My secret place or so I thought Chapter 2
- 2 years ago
- 21
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The frenzied shrieks of the lust incited animals continued on for what seemed like an eternity, driving Lisa's nerve-racked body further into the depths of despair. She knew now without a doubt that the man holding her prisoner was madly insane, and she had to think... she must think of a way to escape. But how? Dr. Quinn had her exactly where he wanted her. She knew that. She could tell from the lewd look on his face that he enjoyed seeing her locked up like the rest of the trapped animals, and no telling what vile plans he had in mind for her.
She stopped her pitiful sobbing and a cold fear ran through her body, as she thought of the power he now had over her, and what cruel acts Dr. Quinn was capable of performing. She knew that she must think of some way to get a message out to Thea or Nell without him discovering what she was doing. Surely, she thought, neither of them had any knowledge of his lewd experiments.
Lisa looked around the cage for some object or material that she could use to convey a message to someone upstairs, but the entire area was bare except for the mattress that covered the floor. The cage itself was sturdily constructed and reinforced so that it would almost be impossible to break out of, and the only opening besides the heavily barred door was a small trap door on the side that was just large enough to squeeze a small child through. She thought of screaming at the top of her lungs in the chance that someone might hear her, but she knew that would be hopeless because the walls of the laboratory were covered with acoustical soundproofing panels, designed to absorb the loudest of sounds.
Oh God, if these crazed animals don't stop howling, I'll go out of my mind.
The loudest noise came from the chimp's cage, and although she had purposely been avoiding the sickening sight of the two animals ravaging each other's body, the menacing sound of a shrill grunting noise forced her attention in that direction. Her mouth gaped open and her eyes widened in revulsion at the sight of the two hairy creatures pounding into each other as though they were trying to destroy one another. She was horrified as she watched the male chimp ramming the full length of his throbbing cock inside the moist interior of his mate, while at the same time she savagely slammed her buttocks back at him just as viciously. Both chimps' mouths were agape and pulled tightly over their teeth in a half pain filled, half mocking expression. Saliva ran down the sides of their face, and their breath came in short fast gasps.
Oh no... somebody stop them she thought, before the poor dumb creatures kill themselves. But her silent pleas went unanswered as the male chimp dug his fingers deeper into the poor female's hairy belly and screwed on wildly into her ever expanding passage. Lisa could hear the slap of his swollen balls and see his long thick cock pistoning in and out with rhythmic beats, battering at the vagina as though it was his last moment on earth. She tried to close her eyes and shut off the sight of the brutal animal fucking taking place so close in front of her, but she remained involuntarily hypnotized by the cruel bestial assault. Suddenly, the female let out a loud groan and fell to the floor of the cage as her legs finally buckled beneath her, but the male continued beating into her, falling with her collapsed body without missing a stroke. His hairy body was now a ball of sheer uncontrolled lust that was unleashing itself completely against the pleading moans of his mate. The chimp's power and energy seemed unlimited as he continued on and on, lunging and pounding at the hairy heap beneath him until no sound or protest could be heard from the female. Her head was twisted grotesquely to the side of her body now, and her sightless eyes stared blankly at the direction of Lisa's cage, as her limp and unfeeling body absorbed her sex-crazed mate, still slamming into her with wild abandon,
The lewd death stare coming from the battered female chimp horrified Lisa to the very depth's of her being, breaking the hypnotic trance that had engulfed her moments before. She could hear her own voice now screaming and shouting at the dumb male animal to stop, but he continued his ceaseless screwing, either not knowing or caring that his mate was dead. There was nothing Lisa could do now and she turned away from the terrifying, yet pitiful sight, burying her face in the mattress as if in an attempt to close off the brutal reality of the grotesque scene before her.
An hour had passed, maybe two, she was not certain now of anything except that she was huddled and cringing on the floor of the cage with her hands pressed so tightly over her ears that her whole head ached and vibrated with tormenting ringing sounds, though she thought she could hear a distant voice calling her name. She rolled over on her back and opened her eyes. She froze as they came into immediate contact with Dr. Quinn, leering down at her on the other side of the bars, holding a tray of food in front of him.
"Well, Lisa, I'm glad to see you've finally controlled yourself. I've brought you some breakfast. Nell prepared it especially for you," he added, opening the small trap door and pushing the tray through the narrow opening.
