Shasta's TaleChapter 7 free porn video

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After the two villagers and Daniel's body were dragged out of the room the scene deteriorated to that reminiscent of the sack and pillage of a city rather than the end of a gentlemen's dinner. Shasta, more than a little sick in the stomach, backed out to the room while most of the "officers" grabbed whichever girl they could get at first and emulated their esteemed leader.

She felt lucky to escape the feeding frenzy, although pulling her blouse collar down to fully display her salidin might have helped. Rushing back to the kitchen she quickly told the remaining girls to hide wherever they could, for at least the next hour or so. At least until the initial lust crazed activity had died down. She didn't stay long. She said what needed to be said and then hurried off to a storage closet where she picked up a few empty chamber pots and some spare bedding. Without stopping she headed back to the room where Nesho and the rest were being held. There was only one guard posted there now and although he grumbled somewhat he let her in.

Telling the others there was no time to answer the many questions being fired at her she left again and quickly retraced her steps to the kitchen. She was relieved to find that the remaining girls seemed to have heeded her advice and gone into hiding; at least she hoped that was the case since there was nobody in the kitchen when she got there. Quickly she threw together a tray of bread, cheese, water, wine and whatever leftovers from the dinner she could find and hauled it back down to the room.

"I'm sorry; this is the best I could do," she apologized. "Everything is going crazy out there!"

She began telling them the story as she passed out the food. By the time she finished with Daniel's murder and the bedlam afterwards the three women were white as sheets with Sosho and Clarise holding each other tightly on one of the beds, crying softly.

"We've know Daniel since we got here," Nesho explained. Her eyes were glistening with unshed tears but her face remained as expressionless as a stone statue. "He was a dear old man and a good friend." Nesho set down the sleeping Marko next to her brother, stood up and walked slowly to the tiny window. There she remained, staring out into the dark nothingness.

"Those poor girls!" Sosho sobbed. "What will happen to them?"

"They'll live," Shasta said without any compassion. "If they're smart and take my advice."

"How can you be so heartless?" Sosho shouted.

"Experience," Shasta said looking the younger woman straight in the eyes.


"That's enough, Sosho," Nesho said quietly, turning back to the room. "Shasta is quite right. They will probably live through it. Remember, we have seen this before." While on a trip with her nephew, Dent, their ship had been captured. The women aboard that ill-fated vessel had been taken as slaves, but before being sold in Harv'el they had been repeatedly raped by the privateer's crew. Nesho and Sosho had been saved that fate by the quick-thinking Dent claiming them as his slaves and personal property.

"Remember we were saved from that fate only by Dent's wit and strong right arm," she paused momentarily and her hand went to briefly touch her salidin. "Even as he still protects us. If they live we will deal with them later. Right now we have other, more important, things to worry about. This general is obviously either stupid or insane, possibly both. As I see it one of two things will happen now: Either the villagers will completely submit; or they will rebel. Knowing them I think it will be the latter. The question is how do we, or can we, use this?"

"Use this?" Clarise said with a shaky voice. "How can we do anything when we're locked up here?"

"As I said," Nesho repeated, "that is the question. Our husband will return for us and we must prepare for that. Do you have any doubt about that?" The two young women suddenly sat upright and with eyes wide shook their heads in unison. "Well I don't propose to sit here on our bottoms waiting for him to pull our fat from the fire again. He'll be busy enough when he gets here. We need to make sure we're not part of what he needs to worry about."

"How?" Sosho, Clarise and Shasta said together. Nesho just smiled.

"I don't know, exactly," she said. "But we will begin to find that out. Shasta," she said and Shasta's head popped up, "you seem to be able to come and go without hindrance."

"So far," Shasta agreed nodding.

"This could work out well," Nesho mused. "It could be dangerous for you though." Shasta just shrugged. "They haven't connected you with us, except maybe as a servant, or a nanny perhaps. Do you think you can find somewhere else to sleep, somewhere safe?" Shasta looked thoughtful then nodded. "Good. This is how we should start..."

The four plotted together for the next few hours.

+ + +

Shasta knew of a secluded storeroom away from the main hallways, which had often been used for trysts between servants or afternoon naps. There was an old mattress on the floor that was comfortable enough, and the room was sufficiently secluded that she felt safe sleeping there.

She woke early the next morning and carefully snuck out, making sure nobody saw where she was coming from. Her sleep had been fitful; she had been dreaming about that man again. Although this time she couldn't pass it off as a spillover from his passions with another woman. Chiding herself for acting the moonstruck girl she took a deep breath, squared her shoulders, and got back to work.

