A Golfer's Dream: Book II - Chilly Winter Hot SummerChapter 27: Life's Little Surprises free porn video

Roger noticed the stressed look on Dave's face as he entered the room. He asked, "What's wrong?"
Dave replied, "Sheri just kissed me; she really kissed me. It was a total surprise. As soon as I could I told her I had a girlfriend and that I wouldn't betray that trust; but Sheri seemed to get really pissed. I swear I didn't do anything to lead her on. I was polite but that's all, I swear."
Roger chuckled, "I believe you, Dave. Relax; it's not the end of the world."
Dave seemed to relax slightly then he became reflective and explained what he truly feared, "Sheri was really nasty to me before she knew me. Now that I've turned her down, I'm almost scared of what she will be like tomorrow."
Roger put his hand on his son's shoulder, "You can't control what she says or does, just be polite and understanding. Most importantly, try to focus on your game. Let's go out for supper."
Dave nodded and changed before he followed his father out the door. He scanned for Sheri as they left - he felt like a criminal trying not to get caught.
It was nice to get away from the hotel for a while and Dave eventually relaxed. They returned to the hotel and stayed in the room until bedtime. Dave thought about Sheri briefly; but deep in his heart he felt good that he had remained true to Jennifer. He fell asleep thinking of his girlfriend.
He woke fairly early the next day and went for a swim. He was glad there was no sign of Sheri. He returned to the room and showered before he packed up his clothes. His father was just coming out of the shower as Dave took his clubs and suitcase to the car. After Roger dressed, he packed his bag and Dave took that to the car as well. They ate their breakfast in the hotel restaurant; Sheri was sitting on the other side of the room. Both Dave and Roger noticed her angry looks. After eating Roger and Dave checked out of the hotel and went to the course.
Dave, Josh and O'Mahoney were in the last group of the day. Sheri was playing two groups ahead. Dave had been practicing for thirty minutes on the range when Sheri set her bucket of balls right next to him and started chirping at him, "You're going to choke Sasquatch. I heard you had a bad case of the hooks in Quebec. You better not turn your right hand over too much or you'll be in the woods all day today. I'd hate to see you blow your chance at all those scholarships."
Dave walked over to her, "Look, Sheri, I'm really sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean to lead you on. I wish we could be friends."
"Friends? I don't need a dumb Canadian for a friend. You're just a loser. You'll never make it on the NCAA tour - you're too much of a pussy."
Dave just smiled politely at her as he pushed his clubs back into his bag, "I'm sorry, Sheri." He walked back to the putting green.
Josh wondered over to the putting green right behind Dave and asked, "Jesus dude, what did you do to piss her off?"
Dave was about to tell him but then decided that it he didn't know Josh well enough to trust him with the story of Sheri's pass, so he just shrugged, "I guess it's my boyish charm."
Josh laughed, "If that's what your charm does - you'll be a forty-year-old virgin before you know it."
Dave chuckled, "I'll survive."
Dave putted for a while but soon Sheri strode onto the putting green and re-engaged her attack on his character. Dave was confident he was ready for the day so he left the practice green and found a quiet place in the clubhouse. Eventually, he heard Sheri's name called to the first tee. He waited until he was sure she would be gone before he returned to the practice green.
He soon heard his name called to the tee so he pulled his clubs on his shoulders and followed Josh towards the starter's hut. Once there, he received his card and exchanged it with Josh. He wished both Josh and O'Mahoney luck before he walked over to the bench by the tee, sat, and got focused on his round. Sheri was not in his thoughts at all - he was totally focused on his golf.
After Josh hit a good drive, Dave stood up and hammered a huge drive down the middle. O'Mahoney hit a solid drive but was well behind Dave. Dave strode off the tee full of confidence. He used that confidence to start with three straight birdies. O'Mahoney was feeling the unexpected pressure and made two pars and a bogey. In just three holes Dave went from three down to one up. By the end of the front nine, Dave had added two more birdies and four pars. Josh was two under par on the front but was now nine strokes behind Dave and his chance of winning was very slim.
O'Mahoney continued to struggle on the front but managed to par the last six holes which meant he was only three strokes behind Dave. Dave birdied eleven after making par on ten. He then made par on twelve, thirteen and fourteen before he birdied fifteen. O'Mahoney birdied twelve, thirteen, and fifteen and with pars on ten, eleven and fourteen he closed within two strokes of Dave. Dave noticed that O'Mahoney seemed to be getting into a good rhythm. Dave made par on sixteen and seventeen but O'Mahoney made birdie on both holes to draw even with Dave.
They stood on the final tee tied at an unbelievable nineteen under par for the tournament. O'Mahoney hit his best drive of the day right in the middle of the fairway and long. Dave hit an equally good drive and was just past O'Mahoney's ball. Josh hit last and, even though he was four under par for the day, he was completely out of his league compared to his playing partners.
