Lena and Landon
- 2 years ago
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So we had finally made it. We had finally reached our new home. I was so excited I was all but dancing. Remembering Todd's 'window', I asked the AI to project a real-time picture of the planet Quay on one wall. It was a beautiful blue world with stretches of brown land. Even the swirling cloud formations looked neat. There were some things very different about the world and it took a minute to figure them out. One, it was brown, not green. There was no native vegetation on the planet as it was too young a world for life to have evolved. The other big difference occurred when we passed the terminus into the night side. It was completely dark. There were no cities, so the night side had no light sources. The planet also did not have a large moon to reflect light; instead it had three very small moons, almost just large asteroids, orbiting it. The largest moon was only about 900 miles across making it far less than half the size of Earth's moon and the smallest was less than 400 miles. All three were also further away from the planet than the moon was from Earth. From the surface they would look like very large, bright stars, rather than the huge disk we were used to.
The land forms were different enough from Earth that we could easily see it was an alien world we were looking at. We stood there silently, holding each other and the children, watching the world turn beneath us. I think that was our last great realization that our lives were altered forever and we would never be able to return to our old lives. It was both a somber and an exhilarating moment and we shared it for a very long time.
The AI reminded us to all get in the sleep trainer so it could activate the nanites we had inside us. I had gotten so used to the notion by now that I was no longer bothered by the idea of a vast swarm of microscopic alien machines controlled by a non-human, artificial intelligence swimming around inside me, ready to alter my body whenever someone else decided to have it changed. It only took a few minutes in the sleep-trainer for the AI to do what was needed. It would be hours before the effects we were warned about would start to affect us. Although personally I was so giddy about seeing an alien world, I was not sure I would be able to tell the difference.
By evening though, the full effects of the lung capacity and efficiency increase had kicked in, and we were all feeling really great and relaxed. It was hard to sit still as I felt full of energy and restless. The others were doing the same thing and we all became somewhat hyper as well as hyperaware of what everyone else was doing. It would have been easy to get on each other's nerves, but we were conversely relaxed as well. The AI recommended doing an aerobic exercise session to both burn off excess energy as well as to let the AI double check for any adverse reaction in our vital statics while we were breathing hard. It was cautious about something called hyperoxia which basically meant the amount of oxygen we were absorbing was too high and it would poison us. Luckily, we all passed without a problem. Everyone was prescribed very mild sedatives to help us sleep, since we were scheduled to head down to the planet first thing tomorrow while our pod was flown down during the day. Of course the adults resorted to wild, passionate sex to work off the excess energy and nerves instead.
The next morning, I woke up with Xifeng pinning down one arm and Moira the other. I smiled fondly at the memories of the night before, which woke up my nether region. This in turn woke up Moira who happened to be holding my rapidly expanding member. She flashed that wonderful smile of hers at me with I spent some happy moments just getting lost in her sparkling gray eyes. All too soon, those eyes turned mischievous and the smile lascivious as her hand started moving up and down. The rhythmic movement woke up Xifeng who also gave me a loving smile and slid up for a kiss. Then she continued to slide up until her other smooth warm lips were pressed against mine. I eagerly kissed those other lips and sent my tongue in deep to see how loud I could make her moan. Meanwhile, first one set, then a lower set settled around my cock, making me moan into the set of lips I was kissing. It was very much a pleasure/pain experience since I had to pee badly, but the movement on my cock felt wonderful. To my very great surprise, after she orgasmed, Moira slid up off my cock and slid something new and untouched around me. I had only had anal sex with Xifeng and Tina up until now, and feeling myself slide into her ass was heavenly. She gasped at the brief pain of my entry, and then quickly slid down my pole until I was fully inside her. After a minute of adjusting to having a large cock in her butt for the first time, she started long-stroking up and down my shaft. It did not take me long to fill her ass with my seed but she kept moving and I stayed hard. Of course, my cries into Xifeng's pussy brought her off several times as well, until she finally had to move her overstimulated clit off my face. Sliding down to see what was causing such moans, she got an eyeful of Moira's ass massaging my cock. Xifeng spread my legs enough to get access and buried her face in my super wet pussy, with occasional licks up my cock to Moira's asshole. I loved the feel of her tongue licking the union of my cock and Moira's ass almost more than having her tongue in my pussy. My third orgasm was rapidly approaching when Moira came yet again. This triggered my third and final orgasm and I filled her ass with my cum one last time as I filled Xifeng's mouth with my juice. It was the absolutely perfect way to start a day that would end with us going to sleep on a brand new world.