Taking care of her necessary business she headed back to the kitchen. Surprisingly, she met no one on either trip, neither one of the officers billeted there nor any of the guards supposedly posted to the mansion. As she crept into the kitchen she recognized three or four of the girls who had hid themselves after the previous nights dinner. They were busy fixing a morning meal of salted fish and fried oat-mash and steadfastly ignoring the sobbing girl huddled against the wall behind them. It was Zsofia.

Shasta crossed the room to her and bending down bodily lifted the girl up into a standing position. Zsofia offered no resistance but just continued sobbing with her eyes closed. Shasta's heart when out to the lass like it hadn't before and she pulled Zsofia in against herself, hugging her tightly.

"It's all right," she whispered. "It's over for now. You're alive and that's what's important." After a few minutes of this Shasta felt the girl stir and try to push her away.

"How can you touch me?" Zsofia cried. "I am so... so... unclean!"

"Bullshit!" Shasta hissed, grabbing the girl by the arms and shaking her, hard. Zsofia stopped sobbing for a moment and looked up at Shasta.

"What happened was done to you!" Shasta continued heatedly. "You had no control over it! You were raped! Do you understand that? Raped! By the gods, you stupid little bitch, do you understand? You didn't have anything to do with it except to be there!" Suddenly she hugged the younger woman to her and whispered, "Just thank whatever gods you worship that you're alive." Still holding Zsofia she turned her head and looked at the other girls in the kitchen. To a one they were staring at her with their mouths open.

"And you!" her eyes encompassed them all. "She needed you to be there for her and you just ignored her. What friends are you? It may scare you, you may not want to look this horror in the face, but last night it was Zsofia, tonight it could be you!"

"But what can we do?" one wailed.

"For one thing, you can offer comfort to the ones these beasts take," Shasta said.

"B-But she didn't want anyone to touch her," another added softly.

"Of course not," Shasta scoffed. "She feels like it was her fault. She feels damaged, like nobody will want her ever again. She needs you here with her, for her. Hold her even if she fights you. Tell her you're here for her. Remember any one of you may be right here in her place tomorrow morning, or the next, or the one after that... Be a friend." As a group the remaining girls came forward and placed a hand on Zsofia's.

"We're sorry Zsofia."

"We still love you."

"We're here for you."

Shasta released Zsofia and stepped back.

"Good," she began. "One of you will stay with her. You others, get busy and make some kind of morn meal for the pigs. When you finish, find the other girls from last night. You know what to do. I have things I need to be about, the mistress's business. Now, does anyone know where the captain of the guard is hiding? Or whatever other idiot they have that claims to be in charge around here?" One of the girls pointed through one of the doors. "Oh, if someone asks for anything other than salted fish, tell them we are out. Understand?" With that Shasta marched off through the indicated doorway.

It didn't take very long to find the one she was looking for. A harried looking non-noble with the stripes of a sergeant was issuing orders to a group of seemingly uninterested, and Shasta thought, rather slovenly lower ranks.

"I don't want to hear your excuses," he said rather tiredly, "I want it done."

"But, Sergeant," one of the ranks blurted out, "there ain't nobody in the village 'cepting a couple of old codgers maybe on the high side of seventy seasons. Them bodies and heads was gone this morning and there ain't nary a soul in the town. Shit, even the whores in the houses is gone."

"Now how would you know that? Never mind," the sergeant waved off the question. "The general said he wants a work party of fifty locals to unload stores on the docks; we get him fifty locals. If you have to send patrols out into the hills, they have to be holing up somewhere. Find them."

"Yes, Sergeant," they all answered listlessly, sketched something that could be taken as a salute and shuffled off.

"What the hell do you want?" The sergeant grumped as he turned to Shasta.

"Sir," she said lowering her eyes, "we are running out of food in the kitchen. Where do we go to replenish our stocks? We have little left except salted fish and oat flour."

"Fuck if I know," the sergeant replied. "Hell, they make us eat rations out of our own stocks, crap I wouldn't even feed to a slave." He paused for a moment. "Shit, if we don't get something decent for the high-and-mighty officers' mess he'll be on my back like a fucking blood-sucking leach." He sighed, "Go down to the village and see if you can requisition something halfway decent.

"I've just received reports that all the villagers seem to have disappeared, but see what you can do. Maybe you can scrounge up something. If not we'll have to have it brought in from one of the cargo ships; salted beef instead of salted fish, but what can we do? Go on. See what you can do. Here," he said, pulling a small wooden disk from his belt pouch, "this pass will let you through the guards. If you're stopped, tell them Sergeant Dejan sent you and show them the pass."

