhood in temple where she appoints' Who is She, anyway?" "Just some local version of Juno, the Queen of the gods" "Hey! This looks like a gold coin!" Later ..... "I'm a girl!" That curse...
The nausea isn't as all-consuming as usual when I crawl in my underwear across the air-conditioned lock-up to lie gasping and perspiring at its edge. I must be acclimating to time jumps.Coherent thought's a luxury in these first few minutes so I simply wait for my breathing to steady and the shivering to kick in as the chequer plate metal floor absorbs whatever residual heat I possess. That way, at least I know I'm alive.As the mind fog lifts and the hum of the cobalt fluorescent light replaces...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi"Can I help you?" the saleswoman asked from behind me. I tried not to suppress a guilty start, but my hand moved away from the black panty-shorts too quickly. I had walked into the lingerie boutique impulsively and would have left as soon as I realized I was the only customer in the store, but the shorts caught my attention. "I like those," she said smiling when I turned towards her. I had a problem with pretty women and stopping my eyes from staring; the Asian cast to her eyes fascinated...
Walking in he headed to the darker corner of the bar and ordered his drink praying Melissa had not seen him. But his luck sucked this week. “What the hell Mike you would think you were avoiding me by coming in and not saying a word to me.” Melissa walked over and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Mike did his best to shrug her off but to no avail. “I was trying to avoid you, Melissa. I wish you would get it through your thick skull I don’t want you or to have anything to do...
“Who are they?” I asked once security cleared us to edge past the protesters in the wake of the bus carrying the interns. It had taken long enough that we had swung by the rental house so we could drop Jeryl to get the kids in bed. “Greenpeace? The Sierra Club?” “No,” Alison said with a scowl. “It’s a group called ‘Save our Shores’. The leader here is a man named Seymour Xavier.” I nodded. “And what, exactly do they think we are doing to harm the shores?” Alison shook her head. “The best...
Friday, April 27 (Continued) to Friday, June 1, 2007 All the family members gathered in the Adults' dining room and the girls started putting together a celebratory breakfast while we called our lawyer. Unsurprisingly, he took our call right away. I knew the most about what had been in the van and the conversation between Paul and the police chief, so I did most of the talking. It was a good way of bringing everyone else up to date too. At the end of the conversation, our lawyer said,...
He tells me how good I made him feel which in turn makes me feel good. I know he’s been aching to feel desired again. I mean isn’t that what we all want – to be desired? Wanting to return the favor, he instructs me to slide my shorts and panties down. Now, it’s my turn to listen. Of course, I had already played out some fantasies of him in my head. Would he match my fantasy? Yes, he does. Showing me his gifts in erotic romance, David makes my pussy explode with his words. Everything he says...
CheatingStan looked dubiously at the little crystal trinket dangling from his hand. His marriage was on the rocks, but he'd been hoping for something a little more useful than half-baked folk remedies. Both men took a moment to appreciate the curves of Tracey's ass under her short tennis skirt as she collected their empty beer bottles. Will's wife ignored their gazes and exited the room as silently as she'd entered. "Seriously? I remember you worrying about Tracey playing the field. And...
1. The Leaving Party The time of day was .663 by the decimal clock; late afternoon, as anyone with their head in the present day would know. To a small minority, though, to those annoying individuals who are forever making a nuisance of themselves with their insistence on clinging to an antiquated and obsolete method of keeping time, it would be 15:55 or (even more annoyingly) five to four P.M. The date: 2342.115, which to the aforementioned reactionaries would be the 26th day of the...
by Julie Hart [email protected] 1/ Hot and Bothered ~,';~%@ The last time Frankie and I had gotten together for a little fling, his cousin Karen and her two girlfriends butted in. After letting Frankie get off with me, Karen, Lissa and Micky dolled me up and the four of us had fun. I felt a little guilty about that day, with Karen shoving Frankie out like that. Today, sitting on a hill at the park next to Frankie, I brought it up. "Don’t feel bad that Karen left me...
Author’s note Suki II begins approximately where Suki I ends in the early 2030s. Character development is in Suki I, available on Amazon Kindle ASIN: B0029F1UGC?and in PDF at ?http://www.e-junkie.com/SukisPlace/product/75658.php#Suki+I? Suki I contains the majority of the background information to make Suki II make more sense. Suki I is not as fast paced and not as much sex as Suki II, but if you are interested in the characters, it is a good place to start. Online Character Profiles, maps,...