Lisa cringed and backed away as he inched the tray in her direction, extending his hands and arms as far into the cage as the open passage would allow. He lifted the chrome lid from the tray, esposing an enormous meal that was large enough to feed two people. The smell of the bacon and eggs and the thought of eating while crouched in this cage surrounded by filthy animals, sickened her to the point of nausea and she turned away from the platter in disgust. Wild thoughts ran through her mind as the despair and hopelessness of her entrapment came back into focus. If Nell had prepared the tray of food for him, then she must know that she was a prisoner down here. Oh God! She must know.
Dr. Quinn impatiently stepped back and let the trap door slain shut. He was not certain yet what he was going to do with the uncooperative little bitch now cowering in the corner of the cage, but he knew she would be very useful for certain phases of his experiments.
"Suit yourself, but I assure you that in a few hours, you'll regret not eating now. As I said before you'll need your strength. I've decided to include you in part of my hormone experiments."
Lisa backed even further away from him until her shoulders were pressed painfully against the cold bars of the cage. She could hardly believe her ears as she listened to his words, and the tone of his voice implied that he was actually paying her a compliment!
"You look shocked, my dear. You shouldn't be. Actually you're the most eligible female specimen here at Brookdale."
His eyes clinically undressed and slowly appraised her body as if she were being surveyed and analyzed under a microscope, while he continued talking, now more to himself than to her.
"Yes, the perfect specimen. Young... strong, with a high endurance rate. Lush... ripe, a generous span between the hip bones... yes, I think of great capacity..." His voice trailed off into silence as his cruel eyes bulged and widened the longer they drank in her youthful beauty, then fused into a hypnotic stare as his lewd mind pictured perverted fantasies of her ravishment. It was easy for him to visualize the beautiful girl lying on her back in total submission to a rampaging mate, with her lithe supple body tightly pulling him into her with an equally savage burst of hot and uncontrolled passion. He smiled to himself for he knew that the powerful stimulus of his newly developed hormone would be capable of turning his pornographic thoughts into reality. His mouth began to salivate as he thought of her groaning piteously beneath her conqueror while he plunged and twisted into her vagina with the inhuman strength of a superman. What pleasure he would derive from watching this uncontrollable little wench being used and debauched until she was of no more use than the lifeless female chimp, now balled up in a limp hairy heap in the cage beside her. Perhaps then, the torment he had felt all his life from all the beautiful, yet unobtainable bitches just like her, would cease, and later, when the hormone was completely tested for controlled consumption, he would be able to start a new life. Right now, he wanted to get near her and explore her body to the fullest so that he would know her true capacity before starting any of the tests. His hands involuntarily trembled with subdued excitement in anticipation of kneading and probing at her soft resilient flesh and watching it gave way under the pressure of his strong firm fingers. But first, he would have to coax her into taking the strong sedative that he had stirred into the orange juice, after that his task would be easy and quite enjoyable.
"Come now Lisa... Nell will be disappointed if I have to take the tray back untouched."
Lisa relaxed a little when he spoke, thinking that at least the menacing, moronic look had left his face. But she didn't relax completely for she knew now that he was so sly and quick that she was unable to predict his reactions.
"N-N-Nell," she stammered, "she knows I'm locked up downs here?"
"Of course she does. Nell knows everything that goes on around Brookdale. That's part of her job." He paused and glowered across at her, letting the full impact of her helplessness sink in. He could see her eyes completely dilated with fear now as she wondered how many others were participating in the inhuman conspiracy.
"W-W-Where's my aunt? Does she... does she..."
"Oh come now Lisa. How do you expect me to divulge all this private information to you when you don't seem to want to cooperate with me even in the slightest extent. Drink your orange juice, at least, and perhaps we can continue the conversation."
Lisa obediently gulped down the orange juice and winced as the tangy liquid burned at the back of her throat, now hoarse and raw from sobbing. She had to find out what her chances were of escape for she still had some hopes of getting out, though with each minute that pawed they were getting dimmer and more futile.
Dr. Quinn watched her drain the last drops from the glass and seemed satisfied for the moment.
