A Golfer's Dream: Book II - Chilly Winter Hot SummerChapter 28: Life's Huge Surprises free porn video

Dave reached the top of the stairs and walked down the hallway towards the room occupied by Katherine and Jennifer. He knocked on the barely closed door before he walked inside. Jennifer and Katherine were still cuddled together but Katherine appeared to be more relaxed. They both looked at Dave questioningly. He smiled and answered their implied question, "He was gone when I got down there."
Both girls looked relieved. Dave continued, "The party has pretty well broken up. There are only a handful of people left. Have you decided what you want to do?" Katherine looked at him questioningly as he sat down beside her and spoke softly, "Charlie tried to rape you and you clearly said no. There were lots of witnesses and, if you want to press charges, you will definitely have my support."
Katherine suddenly looked very afraid. She had been so abused by Charlie that she couldn't think straight. Dave noticed her change in expression and hugged her. He whispered, "Why don't we take you home and you can talk to your mother and decide what you think is best. I will support whatever decision you make."
Katherine hugged Dave back before he helped her to stand up. Her top was so badly torn it would not cover her breasts. Her bra was also torn away and she tried to cover herself with her arms. Dave looked at Jennifer who was wearing a blouse over a spaghetti strap top. Jennifer immediately took her blouse off and Katherine turned her back as she removed her useless shirt and bra. She buttoned Jennifer's blouse then turned to face Dave. Dave smiled and put his arm out and she quickly moved against his body. She had so desperately missed him and instantly felt safe in his arms.
Jennifer walked behind them as they left the room. Katherine looked at the broken door frame and then at Dave. He whispered, "I told Darlene I would come back and fix that tomorrow." Katherine nodded understandingly as they moved through the door and towards the stairs.
As they walked out the front door, Dave reassured Darlene he would be back in the morning. She smiled and thanked him again.
The drive to Katherine's house was very quiet. Jennifer had sat in the back so Katherine could be close to Dave. When the car came to a stop in Katherine's driveway, Dave walked around the car and let Katherine out. Jennifer got out of the back and said, "I'll wait for you here. Katherine, if you want to talk to me or anything just call this number." She put a piece of paper in Katherine's pocket. Katherine hugged Jennifer and thanked her before she quickly moved back into Dave's arms.
Dave led Katherine to the front door, opened it, and guided her inside. Her mother was sitting in the living room watching television but as she looked at Katherine huddled to Dave she immediately knew something was very wrong. She stood and Katherine immediately began crying and ran into her mother's now open arms. Katherine's mother looked at Dave questioningly.
He realized that Katherine was not going to able to explain what happened so he walked closer to the two embracing women and explained, "We were at a party and Charlie attacked her in one of the bedrooms. She was calling for help and a common friend found me to get involved. I chased Charlie away before he could do much - but he did rip her top and bra. My girlfriend, Jennifer, gave Katherine her top to wear home."
Katherine's mother's face was filled with distress and she hugged her crying daughter even tighter. Dave whispered in her ear that was farther from Katherine, "Charlie didn't get any farther then tearing her top off but there were lots of witnesses so, if Katherine wants to press charges she will get lots of support."
Katherine's mother held out her hand and took hold of Dave's hand. She mouthed, "Thank you, Dave."
He simply nodded and turned to leave; at the door he briefly looked at Katherine being comforted by her mother then he walked out. He thought how lucky Katherine was to have a mother who loved her dearly. Dave walked to the car and sat in the driver's seat. He looked at Jennifer, then leaned over and kissed her. He spoke softly with a lot of emotion, "You are truly special. Thank you for being nice to Katherine."
Jennifer smiled, "Katherine is a very sweet girl. I kind of know how she felt; remember I told you that Alex, my ex-boyfriend jerk, tried to force himself on me once. I felt very violated so I understand how Katherine feels. It will take a while for her to get over it - but hopefully she'll be able to move on. I told her what had happened to me and said to call me if she just felt like talking."
He whispered, "I love you." then kissed her tenderly again.
As they parted she replied, "I love you, too."
The drive back was fairly quiet as Dave held Jennifer's hand the whole way. It was almost midnight when they arrived so Dave kissed Jennifer goodnight and promised to see her in the morning.
Dave had just crawled into bed when the phone on top of the fridge rang. He sprang from his bed and answered it. Katherine's mother had called to say, "Thank you, Dave, for looking after my girl. She just fell asleep and I wanted to call you and say thanks again."
Roger had just walked out the door of his bedroom and Dave covered the phone and whispered, "It's for me, Dad. It's nothing serious; I'll explain everything in the morning." Roger nodded and walked back into his room. Dave then spoke back in the phone, "Is she feeling better?"