When we finally were finished with our morning loving, we headed down to breakfast after a quick stop in the freshener. As soon as I entered the kitchen, Meili made a point of very visibly tearing off the next page of the count-down calendar that showed the number of days until she turned fourteen. I really think Steve made the right decision to ban any sexual activity with her, no matter how willing she was to initiate it. Her almost frightening eagerness to have sex right now, as opposed to when she was legal, made me leery. As it was, I was bracing myself for a marathon tag-team event on her birthday. I could picture her and Steve going at it until he begged for mercy and switched with me until I was exhausted and begged to switch back. Two males trying desperately to satisfy the tiny girl and finally crawling away trying desperately to escape as she kept dragging us back into her bed. The thought made me laugh, although I did not share.
Meanwhile the children gave me the usual daily greeting with enthusiastic variations of "Morning Moddy Char!" and hugs. Over the past few weeks I had really gotten used to, and even looked forward to, this nice morning ritual. The first few times I had stumbled down to breakfast with Meredith in tow after having sex with her half the night, I had been a bit embarrassed having her kids greet me, but I was used to it now. I had also been making sure I spent some time with all of them every day, whether it was reading to them or just playing with them, not only to get used to being around children, but because I was slowly coming to enjoy it. I knew that in a few short months, the number of children around would start to grow fast, including my own someday. I really wanted to be able to feel comfortable being with them as either a mommy or a daddy. Of course it would be an interesting situation in a few years where I would be some kids' mother and others' father. Wouldn't that make an interesting genetic tree?
Interestingly, and much to Chital's shock, Suda was the one who spent the most time with me. We would color or do crafts for hours and she often requested having me read her a bedtime story. To this day, I have no idea why she accepted me so quickly and readily and neither does Chital. I was the only one she loved spending time with. Even super-mom Meredith got mostly shy silence from her, whereas she was a chatterbox with me. She even taught me the basics of her native language, not out of any need, but just as an excuse to spend more time with me. I did some sleep training to reinforce her lessons and became pretty good at speaking Punjabi. I did notice that over time, she became more accepting of Steve, especially after he and Chital came together, but she was never as carefree as she was with me. I still was not totally comfortable around kids, but I was a hell of a lot closer than I ever thought I would be.
Over time, we found that having the replicator produce the ingredients for a meal, rather than the finished product, made the meals far better, since we could mix and match ingredients, flavors and spices into edible, tasty meals. We all taught each other all the cooking tips and tricks we knew and so ate pretty damn fine meals despite the replicator's best efforts to ruin them. Comparing today's breakfast of made-from-scratch pancakes and cheese omelets to the premade replicator glop we ordered that first day were incomparable. I had high hopes of trading home-made fresh bread and bakery goods for other items and labor once we settled into the colony. We had been told pretty much everything in the Confederacy was based on barter rather than currency since only special or unique items or rare raw materials had any value. Because we were able to replicate as much money as we wanted to, it pretty much made money worthless.
After our tasty breakfast, we gathered in the main room of the ship. It was the same room we had spent our first few hours after being picked up in. This time, instead of scared, confused individuals who had just either bartered away their freedom or accepted a bunch of strangers as life-long sex-toys, we were groups of loving households.
I waved to Todd and his concubines who came over to join us. Both he and Chandra were happy to be with us, but I got the distinct feeling his other three concubines were insecure and resented him spending time with any other women. I was afraid that included Chandra, but it was not my place to question a sponsor on how his household was working. Once everyone settled in, the planetary governor of Quay, Governor Passa, came on a view screen.
"Greetings to you all. I hope you have settled well into your new lives and are ready to become members of this colony. This is a very young world, barely a quarter the age of Earth so it is still very raw. The terraforming operation was just started a year ago, so it will be many years before unadapted humans can live here comfortably. Now before you get nervous, the only adaption needed is a modest increase in lung capacity and efficiency. It was deemed easier to simply modify the colonists upon arrival rather than to build an extensive airtight underground base and to have it be necessary for respirators to be worn whenever colonists went outside. The simple, reversible changes that will be made to you all, sponsor and concubine alike, are well within the nanites' abilities and, more importantly, within the AI's comfort zone of environmental adaptations. The changes are also easily reversible if you were to emigrate off-world for some reason or are assigned off-world duties."