"Yes, sir," she said demurely. She was careful not to let the elation she felt show on her face. This is exactly what they had hoped would happen!

Quickly she made her way back to Nesho's room to let her know what was going on in the village.

+ + +

Getting into the village was easier than she expected. She was stopped only once, and that was by a pair of rather lethargic soldiers lounging at the mansion gate. Nobody else was visible until she entered the village proper. There she saw a couple of squads of soldiers poking around the houses, ostensibly looking for something. They did stop her, but immediately lost interest, other than a few ribald comments, once she showed them the pass and mentioned the sergeant's name. Other than these two patrols the village seemed to be deserted.

Shasta decided to look around anyway. She tried a number of the shops but didn't find anything except overturned display cases and litter on the floor. Either the villagers had taken everything when they left or the soldiers had stolen it all. Despairing of finding anyone she stuck her head in the fishmonger's shop.

"Is anybody here?" she called out. Pausing for a moment she was just about to leave when she heard a rustling in the back of the shop, and then a voice answered.

"Who is that?" the voice said in raspy tones. "You don't sound like them soldier boys none."

"It's Shasta," she said stepping into the shop. "Shasta torDeSiso." For the first time that she could remember she actually felt proud using her house name. Briefly she wondered if she were finally being "broken" to her status as slave, but with a little shrug she let the thought pass. She was proud to be associated with the master; a warm shiver ran through her body as she thought of him and his women. Almost without thinking she turned her head in the direction she knew he lay, and reached out for the bond between them. It wasn't the first time she had caught herself doing it, but this time she didn't try to stop herself. This time as she opened herself up to the experience she could almost feel what he was sending. She could sense a happiness, intermingled with sadness; overtop a simmering anger so hot she hoped to never have it directed her way, ever! Suddenly she realized someone was talking and she had no idea what she had said.

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Hello ISS readers. This is Varun, 23 years old, with a new story. So let’s begin.  It was the time when we visited my father’s native place. It is a village in south India near the Andhra-Telangana border. I was not so interested in going there but after seeing my aunt who is my father’s younger sister, my interests changed. Her name is Sowjanya and she is a married woman aged thirty-six years. She has got a dusky wheatish complexion. She is something different. Who said that dusky women don’t...

2 years ago
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The Summer I Grew UpChapter 22

I was helping Mom wash the breakfast dishes when she surprised me. “Why don’t we call Sam and go shopping for something to wear to the dance?” After I put the dry plate away, Mom handed me another wet one with a curious smile on her face. My heart raced as I dried the plate quickly, then ran to the house phone. The school was on our speed dial. Seconds after the outgoing message started, I punched in the code for Sam’s room number. “‘ello?” Sam sounded so sleepy that I wished I was...

2 years ago
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Night of the Voyeur Returns

Hey, it's Sammi again. Last week I had an amazing encounter with a crush of mine, Alex, who had decided that rather than confronting me about how much he wanted me, he was going to be shy and watch me clean my house naked from my window. But what he didn't know was that I knew he was there watching me, and instead of freaking out and calling the cops, I thought it might be more fun to let him watch. I even put on a little show for him. But this isn't that story; this week I was at my friend,...

Group Sex
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Incest Vacation

Introduction: Summer ends with our incestous family vacation. Incest Vacation This story is told from the view of Fran, the daughter, but there are parts where she was not present. Those parts are told from what she was told or from more of a third party point of view. Hope you enjoy it. _____________________________________________________________________________________ My twin brother, Bobby and I were fucking in the back of our minivan as Dad drove and Mom rode in the passengers seat. We...

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Coming From BehindChapter 13 Bells and Whistles

We were married in St. Mark's Episcopal Church on a beautiful spring Saturday in June. My parents and Catherine's were in attendance, of course. Even though it was my second marriage, I could see the happiness on my mother's face as I stood waiting for my bride. When at last she walked slowly down the aisle arm-in-arm with her beaming father, I realized just how much this meant to both of us. I had a personal resolve not to allow anything to get in the way of the success of this union....

4 years ago
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Celebrating Virgin Friend8217s 21st Birthday 8211 Part 2

Hi fans, thank you all for your positive feedback about the first part of this story, conveyed by you in your emails. I also saw some thumbs down for part 1. I hope you had based this on the contents of that story and not on the comparison with the earlier 6-parts story. As explained earlier, that story was my true life experience, while this one is a narration from my women friends who have confided in me but are shy to post it themselves. Also, I hope the thumbs down was not for my...