Katherine's mother continued, "Yes, she is feeling better already. She was really happy you drove her home. She has had a rough summer. I know she wouldn't want me to tell you this but I think it's important you know what has been going on. She started dating Charlie less than a month ago. Her best friend Helen didn't like him from the start and Katherine and Helen ended up having a fight over it and I don't think they have spoken to each other since. About a week ago Helen came to me in private and told me that Charlie was being verbally abusive to Katherine and she was worried for her best friend. Katherine's soccer coach has also commented that she has not been playing well for a couple of weeks and he was worried about her also. I tried to talk to her this week but she wouldn't tell me anything.
"This incident tonight was terrible but hopefully it is enough for Katherine to realize he is a loser. You being there for her was perfect. I know you aren't dating anymore and may never date again but I know she would like to have you as a friend and tonight showed her how good a friend you are. Thank you, Dave."
Dave was pleased Katherine's mother trusted him enough to tell him everything that was happening. He replied, "I hope Katherine and I will always remain friends, she is a very special girl."
She finished with, "Thanks, Dave, sorry I called so late."
He answered, "No problem, goodbye."
Dave climbed back into bed. He thought about Charlie and how he wished he had hit him at least once. Eventually Dave fell asleep thinking about Jennifer and how she supported Katherine. He was also thinking of Jennifer's round curves.
Dave slept in slightly the next day. He didn't wake until after nine o'clock. As he walked outside his parents and Jennifer's parents were sitting at the picnic table. He sat with them and asked, "Is Jennifer up yet?"
After Heather shook her head no, Dave explained what happened the previous night. He concluded by asking, "Dad, do you think your brother, Uncle Robert, would help me fix Darlene's door. I feel bad for busting it in."
Roger immediately reached for his phone, "Let's call and ask him now." Roger dialed the number then spoke into the phone, "Hi Robert, how are you doing?... That's good. Do you have some free time later this morning that you could spare for Dave? He had a little incident at a party last night and needs to repair a door... No he's not in trouble... Yes, I remember Alan's crazy days... Okay, that would be great. Dave will meet you at your house at eleven o'clock."
When Roger hung up the phone he was laughing. He explained, "Robert reminded me of the time Alan had a party and several walls ended up with holes in them plus two windows got broken. Robert fixed the house before Mom got home and he said that was how he first got interested in home repair as a hobby. Since then, as you know he built his own cottage. He laughed how this seemed to bring him back to the roots of his interest. He will be waiting for you at his house at eleven. He said you both should go over to the girl's house immediately and determine what will be needed for supplies."
Dave thanked his father before he said he was going for a swim. He walked back into the trailer and put on his swimsuit. He then went next door and walked into Jennifer's trailer. She was awake and talking on the phone, "Dave just walked in. I'll ask when he's going to town." Jennifer covered the phone and explained, "Katherine wants to know if I will go to the police station with her and her mother. She has decided to press charges and wanted someone who was at the party but especially someone she trusted for support."
Dave told her, "I was just going for a quick swim before I go to town to meet Uncle Robert to fix the door. We can go right away if you wish."
Jennifer nodded, "Do you want to go right away? No? Okay, I can meet you at your house at eleven; is that too late?" She listened for a reply then said, "Good, I'll see you then."
Dave walked to her and kissed her, "Are you up for a swim?" Jennifer nodded yes and walked back into her room to change.
Dave walked to the door and watched as she peeled her nightshirt over her head. He felt his dick get hard as she pulled her bikini bottoms on then molded her large breasts into her top. He was used to watching the suit come off - he actually found it exciting to watch the bikini being put on. She walked up to him, "See anything you like?"
He kissed her passionately then replied, "I like everything I see. I wish our parents weren't outside; we could get our workout in here instead of at the pool."
Jennifer laughed as she took his hand and guided him towards the door. They walked to the pool holding hands. Dave swam laps for thirty minutes while Jennifer sunned herself on one of the loungers. When he finished, he swam to the pool's edge and she got in the pool with him. They kissed and talked for ten minutes before exiting the pool and drying off.
They showered separately in their own trailers before meeting at Jennifer's father's car. The plan was for Jennifer to drop Dave off at his uncles before she went to Katherine's.
Dave and his uncle went to Darlene's house. Robert remarked how they were fortunate that the door trim was a standard colonial style. The doorframe was just made of spruce and after rummaging through the basement for ten minutes they found the original paint, it was several years old but Robert said it was still okay to use.
After a quick visit to the hardware store, Dave and Robert finished the repairs. Dave paid the $30 bill. Darlene was ecstatic with the perfect repairs and Dave again apologized for the damage. She thanked him and Robert as they left. Robert dropped Dave off at his house and Dave thanked him for the help.