Chapter 6Mommy ReturnsSo much had happened in the last few days. My wife's best friend hadconfided in me that my wife of five years, Heidi, was three monthspregnant with her lover's baby and was planning on serving me withdivorce papers when she returns from holiday next week. That same woman,who just happened to be my doctor and was the person who had administeredmy three year course of oestrogen treatment, had now declared herinterest in me, not so much as a prospective spouse but as a...
Chapter I Tom pulled on the panties noticing that his penis was already erect. Damn he was horny! It had been almost two weeks since Jen had let him have an orgasm and he really wanted one tonight. His tease of a wife had been making his life hell since that last Sunday night when, to earn his orgasm, he'd agreed to wear panties to work the next day. That had earned him the five girlie points he needed. Girlie points were what he earned when he did things like wear a bra...
A continuation to an ending, of Wonder Woman's Sexual Misadventures. Princess Diana flew back to Paradise Island considering her future. She had to bring these 35 blocks of Amazonium back to the Amazon and then return to man's world and resume her duties there as Wonder Woman, the Amazon Ambassador. She had enjoyed her time on Wently Island and wished it could go on forever, but she was First Princess of the Amazon, next in line to the throne. Her duties and responsibilities to the Amazon...
Author's note. This is a work of erotic fiction, so if this offends you, please stop reading. Also, most of what's described in this story wouldn't be ethical or legal, but again, I remind you that it's fiction! I hope it's good-and-kinky fiction, and while I wish something like this had happened to me, once again, it's only fiction. Some readers think that my stories are autobiographical. I wish! Also, a fan of my work suggested this story concept. Feel free to message me if you have...
Tom arched his back as he stretched the bra behind him. He was very aware of his erection poking stiffly out of the panties he'd put on just moments earlier. "You're getting quite good at that," Jen smiled; nodding approvingly as Tom managed, without too much fumbling, to get the bra hooked. "I think that deserves a girlie point." He grunted embarrassedly and reached for the sheer robe. It wouldn't hide his girl underwear but it was better than nothing. Damn Jen for making him play...
The following story was written by Little Miss Vicky Kay. Gosh, if you use it for personal gain, the big bad copyright wolf will do really scary stuff! So play nice. Warning: this story might be too cute for some tastes. When I was writing it, I thought it was getting too cutesy but, then I though what the heck, let the snuggle bug run wild! LG Story, Girly points. When I was 13, my parents went to a funeral for my Great uncle who I never met in Arizona....
You are alone in the hotel room, I had to leave for a several hours and told you I’d be back around 10:30. You didn’t want me to leave, but when I promised you extra special treatment when I returned, you graciously didn’t argue with me. After an hour or so you decided to draw a bath, and prepare yourself for my return. You soak and luxuriate until you feel as if your skin is going to slough off if you stay in any longer, and then rinse the suds off with the showerhead as the tub drains. I...
Mark felt like he was playing the main part in the movie GATACA as he sat in front of the mirror trying to remove every last piece of hair from his body save for his head. He was sorry that he lost the bet, but he would have expected her to take it up the ass if he had won, so here he was paying up without complaint. He had already taken the 1/16th inch clippers and removed nearly all the hair from his chest, genitals, legs, and the parts of his back he could reach. He was unfortunately...
My girlfriend Tina has written a lot here about our unusual four-partner relationship. She asked me to write how I view what we have. My perspective.My life changed dramatically for the better when I was twenty-two. In the three years since then, my life keeps getting even better and better.About six months before I met Tina, I had broken off a short-lived relationship with my previous girlfriend. All she ever did was complain about life in general, and about me in particular.Mostly, she hated...
Group SexMy girlfriend Tina has written a lot here about our unusual four-partner relationship. She asked me to write how I view what we have. My perspective.My life changed dramatically for the better when I was twenty-two. In the three years since then, my life keeps getting even better and better.About six months before I met Tina, I had broken off a short-lived relationship with my previous girlfriend. All she ever did was complain about life in general, and about me in particular.Mostly, she hated...
Group SexYou instruct me to meet You at the airport in my best suit, carrying a MUCH larger sign this time :) You will finally be coming home to Your boy after spending two months abroad. You instruct me to meet You at the airport in my best suit, carrying a large sign that says ?Mistress Nandi? You and i kiss deeply, then You pull away, and say "I've had a lot of time to think, my kgotso. I love you with all my heart, and you belong beneath me, but things will be changing. You are a wonderful...
