MackChapter 09
- 3 years ago
- 22
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Clarification: "Wetting the babies head!" Celebration that a birth has gone safely and successfully.
For the first three days after Beverley returned from her visit to her sister, I didn't think she suspected a thing. She didn't say anything or act any differently towards me than she had done previously.
It was on the Monday night following her trip to Norwich that Beverley let me know that she knew about all what I'd done to, or rather with, her girls.
The first inkling that I got that she knew, although I didn't recognise it as such at the time, because, well, you'll understand after you read on. But I did fear exactly what was going on at the time for obvious reasons. My confusion was caused by what the girls had said about Bev intending to join me in bed, and it kind of clouded the issue.
Anyway I was in the shower that night and I heard the door to the kitchen open; then I felt the cold draught come around the shower curtain, that announced that I had company. I assumed that it was Millie; but a Millie who - unlike was her habit - didn't climb straight into the shower with me.
When I pulled the curtain back to see why Millie hadn't joined me in the shower, the sight of a very naked Beverley standing there smiling back at me, greeted me.
"I thought it was about time you made it a full house, Mack!" Beverley said, with that smile on her face getting bigger as she looked over my naked form.
I was most likely smiling back at the sight that I was beholding, as well. I don't think I picked up on the "full house" comment. Well, not consciously anyway; I was too busy marvelling at the thought that the forty-something-year-old Beverley had retained her figure so well.
Look, just because a woman looks good with all those undergarments they wear keeping things roughly where they should be, doesn't mean things are going to remain that way when she's naked.
Anyway remember, this was the woman who warned me off touching her girls. Several times she'd mentioned castration that I could recall, and Beverley - although a fair looking woman for her age, who had as I could plainly see maintained her figure far better than most - was one tough cookie. Believe me, a threat from Beverley wasn't to be taken lightly. But I think the lecherous side of my mind was doing all the real thinking that night.
I didn't move though. I really do believe that in the back on my mind somewhere, I expected Beverley to produce a knife any minute and complete the task she had threatened in the past. Although, being stark naked there really weren't many places she could hide one. I must have just stood there and stared at her with a silly grin on my face. Was it nerves about having laid the twins, or was it the anticipation of enjoying Beverley's undoubted charms. I'm buggered if I have any idea now.
"What's up? Isn't this old body good enough for the young stud?" she asked.
"No, Beverley you've got a wonderful figure. You just took me by surprise, that's all," I blustered, reaching for a towel.
But Bev beat me to it, snatching the towel from the rail and attacking me with it, rubbing me down with vigour. When she considered me dry enough for her needs, she led me by holding on to my by then rampant again member to my bed. I think my little mate must have gone up and down like a bleeding yoyo whilst I'd tried to understand the true reason for Beverley's visit. Once she took me in hand he was ready for just about anything, and definitely raring to go.
Once we got close to the bed, there was no messing around on Bev's behalf. She put her arms around my neck and clamped her lips against mine, her tongue trying to locate my tonsils I think; then she dragged me down on top of her onto the bed.
As with Millie and the girls, although there was plenty of kissing and cuddling involved, it wasn't really any proper love making. We fucked each other silly every which way that you could think of doing it, and maybe a couple more for the next hour or so. I do believe that Beverley knew more positions than Millie and me between us.
After a good couple of hours of strenuous exercise Beverley and I were laying there in each other's arms.
"Did you have them both in bed together, or did you fuck them separately?" she suddenly asked.
"Sorry?" I replied feeling worried again and feigning ignorance of what Beverley was referring to. I figured that was the most diplomatic course to steer at the time.
"Michelle and Patricia, did you fuck them together or separately?" she asked more clearly this time.
I was scratching around in my brain trying to come up with an answer of some description that wouldn't lead to Beverley castrating me with her bare hands.
"Mack, I'm not exactly daft. You realise that with no men in the house, the girls tend to walk around in negligees at night, don't you? Now you turn up here and less than a week later Millie has suddenly decided to do without her pubic hair any more. Then some months later I go away for a few days and when I return I find that both my daughters have decided to go sans pubic hair as well. It doesn't take a bloody rocket scientist to realise that someone very skilled, has been chewing away on their pussies, now does it?"