None of this was news to us, thanks to Steve's research. We were already modified for life on the surface so we would not have the extremely uncomfortable time many of the others would. In the worst cases, people would be confined to specially oxygenated pods until there were free med tubes to start the process.
The Governor continued with his lecture, "The planet was chosen for the relatively high amount of water compared to land as well as the nearly non-existent plant and animal life that the Sa'arm could use for food. While not exactly a tropical paradise like some other colonies, it does have the somewhat dubious distinction of having nothing the Sa'arm could possibly need or want in terms of food or metals, thus making a Sa'arm incursion highly unlikely for the foreseeable future."
With that said, the image zoomed back to show his entire body. He threw his arms wide open and said, "Welcome to your new home!"
Slowly the screen went blank as a buzz of conversation started. A fair number of people were nervous about the modifications, and we quickly became the center of attention when word spread that we had already had them and were fine. We answered what we could before the Marines started setting up the transport terminals. Once they were ready, we were the first group to hit the surface. The Civil Service liaison had a group of concubines set up to lead us to a huge building nearby. I was not sure why we did not just appear in the building, unless he deliberately wanted us to get a whiff of the outside air. The air was fine to us, although it smelled like desert dust rather than plants, but others who came after us coughed and gasped in the thin air. The natives were surprised and concerned that we opted to stay outside for a while until we mentioned that we had already had the modifications.
Everything was just a little different and we loved it. The colony was eerily silent since there were no birds, insects or frogs to fill the background with noise. The only natural sound was the whisper of an alien breeze. The gravity made us slightly heavier, although our modified strength easily overcompensated for that, and the sun was slightly larger and a different color, being more slightly more orange than yellow. The colony had been built against a small cliff about fifty feet above a medium-sized river. The river valley was the only interesting feature since it cut through a flat plain that stretched as far as the eye could see. A 'peneplane' as Moira called it. She explained the erosion and geologic forces behind it, but we were quickly left behind. There was a huge grove of bamboo stretching far up and down stream as well as a water filtration center and several huge tanks of fresh water nestled against a lower rock outcropping.
We stayed outside acclimating to our new world until the last of the new colonists had been chivvied into the large building. We were told it was time to join them. The air in the building was set to Earth standard, so we were quickly feeling very good from it. The Governor gave a lengthy and utterly forgettable welcome speech while we waiting for our pod to be flown down. It was too bad we could not just stay in our pods for the flight. Since the AI was flying them down remotely instead of using a tender, it had been decided to err on the side of caution. The rest of the day was safety instructions, health checks by the medical staff as the oxygen levels were slowly lowered, and general information about the colony.
Almost as soon as the Governor's speech was completed, Steve was pulled aside by a member of the staff and was gone for a few hours. When he came back, he had a big grin on his face. The news was pretty obvious and we were already excited for him.
"Well, its official, from now on you will be screwing the planetary administrator," he said with a joking leer.
Of course we all hammed it up and made a big production out of it. Many jokes were made about his 'staffing' issues and how 'hard' it would be. We had a good time and many other sponsors Steve had come to know from the trip came over to congratulate him, or offer joking condolences on how busy he would be all day, and worn out he would be all night. Those jokes always got us blushing, but not one of us denied it. We planned on doing everything we could for him, and that included in bed!
Once our pod finally landed and medical had cleared us, we rushed over to make sure everything was working. Naturally, nothing had even been shifted slightly in the perfectly smooth flight or landing. The AI had the nanites connect all the plumbing. Water and sewage lines ran up from and down to the river processing station and the supply line for raw material for the replicator ran from the community center. That was where the harvested bamboo was processed into a kind of slurry that was enriched with minerals and pumped to all the pod replicators in the colony. As soon as we walked in, Steve initiated the enlargement program he had secretly been working on. The modifications would take the entire next day, but we figured there would be plenty to do exploring the new colony. All of us, including the children, would now have our own bedroom. There would also be a study/library (the plan was for everyone to replicate their favorite books if they were available), living room, two full fresheners with oversized showers and jacuzzi baths as well as a large play room for smaller children and a game room with video games, TV to watch whatever movies were available and a large audio library. I was really mad at myself whenever I thought of the iPod I left in the restaurant on the day of the pickup. It had all my favorite music in it. Naturally, sitting right next to my iPod was my E-reader that had several memory cards full of books. I preferred to download them rather than trust something called a 'cloud' even though it had been around for years.