Jennifer arrived an hour later. Dave had cooked a spaghetti dinner for them and Jennifer explained what happened at the police station. She further told Dave that she invited Katherine to go to a movie with her and Dave that night. Dave looked at her curiously as she explained, "I know from experience that the best thing to do is get out and get on with your life. If you mope around the house you will just get more depressed. I asked her mother first and she approved."
Dave kissed Jennifer again. Jennifer then explained that she saw Dave's other uncle, Alan at the police station and he subtly pulled her aside and told her he would call Dave when and if anything happened. Dave nodded. As if on queue the phone rang and Dave assumed it was Alan. He rushed to the phone and picked up the receiver, "Hello?"
A strange voice with a heavy French accent on the other end asked, "Is Dave there, please."
Dave replied, "Speaking."
The man answered, "Dave this is Guy LaPointe junior from the QAI Missiles. We have successfully negotiated a trade for your playing rights. Do you have time to meet with us today?"
Dave was jumping with excitement, "Definitely, What time?
The man replied, "It's two-thirty now; how about four o'clock at our offices in the Civic Centre?"
Dave answered very quickly, "I'll be there, thank you."
He ran to Jennifer, "The Missiles got my rights. They want to meet me today at four o'clock. I have to go find my dress clothes so I look presentable - I don't think a golf shirt and shorts would be what they are expecting for an interview."
Dave then walked back to the phone, "I should call Dad and tell him I am meeting with them." Dave called his father and told him about the interview. He further told him that Uncle Robert had done an excellent repair job. Roger wished him luck in the interview.
Dave found his dress clothes in his room and was changing into them when Jennifer snuck behind him and slid her hands inside his boxers. She fondled his shaft until it became hard before he turned and kissed her passionately. She dropped to her knees and whispered, "You look handsome in that suit. Our parents aren't outside now." She sucked his quickly hardening member into her mouth. She sucked and stroked him to fantastic orgasm. As he drove his seed deep into her throat he wondered if life could get any better.
After he recovered he stood her up and stripped her quickly. He said, "Now I'm going to give you what I wanted to give you this morning." He laid her on his bed and moved his head between her legs. He loved her tangy but sweet taste. He licked and fingered her to a slow exciting orgasm.
After she had cum he lay beside her on the bed and cuddled with her. He whispered, "I hope they don't want me to play tonight - I think you just wore me out."
She laughed, "You have twenty minutes before your meeting - we better shower so you don't smell like sex."
Dave replied, "I love this smell - but you're right." They walked to the shower arm-in-arm comfortably nude. They cleaned each other thoroughly before Dave returned to his room and dressed for the meeting.
Jennifer dropped him at the Civic Centre and said she would wait at the house for his call.
The interview went well. Dave was surprised to hear he would be paid fifty dollars per week and that if he remained with the team for at least two full years he would get one year's college tuition for each year he had played. Dave told them that he would not be playing beyond one year because he had received numerous golf offers and was planning to follow his dream. Guy thanked Dave for his honesty. Guy then asked Dave if he was available to practice with the team that evening. Dave asked when and Guy told him six o'clock. Dave said he would make himself available. Guy further explained there was an exhibition game the following day in Halifax - but he didn't expect Dave to play that game. There was another game scheduled on Tuesday in Charlestown, New Dominion with a home game against the same Charlestown team on Thursday. He expected Dave to dress for both of those games.
After the interview was completed Dave asked if he could make a phone call. He called Jennifer and she said she would pick him up. When he got in the car, he told her about the practice. It was a two hour practice but he said they could still go to the late show. Jennifer agreed and when they got to the house Dave called Katherine. He explained to Katherine about the practice but said he would still like to go to the late show. She was happy to go and said she would wait for them to pick her up.
Dave went to the basement and dug out his hockey gear. He looked at his skates and wondered how dull they might be. He didn't have time to take them to the sports store for sharpening so he just stuffed them in his bag. He was really excited about getting back on the ice. He called his father to tell him the new schedule before Jennifer drove him to the rink.
Dave felt strange walking into the dressing room. He didn't recognize anyone until John walked out of the trainer's room. He walked to his friend and immediately shook his hand, "Great to see you Dave. Let me introduce you around." John introduced Dave to most of the players and Dave was very surprised to see at least seven other players as tall as or even taller than himself. At six-four Dave was used to playing with smaller teammates but that would not be the case now.
The coach Alain Vigneault walked out of his office, which attached to the dressing room, and welcomed Dave to the team. Dave was directed to the trainer who supplied him with new gloves, pants, socks, jersey, stick and helmet. Dave thought how he could have just brought his skates because almost everything else was supplied. The trainer asked, "How are your skates?"
Dave replied, "I haven't used them since May. I was going to stop and get them sharpened but I didn't have time."

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