"And from the racket that Millie makes when you're chewing on hers. Oh, by the way that chimney over there is connected to the fireplace in my bedroom and every sound you make in here carries up the damned thing. And before you ask, yes, I have been getting myself off to the sound of Millie's ecstatic cries ever since you got here. Anyway I had a good idea just how good you were going to be, and I can't blame my girls for wanting to sample some of the pie." Beverley then lent closer to me and kissed me on the nose.
"You don't mind, that they slept with me?" I asked somewhat tentatively.
"Mack, they are both old enough now to get into bed with whoever they wish, and there's sod all that I can do to stop them. If they want a roll in the hay, I think I'd rather it be with you than some snotty little shit that they picked up in that college they go to. Or any of the shit slingers we've got around here; some of them aren't too clever either. At least you are a bit choosey."
She smiled at me again, and we kissed properly.
"Mind I thought you pushed your luck a bit with that married bird - what was her name, Mary, wasn't it?"
"You knew about her?" I said in surprise.
"The chimney, stupid. I can hear every word said in this room if I try. If you didn't have the telly or radio on all the time, you'd probably would have heard me moving about in my room."
"Not very observant, am I?" I replied.
"I've lived here a long time, Mack. That chimney let me hear the last barman I had, and his mate, planning on shagging both my girls when they were too young to know any better. Now they are of an age where they can make their own decisions; they can shag whoever they like, when they like and there's sweet FA that I can do to stop them. I can't watch them every minute of every day, can I? But I intend to get my share of the fun as well. Have you got any objection to that?"
"No, baby, I've had one hell of a time with you tonight," I replied.
I have no idea why I started calling Beverley baby when we were in bed together. Maybe it was because I knew she was conscious of the age gap between us, I'm not sure. But she was the only one that I called my baby. Bev developed the habit of calling me stud in the bedroom as well; I've got no idea why, perhaps she did considered me her private stud.
"Good, that's settled then," Beverley said that after a moments silence and another kiss, "Okay, now if you're happy with things, then all we've got to sort out is how we are going to avoid Millie and me turning up here at the same time; that could prove embarrassing. The girls, well, them you'll have to fit in when you can. As their mother I can't very well go arranging their sexual encounters with you for them, can I? It just wouldn't be right. Here, I'm not saying that you can't shag them though. That's between you and them. But they will have to play second or is it third fiddle?" Beverley said with an unaccustomed giggle.
Then she decided it was time to get down to the business at hand again.
Before I knew it, Christmas was rushing up on us and that meant the pub bars had to be hung with Christmas streamers, etcetera. Plus I had to discover a way of somehow fitting the nine foot tree that Beverley had purchased, under the less than seven-six foot - at its highest point — ceiling. That called for a little modification (of the tree) with a saw, much to Beverley's chagrin.
Also hundreds of Christmas cards began to arrive mostly from folks who'd just spent a night or two tied up on the river by the pub. It appeared that they had all enjoyed their brief stay with us, and considered us all as their friends. Some even made kind comments about Marge. I think it was mainly Bev and Millie whom people remembered. Bev, although she looked pretty young for her forty odd years, was referred to as if she was everybody's mother.
And Millie, well who could every forget her. Calling everybody Luvver or Luvvy — male and females alike - her outspoken use of extremely plain and down to earth language, her almost non-stop repartee of questionable jokes, and suggestive comments. And of course those knockers that nobody either male or female are likely to forget in a hurry and the way she seemed to make fun of them all the time.
There were some cards from young men whom Michelle and Patricia had obviously stolen the hearts of as well. As well as just a few that Beverley suggested were aimed in my direction.
"One 'ere from some woman call Mary, Mack. Says 'er divorce is going through and she hopes to visit next year with her sister and her husband. Looks like you can look forward to having another hot night or two with her next season," Bev announced with a grin over breakfast one morning.
"Don't he get enough hot nights around here?" Michelle quipped.
"Now, Chelle, don't be begrudging our Mack a little fun," Pat quipped back at her.
If there was some pretence that Bev didn't know that the girls were finding plenty of opportunities to join me in bed, I couldn't understand how it would last much longer.
A few days later I was outside when the postman arrived and I took the mail from him. Amongst them were some cards to me from my family — I recognised the handwriting — and also two cards, one to Millie in Julia's handwriting, and one to Beverley in my mother's. Neither girl mentioned those Christmas cards to me later.