Dave watched Josh lay up to the one hundred yard marker on this long par five. O'Mahoney pulled out his three-wood and hit a perfect shot into the middle of the green twenty feet from the hole. Dave selected a three-iron and hit it well. It bounced past the hole and rolled to the back of the green.
Josh hit his third shot to within ten feet of the hole.
Once Dave and O'Mahoney reached the green there was a small debate as to who was away and should putt first. In the end Josh made the decision when he said Dave was slightly farther from the hole so he was away. Dave circled his putt several times. It was a thirty-three-footer with a foot of break. He finally settled on his line and then took several practice swings. He was confident he had the line and pulled the putter straight back as he thought, "Straight Back - Straight through."
The ball rolled off his putter and ran smoothly above the hole. It slowly curled toward the hole and Dave was leaning trying to coax it into the cup. The ball rolled across the lower lip of the cup and curled down into the hole then back up and out towards Dave. Dave and the crowd around the green groaned loudly as the ball stopped two inches between Dave and the hole. Dave shook his head as he walked up to the ball and tapped in for birdie.
O'Mahoney surveyed his putt and as Dave stood at the side of the green, O'Mahoney stroked a firm putt. The ball raced across the green right at the hole. The ball slammed against the back of the hole, popped straight up three inches into the air then landed right on the lip of the hole. The ball sat on the lip and wobbled for a brief second then dropped in for eagle. O'Mahoney jumped in the air screaming in excitement.
Dave simply dropped his said and thought, "The lucky prick. If that putt had missed the hole he would have had ten feet coming back." Dave lifted his head and tried to smile the smile of a good sport but inside his heart was breaking.
After O'Mahoney's brief celebration, Josh stood over his putt and sank his ten-foot birdie for a sixty-seven. Dave walked towards Josh but was intercepted by a magnanimous O'Mahoney, "Great round, Dave."
Dave shook O'Mahoney's hand, "You too, helluva putt."
O'Mahoney shook Josh's hand before he walked off the green to a supportive applause by the large crowd around the green. Josh and Dave shook hands as Josh said, "Christ, I played really well and shot eleven under par. You finished twenty under and still lost. Unbelievable!"
Dave just nodded, "I played my best and lost. Next time I might win by five strokes - you never know with this game. Great round, Josh. Maybe I'll see you around next year."
Josh looked surprised, "Aren't you going to the National Championship in California?"
Dave shook his head, "Nah, too far. I'm happy with one national title - my Canadian title."
Josh replied, "Well, take care."
Dave turned and walked to his bag. His father was standing beside it and the first thing Dave saw was the Canadian flag on the side. He smiled at his dad, "I guess a Canadian didn't win this tournament."
Roger shook his son's hand, "You played one heck of a round of golf today, Dave. You made your opponent shoot seven under par on the back nine to win. He simply beat you. You played your best and lost - there's no shame in that."
Dave nodded. He pulled the clubs on his shoulders and started towards the parking lot. He stopped in front of the leader board and looked to see how Sheri had done. He felt bad for her and hoped she didn't fall apart too badly. She had shot a very poor eighty-two but managed to hold on and win by two strokes. Despite everything, Dave was happy she won and his now-relaxed mind moved away from any further thoughts of her as he walked towards the car.
The drive home seemed to pass slowly. Dave and Roger were both very tired and decided to stop in Bangor, Maine for the night. Roger phoned home to let Carol know they would not be home until Friday.
Dave slept well but kept picturing his putt on the last hole dropping in and dreamed that he won in a playoff. He woke Friday morning rested and ready to get home. The drive Friday was more talkative and the miles passed quickly. They drove across the bridge connecting QAI to the mainland and Dave felt relief to finally be home for the summer.
Jennifer and Carol were waiting at the trailer when the car pulled into the campground. Both Roger and Dave received hugs and a welcome home. Dave sat in a lawn chair and told his mother and girlfriend about the tournament. They were both proud of him and he felt good to know he was loved.
Dave had just finished his adventure when his mother's phone rang. She passed it to Dave. John's excited voice was on the other end, "Congratulations on winning the Canadian title, Dave. I knew you could do it."
Dave complained, "It would have been a lot better if you had been there. How is major junior hockey going?"
John groaned, "It is really hard. The other players are huge but I've survived the first three cuts. I actually wanted to talk to you about the team. Can you come to town and meet me for supper?"
Dave asked Jennifer and she agreed. He then asked if he could have the car and his father said he could. Dave replied to John, "I can make it; where and when do you want to meet?"
John replied, "How about six o'clock at McDonalds?"
Dave replied, "See you then."
Dave looked at his watch - it was only four o'clock. He was getting hungry but his stomach was doing flip flops more because he knew he had to confess about Sheri to Jennifer. He looked at Jennifer, "Do you feel like going for a walk?"
Jennifer smiled and quickly stood next to his chair. Dave stood and said to his parents, "We'll be back in an hour or so."