The color schemes and decorations we had chosen for the pod earlier in the trip were carried over into the new rooms. Within a day, they looked like they had always been there. I also made sure I had a large 'window' in my room that showed an up-to-the-second image of what was going on outside. We were finally home and settled.
A few nights later, just as I was getting ready to join Steve in his room, there was a knock on my door. I was very surprised when Xifeng came into my room leading Chital. She looked nervous but Xifeng looked thrilled. Bowing to me, she said, "Love, Chital has asked me to present her to you. She wishes to spend the night with you but wanted to make sure I was willing to allow it. I agreed readily and now ask if you will forgo our Master in favor of her tonight. I have cleared it with our Master as well."
I was stunned by the whole thing but quickly rallied. "Of course I would be honored by her presence tonight but only if it is of her own free will and with no reservations." When Chital shyly nodded, I added, "In that case, Xifeng would you please join our Master in my place so he does not get cold on one side."
With a chuckle, Xifeng departed, leaving me alone with Chital in my bedroom. It was the first time she had ever been in there that I knew of. Standing, I slipped my shift back on and walked over to her. She looked a little surprised, but I told her it was easier to go slowly and become more comfortable with each other if we started off clothed.
I gently took her in my arms and hugged her. She was still a touch hesitant but hugged me back. Remembering my encounter with Moira, I grabbed a brush off my bureau and pulled Chital over to my bed. She was not ready for sex yet, and stiffened up when I sat her on the bed.
"Please relax, I just wanted to brush your hair. I've never gotten a chance to and you've brushed mine a few times, so I owe you," I said soothingly.
She relaxed immediately and leaned into the brush strokes, enjoying them immensely. I spent a long time on her hair, just to relax her and get her used to my hands touching her. After I finished, I gently leaned forward and put my arms around her waist, resting my chin on her shoulder. I noticed she stayed relaxed this time and actually leaned back against me. Again, I did not push things too fast, just holding her and rubbing my thumbs up and down on her belly. My back was getting sore from the hunched position, but I avoided moving for as long as I could stand it. Finally, I had to straighten up, and did so with a groan. She immediately realized what I had done and demanded I lay down on my stomach. Running off to her room, she returned almost immediately with a bottle of massage oil and had me take off my shift. She then gave me the most incredible, relaxing rub down, working out every tight muscle until I was limp putty in her hands.
Much to my surprise, she had me roll over and massaged my front as well, not skipping any area except my groin. The feel of her hands kneading my breasts was so arousing I got a rock hard erection, which she looked at, but did not touch yet. When she finally finished rubbing my hands and feet, she slowly slid her hands up between my legs until she reached my very wet core. I realized then that Chital had never been with a woman and almost moved to take over when she rubbed her fingers up and down my slit. Obviously she was doing alright, so I let her rub those magical hands over my most intimate parts. She spent a few minutes exploring my pussy, trying different things to see how I would respond before finally slipping two fingers into me. Instead of immediately trying to bring me off, she took the time to explore the inside of my pussy, like she had never done that before. When her finger brushed over my G-spot, I gasped and writhed, making her jump. Seeing her concern, I reassured her that it was absolute pleasure that had made me gasp. After satisfying her curiosity, she really started to pleasure me and had me orgasming within a few minutes.
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Hello friends. My name is Sam and I am a Pakistani living in Auckland, New Zealand. So I will share my sexual experiences with you in Auckland. Please keep your feedback coming like you did for my earlier stories. My email is Now coming to the story. After arriving in New Zealand I got a job in a good company. The first 4 weeks consisted of training. We were 4 people hired and three of them were girls so I was the only guy amongst them. One of the girls was Mona who gave me a boner instantly...
Portions of this story may be used in short critical reviews. Reproduction, in whole or in part, for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. *** WARNING: This story contains coarse language, descriptions of activities that may be forbidden by law(s), and adult situations. It is intended for a mature audience only. All references to actual people, places or things were employed intentionally and for satirical or artistic purposes. *** This story contains the abbreviated...