"Your aunt is ill... or shall we say a bit incapacitated at the moment. From what Nell told me at breakfast, she's apparently stumbling around her room in a drugged stupor... brought on by a strong dose of Heroin. I wouldn't lean too heavily on seeking her help, if that was what you were thinking of. You may be in for a big disappointment. "H-H-eroin... not Aunt Thea, she couldn't..."
Lisa's voice trailed off as she stared at him with disbelieving eyes, but from the steady, sure way he looked back at her, she knew he must be telling the truth. Besides, what possible reason would he have to lie to her now that he had her trapped with no conceivable way of escape? Still, it was hard to believe that her haughty aunt would get herself into a position so helpless as drug addiction. She shuddered, thinking of how the drug could so completely tear down a person's mental and physical being, in most cases, to the point of no return. What hidden despair could have driven her to such a desperate position?
Lisa could remember the movies shown in her biology class at school that profoundly demonstrated the physical deterioration of real life addicts going through different stages of addiction and withdrawal. The last segment of the study had shown a woman completely nude with the entire surface of her body scarred from the constant insertion of a hypodermic needle. This particular victim had been taking three regular injections a day before she was arrested, and had told the authorities that when a needle wasn't available, she would cut into her veins with a razor blade to insure quick absorption of the drug. After years of this mutilation, gradually all of her veins collapsed except the jugular, and she had to carry a special card around with her in case of an accident where she might need an emergency transfusion. The poor woman, now more a vegetable than human, had finally resorted to prostitution and theft to support her habit, and lived in constant fear that she might not be able to get the next fix.
The thought of the destroyed woman in the film had sickened Lisa at the time, and would remain burned in her memory for ever, as she realized what devastating effects heroin could have on the human body. Until today, this woman was how she had always pictured drug addicts... as the down and out misfits of society, but now, there was the frightening reality of addiction hitting in her family, and to make matters even worse, at a time when Thea was her last immediate hope for escape.
Dr. Quinn walked over to the chimp's cage and inspected the debris left by the two wildly copulating monkeys, shaking his head in disgust. Rocco, the male chimp, now subdued and exhausted from his tremendous physical exertion, was feeding quietly on some decaying vegetables, showing no signs of interest in the dead female chimp whose body remained stiffened in a grotesque kneeling position.
"Garth! Come back here and clean up this mess," he called out to some unseen person around the corner.
Lisa could hear an awkward shuffling sound approaching them, then froze in terror as the most ugly man she had ever seen in her life, came lumbering around the corner. He didn't even look human, and his entire body covered with black, wiry hair except for a few bare patches on his cheeks. The frightening monster that Dr. Quinn called Garth did not notice her as he obediently approached his master to do the task at hand.
"I want you to put Rocco back in his cage and take Gina's body out to the furnace for burning," he said coldly.
Shock registered on the brute's face upon hearing his master's command, then he ran over to the cage and peered through the bars.
"G-G-Gina? Is Gina hurt?" he asked incredulously, entering the cage and kneeling beside the dead primate. He put his clumsy over-sized hand on her face and turned it gently towards him until he could see the blank, open eyes staring up at him.
"Gina... ? Gina girl, what's wrong?" He didn't seem to comprehend that she was dead, and continued to mumble pleading sounds to her until Dr. Quinn impatiently interrupted the pathetic scene before him.
"Gina is dead, Garth. She can't hear you, now or ever, so stop that babbling and take her out to the furnace, the stench is overwhelming."
Garth leaned over and lovingly picked up the limp hairy ball of fur, craddling her gently in his arms. When he looked over towards Dr. Quinn with disbelief and sadness, Lisa could see tears streaming unchecked from the dimwit's eyes, and at that moment, even with all his inhuman ugliness, he reminded her of a young child crying over a dead pet. Seeing this, her heart went out to him with compassionate sympathy for it was clear that he had a very low mentality, and even though he must possess a tremendous brute strength, was certainly no match for the sly Dr. Quinn. He bent his head low, trying to hide his tears, then walked slowly past the doctor and disappeared around the corner with his dead pet.