Then a few days after that, I was nipping down to the Cash and Carry and Beverley asked me to drop some cards off at the post office for her. Having handed them to me she suddenly appeared to change her mind, took them back from me and asked me to wait whilst she went into the kitchen.
Of course I watched as best I could, to see what she was doing and saw that after looking through the stack of cards, she removed one and placed in her handbag; then she came back out into the bar — almost catching me spying on her - and gave me the rest of the cards.
Millie told me later that the card was addressed to my mother. Yeah, I asked her to spy for me! I took no action of any kind over that card; Beverley had the perfect right to write to whomever she wants to.
All four of my women did bug me to send cards in reply to the ones I'd received though. Out voted by four to one, with the cards and stamps already bought and paid for, I had little choice but to concede. Although one, that I threw in the fire in front of all of them, without opening, didn't get replied too; it was postmarked Bristol.
It appeared that my family, for some reason, had assumed that I would be short of money. Public house employees in the UK by tradition aren't on what you'd call a very good wage scale. So I must suppose that was the logic they were using. In truth, I did very well working for Bev. About the only expense that I ever had was my car, but as I was rarely going out, I hardly ever used it. Whatever the reason, in the Christmas cards from my family that I received, almost all contained cheques of assorted values. None of which I ever cashed or paid into the bank, by the way!
Christmas morning - my first Christmas away from home — was somewhat different to any I'd had before. Millie had spent most of the night with me, but I assume by pre-arrangement with the twins, left my bed about four A.M. Shortly after she left the twins arrived in my bedroom, from where they left for the kitchen to prepare breakfast for everyone. Oh, via my shower of course.
We didn't open the pub that morning until nearly half twelve. We'd planned twelve o'clock, but it took slightly longer going to church than anticipated. Yeah, Beverley dragged all four of us (kicking and screaming) to church that morning.
I'm going to say that it was an interesting experience. Almost everyone in the nearby village was there. Excepting for old Bert who'd been left standing guard over the pub with half a bottle of whisky to keep him happy. With all five of us in church it would have been too much of a temptation to the less honest folks of the district to leave the pub deserted.
Of course Millie's beau, Philip, was there but he, being a churchwarden or something and also being in the choir, didn't sit with Millie. She sat beside me and spent most of the service pointing out which females our lecher of a Vicar was banging on a regular basis. Jesus, and I thought I had some stamina. Brave bugger as well some of those women had some pretty big and strong looking husbands sitting with them.
I think the funniest part of the whole thing was watching George our local PC Plod's wife, looking daggers at Beverley. Actually once we got outside and all the inane chat and Merry Christmas wishes were being passed around, I think I spotted what her problem really was with Bev. Bev's twins were standing talking with George's daughter and her husband, I'd say they had been at school together and were old friends. The thing I spotted was that when Michelle was holding George's daughter's baby. Well, to the uninitiated, anyone would have assumed it was Michelle's baby, the likeness was that pronounced.
It was the same kind of likeness that I'd noticed between the two girls and Beverley but I realised that Michelle's features that weren't Beverley's had obviously come from George. Whether Millie had noticed them in the past and decided to not mention them to me for some reason, I have no idea, although Millie had suggested George as one possible candidate for being the father of one of the twins.
Presents were given out at the pub whilst we ate our Christmas Dinner. We'd closed the pub again at two so we could sit down and eat as if we were an extended family. Even Old Bert stayed to dinner, but with the quantity of whisky he'd consumed I doubt he remembered much about it. Millie and I had to drive him home later.
All the girls - well, I suppose it was Bev who arranged it - had clubbed together and bought me an expensive watch with several complicated timers and alarms on it. They seemed to think it was a great joke, but it was some days before I realised the significance of those timers.
We had quite a few customers in that night, but most didn't stay late. By the time I got to bed I was pretty well raring to go with Millie. She had been rubbing those Bristols of hers across my back behind the bar all evening, and both Michelle and Patricia had groped my cock behind there as well, when they thought the coast was clear.
Anyway it was a bit of a surprise when all three of them arrived in my room. Carefully I put the board that I'd got one of the boatyard workers to supply me with over the entrance to the fireplace. Yeah, well, everyone's got a right to a bit of privacy now and again, anyway I discovered it made Beverley a damn sight more frustrated when she hadn't been able to get herself off whilst listening to Millie and my antics.