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SimoneChapter 18

As the reality that Kevin would actually be living with her hit Simone, she felt happier than she had in years. Her husband was not much more than a memory (outside the large child support checks that arrived each month), she her darling daughter and her loving brother in her home, and her brother's baby in her belly. Simone knew that most of the world would more than frown on the part involving her carrying her brother's baby, but she didn't care. Not only had Greg lost interest in...

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London Interlude

Lisa was feeling wonderful. Here she was, sitting at the breakfast table in the dining room of a smart hotel in London. To one side she had spread a number of tourist brochures and leaflets, all with information about the terrific things to see and do in this, the most exciting city in the world, all ready for her to pick and choose her activities during this four day midweek break. Only a few weeks ago if anyone had suggested to her that she would be here now she would have said that they were...

2 years ago
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Tease you finally said Yes to Anal

I’ve always found you sexy and attractive. Your curves in all the right places make my pecker come to life. Tonight was a special night, and I can’t believe what you whispered in my ear earlier this morning. I haven’t been able to keep my mind off of you, and what you whispered, all day.The morning was no different than most weekday mornings. Shower, shave, quick breakfast, and as we shared the plans for the day over a cup of coffee, you seemed to have this devilish look in your eyes. I didn’t...

1 year ago
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Sweet Revenge

SWEET REVENGEAs the rays of the mid-day sun beat down upon the crowded golden sands of the South American holiday resort, a small group of three female British tourists were taking advantage of the conditions, after splashing about for sometime at the waters edge, they were now sitting together, under the shade of a large parasol, drinking, and relaxing at a beach-side bar.Tomorrow they would be catching their flight home to the UK, two of their party, Amelia; an 18 year old brunette with hazel...

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Stranger in the Booth

The token hit the bottom of the machine's cash box with a loud metallic thud and the screen before me lit up with some random 80's porno. Though already twenty-five, this was my first exposure to an adult book store and their infamous booths. The room was just a little bigger than a restroom stall and had a small wooden bench in the back. I hit the up and down buttons scanning through the various channels looking for something that would grab my attention. The random images caused my cock...

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Tales of the Seeding

Eleanor It seems silly saying so now, but I was nervous about the seeding. I guess we all were, except for Rosemary. They tell you all sorts of things, girls getting hurt, girls dying. I guess they do that to make sure you've exercised and ready. It's a lot of work, you know, getting ready. We all made preparations and did the exercises. I had my sister help. She'd had her seeding three years ago, and she showed me just how to position my mound to maximize the length of the shaft thrust...

1 year ago
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Kims Direct Deposit

I went to the bank last Friday to open up a new business account and transfer money into it from an old one. I’d just transferred my money to this new bank, so I went to the receptionist and asked who I should see. “You’ll need to see one of the agents,” she said, then disappeared into the back to find one. Through a glass divider I could see her talking to an agent who was sitting behind her desk. Then she and the agent came back out. Kim was medium height and had medium brown, medium length...

4 years ago
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Ek Bhabi Train Me 8211 Part II

Hello dosto mera nam Priyesh hai me 25 ka hu nd Mumbai me rehta hu me yaha apni first story likhne ja raha hu asha karta hu apko pasand aye ladkiya nd bhabi ager intrested ho toh mujhe mail kare mujhe choot me ungli dalkar sehlakar ladki se expretion dekhkar me pagal hojata hu toh story us samay ki hai jab me 23 ka tha me simple dikhne wala sant ladka hu jaldi kisise bat nai karta toh me Gujarat se Mumbai train ke sleeper coach me araha tha mera ek fr mere sath tha nd apko pata hoga 2nd class...

1 year ago
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"Unngh," I groan. The overhead lights were too bright; the whirling fans were too noisy; the furnace in the corner was spitting out hot air like it was trying to cook us; in short, life sucked, as usual. "You finally coming back to the land of the living?" the bartender asks. "Shut up, Larry," I growl whilst trying to pretend that I was sleeping. "Alexandra, for the twelfth time, my name is Matt, or Matthew, if you think that you can manage to remember a big seven-letter word like that." "Fuck...

2 years ago
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Femdomme Marriage Gone Wrong and AftermathChapter 23

"Cindy I need a shoulder to cry on" "I know Peter. I'm so sorry. Marion called us as soon as you left down there. Where are you?" "I'm about an hour from home." "Peter drive carefully, don't do anything stupid. People love you and need you. When you get home, park your car and walk over to my place. Roz is there with me and we'll take care of you. We'll work something out." "OK, thanks Cindy. You both are great friends. See you in about an hour." When I pulled into my...