Lisa let the air release slowly from her lungs in relief now that the maimed animal was no longer in her sight, then leaned back down on the mattress, pressing the side of her hot swollen face against the cool fabric. Her whole body had a strange floating feeling, giving her a sensation of a new weightlessness and freedom. She had the sudden impulse to laugh as a surge of exhilaration and well-being saturated her mind, and though she could give no reason for this great release from the feeling of dread, she vaguely realized that some strange substance had taken control of her consciousness. She rolled over on her back and stretched her long tanned legs to their fullest length, curling and uncurling her toes against the hard pressure of her sandals. No longer caring about Dr. Quinn or his presence, she pulled her graceful arms up into the air, then let them fall limply back on the mattress over her head. This great wonderful feeling of total relaxation was now completely absorbing her mind and body, untieing all of her tensed muscles and releasing all fear from her mind. She was grateful for life and for being alive, able to enjoy the cool comfort of her very own special privacy. Gradually, her hate for Dr. Quinn was slowly facing into a mellowed tolerance for him and for the unnatural cruelty that possessed him.
In her drugged state, Lisa had no way of realizing what a seductive lust-inciting picture she made, sprawled back on the mattress with her legs hanging loosely apart. A faint smile curved her bud-shaped lips slightly up in a cupid expression and her silken golden hair was softly framing her face, falling freely around her head and back onto the mattress. Her spine arched slightly pressing her shoulders against the mattress, and bringing her firm rounded breasts up to two pulsating peaks of tempting flesh.
From where he stood, Dr. Quinn had been cautiously observing Lisa's gradual transition from a frightened, cowering girl to a deliciously seductive creature, completely releasing herself from fear or inhibition. He knew that she was now ready for his examination, and was just about to enter the case when he heard Garth shuffling back into the laboratory.
"Go upstairs and help Nell for a while Garth. I'll ring for you later," he called across the room to him.
Garth nodded his head, and without a word desolately plodded back towards the stairway, closing the door behind him.
Dr. Quinn unlocked the cage door with trembling, eager hands, and crawled into the cage, kneeling over the luscious beautiful girl with lustful anticipation, then lowered his hands and slowly cupped them over her firm, up-thrust breasts, gently squeezing and releasing at them, taking thorough delight in their youthful buoyancy. The smile remained softly curved on Lisa's lips as she stared up at the ceiling out of the cage, now totally enslaved by the drug, unable to consciously defend was free, drifting into another world, unaware of her body from his sensual manipulations. Her mind right or wrong... or the here and now, but in total submission to the titillating sensations coming from the rigid nipples of her breasts. The soft torturing sensations growing outward from the burning center of her fleshy mounds began to melt and spread over the rest of her body, enveloping her completely with burning desire.
Her body was loose and yielding beneath him, and she showed no sign of protest when he reached his hand up under her dress and ran his fingers over the smooth surface of silken skin on her inner thighs. Her youthful flesh was incredibly firm, yet soft and giving, and warm. The warmth increased as his fingers drew nearer to her nylon-covered crotch, now generating hot impulses from the deep passages of her cunt. His trembling fingers grazed softly over the tightly stretched nylon and he could feel the downy pubic hairs matting together, providing a natural cushion that sloped into a darkened triangular area at the gates of her inner softness. Shiny strands of pubic hairs had strayed from under the nylon leg band of her panties and curled forward around the elastic, lightly grazing the side of his hands as he dug his fingers under the band and began probing the soft moistness at the outer folds of her vagina. He massaged his fingers around and around in her unprotected openness, first stroking and pulling lightly at the top of her soft pubic mound then gradually working them into the now wet and well-lubricated slit of her cunt.
The moist tender lips between her open thighs gave way under the pressure of his probing finger and their ragged edges curled hungrily around the tip of his middle finger as it slowly forced its way deeper inside of her. Dr. Quinn marveled down at her loveliness that was now partially exposed. Her dress had hiked up to her narrow hour-glass waist, uncovering the smooth white flesh of her thighs and hips. She was the total picture of innocence.
Her eyes fluttered and her smile loosened as his thick firm finger made its way deeper and deeper into her inner passages. He could feel her buttocks tighten beneath her as his manipulations grew more intense and his finger snaked its way even further into her hot throbbing hole until it had gone as deep as its length would permit.
A small moan hissed from her lips as the pressure of his knuckle pressed against the rising bud of her exposed clitoris. Her dream-like state was rocked to its foundations with hot longing as the sensation spread from her clitoris and rippled up her trembling belly and out to the rigid pointed nipples of her pulsating tits.