Oh, yeah, I worked out later, that there were other listening voyeurs in the house as well, but I'll tell you about that in a little while.
Anyway after shutting Beverley's listening tube down, Millie let me in on what the girls had planned for the night and it gave me a whole new perspective on the girls' behaviour. It seemed they had decided to give me a very different kind of Christmas present. It was to take the form of a little show or play or so they claimed. After watching them in action, I very much doubted that there was any acting involved.
I was instructed to sit on the sofa in my room and Michelle slid onto my lap to start with, whilst Patricia and Millie started making out together on my bed. They claimed that it was that damned magazine that Millie was supposed to have found again. In there, they claimed — look, by this time I was taking just about anything these girls told me with a large helping a salt - that there was an article that said that men found watching two women having a lesbian sexual encounter exciting.
Yeah, well, once Pat and Millie got their little show started, I had to agree with that article, if it ever existed. But one thing I was sure of was that it wasn't the first time they'd been together. Michelle, in the meantime, slipped off my lap and was sitting between my legs, "Pretty Woman" style, demonstrating her skills as a fellator.
I couldn't help but notice that although both Millie and Patricia were pretending to be engrossed in what they were doing, they were also engrossed in every move that Michelle made; well, Patricia was, Millie didn't have much chance of seeing anything but Pat's stomach now and again. And very unsurprisingly for me, no sooner had Michelle brought me to my climax than Patricia seemed to reach one as well.
Damn it, Patricia had got off - be it with the help of Millie's ministrations - on watching Michelle giving me a blowjob. Never in my life did I think that I'd run into women as kinky as these ones appeared to be.
Anyway Patricia and my climaxing rapidly led to Michelle and Patricia swapping places. Michelle and Millie, like Patricia and myself, went into a prolonged snogging session for a while. Then Pat went down on me, and Millie started chewing on Michelle's pussy. This time Michelle stared into my eyes, at the same time as she uttered encouragement to Millie, whilst hanging on to Millie's head with both hands and bucking her hips up into her face.
I came to the conclusion that I was being taken advantage of, just as much, and maybe even more, than I had been taking advantage of these very willing sex partners of mine.
I thought that it was obvious - to me at least - that Millie and the twins had been getting it on together for sometime, they were so comfortable with each other and really seemed to enjoy themselves. It could be that having me watch them excited them and increased their enjoyment even more. Who's to say for sure?
And using the same logic, it was quite possible that Millie was also getting it on with Beverley. It could possibly go some way to explaining the nights that the somewhat obsessed with sex Millie hadn't come down to join me and some where she hadn't stayed for nearly all of the night.
Whatever, these realisations, didn't lead me to worry about them. Hey, if the girls were getting it on together, then it was even less likely that they would look outside the pub for sexual partners. That meant there was much less of a chance of any of them picking up anything nasty and passing it on to me. So I let the status quo stand, without making comment.
New Year's Eve was great fun in the pub, and a little crowded. I got the feeling that everybody in the village was there. Even Mrs PC Plod put in an appearance for a while just before midnight. I noted several of the regulars placing themselves in positions, so that Bev and her couldn't see each other though. Quite comical, if you happened to know about the history between George and Beverley.
I think it was one cold wet and windy night sometime in early February that Mike, Julia's husband, turned up at the pub. We hadn't seen a real customer for an hour or so; the twins, Millie and myself were sitting by the fire playing cards. Beverley was upstairs in her lounge watching one of her soaps, I believe.
Anyway the door suddenly opened and in walked a very wet and bedraggled Mike. You know what body language is like; it was obvious to me that Millie had met Mike before. Those ten minutes that Millie took before she spoke to me that day Julia had visited, sprung to mind.
Mike would have had to drive Julia up to the pub (Julia always had had zero sense of direction and could get lost driving to the shop on the corner) and I recalled that there had been two coffee cups on the table that day.
Whilst Mike and I said hello, and I had pulled him a pint, Millie and the girls had quietly disappeared. I wondered whether Millie had been expecting Mike's arrival; I was well aware that she had been in correspondence with my sister from the Christmas card that Julia had sent her.