Jennifer had hoped they were going to the love hut but Dave instead walked towards the front entrance to the campground. He thought for a moment before he started, "Jennifer, I have a confession." He could see the instant distress on her face so he tried to ease her with, "I haven't cheated on you nor do I want to break up or anything like that - so don't panic."
Jennifer looked a little more relaxed but still concerned. Dave started by telling her about meeting Sheri in North Carolina. He told her how she had first made fun of him and how their discussions later became more civil. He further told her that absolutely nothing happened in North Carolina. He told her about Sheri warning him away from Comfort Inns and how he asked his father to go there so he would see her again. He explained how when she confessed in Quebec he had felt guilty because Sheri was exactly the type of girl Jennifer was worried about. Without blaming Jennifer, he explained that his growing guilt was what distracted him in the final round at the nationals.
He further told her about his frank discussion with his father on the drive to Hartford and how the whole situation made him realize how much he truly loved her and how she was the only girl he wanted to be with. Jennifer kissed and hugged him tightly. She said she loved him very much too.
Dave continued walking as he finished his story. He told her about the casual conversations with Sheri and then he hesitantly told her how he in no way led Sheri on but she cornered him in the pool and kissed him. He quickly told her that he explained to Sheri that he had a girlfriend and that he could not and would not have a relationship with her. Jennifer had looked concerned when he told her about the kiss but she felt better when he said he pushed her away and went right back to his room.
Dave completed the story by telling her how Sheri verbally attacked him the next day but he used his love for her to stay focused. He kissed her, "I love you, Jennifer. You are all I want and all I need."
Jennifer had mixed feelings. She was pleased he had been faithful to her but she was also afraid that her fear of losing him almost happened. After he finished confessing to her she kissed him and said she loved him but then just walked silently as she thought about everything he had said. It felt nice to have his strong arms around her and she concluded that he loved her and had not betrayed that love - at least not this time.
The walk back to the trailer was quiet at first but eventually Dave asked her if she had plans for the weekend and she said no. He suggested they go to Basin Head again, just the two of them. She liked the idea and they talked about the last two weeks of her summer vacation.
It was after five o'clock when they returned to the trailer, so they decided to go to town a little early. Dave thought he would stop at the house and check the answering machine. His mother told him she had not checked it since before she went to Quebec.
Dave and Jennifer talked all the way to town and Dave felt much better having told her everything. At the house Dave checked the answering machine. He was shocked when he discovered there were over thirty calls. Every major US college and several Canadian universities wanted him to join their program. Dave simply listened to each message and after the tenth he decided he would start returning the calls on Monday.
Listening to all the messages actually took a half hour and Dave was very excited when he left with Jennifer for McDonalds. He found a parking spot in the crowded parking lot - suppertime on Friday was usually very busy.
Dave walked in and saw John sitting at a table so he walked directly over to him with Jennifer under his arm. As Dave got closer he became more and more concerned and when he stood beside his friend he was shocked to see two black eyes and a swollen lip. Dave put out his hand to shake with his friend as he asked, "What the hell happened to you?"
John laughed, "Rookie camp in Q."
Dave looked at the banged up and cut knuckles of the hand he was shaking and quickly sat down so he could get the whole story - his very hungry stomach was no longer a priority. He asked, "What do you mean?"
John explained, "We started training camp last weekend. First we did some conditioning work but on Monday the coaches broke us up into three teams to scrimmage. The veterans weren't included in the scrimmages -just the rookies trying to make the team. The first night there were fifty of us rookies. A lot of the players will do anything to make the team and unless you are tremendously talented, you have to be willing to literally fight for a position. I fought three times the first night alone. They cut ten players after the first night and I fought three more times on the second night. I won all three fight the first night and the first two the second night - that's where most of scares on my knuckles came from. The last fight on Tuesday was against a real heavyweight. I think I tied that fight but he landed three hard punches and that's where the black eyes and the fat lip came from.
"On Wednesday the rookie list was cut to thirty players and I only fought once on Wednesday as most of the other rookies didn't want to fight me. That was fine with me - my hands are as sore as hell. This afternoon the veterans joined our practice and the coaches cut the team to thirty in total. I'm still hanging on and the coaches tell me they are really pleased with my effort and attitude."
Dave listened intently before he responded, "Holy shit, dude, you look like you've been to war."
John chuckled, "Yeah, I feel like it too. I'm lucky I worked out as hard as I did all summer or I would have been thrown around like a rag doll. These guys are big and strong."
Dave laughed as he looked at his friend's face. Then he remembered that John had wanted to speak to him about something. He asked, "Did you want to talk to me about something or did you just want to show me your battle scars."
John smiled, "Yes I'm talking to you as a friend now and in no way as a representative of the Missiles. They know you wouldn't go out with Gatineau and are considering trading for you but they want to know whether or not you would play with them if they give something up to get your rights."

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