By now, the narcotic had complete control of her mind, releasing all inhibitions, and giving all power to her body's demanding desires. Dr. Quinn could see her strong reaction to the drug and he knew that he would now be able to do anything he wanted to her without protest or struggle. The very sight of her responding so openly to his grinding finger filled his own body with a lust and craving burning desire, more powerful than he had ever felt before in his entire life. Hopefully, he grabbed down at his crotch to feel if there was any life between his legs, then gasped in disbelief.
His cock was slightly rigid!
Hurriedly, he began to remove all of his clothing, not wanting to loose the spontaneity of the moment or the precious rigidity of his usually dormant cock.
The void left in her vagina when he removed his finger further incited Lisa's craving, straining body. She arched her back and pushed her lush hips up at him, opening her legs wide apart and exposing the soft, pink lips of her throbbing pussy. They seemed to be begging to him like a small mouth pleading in unfulfilled torment. Her shoulders were dug deep into the mattress and her face was flushed with a deep red tone from the intense strain of her muscles. Her fingers curled down to her loin and pulled aside the crotch band of her panties in lewd invitation.
As he looked down upon her pleading form, Dr. Quinn could stand no longer the intense, white-hot desire building up inside of him and he threw himself over her, not waiting to remove his shoes and socks. The impact of his body crushing down on hers, smashed her curved back flat against the mattress as his half-rigid cock partially imbedded itself into the outer folds of her lust dilated cunt.
Lisa moaned and undulated her hips hungrily forward towards his prick, trying desperately to suck it deeper inside of her. She could feel its spasmodic throbbing against the entrance of her vagina, wildly straining to plunge itself deeper into her hot, liquid depths. The animal part of her body was building her cravings to a peak of frenzied agonizing torture and she unconsciously kicked her legs out wide to the side and tightly wrapped them around his jerking hips to give his frail cock greater access to her hot wet pussy.
He held himself over her, bracing his weight on the flat of his palms, and he could clearly see the agony and want in her face, now contorted from her efforts to force him inside her, with her pink lips pulled tightly back over her even, white teeth in a pained smile of frustration.
At that moment he wished he owned the largest stiffest cock in the world so that he could plunge it up into her quivering belly till she choked in pain. But, his strong desire to punish her and all the proud bitches of her kind that had humiliated him all of his life by their rejection could not be fulfilled by the useless limp prick that even now was bending against the soft flesh of her open loins... unable to make a firm entrance. His frustrations and hate burst forth and he began to blindly rip away the cotton dress that covered her breasts until it lay in shreds around her still straining body.
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Outside of a glittering city down a long winding road is a brightly lit mansion with expansive gardens and access to a large bay. The Mansion lit up with multicolored lights shining brightly in the darkness. The mansion is a place conceived only in the wildest of dreams and d**g fueled hallucinations. Men and women from all walks of life come to fulfill their deepest hunger for the lustful things in life. The mansion is a place of little judgment when it comes to sex and pleasure, all fetishes...
Queue Jazzy Theme Music from the 70s “Welcome to the latest episode of YouTube’s newest sensation… Private Lives of Celebrities!! The show that dares to ask the most personal questions of your favorite Hollywood stars. These interviews are so intimate and so private in nature that sometimes we have to turn the cameras off in order to learn the real answers. I’m your host… Christopher Roberts.” ATTENTION: Rape is wrong, immoral, and illegal. Please don't do it! Fantasizing and reading about it...
Hi, indian sex stories dot net readers. I am Manasa. My English language is poor. So I tell my experience in Telugu. My experience gurinchi cheppalante adi jariginappudu aa roju na life lo the worst day ani feel ayyanu many days. But taruvata nduko na manasuku ki aa experience taluchukunnappudalla hai ga anipinchi ventane na pussy wet avutundi. Ippudu nenu ee site ki regular reader ni. Andari stories chaduvutunte naku kuda na experience ni share chesukovali anipinchi mito na experience ni share...
Carol stood in the doorway waiting for me to let her in. I was still in a slight state of shock at this unexpected surprise. "Zach, my dear, you look absolutely pale," she said. "I know it's been a while, but I thought you would be a little happier to see me." "Uh, no, Carol, it's just that you're probably the last person I expected to see at my door." "Well, here I am, are you going to let me in?" I moved back, opening the door wide so that she could come in. "It's just that this visit was...