Mike and I settled by the fire and he explained he was on his way back from Kings Lynn where he'd been working for a few days.
"Just thought I'd drop in and see you whilst I was passing!" Mike explained.
'Passing! Come off it, Mike, ' I thought. It was some detour from his route to call in at the pub. But on reflection, it wasn't that far out of the way that I wouldn't consider making the same detour myself to visit a member of the family if I were in his position.
For some time our chat revolved around mundane things, like everyone in the family's health, etc. But then Mike seemed to take a deep breath and changed the subject; for a little while I had no idea where he was heading.
"Mack, that mate of yours, Tony!" Mike said and then as if reminding me of who Tony was. "You know the guy you were always going fishing with."
"Yeah, what about him?" I asked.
"Well, I ran into him and a couple of your other fishing friends over the new year." Mike looked at me as if this statement was meant to mean something significant to me.
"Yeah?" was all that I could think of in reply.
"When we were talking they told Julia and me that you came home early from that last fishing trip you went on with them. Well, they said as the fishing was off on the Saturday you went back home again on the Friday night."
"Yeah, there was a storm brewing and I couldn't see much point in staying down there just to get pissed," I informed him.
"Yeah, well, you didn't go home that night, did you? You went to Lindsey's place and thought that you saw her with another bloke, didn't you?" Mike was speaking with conviction now, as if he knew better than I did what I'd seen.
"There's no thought about it, Mike! I did see Lindsey with another guy. A squaddy on leave, he'd just flown back from Belize."
I thought that this bit of information took Mike by surprise, the fact that I knew some details about the guy and where he'd just returned from. He seemed to think for a few seconds before he continued.
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Chrissy and Jules had been friends since high school as they lived in the same area. Chrissy had always been the more outgoing of the two, always quick to try new things, sports and outdoors were always things she liked. At 5’4′, with long brunette hair down to her mid back and blue eyes, she always turned heads. She had the figure to go with her looks too, long, lean legs, full breasts that were hard to hide in a t-shirt. Jules was quieter, more reserved, but she matched Chrissy for height and...
Like I mentioned before, I was ten years old when I figured out that touching, rubbing, or lightly spanking my cunt would give me a peculiar feeling. Kind of like a million ants walking up and down my legs. It was a weird feeling, but very satisfying none the less. I was not your regular ten year old, I come from a big family, but being the only female gave me privacy. This was something that my brothers could only dream of, and instead of playing with my friends, or playing with...
Since Rich and Alexius’ webcam encounter a few months ago, things hadevolved between the two. Callie, being the always supportive and open girlfriend she was, was fine with the arrangement. Every now and again Alexius and Rich would spend time together, go for coffee and dinner dates. Of course, there’d always be the sexual tension between the two, which would lead to some sort of sexual encounter from time to time. Callie and Alexius had hooked up a few times, but so far it had only happened...
I was 28 and my wife was 26. We had just decided it was time to start a family. I was on the verge of getting a partner into my small firm and expand and was doing rather good money. My wife's work didn't seem to go anywhere and she thought that now would be an excellent time to take a break much due to my aspiring success. To put it short, our future seemed bright. In order to get Britt, my wife, pregnant, we hadn't had sex in a week just before her ovulating time. This night we had eaten...
These events took place at a party, a situation where it is easy to get drunk. My wife Doris is half Chinese, very cute and sensual, and very easy to get drunk. And when she gets drunk she gets horny, and it is easy to have good sex fun with her. That night she was wearing stockings and suspenders, and dressed in a short black halter neck dress and high heels. She looked incredibly sexy, almost as if she was asking to be fucked. The dress very nicely showed off the shape of her small pert high...
I guess I have always enjoyed being naked. I took every opportunity when home alone to be nude. I also loved going to nude beaches whenever I could. My wife enjoyed it also, but not as much as I did. On various vacations in the Caribbean, we would venture to nude beaches. Most times she would just go topless, but once I stepped foot on beach the suit was off. I think most nudists are both voyeuristic as well as exhibitionistic. About ten years ago, a woman I was seeing at the time took me to...