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Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Monday, July 4th, 2072 – Sarah Glassner – Outskirts of Portland, OR I couldn't sleep. We would be entering Portland in the morning. The city looked ruined, the half-destroyed buildings stretching for miles and miles towards the blue line of the Columbia River. For such a major city, it was terrifying that it wasn't as well maintained or even inhabited. No travel seemed to come from the city. There were probably bandits occupying the city, but we...
Prologue: This is a romance and my first attempt at writing fiction. It started off as a story idea for Earth Day but writing it and deciding to post it held it up for a while. Many thanks primarily to Dinsmore and also Techsan for patience and expert help and advice with edits and writing. As per usual, the characters are invented and bear no intentional resemblance to actual persons alive or deceased. All intercourse is consensual and between individuals over the age of eighteen. This is a...
A Foreign LandA story by Simone Locke ([email protected])FORWARD:After a long absence, here I go with another story that I hope you'll enjoy.I hit a dry spot while writing my last story "The Princess Game". I'm sure a lot of you are wondering why it ended so suddenly at the end. The truth is, my inspiration dried up as I wrote the next segment, and I thought I'd put something out rather than nothing.It's now two years and 15 failed books later. For all my attempts, I could write nothing...
I was awake. It would have to be now. I'd be thinking it, planning it, and I had to move. I couldn't let things stand. But it wasn't so easy: I couldn't just jump out of bed - not with all of them. So I began to slowly extricate myself from the tangle of womanly limbs. So sleek, so soft ... NO! NO!! I wouldn't think about how gorgeous they all were. That way would cause me to surrender, and continue to wallow in the soft, deceptive delight of their luscious flesh. I moved, and a platinum...
2008 3 August for the first time since 2001, I was back in the Netherlands, for my work.The world again nigeria from Netherlands and have the sneek week sneek.maar in any hotel or camping was inhabited plaats.mijn friend for life Also in sneek, would he be able vragen.het is 9am morning as I did for the door with him sta.ik lay him out and he says yes, but where am sleeping difficult heefd a girlfriend with his girlfriend uitgenodicht daughter sleeping on the couch . his home is just klein.ik...
I. Giant, multicolored sails litter the rolling turquoise waves of the Pacific. From this distance, they’re like flecks of paper mache swaying back and forth in the wind, waving little goodbyes as they drift farther and farther out. There’s a hard metallic clank as the hatch locks into place. “All set,” a twanging southern voice calls out. In the mirror, a slim shape in a tank top and a straw Stetson gives a thumbs-up, a radiant smile etched on a heart shaped face. Abigail has this weird...
HardcorePortland A sweet story of two transsexuals, one of whom is pregnant By Melissa Tawn CHAPTER 1. ME The day I had my sexual reassignment surgery it rained. It also rained the day before and the day after. That was no big deal. Portland, Oregon, is one of the rainiest cities in the United States and 1993 was considered a particularly wet year. The natives like to joke that if the sun ever shines in Oregon, you don't tan ? you rust. I believe them. Anyway, on a very wet...
The sparrows of Thailand are like sparrows anywhere: small, gray, and flitting… but surrounded by blue parrots, iguanas, and infinite neon butterflies. They hang around the restaurants and ‘steal’ scraps of food. I remember happily watching one make off with a bit of fresh spinach once. I believe sparrows are only native to the British Isles and spread as a result of imperialism… a term I use neither positively nor negatively but descriptively. The restaurants around Phetchaburi Rajabhat...
Me and John had been fucking around behind my other-half’s back for three years. I’d carve a pumpkin for him for Halloween and we’d fuck. I’d bring him a basket on Easter morning and we’d fuck. I’d string a tree with lights, decorate it and on Christmas Eve before opening our presents to each other, we’d fuck. For three years, I’d bake him a birthday cake. After he blew out all the candles, we’d fuck.For me, at least, the time passed really fast. We were like two little boys, but in grown men’s...
Me and John had been fucking around behind my other-half’s back for three years. I’d carve a pumpkin for him for Halloween and we’d fuck. I’d bring him a basket on Easter morning and we’d fuck. I’d string a tree with lights, decorate it and on Christmas Eve before opening our presents to each other, we’d fuck. For three years, I’d bake him a birthday cake. After he blew out all the candles, we’d fuck.For me, at least, the time passed really fast. We were like two little boys, but in grown men’s...
ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND BY Missy Crystal Chapter 1. Coming Out. "Who are YOU?" said the Caterpillar. This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, "I--I hardly know, sir, just at present-- at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then." - Lewis Caroll, Alice in Wonderland It was Friday. I left work early. Today was the day. I had rehearsed it dozens of...
The year is 2277, approximately 200 years after The Great War that led to the creation of the aberration that is the Wasteland: the remains of the United States after nuclear war. The Capital Wasteland lies over where Washington D.C once stood, the ruins of the once great city now filled with nuclear beasts, scavenging survivalists and warring factions venturing for technology. There are all sorts of things happening in the Wasteland, big and small. People are venturing out to rescue the future...
It wasn't easy to find the right spot - but I looked and looked - it had to be perfect: industrial, abandoned, out in the open, yet secluded. Finally, after three days of driving endlessly through the wasteland of closed factories, chemical plants and cavernous assembly lines at the edges of our metropolis, I found it: a drainage ditch stretching itself from an old tannery long since abandoned. At the head of the ditch, which was about eight feet deep, was a series of iron railings and several...
BDSMThey had been together 5 years, most of them happy. Maria was a tall woman, 5'10 without shoes. Brunette hair to her shoulders, dark brown eyes and slim figure. She was rapidly approaching her 35th Birthday, with a failed marriage behind her; she had recently started seeing a man she worked with. Her partner, Glenn who was 45, had also been married and had left his wife for this tall, attractive woman. He was slim and about the same height as Maria. He thought that they would grow old together,...
EscortIreland! Looking for Iris escorts from Cork, Dublin, Limerick, Galway,... at Escort-Ireland? Are there any sexier women in the world than Irish women? Maybe not. I mean, sure, Latinas are up there, too. As are Japanese girls. Okay, let’s be honest, every nationality has beautiful women, it’s true, and no one is better than the other. They all just have different flavors. Both literally and figuratively, if you know what I mean. And if you don’t know what I mean, do the whole world a favor...
Escort SitesTHE LANDLADY by BobH (c) 2011 -1- "How do I look?" I asked Cate. "You look just fine," she replied. "Honestly, Mike, I don't know why you're fretting so much." "Hey, it's not every day a guy gets to meet his girlfriend's Dad and I want to make a good first impression." "I'm sure he'll love you as much as I do," she said, coming over and adjusting my tie before...
Hi everyone. My name is Sayantan and this is my 2nd story here. The first story was “Reverse groping on a Metro train” for which I did receive a lot of positive comments on Discuss. But since I had neglected to mention my email, I did not receive any feedback from you wonderful (and sex crazed readers). So here’s my mail id Please send any feedback here. Before I begin the story let me just warn you its pretty LONG. I felt I had to explain the back story to paint the picture of how exactly an...
You may remember my young girlfriend and I from my story about our holiday in Ibiza in the Spanish Balearic Islands last year. Sure you do. I'm Craig and she is Laurie. Well we're both now 25 and though she is not a particularly promiscuous girl, we had a whale of a time in Spain. Trouble is, she went back to being nun-like as soon as we got back. I had thought that after our wonderful experiences with the guys we met in Ibiza, we would be swinging like mad on our return but she said it was...
????????????????? A Month in the Highlands - Chapter 6??????????????????????? ???????????????? ????? I awoke to darkness and pain. My surroundings had dramatically changed, but my scrambled brain had no idea precisely where I was. According to the vibration and smell of exhaust fumes, I was in an automobile, probably in the trunk. Although not bound in any way, there was no freedom of movement. It took me some time to realize that I was inside of a kind of sack. Moving my hands over...
The feel of Orlando's cock under my hand was my first taste of sex with another person. Sex with myself had been a no-go since I first began to yearn for it. The 'Supercollege,' the elite post-sixteen establishment which cost my parents half a million a year, was more like boot camp than the sixth form college it was supposed to be. It rang with masters' vitriolic denunciations of boys caught 'laying lascivious hands upon themselves'. My fellow prefects in the upper sixth emulated the...