Cheating.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom P. Fogg: A MEMOIRPart 15Copyright© 2004 by Paris Waterman
Introduction: As told to me By Christine The scenes of being fucked kept recurring. I could still see his naked cock as he stood over me. From my point of view it seemed enormous. His circumcised dick stood straight out from his loins supported by a tight sack. It bobbed up and down like a caged animal. Then I was being fucked. Over and over again this movie replayed itself. First I could see his phallus then I was being fucked. I awoke with a start. I was disoriented for a moment. Then the...
I enjoy being a submissive to my husband, Alex. Our sex life is fantastic when it’s just the two of us, but several times a month he takes me out somewhere to find someone else for me to fuck. I never know where we are going. He chooses what I wear, and I never know the gender of the person I will be fucking, or the number of them for that matter. He does not demean me while doing this, instead he chooses a scenario that I have had a fantasy about, or that he has envisioned. It is meant to...
Sonja hatte mal wieder einen ihrer Verführungspläne. Ein Bekannter sollte nachmittags vorbei kommen, weil ich mit ihm ein Bundesligaspiel sehen wollte.Ingo mein Kumpel ist ein kleiner Aufschneider, er gibt gern mal an wie viele Frauen er schon hatte und was er so alles macht, ich glaube daher war Sonja auch an ihm interessiert. Und ich wusste das er auch noch etwas anderes hat das ihr sehr gefallen würde, denn ich hab ingo schon einige mal unter der Dusche gesehen und er hat einen riesigen...
It all happened in a bit of a rush. I didn't plan it and expect it to happen -- it just did. It was a spur of the moment thing that I knew was wrong -- but I couldn't help myself.I regret it now -- but too late.I needed to drop some paperwork off to my best friends house. It was a couple of miles away so I decided to walk over there.I knocked on the door and was surprised to see my friends son Dan answer. He was also a bit embarrassed. It turned out he was skipping school without his mother...
Introduction: a secret desire Dressed To Thrill Part 1 It was only a matter of time before my wife discovered what I am, and I discovered her need to dominate and control me. We worked different hours and I was often in the house alone which only encouraged my kinky tendencies. When she was away or had meetings she would get up and go to work early and I would stay home until it was time to go out later. It began innocently enough I suppose with looking at things on the internet and whilst my...
When Millie entered the room she shared with Tami she found her step sister laying in her bed, naked, with her right hand pinching one of her nipples and two fingers of her left hand exploring the depths of her pussy. Millie looked away and walked over to her own bed against the other wall. "Come here," Tami said holding out the hand that moments before had been pinching her nipple. Millie hesitated while she considered the possible consequences of Tami going to her mother and complaining...
I am a 21 year old handsome guy from Bhopal and I am a great sex lover and get Erection easily when the topic comes to sex. I also watch xxx movies and from which I Have learned lots of positions for having sex. But more than watching movies I love to Have sex. As I am a good looking guy I had girls getting attracted towards me. Let me tell you that internet is of great help in finding sex partners. One day when I opened my e mail box to check my mails I saw that there was a mail from a...
IncestHello guys, how are you all? I hope you all are doing well. The story I’m going to share with you all took place recently. It is my own experience of a massage by transgender. I moved abroad in 2019 for work, and because of the lockdown situation, I was given a chance to work from home. I am sure that everyone must have experienced this. In the initial days, work from home was very exciting as it was new for most. It was the same with me. I was excited when the work from home has been...
Gay MaleSummer, 1812 Leaving Plymouth and Florence did not come easy to Thomas. Over the last three days of their stay, Thomas had spent every free minute with the young woman. On the last day, Florence had been miserable. Upon gentle probing, Thomas found out that she was disheartened over returning to her place of work in Corbley’s Revue. Having grown extremely fond of the girl but also under pressure to weigh anchor on the next morning, Thomas found a temporary solution. In a boarding house run...
for the next 3 days i was chained to a bed, when ever i would become lucid and start to think straight, i would be injected with something.i soon realized they were using me as i was passed out. my ass would be on fire when i awoke, my mouth and jaw aching . what ever they were injecting me with , i was becoming addicted to the forth day i was hooked and i turned my life over to the gang.i was forced to sign over my car . as i watch them spend the money on d**gs and booze, i was d**gged...