Tommy stood in the open doorway, his eyes bulging out like two hard-boiled eggs and his jaw dropping open. "Holy shit, Mom," the amazed youth gasped. "You're sucking the dog's cock!" Catherine, naturally enough, was dismayed. She started to yank her mouth off the Alsatian's prick. But his cockhead had flared out again and the ledge behind that fat slab got lodged behind her teeth. She had to open her mouth as wide as she could before she could pull her lips off the dog's meat. She...
I know he has pulled away from me completely but dreams, whether sleeping or waking, continue to haunt me. They are a forever present ghost on my back, whispering in my ear. Giving me hope that his love for me will prevail, but at the same time crushing all resistance in my mind, assuring me that he will never want me the way I want him. The best part of dreams though, is that you can essentially mold them to any ending. Daydreams are especially good for this and so we will start with one of my...
Love StoriesI didn’t have to work hard at being a daddy’s girl. Others could tell I had daddy rapped around my little finger and could get anything I wanted. I was your typical little girl with long brunette hair and kept it tied back it either a pony tail or pig tails. It was soft as silk and flowed down my back to my bubble butt. My eyes matched the color of my hair and when I smiled I had two deep dimples on either side of my cheeks and people always held my chin, lifting my head back and...
I squeezed Rillnam, and then released her. I climbed to my feet, and offered her my hand. "On your feet everyone; we've got a ritual to perform. Follow me." I led the four of us to the door we'd entered by, and turned to Tonrath. Males seemed as slightly favored as leaders among the Craxill as they were among modern Earth, so I was appointing him my deputy. But I was in charge; it would be my ass if this didn't work. "Open it," I told him. Blinking, he said nothing, but touched the...
Vanessa gave a little jump at the sight of that large penis that confronted her and quickly shifted her gaze upwards to find herself greeting the school’s Principal ... a very naked school Principal. “Hello, George” Vanessa said with a quick gulp. “Hello, Miss Benson” said the naked Principal George Burns. “I thought I was going to be the first nudist in this school but I think you and your class have beaten me to it. Well done. Well done indeed! I was going to be real brave and take all my...
My step-dad to be; unclipped my bra; let it fall to the ground and eased down my wet cottontails. He didn’t touch me. 'Well screw you, Stan;' I thought; 'aren’t I woman enough for you.' I was glad the altogether bit of the picnic was over. The heat was in the afternoon but more urgent was my need to get away from Stan. My soon to be new step dad Stanley was too much to watch, along with my mum Patricia. You know; the mature, rekindled, flirty, lovey dovey, doey eyed; nearly childishly playful...
TabooTHE SEED DOESN'T FALL FAR... By Bea After Mom died I got out of the village as quickly as I could. Various interests had to be taken care of and practicality demanded that I had to attend various business activities on short notice, but I just felt that I had to get away. Couldn't move as far away as I wanted, but forty miles wasn't too bad. It was wonderful! It was if I'd broken all ties to my previous life and started coming out of my shell. Gained confidence hand over fist....
Dear friends now i am with new stories and my experience of my life . thanks to all reader of my stories who has send reply me . specially thanks to some girls who contact me. I am Love Patel 26 Yrs. Plz send me on Rupali and I were back to the daily grind of the office. We were in different departments, but, due to the fact that I handled sales and her department handled the co-ordination of dispatches and invoicing, we used to see each other a lot and often memories of the great time we had...
IncestMy Bookie lets me place bets on the Internet, but does yours? The Internet has made gambling so fucking easy that it’s rare these days for anybody to go meeting some sketchy bookie dude in a dimly lit diner, risking their kneecaps for a piece of the pie. In its place, you can just place your bets from the comfort of your own home and use the same site to play casino games while you wait for your team to deliver the ball to the right side of the playing area. Welcome to the future,...
Betting SitesHello every one. This is Ajay 24 male from Hyderabad. Interested girls married unmarried widow unsatisfied women can contact me at my mail id Coming to the sex story as usual I woke up in the morning. I had a glance on my mail id.Got a mail from a woman saying that she like my encounter with my widow aunt. We introduced ourself. She told that she is married but unsatisfied with her hubby. So she needed me. I accepted. We texted each other for 2 days via mail .She told that one fine day we can...
I lost my virginity, to a boy, at sixteen. It wasn’t a particularly memorable occasion. I didn’t have an orgasm, I didn’t have any pain, the earth most certainly did not move for me, and I didn’t get caught or pregnant. He wasn’t bad, but it was only his second or third time, too, and he wasn’t particularly competent at what he was doing. It was such an unremarkable experience that I’m not going to bother to write about it. My first time with a girl, on the other hand, was out of...