Gay MaleDeepak Mehta a flourishing business man was under stress as he was c***dless. His vast empire grew by day. As he stepped into 40th year he was a worried man as he had no c***d to take care of his business. Constantly he took advice from eminent personalities but failed. He could not marry another woman as the business he handled belonged to his wife. His wife, Kaveri a charming lady in her thirties was constantly looked down by her in-laws. This affected both of them and it had reached such a...
This true story happened in my middle teen years back in the early eighties. Before internet and satellite TV. A time when an older woman could fuck a younger man and it would not blasted all over the news. We had to go outside. I had my group of friends and as we entered puberty together we started to pay attention to girls and ladies. One woman stands out. She was called Canyon Land also known as Shelly Canyon. I don't know her real last name nor do I know her husband. She lived around the...
Over five hundred years ago, the Andromeda galaxy collided with the Milky Way, causing the near destruction of the human race. A series of tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes, and tornados ripped the Earth to pieces. Those who were unable to get to the shelters perished in the cataclysmic natural disasters. The small number of humans who managed to seek refuge underground struggled to exist in the dark caverns miles below the irradiated surface. In order to adapt, several genetic mutations...
SupernaturalThe radio crackled to life and Yuri's voice asked, "Was that you laughing Ryan? I heard it clear over here. What's so funny?" Still laughing but not quite as loud Ryan answered, "I'll tell you tomorrow when it's light but for now let's just say that things are a little amusing over here but under control." Neona crawled out of bed got dressed and went to relieve Ryan from watch. She walked across the deck and as Ryan stood up she kissed him, "You're a shit you know," she said...
INTRODUCTION This is the first of four interrelated recollections by a man in the late summer of life, recalling the events of some unusual summers, and the members of the female persuasion who made them so unusual and worth remembering. My Summer in Wonderland By: Zylux It was a summer vacation filled with adventure, discovery, and wonder. The time was the late 1950's. The place was a resort island in the Pacific Northwest accessible by car ferry. The island was large...
Alice chased after an anthropomorphic rabbit because he dropped his gloves in apprehension. Little did she know that he was actually leading her to the queen of lesbians. The queen, named Amoret, convinced Alice that she was her rightful mate. The rest, that followed, turned out well for her. Cast of Characters: Major Characters: Alice: Protagonist. Amoret: Lesbian queen of Castle Sappho Islands, Wonderland. Minor Characters: White rabbit: An anthropomorphic rabbit and Amoret’s servant....
LesbianFor those that are fans of the Transgender fiction and want to read about the fantasies that come to our mind, here is, this story. For those who like to defend the Grammar rules of the English Language, I just said, please patience you don't have to read, write and speak in four languages, I do. I hope you enjoy the first chapter; while I try to write a second one, feel free to tell me your opinion. I am not a Noel Stratfield, but I am trying. A Mother's Revenge in...
Eighteen year old James Morgan was sitting across the desk from an attractive middle aged lady who was explaining to him that there was no accommodation in the Halls of Residence at the University of the Arts in South London. James had been delayed on his return to England after holidaying with his parents by striking French farmers and fisherman who had blockaded both the Channel Tunnel and the ports until their demands were met. Mrs. Heather Talbot was explaining that this year saw an above...
Well! let me go straight to the story. This is a story of how I got to fuck my landlady who was seeking a young and energetic dick. A few years back I enrolled for engineering in one of the colleges of Bengaluru. I didn’t get hostel at that college. So I had to stay as a PG in a house in Hebbal. There were only 3 people living in that house at that time: landlord, the landlady, and his son. His son was in the 11th standard. They also had a daughter who was studying CA in Delhi. Aunty, the...
My favorite Aunt and the Divorcee Landlady By Julie D Like most trannies it all started with a favorite aunt and progressed through a series of experiences such as sexy landladies. I have been an avid reader of FM for the last two years since I got a PC. I was told about the site from a fellow TV in one the London clubs I used to go to as Julie. I go into the site most days to see if their are any interesting stories as some are very rewarding when you are alone and feeling...
God did not bless me with looks, personality, features or riches which are all the pre-requisites for wooing women. But what he gave me as compensation were innumerable chances for satisfying my lust. I have had quite a few casual encounters of sexual intercourse with women. All women in my stories are above 26 yrs of age, quite beautiful with well-endowed feminine features. Today, I am narrating another true incident of mine, where I had a spontaneous sexual intercourse with a close family...