Guy was hunched forward on his couch, lost in the cruel, cruel world of Yarnham. Every muscle in his body tensed as Rom the Vacuous Spider crushed his character with a meteorite for the tenth time that day. "Jesus, babe! That boss just fucked you harder than Buddy's fucking me!" Guy's girlfriend, Judy, was bent over the back of the couch beside him as his best friend Buddy railed her doggy-style. This was their usual Friday night routine; one of them plays while the other two take out their...
FetishMy very first story! I’m so excited please rate and leave comments! I stepped into the cool, forgiving water of my in-ground pool. My lack of sex from my recent breakup with my boyfriend had me in an almost constant state of horniness, so obviously the ‘water’ was the force gently pulling down my bikini straps, revealing my perky B-Cups with rock-hard nipples. I was just pulling down my thong when a knock on the door jerked me back to reality. ‘Stef? Anyone home?’ A male voice called. Damn,...
"Presto, Change-o" "And for my next trick," the tall scrawny magician voiced out to the audience, "I shall make my young lovely assistant, Ms. Johanssen,disappear." Detective Patrick Leary sat in the audience staring at the two performers. He'd caught the show some twenty times and still couldn't figure out how the "Amazing Cristillo" made his tall assistant disappear. It wasn't only that, but he could saw her in half, make her re-appear off stage only to come...
My phone rang, pissing me the fuck off, but I picked it up anyway. "Hello," I answered. "Jim, this is the NYPD, were on to you, and your under arrest." "FUCK yeah right bitch!" i yelled. "You can suck my dick when you catch me bitch!" I decided I was going to stand my fucking ground, because no fucking pig cop was going to ruin my fucking day! I left the football field and went into the local hospital to see if there was anybody that was paralyzed that was ripe for the...
Chapter 1 In 1958, construction on Highway 27 began. Working its way North-northwest, it extended, on paper, from Jazz Beach, Louisiana to Elgee, Louisiana. In January 1960, Union strikes halted the progress just as the two lane blacktop reached the north side of DeGarde, Louisiana, right as it entered Bender, Louisiana. The private contractor, under a deadline from the state, pulled in scab workers. The striking workers came armed with pick axes, sledge hammers, lead pipes. Matt McElroy...
He hated being dragged to things like reunions and picnics but she alwaysseemed to manage to convince him to come through greatly thought outbribes. This night was no different. The 4th of July celebration at thecommunity park was one of his least favorite events. He had much ratherstayed home and watched the fireworks on television between fuckingsessions. She had promised him that she would make it worth his time. Hehad no idea what she had in mind. Throughout the day she teased him,...
I came out of the showers and sat at a bench in the locker’s room.The soccer match had been very hard and I felt really tired. Few minutes later I was surrounded by three huge guys. I had seen them making a practice of football and after finishing, they had showered close to me. Now the three guys had towels around their waists.I looked at them, having no idea what was happening, but I then felt a bit scared, since their looks were menacing…"What's your name?" One of the blond guys...
Hi readers, this is Vikram again. First of all, I would like to thanks all those lovely ladies for the overwhelming responses to my previous stories. ‘Rich and beautiful housewife’ and ‘4 days of sex with a beautiful Indian wife – Day 1’. In hangouts, so many lovely ladies asked me when I’m posting the next 3 days adventure with my sex goddess. They all are eagerly waiting for it. So here is the next part of my real incident with her. In the last story, I told you that I asked her to buy 4 sexy...
Victoria had watched with amazement as the army prepared to break camp. Everything was done with measured efficiency. She had expected to take half the day before moving but things were finished by the time she concluded her breakfast. It brought something to her mind that didn’t fit. She decided to approach Genrico for the answer. “Lord Larchman,” she said as Genrico supervised the disposition of the forces that would remain behind, “I have a question.” “Go ahead,” he offered. “King...
Melinda woke late. She lay there a second smiling, remembering the night before. Ken, her husband, had just got home from a two week trip, the longest he had been away from her son in their nine year marriage. He played and tussled with their seven year old son until his manic joy of his dad being home faded. Then a simple dinner and off to bed. Later, as quiet descended on the house, she snuggled gently with him on the sofa. "I hope you left a little energy for us" she whispered as she...