Her Boyfriend Raped Her One Friday night Cindy came running into the house crying, she pushed me out of her way, and rushed up to the bathroom. Mom and Dad have their own bathroom and we share one that connects to both our bedrooms. Needless to say I went right up to my bedroom and walked through the bathroom like I always do. Cindy was standing in the shower with all of her clothes on crying and leaning against the shower wall. I removed my clothes except for my underpants and got in...
We lay there in his bed with the tangled juxtaposition of discovering a new lover. It is a moment filled with relief because here I am: living, breathing, actually even panting a bit on the other side of an anxiety-filled first encounter. Once again I did not turn into a pumpkin. My new lover is a gentle and caring man. No alien split out of his skin in the throes of orgasm.He treated my juices as a delicacy. I enjoyed his smells and sounds. In some ways, every lover is different and yet, in...
Group SexEerie Saloon: Seasons of Change -- Winter By Ellie Dauber and Chris Leeson Sunday, January 14, 1872 "Amy... Amy." Amy Talbot turned in the aisle of the church at the sound of her name. Laura was hurrying towards her amidst the crowd of people leaving at the end of the service. "Good morning, Laura, and how are you this fine Sunday?" "Pretty good," Laura answered, "considering. Can we talk a moment?" She slipped back into a pew. Amy nodded and stepped into the pew and...
All that week and early into the next, we worked hard getting ready for the big game, it was as if we had new life. Being the defending World Champions the pressure would be on us, but with that said, we were still only two point favorites to win the game. By the time the week of the game had rolled around, the odds had dropped to dead even, the experts figured it could be anyone’s game. We left for Arizona on Tuesday, Alexis would fly in Friday night after work. Alexis had spoken to Ashley...
This is a true story; my name is Nisha above average looking women got married to vinod an accountant in a construction firm after our marriage we moved to his workplace Mumbai. We were staying in a far off place as it was quite expensive to stay near to office. I was not working. Initial days of our life have been quite good. One day my husband told me there is a party at the club and we are also invited. I was excited as I never attended a party. We went to the party and met a lot of his...
We were standing on the back porch when Malena came out. Her long hair was braided and she wore a man’s shirt that fit her so snug, there was no doubt she had been hiding a nice set of woman-size breasts all this time. Her denim trousers fit her backside as well as Lucia’s fit her. Tom recovered from his stare and helped her onto the wagon seat, then climbed up to sit beside her. I looked over to see Alejandro’s and Joaquin’s eight kids standing in the doorway of the barn. I waved to them...
It took almost an hour and a half to post the listings as I wanted. Encyclopedia, record player and four sets of records. I had no idea what it would bring but I figured I could get Jill something for her birthday with the money I got. I made sure to specify that the buyer was responsible for shipping. I wandered out and saw Jill holding Mary up, her butt right next to Jill's face as she used a chamois on the roof of the Lexus. I would have used a ladder if I was wiping it down. But I would...
I had always found Jack’s wife sexy, the three of us had gone back many years, Jack and I had met whilst still in college and despite moving around about, we still kept in regular contact, hooking up for beers in town and occasional parties at each other’s houses. I am pretty sure Karen his partner knew I fancied her, if fact, I am pretty sure Jack knew and seemed pretty nonchalant about it, I had never made any secret of my thoughts, frequently making ‘boorish’ comments...
Well, one morning, I had to piss really badly. The bathroom door was closed, and the shower was running. I tapped on the door, and opened it a crack. "Andi, I gotta pee," I said through the door. "Well, I'm in the shower," she said. "Then hurry up, I gotta pee!" "Go downstairs to Mom's bathroom," she said. "Yeah, thanks," I said and started to walk away. Andrea finally took pity on me and said, "Well, come on in then and pee, I promise I won't look, if you...
You'd think I'd get used to sick minds, but roaming around in Helen Deaver's head made me feel dirty, so as soon as I returned to the safe house, I stripped to take a shower. The meeting, although the Deaver woman didn't realize a meeting had taken place, had been successful. I'd given Dad the names of five members of Melville's coven we didn't know before, and he'd contacted our P.I. firm to start the dossiers on each of them. What I need, I thought as I toweled my body dry, is some...