Introduction: A dear friend returns. LEE RETURNS Its been a long time since weve seen Lee. He moved away a few years ago and until today has not been able to return. In that he has come to town for a conference, he has arranged to stay with us. He and his gigantic rock hard cock will be very welcome. Lee arrives, rings our door bell and we invite Lee in. As you may remember, Lee is a very tall, very handsome black man. He and his wife have been our friends for a very long time. Unfortunately,...
Lenia's Return by MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. This story is a prequel to the story titled "For Womanhood". It is not necessary to read that fantasy to understand the plot of this tale. The story develops the character of Lenia's leaving Giuliana and her lovers to re-establish a relationship. Lenia's Return, for Womanhood When she called my cell I was surprised. The picture in the Hudson's advertisement was...
It was nearly midnight and Molly was bored out of her mind. Her friend Peter was here and he insisted that she took the bed. It was extremely hot out but that didn't seem to bother Peter. They chatted about school and parents for awhile until Peter changed the conversation to relation ships..."So who's the lucky guy that gets to spend lunch with you?" asked Peter mockingly."Peter shut up.. you know I don't have a boyfriend.. and what about you and Sarah?" Tutted Molly with a hint of jealousy....
Alyssa slipped her arm around John’s and admired his reflection in the mirror. “I have to hand it to Mael’nerak, the man really knew how to make an impression. You look magnificent.” John glanced down at the beautifully tailored suit, with its high neck and stylish lines, then gave her a self-conscious smile. “There’s certainly no fading into the background wearing this ... but are you sure it says ‘benevolent protector’ not ‘tyrannical overlord’?” She turned to face him and stroked his...
M stretched her arms overhead, yawned, and pulled her shoulders up to her ears letting them drop, rolling them backwards. The day had been long; Fridays were always longer than any other at work. She was tired, ready to go home and find out what He had planned for their weekend. She was lost in this thought when the phone rang, the sound bringing her back to earth. It was Him; she smiled as she listened to His instructions. ?I want you to go into the ladies room and remove your panties,...
Bordello of No Return by Bill Hart I couldn't believe I was standing here. Here was the porch of an abandoned old house, although some preferred to call it a mansion. But what it had been was perhaps more important. Some had called it a brothel, while others referred to it as a house of ill-repute, a bordello, or even a cathouse. Which name was used made no difference in the long run, for it was simply the house on the hill where women had been paid to make men feel like...
Thoughts Fifty-nine years, four months, thirteen days, four hours and several minutes after he last left us, Bill returned to Anna. I heard about this a couple hours later when Anna finally had a moment to divert her mind enough to message me this vital tidbit — along with the admonition to, "Keep this to yourself for now, please." I was happy to comply. She estimated that they could maintain the secret of his return for nearly a week. In truth, they managed to keep it nearly three...
What Christopher did not think he would enjoy doing a few years later, however, was going to more pop warner football games. This time it wasn't his son playing, but his daughter on the sidelines as part of the cheerleading squad. But he did. The first game, after reluctively going to the game, he found it to be a visually pleasing experience. He couldn't quite look at his daughter in a sexual way. But there was another girl, a dirty blonde, who looked to be years ahead of the rest in her...
A Pointless Existence [ a short story ] by [email protected] I would try a short story for a change ?occasionally, I scare and amaze myself when I read back what my fiendish mind has written: let me know your reaction to the story !Why me ? It’s a question I have asked myself often. I have nothing else to do other than ask questions now. But still I can’t understand why fate has placed me here. Why any other human being would want to do this to a fellow human being. I have come...
A Long Daydream : Special Appointment I ran into quite a lot of money recently. More money than I know what to do with and I’ll certainly never have to work again. Fortunately, I’ve always had this about one of the things I’d do if this situation ever arose. Since I have a fairly extreme passion for long hair on women, I thought it would be great to open a salon catering to the longhaired woman. Nothing new in the idea but think of all the longhaired women I’d meet. I knew exactly what I must...
FetishI was sitting on the couch watching my favorite day time program when I hear a tapping on my apartment door. I looked out the peep hole. I was always suspicious of day time knocks on the door, and all I could see was top of a young female’s head.I cracked the door open and she smiled. She immediately launched into a speech that she was an engineering student at a local college and was selling magazine subscriptions to help finance her way through school. She said that for each subscription she...
HardcoreI have to mention I am just a plain man from earth. I do, however, have abilities that have been handed down from a distant relative, apparently from an agent from Jenny's planet that had crashed on my planet thousands of years ago. Jenny's planet is the home of the peace keepers of this galaxy, a fact that she swore me to, under potential destruction of earth. Though I do, and can, return to earth I don't as often as I used to, as it worries Ari and Sandy as I call them now. I am not...