Special thanks to Steve Zink for editing this story. The super lover suit, giving nothing but trouble Nothing but Trouble - By Shrike Aloysius Talling was walking down the street, and though he'd just been discharged from the Army, he wasn't worried about his future yet. He had a little money in his pockets, and though that would run out soon, he expected to have a job again within days. He didn't have much of an education, but he had a rigorous training as a Special Forces...
The skin on my stump was thin where it had been stretched over the end of the arm to close the wound left by amputation. I could deal with a bit of pressure, but sharp blows would make the skin split easily. I was certain that was what happened, it had happened before in the gym, but the detective had been an asshole and I was more than happy to milk it a bit. Ms. Duff, in her capacity as my lawyer, had the hospital take photographs of the injury and they gave her copies as well as a copy of...
This happened quite a few years ago now. We decided to join a site to explore our sexuality a little further and having chatted to other members in the chat room, we had an invite to a party. We talked about it and with it being no more than 25 miles away, we said we’d love to join in. We turned up at the time and place we were told and by about 6.30 everyone was there. It was a semi detached house, on an estate in the suburbs, quite smart and unassuming , very ‘everyday’ and very normal. The...
It really didn’t take much effort to reach an agreement with the mayor. I agreed to add four more hunting teams as soon as I could get them organized. Mary and Billy were sent on recruiting missions for four more drivers and hunters. I shook up the local dealer where I had previously bought the electric powered trucks by ordering four more and saying that I hoped to need more of them in the near future, but that was not a promise. The dealer immediately alerted the main office for the...
I love sucking cock.There are exceptions, sure. If you're one of those guys for whom personal hygiene is a matter of no real importance, you might be one of those exceptions. That said, I haven't run into too many of those exceptions - thank you, God! (Or Eros, or whoever it is that governs interactions between cocksuckers and the cocks they suck).To return to the point... I love sucking cock. I love unveiling a cock for the first time - the length, the thickness, is it straight or does it...
BisexualI’ve been sequestered for 10 long years. I am just awakening, so for that I apologize. A certain gentleman named cocktoesin found me and started to give me instructions to lead me back to my peculiar tastes, desires and appetite. With that in mind I begin.He asked me join here and start telling you of his assignments…this is just one of many. It started with me calling him and relating what I thought was an amusing story. I told him of a meeting for a not so innocent meeting for coffee with an...
Im, 18 years old. You are my 40 year old teacher. Every day in class, i sit in the front row. You always see that I am hard every day. Always fidgeting with it. Today, you decide to tease me so during the test, you are sitting at your table in front of me, wearing a very sexy skirt. U see me peeking at your legs and cleavage and slide one leg high while they are crossed, giving me a peek at your garters and bald teacher MILF pussy. Nibbling on a pen and playing with your shirt, exposing more...
Hi to all ISS readers, I am a great fan for this blog since long time and I have read each and every story published some might be the original some may be the fantasy I would like to submit my original experience with my employee. I am in good height, medium complexion, and modern I am married I have children. I am going to narrate about my original experience which I can’t still forget with my employee. Her name Divya (not real name) actually my company is a sales company of surgical...
Out of sight, right behind our kitchen door I whispered "Put your damn top on and head upstairs. Take the back steps and go into the party like nothing happened. I'll be up in 10 minutes i'm pretending I have to use the bathroom. Oh, and wipe your shoulder, you have a 'little something' there." She had a drip of my steaming cum still there. Leah, the stunning minx that she is said, "I need more than just that Mike". As I am prodding her along she reaches down into my groin and...
Manners Well, I was walking through a corridor in my local hospital when a very attractive red-haired nurse with an old bod in a wheelchair pushed her way through the crowd. Now me I do understand it can`t be easy, wending your way through the crowd with a patient, but this was aggressive to say the least. Anyway, when I got to X-ray booked in and sat as you do the door barged open and in comes the same nurse dragging her poor patient, still in his chair, dumps him at the end of the seats and...
Everyone thought you either didn't have a quirk or you are a late bloomer, that's why you were always the target for bullying. Especially by a kid name Kacchan, normally it's verbal but ever since Kacchan got his quirk it got physical. Today your grabbing at your gut because Kacchan make a small explosion while his hand was pressed up against it. A kid named Izuku, a quirkless who also falls prone to his bullying runs up in between you and Kacchan posy. "Why are you being so mean?" He says...