My name is Mike. I've been bicurious for a couple of years now, and finally got the nerve up to look around to make something happen. I didn't really know where to start, so I just posted a listing on craigslist hoping something would come of it. This is what I had to say: 24 yo bi curious M4MW. 6' 185 brown haired, green eyed average guy with a 6" cock looking to try some things in a bi threesome with a fun couple. Must be ddf, hit me up with pics and a reply!I wasn't really sure what I was...
When I woke up, I needed to piss like a racehorse. I stumbled around trying to find the bathroom as I didn’t know the layout of Vic’s house, found it and started releasing a long string of piss that just wouldn’t seem to end. As I finished, I felt Vic’s hand reach my penis and start shaking the last few drops. She planted herself on the toilet and pulled my still piss-dripping and now hard cock into her mouth as she shot her own long stream down the pot.She finished peeing, stood up and kissed...
AnalThis is the third part of Robert and Juliana’s “Parisian Surprise”, written in collaboration with Alphamagus. To best understand the story, we suggest that you read the preceding two parts before reading this one, but this story may be enjoyed on its own. Robert and Juliana have already had some sexual adventures on their flight and during their first day in Paris. They have agreed to take turns being dominant during their holiday, and, in this story, Juliana ups the ante to Robert’s delight. ...
My girlfriend (now wife) and I lived in different countries before we married. I in the UK and she in the USA, The time difference meant that when I was getting ready for bed she would just be leaving work. I would call her daily to check on her day, and we would chat as she left her office/store and drive home, She worked as an office secretary for a furniture store, she drove a Cadillac escalade SUV, Her drive home would take her forty-five minutes along the freeway and country roads, Her...
ExhibitionismHello, guys. This is Raunak Singh from Mumbai. I’m 19 and I offer massage and sex services to ladies in and around mumbai . Those interested can mail me at So coming back to the sex story, my last story “Service to a celebrity” in which I served a tv celebrity got good response from readers. One such mail was from a young lady. She was 23 and wanted my contact number. I gave her my contact my number and she msgd me. Her name was Janhavi. She told me that she was about to get married in a...
I don't want people to get the wrong idea about me when I tell these stories. Yes, I live with two sexy people, Tracy and Buck. Yes, I have sex with both of them quite a lot, both individually and all three of us together. And yes, they both have very dominating personalities while I don't. They are both a little older than me, each in their early thirties while I'm twenty-six. I was twenty-two when they asked me to move in with them.Our relationship is open, sexually speaking. Very open....
Oral SexI met my friend Lesley during the first two weeks of working at Temptations. We were dancing on the same shift and I noticed the first few days I was there that the guys went wild whenever Lesley walked out on stage. She’s a slender, sexy girl with long, dark hair and small, hard nipples that drive the audience crazy. And her eyes…when Lesley stares at me with those beautiful eyes, I can almost feel her tongue burrowing up my pussy…but I’m getting ahead of...
Railroad Park was a sprawling suburban park on the outskirts of the city, with large new housing developments on either side of it along Highway 21 and a cluster of equally-new apartment buildings directly opposite. The houses were all five to six years old, mostly two-story homes built on tiny lots but with premium features intended to attract the families of office workers who had jobs in the glittering new office park nearby or who took 21 to the interstate and commuted to jobs downtown....
Hello ISS lovers! Please let me know your comments about the next part of my ongoing series. Please mail to It was nothing different from the previous day at ‘Shantiniketan’, the residence of the Viranis. Govardhan and Amba were relaxing on the lawns, struggling to cope up with whatever they feared their sons and daughter-in-laws might be doing nowadays. “All of them returned well past midnight,” Amba said with a sigh. “I don’t know what is happening here.” Govardhan shook his head in dismay....
LesbianRyan Driller’s book doesn’t stand a chance when busty babe Kylie Page struts into the room wearing a robe and high heels. The robe falls to the ground, revealing a sheer bra and panties that reveal every luscious curve. When she pushes Ryan onto the couch so that he knows that she’s in charge, he’s happy to let her have her way. Reaching up to fondle and squeeze Kylie’s tits, Ryan lets her run her soft hands all over his heated body. He pays plenty of attention to...