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Damn True Story Of Pussy Love

By: AWC Honestly, it never happened to me earlier but now it was getting on my nerves. For the last over 2 weeks I was on an ass fucking spree like binging. Luckily, every faggot boy, I knew and called was mine and I fucked and fucked and fucked all of them to satisfy my cock and now for little over a week, I had wanted to fuck a pussy. I dare not say, I had started hating or unloving the gay ass but now I needed pussy and nothing but pussy. I do not know, about other bisexuals, but somehow...

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Servicing My Daughters Naval

Authors Note: This story came from a chat I was having with an online friend. She also wrote the line, Rachelangel, wherever you are, I hope you found the help you needed. This story contains INCEST fellatio, MF intercourse, MF sodomy, spanking and mild D/s, and DD/lg. If you don’t enjoy this kind of smut, please choose another story. “Welcome to New York. The local time is 6:19 pm. The outside temperature is 78 degrees Fahrenheit.” The announcement woke me from my slumber. I must have been...

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Classmate Ke Saat Kiya Maza

Hi friends, I am ronak (name change) and I ‘m from mumbai. Coming directly to the story.. This story is about the girl ankita (name changed) she was a class mate of mine and we met randomly sitting next to each other in some boring lecture; spending a few hours chit-chatting, we exchanged numbers.. Usi shaam uska text aaya – Ankita – ” hey ronak..” Me – “Wassup prettty girl” Ankita – “Kuch nahi yaar. Bas roz hi ki tarah, bore ho rahi hu.. Tu bata ..” Me – “Sachhi yaar.. Karne ko kuch hai hi...

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Humiliated and abused by online Dom Master on Skyp

I was chatting and looking for dom men to have fun as always, when this Master came up. He was very, very abusive and arrogant. He told me to give him my Skype and close all my onlene profiles. He told me that he has watched all my videos and he knows that I am pathetic fag and today he will make me scream and cry in pain. He told me that he needs my ass and clit and dont care of anything else. He told me to switch on my cam and expose to him fully naked. I told him, that I am not prepared to...

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Coming Home For Christmas

Following family tradition David, as the youngest, said grace as the rest of the family sat with heads bowed and thought about what they were most thankful for. Well, almost everyone had their head down, mine was slightly elevated and my eyes were fixed on the spot halfway down the table where David’s wife Shelly was sitting. Shelly was looking back at me with a small smile and as our eyes met she winked at me. I wondered what she was thinking, what she was being thankful for. I knew what I was...

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What the Future May BringChapter 24

By 4:30 that Saturday afternoon, President Kathleen Lehrer had been in a briefing by her War Cabinet about the situation in Mexico for over an hour. "Well," said the President, responding to the latest report about the leaders of the Mexican uprising which had just come in, "all might not be as bleak as we feared." "Why do you say that?" asked Ted Reynolds. "If Jorge Guerrillero and Maria Velazquez are really the leaders of this uprising, that is a hopeful sign," replied the...

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Polaroid Club Book IIChapter 6

On the Thursday following the party, at eleven-thirty a.m., Ralph Taylor left Auto Circus and drove into downtown Morriston. He parked his year-old Cadillac in front of the large graystone building which housed the Post Office on Second and Market Streets, and stepped out into the brilliant sunshine. He was smiling openly, with smug self-satisfaction and anticipation, as he made his way along the crowded sidewalks, filled with morning shoppers, to enter the mausoleum-like structure. He...

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Plain Vanilla or Decadence Added

Life's Choices Chapter One Life is full of choices. Decisions are made every day. Some are good, well thought through, smart decisions and then There are times we make hasty, wrong decisions. Oh, at the time it may have seemed wise but in the end, it's easy to look back and see what poor judgment was used. If more thought were put into it, the decision made would have been different. Somehow we must adjust to the choices we make in life. Good or bad, right or wrong; we choose our own path....

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My Mother is an Internet Sex Slave

My Mother is an Internet Sex Slave! A fiction by Imogen Airy about adults doing adult thingsto be read by adults only (this means you). I bet that title grabs your attention. It certainly grabs mine. Really outthere, huh? But stories have a beginning, a middle, and an end, and the beginningis much more mundane.

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Mum and daughter at home

It had been so much fun since are shopping trip, me and mum would kiss and play with each other all the time, she would sometimes walk around in her underwear which always got my pussy dripping wet, we would now sleep together to always naked so we could play with each other is was just so amazing a dream come true, we decided we were going to have some more fun and mum asked me to invite one of my girl friends round for tea, I had a big smile on my face thinking about what mum was going to do,...

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