Randi's Return Randall reached over and silenced the alarm clock that had brought him out of his sleep. He lay there looking around his room trying to get completely awake. He felt a little saddened looking around his own bedroom; it wasn't the bright place that was Denise's where he had woken up just yesterday. At last he decided he best get ready for work and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He sat there for just a minute longer looking down at himself sitting there in his...
Jolene looked at herself closely in the mirror, She hoped Danny liked the silky pink bra and panty set that she bought for her return home. Blushing, she thought of when he might first see them. She wondered if it would be at their new house or perhaps before they left the airport. Thankful for the two-hour layover before the final leg of the flight home, she stood examining herself from every angle, making sure she knew just what Danny would be seeing. When the flight had arrived at the...
Love StoriesHello again, I am Joe Broily, some might remember me last year when I told the story of three words and three Queens. I am in love with those 3 Queens though I live on 2 of the worlds with two of the Queens, there is a third that I also love that lives on a world I cannot go to. The first Queen's name is Sandella, a flaming red haired, green eyed beauty. The second is Arianna, a raven haired piercing blue eyed beauty. The third Jenny, might take a little longer to describe. She has legs that...
Introduction: A return to the Pre Teen dance club… Another story. Question and comments in the comments section and at [email protected] Thanks guys. CLUB PT Part 2:The return Exhausted, I wiped at my eyes. It was 8:45 PM on a Saturday night and I had been working for about 11 hours. Multi-millionaire media mogul Magnus Thenn had directed me to coordinate the direction of a marketing campaign for yet another big budget prime time action drama series and it had taken all day just to get the...
She’d been across the country close to nine years now, vowing never to return seeing as daddy did things with mommy’s best friend, but seeing as now her parents are no longer married she decided it was as good a time as any to come home. Daddy moved away. It was only Jessie and Peter, and Peter was about to go away to college. About to turn 19 in November, Clarisse felt she had to see him seeing as she hadn’t seen any of them in all these years, and Peter and the brother had been bugging their...
IncestSAVING AMY PART 2: TIFFANY'S RETURN Eric was thinking about the business card when he was summoned to see the managing partner. He thought about it again as he was clearing out his desk. And it was still on his mind as he arrived home with the small box of possessions that seemed a meagre memento of his two years at the law firm. He went to his desk, opened the drawer and found the item that was the only tangible reminder of his enforced period of work for the Sissyfuckers Club -...
Introduction: Two young guys return with two friends. The boys return! It took a week to arrange a mutually agreeable time for Brad and Mike to return for another get together with my wife Beth. When last the boys were here Beth had a fantastic time and was really looking forward to a repeat performance. She had even told me she was going to take them straight to the bedroom where the y could really go at it. I was a little taken aback when I went to answer the door. There was Brad, Mike and...
My wife, Lucy and I were on holiday and had become friendly with another couple, Helen and Pete, who were slightly younger than us but were both very much on our wavelength. It happened one night, that we were back at their rented villa, enjoying a few drinks and a tipsy chat. I was seated next to Lucy, and facing us, Helen next to Pete when the topic of conversation moved somehow from politics to sexuality: ‘So Tony’, Pete piped up. ‘What’s your view on bi-sexuality?’ He asked forwardly. I...
Some of you have wondered when the next Roy Del Frink tale will come. Well, wonder no more! I just got myself to sit down and write this one, inspired by comments made during my Author's Chat at Crystal's on June 30th. SRU: MANY UNHAPPY RETURNS By Roy Del Frink The Wizard sighed. "Dannie, Joey Frump's coming." "Who's Joey Frump?" Dannie asked. "It'd be much easier to show you than tell you. Here, study this surveillance tape of his 'greatest fits'." "We have a surveillance...
A Murder Misstery Returns © 2008 by Nom de Plume For those who came in late, Matt McCoy - now Madeline Moreau - is on the run for a crime he did not commit, and a murder which she did....after returning home to Chicago, Maddy discovers a shocking secret about her past. The journey from St. Martin to Montreal, on a charter flight crammed with sunburned Canucks, was sheer penance. Stuck in a miserable coach seat between a snoring slob and a...
The Golden Goddess Returns Part 1It was very quiet in the thick carpeted hallway along Mahoney row of the big industrial company as a medium build man with salt and pepper hair moved along, glancing at the doorways as he walked slowly down the hall to the end office, marked as, ?Vice President Marketing. Miss Kay Sommers.?The door was open and he stood in the doorway listening to the conversation that the blonde headed woman was having while sitting with her back to the doorway. She wasn?t...